# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="Project64" - Package Owner=<4> # Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 # ** DO NOT EDIT ** # TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Application" 0x0101 CFG=Project64 - Win32 Debug !MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, !MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run !MESSAGE !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Project64.mak". !MESSAGE !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: !MESSAGE !MESSAGE NMAKE /f "Project64.mak" CFG="Project64 - Win32 Debug" !MESSAGE !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: !MESSAGE !MESSAGE "Project64 - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") !MESSAGE "Project64 - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") !MESSAGE "Project64 - Win32 External Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") !MESSAGE # Begin Project # PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 # PROP Scc_ProjName ""$/Project64/Project 64 1.7", RCBAAAAA" # PROP Scc_LocalPath ".." CPP=cl.exe MTL=midl.exe RSC=rc.exe !IF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 Release" # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 # PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" # PROP BASE Target_Dir "" # PROP Use_MFC 0 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 # PROP Output_Dir "../../Bin/Release" # PROP Intermediate_Dir "../../Build/Project64/Release" # PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c # ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /Zi /O2 /I "../" /I "./" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /Yu"stdafx.h" /FD /c # SUBTRACT CPP /Fr # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0xc09 /d "NDEBUG" # ADD RSC /l 0xc09 /d "NDEBUG" BSC32=bscmake.exe # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo # ADD BSC32 /nologo LINK32=link.exe # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386 # ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 Debug" # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 # PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug" # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug" # PROP BASE Target_Dir "" # PROP Use_MFC 0 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 # PROP Output_Dir "../../Bin/Debug" # PROP Intermediate_Dir "../../Build/Project64/Debug" # PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /GZ /c # ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "../" /I "./" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /Yu"stdafx.h" /FD /GZ /c # SUBTRACT CPP /Fr # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0xc09 /d "_DEBUG" # ADD RSC /l 0xc09 /d "_DEBUG" BSC32=bscmake.exe # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo # ADD BSC32 /nologo LINK32=link.exe # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept # ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept # SUBTRACT LINK32 /map !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 External Release" # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 # PROP BASE Output_Dir "Project64___Win32_External_Release" # PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Project64___Win32_External_Release" # PROP BASE Ignore_Export_Lib 0 # PROP BASE Target_Dir "" # PROP Use_MFC 0 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 # PROP Output_Dir "../../Bin/External" # PROP Intermediate_Dir "../../Build/Project64/External" # PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c # ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /I "../" /I "./" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "EXTERNAL_RELEASE" /Yu"stdafx.h" /FD /EHa /c # ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 # ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 # ADD BASE RSC /l 0xc09 /d "NDEBUG" # ADD RSC /l 0xc09 /d "NDEBUG" BSC32=bscmake.exe # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo # ADD BSC32 /nologo LINK32=link.exe # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386 /out:"..\Bin\Release\Project64.exe" # ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386 !ENDIF # Begin Target # Name "Project64 - Win32 Release" # Name "Project64 - Win32 Debug" # Name "Project64 - Win32 External Release" # Begin Group "Source Files" # PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" # Begin Group "Settings Files" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Group "Setting Types Files" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-Application.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-ApplicationIndex.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-Cheats.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-GameSetting.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-GameSettingIndex.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RDBCpuType.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RDBOnOff.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RDBRamSize.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RDBSaveChip.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RDBYesNo.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RelativePath.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RomDatabase.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RomDatabaseIndex.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-SelectedDirectory.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-TempBool.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-TempNumber.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-TempString.cpp" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Source File SOURCE="Settings\N64System Settings.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Settings\Notification Settings.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Settings\Recompiler Settings.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Settings\Settings Class.cpp" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "User Interface Source" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Group "Settings Source" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Advanced Options.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Directories.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Game - General.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Game - Plugin.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Game - Recompiler.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Game - Status.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Game Browser.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Keyboard Shortcuts.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Options.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Plugin.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page.cpp" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "WTL Controls Source" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\WTL Controls\ModifiedEditBox.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\WTL Controls\PartialGroupBox.cpp" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Debugger Source" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Debugger\Debugger - Memory Dump.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Debugger\Debugger - Memory Search.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Debugger\Debugger - TLB.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Debugger\Debugger - View Memory.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Debugger\Debugger.cpp" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Frame Per Second Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Gui Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Main Menu Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Menu Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\MenuShortCuts.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Notification Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Rom Browser Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings Config.cpp" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Multilanguage Source" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE="Multilanguage\Language Class.cpp" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "N64 System Source" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Group "Mips Source" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\Audio.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\Dma.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\Eeprom.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\FlashRam.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\Memory Labels Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\Memory Virtual Mem.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\Memory.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\OpCode Analysis Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\OpCode Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\Pif Ram.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\Register Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\Sram.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\System Events.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\System Timing.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\TLB class.cpp" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "C Core Source" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\C Core\BreakPoints.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\C Core Interface.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\C Core\C main.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\C Core\CPU Log.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\C Core\Logging.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\C Core\Mempak.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\C Core\r4300i Commands.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\C Core\r4300i Registers.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\C Core\Win32Timer.cpp" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Recompiler Files" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\Code Block.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\Code Section.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Recompiler\Delay Slot Map Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Recompiler\Function Info.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Recompiler\Function Map Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\Jump Info.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Recompiler\Recompiler Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\Recompiler Memory.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\Recompiler Ops.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\Reg Info.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Recompiler\Section Info.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\X86ops.cpp" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Interpreter Files" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Interpreter\Interpreter CPU.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Interpreter\Interpreter Ops 32.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Interpreter\Interpreter Ops.cpp" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Cheat Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\N64 Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\N64 Rom Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Profiling Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Rom Information Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Speed Limitor Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\System Globals.cpp" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Plugin Source" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE="Plugins\Audio Plugin.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Plugins\Controller Plugin.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Plugins\GFX plugin.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Plugins\Plugin Class.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Plugins\Plugin List.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Plugins\RSP Plugin.cpp" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "3rd Party Source" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Group "ZLib Source" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE="3rd Party\zlib\UNZIP.C" !IF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 Release" # SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 Debug" # SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 External Release" !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="3rd Party\zlib\zip.c" !IF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 Release" # SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 Debug" # SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 External Release" !ENDIF # End Source File # End Group # Begin Source File SOURCE="3rd Party\7zip.cpp" !IF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 Release" # SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 Debug" # SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 External Release" !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="3rd Party\Processor Info.cpp" !IF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 Release" # SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 Debug" # SUBTRACT CPP /YX /Yc /Yu !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "Project64 - Win32 External Release" !ENDIF # End Source File # End Group # Begin Source File SOURCE="Settings\Gui Settings.cpp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=main.cpp # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\stdafx.cpp # ADD CPP /Yc"stdafx.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=ValidateBinary.cpp # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Resource Files" # PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe" # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Bitmaps\AboutScreen.bmp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Bitmaps\AboutScreenBottom.bmp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Bitmaps\AboutScreenMiddle.bmp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Bitmaps\AboutScreenTop.bmp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Bitmaps\CloseNormal.bmp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Icons\divider.cur" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Icons\hand.cur" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Bitmaps\LangOK.bmp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Bitmaps\LangOK_down.bmp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Icons\left.ico" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Bitmaps\ListItems.bmp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Bitmaps\pj64.BMP" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Icons\PJ64.ICO" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Icons\right.ico" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Bitmaps\tri-state.bmp" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\UI Resources.rc" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Header Files" # PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl" # Begin Group "Settings Headers" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Group "Setting Types Header" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-Application.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-ApplicationIndex.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-Base.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-Cheats.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-GameSetting.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-GameSettingIndex.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RDBCpuType.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RDBOnOff.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RDBRamSize.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RDBSaveChip.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RDBYesNo.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RelativePath.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RomDatabase.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-RomDatabaseIndex.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-SelectedDirectory.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-TempBool.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-TempNumber.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\Settings\SettingType\SettingsType-TempString.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Source File SOURCE="Settings\Gui Settings.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Settings\N64System Settings.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Settings\Notification Settings.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Settings\Recompiler Settings.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Settings\Settings Class.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "User Interface Headers" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Group "Settings Header" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Advanced Options.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Directories.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Game - General.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Game - Plugin.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Game - Recompiler.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Game - Status.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Game Browser.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Keyboard Shortcuts.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Options.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page - Plugin.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\Settings\Settings Page.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "WTL Controls Headers" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\WTL Controls\ModifiedCheckBox.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\WTL Controls\ModifiedComboBox.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\WTL Controls\ModifiedEditBox.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\WTL Controls\numberctrl.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\WTL Controls\PartialGroupBox.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Frame Per Second Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Gui Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Log Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Main Menu Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Menu Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\User Interface\MenuShortCuts.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Notification Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\resource.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface\Rom Browser.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Multilanguage Headers" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE="Multilanguage\Language Class.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "N64 System Headers" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Group "Mips Headers" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\Audio.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\Dma.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\Eeprom.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\Exception.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\FlashRam.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\Memory Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\Memory Labels Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\Memory Virtual Mem.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\OpCode Analysis Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\OpCode Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\OpCode.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\Pif Ram.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\Register Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\Sram.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\System Events.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\System Timing.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Mips\TLB Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Mips\TranslateVaddr.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "C Core Headers" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\BreakPoints.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\C Core Interface.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\Core Settings.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\CPU Log.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\CPU.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\Debugger.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\Eeprom.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\Flashram.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\Logging.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\Main.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\MEMPAK.H" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\r4300i Commands.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\r4300i Memory.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\r4300i Registers.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\C Core\Win32Timer.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Debugger Headers" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Debugger\Debugger - Memory Dump.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Debugger\Debugger - Memory Search.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Debugger\Debugger - TLB.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Debugger\Debugger - View Memory.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Debugger\debugger.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Recompiler Headers" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\Code Block.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\Code Section.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Recompiler\Delay Slot Map Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\Exit Info.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Recompiler\Function Info.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Recompiler\Function Map Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\Jump Info.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Recompiler\Recompiler Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\Recompiler Memory.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\Recompiler Ops.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\Reg Info.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Recompiler\Section Info.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Recompiler\X86ops.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Interpreter Headers" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Interpreter\Interpreter CPU.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Interpreter\Interpreter Ops 32.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\Interpreter\Interpreter Ops.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Cheat Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\N64 Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\N64 Rom Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\N64 Types.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Profiling Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Rom Information Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Speed Limitor Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\N64 System\System Globals.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System\Types.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Plugin Headers" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE="Plugins\Audio Plugin.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Plugins\Controller Plugin.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Plugins\GFX plugin.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Plugins\Plugin Class.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Plugins\Plugin List.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Plugins\RSP Plugin.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "3rd Party Headers" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Group "HTML Help" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE="3rd Party\HTML Help\HTMLHELP.H" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Zlib Headers" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE="3rd Party\zlib\UNZIP.H" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="3rd Party\zlib\ZCONF.H" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="3rd Party\zlib\zip.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="3rd Party\zlib\ZLIB.H" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Source File SOURCE="3rd Party\7zip.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="3rd Party\Processor Info.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="3rd Party\zip.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Source File SOURCE="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\ATL\Include\ATLWIN.H" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=Multilanguage.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="N64 System.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=Plugin.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=Settings.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\stdafx.h # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="User Interface.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="Validate Binary.h" # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=".\WTL App.h" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Logs" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Group "Debug" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\Bin\Debug\CPUoutput.log # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\Bin\Debug\Project64.log # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="..\Bin\Debug\Sync Errors.txt" # End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Release" # PROP Default_Filter "" # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\Bin\Release\CPUoutput.log # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE=..\Bin\Release\Project64.log # End Source File # Begin Source File SOURCE="..\Bin\Release\Sync Errors.txt" # End Source File # End Group # End Group # End Target # End Project