/**************************************************************************** * * * Project64 - A Nintendo 64 emulator. * * http://www.pj64-emu.com/ * * Copyright (C) 2012 Project64. All rights reserved. * * * * License: * * GNU/GPLv2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * * ****************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h" static const char* ROM_extensions[] = { "zip", "7z", "v64", "z64", "n64", "rom", "jap", "pal", "usa", "eur", "bin", }; CRomList::CRomList() : m_RefreshThread(NULL), m_NotesIniFile(NULL), m_ExtIniFile(NULL), m_ZipIniFile(NULL), m_RomIniFile(NULL), m_WatchThreadID(0), m_WatchThread(NULL), m_WatchStopEvent(NULL) { if (g_Settings) { m_NotesIniFile = new CIniFile(g_Settings->LoadStringVal(SupportFile_Notes).c_str()); m_ExtIniFile = new CIniFile(g_Settings->LoadStringVal(SupportFile_ExtInfo).c_str()); m_RomIniFile = new CIniFile(g_Settings->LoadStringVal(SupportFile_RomDatabase).c_str()); m_ZipIniFile = new CIniFile(g_Settings->LoadStringVal(RomList_7zipCache).c_str()); } } CRomList::~CRomList() { WatchThreadStop(); m_StopRefresh = true; if (m_NotesIniFile) { delete m_NotesIniFile; m_NotesIniFile = NULL; } if (m_ExtIniFile) { delete m_ExtIniFile; m_ExtIniFile = NULL; } if (m_RomIniFile) { delete m_RomIniFile; m_RomIniFile = NULL; } if (m_ZipIniFile) { delete m_ZipIniFile; m_ZipIniFile = NULL; } } void CRomList::RefreshRomBrowser(void) { DWORD ThreadID; if (m_RefreshThread) { return; } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "1"); m_StopRefresh = false; m_RefreshThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)RefreshRomBrowserStatic, (LPVOID)this, 0, &ThreadID); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "2"); } void CRomList::RefreshRomListThread(void) { //delete cache CPath(g_Settings->LoadStringVal(RomList_RomListCache)).Delete(); //clear all current items RomListReset(); m_RomInfo.clear(); if (m_WatchRomDir != g_Settings->LoadStringVal(RomList_GameDir)) { WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "4"); WatchThreadStop(); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "5"); WatchThreadStart(); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "6"); } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "7"); stdstr RomDir = g_Settings->LoadStringVal(RomList_GameDir); stdstr LastRom = UISettingsLoadStringIndex(File_RecentGameFileIndex, 0); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "8"); strlist FileNames; FillRomList(FileNames, CPath(RomDir), "", LastRom.c_str()); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "9"); SaveRomList(FileNames); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "10"); CloseHandle(m_RefreshThread); m_RefreshThread = NULL; WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "11"); } void CRomList::AddRomToList(const char * RomLocation) { ROM_INFO RomInfo; memset(&RomInfo, 0, sizeof(ROM_INFO)); strncpy(RomInfo.szFullFileName, RomLocation, (sizeof(RomInfo.szFullFileName) / sizeof(RomInfo.szFullFileName[0])) - 1); if (FillRomInfo(&RomInfo)) { int32_t ListPos = m_RomInfo.size(); m_RomInfo.push_back(RomInfo); RomAddedToList(ListPos); } } void CRomList::FillRomList(strlist & FileList, const CPath & BaseDirectory, const char * Directory, const char * lpLastRom) { CPath SearchPath(BaseDirectory, "*"); SearchPath.AppendDirectory(Directory); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "1 %s", (const char *)SearchPath); if (!SearchPath.FindFirst(CPath::FIND_ATTRIBUTE_ALLFILES)) { return; } do { uint8_t ext_ID; int8_t new_list_entry = 0; const uint8_t exts = sizeof(ROM_extensions) / sizeof(ROM_extensions[0]); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, ": 2 %s m_StopRefresh = %d", (const char *)SearchPath, m_StopRefresh); if (m_StopRefresh) { break; } if (SearchPath.IsDirectory()) { if (g_Settings->LoadBool(RomList_GameDirRecursive)) { CPath CurrentDir(Directory); CurrentDir.AppendDirectory(SearchPath.GetLastDirectory().c_str()); FillRomList(FileList, BaseDirectory, CurrentDir, lpLastRom); } continue; } AddFileNameToList(FileList, Directory, SearchPath); stdstr Extension = stdstr(SearchPath.GetExtension()).ToLower(); for (ext_ID = 0; ext_ID < exts; ext_ID++) { if (Extension == ROM_extensions[ext_ID] && Extension != "7z") { new_list_entry = 1; break; } } if (new_list_entry) { AddRomToList(SearchPath); continue; } if (Extension == "7z") { try { C7zip ZipFile(SearchPath); if (!ZipFile.OpenSuccess()) { continue; } char ZipFileName[260]; stdstr_f SectionName("%s-%d", ZipFile.FileName(ZipFileName, sizeof(ZipFileName)), ZipFile.FileSize()); SectionName.ToLower(); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "4 %s", SectionName.c_str()); for (int32_t i = 0; i < ZipFile.NumFiles(); i++) { CSzFileItem * f = ZipFile.FileItem(i); if (f->IsDir) { continue; } ROM_INFO RomInfo; std::wstring FileNameW = ZipFile.FileNameIndex(i); if (FileNameW.length() == 0) { continue; } stdstr FileName; FileName.FromUTF16(FileNameW.c_str()); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "5"); char drive2[_MAX_DRIVE], dir2[_MAX_DIR], FileName2[MAX_PATH], ext2[_MAX_EXT]; _splitpath(FileName.c_str(), drive2, dir2, FileName2, ext2); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, ": 6 %s", ext2); if (_stricmp(ext2, ".bin") == 0) { continue; } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "7"); memset(&RomInfo, 0, sizeof(ROM_INFO)); stdstr_f zipFileName("%s?%s", (LPCSTR)SearchPath, FileName.c_str()); ZipFile.SetNotificationCallback((C7zip::LP7ZNOTIFICATION)NotificationCB, this); strncpy(RomInfo.szFullFileName, zipFileName.c_str(), sizeof(RomInfo.szFullFileName) - 1); RomInfo.szFullFileName[sizeof(RomInfo.szFullFileName) - 1] = 0; strcpy(RomInfo.FileName, strstr(RomInfo.szFullFileName, "?") + 1); RomInfo.FileFormat = Format_7zip; WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "8"); char szHeader[0x90]; if (m_ZipIniFile->GetString(SectionName.c_str(), FileName.c_str(), "", szHeader, sizeof(szHeader)) == 0) { uint8_t RomData[0x1000]; if (!ZipFile.GetFile(i, RomData, sizeof(RomData))) { continue; } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "9"); if (!CN64Rom::IsValidRomImage(RomData)) { continue; } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "10"); ByteSwapRomData(RomData, sizeof(RomData)); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "11"); stdstr RomHeader; for (int32_t x = 0; x < 0x40; x += 4) { RomHeader += stdstr_f("%08X", *((uint32_t *)&RomData[x])); } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "11a %s", RomHeader.c_str()); int32_t CicChip = GetCicChipID(RomData); //save this info WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "12"); m_ZipIniFile->SaveString(SectionName.c_str(), FileName.c_str(), RomHeader.c_str()); m_ZipIniFile->SaveNumber(SectionName.c_str(), stdstr_f("%s-Cic", FileName.c_str()).c_str(), CicChip); strcpy(szHeader, RomHeader.c_str()); } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "13"); uint8_t RomData[0x40]; for (int32_t x = 0; x < 0x40; x += 4) { const size_t delimit_offset = sizeof("FFFFFFFF") - 1; const char backup_character = szHeader[2 * x + delimit_offset]; szHeader[2 * x + delimit_offset] = '\0'; *(uint32_t *)&RomData[x] = strtoul(&szHeader[2 * x], NULL, 16); szHeader[2 * x + delimit_offset] = backup_character; } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "14"); { char InternalName[22]; memcpy(InternalName, (void *)(RomData + 0x20), 20); for (int32_t count = 0; count < 20; count += 4) { InternalName[count] ^= InternalName[count + 3]; InternalName[count + 3] ^= InternalName[count]; InternalName[count] ^= InternalName[count + 3]; InternalName[count + 1] ^= InternalName[count + 2]; InternalName[count + 2] ^= InternalName[count + 1]; InternalName[count + 1] ^= InternalName[count + 2]; } InternalName[20] = '\0'; wcscpy(RomInfo.InternalName, stdstr(InternalName).ToUTF16(stdstr::CODEPAGE_932).c_str()); } RomInfo.RomSize = (int32_t)f->Size; WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "15"); RomInfo.CartID[0] = *(RomData + 0x3F); RomInfo.CartID[1] = *(RomData + 0x3E); RomInfo.CartID[2] = '\0'; RomInfo.Manufacturer = *(RomData + 0x38); RomInfo.Country = *(RomData + 0x3D); RomInfo.CRC1 = *(uint32_t *)(RomData + 0x10); RomInfo.CRC2 = *(uint32_t *)(RomData + 0x14); m_ZipIniFile->GetNumber(SectionName.c_str(), stdstr_f("%s-Cic", FileName.c_str()).c_str(), (ULONG)-1, (uint32_t &)RomInfo.CicChip); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "16"); FillRomExtensionInfo(&RomInfo); if (RomInfo.SelColor == -1) { RomInfo.SelColorBrush = (uint32_t)((HBRUSH)(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT + 1)); } else { RomInfo.SelColorBrush = (uint32_t)CreateSolidBrush(RomInfo.SelColor); } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "17"); int32_t ListPos = m_RomInfo.size(); m_RomInfo.push_back(RomInfo); RomAddedToList(ListPos); } } catch (...) { WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceError, "execpetion processing %s", (LPCSTR)SearchPath); } continue; } } while (SearchPath.FindNext()); m_ZipIniFile->FlushChanges(); } void CRomList::NotificationCB(const char * Status, CRomList * /*_this*/) { g_Notify->DisplayMessage(5, Status); } void CRomList::RefreshRomBrowserStatic(CRomList * _this) { _this->RefreshRomListThread(); } bool CRomList::LoadDataFromRomFile(const char * FileName, uint8_t * Data, int32_t DataLen, int32_t * RomSize, FILE_FORMAT & FileFormat) { uint8_t Test[4]; if (_strnicmp(&FileName[strlen(FileName) - 4], ".ZIP", 4) == 0) { int32_t len, port = 0, FoundRom; unz_file_info info; char zname[132]; unzFile file; file = unzOpen(FileName); if (file == NULL) { return false; } port = unzGoToFirstFile(file); FoundRom = false; while (port == UNZ_OK && FoundRom == false) { unzGetCurrentFileInfo(file, &info, zname, 128, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); if (unzLocateFile(file, zname, 1) != UNZ_OK) { unzClose(file); return true; } if (unzOpenCurrentFile(file) != UNZ_OK) { unzClose(file); return true; } unzReadCurrentFile(file, Test, 4); if (CN64Rom::IsValidRomImage(Test)) { FoundRom = true; memcpy(Data, Test, 4); len = unzReadCurrentFile(file, &Data[4], DataLen - 4) + 4; if ((int32_t)DataLen != len) { unzCloseCurrentFile(file); unzClose(file); return false; } *RomSize = info.uncompressed_size; if (unzCloseCurrentFile(file) == UNZ_CRCERROR) { unzClose(file); return false; } unzClose(file); } if (FoundRom == false) { unzCloseCurrentFile(file); port = unzGoToNextFile(file); } } if (FoundRom == false) { return false; } FileFormat = Format_Zip; } else { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(FileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return false; } SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN); DWORD dwRead; ReadFile(hFile, Test, 4, &dwRead, NULL); if (!CN64Rom::IsValidRomImage(Test)) { CloseHandle(hFile); return false; } SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN); if (!ReadFile(hFile, Data, DataLen, &dwRead, NULL)) { CloseHandle(hFile); return false; } *RomSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); FileFormat = Format_Uncompressed; } ByteSwapRomData(Data, DataLen); return true; } bool CRomList::FillRomInfo(ROM_INFO * pRomInfo) { int32_t count; uint8_t RomData[0x1000]; if (!LoadDataFromRomFile(pRomInfo->szFullFileName, RomData, sizeof(RomData), &pRomInfo->RomSize, pRomInfo->FileFormat)) { return false; } else { if (strstr(pRomInfo->szFullFileName, "?") != NULL) { strcpy(pRomInfo->FileName, strstr(pRomInfo->szFullFileName, "?") + 1); } else { strncpy(pRomInfo->FileName, CPath(pRomInfo->szFullFileName).GetNameExtension().c_str(), sizeof(pRomInfo->FileName) / sizeof(pRomInfo->FileName[0])); } char InternalName[22]; memcpy(InternalName, (void *)(RomData + 0x20), 20); for (count = 0; count < 20; count += 4) { InternalName[count] ^= InternalName[count + 3]; InternalName[count + 3] ^= InternalName[count]; InternalName[count] ^= InternalName[count + 3]; InternalName[count + 1] ^= InternalName[count + 2]; InternalName[count + 2] ^= InternalName[count + 1]; InternalName[count + 1] ^= InternalName[count + 2]; } InternalName[20] = '\0'; wcscpy(pRomInfo->InternalName, stdstr(InternalName).ToUTF16(stdstr::CODEPAGE_932).c_str()); pRomInfo->CartID[0] = *(RomData + 0x3F); pRomInfo->CartID[1] = *(RomData + 0x3E); pRomInfo->CartID[2] = '\0'; pRomInfo->Manufacturer = *(RomData + 0x38); pRomInfo->Country = *(RomData + 0x3D); pRomInfo->CRC1 = *(uint32_t *)(RomData + 0x10); pRomInfo->CRC2 = *(uint32_t *)(RomData + 0x14); pRomInfo->CicChip = GetCicChipID(RomData); FillRomExtensionInfo(pRomInfo); if (pRomInfo->SelColor == -1) { pRomInfo->SelColorBrush = (uint32_t)((HBRUSH)(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT + 1)); } else { pRomInfo->SelColorBrush = (uint32_t)CreateSolidBrush(pRomInfo->SelColor); } return true; } } void CRomList::FillRomExtensionInfo(ROM_INFO * pRomInfo) { //Initialize the structure pRomInfo->UserNotes[0] = 0; pRomInfo->Developer[0] = 0; pRomInfo->ReleaseDate[0] = 0; pRomInfo->Genre[0] = 0; pRomInfo->Players = 1; pRomInfo->CoreNotes[0] = 0; pRomInfo->PluginNotes[0] = 0; wcscpy(pRomInfo->GoodName, L"#340#"); wcscpy(pRomInfo->Status, L"Unknown"); //Get File Identifier char Identifier[100]; sprintf(Identifier, "%08X-%08X-C:%X", pRomInfo->CRC1, pRomInfo->CRC2, pRomInfo->Country); //Rom Notes wcsncpy(pRomInfo->UserNotes, m_NotesIniFile->GetString(Identifier, "Note", "").ToUTF16().c_str(), sizeof(pRomInfo->UserNotes) / sizeof(wchar_t)); //Rom Extension info wcsncpy(pRomInfo->Developer, m_ExtIniFile->GetString(Identifier, "Developer", "").ToUTF16().c_str(), sizeof(pRomInfo->Developer) / sizeof(wchar_t)); wcsncpy(pRomInfo->ReleaseDate, m_ExtIniFile->GetString(Identifier, "ReleaseDate", "").ToUTF16().c_str(), sizeof(pRomInfo->ReleaseDate) / sizeof(wchar_t)); wcsncpy(pRomInfo->Genre, m_ExtIniFile->GetString(Identifier, "Genre", "").ToUTF16().c_str(), sizeof(pRomInfo->Genre) / sizeof(wchar_t)); m_ExtIniFile->GetNumber(Identifier, "Players", 1, (uint32_t &)pRomInfo->Players); wcsncpy(pRomInfo->ForceFeedback, m_ExtIniFile->GetString(Identifier, "ForceFeedback", "unknown").ToUTF16().c_str(), sizeof(pRomInfo->ForceFeedback) / sizeof(wchar_t)); //Rom Settings wcsncpy(pRomInfo->GoodName, m_RomIniFile->GetString(Identifier, "Good Name", stdstr().FromUTF16(pRomInfo->GoodName).c_str()).ToUTF16().c_str(), sizeof(pRomInfo->GoodName) / sizeof(wchar_t)); wcsncpy(pRomInfo->Status, m_RomIniFile->GetString(Identifier, "Status", stdstr().FromUTF16(pRomInfo->Status).c_str()).ToUTF16().c_str(), sizeof(pRomInfo->Status) / sizeof(wchar_t)); wcsncpy(pRomInfo->CoreNotes, m_RomIniFile->GetString(Identifier, "Core Note", "").ToUTF16().c_str(), sizeof(pRomInfo->CoreNotes) / sizeof(wchar_t)); wcsncpy(pRomInfo->PluginNotes, m_RomIniFile->GetString(Identifier, "Plugin Note", "").ToUTF16().c_str(), sizeof(pRomInfo->PluginNotes) / sizeof(wchar_t)); //Get the text color stdstr String = m_RomIniFile->GetString("Rom Status", stdstr().FromUTF16(pRomInfo->Status).c_str(), "000000"); pRomInfo->TextColor = (std::strtoul(String.c_str(), 0, 16) & 0xFFFFFF); pRomInfo->TextColor = (pRomInfo->TextColor & 0x00FF00) | ((pRomInfo->TextColor >> 0x10) & 0xFF) | ((pRomInfo->TextColor & 0xFF) << 0x10); //Get the selected color String.Format("%ws.Sel", pRomInfo->Status); String = m_RomIniFile->GetString("Rom Status", String.c_str(), "FFFFFFFF"); uint32_t selcol = std::strtoul(String.c_str(), NULL, 16); if (selcol & 0x80000000) { pRomInfo->SelColor = -1; } else { selcol = (selcol & 0x00FF00) | ((selcol >> 0x10) & 0xFF) | ((selcol & 0xFF) << 0x10); pRomInfo->SelColor = selcol; } //Get the selected text color String.Format("%ws.Seltext", pRomInfo->Status); String = m_RomIniFile->GetString("Rom Status", String.c_str(), "FFFFFF"); pRomInfo->SelTextColor = (std::strtoul(String.c_str(), 0, 16) & 0xFFFFFF); pRomInfo->SelTextColor = (pRomInfo->SelTextColor & 0x00FF00) | ((pRomInfo->SelTextColor >> 0x10) & 0xFF) | ((pRomInfo->SelTextColor & 0xFF) << 0x10); } void CRomList::ByteSwapRomData(uint8_t * Data, int32_t DataLen) { int32_t count; switch (*((uint32_t *)&Data[0])) { case 0x12408037: for (count = 0; count < DataLen; count += 4) { Data[count] ^= Data[count + 2]; Data[count + 2] ^= Data[count]; Data[count] ^= Data[count + 2]; Data[count + 1] ^= Data[count + 3]; Data[count + 3] ^= Data[count + 1]; Data[count + 1] ^= Data[count + 3]; } break; case 0x40072780: //64DD IPL case 0x40123780: for (count = 0; count < DataLen; count += 4) { Data[count] ^= Data[count + 3]; Data[count + 3] ^= Data[count]; Data[count] ^= Data[count + 3]; Data[count + 1] ^= Data[count + 2]; Data[count + 2] ^= Data[count + 1]; Data[count + 1] ^= Data[count + 2]; } break; case 0x80371240: break; } } void CRomList::LoadRomList(void) { CPath FileName(g_Settings->LoadStringVal(RomList_RomListCache)); CFile file(FileName, CFileBase::modeRead | CFileBase::modeNoTruncate); if (!file.IsOpen()) { //if file does not exist then refresh the data RefreshRomBrowser(); return; } unsigned char md5[16]; if (!file.Read(md5, sizeof(md5))) { file.Close(); RefreshRomBrowser(); return; } //Read the size of ROM_INFO int32_t RomInfoSize = 0; if (!file.Read(&RomInfoSize, sizeof(RomInfoSize)) || RomInfoSize != sizeof(ROM_INFO)) { file.Close(); RefreshRomBrowser(); return; } //Read the Number of entries int32_t Entries = 0; file.Read(&Entries, sizeof(Entries)); //Read Every Entry m_RomInfo.clear(); RomListReset(); for (int32_t count = 0; count < Entries; count++) { ROM_INFO RomInfo; file.Read(&RomInfo, RomInfoSize); int32_t ListPos = m_RomInfo.size(); m_RomInfo.push_back(RomInfo); RomAddedToList(ListPos); } RomListLoaded(); } /* * SaveRomList - save all the rom information about the current roms in the rom brower * to a cache file, so it is quick to reload the information */ void CRomList::SaveRomList(strlist & FileList) { MD5 ListHash = RomListHash(FileList); CPath FileName(g_Settings->LoadStringVal(RomList_RomListCache)); CFile file(FileName, CFileBase::modeWrite | CFileBase::modeCreate); file.Write(ListHash.raw_digest(), 16); //Write the size of ROM_INFO int32_t RomInfoSize = sizeof(ROM_INFO); file.Write(&RomInfoSize, sizeof(RomInfoSize)); //Write the Number of entries int32_t Entries = m_RomInfo.size(); file.Write(&Entries, sizeof(Entries)); //Write Every Entry for (int32_t count = 0; count < Entries; count++) { file.Write(&m_RomInfo[count], RomInfoSize); } //Close the file handle file.Close(); } void CRomList::WatchRomDirChanged(CRomList * _this) { try { WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "1"); _this->m_WatchRomDir = g_Settings->LoadStringVal(RomList_GameDir); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "2"); if (_this->RomDirNeedsRefresh()) { WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "2a"); _this->RomDirChanged(); } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "3"); HANDLE hChange[] = { _this->m_WatchStopEvent, FindFirstChangeNotification(_this->m_WatchRomDir.c_str(), g_Settings->LoadBool(RomList_GameDirRecursive), FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME | FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE), }; WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "4"); for (;;) { WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "5"); if (WaitForMultipleObjects(sizeof(hChange) / sizeof(hChange[0]), hChange, false, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "5a"); FindCloseChangeNotification(hChange[1]); return; } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "5b"); if (_this->RomDirNeedsRefresh()) { _this->RomDirChanged(); } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "5c"); if (!FindNextChangeNotification(hChange[1])) { FindCloseChangeNotification(hChange[1]); return; } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "5d"); } } catch (...) { WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceError, __FUNCTION__ ": Unhandled Exception"); } } bool CRomList::RomDirNeedsRefresh(void) { bool InWatchThread = (m_WatchThreadID == GetCurrentThreadId()); //Get Old MD5 of file names stdstr FileName = g_Settings->LoadStringVal(RomList_RomListCache); HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(FileName.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //if file does not exist then refresh the data return true; } DWORD dwRead; unsigned char CurrentFileMD5[16]; ReadFile(hFile, &CurrentFileMD5, sizeof(CurrentFileMD5), &dwRead, NULL); CloseHandle(hFile); //Get Current MD5 of file names strlist FileNames; if (!GetRomFileNames(FileNames, CPath(g_Settings->LoadStringVal(RomList_GameDir)), stdstr(""), InWatchThread)) { return false; } FileNames.sort(); MD5 NewMd5 = RomListHash(FileNames); if (memcmp(NewMd5.raw_digest(), CurrentFileMD5, sizeof(CurrentFileMD5)) != 0) { return true; } return false; } void CRomList::WatchThreadStart(void) { WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "1"); WatchThreadStop(); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "2"); if (m_WatchStopEvent == NULL) { m_WatchStopEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, true, false, NULL); } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "3"); m_WatchThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)WatchRomDirChanged, this, 0, &m_WatchThreadID); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "4"); } void CRomList::WatchThreadStop(void) { if (m_WatchThread == NULL) { return; } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "1"); SetEvent(m_WatchStopEvent); DWORD ExitCode = 0; for (int32_t count = 0; count < 20; count++) { WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "2"); GetExitCodeThread(m_WatchThread, &ExitCode); if (ExitCode != STILL_ACTIVE) { break; } Sleep(200); } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "3"); if (ExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE) { WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "3a"); TerminateThread(m_WatchThread, 0); } WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "4"); CloseHandle(m_WatchThread); CloseHandle(m_WatchStopEvent); m_WatchStopEvent = NULL; m_WatchThread = NULL; m_WatchThreadID = 0; WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "5"); } MD5 CRomList::RomListHash(strlist & FileList) { stdstr NewFileNames; FileList.sort(); for (strlist::iterator iter = FileList.begin(); iter != FileList.end(); iter++) { NewFileNames += *iter; NewFileNames += ";"; } MD5 md5Hash((const unsigned char *)NewFileNames.c_str(), NewFileNames.length()); WriteTrace(TraceUserInterface, TraceDebug, "%s - %s", md5Hash.hex_digest(), NewFileNames.c_str()); return md5Hash; } void CRomList::AddFileNameToList(strlist & FileList, const stdstr & Directory, CPath & File) { uint8_t i; if (FileList.size() > 3000) { return; } stdstr Drive, Dir, Name, Extension; File.GetComponents(NULL, &Dir, &Name, &Extension); Extension.ToLower(); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ROM_extensions) / sizeof(ROM_extensions[0]); i++) { if (Extension == ROM_extensions[i]) { stdstr FileName = Directory + Name + Extension; FileName.ToLower(); FileList.push_back(FileName); break; } } } bool CRomList::GetRomFileNames(strlist & FileList, const CPath & BaseDirectory, const std::string & Directory, bool InWatchThread) { if (!BaseDirectory.DirectoryExists()) { return false; } CPath SearchPath(BaseDirectory, "*.*"); SearchPath.AppendDirectory(Directory.c_str()); if (!SearchPath.FindFirst(CPath::FIND_ATTRIBUTE_ALLFILES)) { return false; } do { if (InWatchThread && WaitForSingleObject(m_WatchStopEvent, 0) != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { return false; } if (SearchPath.IsDirectory()) { if (g_Settings->LoadBool(RomList_GameDirRecursive)) { CPath CurrentDir(Directory); CurrentDir.AppendDirectory(SearchPath.GetLastDirectory().c_str()); GetRomFileNames(FileList, BaseDirectory, CurrentDir, InWatchThread); } } else { AddFileNameToList(FileList, Directory, SearchPath); } } while (SearchPath.FindNext()); return true; } int32_t CRomList::GetCicChipID(uint8_t * RomData) { __int64 CRC = 0; int32_t count; for (count = 0x40; count < 0x1000; count += 4) { CRC += *(uint32_t *)(RomData + count); } switch (CRC) { case 0x000000D0027FDF31: return CIC_NUS_6101; case 0x000000CFFB631223: return CIC_NUS_6101; case 0x000000D057C85244: return CIC_NUS_6102; case 0x000000D6497E414B: return CIC_NUS_6103; case 0x0000011A49F60E96: return CIC_NUS_6105; case 0x000000D6D5BE5580: return CIC_NUS_6106; case 0x000001053BC19870: return CIC_NUS_5167; //64DD CONVERSION CIC case 0x000000D2E53EF008: return CIC_NUS_8303; //64DD IPL default: return CIC_UNKNOWN; } }