/* This file's purpose is to emulate the inner workings of a Game Boy game pak cartridge. All code is by Mark McGough. */ #include #include "commonIncludes.h" #include "GBCart.h" #include "NRagePluginV2.h" #include "PakIO.h" void ClearData(BYTE *Data, int Length); bool ReadCartNorm(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data); // For all non-MBC carts; fixed 0x8000 ROM; fixed, optional 0x2000 RAM bool WriteCartNorm(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data); bool ReadCartMBC1(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data); bool WriteCartMBC1(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data); bool ReadCartMBC2(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data); bool WriteCartMBC2(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data); bool ReadCartMBC3(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data); bool WriteCartMBC3(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data); bool ReadCartMBC5(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data); bool WriteCartMBC5(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data); bool ReadCartCamera(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data); bool WriteCartCamera(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data); // Tries to read RTC data from separate file (not integrated into SAV) // Success sets the useTDF flag // Failure initializes the RTC at zero and maybe throws a warning void ReadTDF(LPGBCART Cart) { } void WriteTDF(LPGBCART Cart) { // Check useTDF flag // Write data from RTC to TDF file } void UpdateRTC(LPGBCART Cart) { time_t now, dif; int days; now = time(NULL); dif = now - Cart->timerLastUpdate; Cart->TimerData[0] += (BYTE)(dif % 60); dif /= 60; Cart->TimerData[1] += (BYTE)(dif % 60); dif /= 60; Cart->TimerData[2] += (BYTE)(dif % 24); dif /= 24; days = (int)(Cart->TimerData[3] + ((Cart->TimerData[4] & 1) << 8) + dif); Cart->TimerData[3] = (days & 0xFF); if (days > 255) { if (days > 511) { days &= 511; Cart->TimerData[4] |= 0x80; } if (days > 255) { Cart->TimerData[4] = (Cart->TimerData[4] & 0xFE) | (days > 255 ? 1 : 0); } } Cart->timerLastUpdate = now; } // Returns true if the ROM was loaded correctly bool LoadCart(LPGBCART Cart, LPCTSTR RomFileName, LPCTSTR RamFileName, LPCTSTR TdfFileName) { HANDLE hTemp; DWORD dwFilesize; DWORD NumQuarterBlocks = 0; UnloadCart(Cart); // First, make sure any previous carts have been unloaded Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo = 0; Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo = 1; Cart->bRamEnableState = 0; Cart->bMBC1RAMbanking = 0; // Attempt to load the ROM file hTemp = CreateFile(RomFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hTemp != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && (Cart->hRomFile = CreateFileMapping(hTemp, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL) ) ) { // If the first case fails, the file doesn't exist. The second case can fail if the file size is zero. dwFilesize = GetFileSize(hTemp, NULL); CloseHandle(hTemp); Cart->RomData = (const unsigned char *)MapViewOfFile( Cart->hRomFile, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0 ); } else { DebugWriteA("Couldn't load the ROM file, GetLastError returned %08x\n", GetLastError()); if (hTemp != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hTemp); // If file size was zero, make sure we don't leak the handle ErrorMessage(IDS_ERR_GBROM, 0, false); return false; } if (dwFilesize < 0x8000) // A ROM file has to be at least 32KB { DebugWriteA("ROM file wasn't big enough to be a Game Boy ROM!\n"); ErrorMessage(IDS_ERR_GBROM, 0, false); UnloadCart(Cart); return false; } DebugWriteA(" cartridge type #:"); DebugWriteByteA(Cart->RomData[0x147]); DebugWriteA("\n"); switch (Cart->RomData[0x147]) { // If we hadn't checked the file size before, this might have caused an access violation case 0x00: Cart->iCartType = GB_NORM; Cart->bHasRam = false; Cart->bHasBattery = false; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x01: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC1; Cart->bHasRam = false; Cart->bHasBattery = false; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x02: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC1; Cart->bHasRam = true; Cart->bHasBattery = false; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x03: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC1; Cart->bHasRam = true; Cart->bHasBattery = true; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x05: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC2; Cart->bHasRam = false; Cart->bHasBattery = false; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x06: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC2; Cart->bHasRam = false; Cart->bHasBattery = true; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x08: Cart->iCartType = GB_NORM; Cart->bHasRam = true; Cart->bHasBattery = false; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x09: Cart->iCartType = GB_NORM; Cart->bHasRam = true; Cart->bHasBattery = true; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x0B: Cart->iCartType = GB_MMMO1; Cart->bHasRam = false; Cart->bHasBattery = false; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x0C: Cart->iCartType = GB_MMMO1; Cart->bHasRam = true; Cart->bHasBattery = false; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x0D: Cart->iCartType = GB_MMMO1; Cart->bHasRam = true; Cart->bHasBattery = true; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x0F: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC3; Cart->bHasRam = false; Cart->bHasBattery = true; Cart->bHasTimer = true; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x10: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC3; Cart->bHasRam = true; Cart->bHasBattery = true; Cart->bHasTimer = true; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x11: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC3; Cart->bHasRam = false; Cart->bHasBattery = false; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x12: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC3; Cart->bHasRam = true; Cart->bHasBattery = true; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x13: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC3; Cart->bHasRam = true; Cart->bHasBattery = true; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x19: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC5; Cart->bHasRam = false; Cart->bHasBattery = false; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x1A: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC5; Cart->bHasRam = true; Cart->bHasBattery = false; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x1B: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC5; Cart->bHasRam = true; Cart->bHasBattery = true; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; case 0x1C: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC5; Cart->bHasRam = false; Cart->bHasBattery = false; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = true; break; case 0x1D: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC5; Cart->bHasRam = true; Cart->bHasBattery = false; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = true; break; case 0x1E: Cart->iCartType = GB_MBC5; Cart->bHasRam = true; Cart->bHasBattery = true; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = true; break; case 0xFC: //GAME BOY CAMERA Cart->iCartType = GB_CAMERA; Cart->bHasRam = true; Cart->bHasBattery = true; Cart->bHasTimer = false; Cart->bHasRumble = false; break; default: WarningMessage( IDS_ERR_GBROM, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); DebugWriteA("TPak: unsupported pak type\n"); UnloadCart(Cart); return false; } // Assign read/write handlers switch (Cart->iCartType) { case GB_NORM: // Raw cartridge Cart->ptrfnReadCart = &ReadCartNorm; Cart->ptrfnWriteCart = &WriteCartNorm; break; case GB_MBC1: Cart->ptrfnReadCart = &ReadCartMBC1; Cart->ptrfnWriteCart = &WriteCartMBC1; break; case GB_MBC2: Cart->ptrfnReadCart = &ReadCartMBC2; Cart->ptrfnWriteCart = &WriteCartMBC2; break; case GB_MBC3: Cart->ptrfnReadCart = &ReadCartMBC3; Cart->ptrfnWriteCart = &WriteCartMBC3; break; case GB_MBC5: Cart->ptrfnReadCart = &ReadCartMBC5; Cart->ptrfnWriteCart = &WriteCartMBC5; break; case GB_CAMERA: Cart->ptrfnReadCart = &ReadCartCamera; Cart->ptrfnWriteCart = &WriteCartCamera; break; default: // Don't pretend we know how to handle carts we don't support Cart->ptrfnReadCart = NULL; Cart->ptrfnWriteCart = NULL; DebugWriteA("Unsupported pak type: can't read/write cart type %02X\n", Cart->iCartType); UnloadCart(Cart); return false; } // Determine ROM size for paging checks Cart->iNumRomBanks = 2; switch (Cart->RomData[0x148]) { case 0x01: Cart->iNumRomBanks = 4; break; case 0x02: Cart->iNumRomBanks = 8; break; case 0x03: Cart->iNumRomBanks = 16; break; case 0x04: Cart->iNumRomBanks = 32; break; case 0x05: Cart->iNumRomBanks = 64; break; case 0x06: Cart->iNumRomBanks = 128; break; case 0x07: Cart->iNumRomBanks = 256; break; case 0x08: Cart->iNumRomBanks = 512; break; case 0x52: Cart->iNumRomBanks = 72; break; case 0x53: Cart->iNumRomBanks = 80; break; case 0x54: Cart->iNumRomBanks = 96; break; } if (dwFilesize != 0x4000 * Cart->iNumRomBanks) // Now that we know how big the ROM is supposed to be, check it again { ErrorMessage(IDS_ERR_GBROM, 0, false); UnloadCart(Cart); return false; } // Determine RAM size for paging checks Cart->iNumRamBanks = 0; switch (Cart->RomData[0x149]) { case 0x01: Cart->iNumRamBanks = 1; NumQuarterBlocks = 1; break; case 0x02: Cart->iNumRamBanks = 1; NumQuarterBlocks = 4; break; case 0x03: Cart->iNumRamBanks = 4; NumQuarterBlocks = 16; break; case 0x04: Cart->iNumRamBanks = 16; NumQuarterBlocks = 64; break; case 0x05: Cart->iNumRamBanks = 8; NumQuarterBlocks = 32; break; } DebugWriteA("Game Boy cart has %d ROM banks, %d RAM quarter banks\n", Cart->iNumRomBanks, NumQuarterBlocks); if (Cart->bHasTimer) { DebugWriteA("Game Boy cart timer present\n"); } // Attempt to load the SRAM file, but only if RAM is supposed to be present. // For saving back to a file, if we map too much it will expand the file. if (Cart->bHasRam) { if (Cart->bHasBattery) { hTemp = CreateFile( RamFileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, NULL ); if( hTemp == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {// Test if read-only access is possible hTemp = CreateFile( RamFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, NULL ); if (Cart->bHasTimer && Cart->bHasBattery) { Cart->RamData = (LPBYTE)P_malloc(NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800 + sizeof(gbCartRTC)); ClearData(Cart->RamData, NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800 + sizeof(gbCartRTC)); } else { Cart->RamData = (LPBYTE)P_malloc(NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800); ClearData(Cart->RamData, NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800); } if( hTemp != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DWORD dwBytesRead; if (Cart->bHasTimer && Cart->bHasBattery) ReadFile(hTemp, Cart->RamData, NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800 + sizeof(gbCartRTC), &dwBytesRead, NULL); else ReadFile(hTemp, Cart->RamData, NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800, &dwBytesRead, NULL); WarningMessage( IDS_DLG_TPAK_READONLY, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); } else { WarningMessage( IDS_ERR_GBSRAMERR, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); return true; } } else { // File is OK, use a mapping if (Cart->bHasTimer && Cart->bHasBattery) Cart->hRamFile = CreateFileMapping( hTemp, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800 + sizeof(gbCartRTC), NULL); else Cart->hRamFile = CreateFileMapping( hTemp, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800, NULL); if (Cart->hRamFile != NULL) { Cart->RamData = (LPBYTE)MapViewOfFile( Cart->hRamFile, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0 ); } else { // Could happen, if the file isn't big enough and can't be grown to fit DWORD dwBytesRead; if (Cart->bHasTimer && Cart->bHasBattery) { Cart->RamData = (LPBYTE)P_malloc(NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800 + sizeof(gbCartRTC)); ReadFile(hTemp, Cart->RamData, NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800 + sizeof(gbCartRTC), &dwBytesRead, NULL); } else { Cart->RamData = (LPBYTE)P_malloc(NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800); ReadFile(hTemp, Cart->RamData, NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800, &dwBytesRead, NULL); } if (dwBytesRead < NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800 + ((Cart->bHasTimer && Cart->bHasBattery) ? sizeof(gbCartRTC) : 0)) { ClearData(Cart->RamData, NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800 + ((Cart->bHasTimer && Cart->bHasBattery) ? sizeof(gbCartRTC) : 0)); WarningMessage( IDS_ERR_GBSRAMERR, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); } else { WarningMessage( IDS_DLG_TPAK_READONLY, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); } } } if (Cart->bHasTimer && Cart->bHasBattery) { dwFilesize = GetFileSize(hTemp, 0); if (dwFilesize >= (NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800 + sizeof(gbCartRTC) ) ) { // Looks like there is extra data in the SAV file than just RAM data...assume it is RTC data gbCartRTC RTCTimer; CopyMemory( &RTCTimer, &Cart->RamData[NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800], sizeof(RTCTimer) ); Cart->TimerData[0] = RTCTimer.mapperSeconds; Cart->TimerData[1] = RTCTimer.mapperMinutes; Cart->TimerData[2] = RTCTimer.mapperHours; Cart->TimerData[3] = RTCTimer.mapperDays; Cart->TimerData[4] = RTCTimer.mapperControl; Cart->LatchedTimerData[0] = RTCTimer.mapperLSeconds; Cart->LatchedTimerData[1] = RTCTimer.mapperLMinutes; Cart->LatchedTimerData[2] = RTCTimer.mapperLHours; Cart->LatchedTimerData[3] = RTCTimer.mapperLDays; Cart->LatchedTimerData[4] = RTCTimer.mapperLControl; Cart->timerLastUpdate = RTCTimer.mapperLastTime; UpdateRTC(Cart); } else { ReadTDF(Cart); // Try to open TDF format, clear/initialize Cart->TimerData if that fails } } CloseHandle(hTemp); } else { // No battery; just allocate some RAM Cart->RamData = (LPBYTE)P_malloc(Cart->iNumRamBanks * 0x2000); } } Cart->TimerDataLatched = false; return true; } // Done bool ReadCartNorm(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data) // For all non-MBC carts; fixed 0x8000 ROM; fixed, optional 0x2000 RAM { switch (dwAddress >> 13) // Hack: examine highest 3 bits { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: // if ((dwAddress >= 0) && (dwAddress <= 0x7FFF)) CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RomData[dwAddress], 32); DebugWriteA("Non-banked ROM read - raw\n"); break; case 5: if (Cart->bHasRam) // No MBC, so no enable state to check { if (Cart->RomData[0x149] == 1 && (dwAddress - 0xA000) / 0x0800 ) // Only 1/4 of the RAM space is used, and we're out of bounds { DebugWriteA("Failed RAM read: Unbanked (out of bounds)"); ZeroMemory(Data, 32); } else { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RamData[dwAddress - 0xA000], 32); DebugWriteA("RAM read: Unbanked\n"); } } else { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Failed RAM read: Unbanked (RAM not present)\n"); } break; default: DebugWriteA("Bad read from raw cart, address %04X\n", dwAddress); } return true; } // Done bool WriteCartNorm(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data) { if (!Cart->bHasRam) { DebugWriteA("RAM write: no RAM\n"); return true; } if (Cart->RomData[0x149] == 1) { // Whoops...Only 1/4 of the RAM space is used. if ((dwAddress >= 0xA000) && (dwAddress <= 0xA7FF)) { // Write to RAM DebugWriteA("RAM write: Unbanked\n"); CopyMemory(&Cart->RamData[dwAddress - 0xA000], Data, 32); } else { DebugWriteA("RAM write: Unbanked (out of range!)\n"); } } else { if ((dwAddress >= 0xA000) && (dwAddress <= 0xBFFF)) { // Write to RAM DebugWriteA("RAM write: Unbanked\n"); CopyMemory(&Cart->RamData[dwAddress - 0xA000], Data, 32); } } return true; } // Done bool ReadCartMBC1(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data) { if ((dwAddress >= 0) && (dwAddress <= 0x3FFF)) { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RomData[dwAddress], 32); DebugWriteA("Non-banked ROM read - MBC1\n"); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x4000) && (dwAddress <= 0x7FFF)) { if (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo >= Cart->iNumRomBanks) { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Banked ROM read: (Banking Error) Bank %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); } else { // for (i=0; i<32; i++) Data[i] = Cart->RomData[(dwAddress - 0x4000) + i + (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo * 0x4000)]; CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RomData[dwAddress - 0x4000 + (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo << 14)], 32); DebugWriteA("Banked ROM read: Bank %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); } } else if ((dwAddress >= 0xA000) && (dwAddress <= 0xBFFF)) { if (Cart->bHasRam/* && Cart->bRamEnableState)*/) { if (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo >= Cart->iNumRamBanks) { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Failed RAM read: (Banking Error) %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); } else { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RamData[dwAddress - 0xA000 + (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo << 13)], 32); DebugWriteA("RAM read: Bank %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); } } else { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Failed RAM read: (RAM not present)\n"); } } else { DebugWriteA("Bad read from MBC1 cart, address %04X\n", dwAddress); } return true; } // Done bool WriteCartMBC1(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data) { if ((dwAddress >= 0x0000) && (dwAddress <= 0x1FFF)) // RAM enable { Cart->bRamEnableState = (Data[0] == 0x0A); DebugWriteA("Set RAM enable: %d\n", Cart->bRamEnableState); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x2000) && (dwAddress <= 0x3FFF)) // ROM bank select { Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo &= 0x60; // Keep MSB Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo |= Data[0] & 0x1F; // Emulate quirk: 0x00 -> 0x01, 0x20 -> 0x21, 0x40->0x41, 0x60 -> 0x61 if ((Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo & 0x1F) == 0) { Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo |= 0x01; } DebugWriteA("Set ROM Bank: %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x4000) && (dwAddress <= 0x5FFF)) // RAM bank select { if (Cart->bMBC1RAMbanking) { Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo = Data[0] & 0x03; DebugWriteA("Set RAM Bank: %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); } else { Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo &= 0x1F; Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo |= ((Data[0] & 0x03) << 5); // Set bits 5 and 6 of ROM bank DebugWriteA("Set ROM Bank MSB, ROM bank now: %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); } } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x6000) && (dwAddress <= 0x7FFF)) // MBC1 mode select { // This is overly complicated, but it keeps us from having to do bitwise math later. // Basically we shuffle the 2 "magic bits" between iCurrentRomBankNo and iCurrentRamBankNo as necessary. if (Cart->bMBC1RAMbanking != (Data[0] & 0x01)) { // We should only alter the ROM and RAM bank numbers if we have changed modes Cart->bMBC1RAMbanking = Data[0] & 0x01; if (Cart->bMBC1RAMbanking) { Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo = Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo >> 5; // Set the ram bank to the "magic bits" Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo &= 0x1F; // Zero out bits 5 and 6 to keep consistency } else { Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo &= 0x1F; Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo |= (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo << 5); Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo = 0x00; // We can only reach RAM page 0 } DebugWriteA("Set MBC1 mode: %s\n", Cart->bMBC1RAMbanking ? "ROMbanking" : "RAMbanking"); } else { DebugWriteA("Already in MBC1 mode: %s\n", Cart->bMBC1RAMbanking ? "ROMbanking" : "RAMbanking"); } } else if ((dwAddress >= 0xA000) && (dwAddress <= 0xBFFF)) // Write to RAM { if (Cart->bHasRam) // && Cart->bRamEnableState) { DebugWriteA("RAM write: Bank %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); CopyMemory(&Cart->RamData[dwAddress - 0xA000 + (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo << 13)], Data, 32); } else { DebugWriteA("Failed RAM write: (RAM not present)\n"); } } else { DebugWriteA("Bad write to MBC1 cart, address %04X\n", dwAddress); } return true; } // Done bool ReadCartMBC2(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data) { if ((dwAddress <= 0x3FFF)) { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RomData[dwAddress], 32); DebugWriteA("Non-banked ROM read - MBC2\n"); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x4000) && (dwAddress <= 0x7FFF)) { if (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo >= Cart->iNumRomBanks) { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Banked ROM read: (Banking Error) %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); } else { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RomData[dwAddress - 0x4000 + (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo << 14)], 32); DebugWriteA("Banked ROM read: Bank %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); } } else if ((dwAddress >= 0xA000) && (dwAddress <= 0xBFFF)) { if (Cart->bHasRam && Cart->bRamEnableState) { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RamData[dwAddress - 0xA000], 32); DebugWriteA("RAM read: Unbanked\n"); } else { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Failed RAM read: (RAM not present or not active)\n"); } } else { DebugWriteA("Bad read from MBC2 cart, address %04X\n", dwAddress); } return true; } // Done bool WriteCartMBC2(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data) { if ((dwAddress >= 0x0000) && (dwAddress <= 0x1FFF)) // We shouldn't be able to read/write to RAM unless this is toggled on { Cart->bRamEnableState = (Data[0] == 0x0A); DebugWriteA("Set RAM enable: %d\n", Cart->bRamEnableState); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x2000) && (dwAddress <= 0x3FFF)) // ROM bank select { Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo = Data[0] & 0x0F; if (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo == 0) { Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo = 1; } DebugWriteA("Set ROM Bank: %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x4000) && (dwAddress <= 0x5FFF)) // RAM bank select { if (Cart->bHasRam) { Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo = Data[0] & 0x07; DebugWriteA("Set RAM Bank: %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); } } else if ((dwAddress >= 0xA000) && (dwAddress <= 0xBFFF) && Cart->bRamEnableState) // Write to RAM { if (Cart->bHasRam) { DebugWriteA("RAM write: Bank %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); CopyMemory(&Cart->RamData[dwAddress - 0xA000 + (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo << 13)], Data, 32); } } else { DebugWriteA("Bad write to MBC2 cart, address %04X\n", dwAddress); } return true; } // Done bool ReadCartMBC3(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data) { if ((dwAddress < 0x4000)) //Rom Bank 0 { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RomData[dwAddress], 32); DebugWriteA("Non-banked ROM read - MBC3\n"); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x4000) && (dwAddress < 0x8000)) // Switchable ROM bank { if (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo >= Cart->iNumRomBanks) { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Banked ROM read: (Banking Error) %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); } else { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RomData[dwAddress - 0x4000 + (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo * 0x4000)], 32); DebugWriteA("Banked ROM read: Bank %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); } } else if ((dwAddress >= 0xA000) && (dwAddress <= 0xC000)) // Upper Bounds of memory map { if (Cart->bHasTimer && (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo >= 0x08 && Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo <= 0x0c)) { // The timer was just read! if (Cart->TimerDataLatched) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) Data[i] = Cart->LatchedTimerData[Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo - 0x08]; } else { UpdateRTC(Cart); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) Data[i] = Cart->TimerData[Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo - 0x08]; } } else if (Cart->bHasRam) { if (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo >= Cart->iNumRamBanks) { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Failed RAM read: (Banking Error) %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); } else { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RamData[dwAddress - 0xA000 + (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo * 0x2000)], 32); DebugWriteA("RAM read: Bank %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); }/* else { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); //for (i=0; i<32; i++) Data[i] = 0; DebugWriteA("Failed RAM read: (RAM not active)\n"); }*/ } else { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Failed RAM read: (RAM not present)\n"); } } else { DebugWriteA("Bad read from MBC3 cart, address %04X\n", dwAddress); } return true; } // Done bool WriteCartMBC3(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data) { int i; if ((dwAddress >= 0x0000) && (dwAddress <= 0x1FFF)) // We shouldn't be able to read/write to RAM unless this is toggled on { Cart->bRamEnableState = (Data[0] == 0x0A); DebugWriteA("Set RAM enable: %d\n", Cart->bRamEnableState); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x2000) && (dwAddress <= 0x3FFF)) // ROM bank select { Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo = Data[0] & 0x7F; if (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo == 0) { Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo = 1; } DebugWriteA("Set ROM Bank: %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x4000) && (dwAddress <= 0x5FFF)) // RAM/clock bank select { if (Cart->bHasRam) { Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo = Data[0] & 0x07; DebugWriteA("Set RAM Bank: %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); if (Cart->bHasTimer && (Data[0] >= 0x08 && Data[0] <= 0x0c)) { // Set the bank for the timer Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo = Data[0]; } } } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x6000) && (dwAddress <= 0x7FFF)) // Latch timer data { CopyMemory(Cart->LatchedTimerData, Cart->TimerData, 5 * sizeof(Cart->TimerData[0])); if (Data[0] & 1) { // Update timer, save latch values, and set latch state UpdateRTC(Cart); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) Cart->LatchedTimerData[i] = Cart->TimerData[i]; Cart->TimerDataLatched = true; DebugWriteA("Timer data latch: Enable\n"); } else { Cart->TimerDataLatched = false; DebugWriteA("Timer data latch: Disable\n"); } } else if ((dwAddress >= 0xA000) && (dwAddress <= 0xBFFF)) // Write to RAM { if (Cart->bHasRam) { if (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo >= 0x08 && Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo <= 0x0c) { // Write to the timer DebugWriteA("Timer write: Bank %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); Cart->TimerData[Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo - 0x08] = Data[0]; } else { DebugWriteA("RAM write: Bank %02X%s\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo, Cart->bRamEnableState ? "" : " -- NOT ENABLED (but wrote anyway)"); CopyMemory(&Cart->RamData[dwAddress - 0xA000 + (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo * 0x2000)], Data, 32); } } } else { DebugWriteA("Bad write to MBC3 cart, address %04X\n", dwAddress); } return true; } // Done bool ReadCartMBC5(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data) { if ((dwAddress < 0x4000)) //Rom Bank 0 { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RomData[dwAddress], 32); DebugWriteA("Non-banked ROM read - MBC5\n"); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x4000) && (dwAddress < 0x8000)) // Switchable ROM bank { if (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo >= Cart->iNumRomBanks) { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Banked ROM read: (Banking Error)"); DebugWriteByteA(Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); DebugWriteA("\n"); } else { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RomData[dwAddress - 0x4000 + (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo << 14)], 32); DebugWriteA("Banked ROM read: Bank="); DebugWriteByteA(Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); DebugWriteA("\n"); } } else if ((dwAddress >= 0xA000) && (dwAddress <= 0xC000)) // Upper bounds of memory map { if (Cart->bHasRam) { if (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo >= Cart->iNumRamBanks) { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Failed RAM read: (Banking Error) %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); } else { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RamData[dwAddress - 0xA000 + (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo << 13)], 32); DebugWriteA("RAM read: Bank %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); } } else { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Failed RAM read: (RAM Not Present)\n"); } } else { DebugWriteA("Bad read from MBC5 cart, address %04X\n", dwAddress); } return true; } // Done bool WriteCartMBC5(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data) { if ((dwAddress >= 0x0000) && (dwAddress <= 0x1FFF)) // We shouldn't be able to read/write to RAM unless this is toggled on { Cart->bRamEnableState = (Data[0] == 0x0A); DebugWriteA("Set RAM enable: %d\n", Cart->bRamEnableState); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x2000) && (dwAddress <= 0x2FFF)) // ROM bank select, low bits { Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo &= 0xFF00; Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo |= Data[0]; // Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo = ((int) Data[0]) | (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo & 0x100); DebugWriteA("Set ROM Bank: %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x3000) && (dwAddress <= 0x3FFF)) // ROM bank select, high bit { Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo &= 0x00FF; Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo |= (Data[0] & 0x01) << 8; // Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo = (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo & 0xFF) | ((((int) Data[0]) & 1) * 0x100); DebugWriteA("Set ROM Bank: %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x4000) && (dwAddress <= 0x5FFF)) // RAM bank select { if (Cart->bHasRam) { Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo = Data[0] & 0x0F; DebugWriteA("Set RAM Bank: %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); } } else if ((dwAddress >= 0xA000) && (dwAddress <= 0xBFFF)) // Write to RAM { if (Cart->bHasRam) { if (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo >= Cart->iNumRamBanks) { DebugWriteA("RAM write: Buffer error on "); DebugWriteByteA(Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); DebugWriteA("\n"); } else { DebugWriteA("RAM write: Bank %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); CopyMemory(&Cart->RamData[dwAddress - 0xA000 + (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo << 13)], Data, 32); } } } else { DebugWriteA("Bad write to MBC5 cart, address %04X\n", dwAddress); } return true; } // Done bool ReadCartCamera(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data) { if ((dwAddress < 0x4000)) // ROM bank 0 { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RomData[dwAddress], 32); DebugWriteA("Non-banked ROM read - CAMERA\n"); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x4000) && (dwAddress < 0x8000)) // Switchable ROM bank { if (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo >= Cart->iNumRomBanks) { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Banked ROM read: (Banking Error)"); DebugWriteByteA(Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); DebugWriteA("\n"); } else { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RomData[dwAddress - 0x4000 + (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo << 14)], 32); DebugWriteA("Banked ROM read: Bank="); DebugWriteByteA(Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); DebugWriteA("\n"); } } else if ((dwAddress >= 0xA000) && (dwAddress <= 0xC000)) // Upper bounds of memory map { if (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo & 0x10) { // Register mode ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("REGISTER read (Camera): All Zero\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); } else { // RAM mode if (Cart->bHasRam) { if (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo >= Cart->iNumRamBanks) { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Failed RAM read: (Banking Error) %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); } else { CopyMemory(Data, &Cart->RamData[dwAddress - 0xA000 + (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo << 13)], 32); DebugWriteA("RAM read: Bank %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); } } else { ZeroMemory(Data, 32); DebugWriteA("Failed RAM read: (RAM Not Present)\n"); } } } else { DebugWriteA("Bad read from Game Boy Camera cart, address %04X\n", dwAddress); } return true; } // Done bool WriteCartCamera(LPGBCART Cart, WORD dwAddress, BYTE *Data) { if ((dwAddress >= 0x0000) && (dwAddress <= 0x1FFF)) // We shouldn't be able to read/write to RAM unless this is toggled on { Cart->bRamEnableState = (Data[0] == 0x0A); DebugWriteA("Set RAM enable: %d\n", Cart->bRamEnableState); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x2000) && (dwAddress <= 0x2FFF)) // ROM bank select, low bits { Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo &= 0xFF00; Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo |= Data[0]; // Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo = ((int) Data[0]) | (Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo & 0x100); DebugWriteA("Set ROM Bank: %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRomBankNo); } else if ((dwAddress >= 0x4000) && (dwAddress <= 0x4FFF)) // Camera register and RAM bank select { if (Data[0] & 0x10) { // Register mode Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo = Data[0]; DebugWriteA("Set Register Bank (Camera): %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); } else { // RAM mode if (Cart->bHasRam) { Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo = Data[0] & 0x0F; DebugWriteA("Set RAM Bank: %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); } } } else if ((dwAddress >= 0xA000) && (dwAddress <= 0xBFFF)) // Write to RAM { if (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo & 0x10) { // Register mode (do nothing) DebugWriteA("REGISTER write (Camera): Do nothing\n"); } else { // RAM mode if (Cart->bHasRam) { if (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo >= Cart->iNumRamBanks) { DebugWriteA("RAM write: Buffer error on "); DebugWriteByteA(Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); DebugWriteA("\n"); } else { DebugWriteA("RAM write: Bank %02X\n", Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo); CopyMemory(&Cart->RamData[dwAddress - 0xA000 + (Cart->iCurrentRamBankNo << 13)], Data, 32); } } } } else { DebugWriteA("Bad write to Game Boy Camera cart, address %04X\n", dwAddress); } return true; } bool SaveCart(LPGBCART Cart, LPTSTR SaveFile, LPTSTR TimeFile) { DWORD NumQuarterBlocks = 0; gbCartRTC RTCTimer; if (Cart->bHasRam && Cart->bHasBattery) { // Write only the bytes that NEED writing! switch (Cart->RomData[0x149]) { case 1: NumQuarterBlocks = 1; break; case 2: NumQuarterBlocks = 4; break; case 3: NumQuarterBlocks = 16; break; case 4: NumQuarterBlocks = 64; break; } FlushViewOfFile( Cart->RamData, NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800 ); if (Cart->bHasTimer) { // Save RTC in Visual Boy Advance format // TODO: Check if VBA saves are compatible with other emus // TODO: Only write RTC data if VBA RTC data was originally present RTCTimer.mapperSeconds = Cart->TimerData[0]; RTCTimer.mapperMinutes = Cart->TimerData[1]; RTCTimer.mapperHours = Cart->TimerData[2]; RTCTimer.mapperDays = Cart->TimerData[3]; RTCTimer.mapperControl = Cart->TimerData[4]; RTCTimer.mapperLSeconds = Cart->LatchedTimerData[0]; RTCTimer.mapperLMinutes = Cart->LatchedTimerData[1]; RTCTimer.mapperLHours = Cart->LatchedTimerData[2]; RTCTimer.mapperLDays = Cart->LatchedTimerData[3]; RTCTimer.mapperLControl = Cart->LatchedTimerData[4]; RTCTimer.mapperLastTime = Cart->timerLastUpdate; CopyMemory(Cart->RamData + NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800, &RTCTimer, sizeof(RTCTimer)); FlushViewOfFile(Cart->RamData + NumQuarterBlocks * 0x0800, sizeof(gbCartRTC)); } } return true; } bool UnloadCart(LPGBCART Cart) { if (Cart->hRomFile != NULL) { UnmapViewOfFile(Cart->RomData); CloseHandle(Cart->hRomFile); Cart->hRomFile = NULL; } else if (Cart->RomData != NULL) { P_free((LPVOID)(Cart->RomData)); Cart->RomData = NULL; } if (Cart->hRamFile != NULL) { UnmapViewOfFile(Cart->RamData); CloseHandle(Cart->hRamFile); Cart->hRamFile = NULL; } else if (Cart->RamData != NULL) { P_free(Cart->RamData); Cart->RamData = NULL; } return true; } // This is used to clear the RAM data to look like it has just been turned on. // When a RAM chip is first turned on, it is filled with alternating 128-byte // blocks of 0x00 and 0xFF. void ClearData(BYTE *Data, int Length) { int i; for (i = 0; i < Length; i++) { if ((i & 0x80) != 0x80) { Data[i] = 0x00; } else { Data[i] = 0xFF; } } }