#include "stdafx.h" void FixUPXIssue ( BYTE * ProgramLocation ); CAudioPlugin::CAudioPlugin ( const char * FileName) : m_hDll(NULL), m_Initilized(false), m_RomOpen(false), m_hAudioThread(NULL), m_DacrateChanged(NULL), LenChanged(NULL), Config(NULL), ReadLength(NULL), RomOpen(NULL), RomClosed(NULL), CloseDLL(NULL), ProcessAList(NULL), Update(NULL), PluginOpened(NULL), SetSettingInfo(NULL), SetSettingInfo2(NULL) { memset(&m_PluginInfo,0,sizeof(m_PluginInfo)); Init(FileName); } void CAudioPlugin::Init ( const char * FileName ) { //Make sure all parts of the class are initialized UnloadPlugin(); //Try to load the DLL library UINT LastErrorMode = SetErrorMode( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS ); m_hDll = LoadLibrary(FileName); SetErrorMode(LastErrorMode); if (m_hDll == NULL) { UnloadPlugin(); return; } FixUPXIssue((BYTE *)m_hDll); //Get DLL information void (__cdecl *GetDllInfo) ( PLUGIN_INFO * PluginInfo ); GetDllInfo = (void (__cdecl *)(PLUGIN_INFO *))GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "GetDllInfo" ); if (GetDllInfo == NULL) { UnloadPlugin(); return; } GetDllInfo(&m_PluginInfo); if (!CPluginList::ValidPluginVersion(m_PluginInfo)) { UnloadPlugin(); return; } //Find entries for functions in DLL void (__cdecl *InitFunc) ( void ); m_DacrateChanged = (void (__cdecl *)(SystemType)) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "AiDacrateChanged" ); LenChanged = (void (__cdecl *)(void)) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "AiLenChanged" ); Config = (void (__cdecl *)(DWORD))GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "DllConfig" ); ReadLength = (DWORD (__cdecl *)(void))GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "AiReadLength" ); InitFunc = (void (__cdecl *)(void)) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "InitiateAudio" ); RomOpen = (void (__cdecl *)(void)) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "RomOpen" ); RomClosed = (void (__cdecl *)(void)) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "RomClosed" ); CloseDLL = (void (__cdecl *)(void)) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "CloseDLL" ); ProcessAList = (void (__cdecl *)(void)) GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "ProcessAList" ); Update = (void (__cdecl *)(BOOL))GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "AiUpdate" ); //version 102 functions PluginOpened = (void (__cdecl *)(void))GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "PluginLoaded" ); //Make sure dll had all needed functions if (m_DacrateChanged == NULL) { UnloadPlugin(); return; } if (LenChanged == NULL) { UnloadPlugin(); return; } if (ReadLength == NULL) { UnloadPlugin(); return; } if (InitFunc == NULL) { UnloadPlugin(); return; } if (RomClosed == NULL) { UnloadPlugin(); return; } if (ProcessAList == NULL) { UnloadPlugin(); return; } SetSettingInfo2 = (void (__cdecl *)(PLUGIN_SETTINGS2 *))GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "SetSettingInfo2" ); if (SetSettingInfo2) { PLUGIN_SETTINGS2 info; info.FindSystemSettingId = (unsigned int (*)( void * handle, const char * ))CSettings::FindGameSetting; SetSettingInfo2(&info); } SetSettingInfo = (void (__cdecl *)(PLUGIN_SETTINGS *))GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "SetSettingInfo" ); if (SetSettingInfo) { PLUGIN_SETTINGS info; info.dwSize = sizeof(PLUGIN_SETTINGS); info.DefaultStartRange = FirstAudioDefaultSet; info.SettingStartRange = FirstAudioSettings; info.MaximumSettings = MaxPluginSetting; info.NoDefault = Default_None; info.DefaultLocation = g_Settings->LoadDword(Setting_UseFromRegistry) ? SettingType_Registry : SettingType_CfgFile; info.handle = g_Settings; info.RegisterSetting = (void (*)(void *,int,int,SettingDataType,SettingType,const char *,const char *, DWORD))CSettings::RegisterSetting; info.GetSetting = (unsigned int (*)( void * handle, int ID ))CSettings::GetSetting; info.GetSettingSz = (const char * (*)( void *, int, char *, int ))CSettings::GetSettingSz; info.SetSetting = (void (*)(void *,int,unsigned int))CSettings::SetSetting; info.SetSettingSz = (void (*)(void *,int,const char *))CSettings::SetSettingSz; info.UseUnregisteredSetting = NULL; SetSettingInfo(&info); //g_Settings->UnknownSetting_AUDIO = info.UseUnregisteredSetting; } if (m_PluginInfo.Version >= 0x0102) { if (PluginOpened == NULL) { UnloadPlugin(); return; } PluginOpened(); } } CAudioPlugin::~CAudioPlugin (void) { Close(); UnloadPlugin(); } bool CAudioPlugin::Initiate ( CN64System * System, CMainGui * RenderWindow ) { struct AUDIO_INFO { HWND hwnd; HINSTANCE hinst; BOOL MemoryBswaped; // If this is set to TRUE, then the memory has been pre // bswap on a dword (32 bits) boundry // eg. the first 8 bytes are stored like this: // 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 BYTE * HEADER; // This is the rom header (first 40h bytes of the rom // This will be in the same memory format as the rest of the memory. BYTE * RDRAM; BYTE * DMEM; BYTE * IMEM; DWORD * MI__INTR_REG; DWORD * AI__DRAM_ADDR_REG; DWORD * AI__LEN_REG; DWORD * AI__CONTROL_REG; DWORD * AI__STATUS_REG; DWORD * AI__DACRATE_REG; DWORD * AI__BITRATE_REG; void (__cdecl *CheckInterrupts)( void ); }; //Get Function from DLL BOOL (__cdecl *InitiateAudio) ( AUDIO_INFO Audio_Info ); InitiateAudio = (BOOL (__cdecl *)(AUDIO_INFO))GetProcAddress( (HMODULE)m_hDll, "InitiateAudio" ); if (InitiateAudio == NULL) { return false; } AUDIO_INFO Info; memset(&Info,0,sizeof(Info)); //We are initilizing the plugin before any rom is loaded so we do not have any correct //paramaters here .. just needed to we can config the DLL if (System == NULL) { BYTE Buffer[100]; DWORD Value = 0; Info.hwnd = (HWND)RenderWindow->m_hMainWindow;; Info.hinst = GetModuleHandle(NULL); Info.MemoryBswaped = TRUE; Info.HEADER = Buffer; Info.RDRAM = Buffer; Info.DMEM = Buffer; Info.IMEM = Buffer; Info.MI__INTR_REG = &Value; Info.AI__DRAM_ADDR_REG = &Value; Info.AI__LEN_REG = &Value; Info.AI__CONTROL_REG = &Value; Info.AI__STATUS_REG = &Value; Info.AI__DACRATE_REG = &Value; Info.AI__BITRATE_REG = &Value; Info.CheckInterrupts = DummyCheckInterrupts; m_Initilized = InitiateAudio(Info) != 0; //jabo had a bug so I call CreateThread so his dllmain gets called again DWORD ThreadID; HANDLE hthread = CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)DummyFunction,NULL,0, &ThreadID); CloseHandle(hthread); Sleep(100); return m_Initilized; } //Send Initilization information to the DLL Info.hwnd = (HWND)RenderWindow->m_hMainWindow; Info.hinst = GetModuleHandle(NULL); Info.MemoryBswaped = TRUE; Info.HEADER = _Rom->GetRomAddress(); Info.RDRAM = g_MMU->Rdram(); Info.DMEM = g_MMU->Dmem(); Info.IMEM = g_MMU->Imem(); Info.MI__INTR_REG = &g_Reg->m_AudioIntrReg; Info.AI__DRAM_ADDR_REG = &g_Reg->AI_DRAM_ADDR_REG; Info.AI__LEN_REG = &g_Reg->AI_LEN_REG; Info.AI__CONTROL_REG = &g_Reg->AI_CONTROL_REG; Info.AI__STATUS_REG = &g_Reg->AI_STATUS_REG; Info.AI__DACRATE_REG = &g_Reg->AI_DACRATE_REG; Info.AI__BITRATE_REG = &g_Reg->AI_BITRATE_REG; Info.CheckInterrupts = DummyCheckInterrupts; m_Initilized = InitiateAudio(Info) != 0; //jabo had a bug so I call CreateThread so his dllmain gets called again DWORD ThreadID; HANDLE hthread = CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)DummyFunction,NULL,0, &ThreadID); CloseHandle(hthread); if (Update) { m_hAudioThread = CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)AudioThread, (LPVOID)this,0, &ThreadID); } if (g_Reg->AI_DACRATE_REG != 0) { DacrateChanged(SYSTEM_NTSC); } return m_Initilized; } void CAudioPlugin::RomOpened ( void ) { //Real system ... then make the file as open if (!m_RomOpen && RomOpen) { RomOpen(); m_RomOpen = true; } } void CAudioPlugin::Close(void) { if (m_RomOpen) { RomClosed(); m_RomOpen = false; } if (m_Initilized) { CloseDLL(); m_Initilized = false; } } void CAudioPlugin::GameReset(void) { if (m_RomOpen) { RomClosed(); if (RomOpen) { RomOpen(); } } } void CAudioPlugin::UnloadPlugin(void) { if (m_hAudioThread) { WriteTraceF(TraceAudio,__FUNCTION__ ": Terminate Audio Thread"); TerminateThread(m_hAudioThread,0); m_hAudioThread = NULL; } memset(&m_PluginInfo,0,sizeof(m_PluginInfo)); if (m_hDll != NULL ) { FreeLibrary((HMODULE)m_hDll); m_hDll = NULL; } m_DacrateChanged = NULL; LenChanged = NULL; Config = NULL; ReadLength = NULL; Update = NULL; ProcessAList = NULL; RomClosed = NULL; CloseDLL = NULL; } void CAudioPlugin::DacrateChanged (SystemType Type) { if (!Initilized()) { return; } WriteTraceF(TraceAudio,__FUNCTION__ ": SystemType: %s", Type == SYSTEM_NTSC ? "SYSTEM_NTSC" : "SYSTEM_PAL"); //DWORD Frequency = g_Reg->AI_DACRATE_REG * 30; //DWORD CountsPerSecond = (g_Reg->VI_V_SYNC_REG != 0 ? (g_Reg->VI_V_SYNC_REG + 1) * g_Settings->LoadDword(Game_ViRefreshRate) : 500000) * 60; m_DacrateChanged(Type); } void CAudioPlugin::AudioThread (CAudioPlugin * _this) { SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL ); for (;;) { _this->Update(true); } }