[D5B2339C-CABCCAED-C:50] Name=Buck Bumble (E) (M5) Cheat0="Have All\Guns & Infinite Ammo",E966835E 5959,50000B04 0000,110EBF66 03E8 Cheat0_N=Press C Left to receive all Guns Cheat1="Infinite\Health",E96412B0 9B32 Cheat1_N=If you fall into Water just turn off the Infinite Health & put back on when you restrat. Cheat2="Infinite\99 Lives",E9641526 5C37 Cheat3="Level Select Menu",E866751E 5F4A Cheat4="Have All\Keys",E96412B8 5959,E86412B7 5959,E96412B6 5959 Cheat5="High Score",E96412A2 504F Cheat6="Max Bonus",E964151E 785F