class CRSP_Plugin { typedef struct { /* Menu */ /* Items should have an ID between 5001 and 5100 */ MENU_HANDLE hRSPMenu; void (__cdecl *ProcessMenuItem) ( int ID ); /* Break Points */ BOOL UseBPoints; char BPPanelName[20]; void (__cdecl *Add_BPoint) ( void ); void (__cdecl *CreateBPPanel) ( MENU_HANDLE hDlg, RECT_STRUCT rcBox ); void (__cdecl *HideBPPanel) ( void ); void (__cdecl *PaintBPPanel) ( WINDOWS_PAINTSTRUCT ps ); void (__cdecl *ShowBPPanel) ( void ); void (__cdecl *RefreshBpoints) ( MENU_HANDLE hList ); void (__cdecl *RemoveBpoint) ( MENU_HANDLE hList, int index ); void (__cdecl *RemoveAllBpoint) ( void ); /* RSP command Window */ void (__cdecl *Enter_RSP_Commands_Window) ( void ); } RSPDEBUG_INFO; typedef struct { void (__cdecl *UpdateBreakPoints)( void ); void (__cdecl *UpdateMemory)( void ); void (__cdecl *UpdateR4300iRegisters)( void ); void (__cdecl *Enter_BPoint_Window)( void ); void (__cdecl *Enter_R4300i_Commands_Window)( void ); void (__cdecl *Enter_R4300i_Register_Window)( void ); void (__cdecl *Enter_RSP_Commands_Window) ( void ); void (__cdecl *Enter_Memory_Window)( void ); } DEBUG_INFO; RSPDEBUG_INFO m_RSPDebug; void * hDll; bool m_Initilized, m_RomOpen; DWORD CycleCount; PLUGIN_INFO m_PluginInfo; void UnloadPlugin ( void ); bool Initiate_1_0 ( CPlugins * Plugins, CN64System * System ); void (__cdecl *CloseDLL) ( void ); void (__cdecl *RomClosed) ( void ); void (__cdecl *GetDebugInfo) ( RSPDEBUG_INFO * GFXDebugInfo ); void (__cdecl *InitiateDebugger) ( DEBUG_INFO DebugInfo); void (__cdecl *PluginOpened) ( void ); void (__cdecl *SetSettingInfo) ( PLUGIN_SETTINGS * info ); void (__cdecl *SetSettingInfo2) ( PLUGIN_SETTINGS2 * info ); public: CRSP_Plugin ( const char * FileName); ~CRSP_Plugin ( void ); bool Initiate ( CPlugins * Plugins, CN64System * System ); bool Initilized ( void ) { return m_Initilized; } void Close ( void ); void GameReset ( void ); stdstr PluginName ( void ) const { return m_PluginInfo.Name; } void (__cdecl *Config) ( DWORD hParent ); DWORD (__cdecl *DoRspCycles) ( DWORD ); void (__cdecl *EnableDebugging) ( BOOL Enable ); MENU_HANDLE GetDebugMenu (void ) { return m_RSPDebug.hRSPMenu; } void ProcessMenuItem (int id ) { if (m_RSPDebug.ProcessMenuItem) { m_RSPDebug.ProcessMenuItem(id); } } };