Name=Shadow of the Empire
Cheat0="Access In-Game Cheat Menu",D10DDE2E 0001,E9619286 5959,D10DDE14 0002,E9619286 5959,D10E28D4 0011,E9619286 5959,D10E28D4 0011,E9619286 5959
Cheat0_N=Pause gameplay and pink text will appear in top screen. scroll with multiple buttons and select with 'A'
Cheat1="Access Wampa Stompa",E96E2B40 79A7,E96E2B3E BABD,E96E2B44 C9B9,E96E2B42 797A,E96E2B48 ACC6,E96E2B46 C0BD,E96E2B4C C9B9
Cheat1_N=Important To Get All Codes To Work! Select empty file "Wampa Stompa"  will now be your playername.
Cheat2="Access All Levels",E961353E 5956
Cheat2_N=Must be used with Access Wampa Stompa
Cheat3="Max Challenge Points",E96E46C8 595F
Cheat4="Extra Jump Power",E9647578 90EC
Cheat5="Freeze Timer",E9647588 9972