From fd5941fa35bc6d45095d4c30805375679e6a27ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: zilmar <>
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 06:34:47 +1100
Subject: [PATCH] [Project64] Cleanup 3rdParty/7zip.cpp

 Source/Project64-core/3rdParty/7zip.cpp | 353 ++++++++++++------------
 Source/Project64-core/3rdParty/7zip.h   |  85 +++---
 2 files changed, 218 insertions(+), 220 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Source/Project64-core/3rdParty/7zip.cpp b/Source/Project64-core/3rdParty/7zip.cpp
index dd9ebb669..2a9fec66a 100644
--- a/Source/Project64-core/3rdParty/7zip.cpp
+++ b/Source/Project64-core/3rdParty/7zip.cpp
@@ -6,237 +6,236 @@ typedef const char *     LPCSTR;
 #include <memory.h>
 #include "7zip.h"
-C7zip::C7zip (LPCSTR FileName) :
-	m_FileSize(0),
-	m_CurrentFile(-1),
-	m_blockIndex(0xFFFFFFFF),
-	m_outBuffer(0),
-	m_outBufferSize(0),
-	m_NotfyCallback(NotfyCallbackDefault),
-	m_NotfyCallbackInfo(NULL),
-	m_db(NULL),
-	m_Opened(false)
+C7zip::C7zip(LPCSTR FileName) :
-	memset(&m_FileName,0,sizeof(m_FileName));
-	memset(&m_archiveLookStream,0,sizeof(m_archiveLookStream));
+    memset(&m_FileName, 0, sizeof(m_FileName));
+    memset(&m_archiveLookStream, 0, sizeof(m_archiveLookStream));
-	m_db = new CSzArEx;
-	memset(m_db,0,sizeof(CSzArEx));
+    m_db = new CSzArEx;
+    memset(m_db, 0, sizeof(CSzArEx));
-	m_archiveStream.s.Read = SzFileReadImp;
-	m_archiveStream.s.Seek = SzFileSeekImp;
+    m_archiveStream.s.Read = SzFileReadImp;
+    m_archiveStream.s.Seek = SzFileSeekImp;
-	m_allocImp.Alloc = AllocAllocImp;
-	m_allocImp.Free = AllocFreeImp;
+    m_allocImp.Alloc = AllocAllocImp;
+    m_allocImp.Free = AllocFreeImp;
-	m_allocTempImp.Alloc = AllocAllocImp;
-	m_allocTempImp.Free = AllocFreeImp;
+    m_allocTempImp.Alloc = AllocAllocImp;
+    m_allocTempImp.Free = AllocFreeImp;
-	InFile_Open(&m_archiveStream.file,FileName);
-	if (m_archiveStream.file.handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
-	{
-	//PrintError("can not open input file");
-		return;
-	}
-	m_FileSize = GetFileSize(m_archiveStream.file.handle,NULL); 
+    InFile_Open(&m_archiveStream.file, FileName);
+    if (m_archiveStream.file.handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+    {
+        //PrintError("can not open input file");
+        return;
+    }
+    m_FileSize = GetFileSize(m_archiveStream.file.handle, NULL);
-	char drive[_MAX_DRIVE] ,dir[_MAX_DIR], ext[_MAX_EXT];
-	_splitpath( FileName, drive, dir, m_FileName, ext );
+    char drive[_MAX_DRIVE], dir[_MAX_DIR], ext[_MAX_EXT];
+    _splitpath(FileName, drive, dir, m_FileName, ext);
-	CrcGenerateTable();
-	SzArEx_Init(m_db);
+    CrcGenerateTable();
+    SzArEx_Init(m_db);
-	LookToRead_Init(&m_archiveLookStream);
-	LookToRead_CreateVTable(&m_archiveLookStream, False);
-	m_archiveLookStream.realStream = &m_archiveStream.s;
+    LookToRead_Init(&m_archiveLookStream);
+    LookToRead_CreateVTable(&m_archiveLookStream, False);
+    m_archiveLookStream.realStream = &m_archiveStream.s;
-	SRes res = SzArEx_Open(m_db, &m_archiveLookStream.s,  &m_allocImp, &m_allocTempImp);
-	if (res == SZ_OK)
-	{
-		m_Opened = true;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		//SzArEx_Open will delete the passed db if it fails
-		m_db = NULL;
-	}
+    SRes res = SzArEx_Open(m_db, &m_archiveLookStream.s, &m_allocImp, &m_allocTempImp);
+    if (res == SZ_OK)
+    {
+        m_Opened = true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        //SzArEx_Open will delete the passed db if it fails
+        m_db = NULL;
+    }
-C7zip::~C7zip (void)
-	if (m_db)
-	{
-		delete m_db;
-		m_db = NULL;
-	}
+    if (m_db)
+    {
+        delete m_db;
+        m_db = NULL;
+    }
 #ifdef legacycode
-	SetNotificationCallback(NULL,NULL);
-	SzArDbExFree(&m_db, m_allocImp.Free);
+    SetNotificationCallback(NULL,NULL);
+    SzArDbExFree(&m_db, m_allocImp.Free);
-	if (m_archiveStream.File)
-	{
-		fclose(m_archiveStream.File);
-	}
-	if (m_outBuffer)
-	{
-		m_allocImp.Free(m_outBuffer);
-	}
+    if (m_archiveStream.File)
+    {
+        fclose(m_archiveStream.File);
+    }
+    if (m_outBuffer)
+    {
+        m_allocImp.Free(m_outBuffer);
+    }
-void C7zip::SetNotificationCallback (LP7ZNOTIFICATION NotfyFnc, void * CBInfo)
+void C7zip::SetNotificationCallback(LP7ZNOTIFICATION NotfyFnc, void * CBInfo)
-	m_NotfyCallback     = NotfyFnc ? NotfyFnc : NotfyCallbackDefault;
-	m_NotfyCallbackInfo = CBInfo;
+    m_NotfyCallback = NotfyFnc ? NotfyFnc : NotfyCallbackDefault;
+    m_NotfyCallbackInfo = CBInfo;
 #ifdef legacycode
 void C7zip::StatusUpdate(_7Z_STATUS status, int Value1, int Value2, C7zip * _this )
-	CFileItem * File = _this->m_CurrentFile >= 0 ? _this->FileItem(_this->m_CurrentFile) : NULL;
-	switch (status)
-	{
-	case LZMADECODE_START: 	_this->m_NotfyCallback("Start decoding",_this->m_NotfyCallbackInfo); break;
-		{
-			char Msg[200];
-			sprintf(Msg,"decoding %s: %0.2f%%",File->Name, (Value1/(float)Value2) * 100);
-			_this->m_NotfyCallback(Msg,_this->m_NotfyCallbackInfo); 
-		}
-		break;
-	case LZMADECODE_DONE:  _this->m_NotfyCallback("Finished decoding",_this->m_NotfyCallbackInfo); break;
-	}
+    CFileItem * File = _this->m_CurrentFile >= 0 ? _this->FileItem(_this->m_CurrentFile) : NULL;
+    switch (status)
+    {
+    case LZMADECODE_START: 	_this->m_NotfyCallback("Start decoding",_this->m_NotfyCallbackInfo); break;
+    {
+        char Msg[200];
+        sprintf(Msg,"decoding %s: %0.2f%%",File->Name, (Value1/(float)Value2) * 100);
+        _this->m_NotfyCallback(Msg,_this->m_NotfyCallbackInfo);
+    }
+    break;
+    case LZMADECODE_DONE:  _this->m_NotfyCallback("Finished decoding",_this->m_NotfyCallbackInfo); break;
+    }
-bool C7zip::GetFile(int index, Byte * Data, size_t DataLen )
+bool C7zip::GetFile(int index, Byte * Data, size_t DataLen)
-	m_CurrentFile = -1;
-	if (Data == NULL || DataLen == 0)
-	{
-		return false;
-	}
-	if (m_archiveStream.file.handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
-	{
-		return false;
-	}
-	m_CurrentFile = index;
+    m_CurrentFile = -1;
+    if (Data == NULL || DataLen == 0)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_archiveStream.file.handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    m_CurrentFile = index;
     size_t offset;
     size_t outSizeProcessed;
-	wchar_t Msg[200];
-	std::wstring FileName = FileNameIndex(index);
-	_snwprintf(Msg, sizeof(Msg) / sizeof(Msg[0]), L"extracting %s", FileName.c_str());
-	m_NotfyCallback(Msg,m_NotfyCallbackInfo);
-	SRes res = SzArEx_Extract(m_db, &m_archiveLookStream.s, index, 
-            &m_blockIndex, &m_outBuffer, &m_outBufferSize, 
-            &offset, &outSizeProcessed, 
-            &m_allocImp, &m_allocTempImp);
+    wchar_t Msg[200];
+    std::wstring FileName = FileNameIndex(index);
+    _snwprintf(Msg, sizeof(Msg) / sizeof(Msg[0]), L"extracting %s", FileName.c_str());
+    m_NotfyCallback(Msg, m_NotfyCallbackInfo);
+    SRes res = SzArEx_Extract(m_db, &m_archiveLookStream.s, index,
+        &m_blockIndex, &m_outBuffer, &m_outBufferSize,
+        &offset, &outSizeProcessed,
+        &m_allocImp, &m_allocTempImp);
     if (res != SZ_OK)
-	{
-		m_CurrentFile = -1;
-		return false;
-	}
+    {
+        m_CurrentFile = -1;
+        return false;
+    }
-	if (DataLen < outSizeProcessed)
-	{
-		outSizeProcessed = DataLen;
-	}
-	memcpy(Data,m_outBuffer + offset,outSizeProcessed);
-	m_NotfyCallback(L"",m_NotfyCallbackInfo);
-	m_CurrentFile = -1;
-	return true;
+    if (DataLen < outSizeProcessed)
+    {
+        outSizeProcessed = DataLen;
+    }
+    memcpy(Data, m_outBuffer + offset, outSizeProcessed);
+    m_NotfyCallback(L"", m_NotfyCallbackInfo);
+    m_CurrentFile = -1;
+    return true;
-void * C7zip::AllocAllocImp (void * /*p*/, size_t size)
+void * C7zip::AllocAllocImp(void * /*p*/, size_t size)
-	return malloc(size);
-	//return new BYTE[size];
+    return malloc(size);
+    //return new BYTE[size];
-void C7zip::AllocFreeImp (void * /*p*/, void *address)
+void C7zip::AllocFreeImp(void * /*p*/, void *address)
-	if (address != NULL)
-	{
-		free(address);
-	}
+    if (address != NULL)
+    {
+        free(address);
+    }
 SRes C7zip::SzFileReadImp(void *object, void *buffer, size_t *processedSize)
-	CFileInStream *p = (CFileInStream *)object;
-	DWORD dwRead;
-	if (!ReadFile(p->file.handle,buffer,*processedSize,&dwRead,NULL))
-	{
-		return SZ_ERROR_FAIL;
-	}
-	//p->s.curpos += read_sz;
-	*processedSize = dwRead;
-	return SZ_OK;
+    CFileInStream *p = (CFileInStream *)object;
+    DWORD dwRead;
+    if (!ReadFile(p->file.handle, buffer, *processedSize, &dwRead, NULL))
+    {
+        return SZ_ERROR_FAIL;
+    }
+    //p->s.curpos += read_sz;
+    *processedSize = dwRead;
+    return SZ_OK;
 SRes C7zip::SzFileSeekImp(void *p, Int64 *pos, ESzSeek origin)
-	CFileInStream *s = (CFileInStream *)p;
-	DWORD dwMoveMethod;
+    CFileInStream *s = (CFileInStream *)p;
+    DWORD dwMoveMethod;
-	switch (origin)
-	{
-	case SZ_SEEK_SET: 
-		dwMoveMethod = FILE_BEGIN;
-		break;
-	case SZ_SEEK_CUR:
-		dwMoveMethod = FILE_CURRENT;
-		break;
-	case SZ_SEEK_END:
-		dwMoveMethod = FILE_END;
-		break;
-	default:
-		return SZ_ERROR_FAIL;
-	}
-	*pos =  SetFilePointer(s->file.handle,(LONG)*pos, NULL, dwMoveMethod);
-	{
-		return SZ_ERROR_FAIL;
-	}
-	return SZ_OK;
+    switch (origin)
+    {
+    case SZ_SEEK_SET:
+        dwMoveMethod = FILE_BEGIN;
+        break;
+    case SZ_SEEK_CUR:
+        dwMoveMethod = FILE_CURRENT;
+        break;
+    case SZ_SEEK_END:
+        dwMoveMethod = FILE_END;
+        break;
+    default:
+        return SZ_ERROR_FAIL;
+    }
+    *pos = SetFilePointer(s->file.handle, (LONG)*pos, NULL, dwMoveMethod);
+    if (*pos == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER)
+    {
+        return SZ_ERROR_FAIL;
+    }
+    return SZ_OK;
-const char * C7zip::FileName ( char * FileName, int SizeOfFileName ) const
+const char * C7zip::FileName(char * FileName, int SizeOfFileName) const
-	if (FileName == NULL) 
-	{
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	int Len = strlen(m_FileName);
-	if (Len > (SizeOfFileName - 1))
-	{
-		Len = (SizeOfFileName - 1);
-	}
-	strncpy(FileName,m_FileName,Len);
-	FileName[Len] = 0;
-	return FileName;
+    if (FileName == NULL)
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    int Len = strlen(m_FileName);
+    if (Len > (SizeOfFileName - 1))
+    {
+        Len = (SizeOfFileName - 1);
+    }
+    strncpy(FileName, m_FileName, Len);
+    FileName[Len] = 0;
+    return FileName;
-std::wstring C7zip::FileNameIndex (int index)
+std::wstring C7zip::FileNameIndex(int index)
-	std::wstring filename;
+    std::wstring filename;
     if (m_db == NULL || m_db->FileNameOffsets == 0)
-	{
-		/* no filename */
-		return filename;
-	}
-	int namelen = SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(m_db, index, NULL);
-	if (namelen <= 0)
-	{
-		/* no filename */
-		return filename;
-	}
-	filename.resize(namelen);
-	SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(m_db, index, (UInt16 *)filename.c_str());
-	return filename;
+    {
+        /* no filename */
+        return filename;
+    }
+    int namelen = SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(m_db, index, NULL);
+    if (namelen <= 0)
+    {
+        /* no filename */
+        return filename;
+    }
+    filename.resize(namelen);
+    SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(m_db, index, (UInt16 *)filename.c_str());
+    return filename;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Project64-core/3rdParty/7zip.h b/Source/Project64-core/3rdParty/7zip.h
index 7a5b1d820..cdefffbeb 100644
--- a/Source/Project64-core/3rdParty/7zip.h
+++ b/Source/Project64-core/3rdParty/7zip.h
@@ -14,63 +14,62 @@ extern "C" {
 class C7zip
-	C7zip (LPCSTR FileName);
-	~C7zip ();
+    C7zip(LPCSTR FileName);
+    ~C7zip();
-	typedef void (__stdcall *LP7ZNOTIFICATION)( LPCWSTR Status, void * CBInfo );
+    typedef void(__stdcall *LP7ZNOTIFICATION)(LPCWSTR Status, void * CBInfo);
-	inline int           NumFiles ( void )      const { return m_db ? m_db->db.NumFiles : 0; }
-	inline CSzFileItem * FileItem ( int index ) const { return m_db ? &m_db->db.Files[index] : NULL; }
-	inline int           FileSize ( void )      const { return m_FileSize; }
-	inline bool          OpenSuccess ( void)    const { return m_Opened; }
+    inline int           NumFiles(void)      const { return m_db ? m_db->db.NumFiles : 0; }
+    inline CSzFileItem * FileItem(int index) const { return m_db ? &m_db->db.Files[index] : NULL; }
+    inline int           FileSize(void)      const { return m_FileSize; }
+    inline bool          OpenSuccess(void)    const { return m_Opened; }
-	bool   GetFile    ( int index, Byte * Data, size_t DataLen );
-	const char * FileName ( char * FileName, int SizeOfFileName ) const;
-	std::wstring FileNameIndex (int index);
+    bool   GetFile(int index, Byte * Data, size_t DataLen);
+    const char * FileName(char * FileName, int SizeOfFileName) const;
+    std::wstring FileNameIndex(int index);
-	void SetNotificationCallback (LP7ZNOTIFICATION NotfyFnc, void * CBInfo);
+    void SetNotificationCallback(LP7ZNOTIFICATION NotfyFnc, void * CBInfo);
-	C7zip(void);					// Disable default constructor
-	C7zip(const C7zip&);			// Disable copy constructor
-	C7zip& operator=(const C7zip&);	// Disable assignment
+    C7zip(void);					// Disable default constructor
+    C7zip(const C7zip&);			// Disable copy constructor
+    C7zip& operator=(const C7zip&);	// Disable assignment
-	/*typedef struct _CFileInStream
-	{
-	  ISzInStream InStream;
-	  FILE *File;
-	} CFileInStream;
-	CSzArEx          * m_db;
-	CFileInStream      m_archiveStream;
-	CLookToRead        m_archiveLookStream;
-	ISzAlloc           m_allocImp;
-	ISzAlloc           m_allocTempImp;
-	int                m_FileSize;
-	char               m_FileName[260];
-	int                m_CurrentFile;
-	bool               m_Opened;
+    /*typedef struct _CFileInStream
+    {
+    ISzInStream InStream;
+    FILE *File;
+    } CFileInStream;
+    */
+    CSzArEx          * m_db;
+    CFileInStream      m_archiveStream;
+    CLookToRead        m_archiveLookStream;
+    ISzAlloc           m_allocImp;
+    ISzAlloc           m_allocTempImp;
+    int                m_FileSize;
+    char               m_FileName[260];
+    int                m_CurrentFile;
+    bool               m_Opened;
-	//Used for extraction
-	UInt32 m_blockIndex ; // it can have any value before first call (if outBuffer = 0) 
-	Byte * m_outBuffer; // it must be 0 before first call for each new archive. 
-	size_t m_outBufferSize;  // it can have any value before first call (if outBuffer = 0) 
+    //Used for extraction
+    UInt32 m_blockIndex; // it can have any value before first call (if outBuffer = 0)
+    Byte * m_outBuffer; // it must be 0 before first call for each new archive.
+    size_t m_outBufferSize;  // it can have any value before first call (if outBuffer = 0)
-	static void * AllocAllocImp (void *p, size_t size);
-	static void AllocFreeImp (void *p, void *address); /* address can be 0 */
+    static void * AllocAllocImp(void *p, size_t size);
+    static void AllocFreeImp(void *p, void *address); /* address can be 0 */
-	static SRes SzFileReadImp(void *object, void *buffer, size_t *processedSize);
-	static SRes SzFileSeekImp(void *p, Int64 *pos, ESzSeek origin);
+    static SRes SzFileReadImp(void *object, void *buffer, size_t *processedSize);
+    static SRes SzFileSeekImp(void *p, Int64 *pos, ESzSeek origin);
-	//static void __stdcall StatusUpdate(_7Z_STATUS status, int Value1, int Value2, C7zip * _this);
-	static void __stdcall NotfyCallbackDefault ( LPCWSTR /*Status*/, void * /*CBInfo*/ ) { }
+    //static void __stdcall StatusUpdate(_7Z_STATUS status, int Value1, int Value2, C7zip * _this);
-	LP7ZNOTIFICATION m_NotfyCallback;
-	void *           m_NotfyCallbackInfo;
+    static void __stdcall NotfyCallbackDefault(LPCWSTR /*Status*/, void * /*CBInfo*/) { }
+    LP7ZNOTIFICATION m_NotfyCallback;
+    void *           m_NotfyCallbackInfo;