Name=BattleTanx (U)

$All Batteries Have Bad Aim
800A1F7C 0001

$All Batteries Have Hellfire
800A34A2 0001

$All Battletanx Are Invincible
8009843D 0001

$Area 51\Mines Are Invisible
802D5ACB 00CC

$Area 51\Mines Are Toxic Waste
802D5ACB 007C

$Area 51\Shock Wave Weapons
802D5A7D 00AF

$Area 51\Turn Ammo Pickup Picture To Flamer Picture
802D5AAF 00AC

$Area 51\Turn Nuke Into Toxic Waste Nuke
802D5A7B 007C

$Auto Lose All Queen Lord Levels
800A6746 0001

$Auto Win All Queen Lord Levels
800A6745 0001

$Buildings Fall Fast
80091BBC 0001

$Buildings Implode Instead Of Explode, And Remain Afire
8009298E 0001

$Can't Pick Up Queen Lords
8008A2F0 0001

80135775 0001

$Full Control Of Tank In Bonus,Extra Side Player In Battlelord Multi!
800971EE 0001

$Have All Levels
80135767 0001

$Have Storm Ravens Gang
80135773 0001

$Hurl Mode
8013576B 0001

$In Campaign 3 Enemy Tanks May Join You
802D9AAC 0000
802DB3D4 0000
802DCCFC 0000

80135763 0001

8013576A 0001

$Laser Fire Invisible
800846ED 0001

$Multiplayer\Balltlelord Mode\Player 1\All Special Weapons & Infinite Ammo
50000E02 0000

$Multiplayer\Balltlelord Mode\Player 1\Infinite Secondary Weapons In Battlelord
802D8609 00FF
802D860B 00FF
802D860D 00FF
802D860F 00FF
802D8611 00FF
802D8615 00FF
802D8617 00FF
802D8619 00FF
802D861B 00FF
802D861D 00FF
802D861F 00FF
802D8621 00FF

$Multiplayer\Balltlelord Mode\Player 2\All Special Weapons & Infinite Ammo
50000E02 0000
811AE186 FFFF

$Multiplayer\Balltlelord Mode\Player 2\Infinite Secondary Weapons In Battlelord
802D9F31 00FF
802D9F33 00FF
802D9F35 00FF
802D9F37 00FF
802D9F39 00FF
802D9F3D 00FF
802D9F3F 00FF
802D9F41 00FF
802D9F43 00FF
802D9F45 00FF
802D9F47 00FF
802D9F49 00FF

$Multiplayer\Balltlelord Mode\Player 3\All Special Weapons & Infinite Ammo
50000E02 0000

$Multiplayer\Balltlelord Mode\Player 4\All Special Weapons & Infinite Ammo
50000E02 0000

$Multiplayer\Deathmatch, Frenzy & Convoy Modes\Player 1\All Special Weapons & Infinite Ammo
50000E02 0000
811AD322 FFFF

$Multiplayer\Deathmatch, Frenzy & Convoy Modes\Player 2\All Special Weapons & Infinite Ammo
50000E02 0000

$Multiplayer\Deathmatch, Frenzy & Convoy Modes\Player 3\All Special Weapons & Infinite Ammo
50000E02 0000
811AE652 FFFF

$Multiplayer\Deathmatch, Frenzy & Convoy Modes\Player 4\All Special Weapons & Infinite Ammo
50000E02 0000

$Multiplayer\Hold 'Em Mode\Player 1\All Special Weapons & Infinite Ammo
50000E02 0000

$Multiplayer\Hold 'Em Mode\Player 2\All Special Weapons & Infinite Ammo
50000E02 0000
811AE186 FFFF

$Multiplayer\Hold 'Em Mode\Player 3\All Special Weapons & Infinite Ammo
50000E02 0000

$Multiplayer\Hold 'Em Mode\Player 4\All Special Weapons & Infinite Ammo
50000E02 0000

$Multiplayer\Plater 1\One Hit And You Bite It
802D819F 0001

$Multiplayer\Player 1\Always Has Cloaked On
802D818D 0001

$Multiplayer\Player 1\Always Have Radar
802D8195 0080

$Multiplayer\Player 1\Goalith Tank On Tracks Body Modifier
802D86A3 00??
00 Normal Tank
01 Motor Tank
02 Big Tank

$Multiplayer\Player 1\Infinite Ammo
802D8603 00FF

$Multiplayer\Player 1\Main Weapon
802D85EB 00??
00 Nothing
01 Normal Tank Shells
02 Motor Tank Shells
03 Big Tank Shells
04 Rockets
05 Laser
06 Nuke
07 Gernades
08 ?
09 ?
0A Nuclear Lasers
0B Remote Rockets
0C Mines
0D Gun Buddies
0E Smoke Screen
0F Cloaking
10 Health

$Multiplayer\Player 1\Secondary Weapon
802D85F7 00??
00 Nothing
01 Normal Tank Shells
02 Motor Tank Shells
03 Big Tank Shells
04 Rockets
05 Laser
06 Nuke
07 Gernades
08 ?
09 ?
0A Nuclear Lasers
0B Remote Rockets
0C Mines
0D Gun Buddies
0E Smoke Screen
0F Cloaking
10 Health

$Multiplayer\Player 1\Tank Body Modifier
802D819B 00??
00 Normal Tank
01 Motor Tank
02 Big Tank

$Multiplayer\Player 1\Tank Turret Always On (Use Right/Left C Button)
802DE7FB 0011
802DE7FF 0002

$Multiplayer\Player 1\Your Goalith Tank On Tracks Always Has Cloaked On
802D8695 0001

$Multiplayer\Player 1\Your Goalith Tank On Tracks Always Has Radar
802D869D 0080

$Multiplayer\Player 2\Always Has Cloaked On
802D9AB5 0001

$Multiplayer\Player 2\Always Have Radar
802D9ABD 0080

$Multiplayer\Player 2\Goalith Tank On Tracks Body Modifier
802D9FCB 00??
00 Normal Tank
01 Motor Tank
02 Big Tank

$Multiplayer\Player 2\Infinite Ammo
802D9F2B 00FF

$Multiplayer\Player 2\Main Weapon
802D9F13 00??
00 Nothing
01 Normal Tank Shells
02 Motor Tank Shells
03 Big Tank Shells
04 Rockets
05 Laser
06 Nuke
07 Gernades
08 ?
09 ?
0A Nuclear Lasers
0B Remote Rockets
0C Mines
0D Gun Buddies
0E Smoke Screen
0F Cloaking
10 Health

$MultiPlayer\Player 2\One Hit And You Bite It
802D9AC7 0001

$Multiplayer\Player 2\Secondary Weapon
802D9F1F 00??
00 Nothing
01 Normal Tank Shells
02 Motor Tank Shells
03 Big Tank Shells
04 Rockets
05 Laser
06 Nuke
07 Gernades
08 ?
09 ?
0A Nuclear Lasers
0B Remote Rockets
0C Mines
0D Gun Buddies
0E Smoke Screen
0F Cloaking
10 Health

$Multiplayer\Player 2\Tank Body Modifier
802D9AC3 00??
00 Normal Tank
01 Motor Tank
02 Big Tank

$Multiplayer\Player 2\Tank Turret Always On
802DEB43 0011
802DEB47 0002

$Multiplayer\Player 2\Your Goalith Tank On Tracks Always Has Cloaked On
802D9FBD 0001

$Multiplayer\Player 2\Your Goalith Tank On Tracks Always Has Radar
802D9FC5 0080

$Multiplayer\Player 3\Tank Turret Always On
802DEE8B 0011
802DEE8F 0002

$Multiplayer\Player 4\Tank Turret Always On
802DF1D3 0011
802DF1D7 0002

$Nuke Blast Leaves Air Yellow
800F3333 0001

$Nuke Blast Pink
8008055F 0001

$Regenerated Allied Tanks Are Indestrucible In Campaign
8009FB2A 0001

$Run Story
80135770 0001

$Shoot Through Walls
8008E529 0001

$Slow Battle Tanks
8009A56A 0001

$Start With All Weapons
80135765 0001

80135776 0001

80135771 0001

$Unlimited Ammo
80135760 0001

$Unlimited Lives
80135772 0001