/**************************************************************************** * * * Project 64 - A Nintendo 64 emulator. * * http://www.pj64-emu.com/ * * Copyright (C) 2012 Project64. All rights reserved. * * * * License: * * GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * * ****************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include class CGfxPlugin; //Plugin that controls the rendering class CAudioPlugin; //Plugin for audio, need the hwnd class CControl_Plugin; //Controller needs hwnd to see if it is the focused window class CBaseMenu; //Menu for the gui class CN64System; class CriticalSection; enum { WM_HIDE_CUROSR = WM_USER + 10, WM_MAKE_FOCUS = WM_USER + 17, WM_RESET_PLUGIN = WM_USER + 18, WM_BORWSER_TOP = WM_USER + 40, }; class CMainGui : public CRomBrowser, public CDebuggerUI, private CGuiSettings { enum { StatusBarID = 400 }; enum { Timer_SetWindowPos = 1 }; struct RESET_PLUGIN { CN64System * system; CPlugins * plugins; HANDLE hEvent; bool res; }; public: CMainGui(bool bMainWindow, const char * WindowTitle = ""); ~CMainGui(void); //Message Processing WPARAM ProcessAllMessages(void); bool ProcessGuiMessages(void); //debugging functions void EnterLogOptions(void); //Get Information about the window int Height(void); //Get the Height of the window int Width(void); //Get the Width of the window //Manipulate the state of the window void SetPos(int X, int Y); //Move the window to this screen location void Show(bool ShowWindow); //Show or Hide the current window void MakeWindowOnTop(bool OnTop); void BringToTop(void); void Caption(LPCWSTR Caption); //Set the caption of the window void SaveWindowLoc(void); //Menu Function void SetWindowMenu(CBaseMenu * Menu); void RefreshMenu(void); CBaseMenu * GetMenuClass(void) { return m_Menu; } // Status bar void SetStatusText(int Panel, const wchar_t * Text); void ShowStatusBar(bool ShowBar); //About Window void AboutIniBox(void); void AboutBox(void); //Plugins bool ResetPlugins ( CPlugins * plugins, CN64System * System ); //Get Window Handle inline HWND GetHandle ( void ) const { return m_hMainWindow; } private: CMainGui(void); // Disable default constructor CMainGui(const CMainGui&); // Disable copy constructor CMainGui& operator=(const CMainGui&); // Disable assignment friend CGfxPlugin; friend CAudioPlugin; friend CControl_Plugin; bool RegisterWinClass(void); void ChangeWinSize(long width, long height); void Create(const char * WindowTitle); void CreateStatusBar(void); void Resize(DWORD fwSizeType, WORD nWidth, WORD nHeight); //responding to WM_SIZE friend DWORD CALLBACK AboutBoxProc(HWND, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD); friend DWORD CALLBACK AboutIniBoxProc(HWND, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD); static LRESULT CALLBACK MainGui_Proc(HWND, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD); friend void RomBowserEnabledChanged(CMainGui * Gui); friend void RomBowserColoumnsChanged(CMainGui * Gui); friend void RomBrowserRecursiveChanged(CMainGui * Gui); CBaseMenu * m_Menu; HWND m_hMainWindow, m_hStatusWnd; DWORD m_ThreadId; const bool m_bMainWindow; bool m_Created; bool m_AttachingMenu; bool m_MakingVisible; bool m_ResetPlugins; RESET_PLUGIN * m_ResetInfo; CriticalSection m_CS; bool m_SaveMainWindowPos; LONG m_SaveMainWindowTop; LONG m_SaveMainWindowLeft; bool m_SaveRomBrowserPos; LONG m_SaveRomBrowserTop; LONG m_SaveRomBrowserLeft; };