/* ** THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION AND IS OFFERED ONLY ** PURSUANT TO THE 3DFX GLIDE GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. THERE IS NO RIGHT ** TO USE THE GLIDE TRADEMARK WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF 3DFX ** INTERACTIVE, INC. A COPY OF THIS LICENSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ** DISTRIBUTOR OR BY CONTACTING 3DFX INTERACTIVE INC(info@3dfx.com). ** THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER ** EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. SEE THE 3DFX GLIDE GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE FOR A ** FULL TEXT OF THE NON-WARRANTY PROVISIONS. ** ** USE, DUPLICATION OR DISCLOSURE BY THE GOVERNMENT IS SUBJECT TO ** RESTRICTIONS AS SET FORTH IN SUBDIVISION (C)(1)(II) OF THE RIGHTS IN ** TECHNICAL DATA AND COMPUTER SOFTWARE CLAUSE AT DFARS 252.227-7013, ** AND/OR IN SIMILAR OR SUCCESSOR CLAUSES IN THE FAR, DOD OR NASA FAR ** SUPPLEMENT. UNPUBLISHED RIGHTS RESERVED UNDER THE COPYRIGHT LAWS OF ** THE UNITED STATES. ** ** COPYRIGHT 3DFX INTERACTIVE, INC. 1999, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED */ /* ** H3EXT.H ** ** The following #defines are relevant when using Glide: ** ** One of the following "platform constants" must be defined during ** compilation: ** ** __DOS__ Defined for 32-bit DOS applications ** __WIN32__ Defined for 32-bit Windows applications ** __sparc__ Defined for Sun Solaris/SunOS ** __linux__ Defined for Linux applications ** __FreeBSD__ Defined for FreeBSD applications ** __NetBSD__ Defined for NetBSD applications ** __OpenBSD__ Defined for OpenBSD applications ** __IRIX__ Defined for SGI Irix applications ** */ #ifndef __H3EXT_H__ #define __H3EXT_H__ #include <3dfx.h> #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ** TYPE DEFINITIONS ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ** CONSTANTS AND TYPES ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * gregk 5/3/99 * Constants defined for SSTH3_ALPHADITHERMODE registry key */ #define OPTIMAL 1 #define SHARPER 2 #define SMOOTHER 3 /* tbext */ #define GR_BUFFER_TEXTUREBUFFER_EXT 0x6 #define GR_BUFFER_TEXTUREAUXBUFFER_EXT 0x7 typedef FxU32 GrPixelFormat_t; #define GR_PIXFMT_I_8 0x0001 #define GR_PIXFMT_AI_88 0x0002 #define GR_PIXFMT_RGB_565 0x0003 #define GR_PIXFMT_ARGB_1555 0x0004 #define GR_PIXFMT_ARGB_8888 0x0005 #define GR_PIXFMT_AA_2_RGB_565 0x0006 #define GR_PIXFMT_AA_2_ARGB_1555 0x0007 #define GR_PIXFMT_AA_2_ARGB_8888 0x0008 #define GR_PIXFMT_AA_4_RGB_565 0x0009 #define GR_PIXFMT_AA_4_ARGB_1555 0x000a #define GR_PIXFMT_AA_4_ARGB_8888 0x000b #define GR_PIXFMT_AA_8_RGB_565 0x000c /* 8xaa */ #define GR_PIXFMT_AA_8_ARGB_1555 0x000d #define GR_PIXFMT_AA_8_ARGB_8888 0x000e #define GR_LFBWRITEMODE_Z32 0x0008 typedef FxU32 GrAAMode_t; #define GR_AA_NONE 0x0000 #define GR_AA_4SAMPLES 0x0001 typedef FxU8 GrStencil_t; typedef FxU32 GrStencilOp_t; #define GR_STENCILOP_KEEP 0x00 /* keep current value */ #define GR_STENCILOP_ZERO 0x01 /* set to zero */ #define GR_STENCILOP_REPLACE 0x02 /* replace with reference value */ #define GR_STENCILOP_INCR_CLAMP 0x03 /* increment - clamp */ #define GR_STENCILOP_DECR_CLAMP 0x04 /* decrement - clamp */ #define GR_STENCILOP_INVERT 0x05 /* bitwise inversion */ #define GR_STENCILOP_INCR_WRAP 0x06 /* increment - wrap */ #define GR_STENCILOP_DECR_WRAP 0x07 /* decrement - wrap */ #define GR_TEXTURE_UMA_EXT 0x06 #define GR_STENCIL_MODE_EXT 0x07 #define GR_OPENGL_MODE_EXT 0x08 typedef FxU32 GrCCUColor_t; typedef FxU32 GrACUColor_t; typedef FxU32 GrTCCUColor_t; typedef FxU32 GrTACUColor_t; #define GR_CMBX_ZERO 0x00 #define GR_CMBX_TEXTURE_ALPHA 0x01 #define GR_CMBX_ALOCAL 0x02 #define GR_CMBX_AOTHER 0x03 #define GR_CMBX_B 0x04 #define GR_CMBX_CONSTANT_ALPHA 0x05 #define GR_CMBX_CONSTANT_COLOR 0x06 #define GR_CMBX_DETAIL_FACTOR 0x07 #define GR_CMBX_ITALPHA 0x08 #define GR_CMBX_ITRGB 0x09 #define GR_CMBX_LOCAL_TEXTURE_ALPHA 0x0a #define GR_CMBX_LOCAL_TEXTURE_RGB 0x0b #define GR_CMBX_LOD_FRAC 0x0c #define GR_CMBX_OTHER_TEXTURE_ALPHA 0x0d #define GR_CMBX_OTHER_TEXTURE_RGB 0x0e #define GR_CMBX_TEXTURE_RGB 0x0f #define GR_CMBX_TMU_CALPHA 0x10 #define GR_CMBX_TMU_CCOLOR 0x11 typedef FxU32 GrCombineMode_t; #define GR_FUNC_MODE_ZERO 0x00 #define GR_FUNC_MODE_X 0x01 #define GR_FUNC_MODE_ONE_MINUS_X 0x02 #define GR_FUNC_MODE_NEGATIVE_X 0x03 #define GR_FUNC_MODE_X_MINUS_HALF 0x04 typedef FxU32 GrAlphaBlendOp_t; #define GR_BLEND_OP_ADD 0x00 #define GR_BLEND_OP_SUB 0x01 #define GR_BLEND_OP_REVSUB 0x02 #define GR_BLEND_SAME_COLOR_EXT 0x08 #define GR_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SAME_COLOR_EXT 0x09 /* Napalm extensions to GrTextureFormat_t */ #define GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_CMP_FXT1 0x11 #define GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_8888 0x12 #define GR_TEXFMT_YUYV_422 0x13 #define GR_TEXFMT_UYVY_422 0x14 #define GR_TEXFMT_AYUV_444 0x15 #define GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_CMP_DXT1 0x16 #define GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_CMP_DXT2 0x17 #define GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_CMP_DXT3 0x18 #define GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_CMP_DXT4 0x19 #define GR_TEXFMT_ARGB_CMP_DXT5 0x1A #define GR_TEXTFMT_RGB_888 0xFF /* Napalm extensions to GrLOD_t */ #define GR_LOD_LOG2_2048 0xb #define GR_LOD_LOG2_1024 0xa #define GR_LOD_LOG2_512 0x9 /* Napalm extensions to GrTexBaseRange_t */ #define GR_TEXBASE_2048 0x7 #define GR_TEXBASE_1024 0x6 #define GR_TEXBASE_512 0x5 #define GR_TEXBASE_256_TO_1 0x4 #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include #endif /* __H3EXT_H__ */