[26035CF8-802B9135-C:45] Name=Mission Impossible (U) $Access All Levels 8008A5C6 0001 8008A5DA 0001 8008A602 0001 8008A652 0001 8008A666 0001 8008A67A 0001 8008A68E 0001 8008A6A2 0001 8008A6B6 0011 8008A6CA 0021 8008A6DE 0001 8008A706 0011 8008A71A 0041 8008A72E 0021 8008A742 0081 8008A756 0001 8008A76A 0081 8008A77E 0001 8008A7A6 0001 8008A7CE 0001 8008A7E2 0011 8008A7F6 0021 8008A846 0001 8008AB2A 0001 8008AB3E 0001 8008AB52 0001 8008AB66 0001 $Freeze All Timers 81093D40 0063 81093D42 0063 81093D44 0063 $Infinite\Ammo All Guns 50000610 0000 800A8EA7 00FF $Infinite\Health 810862B2 FFFF $Invincibility 810862B4 0101 $Walk Through Walls & Objects Note=This will allow you to pass through anything & even walk on water.if you amerge somewhere in the ground just press the A button. 80093EF5 00?? 80 On 00 Off $Weapon Select 800A8EA5 00?? 800A8EB5 00?? 800A8EC5 00?? 00 9MM Hi Power 01 Silenced Pistol 02 Uzi 03 Fists 32 Gas Spray 36 Blow Torch 1F Fire Extinguisher 24 Spray Paint 27 Electrostunner 0B Blow Dart Gun 0C Dart Hand Gun 2D Mini Rocket Launcher