/**************************************************************************** * * * Project 64 - A Nintendo 64 emulator. * * http://www.pj64-emu.com/ * * Copyright (C) 2012 Project64. All rights reserved. * * * * License: * * GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * * ****************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" CPlugin::CPlugin() : m_hDll(NULL), m_Initilized(false), m_RomOpen(false), RomOpen(NULL), RomClosed(NULL), CloseDLL(NULL), PluginOpened(NULL), DllAbout(NULL), DllConfig(NULL), SetSettingInfo(NULL), SetSettingInfo2(NULL), SetSettingInfo3(NULL) { memset(&m_PluginInfo, 0, sizeof(m_PluginInfo)); } CPlugin::~CPlugin() { UnloadPlugin(); } bool CPlugin::Load (const char * FileName) { // Already loaded, so unload first. if (m_hDll != NULL) { UnloadPlugin(); } // Try to load the plugin DLL //Try to load the DLL library UINT LastErrorMode = SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); m_hDll = LoadLibrary(FileName); SetErrorMode(LastErrorMode); if (m_hDll == NULL) { return false; } // Get DLL information void(__cdecl *GetDllInfo) (PLUGIN_INFO * PluginInfo); LoadFunction(GetDllInfo); if (GetDllInfo == NULL) { return false; } GetDllInfo(&m_PluginInfo); if (!CPluginList::ValidPluginVersion(m_PluginInfo)) { return false; } if (m_PluginInfo.Type != type()) { return false; } CloseDLL = (void (__cdecl *)(void)) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "CloseDLL" ); RomOpen = (void (__cdecl *)(void)) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "RomOpen" ); RomClosed = (void (__cdecl *)(void)) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "RomClosed" ); PluginOpened = (void (__cdecl *)(void)) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "PluginLoaded" ); DllConfig = (void (__cdecl *)(DWORD)) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "DllConfig" ); DllAbout = (void (__cdecl *)(HWND)) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "DllAbout" ); SetSettingInfo3 = (void (__cdecl *)(PLUGIN_SETTINGS3 *))GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "SetSettingInfo3" ); if (SetSettingInfo3) { PLUGIN_SETTINGS3 info; info.FlushSettings = (void (*)( void * handle))CSettings::FlushSettings; SetSettingInfo3(&info); } SetSettingInfo2 = (void (__cdecl *)(PLUGIN_SETTINGS2 *))GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "SetSettingInfo2" ); if (SetSettingInfo2) { PLUGIN_SETTINGS2 info; info.FindSystemSettingId = (unsigned int (*)( void * handle, const char * ))CSettings::FindSetting; SetSettingInfo2(&info); } SetSettingInfo = (void (__cdecl *)(PLUGIN_SETTINGS *))GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "SetSettingInfo" ); if (SetSettingInfo) { PLUGIN_SETTINGS info; info.dwSize = sizeof(PLUGIN_SETTINGS); info.DefaultStartRange = GetDefaultSettingStartRange(); info.SettingStartRange = GetSettingStartRange(); info.MaximumSettings = MaxPluginSetting; info.NoDefault = Default_None; info.DefaultLocation = g_Settings->LoadDword(Setting_UseFromRegistry) ? SettingType_Registry : SettingType_CfgFile; info.handle = g_Settings; info.RegisterSetting = (void(*)(void *, int, int, SettingDataType, SettingType, const char *, const char *, DWORD))&CSettings::RegisterSetting; info.GetSetting = (unsigned int(*)(void *, int))&CSettings::GetSetting; info.GetSettingSz = (const char * (*)(void *, int, char *, int))&CSettings::GetSettingSz; info.SetSetting = (void(*)(void *, int, unsigned int))&CSettings::SetSetting; info.SetSettingSz = (void(*)(void *, int, const char *))&CSettings::SetSettingSz; info.UseUnregisteredSetting = NULL; SetSettingInfo(&info); } if (RomClosed == NULL) return false; if (!LoadFunctions()) { return false; } if (PluginOpened) { PluginOpened(); } return true; } void CPlugin::RomOpened() { if (m_RomOpen || RomOpen == NULL) return; RomOpen(); m_RomOpen = true; } void CPlugin::RomClose() { if (!m_RomOpen) return; RomClosed(); m_RomOpen = false; } void CPlugin::GameReset() { if (m_RomOpen) { RomClosed(); if (RomOpen) { RomOpen(); } } } void CPlugin::Close() { if (m_RomOpen) { RomClosed(); m_RomOpen = false; } if (m_Initilized) { CloseDLL(); m_Initilized = false; } } void CPlugin::UnloadPlugin() { memset(&m_PluginInfo, 0, sizeof(m_PluginInfo)); if (m_hDll != NULL) { UnloadPluginDetails(); FreeLibrary((HMODULE)m_hDll); m_hDll = NULL; } DllAbout = NULL; CloseDLL = NULL; RomOpen = NULL; RomClosed = NULL; PluginOpened = NULL; DllConfig = NULL; SetSettingInfo = NULL; SetSettingInfo2 = NULL; SetSettingInfo3 = NULL; }