/*************************************************************************** * * * Project64-video - A Nintendo 64 gfx plugin. * * http://www.pj64-emu.com/ * * Copyright (C) 2017 Project64. All rights reserved. * * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Sergey 'Gonetz' Lipski * * Copyright (C) 2002 Dave2001 * * * * License: * * GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #pragma once uint32_t pd_col_addr = 0; static void uc7_colorbase() { WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "uc7_colorbase"); pd_col_addr = segoffset(rdp.cmd1); } typedef struct { short y; short x; uint16_t idx; short z; short t; short s; } vtx_uc7; static void uc7_vertex() { if (rdp.update & UPDATE_MULT_MAT) { rdp.update ^= UPDATE_MULT_MAT; MulMatrices(rdp.model, rdp.proj, rdp.combined); } // This is special, not handled in update() if (rdp.update & UPDATE_LIGHTS) { rdp.update ^= UPDATE_LIGHTS; // Calculate light vectors for (uint32_t l = 0; l < rdp.num_lights; l++) { InverseTransformVector(&rdp.light[l].dir_x, rdp.light_vector[l], rdp.model); NormalizeVector(rdp.light_vector[l]); } } uint32_t addr = segoffset(rdp.cmd1); uint32_t v0, i, n; float x, y, z; rdp.v0 = v0 = (rdp.cmd0 & 0x0F0000) >> 16; rdp.vn = n = ((rdp.cmd0 & 0xF00000) >> 20) + 1; WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceDebug, "uc7:vertex n: %d, v0: %d, from: %08lx", n, v0, addr); vtx_uc7 *vertex = (vtx_uc7 *)&gfx.RDRAM[addr]; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { VERTEX *v = &rdp.vtx[v0 + i]; x = (float)vertex->x; y = (float)vertex->y; z = (float)vertex->z; v->flags = 0; v->ou = (float)vertex->s; v->ov = (float)vertex->t; v->uv_scaled = 0; WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceVerbose, "before: v%d - x: %f, y: %f, z: %f, flags: %04lx, ou: %f, ov: %f", i >> 4, x, y, z, v->flags, v->ou, v->ov); v->x = x*rdp.combined[0][0] + y*rdp.combined[1][0] + z*rdp.combined[2][0] + rdp.combined[3][0]; v->y = x*rdp.combined[0][1] + y*rdp.combined[1][1] + z*rdp.combined[2][1] + rdp.combined[3][1]; v->z = x*rdp.combined[0][2] + y*rdp.combined[1][2] + z*rdp.combined[2][2] + rdp.combined[3][2]; v->w = x*rdp.combined[0][3] + y*rdp.combined[1][3] + z*rdp.combined[2][3] + rdp.combined[3][3]; if (fabs(v->w) < 0.001) v->w = 0.001f; v->oow = 1.0f / v->w; v->x_w = v->x * v->oow; v->y_w = v->y * v->oow; v->z_w = v->z * v->oow; v->uv_calculated = 0xFFFFFFFF; v->screen_translated = 0; v->scr_off = 0; if (v->x < -v->w) v->scr_off |= 1; if (v->x > v->w) v->scr_off |= 2; if (v->y < -v->w) v->scr_off |= 4; if (v->y > v->w) v->scr_off |= 8; if (v->w < 0.1f) v->scr_off |= 16; uint8_t *color = &gfx.RDRAM[pd_col_addr + (vertex->idx & 0xff)]; v->a = color[0]; CalculateFog(v); if (rdp.geom_mode & 0x00020000) { v->vec[0] = (char)color[3]; v->vec[1] = (char)color[2]; v->vec[2] = (char)color[1]; if (rdp.geom_mode & 0x80000) { calc_linear(v); WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceVerbose, "calc linear: v%d - u: %f, v: %f", i >> 4, v->ou, v->ov); } else if (rdp.geom_mode & 0x40000) { calc_sphere(v); WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceVerbose, "calc sphere: v%d - u: %f, v: %f", i >> 4, v->ou, v->ov); } NormalizeVector(v->vec); calc_light(v); } else { v->r = color[3]; v->g = color[2]; v->b = color[1]; } WriteTrace(TraceRDP, TraceVerbose, "v%d - x: %f, y: %f, z: %f, w: %f, u: %f, v: %f", i >> 4, v->x, v->y, v->z, v->w, v->ou, v->ov); vertex++; } }