/**************************************************************************** * * * Project64 - A Nintendo 64 emulator. * * http://www.pj64-emu.com/ * * Copyright (C) 2012 Project64. All rights reserved. * * * * License: * * GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * * ****************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "SettingsPage.h" COptionPluginPage::COptionPluginPage(HWND hParent, const RECT & rcDispay) { if (!Create(hParent, rcDispay)) { return; } //Set the text for all gui Items SetDlgItemText(RSP_ABOUT, wGS(PLUG_ABOUT).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(GFX_ABOUT, wGS(PLUG_ABOUT).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(AUDIO_ABOUT, wGS(PLUG_ABOUT).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(CONT_ABOUT, wGS(PLUG_ABOUT).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(IDC_RSP_NAME, wGS(PLUG_RSP).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(IDC_GFX_NAME, wGS(PLUG_GFX).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(IDC_AUDIO_NAME, wGS(PLUG_AUDIO).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(IDC_CONT_NAME, wGS(PLUG_CTRL).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(IDC_HLE_GFX, wGS(PLUG_HLE_GFX).c_str()); SetDlgItemText(IDC_HLE_AUDIO, wGS(PLUG_HLE_AUDIO).c_str()); m_GfxGroup.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_GFX_NAME)); m_AudioGroup.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_AUDIO_NAME)); m_ControlGroup.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_CONT_NAME)); m_RspGroup.Attach(GetDlgItem(IDC_RSP_NAME)); AddPlugins(GFX_LIST, Plugin_GFX_Current, PLUGIN_TYPE_GFX); AddPlugins(AUDIO_LIST, Plugin_AUDIO_Current, PLUGIN_TYPE_AUDIO); AddPlugins(CONT_LIST, Plugin_CONT_Current, PLUGIN_TYPE_CONTROLLER); AddPlugins(RSP_LIST, Plugin_RSP_Current, PLUGIN_TYPE_RSP); AddModCheckBox(GetDlgItem(IDC_HLE_GFX), Plugin_UseHleGfx); AddModCheckBox(GetDlgItem(IDC_HLE_AUDIO), Plugin_UseHleAudio); UpdatePageSettings(); } void COptionPluginPage::AddPlugins(int ListId, SettingID Type, PLUGIN_TYPE PluginType) { stdstr Default = g_Settings->LoadStringVal(Type); CModifiedComboBox * ComboBox; ComboBox = AddModComboBox(GetDlgItem(ListId), Type); for (int i = 0, n = m_PluginList.GetPluginCount(); i < n; i++) { const CPluginList::PLUGIN * Plugin = m_PluginList.GetPluginInfo(i); if (Plugin == NULL) { continue; } if (Plugin->Info.Type != PluginType) { continue; } if (_stricmp(Default.c_str(), Plugin->FileName.c_str()) == 0) { ComboBox->SetDefault((WPARAM)Plugin); } ComboBox->AddItem(stdstr(Plugin->Info.Name).ToUTF16().c_str(), (WPARAM)Plugin); } } void COptionPluginPage::ShowAboutButton(int id) { CModifiedComboBox * ComboBox = NULL; for (ComboBoxList::iterator cb_iter = m_ComboBoxList.begin(); cb_iter != m_ComboBoxList.end(); cb_iter++) { if ((int)(cb_iter->second->GetMenu()) != id) { continue; } ComboBox = cb_iter->second; break; } if (ComboBox == NULL) { return; } int index = ComboBox->GetCurSel(); if (index == CB_ERR) { return; } const CPluginList::PLUGIN ** PluginPtr = (const CPluginList::PLUGIN **)ComboBox->GetItemDataPtr(index); if (PluginPtr == NULL) { return; } const CPluginList::PLUGIN * Plugin = *PluginPtr; if (Plugin == NULL) { return; } //Load the plugin UINT LastErrorMode = SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); HMODULE hLib = LoadLibrary(stdstr((const char *)(Plugin->FullPath)).ToUTF16().c_str()); SetErrorMode(LastErrorMode); if (hLib == NULL) { return; } //Get DLL about void(CALL *DllAbout) (HWND hWnd); DllAbout = (void(CALL *)(HWND))GetProcAddress(hLib, "DllAbout"); //call the function from the dll DllAbout(m_hWnd); FreeLibrary(hLib); } void COptionPluginPage::PluginItemChanged(int id, int AboutID, bool bSetChanged) { CModifiedComboBox * ComboBox = NULL; for (ComboBoxList::iterator cb_iter = m_ComboBoxList.begin(); cb_iter != m_ComboBoxList.end(); cb_iter++) { if ((int)(cb_iter->second->GetMenu()) != id) { continue; } ComboBox = cb_iter->second; break; } if (ComboBox == NULL) { return; } int index = ComboBox->GetCurSel(); if (index == CB_ERR) { return; } const CPluginList::PLUGIN ** PluginPtr = (const CPluginList::PLUGIN **)ComboBox->GetItemDataPtr(index); if (PluginPtr) { const CPluginList::PLUGIN * Plugin = *PluginPtr; if (Plugin) { ::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(AboutID), Plugin->AboutFunction); } } if (bSetChanged) { ComboBox->SetChanged(true); SendMessage(GetParent(), PSM_CHANGED, (WPARAM)m_hWnd, 0); } } void COptionPluginPage::UpdatePageSettings(void) { UpdateCheckBoxes(); for (ComboBoxList::iterator cb_iter = m_ComboBoxList.begin(); cb_iter != m_ComboBoxList.end(); cb_iter++) { CModifiedComboBox * ComboBox = cb_iter->second; stdstr SelectedValue; ComboBox->SetChanged(g_Settings->LoadStringVal(cb_iter->first, SelectedValue)); for (int i = 0, n = ComboBox->GetCount(); i < n; i++) { const CPluginList::PLUGIN ** PluginPtr = (const CPluginList::PLUGIN **)ComboBox->GetItemDataPtr(i); if (PluginPtr == NULL) { continue; } const CPluginList::PLUGIN * Plugin = *PluginPtr; if (Plugin == NULL) { continue; } if (_stricmp(SelectedValue.c_str(), Plugin->FileName.c_str()) != 0) { continue; } ComboBox->SetDefault((WPARAM)Plugin); } } PluginItemChanged(GFX_LIST, GFX_ABOUT, false); PluginItemChanged(AUDIO_LIST, AUDIO_ABOUT, false); PluginItemChanged(CONT_LIST, CONT_ABOUT, false); PluginItemChanged(RSP_LIST, RSP_ABOUT, false); } void COptionPluginPage::HidePage() { ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } void COptionPluginPage::ShowPage() { ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } void COptionPluginPage::ApplySettings(bool UpdateScreen) { CSettingsPageImpl::ApplySettings(UpdateScreen); } bool COptionPluginPage::EnableReset(void) { if (CSettingsPageImpl::EnableReset()) { return true; } return false; } void COptionPluginPage::ResetPage() { CSettingsPageImpl::ResetPage(); } void COptionPluginPage::ApplyComboBoxes(void) { for (ComboBoxList::iterator cb_iter = m_ComboBoxList.begin(); cb_iter != m_ComboBoxList.end(); cb_iter++) { CModifiedComboBox * ComboBox = cb_iter->second; if (ComboBox->IsChanged()) { int index = ComboBox->GetCurSel(); if (index == CB_ERR) { return; } const CPluginList::PLUGIN ** PluginPtr = (const CPluginList::PLUGIN **)ComboBox->GetItemDataPtr(index); if (PluginPtr == NULL) { return; } const CPluginList::PLUGIN * Plugin = *PluginPtr; g_Settings->SaveString(cb_iter->first, Plugin->FileName.c_str()); } if (ComboBox->IsReset()) { g_Settings->DeleteSetting(cb_iter->first); ComboBox->SetReset(false); } } } bool COptionPluginPage::ResetComboBox(CModifiedComboBox & ComboBox, SettingID Type) { if (!ComboBox.IsChanged()) { return false; } ComboBox.SetReset(true); stdstr Value = g_Settings->LoadDefaultString(Type); for (int i = 0, n = ComboBox.GetCount(); i < n; i++) { const CPluginList::PLUGIN ** PluginPtr = (const CPluginList::PLUGIN **)ComboBox.GetItemDataPtr(i); if (PluginPtr == NULL) { continue; } const CPluginList::PLUGIN * Plugin = *PluginPtr; if (Plugin->FileName != Value) { continue; } ComboBox.SetCurSel(i); return true; } return false; } void COptionPluginPage::HleGfxChanged(UINT /*Code*/, int id, HWND /*ctl*/) { for (ButtonList::iterator iter = m_ButtonList.begin(); iter != m_ButtonList.end(); iter++) { CModifiedButton * Button = iter->second; if ((int)Button->GetMenu() != id) { continue; } if ((Button->GetCheck() & BST_CHECKED) == 0) { if (!g_Notify->AskYesNoQuestion(g_Lang->GetString(MSG_SET_LLE_GFX_MSG).c_str())) { Button->SetCheck(BST_CHECKED); return; } } Button->SetChanged(true); SendMessage(GetParent(), PSM_CHANGED, (WPARAM)m_hWnd, 0); break; } } void COptionPluginPage::HleAudioChanged(UINT /*Code*/, int id, HWND /*ctl*/) { for (ButtonList::iterator iter = m_ButtonList.begin(); iter != m_ButtonList.end(); iter++) { CModifiedButton * Button = iter->second; if ((int)Button->GetMenu() != id) { continue; } if ((Button->GetCheck() & BST_CHECKED) != 0) { if (!g_Notify->AskYesNoQuestion(g_Lang->GetString(MSG_SET_HLE_AUD_MSG).c_str())) { Button->SetCheck(BST_UNCHECKED); return; } } Button->SetChanged(true); SendMessage(GetParent(), PSM_CHANGED, (WPARAM)m_hWnd, 0); break; } }