/**************************************************************************** * * * Project64 - A Nintendo 64 emulator. * * http://www.pj64-emu.com/ * * Copyright (C) 2016 Project64. All rights reserved. * * Copyright (C) 2014 Bobby Smiles * * Copyright (C) 2009 Richard Goedeken * * Copyright (C) 2002 Hacktarux * * * * License: * * GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * ****************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "alist.h" #include "mem.h" /* audio commands definition */ static void UNKNOWN(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint8_t acmd = (w1 >> 24); hle->WarnMessage("Unknown audio command %d: %08x %08x", acmd, w1, w2); } static void SPNOOP(CHle * UNUSED(hle), uint32_t UNUSED(w1), uint32_t UNUSED(w2)) { } static void LOADADPCM(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint16_t count = w1; uint32_t address = (w2 & 0xffffff); dram_load_u16(hle, (uint16_t*)hle->alist_nead().table, address, count >> 1); } static void SETLOOP(CHle * hle, uint32_t UNUSED(w1), uint32_t w2) { hle->alist_nead().loop = w2 & 0xffffff; } static void SETBUFF(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { hle->alist_nead().in = w1; hle->alist_nead().out = (w2 >> 16); hle->alist_nead().count = w2; } static void ADPCM(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint8_t flags = (w1 >> 16); uint32_t address = (w2 & 0xffffff); alist_adpcm( hle, flags & 0x1, flags & 0x2, flags & 0x4, hle->alist_nead().out, hle->alist_nead().in, (hle->alist_nead().count + 0x1f) & ~0x1f, hle->alist_nead().table, hle->alist_nead().loop, address); } static void CLEARBUFF(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint16_t dmem = w1; uint16_t count = w2; if (count == 0) return; alist_clear(hle, dmem, count); } static void LOADBUFF(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint16_t count = (w1 >> 12) & 0xfff; uint16_t dmem = (w1 & 0xfff); uint32_t address = (w2 & 0xffffff); alist_load(hle, dmem, address, count); } static void SAVEBUFF(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint16_t count = (w1 >> 12) & 0xfff; uint16_t dmem = (w1 & 0xfff); uint32_t address = (w2 & 0xffffff); alist_save(hle, dmem, address, count); } static void MIXER(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint16_t count = (w1 >> 12) & 0xff0; int16_t gain = w1; uint16_t dmemi = (w2 >> 16); uint16_t dmemo = w2; alist_mix(hle, dmemo, dmemi, count, gain); } static void RESAMPLE(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint8_t flags = (w1 >> 16); uint16_t pitch = w1; uint32_t address = (w2 & 0xffffff); alist_resample( hle, flags & 0x1, false, /* TODO: check which ABI supports it */ hle->alist_nead().out, hle->alist_nead().in, (hle->alist_nead().count + 0xf) & ~0xf, pitch << 1, address); } static void RESAMPLE_ZOH(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint16_t pitch = w1; uint16_t pitch_accu = w2; alist_resample_zoh( hle, hle->alist_nead().out, hle->alist_nead().in, hle->alist_nead().count, pitch << 1, pitch_accu); } static void DMEMMOVE(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint16_t dmemi = w1; uint16_t dmemo = (w2 >> 16); uint16_t count = w2; if (count == 0) return; alist_move(hle, dmemo, dmemi, (count + 3) & ~3); } static void ENVSETUP1_MK(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { hle->alist_nead().env_values[2] = (w1 >> 8) & 0xff00; hle->alist_nead().env_steps[2] = 0; hle->alist_nead().env_steps[0] = (w2 >> 16); hle->alist_nead().env_steps[1] = w2; } static void ENVSETUP1(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { hle->alist_nead().env_values[2] = (w1 >> 8) & 0xff00; hle->alist_nead().env_steps[2] = w1; hle->alist_nead().env_steps[0] = (w2 >> 16); hle->alist_nead().env_steps[1] = w2; } static void ENVSETUP2(CHle * hle, uint32_t UNUSED(w1), uint32_t w2) { hle->alist_nead().env_values[0] = (w2 >> 16); hle->alist_nead().env_values[1] = w2; } static void ENVMIXER_MK(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { int16_t xors[4]; uint16_t dmemi = (w1 >> 12) & 0xff0; uint8_t count = (w1 >> 8) & 0xff; uint16_t dmem_dl = (w2 >> 20) & 0xff0; uint16_t dmem_dr = (w2 >> 12) & 0xff0; uint16_t dmem_wl = (w2 >> 4) & 0xff0; uint16_t dmem_wr = (w2 << 4) & 0xff0; xors[2] = 0; /* unsupported by this ucode */ xors[3] = 0; /* unsupported by this ucode */ xors[0] = 0 - (int16_t)((w1 & 0x2) >> 1); xors[1] = 0 - (int16_t)((w1 & 0x1) ); alist_envmix_nead( hle, false, /* unsupported by this ucode */ dmem_dl, dmem_dr, dmem_wl, dmem_wr, dmemi, count, hle->alist_nead().env_values, hle->alist_nead().env_steps, xors); } static void ENVMIXER(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { int16_t xors[4]; uint16_t dmemi = (w1 >> 12) & 0xff0; uint8_t count = (w1 >> 8) & 0xff; bool swap_wet_LR = (w1 >> 4) & 0x1; uint16_t dmem_dl = (w2 >> 20) & 0xff0; uint16_t dmem_dr = (w2 >> 12) & 0xff0; uint16_t dmem_wl = (w2 >> 4) & 0xff0; uint16_t dmem_wr = (w2 << 4) & 0xff0; xors[2] = 0 - (int16_t)((w1 & 0x8) >> 1); xors[3] = 0 - (int16_t)((w1 & 0x4) >> 1); xors[0] = 0 - (int16_t)((w1 & 0x2) >> 1); xors[1] = 0 - (int16_t)((w1 & 0x1) ); alist_envmix_nead( hle, swap_wet_LR, dmem_dl, dmem_dr, dmem_wl, dmem_wr, dmemi, count, hle->alist_nead().env_values, hle->alist_nead().env_steps, xors); } static void DUPLICATE(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint8_t count = (w1 >> 16); uint16_t dmemi = w1; uint16_t dmemo = (w2 >> 16); alist_repeat64(hle, dmemo, dmemi, count); } static void INTERL(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint16_t count = w1; uint16_t dmemi = (w2 >> 16); uint16_t dmemo = w2; alist_copy_every_other_sample(hle, dmemo, dmemi, count); } static void INTERLEAVE_MK(CHle * hle, uint32_t UNUSED(w1), uint32_t w2) { uint16_t left = (w2 >> 16); uint16_t right = w2; if (hle->alist_nead().count == 0) return; alist_interleave(hle, hle->alist_nead().out, left, right, hle->alist_nead().count); } static void INTERLEAVE(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint16_t count = ((w1 >> 12) & 0xff0); uint16_t dmemo = w1; uint16_t left = (w2 >> 16); uint16_t right = w2; alist_interleave(hle, dmemo, left, right, count); } static void ADDMIXER(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint16_t count = (w1 >> 12) & 0xff0; uint16_t dmemi = (w2 >> 16); uint16_t dmemo = w2; alist_add(hle, dmemo, dmemi, count); } static void HILOGAIN(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { int8_t gain = (w1 >> 16); /* Q4.4 signed */ uint16_t count = w1; uint16_t dmem = (w2 >> 16); alist_multQ44(hle, dmem, count, gain); } static void FILTER(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint8_t flags = (w1 >> 16); uint32_t address = (w2 & 0xffffff); if (flags > 1) { hle->alist_nead().filter_count = w1; hle->alist_nead().filter_lut_address[0] = address; /* t6 */ } else { uint16_t dmem = w1; hle->alist_nead().filter_lut_address[1] = address + 0x10; /* t5 */ alist_filter(hle, dmem, hle->alist_nead().filter_count, address, hle->alist_nead().filter_lut_address); } } static void SEGMENT(CHle * UNUSED(hle), uint32_t UNUSED(w1), uint32_t UNUSED(w2)) { } static void NEAD_16(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint8_t count = (w1 >> 16); uint16_t dmemi = w1; uint16_t dmemo = (w2 >> 16); uint16_t block_size = w2; alist_copy_blocks(hle, dmemo, dmemi, block_size, count); } static void POLEF(CHle * hle, uint32_t w1, uint32_t w2) { uint8_t flags = (w1 >> 16); uint16_t gain = w1; uint32_t address = (w2 & 0xffffff); if (hle->alist_nead().count == 0) return; alist_polef( hle, flags & A_INIT, hle->alist_nead().out, hle->alist_nead().in, hle->alist_nead().count, gain, hle->alist_nead().table, address); } void alist_process_nead_mk(CHle * hle) { static const acmd_callback_t ABI[0x20] = { SPNOOP, ADPCM, CLEARBUFF, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, RESAMPLE, SPNOOP, SEGMENT, SETBUFF, SPNOOP, DMEMMOVE, LOADADPCM, MIXER, INTERLEAVE_MK, POLEF, SETLOOP, NEAD_16, INTERL, ENVSETUP1_MK, ENVMIXER_MK, LOADBUFF, SAVEBUFF, ENVSETUP2, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP }; alist_process(hle, ABI, 0x20); } void alist_process_nead_sf(CHle * hle) { static const acmd_callback_t ABI[0x20] = { SPNOOP, ADPCM, CLEARBUFF, SPNOOP, ADDMIXER, RESAMPLE, RESAMPLE_ZOH, SPNOOP, SETBUFF, SPNOOP, DMEMMOVE, LOADADPCM, MIXER, INTERLEAVE_MK, POLEF, SETLOOP, NEAD_16, INTERL, ENVSETUP1, ENVMIXER, LOADBUFF, SAVEBUFF, ENVSETUP2, SPNOOP, HILOGAIN, UNKNOWN, DUPLICATE, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP }; alist_process(hle, ABI, 0x20); } void alist_process_nead_sfj(CHle * hle) { static const acmd_callback_t ABI[0x20] = { SPNOOP, ADPCM, CLEARBUFF, SPNOOP, ADDMIXER, RESAMPLE, RESAMPLE_ZOH, SPNOOP, SETBUFF, SPNOOP, DMEMMOVE, LOADADPCM, MIXER, INTERLEAVE_MK, POLEF, SETLOOP, NEAD_16, INTERL, ENVSETUP1, ENVMIXER, LOADBUFF, SAVEBUFF, ENVSETUP2, UNKNOWN, HILOGAIN, UNKNOWN, DUPLICATE, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP }; alist_process(hle, ABI, 0x20); } void alist_process_nead_fz(CHle * hle) { static const acmd_callback_t ABI[0x20] = { UNKNOWN, ADPCM, CLEARBUFF, SPNOOP, ADDMIXER, RESAMPLE, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SETBUFF, SPNOOP, DMEMMOVE, LOADADPCM, MIXER, INTERLEAVE, SPNOOP, SETLOOP, NEAD_16, INTERL, ENVSETUP1, ENVMIXER, LOADBUFF, SAVEBUFF, ENVSETUP2, UNKNOWN, SPNOOP, UNKNOWN, DUPLICATE, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP }; alist_process(hle, ABI, 0x20); } void alist_process_nead_wrjb(CHle * hle) { static const acmd_callback_t ABI[0x20] = { SPNOOP, ADPCM, CLEARBUFF, UNKNOWN, ADDMIXER, RESAMPLE, RESAMPLE_ZOH, SPNOOP, SETBUFF, SPNOOP, DMEMMOVE, LOADADPCM, MIXER, INTERLEAVE, SPNOOP, SETLOOP, NEAD_16, INTERL, ENVSETUP1, ENVMIXER, LOADBUFF, SAVEBUFF, ENVSETUP2, UNKNOWN, HILOGAIN, UNKNOWN, DUPLICATE, FILTER, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP, SPNOOP }; alist_process(hle, ABI, 0x20); } void alist_process_nead_ys(CHle * hle) { static const acmd_callback_t ABI[0x18] = { UNKNOWN, ADPCM, CLEARBUFF, UNKNOWN, ADDMIXER, RESAMPLE, RESAMPLE_ZOH, FILTER, SETBUFF, DUPLICATE, DMEMMOVE, LOADADPCM, MIXER, INTERLEAVE, HILOGAIN, SETLOOP, NEAD_16, INTERL, ENVSETUP1, ENVMIXER, LOADBUFF, SAVEBUFF, ENVSETUP2, UNKNOWN }; alist_process(hle, ABI, 0x18); } void alist_process_nead_1080(CHle * hle) { static const acmd_callback_t ABI[0x18] = { UNKNOWN, ADPCM, CLEARBUFF, UNKNOWN, ADDMIXER, RESAMPLE, RESAMPLE_ZOH, FILTER, SETBUFF, DUPLICATE, DMEMMOVE, LOADADPCM, MIXER, INTERLEAVE, HILOGAIN, SETLOOP, NEAD_16, INTERL, ENVSETUP1, ENVMIXER, LOADBUFF, SAVEBUFF, ENVSETUP2, UNKNOWN }; alist_process(hle, ABI, 0x18); } void alist_process_nead_oot(CHle * hle) { static const acmd_callback_t ABI[0x18] = { UNKNOWN, ADPCM, CLEARBUFF, UNKNOWN, ADDMIXER, RESAMPLE, RESAMPLE_ZOH, FILTER, SETBUFF, DUPLICATE, DMEMMOVE, LOADADPCM, MIXER, INTERLEAVE, HILOGAIN, SETLOOP, NEAD_16, INTERL, ENVSETUP1, ENVMIXER, LOADBUFF, SAVEBUFF, ENVSETUP2, UNKNOWN }; alist_process(hle, ABI, 0x18); } void alist_process_nead_mm(CHle * hle) { static const acmd_callback_t ABI[0x18] = { UNKNOWN, ADPCM, CLEARBUFF, SPNOOP, ADDMIXER, RESAMPLE, RESAMPLE_ZOH, FILTER, SETBUFF, DUPLICATE, DMEMMOVE, LOADADPCM, MIXER, INTERLEAVE, HILOGAIN, SETLOOP, NEAD_16, INTERL, ENVSETUP1, ENVMIXER, LOADBUFF, SAVEBUFF, ENVSETUP2, UNKNOWN }; alist_process(hle, ABI, 0x18); } void alist_process_nead_mmb(CHle * hle) { static const acmd_callback_t ABI[0x18] = { SPNOOP, ADPCM, CLEARBUFF, SPNOOP, ADDMIXER, RESAMPLE, RESAMPLE_ZOH, FILTER, SETBUFF, DUPLICATE, DMEMMOVE, LOADADPCM, MIXER, INTERLEAVE, HILOGAIN, SETLOOP, NEAD_16, INTERL, ENVSETUP1, ENVMIXER, LOADBUFF, SAVEBUFF, ENVSETUP2, UNKNOWN }; alist_process(hle, ABI, 0x18); } void alist_process_nead_ac(CHle * hle) { static const acmd_callback_t ABI[0x18] = { UNKNOWN, ADPCM, CLEARBUFF, SPNOOP, ADDMIXER, RESAMPLE, RESAMPLE_ZOH, FILTER, SETBUFF, DUPLICATE, DMEMMOVE, LOADADPCM, MIXER, INTERLEAVE, HILOGAIN, SETLOOP, NEAD_16, INTERL, ENVSETUP1, ENVMIXER, LOADBUFF, SAVEBUFF, ENVSETUP2, UNKNOWN }; alist_process(hle, ABI, 0x18); }