[41F2B98F-B458B466-C:45] Name=Perfect Dark (U) (V1.1) Cheat0="Have All\Weapons\Player 1",80207F10 0007,801EEF10 0007,801D5F10 0007 Cheat0_N=This code is for all Low/High Res Solo & Multi-Player Level ;) Enjoy Cheat1="Infinite\Ammo\Player 1",8020769F 00FF,801EE69F 00FF,801D569F 00FF,80206EFB 00FF,801EDEFB 00FF,801D4EFB 00FF Cheat1_N=This code is for all Low/High Res Solo & Multi-Player Level ;) Enjoy Cheat2="Infinite\Health\Player 1",8120677C 3F80,811ED77C 3F80,811D477C 3F80 Cheat2_N=This code is for all Low/High Res Solo & Multi-Player Level ;) Enjoy Cheat3="Infinite\Shield\Player 1",81206790 3F80,811E4950 3F80,811CB950 3F80 Cheat3_N=This code is for all Low/High Res Solo & Multi-Player Level ;) Enjoy Cheat4="Have All\Weapons\Player 2",80209B80 0007,801F0B80 0007,801D7B80 0007 Cheat4_N=This code is for all Low/High Res Solo & Multi-Player Level ;) Enjoy Cheat5="Infinite\Ammo\Player 2",8020930F 00FF,801F030F 00FF,801D730F 00FF,80208B6B 00FF,801EFB6B 00FF,801D6B6B 00FF Cheat5_N=This code is for all Low/High Res Solo & Multi-Player Level ;) Enjoy Cheat6="Infinite\Health\Player 2",812083EC 3F80,811EF3EC 3F80,811D63EC 3F80 Cheat6_N=This code is for all Low/High Res Solo & Multi-Player Level ;) Enjoy Cheat7="Infinite\Shield\Player 2",811FF5C0 3F80,811E65C0 3F80,811CD5C0 3F80 Cheat7_N=This code is for all Low/High Res Solo & Multi-Player Level ;) Enjoy Cheat8="The Ultimate All In One",800884F3 0001,8008850E 0001,80088575 0001,50000302 0000,80088572 0001,8008858C 0001,8008858D 0001,800885A6 0001,800885A9 0001,800885C0 0001,800885DA 0001,800885DC 0001,800885F4 0001,800885F5 0001,8008860E 0001,80088610 0001,80088612 0001,80088628 0001,50000501 0000,80088642 0001,50000501 0000,8008865C 0001,50000501 0000,80088676 0001,50000501 0000,80088690 0001,50000501 0000,800886AA 0001,50000501 0000,800886C4 0001,50000501 0000,800886DE 0001,50000501 0000,800886F8 0001,50000501 0000,80088712 0001,50000501 0000,8008872C 0001,50000501 0000,80088746 0001,50000501 0000,80088760 0001,50000501 0000,8008877A 0001,50000501 0000,80088794 0001,50000501 0000,800887AE 0001,800A2219 0001,50003E02 0000,800A221D 0001,50000B01 0000,800ACCC9 0001,50000901 0000,800ACCD5 0001,50000401 0000,800ACCDF 0001,50000301 0000,800ACCE4 0001,800ACCE8 0001,800ACCE9 0001,800ACCEB 0001,800ACCEC 0001,50000901 0000,800ACCEE 0001,800ACCF8 0001,50002101 0000,800ACCFA 0001,800ACD12 0001,800ACD15 0001,800ACD16 0001,800ACDEA 0001,800ACD3A 0001 Cheat8_N=The Ultimate All In One activate's solo missions, give all medals on solo missions, activate cheats, activate cinemas, and who knows what else. I just don't have the time to identify these codes. I know that some of this is creditted to Zap2. I don't have the time to cut those codes out. Cheat9="Carrington Institute\Have 999 points in Firing Range",810B1E32 03E7 Cheat10="Carrington Institute\Have Infinite time in Firing Range",810B1E2E 004D Cheat11="Carrington Institute\Have 255 targets destroyed",810B1E34 00FF