Name=Bomberman - Arcade Edition (J) [T-Eng]

$Bomb Select
8024A3A1 00??
02 Power Bomb
03 Jelly Bomb
04 Shock Wave Bomb
05 Blue Remote Bomb
06 Red Beem Bomb
07 Invisible Mine Bomb
1D Crazy Bomb
00 Clear All Special Bombs.

$Bomberman Speed
8024A3A0 00??
04 Slow
08 Normal
0E Fast
10 Turbo

8024A3A6 0002

$Have\Max Bombs
8024A39F 00FF

$Have\Max Fire
8024A39E 00FF

$Infinite\Health Hearts
8024A3AE 00FF

802E1CE7 00FF

800FDD72 002A

Note=Enemies & Bomb Blasts cant harm you.But if you walk & keep laying Bombs it will most likly freeze.so try to avoid constant bombing while walking.Turn cheat to off to go back to normal.
8024A3A8 00??
00 Off
01 On

$Walk through\Blocks
Note=Walk through Blocks like they are not there.Turn cheat to off to go back to normal.
8024A3A5 00??
00 Off
01 On

$Walk through\Bombs
Note=Walk through Bombs like they are not there.Turn cheat to off to go back to normal.
8024A3A6 00??
00 Off
01 On