/**************************************************************************** * * * Project64 - A Nintendo 64 emulator. * * http://www.pj64-emu.com/ * * Copyright (C) 2012 Project64. All rights reserved. * * * * License: * * GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * * ****************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include #include class CEditNumber : public CWindowImpl { public: enum DisplayType { DisplayHex, DisplayDec, }; protected: enum { WM_VALIDATE_VALUE = WM_USER + 0x97 }; DisplayType m_DisplayType; BEGIN_MSG_MAP(CEditNumber) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_CHAR, OnKeyDown) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_KEYDOWN, OnKeyDown) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_PASTE, OnPaste) MESSAGE_HANDLER(WM_VALIDATE_VALUE,OnValidateValue); END_MSG_MAP() bool IsHexConvertableText(LPTSTR _text) { int start,end; GetSel(start,end); char WindowText[200]; GetWindowText(WindowText,sizeof(WindowText)); bool bPaste=true; size_t Len = strlen(WindowText); char head = Len > 0 ? WindowText[0] : 0; char second = Len > 1 ? WindowText[1] : 0; if(second=='X'||second=='x') { if(end<=1) bPaste=false; } if(!bPaste) return bPaste; //Check unsigned int i=0; if(strlen(_text)>=2) { if(_text[0]=='0'&&(_text[1]=='x'||_text[1]=='X')) { if((second=='x'||second=='X')&&(!(start==0&&end>=2))) bPaste=false; else if(start>0) bPaste=false; else i+=2; } } if(!bPaste) return bPaste; if(strlen(_text)>=1) { if(head=='0'&&(_text[0]=='x'||_text[0]=='X')) { i++; } if((_text[0]=='x'||_text[0]=='X')) { if(head!='0'&&start==0) bPaste=false; else if(!(start==1&&end>=1&&head=='0')) bPaste=false; } } if(!bPaste) return bPaste; for(;i=48&&c<=57||c>='A'&&c<='F'||c>='a'&&c<='f')) { bPaste=false; break; } } return bPaste; } void FormatClipboard() { LPTSTR lptstr,lptstrCopy; HGLOBAL hglb; if(!this->OpenClipboard()) return; if(!IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT)) return; hglb=GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); if (hglb != NULL) { lptstr =(LPTSTR) GlobalLock(hglb); for(unsigned int i=0;i 0 ? WindowText[0] : 0; char second = Len > 1 ? WindowText[1] : 0; if (uMsg == WM_CHAR) { size_t MaxLen = 30; if (m_DisplayType == DisplayHex) { MaxLen = 8; if( second == 'x' || second == 'X' ) { MaxLen += 2; } } int c=(int)wParam; if (wParam < 32) { if ( wParam == 8 && ( second == 'x'|| second == 'X' ) && head == '0' && end==1 ) { //does not allow to delete '0' before x bHandled = true; } else { bHandled = false; } return TRUE; } if( second == 'x' || second == 'X' ) { //does not allow to change head except select includes first and second if ( start <= 1 && end <= 1) { bHandled = true; return TRUE; } } if ( start == 1 && ( c == 'X' || c == 'x' ) && head == '0' ) { if (c == 'X') { SendMessage(uMsg, 'x',lParam); bHandled = true; } else { bHandled = false; } return true; } else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { if (Len >= MaxLen && start == end) { bHandled = true; return true; } bHandled = false; return true; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { if (Len >= MaxLen && start == end) { bHandled = true; return true; } SendMessage(uMsg, wParam - 32,lParam); bHandled = true; return true; } bHandled = true; return true; } bHandled = false; return false; } public: CEditNumber (void) : m_DisplayType(DisplayDec) { } virtual ~CEditNumber (void) { } BOOL Attach(HWND hWndNew) { return SubclassWindow(hWndNew); } BOOL AttachToDlgItem(HWND parent, UINT dlgID) { return SubclassWindow(::GetDlgItem(parent,dlgID)); } void SetDisplayType(DisplayType Type) { DWORD lCurrentValue = GetValue(); m_DisplayType = Type; SetValue(lCurrentValue); } DWORD GetValue ( void ) { char text[200]; GetWindowText(text,sizeof(text)); if (m_DisplayType == DisplayDec) { return atoi(text); } size_t Finish = strlen(text); char second = Finish > 1 ? text[1] : 0; size_t Start = (second == 'x' || second == 'X') ? 2 : 0; if (Finish > 8 + Start) { Finish = 8 + Start; } DWORD Value = 0; for (size_t i = Start; i < Finish; i++) { Value = (Value << 4); switch( text[i] ) { case '0': break; case '1': Value += 1; break; case '2': Value += 2; break; case '3': Value += 3; break; case '4': Value += 4; break; case '5': Value += 5; break; case '6': Value += 6; break; case '7': Value += 7; break; case '8': Value += 8; break; case '9': Value += 9; break; case 'A': Value += 10; break; case 'a': Value += 10; break; case 'B': Value += 11; break; case 'b': Value += 11; break; case 'C': Value += 12; break; case 'c': Value += 12; break; case 'D': Value += 13; break; case 'd': Value += 13; break; case 'E': Value += 14; break; case 'e': Value += 14; break; case 'F': Value += 15; break; case 'f': Value += 15; break; default: Value = (Value >> 4); i = Finish; } } return Value; } void SetValue (DWORD Value, bool ShowHexIdent = true, bool ZeroExtend = false) { char text[200]; if (m_DisplayType == DisplayDec) { sprintf(text,"%d",Value); } else { sprintf(text,"%s%0*X",ShowHexIdent ? "0x" : "", ZeroExtend ? 8 : 0, Value); } SetWindowText(text); } };