/* * Project 64 - A Nintendo 64 emulator. * * (c) Copyright 2001 zilmar (zilmar@emulation64.com) and * Jabo (jabo@emulation64.com). * * pj64 homepage: www.pj64.net * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute Project64 in both binary and * source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, * providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with * all copies and any derived work. * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Project64 is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should * seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes * charging money for Project64 or software derived from Project64. * * The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code * should be forwarded to them so if they want them. * */ #include #include "main.h" #pragma comment(lib, "Winmm.lib") /********************* Win32 Thread Timer ********************/ struct { DWORD Frames, LastTime; DOUBLE Ratio; } FPSTimer = { 0,0, 1000.0F / 60.0F }; void Timer_Initialize(double Hertz) { FPSTimer.Ratio = 1000.0f / Hertz; } void Timer_Start(void) { TIMECAPS Caps; timeGetDevCaps(&Caps, sizeof(Caps)); if (timeBeginPeriod(Caps.wPeriodMin) == TIMERR_NOCANDO) { DisplayError("Error during timer begin"); } FPSTimer.Frames = 0; FPSTimer.LastTime = timeGetTime(); } void Timer_Stop(void) { TIMECAPS Caps; timeGetDevCaps(&Caps, sizeof(Caps)); timeEndPeriod(Caps.wPeriodMin); } BOOL Timer_Process(DWORD * FrameRate) { double CalculatedTime; DWORD CurrentTime; FPSTimer.Frames++; CurrentTime = timeGetTime(); /* Calculate time that should of elapsed for this frame */ CalculatedTime = (double)FPSTimer.LastTime + (FPSTimer.Ratio * (double)FPSTimer.Frames); if ((double)CurrentTime < CalculatedTime) { long time = (int)(CalculatedTime - (double)CurrentTime); if (time > 0) { Sleep(time); } /* Refresh current time */ CurrentTime = timeGetTime(); } if (CurrentTime - FPSTimer.LastTime >= 1000) { /* Output FPS */ if (FrameRate != NULL) { *FrameRate = FPSTimer.Frames; } FPSTimer.Frames = 0; FPSTimer.LastTime = CurrentTime; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }