// ============ RDB for PJ64 v1.7. GoodN64 v202b ==================================== // Project64 v1.7 Official RDB // BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA BETA // Not for distribution to non-members // Not for use with PJ64 v1.6 or previous. // highly innacurate compat info! //---- START OF RDB FILE HEADER --------------------------------------------------------- [Meta] Author=Smiff/Zilmar/Pj64 team Version= Date=2007-04-07 Homepage=www.pj64-emu.com/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=36&func=showcat&catid=10 [Microcode Identifiers] //38221D7F=0 //SD Hiryuu no Ken Densetsu (J), near start (Smiff) //426EA66D=0 //Blast Corps (U) (v1.1), map screen (64ultramaniac) //56D032C9=8 //Fox Sports College Hoops 99 (U) (Duncan) //49571B97=8 //Turok2 map (maybe not correct? doesn't show) //EBD45CC3=0 //Wipeout (E), ship explosion (Gent) //2AEC9DFA=0 //Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (Gent) //BE93F09F=8 //Bass Tsuri No. 1 - Shigesato Itoi's Bass Fishing (J) (Gent) //44A19A67=8 //Bass Tsuri No. 1 - Shigesato Itoi's Bass Fishing (J) (Gent) //036DC099=0 //Ide Yosuke no Mahjong Juku (J), 1st opcode (Gent) //482B7EB6=0 //Kuiki Uhabi Suigo (J), 1st opcode (Gent) //2D9EFA84=0 //Nushi Tsuri 64 (J), Upside down characters on character select and in house (Gent) //0BFF6337=0 //Toukon Road - Brave Spirits (J), On load (Gent) //DCD91241=0 //Toukon Road 2 - The Next Generation (J), On load (Gent) //8A4F88F1=0 //Star Wars Episode I - Battle for Naboo (U, On load (Gent) //69BE49A0=0 //Frogger 2 (On load (Gent)) //57A168B0=1 // PD ROMs below (thanks Gent and SGi etc.) //6582C258=0 //Berney Must Die! by Nop_(POM '99) (PD), Om load (Gent) //39DBA818=0 //Birthday Demo for Steve by Nep (PD), On load (Gent) //3583C6DB=0 //VNES64 + Galaga (PD), little after load (Gent) //953E0443=0 //GT Demo (PD) [a1], On load (Gent) //4C49C811=0 //GT Demo (PD) [a1], A little in game (Gent) //415DF875=0 //N64 Scene Gallery by CALi (PD), On load (Gent) //415ECBE1=0 //Nintendo Family by CALi (PD), On load (Gent) //415E5A38=0 //NBC-LFC Kings of Porn Vol 01 (PD) [a1], On load (Gent) //415EF009=0 //NBC-LFC Kings of Porn Vol 01 (PD), On load (Gent) //415DA163=0 //NBCG Special Edition (PD), On load (Gent) //415E5A24=0 //NBCG's Kings of Porn Demo (PD), On load (Gent) //415D9F23=0 //NBCG's Tag Gallery 01 by CALi (PD), On load (Gent) //502F9184=0 //Nintro64 Demo by Lem (POM '98) (PD), On load (Gent) //BBF715A1=0 //NuFan Demo by Kid Stardust (PD), On load (Gent) //35A16874=0 //Quake 64 Intro (PD), On load (Gent) //A21D415B=0 //TRSI Intro by Ayatollah (POM '99) (PD), On load (Gent) [Rom Status] // Setting up ROM browser status categories & colour definitions: // // colours are standard 6-digit hex values [RRGGBB] 000000 - black, FFFFFF - white // you can use e.g. Photoshop to get these colour codes from any source // equals-sign defines normal text colour (ROMs not highlighted) // .Sel defines background colour of highlighted row // .Seltext defines highlighted text colour // ".AutoFullScreen=False" can be used to overide users' auto fullscreen on load option // there is no practical limit to the number of categories you may define // categories will be used to populate a drop-down menu in the Project64 GUI, ROM Notes tab // To edit colours you must edit this file directly. // To translate the RDB, edit each category group below, then do a Find>Replace on "Status" lines // Core Notes and Plugin Notes would have to be manually translated of course. Compatible=006600 Compatible.Sel=006600 Compatible.Seltext=FFFFFF Interpreter only=003300 Interpreter only.Sel=003300 Interpreter only.Seltext=FFFFFF Issues (mixed)=827B00 Issues (mixed).Sel=827B00 Issues (mixed).Seltext=FFFFFF Issues (core)=827B00 Issues (core).Sel=827B00 Issues (core).Seltext=FFFFFF Issues (plugin)=827B00 Issues (plugin).Sel=827B00 Issues (plugin).Seltext=FFFFFF Unsupported=990000 Unsupported.Sel=990000 Unsupported.Seltext=FFFFFF Unsupported.AutoFullScreen=False Only intro/part OK=A66023 Only intro/part OK.Sel=A66023 Only intro/part OK.Seltext=FFFFFF Only intro/part OK.AutoFullScreen=False Needs video plugin=00897C Needs video plugin.Sel=00897C Needs video plugin.Seltext=FFFFFF Needs audio plugin=00897C Needs audio plugin.Sel=00897C Needs audio plugin.Seltext=FFFFFF Region issue=000099 Region issue.Sel=000099 Region issue.Seltext=FFFFFF Region issue (p)=000099 Region issue (p).Sel=000099 Region issue (p).Seltext=FFFFFF Region issue (c)=000099 Region issue (c).Sel=000099 Region issue (c).Seltext=FFFFFF Broken (core)=603913 Broken (core).Sel=603913 Broken (core).Seltext=FFFFFF Broken (core).AutoFullScreen=False Broken (plugin)=603913 Broken (plugin).Sel=603913 Broken (plugin).Seltext=FFFFFF Broken (c & p)=603913 Broken (c & p).Sel=603913 Broken (c & p).Seltext=FFFFFF Uncertain=000000 Uncertain.Sel=000000 Uncertain.Seltext=FFFFFF Unknown=444444 Unknown.Sel=000000 Unknown.Seltext=FFFFFF Bad ROM?=000000 Bad ROM?.Sel=000000 Bad ROM?.Seltext=FFFFFF Bad ROM?.AutoFullScreen=False // various colours, currently unused: // 630460 purple // BF6E29 orange // 603913 brown // 834200 dark orage // A66023 // ---- END OF HEADER, START OF ROM ENTRIES -------------------------- [3B941695-F90A5EEB-C:50] Good Name=007 - The World is Not Enough (E) (M3) Internal Name=TWINE RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[audio] speech bad (see GameFAQ) Audio Signal=Yes Clear Frame=0 [033F4C13-319EE7A7-C:45] Good Name=007 - The World is Not Enough (U) Internal Name=TWINE RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[audio] speech bad (see GameFAQ) Audio Signal=Yes [58FD3F25-D92EAA8D-C:50] Good Name=1080 Snowboarding (E) (M4) Internal Name=1080 SNOWBOARDING Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] framebuffer:screen (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 MD5=FBB409508F0326400E9B7AFBE40A4A30 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 FuncFind=1 [1FBAF161-2C1C54F1-C:41] Good Name=1080 Snowboarding (JU) (M2) Internal Name=1080 SNOWBOARDING Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 MD5=10C93DD78B695CD32B6938534ED0EDD5 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 FuncFind=1 Fixed Audio=0 Use TLB=No [B98BA456-5B2B76AF-C:4A] Good Name=64 de Hakken!! Tamagotchi Minna de Tamagotchi World (J) Internal Name=������Ϻޯ�ܰ��� Counter Factor=1 Save Type=FlashRam Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow. errors:various [9C961069-F5EA488D-C:4A] Good Name=64 Oozumou (J) Internal Name=64 OHZUMOU Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] slow in menus [85C18B16-DF9622AF-C:4A] Good Name=64 Oozumou 2 (J) Internal Name=64 ����ӳ 2 Status=Compatible [8F12C096-45DC17E1-C:50] Good Name=A Bug's Life (E) Internal Name=A Bug's Life Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [2B38AEC0-6350B810-C:46] Good Name=A Bug's Life (F) Internal Name=A Bug's Life Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [DFF227D9-0D4D8169-C:44] Good Name=A Bug's Life (G) Internal Name=A Bug's Life Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [82DC04FD-CF2D82F4-C:45] Good Name=A Bug's Life (U) Internal Name=A Bug's Life Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [62F6BE95-F102D6D6-C:50] Good Name=AeroFighters Assault (E) (M3) Internal Name=AERO FIGHTERS ASSAUL Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement [1B598BF1-ECA29B45-C:45] Good Name=Aerofighter's Assault (U) Internal Name=AERO FIGHTERS ASSAUL Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement [D83045C8-F29D3A36-C:50] Good Name=AeroGauge (E) (M3) Internal Name=AEROGAUGE Use TLB=No [80F41131-384645F6-C:4A] Good Name=AeroGauge (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=AEROGAUGE Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [AEBE463E-CC71464B-C:45] Good Name=AeroGauge (U) Internal Name=AEROGAUGE Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [8CC182A6-C2D0CAB0-C:4A] Good Name=AI Shogi 3 (J) Internal Name=AI�����3 Clear Frame=0 Status=Unsupported Core Note=causing texture errors Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [2DC4FFCC-C8FF5A21-C:50] Good Name=Aidyn Chronicles - The First Mage (E) Internal Name=AIDYN_CHRONICLES RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [E6A95A4F-BAD2EA23-C:45] Good Name=Aidyn Chronicles - The First Mage (U) Internal Name=AIDYN_CHRONICLES RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [27C425D0-8C2D99C1-C:50] Good Name=Airboarder 64 (E) Internal Name=AIR BOARDER 64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [6C45B60C-DCE50E30-C:4A] Good Name=Airboarder 64 (J) Internal Name=����ް�ް64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [B6951A94-63C849AF-C:4A] Good Name=Akumajou Dracula Mokushiroku - Real Action Adventure (J) Internal Name=DRACULA MOKUSHIROKU RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 MD5=37EFAF1CEE7BEE480114F8DC3C57C2F0 FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-Protect=1 SMM-FUNC=0 [A5533106-B9F25E5B-C:4A] Good Name=Akumajou Dracula Mokushiroku Gaiden-Legend of Cornell (J) Internal Name=DRACULA MOKUSHIROKU2 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 MD5=7B7B6E2F6F78993A10C2156C3A857BC3 FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-Protect=1 SMM-FUNC=0 [7A6081FC-FF8F7A78-C:4A] Good Name=64 Trump Collection - Alice no Wakuwaku Trump World (J) Internal Name=64 TRUMP COLLECTION Status=Compatible [DFD784AD-AE426603-C:50] Good Name=All Star Tennis '99 (E) (M5) Internal Name=ALL STAR TENNIS '99 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [E185E291-4E50766D-C:45] Good Name=All Star Tennis '99 (U) Internal Name=ALL STAR TENNIS '99 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [67D20729-F696774C-C:4A] Good Name=Nintendo All-Star! Dairantou Smash Brothers (J) Internal Name=SMASH BROTHERS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:various [A19F8089-77884B51-C:50] Good Name=All-Star Baseball 2000 (E) Internal Name=All-Star Baseball '0 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (core) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [5E547A4D-90E60795-C:45] Good Name=All-Star Baseball 2000 (U) Internal Name=All-Star Baseball '0 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (core) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [5446C6EF-E18E47BB-C:45] Good Name=All-Star Baseball 2001 (U) Internal Name=All-Star Baseball 20 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (core) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [D9EDD54D-6BB8E274-C:50] Good Name=All-Star Baseball 99 (E) Internal Name=All-Star Baseball 99 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,HUD [C43E23A7-40B1681A-C:45] Good Name=All-Star Baseball 99 (U) Internal Name=All Star Baseball 99 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,HUD [3CC77150-21CDB987-C:50] Good Name=Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M. (E) Internal Name=Armorines Project S. RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [C0F6DB17-80E0D532-C:44] Good Name=Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M. (G) Internal Name=Armorines Project S. RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [1FB5D932-3BA9481B-C:45] Good Name=Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M. (U) Internal Name=Armorines Project S. RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [4C52BBB2-CEAB0F6B-C:45] Good Name=Army Men - Air Combat (U) Internal Name=ARMYMENAIRCOMBAT RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:missile on level2+ [B210DF19-98B58D1A-C:50] Good Name=Army Men - Sarge's Heroes (E) (M3) Internal Name=Army Men Sarge RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [862C0657-8DFD896D-C:45] Good Name=Army Men - Sarge's Heroes (U) Internal Name=Army Men Sarge RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [B20F73B6-2975FC34-C:45] Good Name=Army Men - Sarge's Heroes 2 (U) Internal Name=ARMYMEN SARGE 2 RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [D1F7D8AB-293B0446-C:45] Good Name=Asteroids Hyper 64 (U) Internal Name=Asteroids Hyper 64 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[input] force feedback:explosions slow Core Note=high system requirement [FC7797BF-4A95E83C-C:50] Good Name=Automobili Lamborghini (E) Internal Name=LAMBORGHINI Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [41B25DC4-1B726786-C:45] Good Name=Automobili Lamborghini (U) Internal Name=LAMBORGHINI Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [E340A49C-74318D41-C:4A] Good Name=Baku Bomberman (J) Internal Name=BAKU-BOMBERMAN Clear Frame=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) [E73C7C4F-AF93B838-C:4A] Good Name=Baku Bomberman 2 (J) Internal Name=BAKUBOMB2 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) [DF98B95D-58840978-C:4A] Good Name=Bakuretsu Muteki Bangai-O (J) Internal Name=BANGAIOH Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [88CF980A-8ED52EB5-C:4A] Good Name=Bakushou Jinsei 64 - Mezase! Resort Ou (J) Internal Name=������ݾ�64 Status=Compatible [5168D520-CA5FCD0D-C:4A] Good Name=Banjo to Kazooie no Dai Bouken (J) Internal Name=Banjo-Kazooie Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] framebuffer:jigsaw (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [514B6900-B4B19881-C:4A] Good Name=Banjo to Kazooie no Dai Bouken 2 (J) Internal Name=BANJO KAZOOIE 2 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [733FCCB1-444892F9-C:50] Good Name=Banjo-Kazooie (E) (M3) Internal Name=Banjo-Kazooie Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] framebuffer:jigsaw (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [A4BF9306-BF0CDFD1-C:45] Good Name=Banjo-Kazooie (U) Internal Name=Banjo-Kazooie Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] framebuffer:jigsaw (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [155B7CDF-F0DA7325-C:55] Good Name=Banjo-Tooie (A) Internal Name=BANJO TOOIE Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [C9176D39-EA4779D1-C:50] Good Name=Banjo-Tooie (E) (M4) Internal Name=BANJO TOOIE Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [C2E9AA9A-475D70AA-C:45] Good Name=Banjo-Tooie (U) Internal Name=BANJO TOOIE Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [B088FBB4-441E4B1D-C:50] Good Name=Bass Hunter 64 (E) Internal Name=BASS HUNTER 64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] flicker Clear Frame=0 [D137A2CA-62B65053-C:4A] Good Name=Bass Tsuri No. 1 - Shigesato Itoi's Bass Fishing (J) Internal Name=BassFishingNo.1 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] AV;use v1.5.2 plugin [BCFACCAA-B814D8EF-C:45] Good Name=Bassmasters 2000 (U) Internal Name=BASSMASTERS2000 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 Plugin Note=[video] missing:textures on player in menu [259F7F84-7C9EED26-C:50] Good Name=Batman of the Future - Return of the Joker (E) (M3) Internal Name=BATMAN OF THE FUTURE [204489C1-1286CF2B-C:45] Good Name=Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker (U) Internal Name=BATMAN BEYOND RETURN RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [0CAD17E6-71A5B797-C:50] Good Name=BattleTanx - Global Assault (E) (M3) Internal Name=BATTLETANXGA [75A4E247-6008963D-C:45] Good Name=BattleTanx - Global Assault (U) Internal Name=BATTLETANXGA Counter Factor=3 Status=Compatible [6AA4DDE7-E3E2F4E7-C:45] Good Name=BattleTanx (U) Internal Name=BATTLETANX Use TLB=No Counter Factor=3 Status=Compatible [55D4C4CE-7753C78A-C:45] Good Name=Battlezone - Rise of the Black Dogs (U) Internal Name=BATTLEZONE Core Note=high system requirement [91691C3D-F4AC5B4D-C:4A] Good Name=Transformers - Beast Wars Metals 64 (J) Internal Name=BEASTWARSMETALS64 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow [4D79D316-E8501B33-C:45] Good Name=Transformers - Beast Wars Transmetal (U) Internal Name=BEAST WARS US Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow [A1B64A61-D014940B-C:50] Good Name=Beetle Adventure Racing! (E) (M3) Internal Name=Beetle Adventure Rac Counter Factor=3 Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Region issue Plugin Note=[rsp] unstable;use (U) ROM [video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) [9C7318D2-24AE0DC1-C:4A] Good Name=Beetle Adventure Racing! (J) Internal Name=BEETLE ADVENTURE JP Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [EDF419A8-BF1904CC-C:45] Good Name=Beetle Adventure Racing! (U) (M3) Internal Name=Beetle Adventure Rac Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [08FFA4B7-01F453B6-C:45] Good Name=Big Mountain 2000 (U) Internal Name=Big Mountain 2000 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus;use D3D6 plugin [AB7C101D-EC58C8B0-C:50] Good Name=Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. (E) Internal Name=BIOFREAKS Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [08123595-0510F1DE-C:45] Good Name=Bio F.R.E.A.K.S. (U) Internal Name=BIOFREAKS Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [7EAE2488-9D40A35A-C:4A] Good Name=Biohazard 2 (J) Internal Name=BioHazard II Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] depth problem [rsp] speech glitch (see GameFAQ) Audio Signal=Yes [7C64E6DB-55B924DB-C:50] Good Name=Blast Corps (E) Internal Name=Blast Corps Use TLB=No Status=Region issue (c) Core Note=unh. opcode;use (U) ROM Plugin Note=[video] errors:menu textures 32bit=No [7C647C25-D9D901E6-C:45] Good Name=Blast Corps (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=Blast Corps Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menu textures 32bit=No [7C647E65-1948D305-C:45] Good Name=Blast Corps (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=Blast Corps Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menu textures 32bit=No [65234451-EBD3346F-C:4A] Good Name=Blast Dozer (J) Internal Name=Blastdozer Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menu textures 32bit=No [D571C883-822D3FCF-C:50] Good Name=Blues Brothers 2000 (E) (M6) Internal Name=BLUES BROTHERS 2000 [7CD08B12-1153FF89-C:45] Good Name=Blues Brothers 2000 (U) Internal Name=BLUES BROTHERS 2000 Status=Compatible [0B58B8CD-B7B291D2-C:50] Good Name=Body Harvest (E) (M3) Internal Name=Body Harvest Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Delay SI=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:clipping (see GameFAQ) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 ViRefresh=2000 [5326696F-FE9A99C3-C:45] Good Name=Body Harvest (U) Internal Name=BODY HARVEST Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Delay SI=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:clipping (see GameFAQ) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 ViRefresh=2000 [B3D451C6-E1CB58E2-C:4A] Good Name=Bokujo Monogatari 2 (J) (V1.0) //Harvest Moon 64 JAP Internal Name=��ޮ��ɶ���2 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [DF6FF0F4-29D14238-C:4A] Good Name=Bomberman 64 - Arcade Edition (J) Internal Name=BOMBERMAN64 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [237E73B4-D63B6B37-C:45] Good Name=Bomberman 64 - The Second Attack! (U) Internal Name=BOMBERMAN64U2 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) [5A160336-BC7B37B0-C:50] Good Name=Bomberman 64 (E) Internal Name=BOMBERMAN64E Status=Issues (plugin) Clear Frame=1 Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) [F568D51E-7E49BA1E-C:45] Good Name=Bomberman 64 (U) Internal Name=BOMBERMAN64U Status=Issues (plugin) Clear Frame=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) [D85C4E29-88E276AF-C:50] Good Name=Bomberman Hero (E) Internal Name=BOMBERMAN HERO Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [67FF12CC-76BF0212-C:4A] Good Name=Bomberman Hero (J) Internal Name=����ް�� ˰۰ Status=Compatible [4446FDD6-E3788208-C:45] Good Name=Bomberman Hero (U) Internal Name=BOMBERMAN HERO Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [D72FD14D-1FED32C4-C:45] Good Name=Bottom of the 9th (U) Internal Name=Bottom of the 9th Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:intro screens Clear Frame=0 Culling=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Emulate Clear=0 [1E22CF2E-42AAC813-C:45] Good Name=Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling (U) Internal Name=BRUNSWICKBOWLING RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] depth problem Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [D5B2339C-CABCCAED-C:50] Good Name=Buck Bumble (E) (M5) Internal Name=BUCK BUMBLE Status=Compatible [D7C762B6-F83D9642-C:4A] Good Name=Buck Bumble (J) Internal Name=BUCK BUMBLE Status=Compatible [85AE781A-C756F05D-C:45] Good Name=Buck Bumble (U) Internal Name=BUCK BUMBLE Status=Compatible [CEDCDE1E-513A0502-C:50] Good Name=Bust-A-Move 2 - Arcade Edition (E) Internal Name=Bust A Move 2 Status=Compatible [8A86F073-CD45E54B-C:45] Good Name=Bust-A-Move 2 - Arcade Edition (U) Internal Name=Bust A Move 2 Status=Compatible [E328B4FA-004A28E1-C:50] Good Name=Bust-A-Move 3 DX (E) Internal Name=Bust A Move 3 DX Status=Compatible [4222D89F-AFE0B637-C:45] Good Name=Bust-A-Move '99 (U) Internal Name=Bust A Move '99 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [AC16400E-CF5D071A-C:45] Good Name=California Speed (U) Internal Name=CAL SPEED Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [580162EC-E3108BF1-C:58] Good Name=Carmageddon 64 (E) (M4-Ger) Internal Name=CARMAGEDDON64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [E48E01F5-E6E51F9B-C:59] Good Name=Carmageddon 64 (E) (M4-Ita) Internal Name=CARMAGEDDON64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [F00F2D4E-340FAAF4-C:45] Good Name=Carmageddon 64 (U) Internal Name=CARMAGEDDON64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [A2C54BE7-6719CBB2-C:50] Good Name=Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness (E) (M3) Internal Name=CASTLEVANIA2 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 MD5=5F7A38530FDC3BFD4F49791AAF4CABC9 FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-Protect=1 [1CC06338-87388926-C:45] Good Name=Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness (U) Internal Name=CASTLEVANIA2 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 CustomSMM=1 FuncFind=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-Protect=1 SMM-FUNC=0 SMM-TLB=0 MD5=842DF06B37DC1E47966AA8717F5C4E80 [64F1B7CA-71A23755-C:50] Good Name=Castlevania (E) (M3) Internal Name=CASTLEVANIA RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 MD5=1EC0578C42C3B0CA0EEA93EF73DCD8FB CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-Protect=1 SMM-FUNC=0 FuncFind=1 [F35D5F95-8AFE3D69-C:45] Good Name=Castlevania (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=CASTLEVANIA RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Protect=1 FuncFind=1 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-FUNC=0 MD5=8B61524E85579FADF9EA16736303B9F4 [4BCDFF47-AAA3AF8F-C:45] Good Name=Castlevania (U) (V1.2) Internal Name=CASTLEVANIA RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] framebuffer:menus Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 MD5=342B31B83A28DC6EC750F628A49F5034 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-Protect=1 SMM-FUNC=0 FuncFind=1 [DCCF2134-9DD63578-C:50] Good Name=Centre Court Tennis (E) Internal Name=CENTRE COURT TENNIS Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [B9AF8CC6-DEC9F19F-C:50] Good Name=Chameleon Twist (E) Internal Name=Chameleon Twist Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[input] disable Memory-Pak Clear Frame=0 [A4F2F521-F0EB168E-C:4A] Good Name=Chameleon Twist (J) Internal Name=Chameleon Twist Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [6420535A-50028062-C:45] Good Name=Chameleon Twist (U) Internal Name=Chameleon Twist Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[input] disable Memory-Pak [07A69D01-9A7D41A1-C:50] Good Name=Chameleon Twist 2 (E) Internal Name=Chameleon Twist2 Clear Frame=1 Status=Compatible Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [0549765A-93B9D042-C:4A] Good Name=Chameleon Twist 2 (J) Internal Name=Chameleon Twist2 Clear Frame=1 Status=Compatible [CD538CE4-618AFCF9-C:45] Good Name=Chameleon Twist 2 (U) Internal Name=Chameleon Twist2 Clear Frame=1 Status=Compatible Culling=1 [FB3C48D0-8D28F69F-C:50] Good Name=Charlie Blast's Territory (E) Internal Name=CHARLIE BLAST'S Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [1E0E96E8-4E28826B-C:45] Good Name=Charlie Blast's Territory (U) Internal Name=CHARLIE BLAST'S Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [2E359339-3FA5EDA6-C:50] Good Name=Chopper Attack (E) Internal Name=CHOPPER_ATTACK Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [214CAD94-BE1A3B24-C:45] Good Name=Chopper Attack (U) Internal Name=CHOPPER_ATTACK Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [2BCCF9C4-403D9F6F-C:4A] Good Name=Choro Q 64 (J) Internal Name=CHOROQ64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [26CD0F54-53EBEFE0-C:4A] Good Name=Choro Q 64 II (J) Internal Name=���Q64 2 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] framebuffer:menus,tv monitor [A7941528-61F1199D-C:4A] Good Name=Chou Snowbow Kids (J) Internal Name=Snobow Kids 2 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [F8009DB0-6B291823-C:4A] Good Name=City-Tour GP-All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship (J) Internal Name=CITY TOUR GP RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Delay SI=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:map,flicker Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [FA5A3DFF-B4C9CDB9-C:45] Good Name=Clay Fighter - Sculptor's Cut (U) Internal Name=Clayfighter SC Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [2B6FA7C0-09A71225-C:45] Good Name=Clay Fighter 63 1-3 (U) (beta) Internal Name=CLAYFIGHTER 63 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=2 [8E9692B3-4264BB2A-C:50] Good Name=Clay Fighter 63 1-3 (E) Internal Name=CLAYFIGHTER 63 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=2 [F03C24CA-C5237BCC-C:45] Good Name=Clay Fighter 63 1-3 (U) Internal Name=CLAYFIGHTER 63 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=2 [AE5B9465-C54D6576-C:50] Good Name=Command & Conquer (E) (M2) Internal Name=Command&Conquer Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:textures in briefings Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [B5025BAD-D32675FD-C:44] Good Name=Command & Conquer (G) Internal Name=Command&Conquer Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:textures in briefings Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [95286EB4-B76AD58F-C:45] Good Name=Command & Conquer (U) Internal Name=Command&Conquer RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:textures in briefings Clear Frame=0 Culling=1 [373F5889-9A6CA80A-C:50] Good Name=Conker's Bad Fur Day (E) Internal Name=CONKER BFD Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 MD5=49CEFA68F35970F92B1666F3AE0B4977 FuncFind=2 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-FUNC=0 [30C7AC50-7704072D-C:45] Good Name=Conker's Bad Fur Day (U) Internal Name=CONKER BFD 32bit=No Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=2 Culling=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Emulate Clear=1 MD5=3D4E3B38141ACC75BCDDBE8925C793E7 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-FUNC=0 FuncFind=2 [46A3F7AF-0F7591D0-C:45] Good Name=Cruis'n Exotica (U) Internal Name=CruisnExotica Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Culling=1 [503EA760-E1300E96-C:50] Good Name=Cruis'n USA (E) Internal Name=Cruis'n USA Use TLB=No Delay SI=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] slow in places [FF2F2FB4-D161149A-C:45] Good Name=Cruis'n USA (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=Cruis'n USA Use TLB=No Delay SI=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] slow in places Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [5306CF45-CBC49250-C:45] Good Name=Cruis'n USA (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=Cruis'n USA Use TLB=No Delay SI=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] slow in places [B3402554-7340C004-C:45] Good Name=Cruis'n USA (U) (V1.2) Internal Name=Cruis'n USA Use TLB=No Delay SI=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] slow in places [83F3931E-CB72223D-C:50] Good Name=Cruis'n World (E) Internal Name=CRUIS'N WORLD Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible [DFE61153-D76118E6-C:45] Good Name=Cruis'n World (U) Internal Name=CRUIS'N WORLD Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible [83CB0B87-7E325457-C:4A] Good Name=Custom Robo (J) Internal Name=custom robo Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [079501B9-AB0232AB-C:4A] Good Name=Custom Robo V2 (J) Internal Name=CUSTOMROBOV2 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible [D1A78A07-52A3DD3E-C:50] Good Name=CyberTiger (E) Internal Name=CyberTiger Use TLB=No Status=Issues (core) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [E8FC8EA1-9F738391-C:45] Good Name=CyberTiger (U) Internal Name=CyberTiger Use TLB=No Status=Issues (core) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [7188F445-84410A68-C:4A] Good Name=Dance Dance Revolution - Disney Dancing Museum (J) Internal Name=DDR DISNEY D MUSEUM Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow [7ED67CD4-B4415E6D-C:50] Good Name=Dark Rift (E) Internal Name=DARK RIFT Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] missing:players [A4A52B58-23759841-C:45] Good Name=Dark Rift (U) Internal Name=DARK RIFT Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] missing:players Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [F5363349-DBF9D21B-C:45] Good Name=Deadly Arts (U) Internal Name=DeadlyArts Status=Compatible [3F66A9D9-9BCB5B00-C:46] Good Name=Defi au Tetris Magique (F) Internal Name=MAGICAL TETRIS Status=Compatible [17C54A61-4A83F2E7-C:4A] Good Name=Densha de GO! 64 (J) Internal Name=��ݼ���GO!64 Status=Unsupported [A5F667E1-DA1FBD1F-C:4A] Good Name=Derby Stallion (J) Internal Name=DERBYSTALLION 64 Status=Issues (core) Core Note=can't save:can't play [630AA37D-896BD7DB-C:50] Good Name=Destruction Derby 64 (E) (M3) Internal Name=DESTRUCT DERBY Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement [DEE584A2-0F161187-C:45] Good Name=Destruction Derby 64 (U) Internal Name=DESTRUCT DERBY Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement [76712159-35666812-C:0] Good Name=Dexanoid R1 by Protest Design (PD) Internal Name=Dexanoid - ProtestDe Use TLB=No Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [8979169C-F189F6A0-C:4A] Good Name=Dezaemon 3D (J) Internal Name=DEZAEMON3D Status=Compatible [FD73F775-9724755A-C:50] Good Name=Diddy Kong Racing (E) (M3) (V1.0) Internal Name=Diddy Kong Racing Use TLB=No Status=Compatible 32bit=No [596E145B-F7D9879F-C:50] Good Name=Diddy Kong Racing (E) (M3) (V1.1) Internal Name=Diddy Kong Racing Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 32bit=No [F389A35A-17785562-C:4A] Good Name=Diddy Kong Racing (J) Internal Name=Diddy Kong Racing Use TLB=No Status=Bad ROM? Core Note=use ReDump 32bit=No [53D440E7-7519B011-C:45] Good Name=Diddy Kong Racing (U) (M2) (V1.0) Internal Name=Diddy Kong Racing Use TLB=No Status=Compatible 32bit=No [E402430D-D2FCFC9D-C:45] Good Name=Diddy Kong Racing (U) (M2) (V1.1) Internal Name=Diddy Kong Racing Use TLB=No Status=Compatible 32bit=No [C16C421B-A21580F7-C:45] Good Name=Disney's Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers (U) (M4) Internal Name=Donald Duck Goin' Qu RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=3 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [D614E5BF-A76DBCC1-C:50] Good Name=Disney's Tarzan (E) Internal Name=TARZAN Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing:items;use v1.5.2 plugin Audio Signal=Yes [001A3BD0-AFB3DE1A-C:46] Good Name=Disney's Tarzan (F) Internal Name=TARZAN Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing:items;use v1.5.2 plugin Audio Signal=Yes [4C261323-4F295E1A-C:44] Good Name=Disney's Tarzan (G) Internal Name=TARZAN Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing:items;use v1.5.2 plugin Audio Signal=Yes [CBFE69C7-F2C0AB2A-C:45] Good Name=Disney's Tarzan (U) Internal Name=TARZAN Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing:items;use v1.5.2 plugin Audio Signal=Yes [BD8E206D-98C35E1C-C:4A] Good Name=Dobutsu no Mori (J) Internal Name=DOUBUTSUNOMORI Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:pause menu Clear Frame=0 [3DF17480-193DED5A-C:50] Good Name=Donald Duck - Quack Attack (E) (M5) Internal Name=Donald Duck Quack At RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=3 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:depth, missing colour [0DD4ABAB-B5A2A91E-C:45] Good Name=Donkey Kong 64 - Kiosk (U) Internal Name=D K DISPLAY RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [11936D8C-6F2C4B43-C:50] Good Name=Donkey Kong 64 (E) Internal Name=DONKEY KONG 64 RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [053C89A7-A5064302-C:4A] Good Name=Donkey Kong 64 (J) Internal Name=DONKEY KONG 64 RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [EC58EABF-AD7C7169-C:45] Good Name=Donkey Kong 64 (U) Internal Name=DONKEY KONG 64 RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 32bit=No ViRefresh=1410 [2C739EAC-9EF77726-C:50] Good Name=Doom 64 (E) Internal Name=Doom64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [7AA65B36-FDCEE5AD-C:4A] Good Name=Doom 64 (J) Internal Name=DOOM64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [A83E101A-E937B69D-C:45] Good Name=Doom 64 (U) (v1.0) Internal Name=Doom64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [BFF7B1C2-AEBF148E-C:4A] Good Name=Doraemon - Mittsu no Seireiseki (J) Internal Name=��״�� Я�ɾ�ڲ�� Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:text,character colour [B6306E99-B63ED2B2-C:4A] Good Name=Doraemon 2 - Hikari no Shinden (J) Internal Name=��״��2 ˶�ɼ���� Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [A8275140-B9B056E8-C:4A] Good Name=Doraemon 3 - Nobi Dai no Machi SOS! (J) Internal Name=��״��3 �������SOS! Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Only intro/part OK Core Note=fails after intro [769D4D13-DA233FFE-C:45] Good Name=Dr. Mario 64 (U) Internal Name=DR.MARIO 64 RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [B6524461-ED6D04B1-C:50] Good Name=Dual Heroes (E) Internal Name=Dual heroes PAL RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus;use D3D6 plugin Clear Frame=0 [056EAB63-C215FCD5-C:4A] Good Name=Dual Heroes (J) Internal Name=Dual heroes JAPAN RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus;use D3D6 plugin [A62230C3-F0834488-C:45] Good Name=Dual Heroes (U) Internal Name=Dual heroes USA RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus;use D3D6 plugin [FBB9F1FA-6BF88689-C:45] Good Name=Duck Dodgers Starring Daffy Duck (U) (M3) Internal Name=LT DUCK DODGERS Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Core Note=high system requirement Clear Frame=0 Plugin Note=[video] errors:missing colour, depth [DC36626A-3F3770CB-C:50] Good Name=Duke Nukem - ZER0 H0UR (E) Internal Name=DUKE NUKEM ZERO HOUR RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Cheat0=50000F04 0000,811CBD00 0000 //Neko's Potential freeze fix [32CA974B-B2C29C50-C:46] Good Name=Duke Nukem - ZER0 H0UR (F) Internal Name=DUKE NUKEM ZERO HOUR RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Cheat0=50000F04 0000,811D79F8 0000 //Neko's 1st level freeze fix [04DAF07F-0D18E688-C:45] Good Name=Duke Nukem - ZER0 H0UR (U) Internal Name=DUKE NUKEM ZERO HOUR RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Cheat0=50000F04 0000,811CB960 0000 //Neko's 1st level freeze fix [57BFF74D-DE747743-C:50] Good Name=Duke Nukem 64 (E) Internal Name=DUKE NUKEM Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] depth problem Clear Frame=0 [A273AB56-DA33DB9A-C:45] Good Name=Duke Nukem 64 (U) Internal Name=DUKE NUKEM Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] depth problem Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [492B9DE8-C6CCC81C-C:50] Good Name=Earthworm Jim 3D (E) (M5) Internal Name=EARTHWORM JIM 3D Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [DF574191-9EB5123D-C:45] Good Name=Earthworm Jim 3D (U) Internal Name=EARTHWORM JIM 3D Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [8C38E5DB-B37C27D7-C:50] Good Name=ECW Hardcore Revolution (E) Internal Name=ECW Hardcore Revolut RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [BDF9766D-BD068D70-C:45] Good Name=ECW Hardcore Revolution (U) Internal Name=ECW Hardcore Revolut RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [0DED0568-1502515E-C:4A] Good Name=Eikou no Saint Andrews (J) Internal Name=����ɾ�ı���ح�� Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:sky,various (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [F2A653CB-60633B3B-C:45] Good Name=Elmo's Letter Adventure (U) Internal Name=Elmo's Letter Advent Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [02B1538F-C94B88D0-C:45] Good Name=Elmo's Number Journey (U) Internal Name=Elmo's Number Journe Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [E13AE2DC-4FB65CE8-C:4A] Good Name=Eltale Monsters (J) Internal Name=Eltail Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 Plugin Note=[video] errors:text (see GameFAQ) [AF754F7B-1DD17381-C:45] Good Name=Excitebike 64 - Kiosk (U) Internal Name=EXCITEBIKE64 RDRAM Size=8 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow in places. errors:various [202A8EE4-83F88B89-C:50] Good Name=Excitebike 64 (E) Internal Name=EXCITEBIKE64 RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow in places. errors:various [861C3519-F6091CE5-C:4A] Good Name=Excitebike 64 (J) Internal Name=EXCITEBIKE64 RDRAM Size=8 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow in places. errors:various [07861842-A12EBC9F-C:45] Good Name=Excitebike 64 (U) Internal Name=EXCITEBIKE64 RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow in places. errors:various Clear Frame=0 [8E9D834E-1E8B29A9-C:50] Good Name=Extreme-G (E) (M5) Internal Name=extreme_g Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:HUD (minor) [EE802DC4-690BD57D-C:4A] Good Name=Extreme-G (J) Internal Name=EXTREME-G Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:HUD (minor) [FDA245D2-A74A3D47-C:45] Good Name=Extreme-G (U) Internal Name=extremeg Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:HUD (minor) Clear Frame=0 [1185EC85-4B5A7731-C:50] Good Name=Extreme-G XG2 (E) (M5) Internal Name=Extreme G 2 Use Large Buffer=Yes //Clear Frame=1 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Culling=1 [399B9B81-D533AD11-C:4A] Good Name=Extreme-G XG2 (J) Internal Name=����ذ�G2 Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible [5CD4150B-470CC2F1-C:45] Good Name=Extreme-G XG2 (U) Internal Name=Extreme G 2 Use TLB=No Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible [FDD248B2-569A020E-C:50] Good Name=F-1 Pole Position 64 (E) (M3) Internal Name=F1 POLE POSITION 64 Use TLB=No Clear Frame=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus [AE82687A-9A3F388D-C:45] Good Name=F-1 Pole Position 64 (U) (M3) Internal Name=F1 POLE POSITION 64 Use TLB=No Clear Frame=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [CC3CC8B3-0EC405A4-C:50] Good Name=F-1 World Grand Prix (E) Internal Name=F1 WORLD GRAND PRIX Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] errors:status bar Clear Frame=2 [B70BAEE5-3A5005A8-C:46] Good Name=F-1 World Grand Prix (F) Internal Name=F1 WORLD GRAND PRIX Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] errors:status bar [64BF47C4-F4BD22BA-C:4A] Good Name=F-1 World Grand Prix (J) Internal Name=F1 WORLD GRAND PRIX Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] errors:status bar [CC3CC8B3-0EC405A4-C:45] Good Name=F-1 World Grand Prix (U) Internal Name=F1 WORLD GRAND PRIX Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] errors:status bar [07C1866E-5775CCDE-C:50] Good Name=F-1 World Grand Prix II (E) (M4) Internal Name=F1 WORLD GRAND PRIX2 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] errors:status bar MD5=BB540F8487609B9DB94459269F155705 [6DFF4C37-B1B763FD-C:4A] Good Name=Famista 64 (J) Internal Name=̧н� 64 Clear Frame=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing:ground texture in battle //Clear Frame=1 [4F29474F-30CB707A-C:4A] Good Name=Kakutou Denshou - F-Cup Maniax (J) Internal Name=KAKUTOU DENSHOU Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus [3CECBCB8-6126BF07-C:50] Good Name=F1 Racing Championship (E) (M5) Internal Name=F1RacingChampionship RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:resolution issues Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 //Resolution Height=220 [0E31EDF0-C37249D5-C:50] Good Name=FIFA - Road to World Cup 98 (E) Internal Name=FIFA: RTWC 98 Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow. errors:pitch [F5733C67-17A3973A-C:4A] Good Name=FIFA - Road to World Cup 98 (J) Internal Name=RoadToWorldCup98 Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow. errors:pitch [CB1ACDDE-CF291DF2-C:45] Good Name=FIFA - Road to World Cup 98 (U) Internal Name=FIFA: RTWC 98 Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow. errors:pitch Clear Frame=0 [0198A651-FC219D84-C:50] Good Name=FIFA 99 (E) (M8) Internal Name=FIFA 99 Status=Compatible [7613A630-3ED696F3-C:45] Good Name=FIFA 99 (U) Internal Name=FIFA 99 Status=Compatible [C3F19159-65D2BC5A-C:50] Good Name=FIFA Soccer 64 (E) (M3) Internal Name=FIFA Soccer 64 RDRAM Size=Default Status=Only intro/part OK Core Note=unhandled opcode [C3F19159-65D2BC5A-C:45] Good Name=FIFA Soccer 64 (U) (M3) Internal Name=FIFA Soccer 64 RDRAM Size=Default Status=Only intro/part OK Core Note=unhandled opcode [36F1C74B-F2029939-C:50] Good Name=Fighter's Destiny (E) Internal Name=Fighter's Destiny Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus [0C41F9C2-01717A0D-C:46] Good Name=Fighter's Destiny (F) Internal Name=Fighter's Destiny Fr Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus [FE94E570-E4873A9C-C:44] Good Name=Fighter's Destiny (G) Internal Name=Fighter's Destiny Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus [52F78805-8B8FCAB7-C:45] Good Name=Fighter's Destiny (U) Internal Name=Fighter's Destiny Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus [AEEF2F45-F97E30F1-C:45] Good Name=Fighter's Destiny 2 (U) Internal Name=FIGHTER DESTINY2 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus [49E46C2D-7B1A110C-C:4A] Good Name=Fighting Cup (J) Internal Name=Fighting Cup Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus [66CF0FFE-AD697F9C-C:50] Good Name=Fighting Force 64 (E) Internal Name=Fighting Force Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [32EFC7CB-C3EA3F20-C:45] Good Name=Fighting Force 64 (U) Internal Name=Fighting Force Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible MD5=4BB73122655B94C1137E2D900EF2216F [28D5562D-E4D5AE50-C:4A] Good Name=Fire Electric Pen (J) Internal Name=���ح��ײ�� Counter Factor=1 Status=Uncertain Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,misc. Delay SI=Yes Core Note=random hangs? Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [22E9623F-B60E52AD-C:50] Good Name=Flying Dragon (E) Internal Name=FLYING DRAGON Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (minor) Clear Frame=0 [A92D52E5-1D26B655-C:45] Good Name=Flying Dragon (U) Internal Name=FLYING DRAGON Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (minor) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [35FF8F1A-6E79E3BE-C:4A] Good Name=Hiro no Ken Twin (J) Internal Name=�ح�ɹ� ²� Counter Factor=1 Status=Region issue (p) Plugin Note=[video] tris;use (U/E) ROM "Flying Dragon" Clear Frame=0 [142A17AA-13028D96-C:50] Good Name=Forsaken 64 (E) (M4) Internal Name=Forsaken Status=Compatible Core Note=timing (see GameFAQ) [C3CD76FF-9B9DCBDE-C:44] Good Name=Forsaken 64 (G) Internal Name=Forsaken Status=Compatible Core Note=timing (see GameFAQ) [9E330C01-8C0314BA-C:45] Good Name=Forsaken 64 (U) Internal Name=Forsaken Status=Compatible Core Note=timing (see GameFAQ) [3261D479-ED0DBC25-C:45] Good Name=Fox Sports College Hoops '99 (U) Internal Name=Fox Sports Hoops 99 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [F774EAEE-F0D8B13E-C:4A] Good Name=Fushigi no Dungeon - Furai no Shiren 2 (J) Internal Name=F3 ̳ײɼ��2 Counter Factor=1 Status=Uncertain Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=? Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [776646F6-06B9AC2B-C:50] Good Name=F-ZERO X (E) Internal Name=F-ZERO X Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=unstable? Clear Frame=2 [4D3E622E-9B828B4E-C:4A] Good Name=F-ZERO X (J) Internal Name=F-ZERO X Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=unstable? Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 32bit=No [B30ED978-3003C9F9-C:45] Good Name=F-ZERO X (U) Internal Name=F-ZERO X Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=unstable? Clear Frame=2 Culling=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Emulate Clear=0 MD5=097DD1B59B459B2EEB4D821441946768 32bit=No [68FCF726-49658CBC-C:50] Good Name=G.A.S.P! Fighter's NEXTream (E) Internal Name=G.A.S.P!!Fighters'NE RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [AF8679B6-5E1011BF-C:4A] Good Name=G.A.S.P! Fighter's NEXTream (J) Internal Name=G.A.S.P!!Fighters'NE RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [832C168B-56A2CDAE-C:4A] Good Name=Ganbare Goemon - Neo Momoyama Bakufu no Odori (J) Internal Name=GANBAKE GOEMON RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [457B9CD9-09C55352-C:4A] Good Name=Ganbare Goemon 2 - Deorudero Douchuu Obake Tenkomori (J) Internal Name=GOEMON2 DERODERO Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [21FFFD0A-FA0D1D98-C:4A] Good Name=Ganbare Nippon! Olympics 2000 (J) Internal Name=OLYMPIC 2000 Status=Broken (c & p) Plugin Note=[video] AV (entering stadium) Core Note=slow;use Project64 v1.4 [D543BCD6-2BA5E256-C:50] Good Name=Gauntlet Legends (E) Internal Name=GAUNTLET LEGENDS RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:status bar. flicker Core Note=high system requirement [70B0260E-6716D04C-C:4A] Good Name=Gauntlet Legends (J) Internal Name=GAUNTLET LEGENDS RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:status bar. flicker Core Note=high system requirement [729B5E32-B728D980-C:45] Good Name=Gauntlet Legends (U) Internal Name=GAUNTLET LEGENDS RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:status bar. flicker Core Note=high system requirement Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [489C84E6-4C6E49F9-C:4A] Good Name=Getter Love!! Cho Renai Party Game (J) Internal Name=Getter Love!! Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing faces [99179359-2FE7EBC3-C:50] Good Name=Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko (E) (M3) Internal Name=Gex 3 Deep Cover Gec Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:water,misc. [874733A4-A823745A-C:58] Good Name=Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko (FG) Internal Name=Gex 3 Deep Cover Gec Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:water,misc. [3EDC7E12-E26C1CC9-C:45] Good Name=Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko (U) Internal Name=Gex 3 Deep Cover Gec Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:water,misc. [E68A000E-639166DD-C:50] Good Name=Gex 64 - Enter the Gecko (E) Internal Name=GEX: ENTER THE GECKO Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:water,misc. [89FED774-CAAFE21B-C:45] Good Name=Gex 64 - Enter the Gecko (U) Internal Name=GEX: ENTER THE GECKO Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Plugin Note=[video] errors:water,misc. [F5237301-99E3EE93-C:50] Good Name=Glover (E) (M3) Internal Name=Glover Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 Plugin Note=[video] AV;use v1.5.2 plugin [8E6E01FF-CCB4F948-C:45] Good Name=Glover (U) Internal Name=Glover Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] AV;use v1.5.2 plugin [B7F40BCF-553556A5-C:45] Good Name=Glover 2 (Beta) Internal Name=Glover 2 Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:textures [B2C6D27F-2DA48CFD-C:4A] Good Name=Ganbare Goemon - Mononoke Sugoroku (J) Internal Name=�����ɹ���۸ Status=Compatible [4252A5AD-AE6FBF4E-C:45] Good Name=Goemon's Great Adventure (U) Internal Name=GOEMONS GREAT ADV Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:various in some levels [4690FB1C-4CD56D44-C:45] Good Name=Golden Nugget 64 (U) Internal Name=GOLDEN NUGGET 64 Status=Compatible [0414CA61-2E57B8AA-C:50] Good Name=GoldenEye 007 (E) Internal Name=GOLDENEYE Linking=On Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] missing:sky SP Hack=Yes Clear Frame=2 MD5=841F958ECAECFE2300A11C9754241B1C FuncFind=2 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-FUNC=0 [A24F4CF1-A82327BA-C:4A] Good Name=GoldenEye 007 (J) Internal Name=GOLDENEYE Linking=On Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] missing:sky SP Hack=Yes Clear Frame=2 MD5=AB54BF3FEAF30F054D230591770C2876 FuncFind=2 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-FUNC=0 [DCBC50D1-09FD1AA3-C:45] Good Name=GoldenEye 007 (U) Internal Name=GOLDENEYE Linking=On Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] missing:sky SP Hack=Yes Clear Frame=2 Culling=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Emulate Clear=0 MD5=19060E240FFEA605ED18356CF6B14A42 FuncFind=2 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-FUNC=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-Cache=0 Rom In Memory=1 TLB: Vaddr Start=2130706432 TLB: Vaddr Len=16777216 TLB: PAddr Start=268651312 [EE4A0E33-8FD588C9-C:50] Good Name=GT 64 - Championship Edition (E) (M3) Internal Name=GT64 RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Delay SI=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:map,flicker Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [C49ADCA2-F1501B62-C:45] Good Name=GT 64 - Championship Edition (U) Internal Name=GT64 RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Delay SI=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:map,flicker Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [36F22FBF-318912F2-C:4A] Good Name=Hanafuda 64 - Tenshi no Yakusoku (J) Internal Name=64����� ~�ݼ�Ը��~ Status=Compatible [09AE57B1-182A5637-C:4A] Good Name=Harukanaru Augusta Masters 98 (J) Internal Name=MASTERS'98 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] framebuffer:shot (see GameFAQ) [98DF9DFC-6606C189-C:45] Good Name=Harvest Moon 64 (U) Internal Name=HARVESTMOON64 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [3E70E866-4438BAE8-C:4A] Good Name=Heiwa Pachinko World (J) Internal Name=HEIWA ���ݺ ܰ���64 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [AE90DBEB-79B89123-C:50] Good Name=Hercules - The Legendary Journeys (E) (M6) Internal Name=HERCULES Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement [7F3CEB77-8981030A-C:45] Good Name=Hercules - The Legendary Journeys (U) Internal Name=HERCULES Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [95B2B30B-2B6415C1-C:50] Good Name=Hexen (E) Internal Name=HEXEN Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] map flickers Clear Frame=0 [9AB3B50A-BC666105-C:44] Good Name=Hexen (G) Internal Name=HEXEN Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] map flickers [66751A57-54A29D6E-C:4A] Good Name=Hexen (J) Internal Name=HEXEN Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] map flickers [9CAB6AEA-87C61C00-C:45] Good Name=Hexen (U) Internal Name=HEXEN Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] map flickers Clear Frame=0 [D3F10E5D-052EA579-C:45] Good Name=Hey You, Pikachu! (U) Internal Name=hey you, pikachu Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[input] needs Voice-Pak (see GameFAQ) [277B129D-DD3879FF-C:50] Good Name=Holy Magic Century (E) Internal Name=Holy Magic Century Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:text (see GameFAQ) [B35FEBB0-7427B204-C:46] Good Name=Holy Magic Century (F) Internal Name=Holy Magic Century Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:text (see GameFAQ) [75FA0E14-C9B3D105-C:44] Good Name=Holy Magic Century (G) Internal Name=Holy Magic Century Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:text (see GameFAQ) [C1D702BD-6D416547-C:4A] Good Name=Hoshi no Kirby 64 (J) (v1.0) Internal Name=Kirby64 Status=Issues (core) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [E7D20193-C1158E93-C:50] Good Name=Hot Wheels Turbo Racing (E) (M3) Internal Name=HOT WHEELS TURBO Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement [C7C98F8E-42145DDE-C:45] Good Name=Hot Wheels Turbo Racing (U) Internal Name=HOT WHEELS TURBO Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [72611D7D-9919BDD2-C:58] Good Name=HSV Adventure Racing (A) Internal Name=HSV ADVENTURE RACING Counter Factor=3 Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Region issue Plugin Note=[rsp] unstable;use (U) ROM [video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) [5535972E-BD8E3295-C:4A] Good Name=Human Grand Prix - New Generation (J) Internal Name=HUMAN GRAND PRIX Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] green menus (not other regions) Clear Frame=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [641D3A7F-86820466-C:50] Good Name=Hybrid Heaven (E) (M3) Internal Name=HYBRID HEAVEN PAL RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [0DE2CE36-D41D29E6-C:4A] Good Name=Hybrid Heaven (J) Internal Name=HYBRID HEAVEN JP RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [102888BF-434888CA-C:45] Good Name=Hybrid Heaven (U) Internal Name=HYBRID HEAVEN USA RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [B58988E9-B1FC4BE8-C:50] Good Name=Hydro Thunder (E) Internal Name=Hydro Thunder Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Audio Signal=Yes [C8DC65EB-3D8C8904-C:45] Good Name=Hydro Thunder (U) Internal Name=HYDRO THUNDER RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Audio Signal=Yes [69458B9E-FC95F936-C:4A] Good Name=Iggy-kun no Bura Bura Poyon (J) Internal Name=BURABURA POYON Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=hang after race? [D692CC5E-EC58D072-C:50] Good Name=Iggy's Reckin' Balls (E) Internal Name=Iggy's Reckin' Balls Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=hang after race? [E616B5BC-C9658B88-C:45] Good Name=Iggy's Reckin' Balls (U) Internal Name=Iggy's Reckin' Balls Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=hang after race? [AF9DCC15-1A723D88-C:45] Good Name=Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (U) Internal Name=Indiana Jones Status=Needs video plugin Core Note=? Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [E436467A-82DE8F9B-C:45] Good Name=Indy Racing 2000 (U) Internal Name=INDY RACING 2000 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [8C138BE0-95700E46-C:45] Good Name=In-Fisherman Bass Hunter 64 (U) Internal Name=BASS HUNTER 64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] flicker [336364A0-06C8D5BF-C:58] Good Name=International Superstar Soccer 2000 (E) (M2) Internal Name=I.S.S.2000 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [8E835437-CD5748B4-C:45] Good Name=International Superstar Soccer 2000 (U) Internal Name=I.S.S.2000 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [E2D37CF0-F57E4EAE-C:50] Good Name=International Superstar Soccer 64 (E) Internal Name=I S S 64 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:shadows,menus [5F2763C4-62412AE5-C:45] Good Name=International Superstar Soccer 64 (U) Internal Name=I S S 64 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:shadows,menus Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [F41B6343-C10661E6-C:50] Good Name=International Superstar Soccer '98 (E) Internal Name=I.S.S.98 Status=Compatible [7F0FDA09-6061CE0B-C:45] Good Name=International Superstar Soccer '98 (U) Internal Name=I.S.S.98 Status=Uncertain Core Note=unstable?;use (E) ROM Clear Frame=0 [20073BC7-5E3B0111-C:45] Good Name=International Track and Field 2000 (U) Internal Name=ITF 2000 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Broken (c & p) Core Note=slow;use Project64 v1.4 Plugin Note=[video] AV (entering stadium) [6712C779-3B72781D-C:50] Good Name=International Track and Field Summer Games (E) Internal Name=IT&F SUMMERGAMES Status=Broken (c & p) Core Note=slow;use Project64 v1.4 Plugin Note=[video] AV (entering stadium) [87766747-91C27165-C:4A] Good Name=J.League Dynamite Soccer 64 (J) Internal Name=��ϲĻ���64 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow. errors:various [4FBFA429-6920BB15-C:4A] Good Name=J. League Eleven Beat 1997 (J) Internal Name=J_league 1997 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] too slow to play. errors:various [54554A42-E4985FFB-C:4A] Good Name=J. League Live 64 (J) Internal Name=J LEAGUE LIVE 64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [E8D29DA0-15E61D94-C:4A] Good Name=J. League Tactics Soccer (J) Internal Name=TACTICS SOCCER Status=Compatible [C73AD016-48C5537D-C:4A] Good Name=Jangou Simulation Mahjong Do 64 (J) Internal Name=ϰ�ެ��64 Status=Only intro/part OK Core Note=crashes [69256460-B9A3F586-C:45] Good Name=Jeopardy! (U) Internal Name=JEOPARDY! Status=Compatible [21F7ABFB-6A8AA7E8-C:50] Good Name=Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 (E) Internal Name=Jeremy McGrath Super RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:menu select indicator [BB30B1A5-FCF712CE-C:45] Good Name=Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 (U) Internal Name=Jeremy McGrath Super RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:menu select indicator [DFD8AB47-3CDBEB89-C:45] Good Name=Jet Force Gemini - Kiosk (U) Internal Name=J F G DISPLAY Status=Compatible [68D7A1DE-0079834A-C:50] Good Name=Jet Force Gemini (E) (M4) Internal Name=JET FORCE GEMINI Use TLB=No Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [8A6009B6-94ACE150-C:45] Good Name=Jet Force Gemini (U) Internal Name=JET FORCE GEMINI Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [AF19D9F5-B70223CC-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou G1 Stable (J) Internal Name=G1STABLE Status=Compatible [63112A53-A29FA88F-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou J. League 1999 - Perfect Striker 2 (J) Internal Name=PERFECT STRIKER2 Status=Compatible [146C4366-72A6DEB3-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou J. League Perfect Striker (J) Internal Name=PERFECT STRIKER Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:field, shadows, various Clear Frame=0 [0AC244D1-1F0EC605-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2000 (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=PAWAPURO 2000 Status=Compatible [6EDD4766-A93E9BA8-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu - Basic Han 2001 (J) Internal Name=PAWAPURO 2001B Counter Factor=3 Status=Compatible [3FEA5620-7456DB40-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou World Cup France '98 (J) Internal Name=J.WORLD CUP 98 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [E0A79F8C-32CC97FA-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou World Soccer 3 (J) Internal Name=J WORLD SOCCER3 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:shadows,menus Clear Frame=0 [4AAAF6ED-376428AD-C:4A] Good Name=Jinsei Game 64 (J) Internal Name=JINSEI-GAME64 Status=Compatible [0F743195-D8A6DB95-C:50] Good Name=John Romero's Daikatana (E) (M3) Internal Name=DAIKATANA Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 [9D7E3C4B-E60F4A6C-C:4A] Good Name=John Romero's Daikatana (J) Internal Name=DAIKATANA Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 [D0151AB0-FE5CA14B-C:45] Good Name=John Romero's Daikatana (U) Internal Name=DAIKATANA Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [36281F23-009756CF-C:45] Good Name=Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest (U) Internal Name=KEN GRIFFEY SLUGFEST Status=Compatible [979B263E-F8470004-C:50] Good Name=Killer Instinct Gold (E) Internal Name=Killer Instinct Gold Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow Clear Frame=2 [9E8FE2BA-8B270770-C:45] Good Name=Killer Instinct Gold (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=KILLER INSTINCT GOLD Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow Clear Frame=2 [9E8FCDFA-49F5652B-C:45] Good Name=Killer Instinct Gold (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=KILLER INSTINCT GOLD Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow Clear Frame=2 [F908CA4C-36464327-C:45] Good Name=Killer Instinct Gold (U) (V1.2) Internal Name=Killer Instinct Gold Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow Clear Frame=2 [519EA4E1-EB7584E8-C:4A] Good Name=King Hill 64 - Extreme Snowboarding (J) Internal Name=KING HILL 64 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Core Note=no sound Plugin Note=[video] errors:menu snowflakes [75BC6AD6-78552BC9-C:4A] Good Name=Kiratto Kaiketsu! 64 Tanteidan (J) Internal Name=�ׯĶ��� 64��ò��� Status=Compatible [0D93BA11-683868A6-C:50] Good Name=Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards (E) Internal Name=Kirby64 Status=Issues (core) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [46039FB4-0337822C-C:45] Good Name=Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards (U) Internal Name=Kirby64 Status=Issues (core) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [4A997C74-E2087F99-C:50] Good Name=Knife Edge - Nose Gunner (E) Internal Name=KNIFE EDGE Status=Compatible [931AEF3F-EF196B90-C:4A] Good Name=Knife Edge - Nose Gunner (J) Internal Name=KNIFE EDGE Status=Compatible [FCE0D799-65316C54-C:45] Good Name=Knife Edge - Nose Gunner (U) Internal Name=KNIFE EDGE Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [E3D6A795-2A1C5D3C-C:50] Good Name=Knockout Kings 2000 (E) Internal Name=Knockout Kings 2000 Core Note=Unstable (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [0894909C-DAD4D82D-C:45] Good Name=Knockout Kings 2000 (U) Internal Name=Knockout Kings 2000 Core Note=Unstable (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Culling=1 [1739EFBA-D0B43A68-C:50] Good Name=Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside (E) Internal Name=NBA COURTSIDE RDRAM Size=8 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible [616B8494-8A509210-C:45] Good Name=Kobe Bryant's NBA Courtside (U) Internal Name=NBA COURTSIDE RDRAM Size=8 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [5E3E60E8-4AB5D495-C:4A] Good Name=Kuiki Uhabi Suigo (J) Internal Name=����������� RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Core Note=? Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [7F304099-52CF5276-C:4A] Good Name=Last Legion UX (J) Internal Name=LASTLEGION UX RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [E97955C6-BC338D38-C:50] Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (E) (M4) (v1.0) Internal Name=ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:day_transistion (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [5354631C-03A2DEF0-C:45] Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (U) Internal Name=ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:day_transistion (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [B044B569-373C1985-C:50] Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (E) (M3) (V1.0) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801D860B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix MD5=F8EF2F873DF415FC197F4A9837D7E353 FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 ViRefresh=1900 [B2055FBD-0BAB4E0C-C:50] Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (E) (M3) (V1.1) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801D864B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix MD5=02D9BEF95C434112F971A713211EE6E8 FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 ViRefresh=1900 [EC7011B7-7616D72B-C:45] Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801DA5CB 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix MD5=AA3911F5D5598E19E0183E15B6719C36 CustomSMM=1 FuncFind=1 ClearvFrame=0 Aspect Correction=1 32bit=No SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-Protect=1 SMM-FUNC=0 ViRefresh=1900 [D43DA81F-021E1E19-C:45] Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801DA78B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix MD5=BBEB1FFE21E5F6D4F062287B98C3323E FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 32bit=No SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-Protect=1 SMM-FUNC=0 ViRefresh=1900 [693BA2AE-B7F14E9F-C:45] Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.2) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801DAE8B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix MD5=B9B5B0C5155D122B07D2ACE2B34B5EDD FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 32bit=No SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-Protect=1 SMM-FUNC=0 ViRefresh=1900 [F478D8B3-9716DD6D-C:50] Good Name=LEGO Racers (E) (M10) Internal Name=LEGORacers Counter Factor=3 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:vehicles [096A40EA-8ABE0A10-C:45] Good Name=LEGO Racers (U) (M10) Internal Name=LEGORacers Counter Factor=3 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:vehicles Clear Frame=0 [2B696CB4-7B93DCD8-C:46] Good Name=Les Razmoket - La Chasse Aux Tresors (F) Internal Name=RUGRATSTREASUREHUNT Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [3D67C62B-31D03150-C:4A] Good Name=Let's Smash Tennis (J) Internal Name=LET'S SMASH Status=Compatible [60460680-305F0E72-C:50] Good Name=Lode Runner 3-D (E) (M5) Internal Name=Lode Runner 3D Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Plugin Note=[video] missing:menu highlight [964ADD0B-B29213DB-C:4A] Good Name=Lode Runner 3-D (J) Internal Name=Lode Runner 3D Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing:menu highlight [255018DF-57D6AE3A-C:45] Good Name=Lode Runner 3-D (U) Internal Name=Lode Runner 3D Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Plugin Note=[video] missing:menu highlight [0AA0055B-7637DF65-C:50] Good Name=Looney Tunes - Duck Dodgers (E) (M6) Internal Name=DAFFY DUCK STARRING RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [2483F22B-136E025E-C:55] Good Name=Lylat Wars (A) Internal Name=STARFOX64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Culling=1 [F4CBE92C-B392ED12-C:50] Good Name=Lylat Wars (E) (M3) Internal Name=STARFOX64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [1145443D-11610EDB-C:50] Good Name=Mace - The Dark Age (E) Internal Name=MACE Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:menus [6B700750-29D621FE-C:45] Good Name=Mace - The Dark Age (U) Internal Name=MACE Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:menus [0CB81686-5FD85A81-C:45] Good Name=Madden NFL 2000 (U) Internal Name=Madden NFL 2000 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:field [A197CB52-7520DE0E-C:50] Good Name=Madden Football 64 (E) Internal Name=MADDEN 64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:field [13836389-265B3C76-C:45] Good Name=Madden Football 64 (U) Internal Name=MADDEN 64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:field [EB38F792-190EA246-C:45] Good Name=Madden NFL 2001 (U) Internal Name=Madden NFL 2001 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [D7134F8D-C11A00B5-C:45] Good Name=Madden NFL 2002 (U) Internal Name=Madden NFL 2002 Counter Factor=1 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible [3925D625-8C83C75E-C:50] Good Name=Madden NFL 99 (E) Internal Name=MADDEN NFL 99 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [DEB78BBA-52F6BD9D-C:45] Good Name=Madden NFL 99 (U) Internal Name=MADDEN NFL 99 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [E4906679-9F243F05-C:50] Good Name=Magical Tetris Challenge (E) Internal Name=MAGICAL TETRIS Status=Compatible [E1EF93F7-14908B0B-C:44] Good Name=Magical Tetris Challenge (G) Internal Name=MAGICAL TETRIS Status=Compatible [80C8564A-929C65AB-C:4A] Good Name=Magical Tetris Challenge (J) Internal Name=MAGICAL TETRIS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [75B61647-7ADABF78-C:45] Good Name=Magical Tetris Challenge (U) Internal Name=MAGICAL TETRIS Status=Compatible [C53EDC41-ECE19359-C:4A] Good Name=Mahjong 64 (J) Internal Name=MAHJONG64 Status=Compatible [CCCC821E-96E88A83-C:4A] Good Name=Mahjong Hourouki Classic (J) Internal Name=ϰ�ެ�γ۳�CLASSIC Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [0FC42C70-8754F1CD-C:4A] Good Name=Mahjong Master (J) Internal Name=ϰ�ެ� Ͻ�� Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:text [CDB998BE-1024A5C8-C:50] Good Name=Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. (E) Internal Name=MLB FEATURING K G JR Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] slow [80C1C05C-EA065EF4-C:45] Good Name=Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. (U) Internal Name=MLB FEATURING K G JR Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] slow [9CCE5B1D-6351E283-C:0] Good Name=MAME 64 Emulator V1.0 (PD) Internal Name=MAME 64 Emulator V1.0 (PD) Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=missing graphics [62E957D0-7FC15A5D-C:50] Good Name=Mario Golf (E) Internal Name=MarioGolf64 Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [664BA3D4-678A80B7-C:45] Good Name=Mario Golf (U) Internal Name=MarioGolf64 Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [D48944D1-B0D93A0E-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Golf 64 (J) Internal Name=MarioGolf64 Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [C3B6DE9D-65D2DE76-C:50] Good Name=Mario Kart 64 (E) (V1.0) Internal Name=MARIOKART64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 MD5=97AC600799CF6EC717D19E5AA5DA8AE8 [2577C7D4-D18FAAAE-C:50] Good Name=Mario Kart 64 (E) (V1.1) Internal Name=MARIOKART64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 MD5=A9FF782261422F2FF866A875DCAF272D [6BFF4758-E5FF5D5E-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Kart 64 (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=MARIOKART64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 MD5=7BF452E6962FE8C2A775B37BAA06BD8A [C9C3A987-5810344C-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Kart 64 (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=MARIOKART64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 MD5=88D836938EF428DABF8C2A36DFC0861A [3E5055B6-2E92DA52-C:45] Good Name=Mario Kart 64 (U) Internal Name=MARIOKART64 Linking=On Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Culling=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Emulate Clear=0 MD5=E3880AD6EFE62E32297BA6034F1A1EFA [9A9890AC-F0C313DF-C:4A] Good Name=Mario no Photopie (J) Internal Name=�ص�̫��߰ Status=Unsupported Core Note=special I/O cartridge? [9C663069-80F24A80-C:50] Good Name=Mario Party (E) (M3) Internal Name=MarioParty Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) ViRefresh=2100 [ADA815BE-6028622F-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Party (J) Internal Name=MarioParty Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) ViRefresh=2100 [2829657E-A0621877-C:45] Good Name=Mario Party (U) Internal Name=MarioParty Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) ViRefresh=2100 [82380387-DFC744D9-C:50] Good Name=Mario Party 2 (E) (M5) Internal Name=MarioParty2 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) ViRefresh=2100 [ED567D0F-38B08915-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Party 2 (J) Internal Name=MarioParty2 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) ViRefresh=2100 [9EA95858-AF72B618-C:45] Good Name=Mario Party 2 (U) Internal Name=MarioParty2 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) ViRefresh=2100 [C5674160-0F5F453C-C:50] Good Name=Mario Party 3 (E) (M4) Internal Name=MarioParty3 Counter Factor=1 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) ViRefresh=2100 [0B0AB4CD-7B158937-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Party 3 (J) Internal Name=MarioParty3 Counter Factor=1 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) ViRefresh=2100 [7C3829D9-6E8247CE-C:45] Good Name=Mario Party 3 (U) Internal Name=MarioParty3 Counter Factor=1 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) ViRefresh=2100 [3BA7CDDC-464E52A0-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Story (J) Internal Name=MARIO STORY Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [839F3AD5-406D15FA-C:50] Good Name=Mario Tennis (E) Internal Name=MarioTennis RDRAM Size=8 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [3A6C42B5-1ACADA1B-C:4A] Good Name=Mario Tennis (J) Internal Name=MarioTennis64 RDRAM Size=8 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [5001CF4F-F30CB3BD-C:45] Good Name=Mario Tennis (U) Internal Name=MarioTennis RDRAM Size=8 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [0EC158F5-FB3E6896-C:45] Good Name=Mega Man 64 (U) Internal Name=Mega Man 64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [1001F10C-3D51D8C1-C:45] Good Name=Mia Hamm Soccer 64 (U) Internal Name=Mia Hamm Soccer 64 Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [E36166C2-8613A2E5-C:58] Good Name=Michael Owens WLS 2000 (E) Internal Name=MO WORLD LEAGUE SOCC RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [736AE6AF-4117E9C7-C:4A] Good Name=Mickey no Racing Challenge USA (J) Internal Name=MICKEY USA Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [DED0DD9A-E78225A7-C:50] Good Name=Mickey's Speedway USA (E) (M5) Internal Name=MICKEY USA PAL Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [FA8C4571-BBE7F9C0-C:45] Good Name=Mickey's Speedway USA (U) Internal Name=MICKEY USA Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [2A49018D-D0034A02-C:50] Good Name=Micro Machines 64 Turbo (E) (M5) Internal Name=MICROMACHINES64TURBO RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus [F1850C35-ACE07912-C:45] Good Name=Micro Machines 64 Turbo (U) Internal Name=MICROMACHINES64TURBO RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [E4B35E4C-1AC45CC9-C:45] Good Name=Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 1 (U) Internal Name=MGAH VOL1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [09D53E16-3AB268B9-C:45] Good Name=Mike Piazza's Strike Zone (U) Internal Name=PIAZZA STRIKEZONE Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:various Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [9A490D9D-8F013ADC-C:50] Good Name=Milo's Astro Lanes (E) Internal Name=Milos_Astro_Lanes Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [2E955ECD-F3000884-C:45] Good Name=Milo's Astro Lanes (U) Internal Name=Milos_Astro_Lanes Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [418BDA98-248A0F58-C:50] Good Name=Mischief Makers (E) Internal Name=MISCHIEF MAKERS Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [0B93051B-603D81F9-C:45] Good Name=Mischief Makers (U) Internal Name=MISCHIEF MAKERS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [2256ECDA-71AB1B9C-C:50] Good Name=Mission Impossible (E) Internal Name=MISSION IMPOSSIBLE Status=Compatible [20095B34-343D9E87-C:46] Good Name=Mission Impossible (F) Internal Name=MISSION IMPOSSIBLE Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [93EB3F7E-81675E44-C:44] Good Name=Mission Impossible (G) Internal Name=MISSION IMPOSSIBLE Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [EBA949DC-39BAECBD-C:49] Good Name=Mission Impossible (I) Internal Name=MISSION IMPOSSIBLE Status=Compatible [5F6A04E2-D4FA070D-C:53] Good Name=Mission Impossible (S) Internal Name=MISSION IMPOSSIBLE Status=Compatible [26035CF8-802B9135-C:45] Good Name=Mission Impossible (U) Internal Name=MISSION IMPOSSIBLE Status=Compatible [28768D6D-B379976C-C:45] Good Name=Monaco Grand Prix (U) Internal Name=Monaco Grand Prix RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:resolution issues Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 //Resolution Height=220 [5AC383E1-D712E387-C:45] Good Name=Monopoly (U) (M2) Internal Name=monopoly Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [D3D806FC-B43AA2A8-C:50] Good Name=Monster Truck Madness 64 (E) (M5) Internal Name=MTM64 Counter Factor=3 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus;use v1.5.2 plugin Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [B19AD999-7E585118-C:45] Good Name=Monster Truck Madness 64 (U) Internal Name=MTM64 Counter Factor=3 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus;use v1.5.2 plugin Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [E8E8DD70-415DD198-C:4A] Good Name=Morita Shogi 64 (J) Internal Name=��������64 Status=Compatible [73036F3B-CE0D69E9-C:50] Good Name=Mortal Kombat 4 (E) Internal Name=MORTAL KOMBAT 4 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 //Resolution Height=250 [417DD4F4-1B482FE2-C:45] Good Name=Mortal Kombat 4 (U) Internal Name=MORTAL KOMBAT 4 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [FF44EDC4-1AAE9213-C:50] Good Name=Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero (E) Internal Name=MK_MYTHOLOGIES Status=Compatible [C34304AC-2D79C021-C:45] Good Name=Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero (U) Internal Name=MK_MYTHOLOGIES Status=Compatible [8C3D1192-BEF172E1-C:50] Good Name=Mortal Kombat Trilogy (E) Internal Name=MortalKombatTrilogy Status=Compatible [D9F75C12-A8859B59-C:45] Good Name=Mortal Kombat Trilogy (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=MortalKombatTrilogy Status=Compatible [83F33AA9-A901D40D-C:45] Good Name=Mortal Kombat Trilogy (U) (V1.2) Internal Name=MortalKombatTrilogy Status=Compatible [B8F0BD03-4479189E-C:50] Good Name=MRC - Multi Racing Championship (E) (M3) Internal Name=MULTI RACING Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:various;use D3D6 plugin [A6B6B413-15D113CC-C:4A] Good Name=MRC - Multi Racing Championship (J) Internal Name=MULTI RACING Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:various;use D3D6 plugin [2AF9B65C-85E2A2D7-C:45] Good Name=MRC - Multi Racing Championship (U) Internal Name=MULTI RACING Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:various;use D3D6 plugin [1938525C-586E9656-C:45] Good Name=Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (U) Internal Name=MS. PAC-MAN MM Status=Uncertain Core Note=crash in credits? Plugin Note=[video] errors:various [F5360FBE-2BF1691D-C:50] Good Name=Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (E) Internal Name=MYSTICAL NINJA RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow [FCBCCB21-72903C6B-C:45] Good Name=Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (U) Internal Name=MYSTICAL NINJA RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow [7F9345D3-841ECADE-C:50] Good Name=Mystical Ninja 2 Starring Goemon (E) (M3) Internal Name=MYSTICAL NINJA2 SG Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [AE2D3A35-24F0D41A-C:50] Good Name=Olympic Hockey Nagano '98 (E) (M4) Internal Name=OLYMPIC HOCKEY Status=Compatible [90F43037-5C5370F5-C:4A] Good Name=Nagano Olympic Hockey '98 (J) Internal Name=OLYMPIC HOCKEY Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [7EC22587-EF1AE323-C:45] Good Name=Nagano Olympic Hockey '98 (U) Internal Name=OLYMPIC HOCKEY Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [6D452016-713C09EE-C:50] Good Name=Nagano Winter Olympics '98 (E) Internal Name=NAGANO OLYMPICS Status=Compatible Cheat0=D100164C 8DCF,8100164C 3C01,D100164E 0000,8100164E 4B4D,D1001650 3C01,81001650 3421,D1001652 4B4D,81001652 4300,D1001654 3421,81001654 0001,D1001656 4300,81001656 7821 Cheat1=D10016A8 8DCF,810016A8 3C01,D10016AA 0000,810016AA 4B4D,D10016AC 3C01,810016AC 3421,D10016AE 4B4D,810016AE 4300,D10016B0 3421,810016B0 0001,D10016B2 4300,810016B2 7821 [2FC5C34C-7A05CC9D-C:4A] Good Name=Hyper Olympics Nagano 64 (J) Internal Name=NAGANO OLYMPICS Status=Compatible Cheat0=D100166C 8DCF,8100166C 3C01,D100166E 0000,8100166E 4B4D,D1001670 3C01,81001670 3421,D1001672 4B4D,81001672 4300,D1001674 3421,81001674 0001,D1001676 4300,81001676 7821 Cheat1=D10016C8 8DCF,810016C8 3C01,D10016CA 0000,810016CA 4B4D,D10016CC 3C01,810016CC 3421,D10016CE 4B4D,810016CE 4300,D10016D0 3421,810016D0 0001,D10016D2 4300,810016D2 7821 [8D2BAE98-D73725BF-C:45] Good Name=Nagano Winter Olympics '98 (U) Internal Name=NAGANO OLYMPICS Status=Compatible Cheat0=D100165C 8DCF,8100165C 3C01,D100165E 0000,8100165E 4B4D,D1001660 3C01,81001660 3421,D1001662 4B4D,81001662 4300,D1001664 3421,81001664 0001,D1001666 4300,81001666 7821 Cheat1=D10016B8 8DCF,810016B8 3C01,D10016BA 0000,810016BA 4B4D,D10016BC 3C01,810016BC 3421,D10016BE 4B4D,810016BE 4300,D10016C0 3421,810016C0 0001,D10016C2 4300,810016C2 7821 [5129B6DA-9DEF3C8C-C:45] Good Name=Namco Museum 64 (U) Internal Name=NAMCOMUSEUM64 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [DF331A18-5FD4E044-C:45] Good Name=NASCAR 2000 (U) Internal Name=NASCAR 2000 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:splitscreen bad Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [AE4992C9-9253B253-C:50] Good Name=NASCAR 99 (E) (M3) Internal Name=NASCAR 99 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:splitscreen bad Clear Frame=2 [23749578-80DC58FD-C:45] Good Name=NASCAR 99 (U) Internal Name=NASCAR 99 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:splitscreen bad Clear Frame=2 [916852D8-73DBEAEF-C:45] Good Name=NBA Courtside 2 - Featuring Kobe Bryant (U) Internal Name=NBA Courtside 2 Save Type=FlashRam Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:title resolution Clear Frame=0 Culling=1 [C788DCAE-BD03000A-C:50] Good Name=NBA Hangtime (E) Internal Name=NBA HANGTIME Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] very slow [4E69B487-FE18E290-C:45] Good Name=NBA Hangtime (U) Internal Name=NBA HANGTIME Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] very slow [AAE11F01-2625A045-C:4A] Good Name=NBA In the Zone 2 (J) Internal Name=NBA IN THE ZONE 2 Status=Compatible [B3054F9F-96B69EB5-C:50] Good Name=NBA In the Zone 2000 (E) Internal Name=NBA IN THE ZONE 2000 Status=Compatible [8DF95B18-ECDA497B-C:45] Good Name=NBA In the Zone 2000 (U) Internal Name=NBA IN THE ZONE 2000 Status=Compatible [36ACBA9B-F28D4D94-C:4A] Good Name=NBA In the Zone '98 (J) Internal Name=NBA IN THE ZONE '98 Status=Compatible [6A121930-665CC274-C:45] Good Name=NBA In the Zone '98 (U) Internal Name=NBA IN THE ZONE '98 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [A292524F-3D6C2A49-C:45] Good Name=NBA In the Zone '99 (U) Internal Name=NBA IN THE ZONE '99 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [B6D0CAA0-E3F493C8-C:50] Good Name=NBA Jam 2000 (E) Internal Name=NBA JAM 2000 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [EBEEA8DB-F2ECB23C-C:45] Good Name=NBA Jam 2000 (U) Internal Name=NBA JAM 2000 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [E600831E-59F422A8-C:50] Good Name=NBA Jam 99 (E) Internal Name=NBA JAM 99 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [810729F6-E03FCFC1-C:45] Good Name=NBA Jam 99 (U) Internal Name=NBA JAM 99 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [EB499C8F-CD4567B6-C:50] Good Name=NBA Live 2000 (E) Internal Name=NBA LIVE 2000 Status=Compatible [5F25B0EE-6227C1DB-C:45] Good Name=NBA Live 2000 (U) Internal Name=NBA LIVE 2000 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Culling=1 [CF84F45F-00E4F6EB-C:50] Good Name=NBA Live 99 (E) Internal Name=NBA Live 99 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [57F81C9B-1133FA35-C:45] Good Name=NBA Live 99 (U) Internal Name=NBA Live 99 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [ACDE962F-B2CBF87F-C:50] Good Name=NBA Pro 98 (E) Internal Name=NBA PRO 98 Status=Compatible [8D1780B6-57B3B976-C:50] Good Name=NBA Pro 99 (E) Internal Name=NBA PRO 99 Status=Compatible [3FFE80F4-A7C15F7E-C:45] Good Name=NBA Showtime - NBA on NBC (U) Internal Name=NBA SHOWTIME Counter Factor=1 Save Type=FlashRam Status=Compatible Audio Signal=Yes [147E0EDB-36C5B12C-C:4A] Good Name=Neon Genesis Evangelion (J) Internal Name=EVANGELION Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Clear Frame=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [E61CFF0A-CE1C0D71-C:50] Good Name=New Tetris, The (E) Internal Name=NEWTETRIS Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:? [2153143F-992D6351-C:45] Good Name=New Tetris, The (U) Internal Name=NEWTETRIS Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:? Clear Frame=0 [30EAD54F-31620BF6-C:45] Good Name=NFL Blitz - Special Edition (U) Internal Name=NFL BLITZ SPECIAL ED Status=Compatible [D094B170-D7C4B5CC-C:45] Good Name=NFL Blitz (U) Internal Name=NFL BLITZ Status=Compatible [15A00969-34E5A285-C:45] Good Name=NFL Blitz 2000 (U) Internal Name=blitz2k Status=Compatible [36FA35EB-E85E2E36-C:45] Good Name=NFL Blitz 2001 (U) Internal Name=NFL BLITZ 2001 Status=Compatible [88BD5A9E-E81FDFBF-C:50] Good Name=NFL Quarterback Club 2000 (E) Internal Name=NFL QBC 2000 RDRAM Size=8 Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible [E3AB4ED0-83040DD2-C:45] Good Name=NFL Quarterback Club 2000 (U) Internal Name=NFL QBC 2000 RDRAM Size=8 Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible [28784622-FFB22985-C:45] Good Name=NFL Quarterback Club 2001 (U) Internal Name=NFL Quarterback Club RDRAM Size=8 Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible [4B629EF4-99B21D9B-C:50] Good Name=NFL Quarterback Club 98 (E) Internal Name=quarterback_club_98 RDRAM Size=Default CPU Type=Default Status=Unsupported Core Note=does not start? Plugin Note=? [D89BE2F8-99C97ADF-C:45] Good Name=NFL Quarterback Club 98 (U) Internal Name=quarterback_club_98 RDRAM Size=Default CPU Type=Default Status=Unsupported Core Note=does not start? Plugin Note=? [52A3CF47-4EC13BFC-C:50] Good Name=NFL Quarterback Club 99 (E) Internal Name=NFL QBC '99 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Core Note=unstable? [BE76EDFF-20452D09-C:45] Good Name=NFL Quarterback Club 99 (U) Internal Name=NFL QBC '99 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Core Note=unstable? Clear Frame=0 [287D601E-ABF4F8AE-C:50] Good Name=NHL 99 (E) Internal Name=NHL 99 Status=Compatible [591A806E-A5E6921D-C:45] Good Name=NHL 99 (U) Internal Name=NHL 99 Status=Compatible [82EFDC30-806A2461-C:45] Good Name=NHL Blades of Steel '99 (U) Internal Name=BLADES OF STEEL '99 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [29CE7692-71C58579-C:50] Good Name=NHL Breakaway 98 (E) Internal Name=NHL_BREAKAWAY_98 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 Plugin Note=[video] res detection;use v1.5.2 plugin [6DFDCDC3-4DE701C8-C:45] Good Name=NHL Breakaway 98 (U) Internal Name=NHL_BREAKAWAY_98 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 Plugin Note=[video] res detection;use v1.5.2 plugin [874621CB-0031C127-C:50] Good Name=NHL Breakaway 99 (E) Internal Name=NHL Breakaway '99 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] res detection;use v1.5.2 plugin [441768D0-7D73F24F-C:45] Good Name=NHL Breakaway 99 (U) Internal Name=NHL Breakaway '99 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] res detection;use v1.5.2 plugin [A9895CD9-7020016C-C:50] Good Name=NHL Pro 99 (E) Internal Name=NHL PRO 99 Status=Compatible [CD3C3CDF-317793FA-C:4A] Good Name=Nintama Rantarou 64 (J) //Name assumed, not in GoodN64! Internal Name=NINTAMAGAMEGALLERY64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow. errors:various [2857674D-CC4337DA-C:45] Good Name=Nightmare Creatures (U) Internal Name=NIGHTMARE CREATURES Counter Factor=1 Delay SI=Yes Status=Issues (core) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [8A97A197-272DF6C1-C:50] Good Name=Nuclear Strike 64 (E) (M2) Internal Name=NUCLEARSTRIKE64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement [8F50B845-D729D22F-C:44] Good Name=Nuclear Strike 64 (G) Internal Name=NUCLEARSTRIKE64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement [4998DDBB-F7B7AEBC-C:45] Good Name=Nuclear Strike 64 (U) Internal Name=NUCLEARSTRIKE64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement [5B9B1618-1B43C649-C:4A] Good Name=Nushi Tsuri 64 - Shiokaze ni Notte (J) Internal Name=Ǽ���64������ɯ� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=1 CPU Type=Default Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported/missing graphics [D83BB920-CC406416-C:4A] Good Name=Nushi Tsuri 64 (J) Internal Name=Ǽ���64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] errors:character select, in house Clear Frame=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [812289D0-C2E53296-C:50] Good Name=Off Road Challenge (E) Internal Name=OFFROAD Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] multiplayer flicker; use 3rd party plugin [319093EC-0FC209EF-C:45] Good Name=Off Road Challenge (U) Internal Name=OFFROAD Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] multiplayer flicker; use 3rd party plugin Clear Frame=0 [0375CF67-56A93FAA-C:4A] Good Name=Ogre Battle 64 - Person of Lordly Caliber (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=OgreBattle64 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:backgrounds in battle scenes Core Note=old [!] ROM is bad [E6419BC5-69011DE3-C:45] Good Name=Ogre Battle 64 - Person of Lordly Caliber (U) Internal Name=OgreBattle64 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:backgrounds in battle scenes [DC649466-572FF0D9-C:4A] Good Name=Onegai Monsters (J) Internal Name=ONEGAI MONSTER Status=Compatible [74554B3B-F4AEBCB5-C:4A] Good Name=Pachinko 365 Nichi (J) Internal Name=PACHINKO365NICHI Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] geometry problem ? [19AB29AF-C71BCD28-C:50] Good Name=Paper Mario (E) (M4) Internal Name=PAPER MARIO Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 32bit=No [65EEE53A-ED7D733C-C:45] Good Name=Paper Mario (U) Internal Name=PAPER MARIO Counter Factor=1 Clear Frame=1 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 32bit=No [AC976B38-C3A9C97A-C:50] Good Name=Paperboy (E) Internal Name=PAPERBOY Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing:map details [3E198D9E-F2E1267E-C:45] Good Name=Paperboy (U) Internal Name=PAPERBOY Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing:map details [CFE2CB31-4D6B1E1D-C:4A] Good Name=Parlor! Pro 64 Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game (J) Internal Name=Parlor PRO 64 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] errors:textures Clear Frame=0 [34495BAD-502E9D26-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 4 (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=PAWAFURU PUROYAKYU4 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [D22943DA-AC2B77C0-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 5 (J) Internal Name=PAWAFURU PUROYAKYU5 Status=Compatible [B75E20B7-B3FEFDFD-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 6 (J) Internal Name=PAWAFURU PUROYAKYU6 Status=Compatible [F468118C-E32EE44E-C:4A] Good Name=PD Ultraman Battle Collection 64 (J) Internal Name=Ultraman Battle JAPA Save Type=16kbit Eeprom //Clear Frame=1 Status=Compatible [C83CEB83-FDC56219-C:50] Good Name=Penny Racers (E) Internal Name=PENNY RACERS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [73ABB1FB-9CCA6093-C:45] Good Name=Penny Racers (U) Internal Name=PENNY RACERS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [E4B08007-A602FF33-C:50] Good Name=Perfect Dark (E) (M5) Internal Name=Perfect Dark RDRAM Size=8 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=2 MD5=31A1C1090F1A6A782E96A7AEC114F414 FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-Protect=1 SMM-FUNC=0 32bit=No [96747EB4-104BB243-C:4A] Good Name=Perfect Dark (J) Internal Name=PERFECT DARK RDRAM Size=8 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=2 MD5=92712E64C1FC69881F715D5D84F49EBB FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-Protect=1 SMM-FUNC=0 32bit=No [DDF460CC-3CA634C0-C:45] Good Name=Perfect Dark (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=Perfect Dark MD5=2D86C3EEE232FAF691A4CDFE387C7CC5 RDRAM Size=8 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 FuncFind=2 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-FUNC=0 32bit=No [41F2B98F-B458B466-C:45] Good Name=Perfect Dark (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=Perfect Dark RDRAM Size=8 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] errors:various (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=2 Culling=1 MD5=ECACDBDC93C3087627A775DCC16AEC7A CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-FUNC=0 FuncFind=2 32bit=No [EE08C602-6BC2D5A6-C:50] Good Name=PGA European Tour (E) (M5) Internal Name=PGA European Tour Go Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [B54CE881-BCCB6126-C:45] Good Name=PGA European Tour (U) Internal Name=PGA European Tour Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [3F245305-FC0B74AA-C:4A] Good Name=Pikachu Genki Dechu (J) Internal Name=PIKACHU GENKIDECHU Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[input] needs Voice-Pak (see GameFAQ) [1AA05AD5-46F52D80-C:50] Good Name=Pilotwings 64 (E) (M3) Internal Name=Pilot Wings64 Counter Factor=3 Use TLB=No Status=Region issue (p) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Cheat0=D0264361 0012,80264361 00FF,D0264BE1 0012,80264BE1 00FF,D0264DA1 0012,80264DA1 00FF,D02647E1 0012,802647E1 00FF,D02646A1 0012,802646A1 00FF,D0264661 0012,80264661 00FF,D02649A1 0012,802649A1 00FF,D0264BA1 0012,80264BA1 00FF,D0264AA1 0012,80264AA1 00FF,D02641E1 0020,802641E1 00FF,D02648E1 0020,802648E1 00FF,D0264D61 0020,80264D61 00FF,D0264A21 0020,80264A21 00FF,D02645A1 0020,802645A1 00FF,D02647A1 0020,802647A1 00FF,D02642A1 0029,802642A1 00FF,D0264921 0029,80264921 00FF,D0264621 0029,80264621 00FF,D0264A21 0029,80264A21 00FF,D0264C61 0029,80264C61 00FF,D02647A1 0029,802647A1 00FF,D0264FE1 0029,80264FE1 00FF,D0265161 0029,80265161 00FF,D0264AA1 0029,80264AA1 00FF,D02641E1 003D,802641E1 00FF,D02649E1 003D,802649E1 00FF,D0264561 003D,80264561 00FF,D02646E1 003D,802646E1 00FF,D0264721 003D,80264721 00FF //Land Shadow Fix Clear Frame=0 [09CC4801-E42EE491-C:4A] Good Name=Pilotwings 64 (J) Internal Name=Pilot Wings64 Counter Factor=3 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Cheat0=D02639B1 0012,802639B1 00FF,D0264231 0012,80264231 00FF,D02643F1 0012,802643F1 00FF,D0263E31 0012,80263E31 00FF,D0263CF1 0012,80263CF1 00FF,D0263CB1 0012,80263CB1 00FF,D0263FF1 0012,80263FF1 00FF,D02641F1 0012,802641F1 00FF,D02640F1 0012,802640F1 00FF,D0263831 0020,80263831 00FF,D0263F31 0020,80263F31 00FF,D02643B1 0020,802643B1 00FF,D0264071 0020,80264071 00FF,D0263BF1 0020,80263BF1 00FF,D0263DF1 0020,80263DF1 00FF,D02638F1 0029,802638F1 00FF,D0263F71 0029,80263F71 00FF,D0263C71 0029,80263C71 00FF,D0264071 0029,80264071 00FF,D02642B1 0029,802642B1 00FF,D0263DF1 0029,80263DF1 00FF,D0264631 0029,80264631 00FF,D02647B1 0029,802647B1 00FF,D02640F1 0029,802640F1 00FF,D0263831 003D,80263831 00FF,D0264031 003D,80264031 00FF,D0263BB1 003D,80263BB1 00FF,D0263D31 003D,80263D31 00FF,D0263D71 003D,80263D71 00FF //Land Shadow Fix [C851961C-78FCAAFA-C:45] Good Name=Pilotwings 64 (U) Internal Name=Pilot Wings64 Counter Factor=3 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 Cheat0=D0263B41 0012,80263B41 00FF,D02643C1 0012,802643C1 00FF,D0264581 0012,80264581 00FF,D0263FC1 0012,80263FC1 00FF,D0263E81 0012,80263E81 00FF,D0263E41 0012,80263E41 00FF,D0264181 0012,80264181 00FF,D0264381 0012,80264381 00FF,D0264281 0012,80264281 00FF,D02639C1 0020,802639C1 00FF,D02640C1 0020,802640C1 00FF,D0264541 0020,80264541 00FF,D0264201 0020,80264201 00FF,D0263D81 0020,80263D81 00FF,D0263F81 0020,80263F81 00FF,D0263A81 0029,80263A81 00FF,D0264101 0029,80264101 00FF,D0263E01 0029,80263E01 00FF,D0264201 0029,80264201 00FF,D0264441 0029,80264441 00FF,D0263F81 0029,80263F81 00FF,D02647C1 0029,802647C1 00FF,D0264941 0029,80264941 00FF,D0264281 0029,80264281 00FF,D02639C1 003D,802639C1 00FF,D02641C1 003D,802641C1 00FF,D0263D41 003D,80263D41 00FF,D0263EC1 003D,80263EC1 00FF,D0263F01 003D,80263F01 00FF //Land Shadow Fix [EC0F690D-32A7438C-C:4A] Good Name=Pocket Monsters Snap (J) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP Status=Compatible Cheat0=D136D22C 802A,8036D21F 0000 //Pass 1st Level and Controller Fix Cheat1=D11E1EC4 2881,811E1EC4 2001,D11E1EC6 0098,811E1EC6 0001 //Make Picture selectable [665E8259-D098BD1D-C:4A] Good Name=Pocket Monsters Stadium (J) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM Save Type=Sram Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [63775886-5FB80E7B-C:4A] Good Name=Pocket Monsters Stadium 2 (J) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM 2 Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [4A1CD153-D830AEF8-C:50] Good Name=Pokemon Puzzle League (E) Internal Name=PUZZLE LEAGUE N64 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [3EB2E6F3-062F9EFE-C:46] Good Name=Pokemon Puzzle League (F) Internal Name=PUZZLE LEAGUE N64 Status=Compatible [7A4747AC-44EEEC23-C:44] Good Name=Pokemon Puzzle League (G) Internal Name=PUZZLE LEAGUE N64 Status=Compatible [19C553A7-A70F4B52-C:45] Good Name=Pokemon Puzzle League (U) Internal Name=PUZZLE LEAGUE N64 Status=Compatible [7BB18D40-83138559-C:55] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (A) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP Status=Compatible Cheat0=D1382D1C 802C,80382D0F 0000 //Pass 1st Level and Controller Fix Cheat1=D11E3C44 2881,811E3C44 2001,D11E3C46 0098,811E3C46 0001 //Make Picture selectable [4FF5976F-ACF559D8-C:50] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (E) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP Status=Compatible Cheat0=D1381BFC 802C,80381BEF 0000 //Pass 1st Level and Controller Fix Cheat1=D11E3824 2881,811E3824 2001,D11E3826 0098,811E3826 0001 //Make Picture selectable Clear Frame=0 [BA6C293A-9FAFA338-C:46] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (F) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP Status=Compatible Cheat0=D1381BFC 802C,80381BEF 0000 //Pass 1st Level and Controller Fix Cheat1=D11E3744 2881,811E3744 2001,D11E3746 0098,811E3746 0001 //Make Picture selectable [5753720D-2A8A884D-C:44] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (G) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP Status=Compatible Cheat0=D1381BDC 802C,80381BCF 0000 //Pass 1st Level and Controller Fix Cheat2=D11E3744 2881,811E3744 2001,D11E3746 0098,811E3746 0001 //Make Picture selectable [C0C85046-61051B05-C:49] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (I) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP Status=Compatible Cheat0=D1381BFC 802C,80381BEF 0000 //Pass 1st Level and Controller Fix Cheat1=D11E3994 2881,811E3994 2001,D11E3996 0098,811E3996 0001 //Make Picture selectable [817D286A-EF417416-C:53] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (S) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP Status=Compatible Cheat0=D1381BFC 802C,80381BEF 0000 //Pass 1st Level and Controller Fix Cheat1=D11E38C4 2881,811E38C4 2001,D11E38C6 0098,811E38C6 0001 //Make Picture selectable [CA12B547-71FA4EE4-C:45] Good Name=Pokemon Snap (U) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP Status=Compatible Cheat0=D1382D1C 802C,80382D0F 0000 //Pass 1st Level and Controller Fix Cheat1=D11E3184 2881,811E3184 2001,D11E3186 0098,811E3186 0001 //Make Picture selectable [39119872-07722E9F-C:45] Good Name=Pokemon Snap Station (U) Internal Name=POKEMON SNAP Status=Compatible Cheat0=D1382D1C 802C,80382D0F 0000 //Pass 1st Level and Controller Fix Cheat1=D11E30F4 2881,811E30F4 2001,D11E30F6 0098,811E30F6 0001 //Make Picture selectable [1A122D43-C17DAF0F-C:45] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium - Kiosk (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [84077275-57315B9C-C:50] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (E) (V1.0) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [A23553A3-42BF2D39-C:46] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (F) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [42011E1B-E3552DB5-C:44] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (G) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [B6E549CE-DC8134C0-C:53] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (S) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [90F5D9B3-9D0EDCF0-C:45] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (U) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 SMM-Protect=1 SMM-FUNC=0 [2952369C-B6E4C3A8-C:50] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium 2 (E) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM 2 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [AC5AA5C7-A9B0CDC3-C:46] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium 2 (F) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM 2 Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [439B7E7E-C1A1495D-C:44] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium 2 (G) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM 2 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [D0A1FC5B-2FB8074B-C:53] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium 2 (S) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM 2 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [03571182-892FD06D-C:45] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium 2 (U) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM 2 Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [EE4FD7C2-9CF1D938-C:4A] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium GS (J) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM G&S Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [41380792-A167E045-C:45] Good Name=Polaris SnoCross (U) Internal Name=POLARISSNOCROSS Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:intro;menu,sky,various [D7A6DCFA-CCFEB6B7-C:4A] Good Name=Power League Baseball 64 (J) Internal Name=PowerLeague64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [39F60C11-AB2EBA7D-C:50] Good Name=Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue (E) Internal Name=POWER RANGERS Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,HUD [CF8957AD-96D57EA9-C:45] Good Name=Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue (U) Internal Name=POWER RANGERS Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,HUD [FC74D475-9A0278AB-C:45] Good Name=Powerpuff Girls, The - Chemical X-traction (U) Internal Name=PPG CHEMICAL X Status=Compatible [F3D27F54-C111ACF9-C:50] Good Name=Premier Manager 64 (E) Internal Name=Premier Manager 64 Status=Compatible [9BA10C4E-0408ABD3-C:4A] Good Name=Pro Mahjong Kiwame 64 (J) Internal Name=KIWAME 64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [8ACE6683-3FBA426E-C:4A] Good Name=Chou-Kuukan Night Pro Yakyuu King (J) Internal Name=PROYAKYUKING Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus;use D3D6 plugin [4B4672B9-2DBE5DE7-C:4A] Good Name=Puyo Puyo 4 - Puyo Puyo Party (J) Internal Name=PUYOPUYO4 Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [94807E6B-60CC62E4-C:4A] Good Name=Puyo Puyo Sun 64 (J) Internal Name=PUYO PUYO SUN 64 Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow - ok in game? [C0DE0747-A2DF72D3-C:4A] Good Name=Puzzle Bobble 64 (J) Internal Name=PUZZLEBOBBLE64 Status=Compatible [4BBBA2E2-8BF3BBB2-C:0] Good Name=Puzzle Master 64 by Michael Searl (PD) Internal Name=Puzzle Master 64 Status=Unsupported Core Note? [16931D74-65DC6D34-C:50] Good Name=Quake 64 (E) Internal Name=Quake Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [9F5BF79C-D2FE08A0-C:45] Good Name=Quake 64 (U) Internal Name=Quake Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [7433D9D7-2C4322D0-C:50] Good Name=Quake II (E) Internal Name=QUAKE II RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [BDA8F143-B1AF2D62-C:45] Good Name=Quake II (U) Internal Name=QUAKE II RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [C8BB4DD9-CC5F430B-C:45] Good Name=Quest 64 (U) Internal Name=Quest 64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:text (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [28705FA5-B509690E-C:50] Good Name=Monaco Grand Prix - Racing Simulation 2 (E) (M4) Internal Name=Monaco GP Racing 2 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:resolution issues Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 //Resolution Height=220 [2877AC2D-C3DC139A-C:44] Good Name=Racing Simulation 2 (G) Internal Name=Racing Simulation 2 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:resolution issues Clear Frame=0 //Resolution Height=220 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [67D21868-C5424061-C:50] Good Name=Rakuga Kids (E) Internal Name=RAKUGAKIDS Status=Compatible [9F1ECAF0-EEC48A0E-C:4A] Good Name=Rakuga Kids (J) Internal Name=RAKUGAKIDS Status=Compatible [35D9BA0C-DF485586-C:4A] Good Name=Rally '99 (J) Internal Name=Rally'99 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,HUD (see GameFAQ) [73A88E3D-3AC5C571-C:45] Good Name=Rally Challenge 2000 (U) Internal Name=RALLY CHALLENGE Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,HUD (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [84D44448-67CA19B0-C:50] Good Name=Rampage - World Tour (E) Internal Name=RAMPAGE Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [C29FF9E4-264BFE7D-C:45] Good Name=Rampage - World Tour (U) Internal Name=RAMPAGE Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [5DFC4249-99529C07-C:50] Good Name=Rampage 2 - Universal Tour (E) Internal Name=RAMPAGE2 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [673D099B-A4C808DE-C:45] Good Name=Rampage 2 - Universal Tour (U) Internal Name=RAMPAGE2 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [20FD0BF1-F5CF1D87-C:50] Good Name=Rat Attack (E) (M6) Internal Name=RAT ATTACK Use TLB=No Core Note=recomp fails on multiplayer, needs TLB, also video issues [0304C48E-AC4001B8-C:45] Good Name=Rat Attack (U) (M6) Internal Name=RAT ATTACK Use TLB=No Core Note=recomp fails on multiplayer, needs TLB, also video issues [60D5E10B-8BEDED46-C:50] Good Name=Rayman 2 - The Great Escape (E) (M5) Internal Name=Rayman 2 RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:lum_colour (see GameFAQ) [F3C5BF9B-160F33E2-C:45] Good Name=Rayman 2 - The Great Escape (U) (M5) Internal Name=Rayman 2 RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:lum_colour (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Culling=1 [3918834A-15B50C29-C:45] Good Name=Razor Freestyle Scooter (U) Internal Name=RAZOR FREESTYLE RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [8BD4A334-1E138B05-C:50] Good Name=Ready 2 Rumble Boxing (E) (M3) Internal Name=READY 2 RUMBLE Use TLB=No Status=Region issue (p) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [EAB7B429-BAC92C57-C:45] Good Name=Ready 2 Rumble Boxing (U) Internal Name=READY 2 RUMBLE Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [E9219533-13FBAFBD-C:45] Good Name=Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2 (U) Internal Name=Ready to Rumble Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [9B500E8E-E90550B3-C:50] Good Name=Resident Evil 2 (E) (M2) Internal Name=Resident Evil II Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] depth problem [rsp] speech glitch (see GameFAQ) Audio Signal=Yes Clear Frame=0 [AA18B1A5-07DB6AEB-C:45] Good Name=Resident Evil 2 (U) Internal Name=Resident Evil II Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] depth problem [rsp] speech glitch (see GameFAQ) Audio Signal=Yes Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [C3E7E29E-5D7251CC-C:50] Good Name=Re-Volt (E) (M4) Internal Name=Re-Volt RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (core) Core Note=unstable: see GameFAQ [0F1FA987-BFC1AFA6-C:45] Good Name=Re-Volt (U) Internal Name=Re-Volt RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (core) Core Note=unstable: see GameFAQ [02D8366A-6CABEF9C-C:50] Good Name=Road Rash 64 (E) Internal Name=ROAD RASH 64 RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=3 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [F050746C-247B820B-C:45] Good Name=Road Rash 64 (U) Internal Name=ROAD RASH 64 RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=3 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [74E87A70-6293AED4-C:50] Good Name=Roadsters Trophy (E) (M6) Internal Name=ROADSTERS TROPHY Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:mirror Core Note=high system requirement Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [0B6B4DDB-9671E682-C:45] Good Name=Roadsters Trophy (U) (M3) Internal Name=ROADSTERS TROPHY Counter Factor=1 Status=Region issue (c) Core Note=use (E) ROM; high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] errors:mirror Clear Frame=0 [272B690F-AD0A7A77-C:4A] Good Name=Robot Ponkottsu 64 - Caramel of the 7 Seas (J) Internal Name=Robopon64 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Use TLB=No Clear Frame=1 Status=Uncertain Core Note=TLB used? Plugin Note=? [75A0B893-4CA321B5-C:0] Good Name=Robotech - Crystal Dreams (U) (beta) Internal Name=Robotech - Crystal Dreams (PD) Status=Compatible Core Note=? [9FF69D4F-195F0059-C:50] Good Name=Robotron 64 (E) Internal Name=ROBOTRON-64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [AC8E4B32-E7B47326-C:45] Good Name=Robotron 64 (U) Internal Name=ROBOTRON-64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [9FD375F8-45F32DC8-C:50] Good Name=Rocket - Robot on Wheels (M3) Internal Name=ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [0C5EE085-A167DD3E-C:45] Good Name=Rocket - Robot on Wheels (U) Internal Name=ROCKETROBOTONWHEELS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [D666593B-D7A25C07-C:4A] Good Name=Rockman Dash (J) Internal Name=RockMan Dash Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [FEE97010-4E94A9A0-C:50] Good Name=RR64 - Ridge Racer 64 (E) Internal Name=RIDGE RACER 64 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [2500267E-2A7EC3CE-C:45] Good Name=RR64 - Ridge Racer 64 (U) Internal Name=RIDGE RACER 64 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [658F8F37-1813D28D-C:44] Good Name=RTL World League Soccer 2000 (G) Internal Name=RTL WLS2000 Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [0C02B3C5-9E2511B8-C:45] Good Name=Rugrats - Scavenger Hunt (U) Internal Name=RUGRATSSCAVENGERHUNT Status=Compatible [4D3ADFDA-7598FCAE-C:50] Good Name=Rugrats - Treasure Hunt (E) Internal Name=RUGRATSTREASUREHUNT Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [0AC61D39-ABFA03A6-C:50] Good Name=Rugrats in Paris - The Movie (E) Internal Name=RUGRATS IN PARIS Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[rsp] sound:speech glitch [1FC21532-0B6466D4-C:45] Good Name=Rugrats in Paris - The Movie (U) Internal Name=RUGRATS IN PARIS Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[rsp] sound:speech glitch [B7CF2136-FA0AA715-C:50] Good Name=Rush 2 - Extreme Racing USA (E) (M6) Internal Name=RUSH 2 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [EDD6E031-68136013-C:45] Good Name=Rush 2 - Extreme Racing USA (U) Internal Name=RUSH 2 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [918E2D60-F865683E-C:50] Good Name=S.C.A.R.S. (E) (M3) Internal Name=SCARS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:depth on effects [769147F3-2033C10E-C:45] Good Name=S.C.A.R.S. (U) Internal Name=SCARS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:depth on effects [61D116B0-FA24D60C-C:50] Good Name=San Francisco Rush - Extreme Racing (E) (M3) Internal Name=S.F.RUSH Status=Compatible [2A6B1820-6ABCF466-C:45] Good Name=San Francisco Rush - Extreme Racing (U) Internal Name=S.F. RUSH Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [51D29418-D5B46AE3-C:50] Good Name=San Francisco Rush 2049 (E) (M6) Internal Name=RUSH 2049 RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[rsp] sound bad Core Note=high system requirement [B9A9ECA2-17AAE48E-C:45] Good Name=San Francisco Rush 2049 (U) Internal Name=Rush 2049 RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[rsp] sound bad Core Note=high system requirement Clear Frame=0 [E3BD221D-3C0834D3-C:50] Good Name=Scooby-Doo - Classic Creep Capers (E) Internal Name=SCOOBY-DOO Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 //Resolution Width=480 [0C814EC4-58FE5CA8-C:45] Good Name=Scooby-Doo - Classic Creep Capers (U) Internal Name=SCOOBY-DOO Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 //Resolution Width=480 [EBF5F6B7-C956D739-C:4A] Good Name=SD Hiryuu no Ken Densetsu (J) Internal Name=SD HIRYU STADIUM Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] missing:menus,HUD [60C437E5-A2251EE3-C:50] Good Name=Shadow Man (E) (M3) [!] Internal Name=Shadowman RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [EA06F8C3-07C2DEED-C:46] Good Name=Shadow Man (F) Internal Name=Shadowman RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [84D5FD75-BBFD3CDF-C:44] Good Name=Shadow Man (G) Internal Name=Shadowman RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [3A4760B5-2D74D410-C:45] Good Name=Shadow Man (U) Internal Name=Shadowman RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [D84EEA84-45B2F1B4-C:50] Good Name=Shadowgate 64 - Trials of the Four Towers (E) Internal Name=SHADOWGATE64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [2BC1FCF2-7B9A0DF4-C:58] Good Name=Shadowgate 64 - Trials of the Four Towers (FGD) Internal Name=SHADOWGATE64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [CCEDB696-D3883DB4-C:4A] Good Name=Shadowgate 64 - Trials of the Four Towers (J) Internal Name=SHADOWGATE64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [036897CE-E0D4FA54-C:45] Good Name=Shadowgate 64 - Trials of the Four Towers (U) Internal Name=SHADOWGATE64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [B1D5280C-4BA7BC2A-C:4A] Good Name=Sim City 2000 (J) Internal Name=SIM CITY 2000 Status=Compatible [B6BC0FB0-E3812198-C:4A] Good Name=Tsumi to Batsu - Chikyuu no Keishousha (J) Internal Name=TSUMI TO BATSU RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Plugin Note=[video] errors:static in cutscenes [2EF4D519-C64A0C5E-C:4A] Good Name=Snow Speeder (J) Internal Name=Snow Speeder Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus;use D3D6 plugin [5FD7CDA0-D9BB51AD-C:50] Good Name=Snowboard Kids (E) Internal Name=SNOWBOARD KIDS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [DBF4EA9D-333E82C0-C:45] Good Name=Snowboard Kids (U) Internal Name=SNOWBOARD KIDS Status=Compatible Clear Frame=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [C2751D1A-F8C19BFF-C:50] Good Name=Snowboard Kids 2 (E) Internal Name=SNOWBOARD KIDS2 Status=Compatible [930C29EA-939245BF-C:45] Good Name=Snowboard Kids 2 (U) Internal Name=SNOWBOARD KIDS2 Status=Compatible [84FC04FF-B1253CE9-C:4A] Good Name=Snowbow Kids (J) Internal Name=������ Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [22212351-4046594B-C:4A] Good Name=Sonic Wings Assault (J) Internal Name=SONIC WINGS ASSAULT Status=Compatible [C00CA948-8E60D34B-C:50] Good Name=South Park - Chef's Luv Shack (E) Internal Name=South Park Chef's Lu RDRAM Size=8 Status=Region issue (p) Plugin Note=[video] errors:textures;use (U) ROM [C00CA948-8E60D34B-C:45] Good Name=South Park - Chef's Luv Shack (U) Internal Name=South Park: Chef's L RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [20B53662-7B61899F-C:50] Good Name=South Park (E) Internal Name=South Park Status=Compatible [91B66D42-16AC4E46-C:44] Good Name=South Park (G) Internal Name=South Park Status=Compatible [7ECBE939-3C331795-C:45] Good Name=South Park (U) Internal Name=South Park Status=Compatible [4F8AFC3A-F7912DF2-C:50] Good Name=South Park Rally (E) Internal Name=South Park Rally Status=Compatible [07F3B276-EC8F3D39-C:45] Good Name=South Park Rally (U) Internal Name=South Park Rally Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [37463412-EAC5388D-C:4A] Good Name=Space Dynamites (J) Internal Name=SPACE DYNAMITES RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] missing:players [EBFE2397-FF74DA34-C:45] Good Name=Space Invaders (U) Internal Name=SPACE INVADERS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [FC70E272-08FFE7AA-C:50] Good Name=Space Station Silicon Valley (E) (M7) Internal Name=Silicon Valley Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Core Note=(F) bad; use (E) ROM Plugin Note=[video] missing:sprites, errors:cutscenes Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [BFE23884-EF48EAAF-C:4A] Good Name=Space Station Silicon Valley (J) Internal Name=Silicon Valley RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:sprites, errors:cutscenes [BFE23884-EF48EAAF-C:45] Good Name=Space Station Silicon Valley (U) Internal Name=Silicon Valley RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:sprites, errors:cutscenes Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [A60ED171-3D85D06E-C:45] Good Name=Spider-Man (U) Internal Name=SPIDERMAN RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [FFCAA7C1-68858537-C:4A] Good Name=Star Fox 64 (J) Internal Name=STARFOX64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [A7D015F8-2289AA43-C:45] Good Name=Star Fox 64 (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=STARFOX64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [B703EB23-28AAE53A-C:4A] Good Name=Star Soldier Vanishing Earth (J) Internal Name=STAR SOLDIER Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [DDD93C85-DAE381E8-C:45] Good Name=Star Soldier Vanishing Earth (U) Internal Name=STAR SOLDIER Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [F163A242-F2449B3B-C:4A] Good Name=Star Twins (J) Internal Name=STAR TWINS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [7EE0E8BB-49E411AA-C:50] Good Name=Star Wars - Rogue Squadron (E) Internal Name=Rogue Squadron RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [66A24BEC-2EADD94F-C:45] Good Name=Star Wars - Rogue Squadron (U) Internal Name=Rogue Squadron RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [4D486681-AB7D9245-C:50] Good Name=Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (E) Internal Name=Shadow of the Empire Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] flicker Clear Frame=0 RDRAM Size=8 [FE24AC63-1B41AA17-C:4A] Good Name=Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (J) Internal Name=Shadow of the Empire Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] flicker Clear Frame=1 RDRAM Size=8 [264D7E5C-18874622-C:45] Good Name=Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=Shadow of the Empire Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] flicker Clear Frame=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 RDRAM Size=8 [4147B091-63251060-C:45] Good Name=Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=Shadow of the Empire Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] flicker Clear Frame=1 RDRAM Size=8 [4DD7ED54-74F9287D-C:45] Good Name=Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (U) (V1.2) Internal Name=Shadow of the Empire Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] flicker Clear Frame=1 RDRAM Size=8 [827E4890-958468DC-C:4A] Good Name=Star Wars - Shuggeki Rogue Chitai (J) Internal Name=rogue squadron RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [EAE6ACE2-020B4384-C:50] Good Name=Star Wars Episode I - Battle for Naboo (E) Internal Name=Battle for Naboo RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Core Note=interpreter only? Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [3D02989B-D4A381E2-C:45] Good Name=Star Wars Episode I - Battle for Naboo (U) Internal Name=Battle for Naboo RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Core Note=interpreter only? Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [53ED2DC4-06258002-C:50] Good Name=Star Wars Episode I - Racer (E) (M3) Internal Name=STAR WARS EP1 RACER RDRAM Size=8 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [61F5B152-046122AB-C:4A] Good Name=Star Wars Episode I - Racer (J) Internal Name=STAR WARS EP1 RACER RDRAM Size=8 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [72F70398-6556A98B-C:45] Good Name=Star Wars Episode I - Racer (U) Internal Name=STAR WARS EP1 RACER RDRAM Size=8 Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [42CF5EA3-9A1334DF-C:50] Good Name=StarCraft 64 (E) Internal Name=STARCRAFT 64 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Core Note=old [!] ROM is bad Clear Frame=2 [0684FBFB-5D3EA8A5-C:45] Good Name=StarCraft 64 (U) Internal Name=STARCRAFT 64 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [D89E0E55-B17AA99A-C:50] Good Name=Starshot - Space Circus Fever (E) (M3) Internal Name=Starshot Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] AV (see GameFAQ) [94EDA5B8-8673E903-C:45] Good Name=Starshot - Space Circus Fever (U) Internal Name=Starshot Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] AV (see GameFAQ) [9510D8D7-35100DD2-C:45] Good Name=Stunt Racer 64 (U) Internal Name=Stunt Racer 64 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [F4646B69-C5751095-C:4A] Good Name=Super B-Daman - Battle Phoenix 64 (J) Internal Name=BattlePhoenix64 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow - ok in game? [F3F2F385-6E490C7F-C:4A] Good Name=Super Bowling (J) Internal Name=SUPER BOWLING Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] geometry problem [AA1D215A-91CBBE9A-C:45] Good Name=Super Bowling 64 (U) Internal Name=SUPER BOWLING Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] geometry problem Clear Frame=0 [A03CF036-BCC1C5D2-C:50] Good Name=Super Mario 64 (E) (M3) Internal Name=SUPER MARIO 64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing:dissolve effect (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [4EAA3D0E-74757C24-C:4A] Good Name=Super Mario 64 (J) Internal Name=SUPER MARIO 64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing:dissolve effect (see GameFAQ) [635A2BFF-8B022326-C:45] Good Name=Super Mario 64 (U) Internal Name=SUPER MARIO 64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing:dissolve effect (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 MD5=49FBF9C744C458405F685D42B762A0BE [D6FBA4A8-6326AA2C-C:4A] Good Name=Super Mario 64 Shindou Edition (J) Internal Name=SUPERMARIO64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing:dissolve effect (see GameFAQ) [66572080-28E348E1-C:4A] Good Name=Super Robot Spirits (J) Internal Name=SUPERROBOTSPIRITS Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:menus Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [1649D810-F73AD6D2-C:4A] Good Name=Super Robot Taisen 64 (J) Internal Name=���߰��ޯ�����64 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] too slow to play [DD26FDA1-CB4A6BE3-C:55] Good Name=Super Smash Bros. (A) Internal Name=SMASH BROTHERS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) ViRefresh=2200 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-FUNC=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-Protect=1 SMM-TLB=0 [93945F48-5C0F2E30-C:50] Good Name=Super Smash Bros. (E) (M3) Internal Name=SMASH BROTHERS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) ViRefresh=2200 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-FUNC=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-Protect=1 SMM-TLB=0 [916B8B5B-780B85A4-C:45] Good Name=Super Smash Bros. (U) Internal Name=SMASH BROTHERS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 ViRefresh=2200 CustomSMM=1 SMM-Cache=0 SMM-FUNC=0 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-Protect=1 SMM-TLB=0 [9CE02E22-206EF1B0-C:4A] Good Name=Super Speed Race 64 (J) Internal Name=SUPER SPEED RACE 64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [2CBB127F-09C2BFD8-C:50] Good Name=Supercross 2000 (E) (M3) Internal Name=Supercross RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:track [C1452553-5D7B24D9-C:45] Good Name=Supercross 2000 (U) Internal Name=Supercross RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:track [B44CAB74-07029A29-C:50] Good Name=Superman (E) (M6) Internal Name=SUPERMAN Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing:fog on sky [A2E8F35B-C9DC87D9-C:45] Good Name=Superman (U) (M3) Internal Name=SUPERMAN Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] missing:fog on sky [35E811F3-99792724-C:4A] Good Name=Susume! Taisen Puzzle Dama Toukon! Marumata Chou (J) Internal Name=���!�����߽����� Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] severe errors [B98BA456-5B2B76AF-C:4A] Good Name=Tamagotchi World 64 (J) Internal Name=������Ϻޯ�ܰ��� Save Type=FlashRam Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] ? [37955E65-C6F2B7B3-C:0] Good Name=Tamiya Racing 64 (Unreleased) Internal Name= Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:textures [AEBCDD54-15FF834A-C:50] Good Name=Taz Express (E) (M6) Internal Name=Taz Express RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [D9042FBB-FCFF997C-C:46] Good Name=Telefoot Soccer 2000 (F) Internal Name=TELEFOOT SOCCER 2000 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [963ADBA6-F7D5C89B-C:4A] Good Name=Tetris 64 (J) Internal Name=TETRIS64 RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [0FE684A9-8BB77AC4-C:50] Good Name=Tetrisphere (E) Internal Name=TETRISPHERE Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] slow in menus Clear Frame=0 [3C1FDABE-02A4E0BA-C:45] Good Name=Tetrisphere (U) Internal Name=TETRISPHERE Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] slow in menus Clear Frame=0 [E0C4F72F-769E1506-C:50] Good Name=Tigger's Honey Hunt (E) (M7) Internal Name=Tigger's Honey Hunt Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [4EBFDD33-664C9D84-C:45] Good Name=Tigger's Honey Hunt (U) Internal Name=Tigger's Honey Hunt Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [2B4F4EFB-43C511FE-C:50] Good Name=Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry (E) (M6) Internal Name=TOM AND JERRY Save Type=FlashRam Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [63E7391C-E6CCEA33-C:45] Good Name=Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry (U) Internal Name=TOM AND JERRY Save Type=FlashRam Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [4875AF3D-9A66D3A2-C:50] Good Name=Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (E) Internal Name=RAINBOW SIX Status=Compatible [8D412933-588F64DB-C:44] Good Name=Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (G) Internal Name=RAINBOW SIX Status=Compatible [392A0C42-B790E77D-C:45] Good Name=Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (U) Internal Name=RAINBOW SIX Status=Compatible [093F916E-4408B698-C:50] Good Name=Tonic Trouble (E) (M5) Internal Name=Tonic Trouble Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:background Clear Frame=0 [EF9E9714-C03B2C7D-C:45] Good Name=Tonic Trouble (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=Tonic Trouble Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:background Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [9F8926A5-0587B409-C:50] Good Name=Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (E) Internal Name=TONY HAWK SKATEBOARD RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [204EC022-B119D185-C:45] Good Name=Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (U) Internal Name=TONY HAWK PRO SKATER RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [84EAB557-C88A190F-C:50] Good Name=Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (E) Internal Name=THPS2 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [99150E18-1266E6A5-C:45] Good Name=Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (U) Internal Name=THPS2 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [1A7F70B5-00B7B9FD-C:45] Good Name=Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (U) Internal Name=THPS3 RDRAM Size=8 Clear Frame=2 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 Status=Compatible [5F3F49C6-0DC714B0-C:50] Good Name=Top Gear Hyper-Bike (E) Internal Name=Top Gear Hyper Bike Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Cheat0=D10021EE 0001,810021EE 0000 //Game Playable Fix (Gent) [845B0269-57DE9502-C:4A] Good Name=Top Gear Hyper-Bike (J) Internal Name=Top Gear Hyper Bike Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Cheat0=D100225A 0001,8100225A 0000 //Game Playable Fix (Gent) [8ECC02F0-7F8BDE81-C:45] Good Name=Top Gear Hyper-Bike (U) Internal Name=Top Gear Hyper Bike Linking=On Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Cheat0=D10021EA 0001,810021EA 0000 //Game Playable Fix (Gent) Clear Frame=0 MD5=B646CA87BA3949A161881AD461581520 [D09BA538-1C1A5489-C:50] Good Name=Top Gear Overdrive (E) Internal Name=Top Gear Overdrive Status=Issues (mixed) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Cheat0=D1001AB2 0001,81001AB2 0000 //Game Playble Fix Interpreter Only (Gent) [0578F24F-9175BF17-C:4A] Good Name=Top Gear Overdrive (J) Internal Name=Top Gear Overdrive Status=Issues (mixed) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Cheat0=D1001B4E 0001,81001B4E 0000 //Game Playble Fix Interpreter Only (Gent) [D741CD80-ACA9B912-C:45] Good Name=Top Gear Overdrive (U) Internal Name=Top Gear Overdrive Status=Issues (mixed) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Cheat0=D1001B4E 0001,81001B4E 0000 // Game Playble Fix Interpreter Only (Gent) Clear Frame=0 [7F43E701-536328D1-C:50] Good Name=Top Gear Rally (E) Internal Name=TOP GEAR RALLY Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=no sound [0E596247-753D4B8B-C:4A] Good Name=Top Gear Rally (J) Internal Name=TOP GEAR RALLY Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=no sound [62269B3D-FE11B1E8-C:45] Good Name=Top Gear Rally (U) Internal Name=TOP GEAR RALLY Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=no sound Clear Frame=0 [BEBAB677-51B0B5E4-C:50] Good Name=Top Gear Rally 2 (E) Internal Name=TOP GEAR RALLY 2 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 Emulate Clear=0 [CFEF2CD6-C9E973E6-C:4A] Good Name=Top Gear Rally 2 (J) Internal Name=TOP GEAR RALLY 2 Status=Compatible [EF703CA4-4D4A9AC9-C:4A] Good Name=Toukon Road - Brave Spirits (J) Internal Name=TOUKON ROAD RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Core Note=? Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [551C7F43-9149831C-C:4A] Good Name=Toukon Road 2 - The Next Generation (J) Internal Name=TOUKON ROAD2 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Core Note=? Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [BE5973E0-89B0EDB8-C:45] Good Name=Top Gear Rally 2 (U) Internal Name=TOP GEAR RALLY 2 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [CCEB3858-26952D97-C:50] Good Name=Toy Story 2 (E) Internal Name=Toy Story 2 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [CB93DB97-7F5C63D5-C:46] Good Name=Toy Story 2 (F) Internal Name=Toy Story 2 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [782A9075-E552631D-C:44] Good Name=Toy Story 2 (G) Internal Name=Toy Story 2 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [A150743E-CF2522CD-C:45] Good Name=Toy Story 2 (U) Internal Name=Toy Story 2 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [FE4B6B43-081D29A7-C:45] Good Name=Triple Play 2000 (U) Internal Name=TRIPLE PLAY 2000 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [2F7009DD-FC3BAC53-C:50] Good Name=Turok - Dinosaur Hunter (E) (V1.0) Internal Name=TUROK_DINOSAUR_HUNTE Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [2F700DCD-176CC5C9-C:50] Good Name=Turok - Dinosaur Hunter (E) (V1.1)/(V1.2) Internal Name=TUROK_DINOSAUR_HUNTE Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [665FD963-B5CC6612-C:44] Good Name=Turok - Dinosaur Hunter (G) Internal Name=TUROK_DINOSAUR_HUNTE Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [916AE6B8-8817AB22-C:4A] Good Name=Tokisora Senshi Turok (J) Internal Name=turok_dinosaur_hunte Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [2F70F10D-5C4187FF-C:45] Good Name=Turok - Dinosaur Hunter (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=TUROK_DINOSAUR_HUNTE Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [2F700DCD-176CC5C9-C:45] Good Name=Turok - Dinosaur Hunter (U) (V1.1)/(v1.2) Internal Name=TUROK_DINOSAUR_HUNTE Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [66E4FA0F-DE88C7D0-C:44] Good Name=Turok - Legenden des Verlorenen Landes (Rage Wars) (G) Internal Name=Turok: Rage Wars RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [1EA26214-E790900F-C:50] Good Name=Turok - Rage Wars (E) Internal Name=Turok: Rage Wars RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [ADB9498B-DAF28F55-C:45] Good Name=Turok - Rage Wars (U) Internal Name=Turok: Rage Wars RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [E8C95AFC-35D121DA-C:50] Good Name=Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil - Kiosk (E) Internal Name=Turok 2: Kiosk RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [E8C95AFC-35D121DA-C:45] Good Name=Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil - Kiosk (U) Internal Name=Turok 2: Kiosk RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [E0B92B94-80E87CBD-C:50] Good Name=Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (E) Internal Name=Turok 2: Seeds of Ev RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [FE05840B-9393320C-C:44] Good Name=Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (G) Internal Name=Turok 2: Seeds of Ev RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [49088A11-6494957E-C:45] Good Name=Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (U) Internal Name=Turok 2: Seeds of Ev RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [6A162FF2-2093704C-C:50] Good Name=Turok 3 - Shadow of Oblivion (E) Internal Name=Turok 3: Shadow of O RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [89A579F1-667E97EF-C:45] Good Name=Turok 3 - Shadow of Oblivion (U) Internal Name=Turok 3: Shadow of O RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [E688A5B8-B14B3F18-C:50] Good Name=Twisted Edge Extreme Snowboarding (E) Internal Name=TWISTED EDGE RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=no sound Plugin Note=[video] errors:menu snowflakes [BBC99D32-117DAA80-C:45] Good Name=Twisted Edge Extreme Snowboarding (U) Internal Name=TWISTED EDGE RDRAM Size=8 Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=no sound Plugin Note=[video] errors:menu snowflakes Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [DD10BC7E-F900B351-C:50] Good Name=Vigilante 8 - 2nd Offence (E) Internal Name=V8: SECOND OFFENSE RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,sky [F5C5866D-052713D9-C:45] Good Name=Vigilante 8 - 2nd Offense (U) Internal Name=V8; SECOND OFFENSE RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,sky [151F79F4-8EEDC8E5-C:50] Good Name=Vigilante 8 (E) Internal Name=VIGILANTE 8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,sky [E2BC82A2-591CD694-C:46] Good Name=Vigilante 8 (F) Internal Name=VIGILANTE 8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,sky [6EDA5178-D396FEC1-C:44] Good Name=Vigilante 8 (G) Internal Name=VIGILANTE 8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,sky Clear Frame=0 [EA71056A-E4214847-C:45] Good Name=Vigilante 8 (U) Internal Name=VIGILANTE 8 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,sky Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [60006C98-2605A381-C:4A] Good Name=Violence Killer - Turok New Generation (J) Internal Name=VIOLENCEKILLER RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [2FDAA221-A588A7CE-C:50] Good Name=Virtual Chess 64 (E) (M6) Internal Name=VIRTUALCHESS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [82B3248B-E73E244D-C:45] Good Name=Virtual Chess 64 (U) (M3) Internal Name=VIRTUALCHESS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [98F9F2D0-03D9F09C-C:50] Good Name=Virtual Pool 64 (E) Internal Name=Virtual Pool 64 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [4E4A7643-A37439D7-C:45] Good Name=Virtual Pool 64 (U) Internal Name=Virtual Pool 64 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [045C08C4-4AFD798B-C:4A] Good Name=Virtual Pro Wrestling (J) Internal Name=�ް��� ���ڽ�ݸ� 64 Clear Frame=1 Status=Issues (core) Plugin Note=[video] flicker [CD094235-88074B62-C:4A] Good Name=Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 - Oudou Keishou (J) Internal Name=�ް��� ���ڽ 2 Status=Compatible [636E6B19-E57DDC5F-C:50] Good Name=V-Rally Edition 99 (E) Internal Name=V-RALLY Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,HUD [4D0224A5-1BEB5794-C:4A] Good Name=V-Rally Edition 99 (J) Internal Name=V-RALLY Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,HUD [3C059038-C8BF2182-C:45] Good Name=V-Rally Edition 99 (U) Internal Name=V-RALLY Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,HUD Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [93053075-261E0F43-C:50] Good Name=Waialae Country Club - True Golf Classics (E) (M4) (V1.0) Internal Name=Waialae Country Club Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] framebuffer:shot (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [0C5057AD-046E126E-C:50] Good Name=Waialae Country Club - True Golf Classics (E) (M4) (V1.1) Internal Name=Waialae Country Club Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] framebuffer:shot (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [8066D58A-C3DECAC1-C:45] Good Name=Waialae Country Club - True Golf Classics (U) Internal Name=Waialae Country Club Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] framebuffer:shot (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=1 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [D715CC70-271CF5D6-C:50] Good Name=War Gods (E) Internal Name=WAR GODS Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [F7FE28F6-C3F2ACC3-C:45] Good Name=War Gods (U) Internal Name=WAR GODS Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [650EFA96-30DDF9A7-C:50] Good Name=Wave Race 64 (E) (M2) Internal Name=WAVE RACE 64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Culling=1 [5C9191D6-B30AC306-C:4A] Good Name=Wave Race 64 (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=WAVE RACE 64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [7DE11F53-74872F9D-C:45] Good Name=Wave Race 64 (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=WAVE RACE 64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [492F4B61-04E5146A-C:45] Good Name=Wave Race 64 (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=WAVE RACE 64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [535DF3E2-609789F1-C:4A] Good Name=Wave Race 64 Shindou Edition (J) (V1.2) Internal Name=WAVE RACE 64 Counter Factor=3 Status=Compatible [2209094B-2C9559AF-C:50] Good Name=Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey (E) (M4) Internal Name=W.G. 3DHOCKEY Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [F1301043-FD80541A-C:4A] Good Name=Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey (J) Internal Name=WGHOCKEY Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [6B45223F-F00E5C56-C:45] Good Name=Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=W.G. 3DHOCKEY Status=Compatible [661B45F3-9ED6266D-C:50] Good Name=Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98 (E) (M4) Internal Name=W.G. 3DHockey98 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [5A9D3859-97AAE710-C:45] Good Name=Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98 (U) Internal Name=W.G. 3DHOCKEY98 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [396F5ADD-6693ECA7-C:45] Good Name=WCW Backstage Assault (U) Internal Name=WCW BACKSTAGE Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement [AA7B0658-9C96937B-C:50] Good Name=WCW Mayhem (E) Internal Name=WCW MAYHEM RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [33BE8CD6-EC186912-C:45] Good Name=WCW Mayhem (U) Internal Name=WCW MAYHEM RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [D4C45A1A-F425B25E-C:45] Good Name=WCW Nitro (U) Internal Name=NITRO64 Counter Factor=3 Clear Frame=0 Status=Compatible Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [8BDBAF68-345B4B36-C:50] Good Name=WCW vs. nWo - World Tour (E) Internal Name=WCWvs.NWO:World Tour Clear Frame=1 Status=Issues (core) Plugin Note=[video] flicker [2C3E19BD-5113EE5E-C:45] Good Name=WCW vs. nWo - World Tour (U) (V1.0) Internal Name=WCWvs.NWO:World Tour Clear Frame=1 Status=Issues (core) Plugin Note=[video] flicker [71BE60B9-1DDBFB3C-C:45] Good Name=WCW vs. nWo - World Tour (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=WCWvs.NWO:World Tour Clear Frame=1 Status=Issues (core) Plugin Note=[video] flicker [68E8A875-0CE7A486-C:50] Good Name=WCW-nWo Revenge (E) Internal Name=WCW / nWo REVENGE Counter Factor=1 Clear Frame=1 Status=Compatible [DEE596AB-AF3B7AE7-C:45] Good Name=WCW-nWo Revenge (U) Internal Name=WCW / nWo REVENGE Counter Factor=1 Clear Frame=1 Status=Compatible [CEA8B54F-7F21D503-C:50] Good Name=Wetrix (E) (M6) Internal Name=Wetrix RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=3 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [DCB6EAFA-C6BBCFA3-C:4A] Good Name=Wetrix (J) Internal Name=wetrix RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=3 Status=Compatible [CEA8B54F-7F21D503-C:45] Good Name=Wetrix (U) Internal Name=Wetrix RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=3 Status=Compatible [E896092B-DC244D4E-C:45] Good Name=Wheel of Fortune (U) Internal Name=WHEEL OF FORTUNE Status=Compatible [0CEBC4C7-0C9CE932-C:4A] Good Name=Wild Choppers (J) Internal Name=WILD CHOPPERS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [A04237B9-68F62C72-C:0] Good Name=Wildwaters (Unreleased) Internal Name= RDRAM Size=8 Linking=On Status=Uncertain [D5898CAF-6007B65B-C:50] Good Name=Operation WinBack (E) (M5) Internal Name=OPERATION WINBACK Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] grey square (see GameFAQ) [1FA056E0-A4B9946A-C:4A] Good Name=WinBack (J) Internal Name=WIN BACK Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] grey square (see GameFAQ) [ED98957E-8242DCAC-C:45] Good Name=WinBack - Covert Operations (U) Internal Name=WIN BACK Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] grey square (see GameFAQ) [54310E7D-6B5430D8-C:50] Good Name=Wipeout 64 (E) Internal Name=Wipeout 64 RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Region issue (c) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Core Note=controls hang;use (U) ROM Clear Frame=0 [132D2732-C70E9118-C:45] Good Name=Wipeout 64 (U) Internal Name=Wipeout 64 RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [E43C9765-05B1C1BE-C:4A] Good Name=Wonder Project J2 (J) Internal Name=WONDER PROJECT J2 Status=Compatible Core Note=intro hang? skip to avoid Plugin Note=[video] errors:texture alignment [F9FC3090-FF014EC2-C:50] Good Name=World Cup 98 (E) Internal Name=World Cup 98 Status=Issues (plugin) Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,pitch [BD636D6A-5D1F54BA-C:45] Good Name=World Cup 98 (U) Internal Name=World Cup 98 Status=Issues (plugin) Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus,pitch [AC062778-DFADFCB8-C:50] Good Name=World Driver Championship (E) Internal Name=WORLD DRIVER CHAMP RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Core Note=? Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [308DFEC8-CE2EB5F6-C:45] Good Name=World Driver Championship (U) Internal Name=WORLD DRIVER CHAMP RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Core Note=? Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [2D21C57B-8FE4C58C-C:50] Good Name=Worms - Armageddon (E) (M6) Internal Name=WORMS N64 Status=Compatible [13E959A0-0E93CAB0-C:45] Good Name=Worms - Armageddon (U) (M3) Internal Name=WORMS ARMAGEDDON Status=Compatible [33A275A4-B8504459-C:50] Good Name=WWF - War Zone (E) Internal Name=WWF War Zone RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [CD5BEC0F-86FD1008-C:45] Good Name=WWF - War Zone (U) Internal Name=WWF War Zone RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [5BF45B7B-596BEEE8-C:50] Good Name=WWF Attitude (E) Internal Name=WWF: Attitude RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [8F3151C8-4F3AF545-C:44] Good Name=WWF Attitude (G) Internal Name=WWF: Attitude RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [D2BE2F14-38453788-C:45] Good Name=WWF Attitude (U) Internal Name=WWF; Attitude RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [6D8DF08E-D008C3CF-C:50] Good Name=WWF No Mercy (E) (V1.0) Internal Name=WWF No Mercy Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [8CDB94C2-CB46C6F0-C:50] Good Name=WWF No Mercy (E) (V1.1) Internal Name=WWF No Mercy Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [4E4B0640-1B49BCFB-C:45] Good Name=WWF No Mercy (U) Internal Name=WWF No Mercy Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [C71353BE-AA09A6EE-C:50] Good Name=WWF WrestleMania 2000 (E) Internal Name=WRESTLEMANIA2000 Use TLB=No Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible [12737DA5-23969159-C:4A] Good Name=WWF Wrestlemania 2000 (J) Internal Name=گ���Ʊ 2000 Use TLB=No Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible [90A59003-31089864-C:45] Good Name=WWF WrestleMania 2000 (U) Internal Name=WRESTLEMANIA 2000 Use TLB=No Use Large Buffer=Yes Status=Compatible [0A1667C7-293346A6-C:50] Good Name=Xena Warrior Princess - Talisman of Fate (E) Internal Name=XENAWARRIORPRINCESS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Culling=1 [0553AE9D-EAD8E0C1-C:45] Good Name=Xena Warrior Princess - Talisman of Fate (U) Internal Name=XENAWARRIORPRINCESS Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 Culling=1 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Emulate Clear=0 [9F8B96C3-A01194DC-C:4A] Good Name=Yakouchuu II - Satsujun Kouru (J) Internal Name=YAKOUTYUU2 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Only intro/part OK Core Note=stuck in loop Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [D3F97D49-6924135B-C:50] Good Name=Yoshi's Story (E) (M3) Internal Name=YOSHI STORY Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [2DCFCA60-8354B147-C:4A] Good Name=Yoshi's Story (J) Internal Name=YOSHI STORY Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [2337D8E8-6B8E7CEC-C:45] Good Name=Yoshi's Story (U) (M2) Internal Name=YOSHI STORY Save Type=16kbit Eeprom Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 [77DA3B8D-162B0D7C-C:4A] Good Name=Ide Yosuke no Mahjong Juku (J) Internal Name=���ֳ���ϰ�ެݼޭ� Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported Core Note=64DD? [9FE6162D-E97E4037-C:4A] Good Name=Yuke Yuke!! Trouble Makers (J) Internal Name=TROUBLE MAKERS Status=Compatible [EC7011B7-7616D72B-C:4A] Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801DA5CB 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix MD5=ECEF4DD132C4398A6A69F90038303E0A FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 [EC417312-EB31DE5F-C:4A] Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Mujura no Kamen (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=THE MASK OF MUJURA RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:day_transistion (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [1C010CCD-22D3B7FA-C:4A] Good Name=Zool - Majou Tsukai Densetsu (J) Internal Name=�ް� ϼޭ�¶���ݾ� Status=Compatible [1D4136F3-AF63EEA9-C:45] Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (E) [h1C] Internal Name=ZELDA MASTER QUEST Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) edited ROM Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801D8F4B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix Cheat1=D109A8C4 0320,8109A8C4 0000,D109A8C6 F809,8109A8C6 0000 //End Credits Fix MD5=C27D66B21A8BF568A0A5F5115D66BF86 FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 [BA780BA0-0F21DB34-C:45] Good Name=Star Fox 64 (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=STARFOX64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [B00903C9-3916C146-C:4A] Good Name=AeroGauge - Kiosk (J) (V1.0) Internal Name=AEROGAUGE Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [D76333AC-0CB6219D-C:4A] Good Name=Bass Rush - Ecogear Powerworm Championship (J) Internal Name=Bass Rush Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible [38442634-66B3F060-C:44] Good Name=F-1 World Grand Prix (G) Internal Name=F1 WORLD GRAND PRIX Status=Compatible Core Note=high system requirement Plugin Note=[video] errors:status bar [95A80114-E0B72A7F-C:4A] Good Name=Hamster Monogatari 64 (J) Internal Name=�ѽ���ɶ���64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 Plugin Note=[video] slow in places //Resolution Height=-1 [0A5D8F83-98C5371A-C:50] Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (E) (M4) (v1.1) Internal Name=ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:day_transistion (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [1D4136F3-AF63EEA9-C:50] Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (E) (GC Version) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801D8F4B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix Cheat1=D109A8C4 0320,8109A8C4 0000,D109A8C6 F809,8109A8C6 0000 //End Credits Fix [27A3831D-B505A533-C:45], Good Name changed in 1.6x BETA13 Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (E) [f1] (NTSC) Internal Name=ZELDA MASTER QUEST Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) edited ROM Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801D8F4B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix Cheat1=D109A8C4 0320,8109A8C4 0000,D109A8C6 F809,8109A8C6 0000 //End Credits Fix MD5=118D0C33F9B9EE906C20BBC57B2CF2E5 FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 [09465AC3-F8CB501B-C:50] Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (E) (GC Version) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801D8F8B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix Cheat1=D109A8E4 0320,8109A8E4 0000,D109A8E6 F809,8109A8E6 0000 //End Credits Fix MD5=D71C81089A0AE583A4BCDC76941AD5F0 FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 [B443EB08-4DB31193-C:45] Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask - Collector's Edition (U) (GC Version) Internal Name=ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:day_transistion (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [91C9E05D-AD3AAFB9-C:50] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (E) (V1.1) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [219191C1-33183C61-C:50] Good Name=Star Wars - Rogue Squadron (E) (V1.1) Internal Name=Rogue Squadron RDRAM Size=8 Status=Needs video plugin Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [BC9B2CC3-4ED04DA5-C:37] Good Name=StarCraft 64 (Beta) Internal Name=�2���8y)�tU��y7��]�9 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 [DC3BAA59-0ABB456A-C:45] Good Name=Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey (U) (V1.1) Internal Name=W.G. 3DHOCKEY Status=Compatible // ROMs below are PD/Intros/Emus and other Non Commercial // from Gent [8E248649-2E1CDE52-C:0] Good Name=Fire_Demo_by_Lac_(PD) Internal Name=Fire Demo by Lac (PD) Clear Frame=0 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [775AFA9C-0EB52EF6-C:45] Good Name=HardCoded by Iceage Clear Frame=0 Internal Name=HardCoded by Iceage RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=1 CPU Type=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [04815914-87141455-C:45] Good Name=2 Blokes'n'Armchair Internal Name=2 Blokes'n'Armchair RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default CPU Type=Default Status=Compatible [4C304819-2CBE7573-C:0] Good Name=3DS Model Conversion by Snake (PD) Internal Name=3DS Model Conversion RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default CPU Type=Default Status=Compatible [5C450380-4B5CB6E6-C:0] Good Name=1964 Demo by Steb (PD) Internal Name=1964 test rom RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported [D6D29529-D4EADEE4-C:0] Good Name=77a by Count0 (POM '98) (PD) Internal Name=77a By Count0 Clear Frame=0 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default CPU Type=Default Status=Compatible [975B7845-A2505C18-C:0] Good Name=77a Special Edition by Count0 (PD) Internal Name=77a-SE By Count0 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default CPU Type=Default Status=Compatible [B0667DED-BB39A4B8-C:0] Good Name=Absolute Crap Intro 1 by Kid Stardust (PD) Internal Name=� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [2E7E893C-4E68B642-C:0] Good Name=Absolute Crap Intro 2 by Lem (PD) Internal Name=�*� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [888EEC7A-42361983-C:0] Good Name=Alienstyle Intro by Renderman (PD) Internal Name=ReNdErMaN RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [43EFB5BB-D8C62E2B-C:0] Good Name=Alienstyle Intro by Renderman (PD) [a1] Internal Name=ReNdErMaN RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [306B3375-05F4E698-C:45] Good Name=Alleycat 64 by Dosin (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=Alleycat64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [26E43C40-E11F283C-C:0] Good Name=Attax64 by Pookae (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=Ataxx64 by Pookae RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [4E5507F2-E7D3B413-C:0] Good Name=BB SRAM Manager (PD) Internal Name=BB Sram Manager RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [3A089BBC-54AB2C06-C:0] Good Name=Berney Must Die! by Nop_ (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=Berney must die! RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible Core Note=press start [713FDDD3-72D6A0EF-C:20] Good Name=Bike Race '98 V1.0 by NAN (PD) Internal Name=Bike Race by NaN RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=unknown country error [F4B64159-46FC16CF-C:20] Good Name=Bike Race '98 V1.2 by NAN (PD) Internal Name=Bike Race V1.2 NaN RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=unknown country error [C2B35C2F-5CD995A2-C:0] Good Name=Birthday Demo for Steve by Nep (PD) Internal Name=happy b-day Steve RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Clear Frame=0 Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=unknown country error [2D15DC8C-D3BBDB52-C:0] Good Name=Boot Emu by Jovis (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported [95081A8B-49DFE4FA-C:45] Good Name=CD64 Memory Test (PD) Internal Name=CD64 SIMMtest RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (core) Core Note=unknown country error [EDA1A0C7-58EE0464-C:0] Good Name=Chaos 89 Demo (PD) Internal Name=�*� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Core Note=unknown country error Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [B484EB31-D44B1928-C:0] Good Name=Christmas Flame Demo (PD) Internal Name=Flame Demo 12/25/01 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=slow Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [7739A454-A2F52A66-C:0] Good Name=Chrome Demo - Enhanced (PD) Internal Name=A HORiZON64 RELEASE RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [95013CCC-73F7C072-C:0] Good Name=Chrome Demo - Original (PD) Internal Name=Chrome demo RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible Core Note=unknown country error [4B0313E2-65657446-C:0] Good Name=Cliffi's Little Intro by Cliffi (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=pom-clif RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Core Note=unknown country error [D2B908C8-E0E73A1D-C:0] Good Name=Congratulations Demo for SPLiT by Widget and Immo (PD) Internal Name=congrats split! RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible Core Note=unknown country error [0E3ED77B-8E1C26FD-C:0] Good Name=Cube Demo (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported [5B9D65DF-A18AB4AE-C:0] Good Name=CZN Module Player (PD) Internal Name=CZN module player RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=? Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [887C368D-D1663AA2-C:0] Good Name=Display List Ate My Mind Demo by Kid Stardust (PD) Internal Name=DL Ate My Mind - TSF RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (core) [B323E37C-BBC35EC4-C:0] Good Name=DKONG Demo (PD) Internal Name=DONKEY KONG (DEMO) RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [19E0E54C-CB721FD2-C:0] Good Name=DKONG Demo (PD) Internal Name=DragonKing-CrowTRobo RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported [1194FFD2-808C6FB1-C:45] Good Name=DS1 Manager 1.0 by RBubba (PD) Internal Name=DS1 Manager V1.0 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [D7484C2A-56CFF26D-C:45] Good Name=DS1 Manager 1.1 by RBubba (PD) Internal Name=� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [B8E73356-040E42EC-C:0] Good Name=Dynamix Intro (Hidden Song) by Widget and Immo (PD) Internal Name= DYNAMIX RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [086E91C9-89F47C51-C:0] Good Name=Dynamix Intro by Widget and Immo (PD) Internal Name= DYNAMIX RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [186CC1A9-A0DE4C8D-C:0] Good Name=Dynamix Readme by Widget and Immo (PD Internal Name=Dynamix POM Readme RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [97FC2167-4616872B-C:0] Good Name=Game Boy Emulator (POM '98) (PD) Internal Name=pom98 GB Emu RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Use TLB=No Plugin Note=[video] fails@3rd screen [60D0A702-432236C6-C:50] Good Name=Game Boy Emulator + Super Mario 3 (PD) Internal Name=GameBooster 64 v1.1 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Core Note=gets to the booting screen [5D8B9226-47605A2A-C:50] Good Name=GBlator for CD64 (PD) Internal Name=N64 GAMEBOY EMULATOR RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported [5C1AAD1C-AF7BF297-C:45] Good Name=GBlator for NTSC Dr V64 (PD) Internal Name=Gblator NTSC Version RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Core Note=gets to the booting screen [5D0F8DD2-990BE538-C:50] Good Name=GBlator for PAL Dr V64 (PD) Internal Name=N64 GAMEBOY EM6V+4A RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Core Note=gets to the booting screen [D5CA46C2-F8555155-C:0] Good Name=MAME 64 Emulator Beta 3 (PD) Internal Name=MAME-64 beta3 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Only intro/part OK Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [9118F1B8-987DAC8C-C:0] Good Name=PC-Engine 64 Emulator (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=PC-Engine 64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Use TLB=No Status=Issues (core) Core Note=slow in game [CA69ECE5-13A88244-C:21] Good Name=SNES 9X Alpha (PD) Internal Name=TRAINER INTRO #2 CZN RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported [4E7DE4EF-0DEC3712-C:0] Good Name=UltraMSX2 V1.0 (PD) Internal Name=ultraMSX2 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=works only first time Plugin Note=? [504ABA0A-269AA7F4-C:0] Good Name=UltraMSX2 V1.0 (ROMS Inserted) (PD) Internal Name=ultraMSX2 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=works only first time Plugin Note=? [F291B959-A24CBCAF-C:0] Good Name=UltraSMS V1.0 (PD) Internal Name=ultraSMS RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Use TLB=No Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=works only first time Plugin Note=? [DCBE12CD-FCCB5E58-C:0] Good Name=VNES64 + Galaga (PD) Internal Name=JL_Picard vNES64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default CPU Type=Default Status=Only intro/part OK [66807E77-EBEA2D76-C:0] Good Name=VNES64 + Mario (PD) Internal Name=JL_Picard vNES64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Only intro/part OK [4537BDFF-D1ECB425-C:0] Good Name=VNES64 + Test Cart (PD) Internal Name=JL_Picard vNES64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Only intro/part OK [0E4B8C92-7F47A9B8-C:0] Good Name=VNES64 Emulator V0.12 by Jean-Luc Picard (PD) Internal Name=JL_Picard vNES64 .12 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Core Note=? Plugin Note=? [52F22511-B9D85F75-C:0] Good Name=Eurasia first N64 Intro by Sispeo (PD) Internal Name=Eurasia first N64 Intro by Sispeo (PD).v64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [93A94333-5A613C39-C:0] Good Name=Eurasia Intro by Ste (PD) Internal Name=Ste-Eurasia RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[audio] bad sound [D49DFF90-8DB53A8C-C:0] Good Name=Evek - V64jr Save Manager by WT_Riker (PD) Internal Name=OBS-Evek RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (core) Core Note=works only first time [3E5D6755-9AE4BD3B-C:20] Good Name=Explode Demo by NaN (PD) Internal Name=kaboom v0.9 NaN RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible Core Note=unknown country error [ECAEC238-EE351DDA-C:0] Good Name=Fireworks Demo by CrowTRobo (PD) Internal Name=Fireworks Demo - OBS RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [5CABD891-6229F6CE-C:20] Good Name=Fish Demo by NaN (PD) Internal Name=Fishy by NaN v0.3141 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible Core Note=unknown county error [11C646E7-4D86C048-C:0] Good Name=Fogworld USA Demo (PD) Internal Name=This CD by "SPLAT! RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [30E6FE79-3EEA5386-C:0] Good Name=Fractal Zoomer Demo by RedboX (PD) Internal Name=Test Program RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [714001E3-2EB04B67-C:0] Good Name=Freekworld BBS Intro by Rene (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [69458FFE-C9D007AB-C:0] Good Name=Freekworld New Intro by Ste (PD) Internal Name=fwIntro RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [CEE5C8CD-D3D85466-C:0] Good Name=Friendship Demo by Renderman (PD) Internal Name=PD-HS Friendship RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [2F67DC59-74AAD9F1-C:0] Good Name=Ghemor - CD64 Xfer & Save Util (CommsLink) by CrowTRobo (PD) Internal Name=Ghemor CL - OBSIDIAN RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Plugin Note=fails at full screen [0D99E899-43E0FCD1-C:0] Good Name=Ghemor - CD64 Xfer & Save Util (Parallel) by CrowTRobo (PD) Internal Name=Ghemor PP - OBSIDIAN RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Plugin Note=fails at full screen [2575EF19-D13D2A2C-C:0] Good Name=GT Demo (PD) Internal Name=GT Demo (PD) [a1] RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [9856E53D-AF483207-C:0] Good Name=Hard Pom '99 Demo by TS_Garp (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=Hard RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Core Note=slow [5D391A40-84D7A637-C:0] Good Name=Heavy 64 Demo by Destop (PD) Internal Name=Destop production RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported Core Note=Crash on load [4072572D-A23DB72C-C:45] Good Name=HiRes CFB Demo (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [BD1263E5-388C9BE7-C:45] Good Name=HSD Quick Intro (PD) Internal Name=HSD Quick Intro RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 Clear Frame=0 [A957851C-535A5667-C:0] Good Name=JPEG Slideshow Viewer by Garth Elgar (PD) Internal Name=Jpeg Viewer RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (core) Core Note=works only first time [64709212-699BCF3B-C:0] Good Name=Kid Stardust Intro with Sound by Kid Stardust (PD) Internal Name=(� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Use TLB=No Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:graphics [8E97A4A6-D1F31B33-C:0] Good Name=LaC MOD Player - The Temple Gates (PD) Internal Name=toms fucking demo RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [F828DF21-C5E83F66-C:0] Good Name=LCARS Demo by WT Riker (PD) Internal Name=LCARS - WT_Riker RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [7D292963-D5277C1F-C:45] Good Name=Light Force First N64 Demo by Fractal (PD) Internal Name=LFC Intro RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [8A8E474B-6458BF2B-C:0] Good Name=Liner V1.00 by Colin Phillipps of Memir (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [A47D4AD4-F5B0C6CB-C:45] Good Name=Manic Miner - Hidden Levels by RedboX (PD) Internal Name=Manic Miner 64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=too dark to see Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [A47D4AD4-8BFA81F9-C:45] Good Name=Manic Miner by RedboX (PD) Internal Name=Manic Miner 64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=too dark to see Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [A806749B-1F521F45-C:0] Good Name=MeeTING Demo by Renderman (PD) Internal Name=PROTEST DESIGN RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [81A3F478-B6965E3E-C:0] Good Name=Mempack Manager for Jr 0.9 by deas (PD) Internal Name=mmjr by deas RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [1EC6C03C-B0954ADA-C:0] Good Name=Mempack Manager for Jr 0.9b by deas (PD) Internal Name=mmjr by deas RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [D2015E56-A9FE0CE6-C:0] Good Name=Mempack Manager for Jr 0.9c by deas (PD) Internal Name=mmjr by deas RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [6A097D8B-F999048C-C:0] Good Name=Mempack to N64 Uploader by Destop V1.0 (PD) Internal Name=Crazy Nation RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [21548CA9-9059F32C-C:0] Good Name=Mini Racers (Unreleased) Internal Name= Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] errors:textures [C811CBB1-8FB7617C-C:0] Good Name=Mind Present Demo 0 by Widget and Immo (POM '98) (PD) Internal Name=Mind Present / DNX RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [139A06BC-416B0055-C:0] Good Name=Mind Present Demo Readme (POM '98) (PD) Internal Name=Mind Present-Readme RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [9E6581AB-57CC8CED-C:0] Good Name=MMR by Count0 (PD) Internal Name=MMR By Count0 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (core) [282A4262-58B47E76-C:0] Good Name=Money Creates Taste Demo by Count0 (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=MCT by WH RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible Core Note=wait to load [947A4B47-90BFECA6-C:0] Good Name=Mortal Kombat SRAM Loader (PD) Internal Name=Mario Kart SRAM RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [94D3D5CB-E8808606-C:0] Good Name=MSFTUG Intro #1 by Lac (PD) Internal Name=msftug RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported [9865799F-006F908C-C:45] Good Name=My Angel Demo (PD) Internal Name=My Angel RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported [6D2C07F1-C884F0D0-C:0] Good Name=N64 Scene Gallery by CALi (PD) Internal Name=The N64 Scene RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) [71255651-C6AE0EA6-C:0] Good Name=N64 Stars Demo (PD) Internal Name=N64 Stars Demo (PD) Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [C4855DA2-83BBA182-C:0] Good Name=Namp64 - N64 MP3-Player by Obsidian (PD) Internal Name=Namp64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default CPU Type=Default Use TLB=No Status=Unsupported [15DB95D4-77BC52D8-C:45] Good Name=NBC First Intro by CALi (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Use TLB=No Core Note=slow Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [60E528A6-9500D4D3-C:0] Good Name=Nintendo Family by CALi (PD) Internal Name=The Nintendo Family RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=? Plugin Note=? [DD95F49D-2A9B8893-C:0] Good Name=NBC-LFC Kings of Porn Vol 01 [a1} (PD) Internal Name=The Kings of Porn RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=? Plugin Note=? [AB9F8D97-95EAA766-C:0] Good Name=NBC-LFC Kings of Porn Vol 01 (PD) Internal Name=Kings of Porn Vol 01 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=? Plugin Note=? [011F98B2-1E1C8263-C:0] Good Name=NBCG Special Edition (PD) Internal Name=NBCG Special Edition RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=? Plugin Note=? [61A5FCEE-B59FD8D3-C:0] Good Name=NBCG's Kings of Porn Demo (PD) Internal Name=The Kings Of Porn RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=? Plugin Note=? [15AA9AF2-FF33D333-C:0] Good Name=NBCG's Tag Gallery 01 by CALi (PD) Internal Name=NBCG TAG Gallery 01 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (mixed) Core Note=? Plugin Note=? [84067BAC-87FBA623-C:45] Good Name=NBCrew 2 Demo (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Core Note=slow Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [3B18F4F7-82BFB2B3-C:45] Good Name=Neon64 First Public Beta Release by HCS (PD) Internal Name=Neon64 by HCS RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Core Note=slow Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [3B18F6F9-8C4BE567-C:45] Good Name=Neon64 First Public Beta Release V2 by HCS (PD) Internal Name=Neon64 by HCS RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default [6B2AFCC7-EEB27A34-C:0] Good Name=Nintendo On My Mind Demo by Kid Stardust (PD) Internal Name=Nintendo On My Mind RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [D1C6C55D-F010EF52-C:0] Good Name=Nintendo WideBoy 64 by SonCrap (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Use TLB=No Status=Unsupported [4E01B4A6-C884D085-C:0] Good Name=Nintro64 Demo by Lem (POM '98) (PD) Internal Name= Nintro64 by SPLiT RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported Core Note=Unhandled R4300i OpCode [FA7D3935-97AC54FC-C:0] Good Name=NuFan Demo by Kid Stardust (PD) Internal Name=TSF - NUfaN RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [7F2D025D-2B7DA4AD-C:0] Good Name=Oerjan Intro by Oerjan (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=oErjan78 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [26AD85C5-F908A36B-C:0] Good Name=Pamela Demo (padded) (PD) Internal Name=Pamela Demo Nr.1 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Core Note=? Plugin Note=[video] missing:graphics? [7D1727F1-6C6B83EB-C:0] Good Name=Pause Demo by RedboX (PD) Internal Name=Test Program RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [D851B920-F3D6C0CE-C:0] Good Name=Pip's Porn Pack 1 by Mr. Pips (PD Internal Name=Pips PP1 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [EA2A6A75-52B2C00F-C:0] Good Name=Pip's Porn Pack 3 by Mr. Pips (PD) Internal Name=PPP3 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [BF9D0FB0-981C22D1-C:4A] Good Name=Pip's Porn Pack 2 by Mr. Pips (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=PoM99 PPP2 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [D072CFE7-CE134788-C:0] Good Name=Pip's Pong by Mr. Pips (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Core Note=? Plugin Note=[input] controller issue [D072CFE7-CE134788-C:0] Good Name=Pip's Pong by Mr. Pips (PD) Internal Name=Pip's Pong by Mr. Pips (PD).v64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Uncertain Core Note=? Plugin Note=[input] controller issues? [3CB8AAB8-05C8E573-C:0] Good Name=Pip's RPGs Beta 12 by Mr. Pips (PD) Internal Name=Pip's RPGs Beta 12 by Mr. Pips (PD).v64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [56563C89-C803F77B-C:0] Good Name=Pip's RPGs Beta 14 by Mr. Pips (PD) Internal Name=Pip's RPGs Beta 14 by Mr. Pips (PD).v64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [AFBBB9D5-8EE82954-C:0] Good Name=Pip's RPGs Beta 15 by Mr. Pips (PD) Internal Name=Pip's RPGs Beta 15 by Mr. Pips (PD).v64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [DAD7F751-8B6322F0-C:0] Good Name=Pip's RPGs Beta 2 by Mr. Pips (PD) Internal Name=Pip's RPGs Beta 2 by Mr. Pips (PD).v64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [C830954A-29E257FC-C:0] Good Name=Pip's RPGs Beta 3 by Mr. Pips (PD) Internal Name=Pip's RPGs Beta 3 by Mr. Pips (PD).v64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [7194B65B-9DE67E7D-C:0] Good Name=Pip's RPGs Beta 6 by Mr. Pips (PD) Internal Name=Pip's RPGs Beta 6 by Mr. Pips (PD).v64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [DB363DDA-50C1C2A5-C:0] Good Name=Pip's RPGs Beta 7 by Mr. Pips (PD) Internal Name=Pip's RPGs Beta 7 by Mr. Pips (PD).v64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [668FA336-2C67F3AC-C:0] Good Name=Pip's RPGs Beta x (PD) [a1 Internal Name=Pips AZbeta RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [BB787C13-78C1605D-C:0] Good Name=Pip's RPGs Beta x (PD Internal Name=Pips AZbeta RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [762C75D1-AA09C759-C:0] Good Name=Pip's World Game 1 by Mr. Pips (PD Internal Name=Pip's World Game 1 by Mr. Pips (PD).v64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [FC051819-A46A48F6-C:0] Good Name=Pip's World Game 2 by Mr. Pips (PD) Internal Name=Pip's World Game 2 by Mr. Pips (PD).v64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [45627CED-28005F9C-C:0] Good Name=Pipendo by Mr. Pips (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Use TLB=No Status=Issues (mixed) Plugin Note=[video] missing:graphics [1077590A-B537FDA2-C:0] Good Name=Planet Console Intro (PD) Internal Name=planet console ftp! RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [E9F52336-6BEFAA5F-C:45] Good Name=Plasma Demo (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [1BC0CA2C-0F516B86-C:0] Good Name=Pom Part 1 Demo (PD Internal Name=Pom Part 1 Demo (PD) RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [ACD51083-EEC8DBED-C:0] Good Name=Pom Part 2 Demo (PD) Internal Name=Pom Part 2 Demo (PD) RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [1FE04890-D6696958-C:0] Good Name=Pom Part 3 Demo (PD) Internal Name=Pom Part 3 Demo (PD) RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [CFBEE39B-76F0A14A-C:0] Good Name=Pom Part 4 Demo (PD) Internal Name=Pom Part 4 Demo (PD) RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [2803B8CE-4A1EE409-C:0] Good Name=Pom Part 5 Demo (PD) Internal Name=Pom Part 5 Demo (PD) RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [9D63C653-C26B460F-C:0] Good Name=POMbaer Demo by Kid Stardust (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=POMBAER - TSF RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Core Note=slow [EDAFD3C0-39EF3599-C:0] Good Name=POMolizer Demo by Renderman (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=Protest Design RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [DAA76993-D8ACF77C-C:0] Good Name=Pong by Oman (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [C252F9B1-AD70338C-C:0] Good Name=Pong V0.01 by Omsk (PD) Internal Name=omsk - pong v0.01 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:graphics; use 3rd party plugin [C5C4F0D5-4EEF2573-C:0] Good Name=Psychodelic Demo by Ste (POM '98) (PD) Internal Name=ste - pyscodelic RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported [F4D89C08-3F34930D-C:0] Good Name=Quake 64 Intro (PD) Internal Name=Quake 64 Intro RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [32A92961-DB34982C-C:0] Good Name=R.I.P. Jay Demo by Ste (PD) Internal Name=R.I.P JAY RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported Clear Frame=0 [C9011D05-EF078B8C-C:0] Good Name=RADWAR 2K Party Inv. Intro by Ayatolloh (PD) Internal Name=Live suxx! RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible Core Note=dark [6FA4B821-29561690-C:0] Good Name=Rotating Demo USA by Rene (PD) [a1] Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [79E318E1-86861726-C:0] Good Name=RPA Site Intro by Lem (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [C541EAB4-7397CB5F-C:0] Good Name=Sample Demo by Florian (PD) Internal Name=Sample Demo by Florian (PD) RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [9D9C362D-5BE66B08-C:0] Good Name=Shag'a'Delic Demo by Steve and NEP (PD) Internal Name=Shag-a-delic/CAMELOT RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:graphics? [F7DF7D0D-ED52018F-C:0] Good Name=Shuffle Puck 64 (PD) Internal Name=Shufflepuck 64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [18531B7D-074AF73E-C:0] Good Name=Simon for N64 V0.1a by Jean-Luc Picard (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [C603175E-ACADF5EC-C:45] Good Name=Sinus (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [9A6CF2F5-D5F365EE-C:0] Good Name=Sitero Demo by Renderman (PD) Internal Name=Protest Design RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [5BBE6E34-088B6D0E-C:0] Good Name=SLiDeS (PD) Internal Name=LaMeRS PiC PRoGGie RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] missing:graphics; use 3rd party plugin Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [9303DD17-0813B398-C:0] Good Name=Soncrap Golden Eye Intro (PD) aka Rad's Bird Internal Name=Test Program RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 Clear Frame=0 [AAA66229-98CA5CAA-C:0] Good Name=Soncrap Intro by RedboX (PD) aka Rad's Bird Internal Name=SonCrap Intro RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default CPU Type=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [A3A044B5-6DB1BF5E-C:0] Good Name=Spacer by Memir (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=POM-Spacer By Memir RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=1 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [8F5179C4-803526DC-C:0] Good Name=Spice Girls Rotator Demo by RedboX (PD) [a1] Internal Name=Space Rotator RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [1FBD27A9-6CC3EB42-C:0] Good Name=SPLiT's Nacho64 by SPLiT (PD) Internal Name= NACHO64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [5402C27E-60021F86-C:0] Good Name=Sporting Clays by Charles Doty (PD) [a1] Internal Name=Sporting Clays by Charles Doty (PD) [a1].v64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [E584FE34-9D91B1E2-C:0] Good Name=Sporting Clays by Charles Doty (PD) Internal Name=Sporting Clays by Charles Doty (PD).v64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [029CAE05-2B8F9DF1-C:0] Good Name=SRAM Manager V1.0 Beta (32Mbit) (PD) Internal Name=SRAM BACKUP RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [4DEC9986-A8904450-C:0] Good Name=SRAM Manager V1.0 PAL Beta (PD) Internal Name=SRAM Manager RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [52BA5D2A-9BE3AB78-C:0] Good Name=SRAM to DS1 Tool by WT_Riker (PD) Internal Name=OBSIDIAN - SRAM2DS1 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [98A2BB11-EE4D4A86-C:0] Good Name=SRAM Upload Tool (PD) Internal Name=SRAM Upload Tool RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [3C524346-E4ABE776-C:0] Good Name=SRAM Upload Tool + Star Fox 64 SRAM (PD) Internal Name=STARFOX SRAM RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [EC9BECFF-CAB83632-C:0] Good Name=SRAM Uploader-Editor by BlackBag (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [4794B85F-3EBD5B68-C:0] Good Name=Summer64 Demo by Lem (PD) Internal Name= Split Summer64 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default [BB214F79-8B88B16B-C:0] Good Name=Super Bomberman 2 by Rider (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Clear Frame=0 Status=Compatible [1AD61BB9-F1E2BE1A-C:45] Good Name=Super Fighter Demo (PD) Internal Name=Super Fighter Demo RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [1AA71519-51360D55-C:0] Good Name=T-Shirt Demo by Neptune and Steve (POM '98) (PD) Internal Name=T-Shirt/CML+Antihero RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Needs video plugin Core Note=? Plugin Note=? [81361532-2AEB643F-C:0] Good Name=Tetris Beta Demo by FusionMan (POM '98) (PD) Internal Name=Tetris Beta Demo by FusionMan (POM '98) (PD) RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [41B1BF58-A1EB9BB7-C:0] Good Name=Textlight Demo (PD) [a1] Internal Name=GONZOiD AMPHETAMiNE RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported [44705CED-6FDFDE02-C:0] Good Name=The Corporation 1st Intro by i_savant (PD) Internal Name=The Corporation RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default [C3AB938D-D48143B2-C:0] Good Name=The Corporation 2nd Intro by TS_Garp (PD) Internal Name=The Corporation RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Core Note=[a1] not supported [93DA8551-D231E8AB-C:0] Good Name=The Corporation XMAS Demo '99 by TS_Garp (PD) Internal Name=TC Xmas Demo '99 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Core Note=slow [5ECE09AE-8230C82D-C:0] Good Name=Tom Demo (PD) Internal Name=Tom Demo (PD) RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [E8BF8416-F2D9DA43-C:0] Good Name=TopGun Demo (PD) Internal Name=TopGun Demo (PD) RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [2070044B-E7D82D16-C:0] Good Name=TR64 Demo by FIres and Icepir8 (PD) Internal Name=TR64 Demo by Icepir8 RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [CB3FF554-8773CD0B-C:0] Good Name=TRON Demo (PD) Internal Name=Tron Demo RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [2DD07E20-24D40CD6-C:0] Good Name=TRSI Intro by Ayatollah (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=Live suxx! RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Core Note=? Plugin Note=? [37B8F920-A58BB3EF-C:45] Good Name=Twintris by Twinsen (POM '98) (PD) Internal Name=Twintris RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported [ED42A2D4-7A71CD91-C:0] Good Name=Ultra 1 Demo by Locke^ (PD) Internal Name=Ultra by Locke RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [EF623F50-ECBB509B-C:0] Good Name=Universal Bootemu V1.0 (PD) Internal Name=Universal Bootemu RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible Core Note=dark Plugin Note=? [BB752DA7-30D8BEF4-C:0] Good Name=Universal Bootemu V1.1 (PD) Internal Name=�r [xg RDRAM Size=8 Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible Core Note=dark Plugin Note=? [5F44492A-18552A0A-C:0] Good Name=Unix SRAM-Upload Utility 1.0 by Madman (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [3B8E7E01-6AE876A8-C:0] Good Name=UPload SRAM V1 by LaC (PD) Internal Name=p&� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [760EF304-AD6D6A7C-C:45] Good Name=V64Jr 512M Backup Program by HKPhooey (PD) Internal Name=h� RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [4BD245D4-4202B322-C:0] Good Name=V64Jr Backup Tool by WT_Riker (PD) Internal Name=OBSIDIAN - JR Backup RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [F11B663A-698824C0-C:45] Good Name=V64Jr Backup Tool V0.2b_Beta by RedboX (PD) Internal Name=v64jr Backup v0.2b RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported [1CEACBA0-42BC06D6-C:0] Good Name=Vector Demo by Destop (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=VECTOR DEMO RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported [34B493C9-07654185-C:0] Good Name=View N64 Test Program (PD) Internal Name= R3 VIEWER RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [4F55D05C-0CD66C91-C:0] Good Name=Virtual Springfield Site Intro by Presten (PD) Internal Name=VSF INTRO RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible [CA3BC095-9649860A-C:50] Good Name=Wet Dreams Can Beta Demo by Immo (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=POM99 - CAN-BETA RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [993B7D7A-2E54F04D-C:50] Good Name=Wet Dreams Madeiragames Demo by Immo (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=POM99 - MADEIRAGAMES RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Clear Frame=0 [A3A95A57-9FE6C27D-C:50] Good Name=Wet Dreams Main Demo by Immo (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=POM99 - WET DREAMS RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Clear Frame=0 [9C044945-D31E0B0C-C:50] Good Name=Wet Dreams Readme by Immo (POM '99) (PD) Internal Name=POM99 - README RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [1EDA4DE0-22BF698D-C:0] Good Name=XtraLife Dextrose Demo by RedboX (PD) Internal Name=Test Program RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] fullscreen res issues; use D3D6 [83F9F2CB-E7BC4744-C:0] Good Name=Y2K Demo by WT_Riker (PD) Internal Name=OBS-Y2KD RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (core) Core Note=slow [83D8A30C-8552C117-C:0] Good Name=Yoshi's Story BootEmu (PD) Internal Name=YOSHI BOOT EMU RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default Status=Unsupported [E4C44FDA-98532F4A-C:0] Internal Name=POM-WT_Riker-ATU RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default CPU Type=Default Status=Unknown [29A045CE-ABA9060E-C:46] Good Name=Hydro Thunder (F) Internal Name=Hydro Thunder Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Audio Signal=Yes [5C1B5FBD-7E961634-C:46] Good Name=Hexen (F) Internal Name=HEXEN Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] map flickers Clear Frame=0 [BAE8E871-35FF944E-C:59] Good Name=International Superstar Soccer 2000 (FI) Internal Name=I.S.S.2000 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [451ACA0F-7863BC8A-C:44] Good Name=Rugrats - Die gro�e Schatzsuche (G) Internal Name=RUGRATSTREASUREHUNT Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [486BF335-034DCC81-C:46] Good Name=Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (F) Internal Name=RAINBOW SIX Status=Compatible [7435C9BB-39763CF4-C:4A] Good Name=Diddy Kong Racing (J) Internal Name=Diddy Kong Racing Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [F63B89CE-4582D57D-C:49] Good Name=A Bug's Life (I) Internal Name=A Bug's Life Counter Factor=1 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [A53FA82D-DAE2C15D-C:49] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium (I) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [EFCEAF00-22094848-C:49] Good Name=Pokemon Stadium 2 (I) Internal Name=POKEMON STADIUM 2 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) [02B46F55-61778D0B-C:59] Good Name=Shadowgate 64 - Trials of the Four Towers (IS) Internal Name=SHADOWGATE64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [2E0E7749-B8B49D59-C:58] Good Name=Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (FIS) Internal Name=Turok 2: Seeds of Ev RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [1BDCB30F-A132D876-C:4A] Good Name=Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono 64 (J) Internal Name=TSUWAMONO64 Counter Factor=1 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] slow. errors:textures [E1C7ABD6-4E707F28-C:4A] Good Name=Jikkyou World Cup France '98 (J) (v1.2) Internal Name=J.WORLD CUP 98 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [3A180FF4-5C8E8AF7-C:4A] Good Name=Chou-Kuukan Night Pro Yakyuu King 2 (J) Internal Name=���Է���ݸ�2 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:menus;use D3D6 plugin [6AECEC4F-F0924814-C:50] Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask - Collector's Edition (E) (GC Version) Internal Name=ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:day_transistion (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [F3DD35BA-4152E075-C:45]x BETA13 Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (GC Version) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801DB78B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix Cheat1=D109A814 0320,8109A814 0000,D109A816 F809,8109A816 0000 //End Credits Fix MD5=B6307CF564259F36B6CC6CD21CE497F8 FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 [F034001A-AE47ED06-C:45]x BETA13 Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (U) (GC Version) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801DB74B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix Cheat1=D109A7F4 0320,8109A7F4 0000,D109A7F6 F809,8109A7F6 0000 //End Credits Fix MD5=05BAF8BD3B3544BD953484406223E7BE FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 [8473D0C1-23120666-C:4A] Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Mujura no Kamen - Zelda Collection Version (J) (GC Version) Internal Name=ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:day_transistion (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [F7F52DB8-2195E636-C:4A]x BETA13 Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina - Zelda Collection Version (J) (GC Version) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801DB78B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix Cheat1=D109A814 0320,8109A814 0000,D109A816 F809,8109A816 0000 //End Credits Fix MD5=E1FBB57190D4F7050036F536CF628031 FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 [F611F4BA-C584135C-C:4A]x BETA13 Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina GC (J) (GC Version) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801DB78B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix Cheat1=D109A834 0320,8109A834 0000,D109A836 F809,8109A836 0000 //End Credits Fix MD5=D7A1F4E23535E1FD205539C5B7DC39B9 FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 [F43B45BA-2F0E9B6F-C:4A]x BETA13 Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina GC Ura (J) (GC Version) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA DRAM Size=4 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801DB78B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix Cheat1=D109A814 0320,8109A814 0000,D109A816 F809,8109A816 0000 //End Credits Fix MD5=6DF4640A22FBC2E4D8F483DFA731010B FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 [BCB1F89F-060752A2-C:4A]x BETA13 Good Name=Hoshi no Kirby 64 (J) (v1.3) Internal Name=Kirby64 Status=Issues (core) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [CA1BB86F-41CCA5C5-C:4A]x BETA14 Good Name=Hoshi no Kirby 64 (J) (V1.1) Status=Issues (core) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [0C581C7A-3D6E20E4-C:4A].014 Good Name=Hoshi no Kirby 64 (J) (v1.2) Internal Name=Kirby64 Status=Issues (core) Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [C954B38C-6F62BEB3-C:4A].014 Good Name=Jikkyou World Cup France '98 (J) (v1.1) Internal Name=J.WORLD CUP 98 RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible [69AE0438-2C63F3F3-C:4A].014 Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Mujura no Kamen (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=THE MASK OF MUJURA RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:day_transistion (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [D43DA81F-021E1E19-C:4A].014 Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801DA78B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix MD5=A405298A3170617A99C9F3637BCAA5EB FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 [693BA2AE-B7F14E9F-C:4A].014 Good Name=Zelda no Densetsu - Toki no Ocarina (J) (V1.2) Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 Cheat0=801DAE8B 0002 //Subscreen Delay Fix MD5=3F4CE28711B96BFC883D684B7AC16CF3 FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 [E86415A6-98395B53-C:50].014 Good Name=O.D.T (Or Die Trying) (E) (M5) (Unreleased Final) Internal Name=O.D.T Status=Needs video plugin Core Note=(see GameFAQ) Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [2655BB70-667D9925-C:45].014 Good Name=O.D.T (Or Die Trying) (U) (M3) (Unreleased Final) Internal Name=O.D.T Status=Region issue (c) Core Note=hangs;use(E)ROM Plugin Note=[video] unsupported [917D18F6-69BC5453-C:45].014 Internal Name=THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (U) (Debug Version) RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Clear Frame=0 Status=Issues (plugin) Plugin Note=[video] use v1.5.2 plugin MD5=34FA5A40174A4038CC3CA0D2A0C14E7C FuncFind=1 CustomSMM=1 SMM-PI DMA=0 SMM-TLB=0 [BF799345-39FF7A02-C:45].014 Internal Name=MAJORA'S MASK Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Majora's Mask (U) (Demo) RDRAM Size=8 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] errors:day_transistion (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=1 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=1 [E8E5B179-44AA30E8-C:45].014 Good Name=Frogger 2 (U) (Unreleased Alpha) Internal Name=Frogger2 Counter Factor=Default Status=Issues (plugin) [423E96F4-CE88F05B-C:45].014 Good Name=Doom 64 (U) (v1.1) Internal Name=Doom64 Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] (see GameFAQ) Clear Frame=0 Self Texture=0 Primary Frame Buffer=0 Culling=1 Emulate Clear=0 [1E12883D-D3B92718-C:46].014 Good Name=Duke Nukem 64 (F) Internal Name=DUKE NUKEM Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Plugin Note=[video] depth problem Clear Frame=0 [B6BE20A5-FACAF66D-C:58].014 Good Name=Turok - Rage Wars (FI) Internal Name=Turok: Rage Wars RDRAM Size=8 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 Core Note=(see GameFAQ) [44995484-20A5FC5E-C:4A] .014 Good Name=Wave Race 64 (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=WAVE RACE 64 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [736657F6-3C88A702-C:4A] .014 Good Name=Bokujo Monogatari 2 (J) (V1.1) //Harvest Moon 64 JAP Internal Name=��ޮ��ɶ���2 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [7365D8F8-9ED9326F-C:4A] .014 Good Name=Bokujo Monogatari 2 (J) (V1.2) //Harvest Moon 64 JAP Internal Name=��ޮ��ɶ���2 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible Clear Frame=0 [4264DF23-BE28BDF7-C:4A].015 Good Name=Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2000 (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=PAWAPURO 2000 Status=Compatible [E0144180-650B78C9-C:45] .016 Good Name=Tony Hawk's Pro Skater v1.1 (U) Internal Name=TONY HAWK PRO SKATER RDRAM Size=Default Counter Factor=Default CPU Type=Default [D7891F1C-C3E43788-C:4A].016 Good Name=Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 4 (J) (V1.1) Internal Name=PAWAFURU PUROYAKYU4 Use TLB=No Status=Compatible [F82DD377-8C3FB347-C:58].016 Good Name=TG Rally 2 (E) Internal Name=TG RALLY 2 Status=Compatible Clear Frame=2 Emulate Clear=0