/* N-Rage`s Dinput8 Plugin (C) 2002, 2006 Norbert Wladyka Author`s Email: norbert.wladyka@chello.at Website: http://go.to/nrage This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "commonIncludes.h" #include <windows.h> #include <CommDlg.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <shlobj.h> #include "NRagePluginV2.h" #include "PakIO.h" #include "Interface.h" #include "FileAccess.h" #include "DirectInput.h" #include <string> using std::string; #ifndef IDR_PROFILE_DEFAULT1 #define IDR_PROFILE_DEFAULT1 -1 #endif #ifndef IDR_PROFILE_DEFAULT2 #define IDR_PROFILE_DEFAULT2 -1 #endif #ifndef IDR_PROFILE_DEFAULT3 #define IDR_PROFILE_DEFAULT3 -1 #endif #ifndef IDR_PROFILE_DEFAULT4 #define IDR_PROFILE_DEFAULT4 -1 #endif void DumpStreams(FILE * fFile, string strMouse, string strDevs[], string strNull, bool bIsINI); void DumpControllerSettings(FILE * fFile, int i, bool bIsINI); void FormatControlsBlock(string * strMouse, string strDevs[], string * strNull, int i); void FormatModifiersBlock(string * strMouse, string strDevs[], string * strNull, int i); // return true if the file exists... let's just use CreateFile with OPEN_EXISTING bool CheckFileExists( LPCTSTR FileName ) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(FileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { return false; } else { CloseHandle(hFile); return true; } } // A rather ugly function, but does its job. Called by LoadProfile and LoadProfileFromResource. // Parses the config data that gets written to profile files. // returns: // PL_CATEGORY and removes the brackets if the line looks like a keymapping // PL_VERSIONSTRING and returns the version number if it's a version line // for other cases, another PL return value and truncates before the equal sign; so strings like "Button=blah" -> "blah" // TODO: Perhaps buffer overflow and crash potential here... needs auditing DWORD ParseLine( LPSTR pszLine ) { DWORD dwReturn = PL_NOHIT; char *pChar = pszLine; switch (pszLine[0]) { case '\0': // shortcut out on null string case '#': // # indicates comment line return PL_NOHIT; case '[': while( *pChar != ']' && *pChar != '\0' ) { *pChar = toupper(*pChar); ++pChar; } if( *pChar == ']' ) { MoveMemory( pszLine, pszLine+1, (pChar-pszLine) - 1 * sizeof(pszLine[0]) ); // TODO: please double check this --rabid *(pChar - 1) = '\0'; // since we moved everything back one character, we need to change this ref as well return PL_CATEGORY; } else return PL_NOHIT; // an open bracket with no closing returns nohit case '@': switch( djbHash(pszLine)) // the hash check is case sensitive, and includes the @ symbol { case CHK_PROFILEVERSION20: lstrcpyA( pszLine, "2.0" ); return PL_VERSIONSTRING; case CHK_PROFILEVERSION21: lstrcpyA( pszLine, "2.1" ); return PL_VERSIONSTRING; case CHK_PROFILEVERSION22: lstrcpyA( pszLine, "2.2" ); return PL_VERSIONSTRING; default: DebugWriteA("Unknown version string found with hash %u: %s\n", djbHash(pszLine), pszLine); return PL_NOHIT; } // end switch (dbjHash(pszLine)) // default: keep running } pChar = strchr(pszLine, '='); if( !pChar ) // no = sign { return PL_NOHIT; } else // there is an '=' sign { // We hash the string. If the hash matches the hash of one of our targets, we compare strings to verify. // If we don't use hashes, we have to compare vs a LOT of strings. *pChar = '\0'; // truncate at the '=' for now for (char *pIter = pszLine; *pIter; pIter++) *pIter = toupper(*pIter); dwReturn = djbHash(pszLine); pChar++; MoveMemory( pszLine, pChar, (lstrlenA(pChar) + 1) * sizeof(pszLine[0]) ); // change string to match what's to the right of '=' } return dwReturn; } // Called immediately after ParseLine to assign values based on whatever the keyname was // notes: pszFFDevice may be overwritten with whatever is in pszLine; please make sure pszLine is not too big! bool ProcessKey( DWORD dwKey, DWORD dwSection, LPCSTR pszLine, LPTSTR pszFFDevice, LPBYTE bFFDeviceNr, bool bIsInterface ) { static TCHAR pszDeviceName[MAX_PATH]; static BYTE bDeviceNr = 0; static GUID gGUID; bool bReturn = true; LPCONTROLLER pController = NULL; // used when we're assigning things in the [Controller X] category LPSHORTCUTS pShortcuts = NULL; unsigned int iLength = lstrlenA( pszLine ) / 2; // 2 HEX characters correspond to one BYTE; thus iLength represents the length of pszLine after conversion to BYTEs switch (dwSection) { case CHK_CONTROLLER_1: if (bIsInterface) pController = &(g_ivConfig->Controllers[0]); else pController = &(g_pcControllers[0]); break; case CHK_CONTROLLER_2: if (bIsInterface) pController = &(g_ivConfig->Controllers[1]); else pController = &(g_pcControllers[1]); break; case CHK_CONTROLLER_3: if (bIsInterface) pController = &(g_ivConfig->Controllers[2]); else pController = &(g_pcControllers[2]); break; case CHK_CONTROLLER_4: if (bIsInterface) pController = &(g_ivConfig->Controllers[3]); else pController = &(g_pcControllers[3]); break; case CHK_SHORTCUTS: if (bIsInterface) pShortcuts = &(g_ivConfig->Shortcuts); else pShortcuts = &g_scShortcuts; break; } switch( dwKey ) { case PL_RESET: ZeroMemory( pszDeviceName, sizeof(pszDeviceName) ); gGUID = GUID_NULL; bDeviceNr = 0; break; case CHK_LANGUAGE: if (dwSection == CHK_GENERAL) if (bIsInterface) g_ivConfig->Language = atoi(pszLine); else g_strEmuInfo.Language = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_SHOWMESSAGES: if (dwSection == CHK_GENERAL) if (bIsInterface) g_ivConfig->fDisplayShortPop = (atoi(pszLine) != 0); else g_strEmuInfo.fDisplayShortPop = (atoi(pszLine) != 0); break; case CHK_MEMPAK: if (dwSection == CHK_LASTBROWSERDIR) CHAR_TO_TCHAR(g_aszLastBrowse[BF_MEMPAK], pszLine, MAX_PATH); else if (dwSection == CHK_FOLDERS) CHAR_TO_TCHAR(g_aszDefFolders[BF_MEMPAK], pszLine, MAX_PATH); break; case CHK_GBXROM: if (dwSection == CHK_LASTBROWSERDIR) CHAR_TO_TCHAR(g_aszLastBrowse[BF_GBROM], pszLine, MAX_PATH); else if (dwSection == CHK_FOLDERS) CHAR_TO_TCHAR(g_aszDefFolders[BF_GBROM], pszLine, MAX_PATH); break; case CHK_GBXSAVE: if (dwSection == CHK_LASTBROWSERDIR) CHAR_TO_TCHAR(g_aszLastBrowse[BF_GBSAVE], pszLine, MAX_PATH); else if (dwSection == CHK_FOLDERS) CHAR_TO_TCHAR(g_aszDefFolders[BF_GBSAVE], pszLine, MAX_PATH); break; case CHK_PROFILE: if (dwSection == CHK_LASTBROWSERDIR) CHAR_TO_TCHAR(g_aszLastBrowse[BF_PROFILE], pszLine, MAX_PATH); break; case CHK_NOTE: if (dwSection == CHK_LASTBROWSERDIR) CHAR_TO_TCHAR(g_aszLastBrowse[BF_NOTE], pszLine, MAX_PATH); break; case CHK_SHORTCUTS: if (dwSection == CHK_LASTBROWSERDIR) CHAR_TO_TCHAR(g_aszLastBrowse[BF_SHORTCUTS], pszLine, MAX_PATH); break; case CHK_PLUGGED: if (pController) pController->fPlugged = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_RAWDATA: if (pController) pController->fRawData = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_XINPUT: if (pController) pController->fXInput = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_N64MOUSE: if (pController) pController->fN64Mouse = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_PAKTYPE: if (pController) pController->PakType = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_REALN64RANGE: if (pController) pController->fRealN64Range = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_RAPIDFIREENABLED: if (pController) pController->bRapidFireEnabled = atoi(pszLine) != 0; break; case CHK_RAPIDFIRERATE: if (pController) pController->bRapidFireRate = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_STICKRANGE: if (pController) pController->bStickRange = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_MOUSEMOVEX: if (pController) pController->bMouseMoveX = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_MOUSEMOVEY: if (pController) pController->bMouseMoveY = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_AXISSET: if (pController) pController->bAxisSet = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_KEYABSOLUTEX: if (pController) pController->fKeyAbsoluteX = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_KEYABSOLUTEY: if (pController) pController->fKeyAbsoluteY = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_PADDEADZONE: if (pController) pController->bPadDeadZone = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_MOUSESENSITIVITYX: if (pController) pController->wMouseSensitivityX = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_MOUSESENSITIVITYY: if (pController) pController->wMouseSensitivityY = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_RUMBLETYPE: if (pController) pController->bRumbleTyp = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_RUMBLESTRENGTH: if (pController) pController->bRumbleStrength = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_VISUALRUMBLE: if (pController) pController->fVisualRumble = atoi(pszLine); break; case CHK_FFDEVICEGUID: if (pController) { bReturn = StringtoGUIDA(&pController->guidFFDevice, pszLine); if (bIsInterface && bReturn) { // For some reason, we use ONLY device names and numbers inside the interface for FF device selection. So if we don't set those, // FFDevice won't load properly. int nDevice = FindDeviceinList(pController->guidFFDevice); if (nDevice != -1 && pszFFDevice && bFFDeviceNr) { _tcsncpy(pszFFDevice, g_devList[nDevice].szProductName, DEFAULT_BUFFER); *bFFDeviceNr = g_devList[nDevice].bProductCounter; } else { pController->guidFFDevice = GUID_NULL; return false; } } else return bReturn; } break; case CHK_FFDEVICENAME: if( pController && pszFFDevice ) { CHAR_TO_TCHAR( pszFFDevice, pszLine, MAX_PATH ); // HACK: pszLine is read from a file; could overflow easily. guessed size of pszFFDevice buffer. return true; } break; case CHK_FFDEVICENR: if( pController && bFFDeviceNr && ( iLength >= sizeof(BYTE) )) { *bFFDeviceNr = atoi( pszLine ); return true; } break; case CHK_MEMPAKFILE: if( pController ) { CHAR_TO_TCHAR( pController->szMempakFile, pszLine, MAX_PATH ); } break; case CHK_GBROMFILE: if( pController ) { CHAR_TO_TCHAR( pController->szTransferRom, pszLine, MAX_PATH ); } break; case CHK_GBROMSAVE: if( pController ) { CHAR_TO_TCHAR( pController->szTransferSave, pszLine, MAX_PATH ); } break; case CHK_DINPUTNAME: gGUID = GUID_NULL; // invalidate current GUID CHAR_TO_TCHAR( pszDeviceName, pszLine, MAX_PATH ); break; case CHK_DINPUTNR: gGUID = GUID_NULL; // invalidate current GUID if( iLength >= sizeof(BYTE) ) { TexttoHexA( pszLine, &bDeviceNr, sizeof(BYTE) ); } break; case CHK_DINPUTGUID: if (StringtoGUIDA(&gGUID, pszLine)) return true; else { gGUID = GUID_NULL; // invalidate current GUID return false; } break; case CHK_BUTTON: if ( dwSection == CHK_CONTROLS || pShortcuts || pController ) { int controlnum = 0, buttonID = 0; BUTTON btnWorking; ZeroMemory(&btnWorking, sizeof(btnWorking)); unsigned int tOffset, tAxisID, tBtnType; if (sscanf(pszLine, "%d %d %x %u %u", &controlnum, &buttonID, &tOffset, &tAxisID, &tBtnType) != 5) return false; // done to overcome issues with sscanf and "small" data blocks btnWorking.bOffset = tOffset; btnWorking.bAxisID = tAxisID; btnWorking.bBtnType = tBtnType; if (pController) { // special case: if we're in one of the categories CHK_CONTROLLER_n, assume we're processing a Profile file. // Ignore the read controlnum and use our input controller number. controlnum = (int)(dwSection - CHK_CONTROLLER_1); // HACK: assume our hash reproduces these linearly } // Now we need to assign parentdevice. If we have a valid gGUID, we'll use that... int found = FindDeviceinList(gGUID); if (found != -1) btnWorking.parentDevice = &g_devList[found]; else { // ... otherwise, we do the following in order: // 1. If bBtnType is of type DT_MOUSEBUTTON or DT_MOUSEAXE, set gGUID to that of g_sysMouse (ignoring the given name and number) if ( btnWorking.bBtnType == DT_MOUSEBUTTON || btnWorking.bBtnType == DT_MOUSEAXE ) { btnWorking.parentDevice = &g_sysMouse; } // 2. If bBtnType is of type DT_KEYBUTTON, set gGUID to that of SysKeyboard else if ( btnWorking.bBtnType == DT_KEYBUTTON ) { gGUID = GUID_SysKeyboard; found = FindDeviceinList(gGUID); if (found != -1) btnWorking.parentDevice = &g_devList[found]; else btnWorking.parentDevice = NULL; } // 3. otherwise, look up the name and number using FindDeviceinList, and set gGUID to that else { found = FindDeviceinList(pszDeviceName, bDeviceNr, true); if (found != -1) { gGUID = g_devList[found].guidInstance; btnWorking.parentDevice = &g_devList[found]; } else { DebugWrite(_T("ProcessKey: couldn't find a device in g_devList for %s %d\n"), pszDeviceName, bDeviceNr); gGUID = GUID_NULL; btnWorking.parentDevice = NULL; return false; } } } if (pShortcuts) { // bounds check on controlnum and buttonID if ( (controlnum == -1 && buttonID != 0) && ((controlnum < 0) || (controlnum > 3) || (buttonID < 0) || (buttonID >= SC_TOTAL)) ) { gGUID = GUID_NULL; // since we may have cached an invalid GUID, invalidate it return false; } // Copy the completed button to the correct shortcut if (bIsInterface) if (controlnum == -1) g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.bMouseLock = btnWorking; else g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.Player[controlnum].aButtons[buttonID] = btnWorking; else // if (!bIsInterface) if (controlnum == -1) g_scShortcuts.bMouseLock = btnWorking; else g_scShortcuts.Player[controlnum].aButtons[buttonID] = btnWorking; } else // it's a controller button { // bounds check on controlnum and buttonID if ( (controlnum < 0) || (controlnum > 3) || (buttonID < 0) || (buttonID >= ARRAYSIZE(g_pcControllers[0].aButton)) ) { gGUID = GUID_NULL; // since we may have cached an invalid GUID, invalidate it return false; } // Copy the completed button to the correct controller and buttonID if (bIsInterface) g_ivConfig->Controllers[controlnum].aButton[buttonID] = btnWorking; else g_pcControllers[controlnum].aButton[buttonID] = btnWorking; } } break; case CHK_MODIFIER: // Modifiers format: controlnum bOffset bAxisID bBtnType bModType fToggle fStatus dwSpecific if ( dwSection == CHK_MODIFIERS || pController ) { int controlnum = 0; MODIFIER modWorking; ZeroMemory(&modWorking, sizeof(modWorking)); unsigned int tOffset, tAxisID, tBtnType, tModType, tToggle, tStatus, tSpecific; if (sscanf(pszLine, "%u %x %u %u %u %u %u %x", &controlnum, &tOffset, &tAxisID, &tBtnType, &tModType, &tToggle, &tStatus, &tSpecific) != 8) return false; // done to overcome issues with sscanf and "small" data blocks modWorking.btnButton.bOffset = tOffset; modWorking.btnButton.bAxisID = tAxisID; modWorking.btnButton.bBtnType = tBtnType; modWorking.bModType = tModType; modWorking.fToggle = tToggle; modWorking.fStatus = tStatus; modWorking.dwSpecific = tSpecific; // looks stupid, but unsigned int might not always be DWORD32 // Now we need to assign parentdevice. If we have a valid gGUID, we'll use that... int found = FindDeviceinList(gGUID); if (found != -1) modWorking.btnButton.parentDevice = &g_devList[found]; else { // ... otherwise, we do the following in order: // 1. If bBtnType is of type DT_MOUSEBUTTON or DT_MOUSEAXE, set gGUID to that of g_sysMouse (ignoring the given name and number) if ( modWorking.btnButton.bBtnType == DT_MOUSEBUTTON || modWorking.btnButton.bBtnType == DT_MOUSEAXE ) { modWorking.btnButton.parentDevice = &g_sysMouse; } // 2. If bBtnType is of type DT_KEYBUTTON, set gGUID to that of SysKeyboard else if ( modWorking.btnButton.bBtnType == DT_KEYBUTTON ) { gGUID = GUID_SysKeyboard; int found = FindDeviceinList(gGUID); if (found != -1) modWorking.btnButton.parentDevice = &g_devList[found]; else modWorking.btnButton.parentDevice = NULL; } // 3. otherwise, look up the name and number using FindDeviceinList, and set gGUID to that else { found = FindDeviceinList(pszDeviceName, bDeviceNr, true); if (found != -1) { gGUID = g_devList[found].guidInstance; modWorking.btnButton.parentDevice = &g_devList[found]; } else { DebugWrite(_T("ProcessKey: couldn't find a device in g_devList for %s %d\n"), pszDeviceName, bDeviceNr); gGUID = GUID_NULL; modWorking.btnButton.parentDevice = NULL; return false; } } } // bounds check on controlnum and buttonID if ( (controlnum < 0) || (controlnum > 3) ) { gGUID = GUID_NULL; // since we may have cached an invalid GUID, invalidate it return false; } // Allocate and add the completed modifier if (bIsInterface) { if (g_ivConfig->Controllers[controlnum].nModifiers > 0) { g_ivConfig->Controllers[controlnum].pModifiers = (LPMODIFIER)P_realloc(g_ivConfig->Controllers[controlnum].pModifiers, (g_ivConfig->Controllers[controlnum].nModifiers + 1) * sizeof(MODIFIER)); } else { g_ivConfig->Controllers[controlnum].pModifiers = (LPMODIFIER)P_malloc( sizeof(MODIFIER)); } g_ivConfig->Controllers[controlnum].pModifiers[g_ivConfig->Controllers[controlnum].nModifiers] = modWorking; (g_ivConfig->Controllers[controlnum].nModifiers)++; } else { if (g_pcControllers[controlnum].nModifiers > 0) { g_pcControllers[controlnum].pModifiers = (LPMODIFIER)P_realloc(g_pcControllers[controlnum].pModifiers, (g_pcControllers[controlnum].nModifiers + 1) * sizeof(MODIFIER)); } else { g_pcControllers[controlnum].pModifiers = (LPMODIFIER)P_malloc( sizeof(MODIFIER)); } g_pcControllers[controlnum].pModifiers[g_pcControllers[controlnum].nModifiers] = modWorking; (g_pcControllers[controlnum].nModifiers)++; } } break; } return bReturn; } /****************** Load the default profile from the raw "resource" data (i.e. the builtin defaults contained in the dll) ******************/ bool LoadProfileFromResource( LPCTSTR pszResource, int iController, bool bIsInterface ) { const DWORD dwControllerSect[] = { CHK_CONTROLLER_1 , CHK_CONTROLLER_2, CHK_CONTROLLER_3, CHK_CONTROLLER_4 }; if( iController > 3 || iController < 0 ) return false; HRSRC res = FindResource( g_strEmuInfo.hinst, pszResource, _T("PROFILE") ); if( res == NULL ) return false; char *profile = (char*)LockResource( LoadResource( g_strEmuInfo.hinst, res )); char *profileend = profile + SizeofResource( g_strEmuInfo.hinst, res ); ProcessKey( PL_RESET, 0, 0, 0, 0, bIsInterface ); DWORD dwCommand = PL_NOHIT; char szLine[4096]; while( profile < profileend ) { while( profile < profileend && (CHECK_WHITESPACES( *profile ) || *profile == ' ' )) ++profile; int i = 0; while( profile < profileend && i < sizeof(szLine)-1 && !(CHECK_WHITESPACES( *profile )) ) szLine[i++] = *profile++; szLine[i] = '\0'; dwCommand = ParseLine( szLine ); ProcessKey( dwCommand, dwControllerSect[iController], szLine, 0, 0, bIsInterface ); // resource will not contain a FF device } return true; } /****************** See overloaded function above ******************/ bool LoadProfileFromResource( int indexController, bool bIsInterface ) { const int resIds[] = { IDR_PROFILE_DEFAULT1, IDR_PROFILE_DEFAULT2, IDR_PROFILE_DEFAULT3, IDR_PROFILE_DEFAULT4 }; TCHAR szId[20]; wsprintf( szId, _T("#%i"), resIds[indexController] ); return LoadProfileFromResource( szId, indexController, bIsInterface ); } // Load a controller profile from a saved configuration file // need to incorporate type (keyb/mouse/joy), GUID for joy, and bOffset bool LoadProfileFile( const TCHAR *pszFileName, int iController, TCHAR *pszFFDevice, BYTE *bFFDeviceNr ) { const DWORD dwControllerSect[] = { CHK_CONTROLLER_1 , CHK_CONTROLLER_2, CHK_CONTROLLER_3, CHK_CONTROLLER_4 }; FILE *proFile = NULL; char szLine[4096]; int iVersion = 0; if ( (proFile = _tfopen(pszFileName, _T("rS")) ) == NULL) return false; // Test if right Version while( !iVersion && ( fgets(szLine, sizeof(szLine) - 1, proFile) ) ) { szLine[strlen(szLine) - 1] = '\0'; // remove newline if( ParseLine( szLine ) == PL_VERSIONSTRING ) iVersion = (int)(atof( szLine ) * 100); } if( iVersion != 220 ) // HACK: this should probably not be a hardcoded value { fclose(proFile); return false; } SetControllerDefaults( &(g_ivConfig->Controllers[iController]) ); pszFFDevice[0] = pszFFDevice[1] = '\0'; *bFFDeviceNr = 0; ProcessKey( PL_RESET, 0, 0, 0, 0, true ); DWORD dwCommand = PL_NOHIT; while( fgets(szLine, sizeof(szLine) - 1, proFile) ) { szLine[strlen(szLine) - 1] = '\0'; // remove newline dwCommand = ParseLine( szLine ); ProcessKey( dwCommand, dwControllerSect[iController], szLine, pszFFDevice, bFFDeviceNr, true ); } fclose(proFile); return true; } // Load a controller profile from a saved configuration file // need to incorporate type (keyb/mouse/joy), GUID for joy, and bOffset bool LoadShortcutsFile( const TCHAR *pszFileName ) { FILE *fShortsFile = NULL; char szLine[4096]; int iVersion = 0; if ( (fShortsFile = _tfopen(pszFileName, _T("rS")) ) == NULL) return false; // Test if right Version while( !iVersion && ( fgets(szLine, sizeof(szLine) - 1, fShortsFile) ) ) { szLine[strlen(szLine) - 1] = '\0'; // remove newline if( ParseLine( szLine ) == PL_VERSIONSTRING ) iVersion = (int)(atof( szLine ) * 100); } if( iVersion != 220 ) // HACK: this should probably not be a hardcoded value { fclose(fShortsFile); return false; } ZeroMemory( &(g_ivConfig->Shortcuts), sizeof(SHORTCUTS) ); ProcessKey( PL_RESET, 0, 0, 0, 0, true ); DWORD dwCommand = PL_NOHIT; while( fgets(szLine, sizeof(szLine) - 1, fShortsFile) ) { szLine[strlen(szLine) - 1] = '\0'; // remove newline dwCommand = ParseLine( szLine ); ProcessKey( dwCommand, CHK_SHORTCUTS, szLine, 0, 0, true ); } fclose(fShortsFile); return true; } // Serializes the profile for the CURRENT controller for saving to a file // called in one place, from within Interface.cpp, ControllerTabProc (when you click "Save Profile") void FormatProfileBlock( FILE * fFile, const int i ) { DumpControllerSettings(fFile, i, false); string strMouse; string strDevs[MAX_DEVICES]; string strNull; FormatControlsBlock(&strMouse, strDevs, &strNull, i); DumpStreams(fFile, strMouse, strDevs, strNull, false); strMouse.clear(); for (int j = 0; j < g_nDevices; j++) strDevs[j].clear(); strNull.clear(); FormatModifiersBlock(&strMouse, strDevs, &strNull, i); DumpStreams(fFile, strMouse, strDevs, strNull, false); } // same as FormatProfileBlock, but saves shortcuts instead void FormatShortcutsBlock(FILE * fFile, bool bIsINI) { // I'm going to use STL strings here because I don't want to screw with buffer management string strMouse; string strDevs[MAX_DEVICES]; string strNull; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) // Player for { for ( int j = 0; j < SC_TOTAL; j++ ) // aButtons for { if (g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.Player[i].aButtons[j].parentDevice) // possibly unbound { if ( IsEqualGUID(g_sysMouse.guidInstance, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.Player[i].aButtons[j].parentDevice->guidInstance) ) { char szBuf[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; // add to the mouse stream sprintf(szBuf, STRING_INI_BUTTON "=%d %d %02X %d %d\n", i, j, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.Player[i].aButtons[j].bOffset, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.Player[i].aButtons[j].bAxisID, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.Player[i].aButtons[j].bBtnType); strMouse.append(szBuf); } else for (int match = 0; match < g_nDevices; match++) if ( IsEqualGUID(g_devList[match].guidInstance, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.Player[i].aButtons[j].parentDevice->guidInstance) ) { char szBuf[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; // add to the appropriate device stream sprintf(szBuf, STRING_INI_BUTTON "=%d %d %02X %d %d\n", i, j, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.Player[i].aButtons[j].bOffset, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.Player[i].aButtons[j].bAxisID, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.Player[i].aButtons[j].bBtnType); strDevs[match].append(szBuf); break; } } } // end buttons for } // end Player for // gotta do it again for that one pesky mouselock button if (g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.bMouseLock.parentDevice) // possibly unbound { if ( IsEqualGUID(g_sysMouse.guidInstance, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.bMouseLock.parentDevice->guidInstance) ) { char szBuf[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; // add to the mouse stream sprintf(szBuf, STRING_INI_BUTTON "=%d %d %02X %d %d\n", -1, 0, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.bMouseLock.bOffset, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.bMouseLock.bAxisID, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.bMouseLock.bBtnType); strMouse.append(szBuf); } else for (int match = 0; match < g_nDevices; match++) if ( IsEqualGUID(g_devList[match].guidInstance, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.bMouseLock.parentDevice->guidInstance) ) { char szBuf[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; // add to the appropriate device stream sprintf(szBuf, STRING_INI_BUTTON "=%d %d %02X %d %d\n", -1, 0, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.bMouseLock.bOffset, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.bMouseLock.bAxisID, g_ivConfig->Shortcuts.bMouseLock.bBtnType); strDevs[match].append(szBuf); break; } } // end shortcuts edge case DumpStreams(fFile, strMouse, strDevs, strNull, bIsINI); } // load shortcuts from "resources", i.e. builtin defaults bool LoadShortcutsFromResource(bool bIsInterface) { if (bIsInterface) ZeroMemory( &(g_ivConfig->Shortcuts), sizeof(SHORTCUTS) ); TCHAR szId[20]; wsprintf( szId, _T("#%i"), IDR_SHORTCUTS_DEFAULT ); HRSRC res = FindResource( g_strEmuInfo.hinst, szId, _T("SHORTCUT") ); if( res == NULL ) return false; char *profile = (char*)LockResource( LoadResource( g_strEmuInfo.hinst, res )); char *profileend = profile + SizeofResource( g_strEmuInfo.hinst, res ); ProcessKey( PL_RESET, 0, 0, 0, 0, bIsInterface ); DWORD dwCommand = PL_NOHIT; char szLine[4096]; while( profile < profileend ) { while( profile < profileend && (CHECK_WHITESPACES( *profile ) || *profile == ' ' )) ++profile; int i = 0; while( profile < profileend && i < sizeof(szLine)-1 && !(CHECK_WHITESPACES( *profile )) ) szLine[i++] = *profile++; szLine[i] = '\0'; dwCommand = ParseLine( szLine ); ProcessKey( dwCommand, CHK_SHORTCUTS, szLine, 0, 0, bIsInterface ); } return true; } // returns the user-chosen default directory (path) for each of the following: // application dir, mempak dir, gameboy rom dir, gameboyrom save dir // Tries to query user settings; if blank or invalid, returns their defaults // Massages the output directory a bit bool GetDirectory( LPTSTR pszDirectory, WORD wDirID ) { bool bReturn = true; TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH + 1]; const TCHAR szDefaultStrings[3][DEFAULT_BUFFER] = { STRING_DEF_MEMPAKFILE, STRING_DEF_GBROMFILE, STRING_DEF_GBROMSAVE }; TCHAR *pSlash; pszDirectory[0] = pszDirectory[1] = '\0'; switch( wDirID ) { case DIRECTORY_MEMPAK: case DIRECTORY_GBROMS: case DIRECTORY_GBSAVES: if (g_aszDefFolders[wDirID][0] == 0) lstrcpyn( pszDirectory, szDefaultStrings[wDirID], MAX_PATH); else lstrcpyn( pszDirectory, g_aszDefFolders[wDirID], MAX_PATH); break; case DIRECTORY_DLL: if (GetModuleFileName(g_strEmuInfo.hinst, szBuffer, MAX_PATH)) { GetFullPathName( szBuffer, MAX_PATH, pszDirectory, &pSlash ); *pSlash = 0; } break; case DIRECTORY_LOG: case DIRECTORY_CONFIG: case DIRECTORY_APPLICATION: break; default: // we don't know what the hell you're talking about, set pszFileName to current .exe directory // and return false bReturn = false; } if( pszDirectory[1] == ':' || ( pszDirectory[1] == '\\' && pszDirectory[0] == '\\' )) // Absolute Path( x: or \\ ) lstrcpyn( szBuffer, pszDirectory, MAX_PATH ); else { GetModuleFileName( NULL, szBuffer, MAX_PATH ); pSlash = _tcsrchr( szBuffer, '\\' ); ++pSlash; lstrcpyn( pSlash, pszDirectory, MAX_PATH ); } GetFullPathName( szBuffer, MAX_PATH, pszDirectory, &pSlash ); pSlash = &pszDirectory[lstrlen( pszDirectory ) - 1]; if( *pSlash != '\\' ) { pSlash[1] = '\\'; pSlash[2] = '\0'; } if (bReturn && wDirID == DIRECTORY_CONFIG) { strcat(pszDirectory,"Config\\"); } if (bReturn && wDirID == DIRECTORY_LOG) { strcat(pszDirectory,"Logs\\"); } return bReturn; } // Attempts to store the "absolute" filename for a file; // if szFileName is an absolute filename (starting with a letter and colon or two backslashes) it is simply copied // otherwise, it is concatenated with the known directory, such as mempak directory (type given by wDirID) void GetAbsoluteFileName( TCHAR *szAbsolute, const TCHAR *szFileName, const WORD wDirID ) { if( szFileName[1] == ':' || (szFileName[1] == '\\' && szFileName[0] == '\\')) lstrcpyn( szAbsolute, szFileName, MAX_PATH ); else { GetDirectory( szAbsolute, wDirID ); lstrcat( szAbsolute, szFileName); // HACK: possible buffer overflow } } // Populates the list of mempak/transfer pak files from the config'd directory BOOL SendFilestoList( HWND hDlgItem, WORD wType ) { HANDLE hFindFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFile; TCHAR szPattern[MAX_PATH + 10]; TCHAR *pszExtensions; BOOL Success; switch( wType ) { case FILIST_MEM: GetDirectory( szPattern, DIRECTORY_MEMPAK ); lstrcat( szPattern, _T("*.*") ); pszExtensions = _T(".mpk\0.n64\0"); break; case FILIST_TRANSFER: GetDirectory( szPattern, DIRECTORY_GBROMS ); lstrcat( szPattern, _T("*.gb?") ); pszExtensions = _T(".gb\0.gbc\0"); break; default: return FALSE; } TCHAR *pcPoint; TCHAR *pszExt; bool bValidFile; hFindFile = FindFirstFile( szPattern, &FindFile ); if( hFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { do { pszExt = pszExtensions; pcPoint = _tcsrchr( FindFile.cFileName, _T('.') ); bValidFile = false; do { if( !lstrcmpi( pcPoint, pszExt )) bValidFile = true; pszExt += lstrlen( pszExt ) + 1; } while( *pszExt && !bValidFile ); if( bValidFile ) SendMessage( hDlgItem, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)FindFile.cFileName ); } while( FindNextFile( hFindFile, &FindFile )); FindClose( hFindFile ); Success = TRUE; } else Success = FALSE; return Success; } bool BrowseFolders( HWND hwndParent, TCHAR *pszHeader, TCHAR *pszDirectory ) { ITEMIDLIST *piStart = NULL; if( pszDirectory[0] != '\0') { IShellFolder* pDesktopFolder; if( SUCCEEDED( SHGetDesktopFolder( &pDesktopFolder ))) { OLECHAR olePath[MAX_PATH]; ULONG chEaten; pDesktopFolder->ParseDisplayName( NULL, NULL, olePath, &chEaten, &piStart, NULL ); pDesktopFolder->Release(); } } BROWSEINFO brInfo; brInfo.hwndOwner = hwndParent; brInfo.pidlRoot = piStart; brInfo.pszDisplayName = pszDirectory; brInfo.lpszTitle = pszHeader; brInfo.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; brInfo.lpfn = NULL; ITEMIDLIST *piList; piList = SHBrowseForFolder( &brInfo ); if( piList ) { SHGetPathFromIDList( (const LPITEMIDLIST)piList, pszDirectory ); LPMALLOC pMal; if( SUCCEEDED( SHGetMalloc( &pMal ))) { pMal->Free( piList ); pMal->Release(); } return true; } return false; } bool GetInitialBrowseDir( TCHAR *pszFileName, DWORD dwType ) { // DIRECTORY_INVALID means there's no corresponding entry in g_aszDefFolders const WORD wDirectory[] = { DIRECTORY_MEMPAK, DIRECTORY_GBROMS, DIRECTORY_GBSAVES, DIRECTORY_INVALID, DIRECTORY_INVALID, DIRECTORY_INVALID }; switch( dwType ) { case BF_PROFILE: case BF_MEMPAK: case BF_NOTE: case BF_GBROM: case BF_GBSAVE: case BF_SHORTCUTS: if (g_aszLastBrowse[dwType][0] == 0) return GetDirectory( pszFileName, wDirectory[dwType]); else lstrcpyn(pszFileName, g_aszLastBrowse[dwType], MAX_PATH); return true; default: // we don't know what the hell you're talking about return GetDirectory( pszFileName, DIRECTORY_INVALID ); } } bool SaveLastBrowseDir( TCHAR *pszFileName, DWORD dwType ) { TCHAR *cSlash = _tcsrchr( pszFileName, _T('\\') ); if( cSlash ) { switch( dwType ) { case BF_PROFILE: case BF_MEMPAK: case BF_NOTE: case BF_GBROM: case BF_GBSAVE: case BF_SHORTCUTS: *cSlash = '\0'; lstrcpyn(g_aszLastBrowse[dwType], pszFileName, MAX_PATH); *cSlash = '\\'; return true; default: return false; } } else return true; } // Pop up a dialog asking for a filename from the user. Returns true if returning a valid filename, false if user cancelled. // Used when either loading (fSave == false) or saving (fSave == true) some type of file. // Handy, because it handles all our file type extensions for us. bool BrowseFile( HWND hDlg, TCHAR *pszFileName, DWORD dwType, bool fSave ) { TCHAR pszFilter[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; TCHAR pszTitle[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; DWORD dwFlags = /*OFN_DONTADDTORECENT |*/ OFN_NOCHANGEDIR; dwFlags |= (fSave) ? OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT : OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST; TCHAR *pszExt = NULL; TCHAR *pszTemp = pszFilter; int nFilters = 0; switch( dwType ) { case BF_PROFILE: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_DLG_CPF, pszFilter, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); pszExt = _T("cpf"); nFilters = 1; break; case BF_MEMPAK: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_DLG_MPKN64, pszFilter, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); if( !fSave ) { LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_DLG_MPCHOOSE, pszTitle, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); dwFlags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY; } pszExt = _T("mpk"); nFilters = 2; break; case BF_NOTE: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_DLG_A64, pszFilter, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); pszExt = _T("a64"); nFilters = 1; break; case BF_GBROM: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_DLG_GBGBC, pszFilter, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); pszExt = _T("gb"); nFilters = 1; break; case BF_GBSAVE: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_DLG_SVSAV, pszFilter, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); pszExt = _T("sv"); nFilters = 1; break; case BF_SHORTCUTS: LoadString( g_hResourceDLL, IDS_DLG_SC, pszFilter, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); pszExt = _T("sc"); nFilters = 1; break; default: return false; } for ( ; nFilters > 0; nFilters--) { pszTemp += _tcslen(pszTemp); pszTemp += 1; pszTemp += _tcslen(pszTemp); pszTemp += 1; } *pszTemp = _T('\0'); dwFlags |= OFN_NOCHANGEDIR; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH+1] = _T(""), szInitialDir[MAX_PATH+1] = _T(""), *pcSlash; if( pszFileName[1] == _T(':') || ( pszFileName[1] == _T('\\') && pszFileName[0] == _T('\\') )) { lstrcpyn( szInitialDir, pszFileName, ARRAYSIZE(szInitialDir) ); pcSlash = _tcsrchr( szInitialDir, _T('\\') ); if( pcSlash ) { *pcSlash = _T('\0'); lstrcpyn( szFileName, &pcSlash[1], ARRAYSIZE(szFileName) ); } } else { if( !GetInitialBrowseDir( szInitialDir, dwType )) GetDirectory( szInitialDir, DIRECTORY_APPLICATION ); lstrcpyn( szFileName, pszFileName, ARRAYSIZE(szFileName) ); } OPENFILENAME oFile; oFile.lStructSize = sizeof (OPENFILENAME); oFile.hwndOwner = hDlg; oFile.hInstance = NULL; oFile.lpstrFilter = pszFilter; oFile.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; oFile.nMaxCustFilter = 0; oFile.nFilterIndex = 0; oFile.lpstrFile = szFileName; oFile.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; oFile.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; oFile.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; // ignored oFile.lpstrInitialDir = szInitialDir; oFile.lpstrTitle = pszTitle; oFile.Flags = dwFlags; oFile.nFileOffset = 0; oFile.nFileExtension = 0; oFile.lpstrDefExt = pszExt; oFile.lCustData = 0L; oFile.lpfnHook = NULL; oFile.lpTemplateName = NULL; if( fSave ) { if( !GetSaveFileName( &oFile )) return false; } else { if( !GetOpenFileName( &oFile )) return false; } lstrcpy( pszFileName, szFileName ); SaveLastBrowseDir( szFileName, dwType ); return true; } bool ReadMemPakFile( TCHAR *pszMemPakFile, BYTE *aMemPak, bool fCreate ) { DWORD dwCreationDisposition = fCreate ? OPEN_ALWAYS : OPEN_EXISTING; HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( pszMemPakFile, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, dwCreationDisposition, 0, NULL); if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { ZeroMemory( aMemPak, PAK_MEM_SIZE ); TCHAR *pcPoint = _tcsrchr( pszMemPakFile, '.' ); if( !lstrcmpi( pcPoint, _T(".n64") ) ) SetFilePointer( hFile, 0x1040, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); else SetFilePointer( hFile, 0L, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); DWORD dwBytesRead; bool Success = ( ReadFile( hFile, aMemPak, PAK_MEM_SIZE, &dwBytesRead, NULL) != 0 ); CloseHandle( hFile ); return Success; } else ErrorMessage( IDS_ERR_MPREAD, GetLastError(), false ); return false; } // Used by Interface to create or modify mempak files (not mapped). // pszMemPakFile is a filename, aMemPak is the data, fCreate tells whether to create a new file bool WriteMemPakFile( TCHAR *pszMemPakFile, BYTE *aMemPak, bool fCreate ) { DWORD dwCreationDisposition = fCreate ? OPEN_ALWAYS : OPEN_EXISTING; HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( pszMemPakFile, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, dwCreationDisposition, 0, NULL); if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; TCHAR *pcPoint = _tcsrchr( pszMemPakFile, _T('.') ); if( !lstrcmpi( pcPoint, _T(".n64") ) ) { if( fCreate && !GetFileSize( hFile, NULL )) { char szHeader[] = "123-456-STD"; SetFilePointer( hFile, 0L, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); WriteFile( hFile, szHeader, sizeof(szHeader), &dwBytesWritten, NULL ); } SetFilePointer( hFile, 0x1040, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); } else SetFilePointer( hFile, 0L, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); bool Success = ( WriteFile( hFile, aMemPak, PAK_MEM_SIZE, &dwBytesWritten, NULL ) != 0 ); if( Success ) SetEndOfFile( hFile ); CloseHandle( hFile ); return Success; } else ErrorMessage( IDS_ERR_MPCREATE, GetLastError(), false ); return false; } // This func stores the current config data to INI. It stores the Interface's idea of configuration // As such, it should only be called from the config window (Interface). Otherwise, it will fail. // Returns true if saved OK, false if there was a problem. bool StoreConfigToINI() { char szANSIBuf[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; if (!g_ivConfig) return false; TCHAR szFilename[MAX_PATH]; GetDirectory(szFilename, DIRECTORY_CONFIG); _tcscat(szFilename, _T("NRage.ini")); FILE *fFile = _tfopen(szFilename, _T("wS")); // write, optimize for sequential if (!fFile) { DebugWriteA("Couldn't open INI file for output!\n"); return false; } // first write out any standard header stuff here fputs(STRING_INI_HEADER, fFile); // General fputs("\n[" STRING_INI_GENERAL "]\n", fFile); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_LANGUAGE "=%d\n", g_ivConfig->Language); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_SHOWMESSAGES "=%d\n", (int)(g_ivConfig->fDisplayShortPop)); // Folders fputs("\n[" STRING_INI_FOLDERS "]\n", fFile); const char szFolders[ARRAYSIZE(g_aszDefFolders)][DEFAULT_BUFFER] = {STRING_INI_BRMEMPAK "=%s\n", STRING_INI_BRGBROM "=%s\n", STRING_INI_BRGBSAVE "=%s\n"}; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(szFolders); i++) { TCHAR_TO_CHAR( szANSIBuf, g_aszDefFolders[i], DEFAULT_BUFFER ); fprintf(fFile, szFolders[i], szANSIBuf); } // lastBrowserDir fputs("\n[" STRING_INI_BROWSER "]\n", fFile); const char szBrowser[ARRAYSIZE(g_aszLastBrowse)][DEFAULT_BUFFER] = {STRING_INI_BRMEMPAK "=%s\n", STRING_INI_BRGBROM "=%s\n", STRING_INI_BRGBSAVE "=%s\n", STRING_INI_BRPROFILE "=%s\n", STRING_INI_BRNOTE "=%s\n", STRING_INI_SHORTCUTS "=%s\n" }; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(szBrowser); i++) { TCHAR_TO_CHAR( szANSIBuf, g_aszLastBrowse[i], DEFAULT_BUFFER ); fprintf(fFile, szBrowser[i], szANSIBuf); } // Controller 1 through 4 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { fprintf(fFile, "\n[" STRING_INI_CONTROLLER " %d]\n", i + 1); DumpControllerSettings(fFile, i, true); } // Controls // I'm going to use STL strings here because I don't want to screw with buffer management string strMouse; string strDevs[MAX_DEVICES]; string strNull; fputs("\n[" STRING_INI_CONTROLS "]\n", fFile); fputs("# Button format: controlnum buttonID bOffset bAxisID bBtnType\n", fFile); for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) // controllers for { FormatControlsBlock(&strMouse, strDevs, &strNull, i); } // end controllers for DumpStreams(fFile, strMouse, strDevs, strNull, true); strMouse.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < g_nDevices; i++) strDevs[i].clear(); strNull.clear(); // Shortcuts fputs("\n[" STRING_INI_SHORTCUTS "]\n", fFile); fputs("# Shortcuts format: controlnum buttonID bOffset bAxisID bBtnType\n", fFile); FormatShortcutsBlock(fFile, true); // Modifiers fputs("\n[" STRING_INI_MODIFIERS "]\n", fFile); fputs("# Modifiers format: controlnum bOffset bAxisID bBtnType bModType fToggle fStatus dwSpecific\n", fFile); for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) // controllers for { FormatModifiersBlock(&strMouse, strDevs, &strNull, i); } // end controllers for DumpStreams(fFile, strMouse, strDevs, strNull, true); fclose(fFile); DebugWriteA("Config stored to INI\n"); return true; } // This func loads the config data from INI into working emulator space. Does not copy into Interface; // you need to call GetCurrentConfiguration() if you want to do that. // Returns true if loaded OK, false if there was a problem. bool LoadConfigFromINI() { FILE *fFile = NULL; DWORD dwSection = 0; // this will eval to the bracketed "[Section]" we are currently in. char szLine[4096]; TCHAR szFilename[MAX_PATH]; GetDirectory(szFilename, DIRECTORY_CONFIG); _tcscat(szFilename, _T("NRage.ini")); fFile = _tfopen(szFilename, _T("rS")); // read, optimize for sequential if (!fFile) { DebugWriteA("Couldn't open INI file for input!\n"); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) SetControllerDefaults( &(g_pcControllers[i]) ); ProcessKey( PL_RESET, 0, 0, 0, 0, false ); DWORD dwCommand = PL_NOHIT; while(( fgets(szLine, sizeof(szLine) - 1, fFile) ) ) { szLine[strlen(szLine) - 1] = '\0'; // remove newline dwCommand = ParseLine( szLine ); if (dwCommand == PL_NOHIT) continue; else if (dwCommand == PL_CATEGORY) // section changed to szLine dwSection = djbHash(szLine); else ProcessKey( dwCommand, dwSection, szLine, 0, 0, false ); } fclose(fFile); return true; } // basically a stripped down version of GetConfigFromINI, called at the very beginning to get our language LANGID GetLanguageFromINI() { FILE *fFile = NULL; char szLine[4096]; TCHAR szFilename[MAX_PATH]; GetDirectory(szFilename, DIRECTORY_CONFIG); _tcscat(szFilename, _T("NRage.ini")); fFile = _tfopen(szFilename, _T("rS")); // read, optimize for sequential if (!fFile) { DebugWriteA("Couldn't open INI file for input!\n"); return 0; } ProcessKey( PL_RESET, 0, 0, 0, 0, false ); DWORD dwCommand = PL_NOHIT; while(( fgets(szLine, sizeof(szLine) - 1, fFile) ) ) { szLine[strlen(szLine) - 1] = '\0'; // remove newline dwCommand = ParseLine( szLine ); if (dwCommand == CHK_LANGUAGE) { LANGID lTemp = 0; if (sscanf(szLine, "%hu", &lTemp)) { fclose(fFile); return lTemp; } } } fclose(fFile); DebugWriteA("Couldn't find a Language= line in INI file...\n"); return 0; } // both the following functions assume the buffer is big enough inline void GUIDtoStringA( char * szGUIDbuf, const GUID guid ) { _snprintf( szGUIDbuf, GUID_STRINGLENGTH + 1, "{%08.8lX-%04.4hX-%04.4hX-%02.2X%02.2X-%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X}", guid.Data1, guid.Data2, guid.Data3, guid.Data4[0], guid.Data4[1], guid.Data4[2], guid.Data4[3], guid.Data4[4], guid.Data4[5], guid.Data4[6], guid.Data4[7]); } inline bool StringtoGUIDA( LPGUID guid, const char * szGUIDbuf ) { short unsigned int lastbyte; int blah = sscanf(szGUIDbuf, "{%08lX-%04hX-%04hX-%02hX%02hX-%02hX%02hX%02hX%02hX%02hX%02hX}", &guid->Data1, &guid->Data2, &guid->Data3, &guid->Data4[0], &guid->Data4[1], &guid->Data4[2], &guid->Data4[3], &guid->Data4[4], &guid->Data4[5], &guid->Data4[6], &lastbyte); if (blah == 11) { guid->Data4[7] = (BYTE)lastbyte; return true; } else return false; } // Takes in a file to dump to, and an int i telling which controller's settings to dump. Does not dump buttons or modifiers. void DumpControllerSettings(FILE * fFile, int i, bool bIsINI) { char szANSIBuf[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_PLUGGED "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].fPlugged); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_XINPUT "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].fXInput); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_N64MOUSE "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].fN64Mouse); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_RAWDATA "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].fRawData); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_PAKTYPE "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].PakType); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_REALN64RANGE "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].fRealN64Range); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_RAPIDFIREENABLED "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].bRapidFireEnabled); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_RAPIDFIRERATE "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].bRapidFireRate); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_STICKRANGE "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].bStickRange); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_MOUSEMOVEX "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].bMouseMoveX); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_MOUSEMOVEY "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].bMouseMoveY); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_AXISSET "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].bAxisSet); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_KEYABSOLUTEX "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].fKeyAbsoluteX); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_KEYABSOLUTEY "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].fKeyAbsoluteY); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_PADDEADZONE "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].bPadDeadZone); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_MOUSESENSX "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].wMouseSensitivityX); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_MOUSESENSY "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].wMouseSensitivityY); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_RUMBLETYPE "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].bRumbleTyp); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_RUMBLESTRENGTH "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].bRumbleStrength); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_VISUALRUMBLE "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].fVisualRumble); if (bIsINI) { char szGUID[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; int iDevice = FindDeviceinList( g_ivConfig->FFDevices[i].szProductName, g_ivConfig->FFDevices[i].bProductCounter, true ); if (iDevice == -1) { fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_FFDEVICEGUID "=\n"); } else { g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].guidFFDevice = g_devList[iDevice].guidInstance; GUIDtoStringA(szGUID, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].guidFFDevice); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_FFDEVICEGUID "=%s\n", szGUID); } } else { TCHAR_TO_CHAR(szANSIBuf, g_ivConfig->FFDevices[i].szProductName, DEFAULT_BUFFER); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_FFDEVICENAME "=%s\n", szANSIBuf); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_FFDEVICENR "=%u\n", g_ivConfig->FFDevices[i].bProductCounter); } TCHAR_TO_CHAR( szANSIBuf, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].szMempakFile, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_MEMPAKFILE "=%s\n", szANSIBuf); TCHAR_TO_CHAR( szANSIBuf, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].szTransferRom, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_GBROMFILE "=%s\n", szANSIBuf); TCHAR_TO_CHAR( szANSIBuf, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].szTransferSave, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_GBROMSAVE "=%s\n", szANSIBuf); } // private func, called by StoreConfigToINI to dump cached Button strings to file void DumpStreams(FILE * fFile, string strMouse, string strDevs[], string strNull, bool bIsINI) { // dump all streams to file, with appropriate DInput lines and name comment char szANSIBuf[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; if (!(strMouse.empty())) { TCHAR_TO_CHAR( szANSIBuf, g_sysMouse.szProductName, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); if (bIsINI) { fprintf(fFile, "# %s\n", szANSIBuf); char szGUID[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; GUIDtoStringA(szGUID, g_sysMouse.guidInstance); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_DINPUTGUID "=%s\n", szGUID); } else { fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_DINPUTNAME "=%s\n", szANSIBuf); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_DINPUTNR "=%d\n", 0); } fputs(strMouse.c_str(), fFile); } if (!(strNull.empty())) { fputs("# NOT ASSIGNED\n", fFile); if (bIsINI) { char szGUID[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; GUIDtoStringA(szGUID, GUID_NULL); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_DINPUTGUID "=%s\n", szGUID); } else { fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_DINPUTNAME "=\n"); // leave blank fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_DINPUTNR "=\n"); } fputs(strNull.c_str(), fFile); } for (int i = 0; i < g_nDevices; i++) { if (!(strDevs[i].empty())) { TCHAR_TO_CHAR( szANSIBuf, g_devList[i].szProductName, DEFAULT_BUFFER ); if (bIsINI) { if (g_devList[i].bProductCounter > 0) fprintf(fFile, "# %s %d\n", szANSIBuf, g_devList[i].bProductCounter); else fprintf(fFile, "# %s\n", szANSIBuf); char szGUID[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; GUIDtoStringA(szGUID, g_devList[i].guidInstance); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_DINPUTGUID "=%s\n", szGUID); } else { fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_DINPUTNAME "=%s\n", szANSIBuf); fprintf(fFile, STRING_INI_DINPUTNR "=%d\n", g_devList[i].bProductCounter); } fputs(strDevs[i].c_str(), fFile); } } } void FormatControlsBlock(string * strMouse, string strDevs[], string * strNull, int i) { for ( int j = 0; j < ARRAYSIZE(g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].aButton); j++ ) // buttons for { if (g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].aButton[j].parentDevice) // possibly unbound { if ( IsEqualGUID(g_sysMouse.guidInstance, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].aButton[j].parentDevice->guidInstance) ) { char szBuf[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; // add to the mouse stream sprintf(szBuf, STRING_INI_BUTTON "=%d %d %02X %d %d\n", i, j, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].aButton[j].bOffset, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].aButton[j].bAxisID, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].aButton[j].bBtnType); strMouse->append(szBuf); } else { for (int match = 0; match < g_nDevices; match++) { if ( IsEqualGUID(g_devList[match].guidInstance, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].aButton[j].parentDevice->guidInstance) ) { char szBuf[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; // add to the appropriate device stream sprintf(szBuf, STRING_INI_BUTTON "=%d %d %02X %d %d\n", i, j, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].aButton[j].bOffset, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].aButton[j].bAxisID, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].aButton[j].bBtnType); strDevs[match].append(szBuf); break; } } } } else if (g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].aButton[j].bBtnType != DT_UNASSIGNED) { int k = g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].aButton[j].bBtnType; DebugWriteA("Controller %d button %d is of bBtnType %d but has no parentDevice!\n", i, j, k); } } // end buttons for } void FormatModifiersBlock(string * strMouse, string strDevs[], string * strNull, int i) { for ( int j = 0; j < g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].nModifiers; j++ ) { if (g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].btnButton.parentDevice) // is it assigned to a key? { if ( IsEqualGUID(g_sysMouse.guidInstance, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].btnButton.parentDevice->guidInstance) ) { char szBuf[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; // add to the mouse stream sprintf(szBuf, STRING_INI_MODIFIER "=%d %02X %d %d %d %d %d %08X\n", i, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].btnButton.bOffset, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].btnButton.bAxisID, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].btnButton.bBtnType, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].bModType, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].fToggle, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].fStatus, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].dwSpecific); strMouse->append(szBuf); } else for (int match = 0; match < g_nDevices; match++) if ( IsEqualGUID(g_devList[match].guidInstance, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].btnButton.parentDevice->guidInstance) ) { char szBuf[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; // add to the mouse stream sprintf(szBuf, STRING_INI_MODIFIER "=%d %02X %d %d %d %d %d %08X\n", i, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].btnButton.bOffset, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].btnButton.bAxisID, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].btnButton.bBtnType, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].bModType, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].fToggle, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].fStatus, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].dwSpecific); strDevs[match].append(szBuf); break; } } else // save modifiers without a keybind { char szBuf[DEFAULT_BUFFER]; // add to the mouse stream sprintf(szBuf, STRING_INI_MODIFIER "=%d %02X %d %d %d %d %d %08X\n", i, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].btnButton.bOffset, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].btnButton.bAxisID, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].btnButton.bBtnType, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].bModType, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].fToggle, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].fStatus, g_ivConfig->Controllers[i].pModifiers[j].dwSpecific); strNull->append(szBuf); } } } unsigned long djbHash(const char *str) { unsigned long hash = 5381; int c; while ((c = *str++)) hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c; /* hash * 33 + c */ return hash; }