/* * Glide64 - Glide video plugin for Nintendo 64 emulators. * Copyright (c) 2002 Dave2001 * Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Sergey 'Gonetz' Lipski * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ //**************************************************************** // // Glide64 - Glide Plugin for Nintendo 64 emulators // Project started on December 29th, 2001 // // Authors: // Dave2001, original author, founded the project in 2001, left it in 2002 // Gugaman, joined the project in 2002, left it in 2002 // Sergey 'Gonetz' Lipski, joined the project in 2002, main author since fall of 2002 // Hiroshi 'KoolSmoky' Morii, joined the project in 2007 // //**************************************************************** // // To modify Glide64: // * Write your name and (optional)email, commented by your work, so I know who did it, and so that you can find which parts you modified when it comes time to send it to me. // * Do NOT send me the whole project or file that you modified. Take out your modified code sections, and tell me where to put them. If people sent the whole thing, I would have many different versions, but no idea how to combine them all. // //**************************************************************** #include #include #include "Gfx_1.3.h" #include "Util.h" #include "Combine.h" #include "3dmath.h" #include "Debugger.h" #include "TexCache.h" #include "DepthBufferRender.h" #define Vj rdp.vtxbuf2[j] #define Vi rdp.vtxbuf2[i] VERTEX *vtx_list1[32]; // vertex indexing VERTEX *vtx_list2[32]; // // util_init - initialize data for the functions in this file // void util_init() { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { vtx_list1[i] = &rdp.vtx1[i]; vtx_list2[i] = &rdp.vtx2[i]; } } static uint32_t u_cull_mode = 0; //software backface culling. Gonetz // mega modifications by Dave2001 int cull_tri(VERTEX **v) // type changed to VERTEX** [Dave2001] { int i; if (v[0]->scr_off & v[1]->scr_off & v[2]->scr_off) { LRDP(" clipped\n"); return TRUE; } // Triangle can't be culled, if it need clipping int draw = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!v[i]->screen_translated) { v[i]->sx = rdp.view_trans[0] + v[i]->x_w * rdp.view_scale[0] + rdp.offset_x; v[i]->sy = rdp.view_trans[1] + v[i]->y_w * rdp.view_scale[1] + rdp.offset_y; v[i]->sz = rdp.view_trans[2] + v[i]->z_w * rdp.view_scale[2]; v[i]->screen_translated = 1; } if (v[i]->w < 0.01f) //need clip_z. can't be culled now draw = 1; } u_cull_mode = (rdp.flags & CULLMASK); if (draw || u_cull_mode == 0 || u_cull_mode == CULLMASK) //no culling set { u_cull_mode >>= CULLSHIFT; return FALSE; } #define SW_CULLING #ifdef SW_CULLING #if 1 // H.Morii - faster float comparisons with zero area check added const float x1 = v[0]->sx - v[1]->sx; const float y1 = v[0]->sy - v[1]->sy; const float x2 = v[2]->sx - v[1]->sx; const float y2 = v[2]->sy - v[1]->sy; const float area = y1*x2 - x1*y2; const int iarea = *(int*)&area; const unsigned int mode = (u_cull_mode << 19UL); u_cull_mode >>= CULLSHIFT; if ((iarea & 0x7FFFFFFF) == 0) { LRDP(" zero area triangles\n"); return TRUE; } if ((rdp.flags & CULLMASK) && ((int)(iarea ^ mode)) >= 0) { LRDP(" culled\n"); return TRUE; } #else float x1 = v[0]->sx - v[1]->sx; float y1 = v[0]->sy - v[1]->sy; float x2 = v[2]->sx - v[1]->sx; float y2 = v[2]->sy - v[1]->sy; u_cull_mode >>= CULLSHIFT; switch (u_cull_mode) { case 1: // cull front // if ((x1*y2 - y1*x2) < 0.0f) //counter-clockwise, positive if ((y1*x2-x1*y2) < 0.0f) //counter-clockwise, positive { LRDP (" culled!\n"); return TRUE; } return FALSE; case 2: // cull back // if ((x1*y2 - y1*x2) >= 0.0f) //clockwise, negative if ((y1*x2-x1*y2) >= 0.0f) //clockwise, negative { LRDP (" culled!\n"); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } #endif #endif return FALSE; } void apply_shade_mods(VERTEX *v) { float col[4]; uint32_t mod; memcpy(col, rdp.col, 16); if (rdp.cmb_flags) { if (v->shade_mod == 0) v->color_backup = *(uint32_t*)(&(v->b)); else *(uint32_t*)(&(v->b)) = v->color_backup; mod = rdp.cmb_flags; if (mod & CMB_SET) { if (col[0] > 1.0f) col[0] = 1.0f; if (col[1] > 1.0f) col[1] = 1.0f; if (col[2] > 1.0f) col[2] = 1.0f; if (col[0] < 0.0f) col[0] = 0.0f; if (col[1] < 0.0f) col[1] = 0.0f; if (col[2] < 0.0f) col[2] = 0.0f; v->r = (uint8_t)(255.0f * col[0]); v->g = (uint8_t)(255.0f * col[1]); v->b = (uint8_t)(255.0f * col[2]); } if (mod & CMB_A_SET) { if (col[3] > 1.0f) col[3] = 1.0f; if (col[3] < 0.0f) col[3] = 0.0f; v->a = (uint8_t)(255.0f * col[3]); } if (mod & CMB_SETSHADE_SHADEALPHA) { v->r = v->g = v->b = v->a; } if (mod & CMB_MULT_OWN_ALPHA) { float percent = v->a / 255.0f; v->r = (uint8_t)(v->r * percent); v->g = (uint8_t)(v->g * percent); v->b = (uint8_t)(v->b * percent); } if (mod & CMB_MULT) { if (col[0] > 1.0f) col[0] = 1.0f; if (col[1] > 1.0f) col[1] = 1.0f; if (col[2] > 1.0f) col[2] = 1.0f; if (col[0] < 0.0f) col[0] = 0.0f; if (col[1] < 0.0f) col[1] = 0.0f; if (col[2] < 0.0f) col[2] = 0.0f; v->r = (uint8_t)(v->r * col[0]); v->g = (uint8_t)(v->g * col[1]); v->b = (uint8_t)(v->b * col[2]); } if (mod & CMB_A_MULT) { if (col[3] > 1.0f) col[3] = 1.0f; if (col[3] < 0.0f) col[3] = 0.0f; v->a = (uint8_t)(v->a * col[3]); } if (mod & CMB_SUB) { int r = v->r - (int)(255.0f * rdp.coladd[0]); int g = v->g - (int)(255.0f * rdp.coladd[1]); int b = v->b - (int)(255.0f * rdp.coladd[2]); if (r < 0) r = 0; if (g < 0) g = 0; if (b < 0) b = 0; v->r = (uint8_t)r; v->g = (uint8_t)g; v->b = (uint8_t)b; } if (mod & CMB_A_SUB) { int a = v->a - (int)(255.0f * rdp.coladd[3]); if (a < 0) a = 0; v->a = (uint8_t)a; } if (mod & CMB_ADD) { int r = v->r + (int)(255.0f * rdp.coladd[0]); int g = v->g + (int)(255.0f * rdp.coladd[1]); int b = v->b + (int)(255.0f * rdp.coladd[2]); if (r > 255) r = 255; if (g > 255) g = 255; if (b > 255) b = 255; v->r = (uint8_t)r; v->g = (uint8_t)g; v->b = (uint8_t)b; } if (mod & CMB_A_ADD) { int a = v->a + (int)(255.0f * rdp.coladd[3]); if (a > 255) a = 255; v->a = (uint8_t)a; } if (mod & CMB_COL_SUB_OWN) { int r = (uint8_t)(255.0f * rdp.coladd[0]) - v->r; int g = (uint8_t)(255.0f * rdp.coladd[1]) - v->g; int b = (uint8_t)(255.0f * rdp.coladd[2]) - v->b; if (r < 0) r = 0; if (g < 0) g = 0; if (b < 0) b = 0; v->r = (uint8_t)r; v->g = (uint8_t)g; v->b = (uint8_t)b; } v->shade_mod = cmb.shade_mod_hash; } if (rdp.cmb_flags_2 & CMB_INTER) { v->r = (uint8_t)(rdp.col_2[0] * rdp.shade_factor * 255.0f + v->r * (1.0f - rdp.shade_factor)); v->g = (uint8_t)(rdp.col_2[1] * rdp.shade_factor * 255.0f + v->g * (1.0f - rdp.shade_factor)); v->b = (uint8_t)(rdp.col_2[2] * rdp.shade_factor * 255.0f + v->b * (1.0f - rdp.shade_factor)); v->shade_mod = cmb.shade_mod_hash; } } static int dzdx = 0; static int deltaZ = 0; VERTEX **org_vtx; void draw_tri(VERTEX **vtx, uint16_t linew) { deltaZ = dzdx = 0; if (linew == 0 && (fb_depth_render_enabled || (rdp.rm & 0xC00) == 0xC00)) { double X0 = vtx[0]->sx / rdp.scale_x; double Y0 = vtx[0]->sy / rdp.scale_y; double X1 = vtx[1]->sx / rdp.scale_x; double Y1 = vtx[1]->sy / rdp.scale_y; double X2 = vtx[2]->sx / rdp.scale_x; double Y2 = vtx[2]->sy / rdp.scale_y; double diffy_02 = Y0 - Y2; double diffy_12 = Y1 - Y2; double diffx_02 = X0 - X2; double diffx_12 = X1 - X2; double denom = (diffx_02 * diffy_12 - diffx_12 * diffy_02); if (denom*denom > 0.0) { double diffz_02 = vtx[0]->sz - vtx[2]->sz; double diffz_12 = vtx[1]->sz - vtx[2]->sz; double fdzdx = (diffz_02 * diffy_12 - diffz_12 * diffy_02) / denom; if ((rdp.rm & 0xC00) == 0xC00) { // Calculate deltaZ per polygon for Decal z-mode double fdzdy = (diffz_02 * diffx_12 - diffz_12 * diffx_02) / denom; double fdz = fabs(fdzdx) + fabs(fdzdy); if ((settings.hacks & hack_Zelda) && (rdp.rm & 0x800)) fdz *= 4.0; // Decal mode in Zelda sometimes needs mutiplied deltaZ to work correct, e.g. roads deltaZ = maxval(8, (int)fdz); } dzdx = (int)(fdzdx * 65536.0); } } org_vtx = vtx; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { VERTEX *v = vtx[i]; if (v->uv_calculated != rdp.tex_ctr) { #ifdef EXTREME_LOGGING FRDP(" * CALCULATING VERTEX U/V: %d\n", v->number); #endif v->uv_calculated = rdp.tex_ctr; if (!(rdp.geom_mode & 0x00020000)) { if (!(rdp.geom_mode & 0x00000200)) { if (rdp.geom_mode & 0x00000004) // flat shading { int flag = minval(2, (rdp.cmd1 >> 24) & 3); v->a = vtx[flag]->a; v->b = vtx[flag]->b; v->g = vtx[flag]->g; v->r = vtx[flag]->r; #ifdef EXTREME_LOGGING FRDP(" * Flat shaded, flag%d - r: %d, g: %d, b: %d, a: %d\n", flag, v->r, v->g, v->b, v->a); #endif } else // prim color { #ifdef EXTREME_LOGGING FRDP(" * Prim shaded %08lx\n", rdp.prim_color); #endif v->a = (uint8_t)(rdp.prim_color & 0xFF); v->b = (uint8_t)((rdp.prim_color >> 8) & 0xFF); v->g = (uint8_t)((rdp.prim_color >> 16) & 0xFF); v->r = (uint8_t)((rdp.prim_color >> 24) & 0xFF); } } } // Fix texture coordinates if (!v->uv_scaled) { v->ou *= rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].s_scale; v->ov *= rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].t_scale; v->uv_scaled = 1; if (!rdp.Persp_en) { // v->oow = v->w = 1.0f; v->ou *= 0.5f; v->ov *= 0.5f; } } v->u1 = v->u0 = v->ou; v->v1 = v->v0 = v->ov; if (rdp.tex >= 1 && rdp.cur_cache[0]) { if (rdp.aTBuffTex[0]) { v->u0 += rdp.aTBuffTex[0]->u_shift + rdp.aTBuffTex[0]->tile_uls; v->v0 += rdp.aTBuffTex[0]->v_shift + rdp.aTBuffTex[0]->tile_ult; } if (rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].shift_s) { if (rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].shift_s > 10) v->u0 *= (float)(1 << (16 - rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].shift_s)); else v->u0 /= (float)(1 << rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].shift_s); } if (rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].shift_t) { if (rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].shift_t > 10) v->v0 *= (float)(1 << (16 - rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].shift_t)); else v->v0 /= (float)(1 << rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].shift_t); } if (rdp.aTBuffTex[0]) { if (rdp.aTBuffTex[0]->tile_uls != (int)rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].f_ul_s) v->u0 -= rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].f_ul_s; if (rdp.aTBuffTex[0]->tile_ult != (int)rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].f_ul_t || (settings.hacks&hack_Megaman)) v->v0 -= rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].f_ul_t; //required for megaman (boss special attack) v->u0 *= rdp.aTBuffTex[0]->u_scale; v->v0 *= rdp.aTBuffTex[0]->v_scale; #ifdef EXTREME_LOGGING FRDP("tbuff_tex t0: (%f, %f)->(%f, %f)\n", v->ou, v->ov, v->u0, v->v0); #endif } else { v->u0 -= rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].f_ul_s; v->v0 -= rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].f_ul_t; v->u0 = rdp.cur_cache[0]->c_off + rdp.cur_cache[0]->c_scl_x * v->u0; v->v0 = rdp.cur_cache[0]->c_off + rdp.cur_cache[0]->c_scl_y * v->v0; } v->u0_w = v->u0 / v->w; v->v0_w = v->v0 / v->w; } if (rdp.tex >= 2 && rdp.cur_cache[1]) { if (rdp.aTBuffTex[1]) { v->u1 += rdp.aTBuffTex[1]->u_shift + rdp.aTBuffTex[1]->tile_uls; v->v1 += rdp.aTBuffTex[1]->v_shift + rdp.aTBuffTex[1]->tile_ult; } if (rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile + 1].shift_s) { if (rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile + 1].shift_s > 10) v->u1 *= (float)(1 << (16 - rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile + 1].shift_s)); else v->u1 /= (float)(1 << rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile + 1].shift_s); } if (rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile + 1].shift_t) { if (rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile + 1].shift_t > 10) v->v1 *= (float)(1 << (16 - rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile + 1].shift_t)); else v->v1 /= (float)(1 << rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile + 1].shift_t); } if (rdp.aTBuffTex[1]) { if (rdp.aTBuffTex[1]->tile_uls != (int)rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].f_ul_s) v->u1 -= rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].f_ul_s; v->u1 *= rdp.aTBuffTex[1]->u_scale; v->v1 *= rdp.aTBuffTex[1]->v_scale; #ifdef EXTREME_LOGGING FRDP("tbuff_tex t1: (%f, %f)->(%f, %f)\n", v->ou, v->ov, v->u1, v->v1); #endif } else { v->u1 -= rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile + 1].f_ul_s; v->v1 -= rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile + 1].f_ul_t; v->u1 = rdp.cur_cache[1]->c_off + rdp.cur_cache[1]->c_scl_x * v->u1; v->v1 = rdp.cur_cache[1]->c_off + rdp.cur_cache[1]->c_scl_y * v->v1; } v->u1_w = v->u1 / v->w; v->v1_w = v->v1 / v->w; } // FRDP(" * CALCULATING VERTEX U/V: %d u0: %f, v0: %f, u1: %f, v1: %f\n", v->number, v->u0, v->v0, v->u1, v->v1); } #ifdef EXTREME_LOGGING FRDP("draw_tri. v[%d] ou=%f, ov = %f\n", i, v->ou, v->ov); #endif if (v->shade_mod != cmb.shade_mod_hash) apply_shade_mods(v); } //for rdp.clip = 0; if ((vtx[0]->scr_off & 16) || (vtx[1]->scr_off & 16) || (vtx[2]->scr_off & 16)) rdp.clip |= CLIP_WMIN; vtx[0]->not_zclipped = vtx[1]->not_zclipped = vtx[2]->not_zclipped = 1; if (rdp.cur_cache[0] && (rdp.tex & 1) && (rdp.cur_cache[0]->splits > 1) && !rdp.aTBuffTex[0] && !rdp.clip) { int index, i, j, min_256, max_256, cur_256, left_256, right_256; float percent; min_256 = minval((int)vtx[0]->u0, (int)vtx[1]->u0); // bah, don't put two mins on one line min_256 = minval(min_256, (int)vtx[2]->u0) >> 8; // or it will be calculated twice max_256 = maxval((int)vtx[0]->u0, (int)vtx[1]->u0); // not like it makes much difference max_256 = maxval(max_256, (int)vtx[2]->u0) >> 8; // anyway :P for (cur_256 = min_256; cur_256 <= max_256; cur_256++) { left_256 = cur_256 << 8; right_256 = (cur_256 + 1) << 8; // Set vertex buffers rdp.vtxbuf = rdp.vtx1; // copy from v to rdp.vtx1 rdp.vtxbuf2 = rdp.vtx2; rdp.vtx_buffer = 0; rdp.n_global = 3; index = 0; // ** Left plane ** for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { j = i + 1; if (j == 3) j = 0; VERTEX *v1 = vtx[i]; VERTEX *v2 = vtx[j]; if (v1->u0 >= left_256) { if (v2->u0 >= left_256) // Both are in, save the last one { rdp.vtxbuf[index] = *v2; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 -= left_256; rdp.vtxbuf[index++].v0 += cur_256 * rdp.cur_cache[0]->splitheight; } else // First is in, second is out, save intersection { percent = (left_256 - v1->u0) / (v2->u0 - v1->u0); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = v1->x + (v2->x - v1->x) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = v1->y + (v2->y - v1->y) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = v1->z + (v2->z - v1->z) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].w = v1->w + (v2->w - v1->w) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].f = v1->f + (v2->f - v1->f) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = 0.5f; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = v1->v0 + (v2->v0 - v1->v0) * percent + cur_256 * rdp.cur_cache[0]->splitheight; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = v1->u1 + (v2->u1 - v1->u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = v1->v1 + (v2->v1 - v1->v1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].b = (uint8_t)(v1->b + (v2->b - v1->b) * percent); rdp.vtxbuf[index].g = (uint8_t)(v1->g + (v2->g - v1->g) * percent); rdp.vtxbuf[index].r = (uint8_t)(v1->r + (v2->r - v1->r) * percent); rdp.vtxbuf[index++].a = (uint8_t)(v1->a + (v2->a - v1->a) * percent); } } else { //if (v2->u0 < left_256) // Both are out, save nothing if (v2->u0 >= left_256) // First is out, second is in, save intersection & in point { percent = (left_256 - v2->u0) / (v1->u0 - v2->u0); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = v2->x + (v1->x - v2->x) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = v2->y + (v1->y - v2->y) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = v2->z + (v1->z - v2->z) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].w = v2->w + (v1->w - v2->w) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].f = v2->f + (v1->f - v2->f) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = 0.5f; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = v2->v0 + (v1->v0 - v2->v0) * percent + cur_256 * rdp.cur_cache[0]->splitheight; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = v2->u1 + (v1->u1 - v2->u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = v2->v1 + (v1->v1 - v2->v1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].b = (uint8_t)(v2->b + (v1->b - v2->b) * percent); rdp.vtxbuf[index].g = (uint8_t)(v2->g + (v1->g - v2->g) * percent); rdp.vtxbuf[index].r = (uint8_t)(v2->r + (v1->r - v2->r) * percent); rdp.vtxbuf[index++].a = (uint8_t)(v2->a + (v1->a - v2->a) * percent); // Save the in point rdp.vtxbuf[index] = *v2; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 -= left_256; rdp.vtxbuf[index++].v0 += cur_256 * rdp.cur_cache[0]->splitheight; } } } rdp.n_global = index; rdp.vtxbuf = rdp.vtx2; // now vtx1 holds the value, & vtx2 is the destination rdp.vtxbuf2 = rdp.vtx1; rdp.vtx_buffer ^= 1; index = 0; for (i = 0; i < rdp.n_global; i++) { j = i + 1; if (j == rdp.n_global) j = 0; VERTEX *v1 = &rdp.vtxbuf2[i]; VERTEX *v2 = &rdp.vtxbuf2[j]; // ** Right plane ** if (v1->u0 <= right_256) { if (v2->u0 <= right_256) // Both are in, save the last one { rdp.vtxbuf[index] = *v2; rdp.vtxbuf[index++].not_zclipped = 0; } else // First is in, second is out, save intersection { percent = (right_256 - v1->u0) / (v2->u0 - v1->u0); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = v1->x + (v2->x - v1->x) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = v1->y + (v2->y - v1->y) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = v1->z + (v2->z - v1->z) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].w = v1->w + (v2->w - v1->w) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].f = v1->f + (v2->f - v1->f) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = 255.5f; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = v1->v0 + (v2->v0 - v1->v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = v1->u1 + (v2->u1 - v1->u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = v1->v1 + (v2->v1 - v1->v1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].b = (uint8_t)(v1->b + (v2->b - v1->b) * percent); rdp.vtxbuf[index].g = (uint8_t)(v1->g + (v2->g - v1->g) * percent); rdp.vtxbuf[index].r = (uint8_t)(v1->r + (v2->r - v1->r) * percent); rdp.vtxbuf[index].a = (uint8_t)(v1->a + (v2->a - v1->a) * percent); rdp.vtxbuf[index++].not_zclipped = 0; } } else { //if (v2->u0 > 256.0f) // Both are out, save nothing if (v2->u0 <= right_256) // First is out, second is in, save intersection & in point { percent = (right_256 - v2->u0) / (v1->u0 - v2->u0); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = v2->x + (v1->x - v2->x) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = v2->y + (v1->y - v2->y) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = v2->z + (v1->z - v2->z) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].w = v2->w + (v1->w - v2->w) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].f = v2->f + (v1->f - v2->f) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = 255.5f; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = v2->v0 + (v1->v0 - v2->v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = v2->u1 + (v1->u1 - v2->u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = v2->v1 + (v1->v1 - v2->v1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].b = (uint8_t)(v2->b + (v1->b - v2->b) * percent); rdp.vtxbuf[index].g = (uint8_t)(v2->g + (v1->g - v2->g) * percent); rdp.vtxbuf[index].r = (uint8_t)(v2->r + (v1->r - v2->r) * percent); rdp.vtxbuf[index].a = (uint8_t)(v2->a + (v1->a - v2->a) * percent); rdp.vtxbuf[index++].not_zclipped = 0; // Save the in point rdp.vtxbuf[index] = *v2; rdp.vtxbuf[index++].not_zclipped = 0; } } } rdp.n_global = index; do_triangle_stuff(linew, TRUE); } } else { // Set vertex buffers rdp.vtxbuf = rdp.vtx1; // copy from v to rdp.vtx1 rdp.vtxbuf2 = rdp.vtx2; rdp.vtx_buffer = 0; rdp.n_global = 3; rdp.vtxbuf[0] = *vtx[0]; rdp.vtxbuf[0].number = 1; rdp.vtxbuf[1] = *vtx[1]; rdp.vtxbuf[1].number = 2; rdp.vtxbuf[2] = *vtx[2]; rdp.vtxbuf[2].number = 4; do_triangle_stuff(linew, FALSE); } } #define interp2p(a, b, r) (a + (b - a) * r) //* static void InterpolateColors(VERTEX & va, VERTEX & vb, VERTEX & res, float percent) { res.b = (uint8_t)interp2p(va.b, vb.b, percent); res.g = (uint8_t)interp2p(va.g, vb.g, percent);; res.r = (uint8_t)interp2p(va.r, vb.r, percent);; res.a = (uint8_t)interp2p(va.a, vb.a, percent);; res.f = interp2p(va.f, vb.f, percent);; } //*/ // // clip_w - clips aint the z-axis // static void clip_w(int interpolate_colors) { int i, j, index, n = rdp.n_global; float percent; // Swap vertex buffers VERTEX *tmp = rdp.vtxbuf2; rdp.vtxbuf2 = rdp.vtxbuf; rdp.vtxbuf = tmp; rdp.vtx_buffer ^= 1; index = 0; // Check the vertices for clipping for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { j = i + 1; if (j == 3) j = 0; if (Vi.w >= 0.01f) { if (Vj.w >= 0.01f) // Both are in, save the last one { rdp.vtxbuf[index] = Vj; rdp.vtxbuf[index++].not_zclipped = 1; } else // First is in, second is out, save intersection { percent = (-Vi.w) / (Vj.w - Vi.w); rdp.vtxbuf[index].not_zclipped = 0; rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = Vi.x + (Vj.x - Vi.x) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = Vi.y + (Vj.y - Vi.y) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = Vi.z + (Vj.z - Vi.z) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].w = 1.00f; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = Vi.u0 + (Vj.u0 - Vi.u0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = Vi.v0 + (Vj.v0 - Vi.v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = Vi.u1 + (Vj.u1 - Vi.u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = Vi.v1 + (Vj.v1 - Vi.v1) * percent; if (interpolate_colors) InterpolateColors(Vi, Vj, rdp.vtxbuf[index++], percent); else rdp.vtxbuf[index++].number = Vi.number | Vj.number; } } else { //if (Vj.w < 0.01f) // Both are out, save nothing if (Vj.w >= 0.01f) // First is out, second is in, save intersection & in point { percent = (-Vj.w) / (Vi.w - Vj.w); rdp.vtxbuf[index].not_zclipped = 0; rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = Vj.x + (Vi.x - Vj.x) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = Vj.y + (Vi.y - Vj.y) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = Vj.z + (Vi.z - Vj.z) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].w = 1.00f; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = Vj.u0 + (Vi.u0 - Vj.u0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = Vj.v0 + (Vi.v0 - Vj.v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = Vj.u1 + (Vi.u1 - Vj.u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = Vj.v1 + (Vi.v1 - Vj.v1) * percent; if (interpolate_colors) InterpolateColors(Vj, Vi, rdp.vtxbuf[index++], percent); else rdp.vtxbuf[index++].number = Vi.number | Vj.number; // Save the in point rdp.vtxbuf[index] = Vj; rdp.vtxbuf[index++].not_zclipped = 1; } } } rdp.n_global = index; } static void render_tri(uint16_t linew, int old_interpolate); void do_triangle_stuff(uint16_t linew, int old_interpolate) // what else?? do the triangle stuff :P (to keep from writing code twice) { int i; if (rdp.clip & CLIP_WMIN) clip_w(old_interpolate); float maxZ = (rdp.zsrc != 1) ? rdp.view_trans[2] + rdp.view_scale[2] : rdp.prim_depth; uint8_t no_clip = 2; for (i = 0; i < rdp.n_global; i++) { if (rdp.vtxbuf[i].not_zclipped)// && rdp.zsrc != 1) { #ifdef EXTREME_LOGGING FRDP (" * NOT ZCLIPPPED: %d\n", rdp.vtxbuf[i].number); #endif rdp.vtxbuf[i].x = rdp.vtxbuf[i].sx; rdp.vtxbuf[i].y = rdp.vtxbuf[i].sy; rdp.vtxbuf[i].z = rdp.vtxbuf[i].sz; rdp.vtxbuf[i].q = rdp.vtxbuf[i].oow; rdp.vtxbuf[i].u0 = rdp.vtxbuf[i].u0_w; rdp.vtxbuf[i].v0 = rdp.vtxbuf[i].v0_w; rdp.vtxbuf[i].u1 = rdp.vtxbuf[i].u1_w; rdp.vtxbuf[i].v1 = rdp.vtxbuf[i].v1_w; } else { #ifdef EXTREME_LOGGING FRDP (" * ZCLIPPED: %d\n", rdp.vtxbuf[i].number); #endif rdp.vtxbuf[i].q = 1.0f / rdp.vtxbuf[i].w; rdp.vtxbuf[i].x = rdp.view_trans[0] + rdp.vtxbuf[i].x * rdp.vtxbuf[i].q * rdp.view_scale[0] + rdp.offset_x; rdp.vtxbuf[i].y = rdp.view_trans[1] + rdp.vtxbuf[i].y * rdp.vtxbuf[i].q * rdp.view_scale[1] + rdp.offset_y; rdp.vtxbuf[i].z = rdp.view_trans[2] + rdp.vtxbuf[i].z * rdp.vtxbuf[i].q * rdp.view_scale[2]; if (rdp.tex >= 1) { rdp.vtxbuf[i].u0 *= rdp.vtxbuf[i].q; rdp.vtxbuf[i].v0 *= rdp.vtxbuf[i].q; } if (rdp.tex >= 2) { rdp.vtxbuf[i].u1 *= rdp.vtxbuf[i].q; rdp.vtxbuf[i].v1 *= rdp.vtxbuf[i].q; } } if (rdp.zsrc == 1) rdp.vtxbuf[i].z = rdp.prim_depth; // Don't remove clipping, or it will freeze if (rdp.vtxbuf[i].x > rdp.clip_max_x) rdp.clip |= CLIP_XMAX; if (rdp.vtxbuf[i].x < rdp.clip_min_x) rdp.clip |= CLIP_XMIN; if (rdp.vtxbuf[i].y > rdp.clip_max_y) rdp.clip |= CLIP_YMAX; if (rdp.vtxbuf[i].y < rdp.clip_min_y) rdp.clip |= CLIP_YMIN; if (rdp.vtxbuf[i].z > maxZ) rdp.clip |= CLIP_ZMAX; if (rdp.vtxbuf[i].z < 0.0f) rdp.clip |= CLIP_ZMIN; no_clip &= rdp.vtxbuf[i].screen_translated; } if (no_clip) rdp.clip = 0; else { if (!settings.clip_zmin) rdp.clip &= ~CLIP_ZMIN; if (!settings.clip_zmax) rdp.clip &= ~CLIP_ZMAX; } render_tri(linew, old_interpolate); } void do_triangle_stuff_2(uint16_t linew) { rdp.clip = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rdp.n_global; i++) { // Don't remove clipping, or it will freeze if (rdp.vtxbuf[i].x > rdp.clip_max_x) rdp.clip |= CLIP_XMAX; if (rdp.vtxbuf[i].x < rdp.clip_min_x) rdp.clip |= CLIP_XMIN; if (rdp.vtxbuf[i].y > rdp.clip_max_y) rdp.clip |= CLIP_YMAX; if (rdp.vtxbuf[i].y < rdp.clip_min_y) rdp.clip |= CLIP_YMIN; } render_tri(linew, TRUE); } __inline uint8_t real_to_char(double x) { return (uint8_t)(((int)floor(x + 0.5)) & 0xFF); } //* static void InterpolateColors2(VERTEX & va, VERTEX & vb, VERTEX & res, float percent) { float w = 1.0f / (va.oow + (vb.oow - va.oow) * percent); // res.oow = va.oow + (vb.oow-va.oow) * percent; // res.q = res.oow; float ba = va.b * va.oow; float bb = vb.b * vb.oow; res.b = real_to_char(interp2p(ba, bb, percent) * w); float ga = va.g * va.oow; float gb = vb.g * vb.oow; res.g = real_to_char(interp2p(ga, gb, percent) * w); float ra = va.r * va.oow; float rb = vb.r * vb.oow; res.r = real_to_char(interp2p(ra, rb, percent) * w); float aa = va.a * va.oow; float ab = vb.a * vb.oow; res.a = real_to_char(interp2p(aa, ab, percent) * w); float fa = va.f * va.oow; float fb = vb.f * vb.oow; res.f = interp2p(fa, fb, percent) * w; /* float u0a = va.u0_w * va.oow; float u0b = vb.u0_w * vb.oow; res.u0 = (u0a + (u0b - u0a) * percent) * w; float v0a = va.v0_w * va.oow; float v0b = vb.v0_w * vb.oow; res.v0 = (v0a + (v0b - v0a) * percent) * w; float u1a = va.u1_w * va.oow; float u1b = vb.u1_w * vb.oow; res.u1 = (u1a + (u1b - u1a) * percent) * w; float v1a = va.v1_w * va.oow; float v1b = vb.v1_w * vb.oow; res.v1 = (v1a + (v1b - v1a) * percent) * w; */ } //*/ typedef struct { double d; double x; double y; } LineEuqationType; static double EvaLine(LineEuqationType &li, double x, double y) { return li.x*x + li.y*y + li.d; } static void Create1LineEq(LineEuqationType &l, VERTEX &v1, VERTEX &v2, VERTEX &v3) { // Line between (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) l.x = v2.sy - v1.sy; l.y = v1.sx - v2.sx; l.d = -(l.x*v2.sx + (l.y)*v2.sy); if (EvaLine(l, v3.sx, v3.sy)*v3.oow < 0) { l.x = -l.x; l.y = -l.y; l.d = -l.d; } } __inline double interp3p(float a, float b, float c, double r1, double r2) { return (a)+(((b)+((c)-(b))*(r2)) - (a))*(r1); } /* #define interp3p(a, b, c, r1, r2) \ (a+(((b)+((c)-(b))*(r2))-(a))*(r1)) */ static void InterpolateColors3(VERTEX &v1, VERTEX &v2, VERTEX &v3, VERTEX &out) { LineEuqationType line; Create1LineEq(line, v2, v3, v1); double aDot = (out.x*line.x + out.y*line.y); double bDot = (v1.sx*line.x + v1.sy*line.y); double scale1 = (-line.d - aDot) / (bDot - aDot); double tx = out.x + scale1 * (v1.sx - out.x); double ty = out.y + scale1 * (v1.sy - out.y); double s1 = 101.0, s2 = 101.0; double den = tx - v1.sx; if (fabs(den) > 1.0) s1 = (out.x - v1.sx) / den; if (s1 > 100.0f) s1 = (out.y - v1.sy) / (ty - v1.sy); den = v3.sx - v2.sx; if (fabs(den) > 1.0) s2 = (tx - v2.sx) / den; if (s2 > 100.0f) s2 = (ty - v2.sy) / (v3.sy - v2.sy); double w = 1.0 / interp3p(v1.oow, v2.oow, v3.oow, s1, s2); out.r = real_to_char(interp3p(v1.r*v1.oow, v2.r*v2.oow, v3.r*v3.oow, s1, s2)*w); out.g = real_to_char(interp3p(v1.g*v1.oow, v2.g*v2.oow, v3.g*v3.oow, s1, s2)*w); out.b = real_to_char(interp3p(v1.b*v1.oow, v2.b*v2.oow, v3.b*v3.oow, s1, s2)*w); out.a = real_to_char(interp3p(v1.a*v1.oow, v2.a*v2.oow, v3.a*v3.oow, s1, s2)*w); out.f = (float)(interp3p(v1.f*v1.oow, v2.f*v2.oow, v3.f*v3.oow, s1, s2)*w); /* out.u0 = interp3p(v1.u0_w*v1.oow,v2.u0_w*v2.oow,v3.u0_w*v3.oow,s1,s2)/oow; out.v0 = interp3p(v1.v0_w*v1.oow,v2.v0_w*v2.oow,v3.v0_w*v3.oow,s1,s2)/oow; out.u1 = interp3p(v1.u1_w*v1.oow,v2.u1_w*v2.oow,v3.u1_w*v3.oow,s1,s2)/oow; out.v1 = interp3p(v1.v1_w*v1.oow,v2.v1_w*v2.oow,v3.v1_w*v3.oow,s1,s2)/oow; */ } static void CalculateLOD(VERTEX *v, int n) { //rdp.update |= UPDATE_TEXTURE; /* if (rdp.lod_calculated) { float detailmax; if (dc0_detailmax < 0.5) detailmax = rdp.lod_fraction; else detailmax = 1.0f - rdp.lod_fraction; grTexDetailControl (GR_TMU0, dc0_lodbias, dc0_detailscale, detailmax); if (num_tmu == 2) grTexDetailControl (GR_TMU1, dc1_lodbias, dc1_detailscale, detailmax); return; } */ float deltaS, deltaT; float deltaX, deltaY; double deltaTexels, deltaPixels, lodFactor = 0; double intptr; float s_scale = rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].width / 255.0f; float t_scale = rdp.tiles[rdp.cur_tile].height / 255.0f; if (settings.lodmode == 1) { deltaS = (v[1].u0 / v[1].q - v[0].u0 / v[0].q) * s_scale; deltaT = (v[1].v0 / v[1].q - v[0].v0 / v[0].q) * t_scale; deltaTexels = sqrt(deltaS * deltaS + deltaT * deltaT); deltaX = (v[1].x - v[0].x) / rdp.scale_x; deltaY = (v[1].y - v[0].y) / rdp.scale_y; deltaPixels = sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY); lodFactor = deltaTexels / deltaPixels; } else { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { j = (i < n - 1) ? i + 1 : 0; deltaS = (v[j].u0 / v[j].q - v[i].u0 / v[i].q) * s_scale; deltaT = (v[j].v0 / v[j].q - v[i].v0 / v[i].q) * t_scale; // deltaS = v[j].ou - v[i].ou; // deltaT = v[j].ov - v[i].ov; deltaTexels = sqrt(deltaS * deltaS + deltaT * deltaT); deltaX = (v[j].x - v[i].x) / rdp.scale_x; deltaY = (v[j].y - v[i].y) / rdp.scale_y; deltaPixels = sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY); lodFactor += deltaTexels / deltaPixels; } // Divide by n (n edges) to find average lodFactor = lodFactor / n; } int ilod = (int)lodFactor; int lod_tile = minval((int)(log10f((float)ilod) / log10f(2.0f)), rdp.cur_tile + rdp.mipmap_level); float lod_fraction = 1.0f; if (lod_tile < rdp.cur_tile + rdp.mipmap_level) { lod_fraction = maxval((float)modf(lodFactor / pow(2., lod_tile), &intptr), rdp.prim_lodmin / 255.0f); } float detailmax; if (cmb.dc0_detailmax < 0.5f) detailmax = lod_fraction; else detailmax = 1.0f - lod_fraction; grTexDetailControl(GR_TMU0, cmb.dc0_lodbias, cmb.dc0_detailscale, detailmax); if (voodoo.num_tmu == 2) grTexDetailControl(GR_TMU1, cmb.dc1_lodbias, cmb.dc1_detailscale, detailmax); FRDP("CalculateLOD factor: %f, tile: %d, lod_fraction: %f\n", (float)lodFactor, lod_tile, lod_fraction); } float ScaleZ(float z) { if (settings.n64_z_scale) { int iz = (int)(z*8.0f + 0.5f); if (iz < 0) iz = 0; else if (iz >= 0x40000) iz = 0x40000 - 1; return (float)zLUT[iz]; } if (z < 0.0f) return 0.0f; z *= 1.9f; if (z > 65534.0f) return 65534.0f; return z; } static void DepthBuffer(VERTEX * vtx, int n) { if (fb_depth_render_enabled && !(settings.hacks&hack_RE2) && dzdx && (rdp.flags & ZBUF_UPDATE)) { vertexi v[12]; if (u_cull_mode == 1) //cull front { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { v[i].x = (int)((vtx[n - i - 1].x - rdp.offset_x) / rdp.scale_x * 65536.0); v[i].y = (int)((vtx[n - i - 1].y - rdp.offset_y) / rdp.scale_y * 65536.0); v[i].z = (int)(vtx[n - i - 1].z * 65536.0); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { v[i].x = (int)((vtx[i].x - rdp.offset_x) / rdp.scale_x * 65536.0); v[i].y = (int)((vtx[i].y - rdp.offset_y) / rdp.scale_y * 65536.0); v[i].z = (int)(vtx[i].z * 65536.0); } } Rasterize(v, n, dzdx); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) vtx[i].z = ScaleZ(vtx[i].z); } /* std::ofstream loga; #define LOGG(x) loga.open("glide_log.txt",std::ios::app); loga << x; loga.flush(); loga.close(); __inline void FRDP2(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(out_buf, fmt, ap); LOGG(out_buf); va_end(ap); } //*/ //#define LOGG(x) //#define FRDP2(x) void clip_tri(int interpolate_colors) { int i, j, index, n = rdp.n_global; float percent; // Check which clipping is needed if (rdp.clip & CLIP_XMAX) // right of the screen { // Swap vertex buffers VERTEX *tmp = rdp.vtxbuf2; rdp.vtxbuf2 = rdp.vtxbuf; rdp.vtxbuf = tmp; rdp.vtx_buffer ^= 1; index = 0; // Check the vertices for clipping for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { j = i + 1; if (j == n) j = 0; if (Vi.x <= rdp.clip_max_x) { if (Vj.x <= rdp.clip_max_x) // Both are in, save the last one { rdp.vtxbuf[index++] = Vj; } else // First is in, second is out, save intersection { percent = (rdp.clip_max_x - Vi.x) / (Vj.x - Vi.x); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = rdp.clip_max_x; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = Vi.y + (Vj.y - Vi.y) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = Vi.z + (Vj.z - Vi.z) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].q = Vi.q + (Vj.q - Vi.q) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = Vi.u0 + (Vj.u0 - Vi.u0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = Vi.v0 + (Vj.v0 - Vi.v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = Vi.u1 + (Vj.u1 - Vi.u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = Vi.v1 + (Vj.v1 - Vi.v1) * percent; if (interpolate_colors) InterpolateColors(Vi, Vj, rdp.vtxbuf[index++], percent); else rdp.vtxbuf[index++].number = Vi.number | Vj.number | 8; } } else { //if (Vj.x > rdp.clip_max_x) // Both are out, save nothing if (Vj.x <= rdp.clip_max_x) // First is out, second is in, save intersection & in point { percent = (rdp.clip_max_x - Vj.x) / (Vi.x - Vj.x); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = rdp.clip_max_x; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = Vj.y + (Vi.y - Vj.y) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = Vj.z + (Vi.z - Vj.z) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].q = Vj.q + (Vi.q - Vj.q) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = Vj.u0 + (Vi.u0 - Vj.u0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = Vj.v0 + (Vi.v0 - Vj.v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = Vj.u1 + (Vi.u1 - Vj.u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = Vj.v1 + (Vi.v1 - Vj.v1) * percent; if (interpolate_colors) InterpolateColors(Vj, Vi, rdp.vtxbuf[index++], percent); else rdp.vtxbuf[index++].number = Vi.number | Vj.number | 8; // Save the in point rdp.vtxbuf[index++] = Vj; } } } n = index; } if (rdp.clip & CLIP_XMIN) // left of the screen { // Swap vertex buffers VERTEX *tmp = rdp.vtxbuf2; rdp.vtxbuf2 = rdp.vtxbuf; rdp.vtxbuf = tmp; rdp.vtx_buffer ^= 1; index = 0; // Check the vertices for clipping for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { j = i + 1; if (j == n) j = 0; if (Vi.x >= rdp.clip_min_x) { if (Vj.x >= rdp.clip_min_x) // Both are in, save the last one { rdp.vtxbuf[index++] = Vj; } else // First is in, second is out, save intersection { percent = (rdp.clip_min_x - Vi.x) / (Vj.x - Vi.x); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = rdp.clip_min_x; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = Vi.y + (Vj.y - Vi.y) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = Vi.z + (Vj.z - Vi.z) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].q = Vi.q + (Vj.q - Vi.q) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = Vi.u0 + (Vj.u0 - Vi.u0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = Vi.v0 + (Vj.v0 - Vi.v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = Vi.u1 + (Vj.u1 - Vi.u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = Vi.v1 + (Vj.v1 - Vi.v1) * percent; if (interpolate_colors) InterpolateColors(Vi, Vj, rdp.vtxbuf[index++], percent); else rdp.vtxbuf[index++].number = Vi.number | Vj.number | 8; } } else { //if (Vj.x < rdp.clip_min_x) // Both are out, save nothing if (Vj.x >= rdp.clip_min_x) // First is out, second is in, save intersection & in point { percent = (rdp.clip_min_x - Vj.x) / (Vi.x - Vj.x); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = rdp.clip_min_x; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = Vj.y + (Vi.y - Vj.y) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = Vj.z + (Vi.z - Vj.z) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].q = Vj.q + (Vi.q - Vj.q) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = Vj.u0 + (Vi.u0 - Vj.u0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = Vj.v0 + (Vi.v0 - Vj.v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = Vj.u1 + (Vi.u1 - Vj.u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = Vj.v1 + (Vi.v1 - Vj.v1) * percent; if (interpolate_colors) InterpolateColors(Vj, Vi, rdp.vtxbuf[index++], percent); else rdp.vtxbuf[index++].number = Vi.number | Vj.number | 8; // Save the in point rdp.vtxbuf[index++] = Vj; } } } n = index; } if (rdp.clip & CLIP_YMAX) // top of the screen { // Swap vertex buffers VERTEX *tmp = rdp.vtxbuf2; rdp.vtxbuf2 = rdp.vtxbuf; rdp.vtxbuf = tmp; rdp.vtx_buffer ^= 1; index = 0; // Check the vertices for clipping for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { j = i + 1; if (j == n) j = 0; if (Vi.y <= rdp.clip_max_y) { if (Vj.y <= rdp.clip_max_y) // Both are in, save the last one { rdp.vtxbuf[index++] = Vj; } else // First is in, second is out, save intersection { percent = (rdp.clip_max_y - Vi.y) / (Vj.y - Vi.y); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = Vi.x + (Vj.x - Vi.x) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = rdp.clip_max_y; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = Vi.z + (Vj.z - Vi.z) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].q = Vi.q + (Vj.q - Vi.q) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = Vi.u0 + (Vj.u0 - Vi.u0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = Vi.v0 + (Vj.v0 - Vi.v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = Vi.u1 + (Vj.u1 - Vi.u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = Vi.v1 + (Vj.v1 - Vi.v1) * percent; if (interpolate_colors) InterpolateColors(Vi, Vj, rdp.vtxbuf[index++], percent); else rdp.vtxbuf[index++].number = Vi.number | Vj.number | 16; } } else { //if (Vj.y > rdp.clip_max_y) // Both are out, save nothing if (Vj.y <= rdp.clip_max_y) // First is out, second is in, save intersection & in point { percent = (rdp.clip_max_y - Vj.y) / (Vi.y - Vj.y); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = Vj.x + (Vi.x - Vj.x) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = rdp.clip_max_y; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = Vj.z + (Vi.z - Vj.z) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].q = Vj.q + (Vi.q - Vj.q) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = Vj.u0 + (Vi.u0 - Vj.u0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = Vj.v0 + (Vi.v0 - Vj.v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = Vj.u1 + (Vi.u1 - Vj.u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = Vj.v1 + (Vi.v1 - Vj.v1) * percent; if (interpolate_colors) InterpolateColors(Vj, Vi, rdp.vtxbuf[index++], percent); else rdp.vtxbuf[index++].number = Vi.number | Vj.number | 16; // Save the in point rdp.vtxbuf[index++] = Vj; } } } n = index; } if (rdp.clip & CLIP_YMIN) // bottom of the screen { // Swap vertex buffers VERTEX *tmp = rdp.vtxbuf2; rdp.vtxbuf2 = rdp.vtxbuf; rdp.vtxbuf = tmp; rdp.vtx_buffer ^= 1; index = 0; // Check the vertices for clipping for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { j = i + 1; if (j == n) j = 0; if (Vi.y >= rdp.clip_min_y) { if (Vj.y >= rdp.clip_min_y) // Both are in, save the last one { rdp.vtxbuf[index++] = Vj; } else // First is in, second is out, save intersection { percent = (rdp.clip_min_y - Vi.y) / (Vj.y - Vi.y); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = Vi.x + (Vj.x - Vi.x) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = rdp.clip_min_y; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = Vi.z + (Vj.z - Vi.z) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].q = Vi.q + (Vj.q - Vi.q) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = Vi.u0 + (Vj.u0 - Vi.u0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = Vi.v0 + (Vj.v0 - Vi.v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = Vi.u1 + (Vj.u1 - Vi.u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = Vi.v1 + (Vj.v1 - Vi.v1) * percent; if (interpolate_colors) InterpolateColors(Vi, Vj, rdp.vtxbuf[index++], percent); else rdp.vtxbuf[index++].number = Vi.number | Vj.number | 16; } } else { //if (Vj.y < rdp.clip_min_y) // Both are out, save nothing if (Vj.y >= rdp.clip_min_y) // First is out, second is in, save intersection & in point { percent = (rdp.clip_min_y - Vj.y) / (Vi.y - Vj.y); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = Vj.x + (Vi.x - Vj.x) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = rdp.clip_min_y; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = Vj.z + (Vi.z - Vj.z) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].q = Vj.q + (Vi.q - Vj.q) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = Vj.u0 + (Vi.u0 - Vj.u0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = Vj.v0 + (Vi.v0 - Vj.v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = Vj.u1 + (Vi.u1 - Vj.u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = Vj.v1 + (Vi.v1 - Vj.v1) * percent; if (interpolate_colors) InterpolateColors(Vj, Vi, rdp.vtxbuf[index++], percent); else rdp.vtxbuf[index++].number = Vi.number | Vj.number | 16; // Save the in point rdp.vtxbuf[index++] = Vj; } } } n = index; } if (rdp.clip & CLIP_ZMAX) // far plane { // Swap vertex buffers VERTEX *tmp = rdp.vtxbuf2; rdp.vtxbuf2 = rdp.vtxbuf; rdp.vtxbuf = tmp; rdp.vtx_buffer ^= 1; index = 0; float maxZ = rdp.view_trans[2] + rdp.view_scale[2]; // Check the vertices for clipping for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { j = i + 1; if (j == n) j = 0; if (Vi.z < maxZ) { if (Vj.z < maxZ) // Both are in, save the last one { rdp.vtxbuf[index++] = Vj; } else // First is in, second is out, save intersection { percent = (maxZ - Vi.z) / (Vj.z - Vi.z); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = Vi.x + (Vj.x - Vi.x) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = Vi.y + (Vj.y - Vi.y) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = maxZ - 0.001f; rdp.vtxbuf[index].q = Vi.q + (Vj.q - Vi.q) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = Vi.u0 + (Vj.u0 - Vi.u0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = Vi.v0 + (Vj.v0 - Vi.v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = Vi.u1 + (Vj.u1 - Vi.u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = Vi.v1 + (Vj.v1 - Vi.v1) * percent; if (interpolate_colors) InterpolateColors(Vi, Vj, rdp.vtxbuf[index++], percent); else rdp.vtxbuf[index++].number = Vi.number | Vj.number; } } else { //if (Vj.z > maxZ) // Both are out, save nothing if (Vj.z < maxZ) // First is out, second is in, save intersection & in point { percent = (maxZ - Vj.z) / (Vi.z - Vj.z); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = Vj.x + (Vi.x - Vj.x) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = Vj.y + (Vi.y - Vj.y) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = maxZ - 0.001f;; rdp.vtxbuf[index].q = Vj.q + (Vi.q - Vj.q) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = Vj.u0 + (Vi.u0 - Vj.u0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = Vj.v0 + (Vi.v0 - Vj.v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = Vj.u1 + (Vi.u1 - Vj.u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = Vj.v1 + (Vi.v1 - Vj.v1) * percent; if (interpolate_colors) InterpolateColors(Vj, Vi, rdp.vtxbuf[index++], percent); else rdp.vtxbuf[index++].number = Vi.number | Vj.number; // Save the in point rdp.vtxbuf[index++] = Vj; } } } n = index; } /* if (rdp.clip & CLIP_ZMIN) // near Z { // Swap vertex buffers VERTEX *tmp = rdp.vtxbuf2; rdp.vtxbuf2 = rdp.vtxbuf; rdp.vtxbuf = tmp; rdp.vtx_buffer ^= 1; index = 0; // Check the vertices for clipping for (i=0; i= 0.0f) { if (Vj.z >= 0.0f) // Both are in, save the last one { rdp.vtxbuf[index++] = Vj; } else // First is in, second is out, save intersection { percent = (-Vi.z) / (Vj.z - Vi.z); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = Vi.x + (Vj.x - Vi.x) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = Vi.y + (Vj.y - Vi.y) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = 0.0f; rdp.vtxbuf[index].q = Vi.q + (Vj.q - Vi.q) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = Vi.u0 + (Vj.u0 - Vi.u0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = Vi.v0 + (Vj.v0 - Vi.v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = Vi.u1 + (Vj.u1 - Vi.u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = Vi.v1 + (Vj.v1 - Vi.v1) * percent; if (interpolate_colors) InterpolateColors(Vi, Vj, rdp.vtxbuf[index++], percent); else rdp.vtxbuf[index++].number = Vi.number | Vj.number; } } else { //if (Vj.z < 0.0f) // Both are out, save nothing if (Vj.z >= 0.0f) // First is out, second is in, save intersection & in point { percent = (-Vj.z) / (Vi.z - Vj.z); rdp.vtxbuf[index].x = Vj.x + (Vi.x - Vj.x) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].y = Vj.y + (Vi.y - Vj.y) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].z = 0.0f;; rdp.vtxbuf[index].q = Vj.q + (Vi.q - Vj.q) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u0 = Vj.u0 + (Vi.u0 - Vj.u0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v0 = Vj.v0 + (Vi.v0 - Vj.v0) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].u1 = Vj.u1 + (Vi.u1 - Vj.u1) * percent; rdp.vtxbuf[index].v1 = Vj.v1 + (Vi.v1 - Vj.v1) * percent; if (interpolate_colors) InterpolateColors(Vj, Vi, rdp.vtxbuf[index++], percent); else rdp.vtxbuf[index++].number = Vi.number | Vj.number; // Save the in point rdp.vtxbuf[index++] = Vj; } } } n = index; } */ rdp.n_global = n; } static void render_tri(uint16_t linew, int old_interpolate) { if (rdp.clip) clip_tri(old_interpolate); int n = rdp.n_global; if (n < 3) { FRDP(" * render_tri: n < 3\n"); return; } int i, j; //* if ((rdp.clip & CLIP_ZMIN) && (rdp.othermode_l & 0x00000030)) { int to_render = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (rdp.vtxbuf[i].z >= 0.0f) { to_render = TRUE; break; } } if (!to_render) //all z < 0 { FRDP(" * render_tri: all z < 0\n"); return; } } //*/ if (rdp.clip && !old_interpolate) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { float percent = 101.0f; VERTEX * v1 = 0, *v2 = 0; switch (rdp.vtxbuf[i].number & 7) { case 1: case 2: case 4: continue; break; case 3: v1 = org_vtx[0]; v2 = org_vtx[1]; break; case 5: v1 = org_vtx[0]; v2 = org_vtx[2]; break; case 6: v1 = org_vtx[1]; v2 = org_vtx[2]; break; case 7: InterpolateColors3(*org_vtx[0], *org_vtx[1], *org_vtx[2], rdp.vtxbuf[i]); continue; break; } switch (rdp.vtxbuf[i].number & 24) { case 8: percent = (rdp.vtxbuf[i].x - v1->sx) / (v2->sx - v1->sx); break; case 16: percent = (rdp.vtxbuf[i].y - v1->sy) / (v2->sy - v1->sy); break; default: { float d = (v2->sx - v1->sx); if (fabs(d) > 1.0) percent = (rdp.vtxbuf[i].x - v1->sx) / d; if (percent > 100.0f) percent = (rdp.vtxbuf[i].y - v1->sy) / (v2->sy - v1->sy); } } InterpolateColors2(*v1, *v2, rdp.vtxbuf[i], percent); } } /* if (rdp.clip) { LOGG("Colors before clipping:\n"); unsigned int k; for(k=0; k<3; k++) { FRDP2("V%d: r=%d, g=%d, b=%d, a=%d, f=%d\n", k, org_vtx[k]->r, org_vtx[k]->g, org_vtx[k]->b, org_vtx[k]->a, (short)org_vtx[k]->f); } FRDP("Got %d vertex after clipping\n", n); for(k=0; k 0 && rdp.cur_tile < rdp.mipmap_level) CalculateLOD(rdp.vtxbuf, n); cmb.cmb_ext_use = cmb.tex_cmb_ext_use = 0; /* if (rdp.tbuff_tex) { for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { FRDP("v%d %f->%f, width: %d. height: %d, tex_width: %d, tex_height: %d, lr_u: %f, lr_v: %f\n", k, vv0[k], pv[k]->v1, rdp.tbuff_tex->width, rdp.tbuff_tex->height, rdp.tbuff_tex->tex_width, rdp.tbuff_tex->tex_height, rdp.tbuff_tex->lr_u, rdp.tbuff_tex->lr_v); } } */ if (settings.wireframe) { SetWireframeCol(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { j = i + 1; if (j == n) j = 0; grDrawLine(&rdp.vtxbuf[i], &rdp.vtxbuf[j]); } } else { // VERTEX ** pv = rdp.vtx_buffer?(vtx_list2):(vtx_list1); // for (int k = 0; k < n; k ++) // FRDP ("DRAW[%d]: v.x = %f, v.y = %f, v.z = %f, v.u = %f, v.v = %f\n", k, pv[k]->x, pv[k]->y, pv[k]->z, pv[k]->coord[rdp.t0<<1], pv[k]->coord[(rdp.t0<<1)+1]); // pv[k]->y = settings.res_y - pv[k]->y; if (linew > 0) { VERTEX *V0 = &rdp.vtxbuf[0]; VERTEX *V1 = &rdp.vtxbuf[1]; if (fabs(V0->x - V1->x) < 0.01 && fabs(V0->y - V1->y) < 0.01) V1 = &rdp.vtxbuf[2]; V0->z = ScaleZ(V0->z); V1->z = ScaleZ(V1->z); VERTEX v[4]; v[0] = *V0; v[1] = *V0; v[2] = *V1; v[3] = *V1; float width = linew * 0.25f; if (fabs(V0->y - V1->y) < 0.0001) { v[0].x = v[1].x = V0->x; v[2].x = v[3].x = V1->x; width *= rdp.scale_y; v[0].y = v[2].y = V0->y - width; v[1].y = v[3].y = V0->y + width; } else if (fabs(V0->x - V1->x) < 0.0001) { v[0].y = v[1].y = V0->y; v[2].y = v[3].y = V1->y; width *= rdp.scale_x; v[0].x = v[2].x = V0->x - width; v[1].x = v[3].x = V0->x + width; } else { float dx = V1->x - V0->x; float dy = V1->y - V0->y; float len = sqrtf(dx*dx + dy*dy); float wx = dy * width * rdp.scale_x / len; float wy = dx * width * rdp.scale_y / len; v[0].x = V0->x + wx; v[0].y = V0->y - wy; v[1].x = V0->x - wx; v[1].y = V0->y + wy; v[2].x = V1->x + wx; v[2].y = V1->y - wy; v[3].x = V1->x - wx; v[3].y = V1->y + wy; } grDrawTriangle(&v[0], &v[1], &v[2]); grDrawTriangle(&v[1], &v[2], &v[3]); } else { DepthBuffer(rdp.vtxbuf, n); if ((rdp.rm & 0xC10) == 0xC10) grDepthBiasLevel(-deltaZ); grDrawVertexArray(GR_TRIANGLE_FAN, n, rdp.vtx_buffer ? (&vtx_list2) : (&vtx_list1)); } } if (_debugger.capture) add_tri(rdp.vtxbuf, n, TRI_TRIANGLE); } void add_tri(VERTEX *v, int n, int type) { //FRDP ("ENTER (%f, %f, %f), (%f, %f, %f), (%f, %f, %f)\n", v[0].x, v[0].y, v[0].w, // v[1].x, v[1].y, v[1].w, v[2].x, v[2].y, v[2].w); // Debug capture if (_debugger.capture) { rdp.debug_n++; TRI_INFO *info = new TRI_INFO; info->nv = n; info->v = new VERTEX[n]; memcpy(info->v, v, sizeof(VERTEX)*n); info->cycle_mode = rdp.cycle_mode; info->cycle1 = rdp.cycle1; info->cycle2 = rdp.cycle2; info->uncombined = rdp.uncombined; info->geom_mode = rdp.geom_mode; info->othermode_h = rdp.othermode_h; info->othermode_l = rdp.othermode_l; info->tri_n = rdp.tri_n; info->type = type; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int j = rdp.cur_tile + i; if (i == 0) info->t[i].tmu = rdp.t0; else info->t[i].tmu = rdp.t1; info->t[i].cur_cache[0] = rdp.cur_cache_n[rdp.t0]; info->t[i].cur_cache[1] = rdp.cur_cache_n[rdp.t1]; info->t[i].format = rdp.tiles[j].format; info->t[i].size = rdp.tiles[j].size; info->t[i].width = rdp.tiles[j].width; info->t[i].height = rdp.tiles[j].height; info->t[i].line = rdp.tiles[j].line; info->t[i].palette = rdp.tiles[j].palette; info->t[i].clamp_s = rdp.tiles[j].clamp_s; info->t[i].clamp_t = rdp.tiles[j].clamp_t; info->t[i].mirror_s = rdp.tiles[j].mirror_s; info->t[i].mirror_t = rdp.tiles[j].mirror_t; info->t[i].shift_s = rdp.tiles[j].shift_s; info->t[i].shift_t = rdp.tiles[j].shift_t; info->t[i].mask_s = rdp.tiles[j].mask_s; info->t[i].mask_t = rdp.tiles[j].mask_t; info->t[i].ul_s = rdp.tiles[j].ul_s; info->t[i].ul_t = rdp.tiles[j].ul_t; info->t[i].lr_s = rdp.tiles[j].lr_s; info->t[i].lr_t = rdp.tiles[j].lr_t; info->t[i].t_ul_s = rdp.tiles[7].t_ul_s; info->t[i].t_ul_t = rdp.tiles[7].t_ul_t; info->t[i].t_lr_s = rdp.tiles[7].t_lr_s; info->t[i].t_lr_t = rdp.tiles[7].t_lr_t; info->t[i].scale_s = rdp.tiles[j].s_scale; info->t[i].scale_t = rdp.tiles[j].t_scale; } info->fog_color = rdp.fog_color; info->fill_color = rdp.fill_color; info->prim_color = rdp.prim_color; info->blend_color = rdp.blend_color; info->env_color = rdp.env_color; info->prim_lodmin = rdp.prim_lodmin; info->prim_lodfrac = rdp.prim_lodfrac; info->pNext = _debugger.tri_list; _debugger.tri_list = info; if (_debugger.tri_last == NULL) _debugger.tri_last = _debugger.tri_list; } } void update_scissor() { if (rdp.update & UPDATE_SCISSOR) { rdp.update ^= UPDATE_SCISSOR; // KILL the floating point error with 0.01f rdp.scissor.ul_x = (uint32_t)maxval(minval((rdp.scissor_o.ul_x * rdp.scale_x + rdp.offset_x + 0.01f), settings.res_x), 0); rdp.scissor.lr_x = (uint32_t)maxval(minval((rdp.scissor_o.lr_x * rdp.scale_x + rdp.offset_x + 0.01f), settings.res_x), 0); rdp.scissor.ul_y = (uint32_t)maxval(minval((rdp.scissor_o.ul_y * rdp.scale_y + rdp.offset_y + 0.01f), settings.res_y), 0); rdp.scissor.lr_y = (uint32_t)maxval(minval((rdp.scissor_o.lr_y * rdp.scale_y + rdp.offset_y + 0.01f), settings.res_y), 0); //grClipWindow specifies the hardware clipping window. Any pixels outside the clipping window are rejected. //Values are inclusive for minimum x and y values and exclusive for maximum x and y values. // grClipWindow (rdp.scissor.ul_x?rdp.scissor.ul_x+1:0, rdp.scissor.ul_y?rdp.scissor.ul_y+1:0, rdp.scissor.lr_x, rdp.scissor.lr_y); grClipWindow(rdp.scissor.ul_x, rdp.scissor.ul_y, rdp.scissor.lr_x, rdp.scissor.lr_y); FRDP(" |- scissor - (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)\n", rdp.scissor.ul_x, rdp.scissor.ul_y, rdp.scissor.lr_x, rdp.scissor.lr_y); } } // // update - update states if they need it // typedef struct { unsigned int c2_m2b : 2; unsigned int c1_m2b : 2; unsigned int c2_m2a : 2; unsigned int c1_m2a : 2; unsigned int c2_m1b : 2; unsigned int c1_m1b : 2; unsigned int c2_m1a : 2; unsigned int c1_m1a : 2; } rdp_blender_setting; void update() { LRDP("-+ update called\n"); // Check for rendermode changes // Z buffer if (rdp.render_mode_changed & 0x00000C30) { FRDP(" |- render_mode_changed zbuf - decal: %s, update: %s, compare: %s\n", str_yn[(rdp.othermode_l & 0x00000400) ? 1 : 0], str_yn[(rdp.othermode_l & 0x00000020) ? 1 : 0], str_yn[(rdp.othermode_l & 0x00000010) ? 1 : 0]); rdp.render_mode_changed &= ~0x00000C30; rdp.update |= UPDATE_ZBUF_ENABLED; // Update? if ((rdp.othermode_l & 0x00000020)) rdp.flags |= ZBUF_UPDATE; else rdp.flags &= ~ZBUF_UPDATE; // Compare? if (rdp.othermode_l & 0x00000010) rdp.flags |= ZBUF_COMPARE; else rdp.flags &= ~ZBUF_COMPARE; } // Alpha compare if (rdp.render_mode_changed & 0x00001000) { FRDP(" |- render_mode_changed alpha compare - on: %s\n", str_yn[(rdp.othermode_l & 0x00001000) ? 1 : 0]); rdp.render_mode_changed &= ~0x00001000; rdp.update |= UPDATE_ALPHA_COMPARE; if (rdp.othermode_l & 0x00001000) rdp.flags |= ALPHA_COMPARE; else rdp.flags &= ~ALPHA_COMPARE; } if (rdp.render_mode_changed & 0x00002000) // alpha cvg sel { FRDP(" |- render_mode_changed alpha cvg sel - on: %s\n", str_yn[(rdp.othermode_l & 0x00002000) ? 1 : 0]); rdp.render_mode_changed &= ~0x00002000; rdp.update |= UPDATE_COMBINE; rdp.update |= UPDATE_ALPHA_COMPARE; } // Force blend if (rdp.render_mode_changed & 0xFFFF0000) { FRDP(" |- render_mode_changed force_blend - %08lx\n", rdp.othermode_l & 0xFFFF0000); rdp.render_mode_changed &= 0x0000FFFF; rdp.fbl_a0 = (uint8_t)((rdp.othermode_l >> 30) & 0x3); rdp.fbl_b0 = (uint8_t)((rdp.othermode_l >> 26) & 0x3); rdp.fbl_c0 = (uint8_t)((rdp.othermode_l >> 22) & 0x3); rdp.fbl_d0 = (uint8_t)((rdp.othermode_l >> 18) & 0x3); rdp.fbl_a1 = (uint8_t)((rdp.othermode_l >> 28) & 0x3); rdp.fbl_b1 = (uint8_t)((rdp.othermode_l >> 24) & 0x3); rdp.fbl_c1 = (uint8_t)((rdp.othermode_l >> 20) & 0x3); rdp.fbl_d1 = (uint8_t)((rdp.othermode_l >> 16) & 0x3); rdp.update |= UPDATE_COMBINE; } // Combine MUST go before texture if ((rdp.update & UPDATE_COMBINE) && rdp.allow_combine) { TBUFF_COLOR_IMAGE * aTBuff[2] = { 0, 0 }; if (rdp.aTBuffTex[0]) aTBuff[rdp.aTBuffTex[0]->tile] = rdp.aTBuffTex[0]; if (rdp.aTBuffTex[1]) aTBuff[rdp.aTBuffTex[1]->tile] = rdp.aTBuffTex[1]; rdp.aTBuffTex[0] = aTBuff[0]; rdp.aTBuffTex[1] = aTBuff[1]; LRDP(" |-+ update_combine\n"); Combine(); } if (rdp.update & UPDATE_TEXTURE) // note: UPDATE_TEXTURE and UPDATE_COMBINE are the same { rdp.tex_ctr++; if (rdp.tex_ctr == 0xFFFFFFFF) rdp.tex_ctr = 0; TexCache(); if (rdp.noise == RDP::noise_none) rdp.update ^= UPDATE_TEXTURE; } // Z buffer if (rdp.update & UPDATE_ZBUF_ENABLED) { // already logged above rdp.update ^= UPDATE_ZBUF_ENABLED; if (((rdp.flags & ZBUF_ENABLED) || rdp.zsrc == 1) && rdp.cycle_mode < 2) { if (rdp.flags & ZBUF_COMPARE) { switch ((rdp.rm & 0xC00) >> 10) { case 0: grDepthBiasLevel(0); grDepthBufferFunction(settings.zmode_compare_less ? GR_CMP_LESS : GR_CMP_LEQUAL); break; case 1: grDepthBiasLevel(-4); grDepthBufferFunction(settings.zmode_compare_less ? GR_CMP_LESS : GR_CMP_LEQUAL); break; case 2: grDepthBiasLevel(settings.ucode == 7 ? -4 : 0); grDepthBufferFunction(GR_CMP_LESS); break; case 3: // will be set dynamically per polygon //grDepthBiasLevel(-deltaZ); grDepthBufferFunction(GR_CMP_LEQUAL); break; } } else { grDepthBiasLevel(0); grDepthBufferFunction(GR_CMP_ALWAYS); } if (rdp.flags & ZBUF_UPDATE) grDepthMask(FXTRUE); else grDepthMask(FXFALSE); } else { grDepthBiasLevel(0); grDepthBufferFunction(GR_CMP_ALWAYS); grDepthMask(FXFALSE); } } // Alpha compare if (rdp.update & UPDATE_ALPHA_COMPARE) { // already logged above rdp.update ^= UPDATE_ALPHA_COMPARE; // if (rdp.acmp == 1 && !(rdp.othermode_l & 0x00002000) && !force_full_alpha) // if (rdp.acmp == 1 && !(rdp.othermode_l & 0x00002000) && (rdp.blend_color&0xFF)) if (rdp.acmp == 1 && !(rdp.othermode_l & 0x00002000) && (!(rdp.othermode_l & 0x00004000) || (rdp.blend_color & 0xFF))) { uint8_t reference = (uint8_t)(rdp.blend_color & 0xFF); grAlphaTestFunction(reference ? GR_CMP_GEQUAL : GR_CMP_GREATER); grAlphaTestReferenceValue(reference); FRDP(" |- alpha compare: blend: %02lx\n", reference); } else { if (rdp.flags & ALPHA_COMPARE) { if ((rdp.othermode_l & 0x5000) != 0x5000) { grAlphaTestFunction(GR_CMP_GEQUAL); grAlphaTestReferenceValue(0x20);//0xA0); LRDP(" |- alpha compare: 0x20\n"); } else { grAlphaTestFunction(GR_CMP_GREATER); if (rdp.acmp == 3) { grAlphaTestReferenceValue((uint8_t)(rdp.blend_color & 0xFF)); FRDP(" |- alpha compare: blend: %02lx\n", rdp.blend_color & 0xFF); } else { grAlphaTestReferenceValue(0x00); LRDP(" |- alpha compare: 0x00\n"); } } } else { grAlphaTestFunction(GR_CMP_ALWAYS); LRDP(" |- alpha compare: none\n"); } } if (rdp.acmp == 3 && rdp.cycle_mode < 2) { if (grStippleModeExt != 0) { if (settings.old_style_adither || rdp.alpha_dither_mode != 3) { LRDP(" |- alpha compare: dither\n"); grStippleModeExt(settings.stipple_mode); } else grStippleModeExt(GR_STIPPLE_DISABLE); } } else { if (grStippleModeExt) { //LRDP (" |- alpha compare: dither disabled\n"); grStippleModeExt(GR_STIPPLE_DISABLE); } } } // Cull mode (leave this in for z-clipped triangles) if (rdp.update & UPDATE_CULL_MODE) { rdp.update ^= UPDATE_CULL_MODE; uint32_t mode = (rdp.flags & CULLMASK) >> CULLSHIFT; FRDP(" |- cull_mode - mode: %s\n", str_cull[mode]); switch (mode) { case 0: // cull none case 3: // cull both grCullMode(GR_CULL_DISABLE); break; case 1: // cull front // grCullMode(GR_CULL_POSITIVE); grCullMode(GR_CULL_NEGATIVE); break; case 2: // cull back // grCullMode (GR_CULL_NEGATIVE); grCullMode(GR_CULL_POSITIVE); break; } } //Added by Gonetz. if (settings.fog && (rdp.update & UPDATE_FOG_ENABLED)) { rdp.update ^= UPDATE_FOG_ENABLED; uint16_t blender = (uint16_t)(rdp.othermode_l >> 16); if (rdp.flags & FOG_ENABLED) { rdp_blender_setting &bl = *(rdp_blender_setting*)(&(blender)); if ((rdp.fog_multiplier > 0) && (bl.c1_m1a == 3 || bl.c1_m2a == 3 || bl.c2_m1a == 3 || bl.c2_m2a == 3)) { grFogColorValue(rdp.fog_color); grFogMode(GR_FOG_WITH_TABLE_ON_FOGCOORD_EXT); rdp.fog_mode = RDP::fog_enabled; LRDP("fog enabled \n"); } else { LRDP("fog disabled in blender\n"); rdp.fog_mode = RDP::fog_disabled; grFogMode(GR_FOG_DISABLE); } } else if (blender == 0xc410 || blender == 0xc411 || blender == 0xf500) { grFogColorValue(rdp.fog_color); grFogMode(GR_FOG_WITH_TABLE_ON_FOGCOORD_EXT); rdp.fog_mode = RDP::fog_blend; LRDP("fog blend \n"); } else if (blender == 0x04d1) { grFogColorValue(rdp.fog_color); grFogMode(GR_FOG_WITH_TABLE_ON_FOGCOORD_EXT); rdp.fog_mode = RDP::fog_blend_inverse; LRDP("fog blend \n"); } else { LRDP("fog disabled\n"); rdp.fog_mode = RDP::fog_disabled; grFogMode(GR_FOG_DISABLE); } } if (rdp.update & UPDATE_VIEWPORT) { rdp.update ^= UPDATE_VIEWPORT; float scale_x = (float)fabs(rdp.view_scale[0]); float scale_y = (float)fabs(rdp.view_scale[1]); rdp.clip_min_x = maxval((rdp.view_trans[0] - scale_x + rdp.offset_x) / rdp.clip_ratio, 0.0f); rdp.clip_min_y = maxval((rdp.view_trans[1] - scale_y + rdp.offset_y) / rdp.clip_ratio, 0.0f); rdp.clip_max_x = minval((rdp.view_trans[0] + scale_x + rdp.offset_x) * rdp.clip_ratio, settings.res_x); rdp.clip_max_y = minval((rdp.view_trans[1] + scale_y + rdp.offset_y) * rdp.clip_ratio, settings.res_y); FRDP(" |- viewport - (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", (uint32_t)rdp.clip_min_x, (uint32_t)rdp.clip_min_y, (uint32_t)rdp.clip_max_x, (uint32_t)rdp.clip_max_y); if (!rdp.scissor_set) { rdp.scissor.ul_x = (uint32_t)rdp.clip_min_x; rdp.scissor.lr_x = (uint32_t)rdp.clip_max_x; rdp.scissor.ul_y = (uint32_t)rdp.clip_min_y; rdp.scissor.lr_y = (uint32_t)rdp.clip_max_y; grClipWindow(rdp.scissor.ul_x, rdp.scissor.ul_y, rdp.scissor.lr_x, rdp.scissor.lr_y); } } if (rdp.update & UPDATE_SCISSOR) { update_scissor(); } LRDP(" + update end\n"); } void set_message_combiner() { grColorCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); grAlphaCombine(GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_SCALE_OTHER, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_ONE, GR_COMBINE_LOCAL_NONE, GR_COMBINE_OTHER_TEXTURE, FXFALSE); if (settings.buff_clear && (settings.show_fps & 0x08)) grAlphaBlendFunction(GR_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, GR_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ZERO); else grAlphaBlendFunction(GR_BLEND_ONE, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ZERO, GR_BLEND_ZERO); grAlphaTestFunction(GR_CMP_ALWAYS); if (grStippleModeExt) { grStippleModeExt(GR_STIPPLE_DISABLE); } grTexFilterMode(0, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR, GR_TEXTUREFILTER_BILINEAR); grTexCombine(GR_TMU1, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, FXFALSE, FXFALSE); grTexCombine(GR_TMU0, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, GR_COMBINE_FUNCTION_LOCAL, GR_COMBINE_FACTOR_NONE, FXFALSE, FXFALSE); grTexSource(GR_TMU0, voodoo.tex_min_addr[GR_TMU0] + offset_font, GR_MIPMAPLEVELMASK_BOTH, &fontTex); grFogMode(GR_FOG_DISABLE); }