Project64d Javascript API
Arrays for reading and modifying values in virtual memory. Virtual addresses are always used for indeces regardless of type size.
var addr_power = 0x8033B21E

if(mem.u8[addr_power] < 1)
    mem.u8[addr_power] = 8
mem.getblock(baseAddr, size)
Returns a Buffer object from a block of data of size bytes at baseAddr in virtual memory.
mem.getstring(baseAddr[, maxLen])
Returns a string from a zero-terminated ASCII string at baseAddr in virtual memory.
mem.bindvar(obj, baseAddr, name, type)
Adds property name to obj and "binds" it to the virtual address specified by baseAddr. Valid types are: u8, u16, u32, s8, s16, s32, float, and double.
mem.bindvar(this, 0x8033B21E, 'power', u8)

if(power < 1)
    power = 8
mem.bindvars(obj, vars)
Adds multiple virtual memory-bound properties to obj. Returns obj.
var mario = mem.bindvars({},
    [0x8033B1B0, 'y', float],
    [0x8033B21E, 'power', u8]

mario.power = 5
mario.y = 500.00
mem.bindstruct(obj, baseAddr, props)
Adds multiple virtual memory-bound properties to obj. Addresses are determined by type sizes. Returns obj.
var marioPos = mem.bindstruct(this, 0x8033B1AC,
    x: float,
    y: float,
    z: float
Returns a "struct" class that may be constructed using the address of a real struct in virtual memory.
const Player = mem.typedef(
    health: u32,
    x: float,
    y: float,
    z: float

Player.prototype.move = function(x, y, z)
    this.x = x
    this.y = y
    this.z = z

Player.prototype.heal = function()
{ = 100;

var player = new Player(0x8033B1AC)

player.move(100, 200, 300)
Arrays for reading values in cartridge ROM. Indexing works in a similar manner to mem's.
var crc1 = rom.u32[0x00000010]
var crc2 = rom.u32[0x00000014]
rom.getblock(baseAddr, size)
Returns a Buffer object from a block of data of size bytes at baseAddr in cartridge ROM.
rom.getstring(baseAddr[, maxLen])
Returns a string from a zero-terminated ASCII string at baseAddr in cartridge ROM.
var romName = rom.getstring(0x00000020)
console.log('Internal ROM name: ' + romName)
emulation thread interpreter mode
events.onexec(address, callback)
Adds a CPU execution callback for a virtual address or AddressRange and returns a callback ID. callback will be invoked at the beginning of a CPU step if the program counter is at address. callback receives the program counter address at which the event is fired.
events.onexec(0x802CB1C0, function()
    console.log('CPU is calling 0x802CB1C0')
events.onexec(ADDR_ANY, function(addr))
    // Log every step!
    console.log('CPU is executing ' + addr.hex())
emulation thread interpreter mode
events.onread(address, callback)
Adds a CPU read callback for a virtual address or AddressRange and returns a callback ID. callback will be invoked at the beginning of a CPU step if the current instruction is going to read from address. callback receives the virtual address that the CPU is going to read.
events.onread(0x8033B1B0, function()
    console.log('CPU is reading 8033B1B0')
const addr_range_rom = {start: 0xB0000000, end: 0xB6000000}

events.onread(addr_range_rom, function(addr)
    console.log('CPU is reading ROM ' + addr)
emulation thread interpreter mode
events.onwrite(address, callback)
Adds a CPU write callback for a virtual address or AddressRange and returns a callback ID. callback will be invoked at the beginning of a CPU step if the current instruction is going to write to address. callback receives the virtual address that the CPU is going to write to.
events.onwrite(0x8033B1B0, function()
    console.log('CPU is modifying 8033B1B0')
events.onwrite({0xB0000000, 0x90000000}, function(addr)
    console.log(gpr.pc.hex() + ': wrote to cartridge ' + addr.hex());
emulation thread
Adds a callback which will be invoked immediately after Project64 requests a screen update from the graphics plugin. Returns a callback ID.
    console.log('Frame drawn')
Removes a registered callback by its ID.
var callbackId = events.onexec(0x80000180, function()
    // Only invoked once
    console.log('Interrupt fired')
Pauses emulation and opens the debugger window. Useful for creating conditional breakpoints.
events.onexec(0x802CB1C0, function()
    if(gpr.a0 == 0)
        console.log('0 passed to 0x802CB1C0, breaking')
Prints text to the script console.
console.print('Hello world\n')
console.log(text[, text2, ...])
Concatenates all provided text arguments with spaces and prints the result to the script console with a trailing newline.
console.log('Hello', 'world')
Clears all previously printed text from the script console.
alert(message[, caption])
Shows a message box with an optional caption. The calling thread will be blocked until the message box is dismissed.
alert('Hello world') // Blocks the script's thread

events.onexec(0x80000180, function()
    alert('Interrupt fired!') // Blocks the emulation thread
screen.print(x, y, text)
Prints text to the screen at the provided x and y coordinates. Should be called from an events.ondraw callback. (Unstable!)
    screen.print(20, 20, "power: ' + mem.u8[0x8033B21E])
gpr.r0|at|v0|v1|a0 ...
gpr[0|1|2 ...]
Variables representing the lower 32 bits of each general purpose register.
events.onexec(0x802CB1C0, function()
    if(gpr.a0 == 2)
        gpr.a0 = 3
Variable representing the CPU's program counter.
Variable representing the lower 32 bits of the HI register.
Variable representing the lower 32 bits of the LO register.
ugpr.r0|at|v0|v1|a0 ...
ugpr[0|1|2 ...]
Variables representing the upper 32 bits of each general purpose register.
Variable representing the upper 32 bits of the HI register.
Variable representing the upper 32 bits of the LO register.
fpr.f0|f1|f2|f3|f4 ...
fpr[0|1|2 ...]
Variables representing the 32-bit floating point registers.
events.onexec(0x802CB1C0, function()
    if(gpr.f0 == 2.0)
        gpr.f0 = 3.0
dfpr.f0|f2|f4|f6 ...
dfpr[0|2|4 ...]
Variables representing the 64-bit floating point registers.
new Server(settings)
Creates a new server socket. If port is provided in settings, the server will start listening immediately.
var server = new Server({port: 80})
Binds the server socket to a port and starts listening.
server.on('connection', callback)
Starts accepting clients. When a client is accepted, a Socket object for it is created and passed to callback.
server.on('connection', function(socket)
    socket.on('data', function(data)
new Socket([fd])
Creates a new socket object.
socket.connect(settings[, callback])
Connects the socket to the host and port specified by the settings object. The default values for the host and port are "" and 80 respectively.
socket.write(data[, callback])
Writes data to the socket.
socket.on('data', callback)
Starts reading data from the socket asynchronously. When data arrives, it is passed to callback as a Buffer object.
socket.on('close', callback)
new AddressRange(start, end)
Creates an immutable object with start and end address properties.
The following AddressRange objects are defined globally:
ADDR_ANY              0x00000000 : 0x100000000 Any 32-bit address

ADDR_ANY_KUSEG        0x00000000 : 0x80000000  MIPS user mode TLB mapped segment
ADDR_ANY_KSEG0        0x80000000 : 0xA0000000  MIPS cached unmapped segment
ADDR_ANY_KSEG1        0xA0000000 : 0xC0000000  MIPS uncached unmapped segment
ADDR_ANY_KSEG2        0xC0000000 : 0x100000000 MIPS kernel mode TLB mapped segment

ADDR_ANY_RDRAM        0x80000000 : 0x80800000 Cached RDRAM
ADDR_ANY_RDRAM_UNC    0xA0000000 : 0xA0800000 Uncached RDRAM

ADDR_ANY_CART_ROM     0x90000000 : 0x96000000 Cached cartridge ROM
ADDR_ANY_CART_ROM_UNC 0xB0000000 : 0xB6000000 Uncached cartridge ROM
Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the number object. The resulting string is prepended with zeroes until its character length meets nChars or 8 by default.
var sm64EntryPC = rom.u32[0x00000008]
console.log("Entry: " + sm64EntryPC.hex()) // "Entry: 80246000"