/* * RSP Compiler plug in for Project 64 (A Nintendo 64 emulator). * * (c) Copyright 2001 jabo (jabo@emulation64.com) and * zilmar (zilmar@emulation64.com) * * pj64 homepage: www.pj64.net * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute Project64 in both binary and * source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, * providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with * all copies and any derived work. * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Project64 is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should * seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes * charging money for Project64 or software derived from Project64. * * The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code * should be forwarded to them so if they want them. * */ #include #include #include #include "rsp.h" #include "types.h" #define GeneralPurpose 1 #define ControlProcessor0 2 #define HiddenRegisters 3 #define Vector1 4 #define Vector2 5 #define IDC_TAB_CONTROL 1000 void Create_RSP_Register_Window ( int ); void HideRSP_RegisterPanel ( int ); void PaintRSP_HiddenPanel ( HWND ); void PaintRSP_CP0Panel ( HWND ); void PaintRSP_GPRPanel ( HWND ); void PaintRSP_Vector1_Panel ( HWND ); void PaintRSP_Vector2_Panel ( HWND ); void ShowRSP_RegisterPanel ( int ); void SetupRSP_HiddenPanel ( HWND ); void SetupRSP_CP0Panel ( HWND ); void SetupRSP_GPRPanel ( HWND ); void SetupRSP_RegistersMain ( HWND ); void SetupRSP_Vect1Panel ( HWND ); void SetupRSP_Vect2Panel ( HWND ); void UpdateRSPRegistersScreen ( void ); LRESULT CALLBACK RefreshRSP_RegProc ( HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM ); LRESULT CALLBACK RSP_Registers_Proc ( HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM ); HWND RSP_Registers_hDlg, hTab, hStatic, hGPR[32], hCP0[16], hHIDDEN[12], hVECT1[16], hVECT2[16]; int InRSPRegisterWindow = FALSE; FARPROC RefreshProc; /*** RSP Registers ***/ UWORD32 RSP_GPR[32], RSP_Flags[4]; UDWORD RSP_ACCUM[8]; VECTOR RSP_Vect[32]; char * GPR_Strings[32] = { "R0", "AT", "V0", "V1", "A0", "A1", "A2", "A3", "T0", "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", "T5", "T6", "T7", "S0", "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6", "S7", "T8", "T9", "K0", "K1", "GP", "SP", "S8", "RA" }; void Create_RSP_Register_Window ( int Child ) { DWORD ThreadID; if ( Child ) { InRSPRegisterWindow = TRUE; DialogBox( hinstDLL, "RSPREGISTERS", NULL,(DLGPROC) RSP_Registers_Proc ); InRSPRegisterWindow = FALSE; } else { if (!InRSPRegisterWindow) { CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)Create_RSP_Register_Window, (LPVOID)TRUE,0, &ThreadID); } else { SetForegroundWindow(RSP_Registers_hDlg); } } } void Enter_RSP_Register_Window ( void ) { Create_RSP_Register_Window ( FALSE ); } void HideRSP_RegisterPanel ( int Panel) { int count; switch( Panel ) { case GeneralPurpose: for (count = 0; count < 32;count ++) { ShowWindow(hGPR[count], FALSE ); } break; case ControlProcessor0: for (count = 0; count < 16;count ++) { ShowWindow(hCP0[count], FALSE ); } break; case HiddenRegisters: for (count = 0; count < 12;count ++) { ShowWindow(hHIDDEN[count], FALSE ); } break; case Vector1: for (count = 0; count < 16;count ++) { ShowWindow(hVECT1[count], FALSE ); } break; case Vector2: for (count = 0; count < 16;count ++) { ShowWindow(hVECT2[count], FALSE ); } break; } } void InitilizeRSPRegisters (void) { memset(RSP_GPR,0,sizeof(RSP_GPR)); memset(RSP_Vect,0,sizeof(RSP_Vect)); } void PaintRSP_HiddenPanel (HWND hWnd) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT rcBox; HFONT hOldFont; int OldBkMode; BeginPaint( hWnd, &ps ); rcBox.left = 66; rcBox.top = 39; rcBox.right = 320; rcBox.bottom = 265; DrawEdge( ps.hdc, &rcBox, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_RECT ); rcBox.left = 350; rcBox.top = 39; rcBox.right = 510; rcBox.bottom = 265; DrawEdge( ps.hdc, &rcBox, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_RECT ); rcBox.left = 75; rcBox.top = 35; rcBox.right = 150; rcBox.bottom = 50; FillRect( ps.hdc, &rcBox,(HBRUSH)COLOR_WINDOW); rcBox.left = 365; rcBox.top = 35; rcBox.right = 425; rcBox.bottom = 50; FillRect( ps.hdc, &rcBox,(HBRUSH)COLOR_WINDOW); hOldFont = SelectObject( ps.hdc, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) ); OldBkMode = SetBkMode( ps.hdc, TRANSPARENT ); TextOut( ps.hdc, 80,34,"Accumulators",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 80,56,"Accumulator 0:",14); TextOut( ps.hdc, 80,81,"Accumulator 1:",14); TextOut( ps.hdc, 80,106,"Accumulator 2:",14); TextOut( ps.hdc, 80,131,"Accumulator 3:",14); TextOut( ps.hdc, 80,156,"Accumulator 4:",14); TextOut( ps.hdc, 80,181,"Accumulator 5:",14); TextOut( ps.hdc, 80,206,"Accumulator 6:",14); TextOut( ps.hdc, 80,231,"Accumulator 7:",14); TextOut( ps.hdc, 371,34,"RSP Flags",9); TextOut( ps.hdc, 375,86,"Flag 0:",7); TextOut( ps.hdc, 375,116,"Flag 2:",7); TextOut( ps.hdc, 375,146,"Flag 3:",7); TextOut( ps.hdc, 375,176,"Flag 4:",7); SelectObject( ps.hdc,hOldFont ); SetBkMode( ps.hdc, OldBkMode ); EndPaint( hWnd, &ps ); } void PaintRSP_CP0Panel (HWND hWnd) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT rcBox; HFONT hOldFont; int OldBkMode; BeginPaint( hWnd, &ps ); rcBox.left = 41; rcBox.top = 29; rcBox.right = 573; rcBox.bottom = 275; DrawEdge( ps.hdc, &rcBox, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_RECT ); hOldFont = SelectObject( ps.hdc, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) ); OldBkMode = SetBkMode( ps.hdc, TRANSPARENT ); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,48,"Reg 0 - SP memory address:",26); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,76,"Reg 1 - SP DRAM DMA address:",28); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,104,"Reg 2 - SP read DMA length:",27); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,132,"Reg 3 - SP write DMA length:",28); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,160,"Reg 4 - SP status:",18); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,188,"Reg 5 - SP DMA full:",20); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,216,"Reg 6 - SP DMA busy:",20); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,244,"Reg 7 - SP semaphore:",21); TextOut( ps.hdc, 313,48,"Reg 8 - DP CMD DMA start:",25); TextOut( ps.hdc, 313,76,"Reg 9 - DP CMD DMA end:",23); TextOut( ps.hdc, 313,104,"Reg 10 - DP CMD DMA current:",28); TextOut( ps.hdc, 313,132,"Reg 11 - DP CMD status:",23); TextOut( ps.hdc, 313,160,"Reg 12 - DP clock counter:",26); TextOut( ps.hdc, 313,188,"Reg 13 - DP buffer busy counter:",32); TextOut( ps.hdc, 313,216,"Reg 14 - DP pipe busy counter:",30); TextOut( ps.hdc, 313,244,"Reg 15 - DP TMEM load counter:",30); SelectObject( ps.hdc,hOldFont ); SetBkMode( ps.hdc, OldBkMode ); EndPaint( hWnd, &ps ); } void PaintRSP_GPRPanel (HWND hWnd) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT rcBox; HFONT hOldFont; int OldBkMode; BeginPaint( hWnd, &ps ); rcBox.left = 41; rcBox.top = 29; rcBox.right = 573; rcBox.bottom = 275; DrawEdge( ps.hdc, &rcBox, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_RECT ); hOldFont = SelectObject( ps.hdc, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) ); OldBkMode = SetBkMode( ps.hdc, TRANSPARENT ); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,46,"R0 - Reg 0:",11); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,66,"AT - Reg 1:",11); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,86,"V0 - Reg 2:",11); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,106,"V1 - Reg 3:",11); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,126,"A0 - Reg 4:",11); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,146,"A1 - Reg 5:",11); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,166,"A2 - Reg 6:",11); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,186,"A3 - Reg 7:",11); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,206,"T0 - Reg 8:",11); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,226,"T1 - Reg 9:",11); TextOut( ps.hdc, 53,246,"T2 - Reg 10:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 228,46,"T3 - Reg 11:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 228,66,"T4 - Reg 12:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 228,86,"T5 - Reg 13:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 228,106,"T6 - Reg 14:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 228,126,"T7 - Reg 15:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 228,146,"S0 - Reg 16:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 228,166,"S1 - Reg 17:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 228,186,"S2 - Reg 18:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 228,206,"S3 - Reg 19:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 228,226,"S4 - Reg 20:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 228,246,"S5 - Reg 21:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 408,46,"S6 - Reg 22:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 408,66,"S7 - Reg 23:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 408,86,"T8 - Reg 24:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 408,106,"T9 - Reg 25:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 408,126,"K0 - Reg 26:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 408,146,"K1 - Reg 27:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 408,166,"GP - Reg 28:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 408,186,"SP - Reg 29:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 408,206,"S8 - Reg 30:",12); TextOut( ps.hdc, 408,226,"RA - Reg 31:",12); SelectObject( ps.hdc,hOldFont ); SetBkMode( ps.hdc, OldBkMode ); EndPaint( hWnd, &ps ); } void PaintRSP_Vector1_Panel (HWND hWnd) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT rcBox; HFONT hOldFont; int OldBkMode; BeginPaint( hWnd, &ps ); rcBox.left = 10; rcBox.top = 29; rcBox.right = 606; rcBox.bottom = 275; DrawEdge( ps.hdc, &rcBox, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_RECT ); hOldFont = SelectObject( ps.hdc, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) ); OldBkMode = SetBkMode( ps.hdc, TRANSPARENT ); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,48,"$v0:",4); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,76,"$v1:",4); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,104,"$v2:",4); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,132,"$v3:",4); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,160,"$v4:",4); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,188,"$v5:",4); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,216,"$v6:",4); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,244,"$v7:",4); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,48,"$v8:",4); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,76,"$v9:",4); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,104,"$v10:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,132,"$v11:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,160,"$v12:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,188,"$v13:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,216,"$v14:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,244,"$v15:",5); SelectObject( ps.hdc,hOldFont ); SetBkMode( ps.hdc, OldBkMode ); EndPaint( hWnd, &ps ); } void PaintRSP_Vector2_Panel (HWND hWnd) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; RECT rcBox; HFONT hOldFont; int OldBkMode; BeginPaint( hWnd, &ps ); rcBox.left = 10; rcBox.top = 29; rcBox.right = 606; rcBox.bottom = 275; DrawEdge( ps.hdc, &rcBox, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_RECT ); hOldFont = SelectObject( ps.hdc, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) ); OldBkMode = SetBkMode( ps.hdc, TRANSPARENT ); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,48,"$v16:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,76,"$v17:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,104,"$v18:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,132,"$v19:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,160,"$v20:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,188,"$v21:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,216,"$v22:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 20,244,"$v23:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,48,"$v24:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,76,"$v25:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,104,"$v26:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,132,"$v27:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,160,"$v28:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,188,"$v29:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,216,"$v30:",5); TextOut( ps.hdc, 310,244,"$v31:",5); SelectObject( ps.hdc,hOldFont ); SetBkMode( ps.hdc, OldBkMode ); EndPaint( hWnd, &ps ); } LRESULT CALLBACK RefreshRSP_RegProc ( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { int nSel; TC_ITEM item; switch( uMsg ) { case WM_PAINT: nSel = TabCtrl_GetCurSel( hTab ); if ( nSel > -1 ) { item.mask = TCIF_PARAM; TabCtrl_GetItem( hTab, nSel, &item ); switch( item.lParam ) { case GeneralPurpose: PaintRSP_GPRPanel (hWnd); break; case ControlProcessor0: PaintRSP_CP0Panel (hWnd); break; case HiddenRegisters: PaintRSP_HiddenPanel (hWnd); break; case Vector1: PaintRSP_Vector1_Panel (hWnd); break; case Vector2: PaintRSP_Vector2_Panel (hWnd); break; } } break; default: return( (*RefreshProc)(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam) ); } return( FALSE ); } LRESULT CALLBACK RSP_Registers_Proc (HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static RECT rcDisp; static int CurrentPanel = GeneralPurpose; TC_ITEM item; switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: RSP_Registers_hDlg = hDlg; SetupRSP_RegistersMain( hDlg ); break; case WM_MOVE: //StoreCurrentWinPos("RSP Registers",hDlg); break; case WM_SIZE: GetClientRect( hDlg, &rcDisp); TabCtrl_AdjustRect( hTab, FALSE, &rcDisp ); break; case WM_NOTIFY: switch (((NMHDR *)lParam)->code) { case TCN_SELCHANGE: InvalidateRect( hTab, &rcDisp, TRUE ); HideRSP_RegisterPanel (CurrentPanel); item.mask = TCIF_PARAM; TabCtrl_GetItem( hTab, TabCtrl_GetCurSel( hTab ), &item ); CurrentPanel = item.lParam; InvalidateRect( hStatic, NULL, FALSE ); UpdateRSPRegistersScreen(); ShowRSP_RegisterPanel ( CurrentPanel ); break; } break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: CurrentPanel = GeneralPurpose; EndDialog( hDlg, IDCANCEL ); break; } default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void SetupRSP_HiddenPanel (HWND hDlg) { int count; for (count = 0; count < 8;count ++) { hHIDDEN[count] = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,"EDIT","", WS_CHILD | ES_READONLY | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,170,(count*25) + 60,140,19, hDlg,0,hinstDLL, NULL ); SendMessage(hHIDDEN[count],WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),0); } for (count = 0; count < 4;count ++) { hHIDDEN[count + 8] = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,"EDIT","", WS_CHILD | ES_READONLY | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,425,(count*30) + 90,55,19, hDlg,0,hinstDLL, NULL ); SendMessage(hHIDDEN[count + 8],WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),0); } } void SetupRSP_CP0Panel (HWND hDlg) { int count; for (count = 0; count < 8;count ++) { hCP0[count] = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,"EDIT","", WS_CHILD | ES_READONLY | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,225,(count*28) + 53,75,19, hDlg,0,hinstDLL, NULL ); SendMessage(hCP0[count],WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),0); } for (count = 0; count < 8;count ++) { hCP0[count + 8] = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,"EDIT","", WS_CHILD | ES_READONLY | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,485,(count*28) + 53,75,19, hDlg,0,hinstDLL, NULL ); SendMessage(hCP0[ count + 8 ],WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),0); } } void SetupRSP_GPRPanel (HWND hDlg) { int count; for (count = 0; count < 11;count ++) { hGPR[count] = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,"EDIT","", WS_CHILD | ES_READONLY | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,135,(count*20) + 50,75,19, hDlg,0,hinstDLL, NULL ); SendMessage(hGPR[count],WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),0); } for (count = 0; count < 11;count ++) { hGPR[count + 11] = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,"EDIT","", WS_CHILD | ES_READONLY | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,315,(count*20) + 50,75,19, hDlg,0,hinstDLL, NULL ); SendMessage(hGPR[ count + 11 ],WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),0); } for (count = 0; count < 10;count ++) { hGPR[count + 22] = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,"EDIT","", WS_CHILD | ES_READONLY | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,485,(count*20) + 50,75,19, hDlg,0,hinstDLL, NULL ); SendMessage(hGPR[ count + 22 ],WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),0); } } void SetupRSP_RegistersMain (HWND hDlg) { #define WindowWidth 630 #define WindowHeight 325 DWORD X, Y; hTab = CreateWindowEx(0,WC_TABCONTROL,"", WS_TABSTOP | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,5,6,616,290, hDlg,(HMENU)IDC_TAB_CONTROL,hinstDLL,NULL ); if ( hTab ) { TC_ITEM item; SendMessage(hTab, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject( DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ), 0); item.mask = TCIF_TEXT | TCIF_PARAM; item.pszText = " General Purpose "; item.lParam = GeneralPurpose; TabCtrl_InsertItem( hTab,0, &item); item.lParam = ControlProcessor0; item.pszText = " Control Processor 0 "; TabCtrl_InsertItem( hTab,1, &item); item.lParam = HiddenRegisters; item.pszText = " Hidden Registers "; TabCtrl_InsertItem( hTab,2, &item); item.lParam = Vector1; item.pszText = " RSP Vectors $v0 - $v15 "; TabCtrl_InsertItem( hTab,3, &item); item.lParam = Vector2; item.pszText = " RSP Vectors $v16 - $v31 "; TabCtrl_InsertItem( hTab,4, &item); } SetupRSP_HiddenPanel ( hDlg ); SetupRSP_CP0Panel ( hDlg ); SetupRSP_GPRPanel ( hDlg ); SetupRSP_Vect1Panel ( hDlg ); SetupRSP_Vect2Panel ( hDlg ); hStatic = CreateWindowEx(0,"STATIC","", WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE, 5,6,616,290,hDlg,0,hinstDLL,NULL ); RefreshProc = (FARPROC)SetWindowLong( hStatic,GWL_WNDPROC,(long)RefreshRSP_RegProc); UpdateRSPRegistersScreen (); ShowRSP_RegisterPanel ( GeneralPurpose ); SetWindowText(hDlg," RSP Registers"); //if ( !GetStoredWinPos( "RSP Registers", &X, &Y ) ) { X = (GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ) - WindowWidth) / 2; Y = (GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) - WindowHeight) / 2; //} SetWindowPos(hDlg,NULL,X,Y,WindowWidth,WindowHeight, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } void SetupRSP_Vect1Panel (HWND hDlg) { int count; for (count = 0; count < 8;count ++) { hVECT1[count] = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,"EDIT","", WS_CHILD | ES_READONLY | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,55,(count*28) + 52,254,19, hDlg,0,hinstDLL, NULL ); SendMessage(hVECT1[count],WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),0); } for (count = 0; count < 8;count ++) { hVECT1[count + 8] = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,"EDIT","", WS_CHILD | ES_READONLY | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,345,(count*28) + 52,254,19, hDlg,0,hinstDLL, NULL ); SendMessage(hVECT1[count + 8],WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),0); } } void SetupRSP_Vect2Panel (HWND hDlg) { int count; for (count = 0; count < 8;count ++) { hVECT2[count] = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,"EDIT","", WS_CHILD | ES_READONLY | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,55,(count*28) + 52,254,19, hDlg,0,hinstDLL, NULL ); SendMessage(hVECT2[count],WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),0); } for (count = 0; count < 8;count ++) { hVECT2[count + 8] = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,"EDIT","", WS_CHILD | ES_READONLY | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,345,(count*28) + 52,254,19, hDlg,0,hinstDLL, NULL ); SendMessage(hVECT2[count + 8],WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),0); } } void ShowRSP_RegisterPanel ( int Panel) { int count; switch( Panel ) { case GeneralPurpose: for (count = 0; count < 32;count ++) { ShowWindow(hGPR[count], TRUE ); } break; case ControlProcessor0: for (count = 0; count < 16;count ++) { ShowWindow(hCP0[count], TRUE ); } break; case HiddenRegisters: for (count = 0; count < 12;count ++) { ShowWindow(hHIDDEN[count], TRUE ); } break; case Vector1: for (count = 0; count < 16;count ++) { ShowWindow(hVECT1[count], TRUE ); } break; case Vector2: for (count = 0; count < 16;count ++) { ShowWindow(hVECT2[count], TRUE ); } break; } } void UpdateRSPRegistersScreen ( void ) { char RegisterValue[100]; int count, nSel; TC_ITEM item; if (!InRSPRegisterWindow) { return; } nSel = TabCtrl_GetCurSel( hTab ); if ( nSel > -1 ) { item.mask = TCIF_PARAM; TabCtrl_GetItem( hTab, nSel, &item ); switch( item.lParam ) { case GeneralPurpose: for (count = 0; count < 32;count ++) { sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",RSP_GPR[count].UW); SetWindowText(hGPR[count],RegisterValue); } break; case ControlProcessor0: if (RSPInfo.SP_MEM_ADDR_REG) { sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.SP_MEM_ADDR_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[0],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.SP_DRAM_ADDR_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[1],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.SP_RD_LEN_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[2],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.SP_WR_LEN_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[3],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.SP_STATUS_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[4],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.SP_DMA_FULL_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[5],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.SP_DMA_BUSY_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[6],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.SP_SEMAPHORE_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[7],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.DPC_START_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[8],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.DPC_END_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[9],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.DPC_CURRENT_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[10],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.DPC_STATUS_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[11],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.DPC_CLOCK_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[12],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.DPC_BUFBUSY_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[13],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.DPC_PIPEBUSY_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[14],RegisterValue); sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X",*RSPInfo.DPC_TMEM_REG); SetWindowText(hCP0[15],RegisterValue); } break; case HiddenRegisters: for (count = 0; count < 8;count ++) { sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X - %08X",RSP_ACCUM[count].W[1], RSP_ACCUM[count].W[0]); SetWindowText(hHIDDEN[count],RegisterValue); } for (count = 0; count < 3;count ++) { sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%04X",RSP_Flags[count].UHW[0]); SetWindowText(hHIDDEN[count + 8],RegisterValue); } sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%04X",RSP_Flags[2].UHW[0]); SetWindowText(hHIDDEN[11],RegisterValue); break; case Vector1: for (count = 0; count < 16;count ++) { sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X - %08X - %08X - %08X", RSP_Vect[count].W[3], RSP_Vect[count].W[2], RSP_Vect[count].W[1], RSP_Vect[count].W[0]); SetWindowText(hVECT1[count],RegisterValue); } break; case Vector2: for (count = 0; count < 16;count ++) { sprintf(RegisterValue," 0x%08X - %08X - %08X - %08X", RSP_Vect[count + 16].W[3], RSP_Vect[count + 16].W[2], RSP_Vect[count + 16].W[1], RSP_Vect[count + 16].W[0]); SetWindowText(hVECT2[count],RegisterValue); } break; } } }