#include "stdafx.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include #define USE_WINDOWS_API #include #else #include #endif #if defined(ANDROID) #include #define printf(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, "UI-Console", __VA_ARGS__) #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) #include #else #define _ASSERTE(expr) ((void)0) #endif CFile::CFile() : #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API m_hFile(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), #else m_hFile(NULL), #endif m_bCloseOnDelete(false) { } CFile::CFile(void * hFile) : m_hFile(hFile), m_bCloseOnDelete(true) { if (hFile == 0) { _ASSERTE(hFile != 0); } } CFile::CFile(const char * lpszFileName, uint32_t nOpenFlags) : #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API m_hFile(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), #else m_hFile(NULL), #endif m_bCloseOnDelete(true) { Open(lpszFileName, nOpenFlags); } CFile::~CFile() { #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && m_bCloseOnDelete) #else if (m_hFile != NULL && m_bCloseOnDelete) #endif { Close(); } } bool CFile::Open(const char * lpszFileName, uint32_t nOpenFlags) { if (!Close()) { return false; } if (lpszFileName == NULL || strlen(lpszFileName) == 0) { return false; } m_bCloseOnDelete = true; #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ULONG dwAccess = 0; switch (nOpenFlags & 3) { case modeRead: dwAccess = GENERIC_READ; break; case modeWrite: dwAccess = GENERIC_WRITE; break; case modeReadWrite: dwAccess = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; break; default: _ASSERTE(false); } // map share mode ULONG dwShareMode = 0; dwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE; if ((nOpenFlags & shareDenyWrite) == shareDenyWrite) { dwShareMode &= ~FILE_SHARE_WRITE; } if ((nOpenFlags & shareDenyRead) == shareDenyRead) { dwShareMode &= ~FILE_SHARE_READ; } if ((nOpenFlags & shareExclusive) == shareExclusive) { dwShareMode = 0; } // map modeNoInherit flag SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sa.bInheritHandle = (nOpenFlags & modeNoInherit) == 0; // map creation flags ULONG dwCreateFlag = OPEN_EXISTING; if (nOpenFlags & modeCreate) { dwCreateFlag = ((nOpenFlags & modeNoTruncate) != 0) ? OPEN_ALWAYS : CREATE_ALWAYS; } // attempt file creation HANDLE hFile = ::CreateFile(lpszFileName, dwAccess, dwShareMode, &sa, dwCreateFlag, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //#define ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND 3L //ULONG err = GetLastError(); return false; } m_hFile = hFile; #else if ((nOpenFlags & CFileBase::modeCreate) != CFileBase::modeCreate) { printf("Checking if %s exists...\n",lpszFileName); if (!CPath(lpszFileName).Exists()) { printf("%s does not exist.\n",lpszFileName); return false; } } if ((nOpenFlags & CFileBase::modeCreate) == CFileBase::modeCreate) { CPath file(lpszFileName); if (!file.Exists()) { FILE * fp = fopen(lpszFileName,"wb"); if (fp) { fclose(fp); } if (!file.Exists()) { return false; } } } if ((nOpenFlags & CFileBase::modeWrite) == CFileBase::modeWrite || (nOpenFlags & CFileBase::modeReadWrite) == CFileBase::modeReadWrite) { printf("Trying to open %s (rb+).\n", lpszFileName); m_hFile = fopen(lpszFileName, "rb+"); if (m_hFile != NULL) { SeekToBegin(); } } else if ((nOpenFlags & CFileBase::modeRead) == CFileBase::modeRead) { printf("Trying to open %s (rb).\n", lpszFileName); m_hFile = fopen(lpszFileName, "rb"); if (m_hFile != NULL) { SeekToBegin(); } } else { return false; } #endif m_bCloseOnDelete = true; return true; } bool CFile::Close() { bool bError = true; #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { bError = !::CloseHandle(m_hFile); } m_hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #else if (m_hFile != NULL) { fclose((FILE *)m_hFile); m_hFile = NULL; } #endif m_bCloseOnDelete = false; return bError; } uint32_t CFile::SeekToEnd(void) { return Seek(0, CFile::end); } void CFile::SeekToBegin(void) { Seek(0, CFile::begin); } bool CFile::IsOpen(void) const { #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API return m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #else return m_hFile != NULL; #endif } bool CFile::Flush() { #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API if (m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return true; } return ::FlushFileBuffers(m_hFile) != 0; #else return fflush((FILE *)m_hFile) == 0; #endif } bool CFile::Write(const void* lpBuf, uint32_t nCount) { if (nCount == 0) { return true; // avoid Win32 "null-write" option } #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API ULONG nWritten = 0; if (!::WriteFile(m_hFile, lpBuf, nCount, &nWritten, NULL)) { return false; } if (nWritten != nCount) { // Win32s will not return an error all the time (usually DISK_FULL) return false; } #else if (fwrite(lpBuf, 1, nCount, (FILE *)m_hFile) != nCount) { return false; } #endif return true; } uint32_t CFile::Read(void* lpBuf, uint32_t nCount) { if (nCount == 0) { return 0; // avoid Win32 "null-read" } #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API DWORD dwRead = 0; if (!::ReadFile(m_hFile, lpBuf, nCount, &dwRead, NULL)) { return 0; } return (uint32_t)dwRead; #else uint32_t res = fread(lpBuf, sizeof(uint8_t), nCount, (FILE *)m_hFile); return res; #endif } int32_t CFile::Seek(int32_t lOff, SeekPosition nFrom) { #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API ULONG dwNew = ::SetFilePointer(m_hFile, lOff, NULL, (ULONG)nFrom); if (dwNew == (ULONG)-1) { return -1; } return dwNew; #else if (m_hFile == NULL) { return -1; } int origin; switch (nFrom) { case begin: origin = SEEK_SET; break; case current: origin = SEEK_CUR; break; case end: origin = SEEK_END; break; default: return -1; } Flush(); int res = fseek((FILE *)m_hFile, lOff, origin); return res; #endif } uint32_t CFile::GetPosition() const { #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API return ::SetFilePointer(m_hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT); #else return (uint32_t)ftell((FILE *)m_hFile); #endif } bool CFile::SetLength(uint32_t dwNewLen) { Seek((int32_t)dwNewLen, begin); return SetEndOfFile(); } uint32_t CFile::GetLength() const { #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API return GetFileSize(m_hFile, 0); #else uint32_t pos = GetPosition(); fseek((FILE *)m_hFile, 0, SEEK_END); uint32_t FileSize = GetPosition(); fseek((FILE *)m_hFile, (int32_t)pos, SEEK_SET); return FileSize; #endif } bool CFile::SetEndOfFile() { #ifdef USE_WINDOWS_API return ::SetEndOfFile(m_hFile) != 0; #else Flush(); #ifdef _WIN32 return _chsize(_fileno((FILE *)m_hFile),GetPosition()) == 0; #else return ftruncate(fileno((FILE *)m_hFile),GetPosition()) == 0; #endif #endif }