Sync cheats with gents cheats

This commit is contained in:
zilmar 2020-06-08 16:51:46 +09:30
parent f6c2de705f
commit c014da7626
322 changed files with 4458 additions and 1992 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
Name=40 Winks (E) (M3) (Prototype)
Cheat0="Infinite\99 Moons",801D2A81 0063
Cheat1="Infinite\50 Health ZZZ's",811D2A84 0032
Cheat2="Infinite\40 Cogs",811D2A82 0028
Cheat2_N=Disable when on Boss Modes as it can cause hanging!
Cheat3="Infinite\99 Lives",801D2A87 0063
Cheat3_N=Disable when on Boss Modes as it can cause hanging!
Cheat4="Infinite\99 Tokens",801D2A8D 0063
Cheat4_N=Disable when on Boss Modes as it can cause hanging!
Cheat5="Infinite\Max Air",811D2AA0 07C6,811DA2F6 07C1
Cheat6="Have\All Dreamkeys Collected",50000802 0000,81207D70 FFFF
Cheat7="Setting Options\Langauge Select",801D21AC 00??
Cheat7_O=$00 English,$01 Spanish,$02 Italian
Cheat8="Setting Options\Difficulty Select",801D534F 00??
Cheat8_O=$00 Easy,$01 Medium,$02 Hard
Cheat9="Setting Options\SFX Volume Select",801D5350 00??
Cheat9_O=$00 Off,$05 Normal,$07 Max
Cheat10="Setting Options\Music Volume Select",801D5351 00??
Cheat10_O=$00 Off,$05 Normal,$07 Max
Cheat11="Setting Options\Rumble Pak Strength Select",801D5353 00??
Cheat11_O=$00 Off (Normal),$05 Middle,$07 Max
Cheat12="Setting Options\GFX Quality Select",801D5354 00??
Cheat12_O=$00 Normal,$01 Medium,$02 HighCol
Cheat13="Setting Options\Controller Select",801D5362 00??
Cheat13_O=$00 Preset 1 (Normal),$01 Preset 2,$02 Preset 3
Cheat14="Character Select",801D535F 00??
Cheat14_O=$00 Ruff (Boy) (Default),$01 Tumble (Girl)
Cheat15="Have\All 40 Winks Collected",50000602 0000,81207D60 FFFF
Cheat15_N=Combined with Have All Levels Completed cheat will open the door for Have All 40 Winks
Cheat16="Have All Levels Completed",50000202 0000,81207D6C FFFF
Cheat17="test health",801D2A85 0032
Cheat18="Enable Cheat Menu",801D5355 0001

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Name=64 Oozumou (J)
Cheat0="Player 1 Health",8110CF68 ????
Cheat0_N=If you select the Low option, It will give your opponent an easy win over over you
Cheat0_O=$0000 Max,$4220 Low
Cheat1="Player 2 Health",8110CF6C ????
Cheat1_N=If you select the Low option, It will give your opponent an easy win over over you
Cheat1_O=$0000 Max,$4220 Low

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Name=64 Oozumou 2 (J)
Cheat0="Infinite Max Stats Creation Points",801C200F 0064
Cheat0_N=Player 1
Cheat1="Max Stats",801CA5D0 0064,801CA5D1 0064,801CA5D2 0064,801CA5D3 0064,801CA5D4 0064,801CA5D5 0064,801CA5D6 0064,801CA5D7 0064,801CA5D8 0064
Cheat1_N=Player 1
Cheat2="Infinite Health Player1",801A57B5 00CF

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Cheat1="Infinite\Throwing Weapon",81389C48 0064
Cheat2="Throwing Weapon Modifier",81389C42 00?? Cheat2="Throwing Weapon Modifier",81389C42 00??
Cheat2_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knives,$02 Exploding Potions,$03 Cross,$04 Axes Cheat2_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knives,$02 Exploding Potions,$03 Cross,$04 Axes
Cheat3="Press L To Levitate",D0387D7F 0020,81350810 3FCB Cheat3="Press L To Levitate",D0387D7F 0020,81350810 3FCB
Cheat4="Have\All Items",50000501 0000,80389C4A 0001,50000301 0000,80389C51 0001,80389C5A 0001,80389C5B 0001,80389C5D 0001,50000E01 0000,80389C60 0001 Cheat4="Have All Items",50000501 0000,80389C4A 0001,50000301 0000,80389C51 0001,80389C5A 0001,80389C5B 0001,80389C5D 0001,50000E01 0000,80389C60 0001
Cheat5="Have\Invincibility",80342BFE 000B Cheat5="Have\Invincibility",80342BFE 000B
Cheat6="Infinite\Red Jewels",80389C49 0063 Cheat6="Infinite\Red Jewels",80389C49 0063
Cheat7="Status",80389C88 00?? Cheat7="Status",80389C88 00??
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Cheat11="Have\Exp Points",80389C49 0063
Cheat12="Max Power Up",80389CED 0002 Cheat12="Max Power Up",80389CED 0002
Cheat13="Never Get Poisoned",81389C88 0000 Cheat13="Never Get Poisoned",81389C88 0000
Cheat14="Level Select",89389C90 ????,89389C92 0000 Cheat14="Level Select",89389C90 ????,89389C92 0000
Cheat14_N=You must use this code on a saved game, because the intro to the first level will mess up the game. Now select the saved game, and hold down the F9 button until the level loads. Some of the boss stages will not let you fight the boss unless you re-enter the area. Also, with the part of stage modifier, the second code modifies the part of the level that you are in, and 0000 is the level's start. Cheat14_N=You must use this code on a saved game, because the intro to the first level will mess up the game. Now select the saved game, and hold down the GS button until the level loads. Some of the boss stages will not let you fight the boss unless you re-enter the area. Also, with the part of stage modifier, the second code modifies the part of the level that you are in, and 0000 is the level's start.
Cheat14_O=$0000 Forest of Silence,$0002 Castle Wall,$0003 Villa,$0004 Inside Villa,$0006 Garden Maze,$0007 Tunnel,$0008 Underground Waterway,$0009 Castle Center,$0010 Tower of Execution,$0011 - Tower of Sorcery,$0012 - Tower of Science,$0013 - Duel Tower,$0014 - Fight With Death/Actrise,$0015 - Castle Keep,$0016 - Intro (Glitch),$0017 - Clock Tower,$0018 - Final Dracula,$001A - Fight With Maze Boss,$001B - Room of Clocks,$001C - ??,$001D - ?? Cheat14_O=$0000 Forest of Silence,$0002 Castle Wall,$0003 Villa,$0004 Inside Villa,$0006 Garden Maze,$0007 Tunnel,$0008 Underground Waterway,$0009 Castle Center,$0010 Tower of Execution,$0011 - Tower of Sorcery,$0012 - Tower of Science,$0013 - Duel Tower,$0014 - Fight With Death/Actrise,$0015 - Castle Keep,$0016 - Intro (Glitch),$0017 - Clock Tower,$0018 - Final Dracula,$001A - Fight With Maze Boss,$001B - Room of Clocks,$001C - ??,$001D - ??
Cheat15="Switch From",80389C3D 00?? Cheat15="Switch From",80389C3D 00??
Cheat15_N=This Switch From Cheat lets you switch characters on a saved game For example, if you are Reindhart and you want to be Carrie in the middle of your game save it and then enable this Cheat and press F1. when you start your saved game back up you'll be Carrie instead of Reindhart. Cheat15_N=This Switch From Cheat lets you switch characters on a saved game For example, if you are Reindhart and you want to be Carrie in the middle of your game save it and then enable this Cheat and press F1. when you start your saved game back up you'll be Carrie instead of Reindhart.

View File

@ -44,31 +44,29 @@ Cheat40="Infinite\Items\Throwing Weapons",801CC4F5 0064
Cheat41="Infinite\Items\Red Jewels on Pick-Up",801CC4F5 0068 Cheat41="Infinite\Items\Red Jewels on Pick-Up",801CC4F5 0068
Cheat42="Infinite\Bullets",801D5753 0006 Cheat42="Infinite\Bullets",801D5753 0006
Cheat42_N=For Henry Cheat42_N=For Henry
Cheat43="Wolfman Can Use Weapons",801CC4E7 0002 Cheat43="Selection Options\[Press F9 For Wolfman Can Use Weapons]",881CC4E7 00??
Cheat43_N=For Cornell Cheat43_N=For Cornell
Cheat44="Wolfman Can't Use Weapons",801CC4E7 0004 Cheat43_O=$02 Yes,$04 No (Default)
Cheat44_N=For Cornell (Default) Cheat44="Rapid Fire Gun (Henry-Hold B)",811CA1A6 0040,801D5753 0006
Cheat45="Rapid Fire Gun (Henry-Hold B)",D11CA1A6 0040,801D5753 0006 Cheat44_N=For Henry, Hold B
Cheat45_N=For Henry, Hold B Cheat45="Have Max\Powerups",801CC7D3 0002
Cheat46="Max Powerups",801CC7D3 0002 Cheat46="Stop Timer Input",811CC4D2 0001
Cheat47="Stop Timer Input",811CC4D2 0001 Cheat47="Selection Options\Weapon Select",801CC4EF 00??
Cheat48="Hard Mode Selected In A New Game",8032630F 0002 Cheat47_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife,$02 Potion,$03 Cross,$04 Axe
Cheat48_N=With this code, you will not see the hard level status until you save and restart the game file. No special items are required to access this feature with this code turned on. Cheat48="Selection Options\Level Select\Main",801CC829 00??
Cheat49="Weapon Modifier",811CC4EE 00?? Cheat48_O=$00 Forest Of Silence,$01 Left Tower,$02 Castle Wall,$03 Villa,$04 Villa,$05 Villa,$06 Villa,$1A Villa,$07 Tunnel,$08 Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Center,$0A Castle Center,$0B Castle Center,$0C Castle Center,$0D Castle Center,$0E Castle Center,$0F Castle Center,$10 Foggy Lake,$11 Foggy Lake,$12 Foggy Lake,$13 Cave Of Spiderwomen,$14 Castle Keep,$15 Castle Keep,$16 Falls Into Space(?),$17 Clock Tower,$18 Final Battle Site,$19 Castle Center,$1B Room Of Clocks,$1C Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$2B Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$1D Tower Of Sorcery,$1E Tower Of Execution,$1F Tower Of Execution,$20 Tower Of Execution,$21 Tower Of Science,$22 Tower Of Science,$23 Tower Of Ruins,$24 Tower Of Ruins,$25 Art Tower,$26 Art Tower,$27 Dual Tower,$28 Clock Tower,$29 Clock Tower,$2A Outer Wall,$2C Fall From Sky Ouside Of Castlevania Opening,$2D Another Free Fall. Forest Where Girl Runs In Opening,$2E Black Room(?)
Cheat49_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife,$02 Potion,$03 Cross,$04 Axe Cheat49="Selection Options\Level Select\Inter",801CC82B 00??
Cheat50="Level Modifier",801CC829 00?? Cheat49_O=$00 Forest Of Silence,$01 Left Tower,$02 Castle Wall,$03 Villa,$04 Villa,$05 Villa,$06 Villa,$1A Villa,$07 Tunnel,$08 Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Center,$0A Castle Center,$0B Castle Center,$0C Castle Center,$0D Castle Center,$0E Castle Center,$0F Castle Center,$10 Foggy Lake,$11 Foggy Lake,$12 Foggy Lake,$13 Cave Of Spiderwomen,$14 Castle Keep,$15 Castle Keep,$16 Falls Into Space(?),$17 Clock Tower,$18 Final Battle Site,$19 Castle Center,$1B Room Of Clocks,$1C Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$2B Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$1D Tower Of Sorcery,$1E Tower Of Execution,$1F Tower Of Execution,$20 Tower Of Execution,$21 Tower Of Science,$22 Tower Of Science,$23 Tower Of Ruins,$24 Tower Of Ruins,$25 Art Tower,$26 Art Tower,$27 Dual Tower,$28 Clock Tower,$29 Clock Tower,$2A Outer Wall,$2C Fall From Sky Ouside Of Castlevania Opening,$2D Another Free Fall. Forest Where Girl Runs In Opening,$2E Black Room(?)
Cheat50_O=$00 Forest Of Silence,$01 Left Tower,$02 Castle Wall,$03 Villa,$04 Villa,$05 Villa,$06 Villa,$1A Villa,$07 Tunnel,$08 Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Center,$0A Castle Center,$0B Castle Center,$0C Castle Center,$0D Castle Center,$0E Castle Center,$0F Castle Center,$10 Foggy Lake,$11 Foggy Lake,$12 Foggy Lake,$13 Cave Of Spiderwomen,$14 Castle Keep,$15 Castle Keep,$16 Falls Into Space(?),$17 Clock Tower,$18 Final Battle Site,$19 Castle Center,$1B Room Of Clocks,$1C Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$2B Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$1D Tower Of Sorcery,$1E Tower Of Execution,$1F Tower Of Execution,$20 Tower Of Execution,$21 Tower Of Science,$22 Tower Of Science,$23 Tower Of Ruins,$24 Tower Of Ruins,$25 Art Tower,$26 Art Tower,$27 Dual Tower,$28 Clock Tower,$29 Clock Tower,$2A Outer Wall,$2C Fall From Sky Ouside Of Castlevania Opening,$2D Another Free Fall. Forest Where Girl Runs In Opening,$2E Black Room(?) Cheat50="Selection Options\Cut Scene Select",801CC843 0009,801CC83B 00??
Cheat51="Inter-Level Modifier",801CC82B 00?? Cheat50_N=With this code, you must use the appropiate level mod before you attemp to run these cut scenes. Not doing so will ruin the cut scene as the graphics will be glitched.
Cheat51_O=$00 Forest Of Silence,$01 Left Tower,$02 Castle Wall,$03 Villa,$04 Villa,$05 Villa,$06 Villa,$1A Villa,$07 Tunnel,$08 Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Center,$0A Castle Center,$0B Castle Center,$0C Castle Center,$0D Castle Center,$0E Castle Center,$0F Castle Center,$10 Foggy Lake,$11 Foggy Lake,$12 Foggy Lake,$13 Cave Of Spiderwomen,$14 Castle Keep,$15 Castle Keep,$16 Falls Into Space(?),$17 Clock Tower,$18 Final Battle Site,$19 Castle Center,$1B Room Of Clocks,$1C Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$2B Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$1D Tower Of Sorcery,$1E Tower Of Execution,$1F Tower Of Execution,$20 Tower Of Execution,$21 Tower Of Science,$22 Tower Of Science,$23 Tower Of Ruins,$24 Tower Of Ruins,$25 Art Tower,$26 Art Tower,$27 Dual Tower,$28 Clock Tower,$29 Clock Tower,$2A Outer Wall,$2C Fall From Sky Ouside Of Castlevania Opening,$2D Another Free Fall. Forest Where Girl Runs In Opening,$2E Black Room(?) Cheat50_O=$03 Castle Drawbridge Lowers,$04 Character Enters Castle,$05 (?),$0A (?),$0C (?),$20 (?),$21 (?),$22 (?),$06 Vampire In Main Entrance Hall Of Villa,$07 One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes,$08 "I Smell Poison" From Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Gate Closes In Villa Upon Entering Villa,$0B Renon Appears For First Time,$0D Village Vampire In Upstairs Villa,$0E Malus Appears For The First Time,$0F Malus Leaves Garden,$10 Character In Boat On Foggy Lake,$11 Seal Removed From Wall In Arena,$12 Bleeding Statue,$13 Cosmic Lights,$14 Explosion At Wall In Arena,$15 Explosion At Wall In Castle That Leads To Hidden Room,$16 Malus Appears Again In Upstairs Room Of Castle,$17 Bull Awakens,$18 Vincent The Vampire,$19 One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes,$1A Gate Opens In Forest Of Silence,$1B Meet Renon For The Last Time In Castle Keep.,$1C This Cut Scene Runs Cut Scene 27 And 2E,$1E Castle Keep Destructs,$1F Malus On Flying Horse Outside Castle Keep,$24 Spider People In Tunnel,$25 Rosa In Garden,$27 Castel Destruction,$28 Space Warp,$29 Castle Destruction,$2A Malus Is Saved By Reinhardt,$2B Malus And Reinhardt On Horse,$2E Rosa Returns,$30 Ada, Henry And Cornell At Game End,$31 Scrolling Text About Castle And Henry,$33 Vampire In Basement,$34 Vampire In Villa Basement Destroyed, Woman Vampire Rises,$35 Finds Hidden Path In Villa Basement,$37 Lever & Gear In Castle,$38 Harpie,$39 Harpie Destroyed,$44 Death(Grim Reaper),$45 Death Is Destroyed,$46 Castle Drawbridge Closes And Ortega Appears,$47 Thirsty Man,$48 Cornell Meets Henry In Garden,$49 Cornell And Henry Part In Garden,$51 Monster Dracula Appears,$52 Actrise Appears In Castle Center,$54 Actrise Appears Again With Cousin Fernandes Before Fight With Carrie,$55 Cousin Fernandes Is Destroyed,$56 Actrise Appears Again Before Fight With Carrie,$57 Actrise Defeated By Carrie
Cheat52="Cut Scene Modifier",801CC843 0009,801CC83B 00?? Cheat51="Enable All Characters",D02E4082 0000,802E4083 0004
Cheat52_N=With this code, you must use the appropiate level mod before you attemp to run these cut scenes. Not doing so will ruin the cut scene as the graphics will be glitched. Cheat52="Selection Options\Status Select",801CC534 00??
Cheat52_O=$03 Castle Drawbridge Lowers,$04 Character Enters Castle,$05 (?),$0A (?),$0C (?),$20 (?),$21 (?),$22 (?),$06 Vampire In Main Entrance Hall Of Villa,$07 One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes,$08 "I Smell Poison" From Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Gate Closes In Villa Upon Entering Villa,$0B Renon Appears For First Time,$0D Village Vampire In Upstairs Villa,$0E Malus Appears For The First Time,$0F Malus Leaves Garden,$10 Character In Boat On Foggy Lake,$11 Seal Removed From Wall In Arena,$12 Bleeding Statue,$13 Cosmic Lights,$14 Explosion At Wall In Arena,$15 Explosion At Wall In Castle That Leads To Hidden Room,$16 Malus Appears Again In Upstairs Room Of Castle,$17 Bull Awakens,$18 Vincent The Vampire,$19 One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes,$1A Gate Opens In Forest Of Silence,$1B Meet Renon For The Last Time In Castle Keep.,$1C This Cut Scene Runs Cut Scene 27 And 2E,$1E Castle Keep Destructs,$1F Malus On Flying Horse Outside Castle Keep,$24 Spider People In Tunnel,$25 Rosa In Garden,$27 Castel Destruction,$28 Space Warp,$29 Castle Destruction,$2A Malus Is Saved By Reinhardt,$2B Malus And Reinhardt On Horse,$2E Rosa Returns,$30 Ada,$31 Scrolling Text About Castle And Henry,$33 Vampire In Basement,$34 Vampire In Villa Basement Destroyed,$35 Finds Hidden Path In Villa Basement,$37 Lever & Gear In Castle,$38 Harpie,$39 Harpie Destroyed,$44 Death(Grim Reaper),$45 Death Is Destroyed,$46 Castle Drawbridge Closes And Ortega Appears,$47 Thirsty Man,$48 Cornell Meets Henry In Garden,$49 Cornell And Henry Part In Garden,$51 Monster Dracula Appears,$52 Actrise Appears In Castle Center,$54 Actrise Appears Again With Cousin Fernandes Before Fight With Carrie,$55 Cousin Fernandes Is Destroyed,$56 Actrise Appears Again Before Fight With Carrie,$57 Actrise Defeated By Carrie Cheat52_O=$00 Never Get Poisoned or Vamped,$01 Normal,$04 Vamp,$08 Poison,$0C Vamped & Poisoned,$FF Instant Death
Cheat53="Enable All Characters",8031CBF3 0004 Cheat53="Have Max\Weapon Power-Up",801CC7D7 0002
Cheat54="Character Modifier",8031CBDB 00?? Cheat54="Selection Options\Day Select For Adult Henry",801CC4CF 00??
Cheat54_O=$05 Henry,$06 Reinhardt,$07 Carrie Cheat54_O=$00 7 Days,$01 6 Days,$02 5 Days,$03 4 Days,$04 3 Days,$05 2 Days,$06 1 Day,$07 0 Days
Cheat55="Status Modifier",801CC534 00?? Cheat55="Infinite\Health Young Henry",D11CA1A6 0010,813A6D10 2800
Cheat55_O=$00 Never Get Poisoned or Vamped,$01 Normal,$04 Vamp,$08 Poison,$0C Vamped & Poisoned,$FF Instant Death Cheat56="Stop Timer Input",811CC4D2 0001
Cheat56="Max Weapon Power-Up",801CC7D7 0002 Cheat57="Hard Mode Selected In A New Game",8032630F 0002
Cheat57="Day Modifier For Adult Henry",801CC4CF 00?? Cheat57_N=With this code, you will not see the hard level status until you save and restart the game file. No special items are required to access this feature with this code turned on.
Cheat57_O=$00 7 Days,$01 6 Days,$02 5 Days,$03 4 Days,$04 3 Days,$05 2 Days,$06 1 Day,$07 0 Days
Cheat58="Infinite\Health Young Henry",D11CA1A6 0010,813A6D10 2800

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@ -8,3 +8,7 @@ Cheat2="Points Select\Player 1",801C6160 00??
Cheat2_O=$00 0 Points,$15 15 Points,$30 30 Points,$40 40 Points Cheat2_O=$00 0 Points,$15 15 Points,$30 30 Points,$40 40 Points
Cheat3="Points Select\Player 2",801C6161 00?? Cheat3="Points Select\Player 2",801C6161 00??
Cheat3_O=$00 0 Points,$15 15 Points,$30 30 Points,$40 40 Points Cheat3_O=$00 0 Points,$15 15 Points,$30 30 Points,$40 40 Points
Cheat4="Play As\Player 1",800BE351 00??
Cheat4_O=$00 Zoe Taylor,$01 Vanessa Child,$02 Amanda Coetzer,$03 Jana Novotna,$04 Conchita Martinez,$05 Leon Rodez,$06 Michael Chang,$07 Gustavo Kuerten,$08 Jonas Bjorkman,$09 Mark Philippoussis,$0A Randy Powell,$0B Richard Krajicek
Cheat5="Play As\Player 2",800BE352 00??
Cheat5_O=$00 Zoe Taylor,$01 Vanessa Child,$02 Amanda Coetzer,$03 Jana Novotna,$04 Conchita Martinez,$05 Leon Rodez,$06 Michael Chang,$07 Gustavo Kuerten,$08 Jonas Bjorkman,$09 Mark Philippoussis,$0A Randy Powell,$0B Richard Krajicek

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Name=Animal Crossing (T-Eng)
Cheat0="Hours",80136FBE 00??
Cheat0_O=$00 00 AM,$01 01 AM,$02 02 AM,$03 03 AM,$04 04 AM,$05 05 AM,$06 06 AM,$07 07 AM,$08 08 AM,$09 09 AM,$0A 10 AM,$0B 11 AM,$0C 00 PM,$0D 01 PM,$0E 02 PM,$0F 03 PM,$10 04 PM,$11 05 PM,$12 06 PM,$13 07 PM,$14 08 PM,$15 09 PM,$16 10 PM,$17 11 PM
Cheat1="Minutes",80136FBD 00??
Cheat1_O=$00 00,$05 05,$0A 10,$0F 15,$14 20,$19 25,$1E 30,$23 35,$28 40,$2D 45,$32 50,$37 55,$3B 59
Cheat2="Day",80136FBF 00??
Cheat2_O=$01 Monday 1st,$02 Tuesday 2nd,$03 Wednesday 3rd,$04 Thursday 4th,$05 Friday 5th,$06 Saturday 6th,$07 Sunday 7th,$08 Monday 8th,$09 Tuesday 9th,$0A Wednesday 10th,$0B Thursday 11th,$0C Friday 12th,$0D Saturday 13th,$0E Sunday 14th,$0F Monday 15th,$10 Tuesday 16th,$11 Wednesday 17th,$12 Thursday 18th,$13 Friday 19th,$14 Saturday 30th,$15 Sunday 21st,$16 Monday 22nd,$17 Tuesday 23rd,$18 Wednesday 24th,$19 Thursday 25th,$1A Friday 26th,$1B Saturday 27th,$1C Sunday 28th,$1D Monday 29th,$1E Tuesday 30th,$1F Wednesday 31st
Cheat3="Month",80136FC1 00??
Cheat3_O=$01 Jan,$02 Feb,$03 March,$04 April,$05 May,$06 June,$07 July,$08 Aug,$09 Sept,$0A Oct,$0B Nov,$0C Dec
Cheat4="Time Passes",80136FD2 00??
Cheat4_O=$00 Time Normal,$01 Mins Like Seconds,$05 Hours & Mins Medium,$10 Hours & Mins Fast,$FF Time Zooms By
Cheat5="Max Cash",813BC34C FFFF
Cheat6="Item Select",81126EE8 ????
Cheat6_O=$1011 Tall Red Cupboard,$1C00 Pet Cage,$1CA6 Fish Tank (Fish Included!),$1D2B Orange NES Game,$1D2F Grey NES Game,$1D33 Red NES Game,$1D37 Light Blue NES Game,$1D3A Yellow NES Game,$1D3E Purple NES Game,$1D42 Blue NES Game,$1D47 Stereo NES Colour,$1D4C Record Player,$1D50 JukeBox,$1DA0 Grandfather Clock,$1DA6 Stereo Kinda Thing,$1DA9 Stereo,$1DAC CD Player,$1DB3 Alarm Clock,$1EA1 Lamp,$1EA5 Snowman Fridge,$1EAB Round Snowman Table,$1EAF Snowman Bed,$1EB0 Snowman Seat,$2100 1000 Bag,$2100 1000 Bag,$2101 10000 Bag,$2101 10000 Bag,$2102 30000 Bag,$2102 30000 Bag,$2103 100 Bag,$2103 100 Bag,$2410 Nook's Shirt,$2410 Nook's Shirt,$2514 Flat Shell,$2514 Flat Shell,$2515 Pointy Shell,$2515 Pointy Shell,$2804 Orange,2804 Orange

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@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
[3CC77150-21CDB987-C:50] [3CC77150-21CDB987-C:50]
Name=Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M. (E) Name=Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M. (E)
Cheat0="Enable In-Game Cheat Menu & Level Select",81115936 014F Cheat0="Enable In-Game Cheat Menu & Level Select",81115936 014F
Cheat1="Infinite Ammo (All Guns)",810496D0 2400 Cheat1="Enable Cheat Select",80115933 00??
Cheat2="Don't Take Any Damage",8104A260 2400 Cheat1_O=$01 Invincible,$02 Have All Weapons,$04 Infinite Ammo,$06 All Weapons With Infinite Ammo,$07 Invincible With Infinite Ammo and All Weapons,$40 Fast run,$41 Invincible With Fast Run,$42 All Weapons With Fast Run,$43 Invincible With All Weapons And Fast Run,$44 Infinite Ammo With Fast Run,$47 Invincible With All Weapons and Ammo and Fast Run
Cheat2="[Press L For Levitate]",D10F7550 0020,816FE35C 43D5
Cheat3="Sound Select\Music Volume",80115944 00??
Cheat3_O=$00 Off,$3C Low (5),$78 Medium (1.0),$BC Defualt (1.5),$F0 Max (2.0)
Cheat4="Sound Select\SFX Volume",80115945 00??
Cheat4_O=$00 Off,$3C Low (5),$78 Medium (1.0),$BC Defualt (1.5),$F0 Max (2.0)
Cheat5="Infinite Ammo (All Guns)",810496D0 2400
Cheat6="Don't Take Any Damage",8104A260 2400

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@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
[1FB5D932-3BA9481B-C:45] [1FB5D932-3BA9481B-C:45]
Name=Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M. (U) Name=Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M. (U)
Cheat0="Enable In-Game Cheat Menu & Level Select",81115936 014F Cheat0="Enable In-Game Cheat Menu & Level Select",81115936 014F
Cheat1="Infinite Lewis Laser Rifle",802E1D6F 0170 Cheat1="Enable Cheat Select",80115933 00??
Cheat1_N=The infinite ammo will not work with these codes if you have the expansion pak inserted into your console. Cheat1_O=$01 Invincible,$02 Have All Weapons,$04 Infinite Ammo,$06 All Weapons With Infinite Ammo,$07 Invincible With Infinite Ammo and All Weapons,$40 Fast run,$41 Invincible With Fast Run,$42 All Weapons With Fast Run,$43 Invincible With All Weapons And Fast Run,$44 Infinite Ammo With Fast Run,$47 Invincible With All Weapons and Ammo and Fast Run
Cheat2="Infinite Lewis Explosive Projectile Weapon",802E1D69 0030 Cheat2="[Press L For Levitate]",D10F7550 0020,816FE35C 43D5
Cheat2_N=The infinite ammo will not work with these codes if you have the expansion pak inserted into your console. Cheat3="Sound Select\Music Volume",80115944 00??
Cheat3="Infinite Jungle Chemical Gun",802E1D7B 0160 Cheat3_O=$00 Off,$3C Low (5),$78 Medium (1.0),$BC Defualt (1.5),$F0 Max (2.0)
Cheat3_N=The infinite ammo will not work with these codes if you have the expansion pak inserted into your console. Cheat4="Sound Select\SFX Volume",80115945 00??
Cheat4="Level Select",81115932 0008 Cheat4_O=$00 Off,$3C Low (5),$78 Medium (1.0),$BC Defualt (1.5),$F0 Max (2.0)
Cheat5="Infinite Ammo (All Guns)",810496D0 2400 Cheat5="Infinite Ammo (All Guns)",810496D0 2400
Cheat6="Don't Take Any Damage",8104A260 2400 Cheat6="Don't Take Any Damage",8104A260 2400
Cheat7="Invincible",81048CA0 2400
Cheat8="Sound Modifier\Music Volume",80115944 00??
Cheat8_O=$00 Off,$3C Low (5),$78 Medium (1.0),$BC Defualt (1.5),$F0 Max (2.0)
Cheat9="Sound Modifier\SFX Volume",80115945 00??
Cheat9_O=$00 Off,$3C Low (5),$78 Medium (1.0),$BC Defualt (1.5),$F0 Max (2.0)

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Name=Armorines Project S.
Cheat0="Enable In-Game Cheat Menu & Level Select",81115936 014F
Cheat1="Enable Cheat Select",80115933 00??
Cheat1_O=$01 Invincible,$02 Have All Weapons,$04 Infinite Ammo,$06 All Weapons With Infinite Ammo,$07 Invincible With Infinite Ammo and All Weapons,$40 Fast run,$41 Invincible With Fast Run,$42 All Weapons With Fast Run,$43 Invincible With All Weapons And Fast Run,$44 Infinite Ammo With Fast Run,$47 Invincible With All Weapons and Ammo and Fast Run
Cheat2="[Press L For Levitate]",D10F7550 0020,816FE35C 43D5
Cheat3="Sound Select\Music Volume",80115944 00??
Cheat3_O=$00 Off,$3C Low (5),$78 Medium (1.0),$BC Defualt (1.5),$F0 Max (2.0)
Cheat4="Sound Select\SFX Volume",80115945 00??
Cheat4_O=$00 Off,$3C Low (5),$78 Medium (1.0),$BC Defualt (1.5),$F0 Max (2.0)

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Name=Army Men - Sarge's Heroes (E) (M3)
Cheat0="Infinite\Health",8016471F 0001
Cheat1="Access\All Guns",8015E0CF 0001
Cheat2="Access\Max Ammo",801646EF 0001
Cheat3="Have\Mini Mode",8015E0C9 0001
Cheat3_N=Do not use with Large Mode only use one at a time
Cheat4="Invisible Soldier",8015E0B3 0001
Cheat4_N=you are Invisible to most enimies who just can not dectect or see you.
Cheat5="Play As",811653D2 00??
Cheat5_N=Here you can choose who you would like to play as. But Do not use this with any other play as option..
Cheat5_O=$07 The Big Green One,$08 Vikki,$09 Plastro
Cheat6="Have\Large Mode",8016470F 0001
Cheat6_N=Do not use with Mini Mode only use one at a time
Cheat7="Infinite\Continues",8015E0C3 0001
Cheat8="Enable Cheat Menu",8003F36F 0003,8004719F 0003
Cheat8_N=Enable before you enter in game and you will find the cheat menu when you press the Start Button
Cheat9="Enable Level Select Menu",810AF0BA DC38
Cheat9_N=This must be used with Enable Cheat Menu and enabled before you enter in game and you will find the level select menu replaces the cheat menu when you press the Start Button
Cheat10="Have\Debug Mode",8015E417 0001
Cheat10_N=When this code is activated, a display of numbers will show on the screen as the players move around

View File

@ -1,35 +1,34 @@
[862C0657-8DFD896D-C:45] [862C0657-8DFD896D-C:45]
Name=Army Men - Sarge's Heroes (U) Name=Army Men - Sarge's Heroes (U)
Cheat0="Incendiary Bullets",80054C94 0001 Cheat0="Infinite\Health",8015FCEF 0001
Cheat1="All Weapons",8115969E 0001 Cheat1="Access\All Guns",8015969F 0001
Cheat2="Start With Max Ammo",8115FCBE 0001 Cheat2="Access\Max Ammo",8015FCBF 0001
Cheat3="Invincible",8115FCEE 0001 Cheat3="Have\Mini Mode",80159699 0001
Cheat4="Infinite Continues",81159692 0001 Cheat3_N=Do not use with Large Mode only use one at a time
Cheat5="Invisible",81159682 0001 Cheat4="Have\Invisible Soldier",80159683 0001
Cheat6="Tin Solider",811596A2 0001 Cheat4_N=you are Invisible to most enimies who just can not dectect or see you.
Cheat7="Maximum Visibility",80070F52 0001 Cheat5="Play As",801609A3 00??
Cheat8="Flamethrowers Fire In All Directions",8006BD79 0020 Cheat5_N=Here you can choose who you would like to play as. But Do not use this with any other play as option..
Cheat9="No Flamethrowers Will Work",8006D69D 0001 Cheat5_O=$07 The Big Green One,$08 Vikki,$09 Plastro
Cheat10="Multiplayer Cheats\Incendiary Bullets",80054C81 0001 Cheat6="Have\Large Mode",8015FCDF 0001
Cheat6_N=Do not use with Mini Mode only use one at a time
Cheat7="Infinite\Continues",80159693 0001
Cheat8="Can't Fail Missions",810A04FA ED40
Cheat9="Have\Less Enemies In Levels",80056688 0020
Cheat9_N=Do not use with No Enemies In Levels, only use one at a time
Cheat10="Have\No Enemies In Levels",80056D4C 0020
Cheat10_N=Do not use with Less Enemies In Levels, only use one at a time
Cheat11="Enemies Don't Recongnize You Easily",8005742D 0001 Cheat11="Enemies Don't Recongnize You Easily",8005742D 0001
Cheat12="Play As",811609A2 00?? Cheat12="Improved Gun Handling",8009C014 003E
Cheat12_O=$07 The Big Green One,$08 Vikki,$09 Plastro Cheat13="Enable\Cheat Menu",8003E22F 0003,8004609F 0003
Cheat13="Play Level",81163FFA 0001,8116403E ???? Cheat13_N=Enable before you enter in game and you will find the cheat menu when you press the Start Button
Cheat13_O=$88A0 Spy Blue,$88B4 Bathroom,$88C8 Riff Mission,$88E0 Forest 81163FFA,$88F0 Hoover Mission,$8908 Thick Mission,$8920 Snow Mission,$8938 Shrap Mission,$8950 Fort Plastro,$8968 Scorch Mission,$8980 Showdown,$8994 Sandbox,$89A4 Kitchen,$89B4 Living Room,$89C8 The Way Home Cheat14="Enable\Level Select Menu",810AA696 9214
Cheat14="You Move Faster",800ABD69 00FF,800ABDA9 00FF Cheat14_N=This must be used with Enable Cheat Menu and enabled before you enter in game and you will find the level select menu replaces the cheat menu when you press the Start Button
Cheat15="Press Start For Other Debug Info",8115FCE2 0001 Cheat15="Enable\Debug Mode",801599E7 0001
Cheat16="Enemies Fight Themselves",800585D8 0020 Cheat15_N=When this code is activated, a display of numbers will show on the screen as the players move around
Cheat17="No Enemies In Levels",80056D4C 0020 Cheat16="(Multi-player)\Max Kills\Player 1",8033B9BC FFFF
Cheat18="Less Enemies In Levels",80056688 0020 Cheat17="(Multi-player)\Max Kills\Player 2",8033BB78 FFFF
Cheat19="Enemies Can't Aim",8006D14C 0020 Cheat18="(Multi-player)\Have All\Weapons and items\Player 1",8133BA4E FFFE
Cheat20="Enemies Have To Reload Their Guns",8006D16A 0020 Cheat19="(Multi-player)\Have All\Weapons and items\Player 2",8133BC0A FFFE
Cheat21="Walls Off For Enemies When Hit",800566D8 0020 Cheat20="(Multi-player)\Have All\Weapons and items\Player 3",8133BDC6 FFFE
Cheat22="Bullets Only Damage At Extremely Short Range",8006D15A 0020 Cheat21="(Multi-player)\Have All\Weapons and items\Player 4",8133BF82 FFFE
Cheat23="Improved Gun Handling",8009C014 003E
Cheat24="Can't Fail Missions",810A04FA ED40
Cheat25="Everyone Has Dark Camoflauge On",50000804 0000,81098F22 FAE4
Cheat26="Flamethrower Has Air Buster Flame",810A536A 5008,810A5372 5008
Cheat27="Flamethrower Has Cloud Flame",810A536A 5224,810A5372 5224
Cheat28="Flamethrower Has Invisible Flame",810A536A 52A0,810A5372 52A0
Cheat29="Max Kills Multiplayer\Player 1",8033B9BC FFFF
Cheat30="Max Kills Multiplayer\Player 2",8033BB78 FFFF

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@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
[B20F73B6-2975FC34-C:45] [B20F73B6-2975FC34-C:45]
Name=Army Men - Sarge's Heroes 2 (U) Name=Army Men - Sarge's Heroes 2 (U)
Cheat0="Invincible",8135C516 0600 Cheat0="Infinite\Health",8135C516 0600
Cheat1="All Weapons & Ammo",8115D06E 0001,8116368E 0001 Cheat1="Have\All Weapons & Ammo",8115D06E 0001,8116368E 0001
Cheat2="Max Ammo",8116368E 0001 Cheat2="Infinite\Continues",8115D062 0001
Cheat3="Continues",8115D062 0001 Cheat3="Have\Invisible Soldier",8115D052 0001
Cheat4="Invisible",8115D052 0001 Cheat3_N=you are Invisible to most enimies who just can not dectect or see you.
Cheat5="Test Info",8115D3B6 0001 Cheat4="Have\Large Mode",811636AE 0001
Cheat6="Living Large",811636AE 0001 Cheat4_N=Do not use with Mini Mode only use one at a time
Cheat7="Mini Mode",8115D06A 0001 Cheat5="Have\Mini Mode",8115D06A 0001
Cheat8="Play as",81164372 00?? Cheat5_N=Do not use with Big Mode only use one at a time
Cheat8_O=$07 Big Green One,$08 Vikki,$09 Plastro,$0B Mystery Women,$0C Hail Mendheimicus,$0D Mini Soldier Cheat6="Play as",81164372 00??
Cheat9="Enemies Fight Themselves",8005EE9C 0020 Cheat6_O=$07 Big Green One,$08 Vikki,$09 Plastro,$0B Mystery Women,$0C Hail Mendheimicus,$0D Mini Soldier
Cheat10="Move Faster",800B9705 00FF,800B9749 00FF Cheat7-="Play Level",81172C0A 0001,810B51AE 00??
Cheat7_O=$01 Dinner,$02 Bridge,$03 Fridge,$04 Freezer,$05 Insidewall,$06 Graveyard,$07 Castle,$08 Tanbase,$09 Revenge,$0A Desk,$0B Bed,$0C Town,$0D Cashier,$0E Train,$0F Rockets,$10 Pool,$11 Pinball
Cheat8="Move Faster",800B9705 00FF,800B9749 00FF
Cheat9="Move Faster",800B9705 00FF,800B9749 00FF
Cheat10="Enemies Fight Themselves",8005EE9C 0020

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@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
[D1F7D8AB-293B0446-C:45] [D1F7D8AB-293B0446-C:45]
Name=Asteroids Hyper 64 (U) Name=Asteroids Hyper 64 (U)
Cheat0="Extra Lives",8007F90E 0063 Cheat0="Extra Lives",8007F90E 0063
Cheat0_N=Not to be used with CLassic Mode, or it will freeze
Cheat1="Extra Points",8107F8FE FFFF Cheat1="Extra Points",8107F8FE FFFF
Cheat1_N=Not to be used with CLassic Mode, or it will freeze
Cheat2="Infinite Armageddon",8107F892 0001 Cheat2="Infinite Armageddon",8107F892 0001
Cheat2_N=Not to be used with CLassic Mode, or it will freeze
Cheat3="Infinite Items On Pickup",8107F8A2 270F Cheat3="Infinite Items On Pickup",8107F8A2 270F
Cheat3_N=Not to be used with CLassic Mode, or it will freeze
Cheat4="Unlock Classic Asteroids",8106DF5A 0001 Cheat4="Unlock Classic Asteroids",8106DF5A 0001
Cheat5="Infinite Lives (Classic Asteroids)",8007F90F 002F Cheat5="Infinite Lives (Classic Asteroids)",8007F90F 0009

View File

@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
Name=Automobili Lamborghini (E) Name=Automobili Lamborghini (E)
Cheat0="Access All Bonus Cars",50000302 0000,80098583 0001,50000302 0000,8009858B 0001 Cheat0="Access All Bonus Cars",50000302 0000,80098583 0001,50000302 0000,8009858B 0001
Cheat1="Max Points",810CE702 010A Cheat1="Max Points",810CE702 010A
Cheat2="Infinite Lap Time",8109872C 0000,8109872E 0000 Cheat2="Infinite Time",810CE72E 03E7
Cheat3="Always 1st Place",810A5F30 0001 Cheat3="Always 1st Place",810A5F30 0001
Cheat4="Start On Lap Modifier",D00A5F35 0000,810A5F34 00?? Cheat4="Speedometer Select",810CE7C2 00??
Cheat4_O=$00 Normal,$01 Lap 1,$02 Lap 2,$03 Lap 3,$04 Lap 4,$06 Lap 5,$06 Lap 6,$07 Last Lap from Start Cheat4_O=$00 KM/H,$01 MPH
Cheat5="Track Direction Unlocked (All Levels)",800A4131 0003 Cheat5="Start On Lap Modifier",D00A5F35 0000,810A5F34 00??
Cheat5_O=$00 Normal,$01 Lap 1,$02 Lap 2,$03 Lap 3,$04 Lap 4,$06 Lap 5,$06 Lap 6,$07 Last Lap from Start
Cheat6="Track Direction Unlocked (All Levels)",800A4131 0003

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@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
[41B25DC4-1B726786-C:45] [41B25DC4-1B726786-C:45]
Name=Automobili Lamborghini (U) Name=Automobili Lamborghini (U)
Cheat0="Extra Vehicles",50000302 0000,800985C3 0001,50000302 0000,800985CB 0001 Cheat0="Access All Bonus Cars",50000302 0000,800985C3 0001,50000302 0000,800985CB 0001
Cheat1="Max Points",800CE743 FFFF Cheat1="Max Points",800CE743 FFFF
Cheat2="Infinite Time",810CE76E 02F4 Cheat2="Infinite Time",810CE76E 03E7
Cheat3="Difficulty Modifier",810CE7A4 00?? Cheat3="Always 1st Place",810A5F70 0001
Cheat3_O=$00 Novice,$01 Expert Cheat4="Speedometer Select",800CE803 00??
Cheat4="Speeds In Modifier",800CE803 00??
Cheat4_O=$00 KM/H,$01 MPH Cheat4_O=$00 KM/H,$01 MPH
Cheat5="Always 1st Place",810A5F70 0001 Cheat5="Start On Lap Modifier",D00A5F75 0000,810A5F74 00??
Cheat5_O=$00 Normal,$01 Lap 1,$02 Lap 2,$03 Lap 3,$04 Lap 4,$06 Lap 5,$06 Lap 6,$07 Last Lap from Start
Cheat6="Track Direction Unlocked (All Levels)",800A4171 0003

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
Name=Bakuretsu Muteki Bangaioh (J)
Cheat0="Freeze Timer",811C84C4 012C
Cheat1="Level 01\Invincible",D112D33A 0001,811E4B38 000A,D1147DEA 0001,811E4B38 000A
Cheat2="Level 02\Invincible",D112D33A 0002,811E1DB8 000A,D1147DEA 0002,811E1DB8 000A
Cheat3="Level 03\Invincible",D112D33A 0003,811E4D38 000A,D1147DEA 0003,811E4D38 000A
Cheat4="Level 04\Invincible",D112D33A 0004,811E11B8 000A,D1147DEA 0004,811E11B8 000A
Cheat5="Level 05\Invincible",D112D33A 0005,811E3638 000A,D1147DEA 0005,811E3638 000A
Cheat6="Level 06\Invincible",D112D33A 0006,811E4EB8 000A,D1147DEA 0006,811E4EB8 000A
Cheat7="Level 07\Invincible",D112D33A 0007,811E5D38 000A,D1147DEA 0007,811E5D38 000A
Cheat8="Level 08\Invincible",D112D33A 0008,811E2838 000A,D1147DEA 0008,811E2838 000A
Cheat9="Level 09\Invincible",D112D33A 0009,811EB3B8 000A,D1147DEA 0009,811EB3B8 000A
Cheat10="Level 10\Invincible",D112D33A 000A,811E5438 000A,D1147DEA 000A,811E5438 000A
Cheat11="Level 11\Invincible",D112D33A 000B,811E1EB8 000A,D1147DEA 000B,811E1EB8 000A
Cheat12="Level 12\Invincible",D112D33A 000C,811FA6B8 000A,D1147DEA 000C,811FA6B8 000A
Cheat13="Level 13\Invincible",D112D33A 000D,811EAE38 000A,D1147DEA 000D,811EAE38 000A
Cheat14="Level 14\Invincible",D112D33A 000E,811E2EB8 000A,D1147DEA 000E,811E2EB8 000A
Cheat15="Level 15\Invincible",D112D33A 000F,811E2738 000A,D1147DEA 000F,811E2738 000A
Cheat16="Level 16\Invincible",D112D33A 0010,811E53B8 000A,D1147DEA 0010,811E53B8 000A
Cheat17="Level 17\Invincible",D112D33A 0011,811E2738 000A,D1147DEA 0011,811E2738 000A
Cheat18="Level 18\Invincible",D112D33A 0012,811E1CB8 000A,D1147DEA 0012,811E1CB8 000A
Cheat19="Level 19\Invincible",D112D33A 0013,811E4438 000A,D1147DEA 0013,811E4438 000A
Cheat20="Level 20\Invincible",D112D33A 0014,811F7238 000A,D1147DEA 0014,811F7238 000A
Cheat21="Level 21\Invincible",D112D33A 0015,811E49B8 000A,D1147DEA 0015,811E49B8 000A
Cheat22="Level 22\Invincible",D112D33A 0016,811E40B8 000A,D1147DEA 0016,811E40B8 000A
Cheat23="Level 23\Invincible",D112D33A 0017,811E9C38 000A,D1147DEA 0017,811E9C38 000A
Cheat24="Level 24\Invincible",D112D33A 0018,811E2938 000A,D1147DEA 0018,811E2938 000A
Cheat25="Level 25\Invincible",D112D33A 0019,811E4D38 000A,D1147DEA 0019,811E4D38 000A
Cheat26="Level 26\Invincible",D112D33A 001A,811EFFB8 000A,D1147DEA 001A,811EFFB8 000A
Cheat27="Level 27\Invincible",D112D33A 001B,811E2B38 000A,D1147DEA 001B,811E2B38 000A
Cheat28="Level 28\Invincible",D112D33A 001C,811E25B8 000A,D1147DEA 001C,811E25B8 000A
Cheat29="Level 29\Invincible",D112D33A 001D,811E1EB8 000A,D1147DEA 001D,811E1EB8 000A
Cheat30="Level 30\Invincible",D112D33A 001E,811E38B8 000A,D1147DEA 001E,811E38B8 000A
Cheat31="Level 31\Invincible",D112D33A 001F,811F5638 000A,D1147DEA 001F,811F5638 000A
Cheat32="Level 32\Invincible",D112D33A 0020,811E4238 000A,D1147DEA 0020,811E4238 000A
Cheat33="Level 33\Invincible",D112D33A 0021,811E4EB8 000A,D1147DEA 0021,811E4EB8 000A
Cheat34="Level 34\Invincible",D112D33A 0022,811E16B8 000A,D1147DEA 0022,811E16B8 000A
Cheat35="Level 35\Invincible",D112D33A 0023,811FABB8 000A,D1147DEA 0023,811FABB8 000A
Cheat36="Level 36\Invincible",D112D33A 0024,811EA738 000A,D1147DEA 0024,811EA738 000A
Cheat37="Level 37\Invincible",D112D33A 0025,811FC638 000A,D1147DEA 0025,811FC638 000A
Cheat38="Level 38\Invincible",D112D33A 0026,811EEBC8 000A,D1147DEA 0026,811EEBC8 000A
Cheat39="Level 39\Invincible",D112D33A 0027,811F50B8 000A,D1147DEA 0027,811F50B8 000A
Cheat40="Level 40\Invincible",D112D33A 0028,811E2038 000A,D1147DEA 0028,811E2038 000A
Cheat41="Level 41\Invincible",D112D33A 0029,811F02B8 000A,D1147DEA 0029,811F02B8 000A
Cheat42="Level 42\Invincible",D112D33A 002A,811FD7B8 000A,D1147DEA 002A,811FD7B8 000A
Cheat43="Level 43\Invincible",D112D33A 002B,811E97B8 000A,D1147DEA 002B,811E97B8 000A
Cheat44="Level 44\Invincible",D112D33A 002C,811E4538 000A,D1147DEA 002C,811E4538 000A
Cheat45="Level 01\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0001,811E4B3C 01F4,D1147DEA 0001,811E4B3C 01F4
Cheat46="Level 02\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0002,811E1DBC 01F4,D1147DEA 0002,811E1DBC 01F4
Cheat47="Level 03\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0003,811E4D3C 01F4,D1147DEA 0003,811E4D3C 01F4
Cheat48="Level 04\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0004,811E11BC 01F4,D1147DEA 0004,811E11BC 01F4
Cheat49="Level 05\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0005,811E363C 01F4,D1147DEA 0005,811E363C 01F4
Cheat50="Level 06\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0006,811E4EBC 01F4,D1147DEA 0006,811E4EBC 01F4
Cheat51="Level 07\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0007,811E5D3C 01F4,D1147DEA 0007,811E5D3C 01F4
Cheat52="Level 08\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0008,811E283C 01F4,D1147DEA 0008,811E283C 01F4
Cheat53="Level 09\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0009,811EB3BC 01F4,D1147DEA 0009,811EB3BC 01F4
Cheat54="Level 10\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 000A,811E543C 01F4,D1147DEA 000A,811E543C 01F4
Cheat55="Level 11\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 000B,811E1EBC 01F4,D1147DEA 000B,811E1EBC 01F4
Cheat56="Level 12\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 000C,811FA6BC 01F4,D1147DEA 000C,811FA6BC 01F4
Cheat57="Level 13\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 000D,811EAE3C 01F4,D1147DEA 000D,811EAE3C 01F4
Cheat58="Level 14\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 000E,811E2EBC 01F4,D1147DEA 000E,811E2EBC 01F4
Cheat59="Level 15\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 000F,811E273C 01F4,D1147DEA 000F,811E273C 01F4
Cheat60="Level 16\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0010,811E538C 01F4,D1147DEA 0010,811E538C 01F4
Cheat61="Level 17\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0011,811E273C 01F4,D1147DEA 0011,811E273C 01F4
Cheat62="Level 18\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0012,811E1CBC 01F4,D1147DEA 0012,811E1CBC 01F4
Cheat63="Level 19\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0013,811E443C 01F4,D1147DEA 0013,811E443C 01F4
Cheat64="Level 20\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0014,811F723C 01F4,D1147DEA 0014,811F723C 01F4
Cheat65="Level 21\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0015,811E49BC 01F4,D1147DEA 0015,811E49BC 01F4
Cheat66="Level 22\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0016,811E40BC 01F4,D1147DEA 0016,811E40BC 01F4
Cheat67="Level 23\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0017,811E9C3C 01F4,D1147DEA 0017,811E9C3C 01F4
Cheat68="Level 24\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0018,811E293C 01F4,D1147DEA 0018,811E293C 01F4
Cheat69="Level 25\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0019,811E4D3C 01F4,D1147DEA 0019,811E4D3C 01F4
Cheat70="Level 26\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 001A,811EFFBC 01F4,D1147DEA 001A,811EFFBC 01F4
Cheat71="Level 27\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 001B,811E2B3C 01F4,D1147DEA 001B,811E2B3C 01F4
Cheat72="Level 28\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 001C,811E25BC 01F4,D1147DEA 001C,811E25BC 01F4
Cheat73="Level 29\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 001D,811E1EBC 01F4,D1147DEA 001D,811E1EBC 01F4
Cheat74="Level 30\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 001E,811E38BC 01F4,D1147DEA 001E,811E38BC 01F4
Cheat75="Level 31\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 001F,811F563C 01F4,D1147DEA 001F,811F563C 01F4
Cheat76="Level 32\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0020,811E423C 01F4,D1147DEA 0020,811E423C 01F4
Cheat77="Level 33\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0021,811E4EBC 01F4,D1147DEA 0021,811E4EBC 01F4
Cheat78="Level 34\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0022,811E16BC 01F4,D1147DEA 0022,811E16BC 01F4
Cheat79="Level 35\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0023,811FABBC 01F4,D1147DEA 0023,811FABBC 01F4
Cheat80="Level 36\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0024,811EA73C 01F4,D1147DEA 0024,811EA73C 01F4
Cheat81="Level 37\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0025,811FC63C 01F4,D1147DEA 0025,811FC63C 01F4
Cheat82="Level 38\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0026,811EEBCC 01F4,D1147DEA 0026,811EEBCC 01F4
Cheat83="Level 39\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0027,811F50BC 01F4,D1147DEA 0027,811F50BC 01F4
Cheat84="Level 40\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0028,811E203C 01F4,D1147DEA 0028,811E203C 01F4
Cheat85="Level 41\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 0029,811F02BC 01F4,D1147DEA 0029,811F02BC 01F4
Cheat86="Level 42\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 002A,811FD7BC 01F4,D1147DEA 002A,811FD7BC 01F4
Cheat87="Level 43\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 002B,811E97BC 01F4,D1147DEA 002B,811E97BC 01F4
Cheat88="Level 44\Press R For Supa Attack",D112D33A 002C,811E453C 01F4,D1147DEA 002C,811E453C 01F4

View File

@ -67,3 +67,9 @@ Cheat25_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off b
Cheat25_O=$00 FC Lord woo fak fak,$00 F9 Mr Patch,$01 21 Inside Chuffy's wagon,$01 34 Mumbo's Skull,$01 35 Humba Wumba's wigwam 1,$01 57 Humba Wumba's wigwam 2,$01 9B Jingalings Zombified Palace,$01 A6 Smuggler cavern,$01 41 Inside the digger tunnel,$01 43 Bottles house,$01 69 Bottles house still,$01 8A HAG Inside,$01 9A HAG1 Final Boss Cheat25_O=$00 FC Lord woo fak fak,$00 F9 Mr Patch,$01 21 Inside Chuffy's wagon,$01 34 Mumbo's Skull,$01 35 Humba Wumba's wigwam 1,$01 57 Humba Wumba's wigwam 2,$01 9B Jingalings Zombified Palace,$01 A6 Smuggler cavern,$01 41 Inside the digger tunnel,$01 43 Bottles house,$01 69 Bottles house still,$01 8A HAG Inside,$01 9A HAG1 Final Boss
Cheat26="Beta Bottles Revenge Mode",801255C2 0001,80080881 0002 Cheat26="Beta Bottles Revenge Mode",801255C2 0001,80080881 0002
Cheat26_N=Bottles Revenge is a Beta mode from Banjo Tooie that the RWP team recently uncovered after an extraordinary amount of effort. Bottles the Spirit transforms into Bottles the Devil and posses enemies nearby and allows a second player hooked up to Pad 2 to play as that Posses character to try to foil Banjos Plans. As player one goes about its business, player two uses every enemy nearby to try to nab Banjo and take away some life. This mode is incredible, and you can control almost every enemy in the game: slot machines, flying creatures, uggers, zubbas...and this is just the beginning. (Congrats Rare Witch Project) Cheat26_N=Bottles Revenge is a Beta mode from Banjo Tooie that the RWP team recently uncovered after an extraordinary amount of effort. Bottles the Spirit transforms into Bottles the Devil and posses enemies nearby and allows a second player hooked up to Pad 2 to play as that Posses character to try to foil Banjos Plans. As player one goes about its business, player two uses every enemy nearby to try to nab Banjo and take away some life. This mode is incredible, and you can control almost every enemy in the game: slot machines, flying creatures, uggers, zubbas...and this is just the beginning. (Congrats Rare Witch Project)
Cheat27="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 1",8012F701 0064
Cheat28="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 2",8012F705 0064
Cheat29="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 3",8012F709 0064
Cheat30="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 4",8012F70D 0064
Cheat31="Multi-Player\Everyone Infinite All Eggs Multiplayer",810E5F38 0C04,810E5F3A 5A80,81116A00 3C08,81116A02 8008,81116A04 8108,81116A06 3970,81116A08 1100,81116A0A 0010,81116A0C 0000,81116A0E 0000,81116A10 3C08,81116A12 8008,81116A14 8D08,81116A16 3970,81116A18 0008,81116A1A 4200,81116A1C 0008,81116A1E 4202,81116A20 0008,81116A22 4080,81116A24 3C04,81116A26 8000,81116A28 0104,81116A2A 4020,81116A2C 3C04,81116A2E 2406,81116A30 2484,81116A32 0064,81116A34 AD04,81116A36 31C4,81116A38 3C04,81116A3A 2408,81116A3C 2484,81116A3E FFFE,81116A40 AD04,81116A42 31CC,81116A44 3C04,81116A46 8013,81116A48 8C84,81116A4A CF94,81116A4C 0802,81116A4E 1DFE,81116A50 0000,81116A52 0000
Cheat31_N=All blaster modes specifically.[ Thanks retroben, awesome work on this!]

View File

@ -66,73 +66,9 @@ Cheat25_N=To use this cheat, put the cheat on, then press L as you walk through
Cheat25_O=$01 Banjo and Kazooie,$02 Snowball,$06 Bee,$07 Washing machine,$08 Stony,$0A Banjo,$0B Kazooie,$0C Submarine,$0D Mumbo,$0E Golden Goliath,$0F Detonator,$10 Truck,$12 T-rex baby,$13 T-rex daddy Cheat25_O=$01 Banjo and Kazooie,$02 Snowball,$06 Bee,$07 Washing machine,$08 Stony,$0A Banjo,$0B Kazooie,$0C Submarine,$0D Mumbo,$0E Golden Goliath,$0F Detonator,$10 Truck,$12 T-rex baby,$13 T-rex daddy
Cheat26="Beta Bottles Revenge Mode",80130172 0001,8008B4D1 0002 Cheat26="Beta Bottles Revenge Mode",80130172 0001,8008B4D1 0002
Cheat26_N=Bottles Revenge is a Beta mode from Banjo Tooie that the RWP team recently uncovered after an extraordinary amount of effort. Bottles the Spirit transforms into Bottles the Devil and posses enemies nearby and allows a second player hooked up to Pad 2 to play as that Posses character to try to foil Banjos Plans. As player one goes about its business, player two uses every enemy nearby to try to nab Banjo and take away some life. This mode is incredible, and you can control almost every enemy in the game: slot machines, flying creatures, uggers, zubbas...and this is just the beginning. (Congrats Rare Witch Project) Cheat26_N=Bottles Revenge is a Beta mode from Banjo Tooie that the RWP team recently uncovered after an extraordinary amount of effort. Bottles the Spirit transforms into Bottles the Devil and posses enemies nearby and allows a second player hooked up to Pad 2 to play as that Posses character to try to foil Banjos Plans. As player one goes about its business, player two uses every enemy nearby to try to nab Banjo and take away some life. This mode is incredible, and you can control almost every enemy in the game: slot machines, flying creatures, uggers, zubbas...and this is just the beginning. (Congrats Rare Witch Project)
Cheat27="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 1",8013A2B1 0064
[C9176D39-EA4779D1-C:50] Cheat28="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 2",8013A2B5 0064
Name=Banjo-Tooie (E) (M4) Cheat29="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 3",8013A2B9 0064
Cheat0="Infinite\Energy\Banjo and Kazooie",801201B9 0A0A,81120794 0A0A Cheat30="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 4",8013A2BD 0064
Cheat0_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck. Cheat31="Multi-Player\Everyone Infinite All Eggs Multiplayer",810F0BA8 0C04,810F0BAA 8580,81121600 3C08,81121602 8009,81121604 8108,81121606 E5C0,81121608 1100,8112160A 0010,8112160C 0000,8112160E 0000,81121610 3C08,81121612 8009,81121614 8D08,81121616 E5C0,81121618 0008,8112161A 4200,8112161C 0008,8112161E 4202,81121620 0008,81121622 4080,81121624 3C04,81121626 8000,81121628 0104,8112162A 4020,8112162C 3C04,8112162E 2406,81121630 2484,81121632 0064,81121634 AD04,81121636 31C4,81121638 3C04,8112163A 2408,8112163C 2484,8112163E FFFE,81121640 AD04,81121642 31CC,81121644 3C04,81121646 8013,81121648 8C84,8112164A 7B44,8112164C 0802,8112164E 4912,81121650 0000,81121652 0000
Cheat1="Infinite\Energy\Snowball",801201B9 0063,80120797 0005 Cheat31_N=All blaster modes specifically.[ Thanks retroben, awesome work on this!]
Cheat1_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat2="Infinite\Energy\Bee",801201B9 0063,801207A3 000A,801207A4 000A
Cheat2_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat3="Infinite\Energy\Washing Machine",801201B9 0063,811207A6 0A0A
Cheat3_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat4="Infinite\Energy\Stony",801201B9 0063,801207A9 000A,8011B65A 000A
Cheat4_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat5="Infinite\Energy\Banjo",801201B9 0063,801207AF 000A,801207B0 000A
Cheat5_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat6="Infinite\Energy\Kazooie",801201B9 0063,811207B2 0A0A
Cheat6_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat7="Infinite\Energy\Submarine",801201B9 0063,801207B5 000A,801207B6 000A
Cheat7_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat8="Infinite\Energy\Mumbo",801201B9 0063,811207B8 0A0A
Cheat8_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat9="Infinite\Energy\Detonator",801201B9 0063,811207BE 0A0A
Cheat9_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat10="Infinite\Energy\T-Rex Baby",801201B9 0063,801207CF 000A,801207D0 000A
Cheat10_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat11="Infinite\Air",8112FFD2 42C8
Cheat12="Play As",D008B494 0020,8012BFAC 00??
Cheat12_N=To use this cheat, put the cheat on, then press L as you walk through a door to become that chosen character
Cheat12_O=$01 Banjo and Kazooie,$02 Snowball,$06 Bee,$07 Washing machine,$08 Stony,$0A Banjo,$0B Kazooie,$0C Submarine,$0D Mumbo,$0E Golden Goliath,$0F Detonator,$10 Truck,$12 T-rex baby,$13 T-rex daddy
Cheat13="Instant Warp\Options\Not sure",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat13_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat13_O=$00FC Lord woo fak fak,$00F9 Mr Patch,$0121 Inside Chuffy's wagon,$0134 Mumbo's Skull,$0135 Humba Wumba's wigwam 1,$0157 Humba Wumba's wigwam 2,$019B Jingalings Zombified Palace,$01A6 Smuggler cavern,$0141 Inside the digger tunnel,$0143 Bottles house,$0169 Bottles house still,$018A HAG Inside,$019A HAG1 Final Boss
Cheat14="Instant Warp\Options\Spiral Mountain",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat14_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat14_O=$00AD Grunty's Old Lair,$00AE Behind The Waterfall,$00AF Top Of Castle,$0173 Banjo's house
Cheat15="Instant Warp\Options\Jinjo Village",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat15_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat15_O=$0142 Jinjo Village,$0144 King Jingalings throne room,$0143 Bottles house,$0145 Green Jinjo's House,$0146 Black Jinjo's House,$0147 Yellow Jinjo's House,$0148 Blue Jinjo's House,$014A Brown Jinjo's House,$014B Orange Jinjo's House,$014C Purple Jinjo's House,$014D Red Jinjo's House,$014E White Jinjo's House
Cheat16="Instant Warp\Options\Mayahem Temple",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat16_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat16_O=$00B6 Humba's Wigwam,$00B7 Mumbo's skull,$00B8 The Temple,$00B9 Prison Compound,$00BC Code chamber,$00C4 Jade Snake Grove,$00C5 Treasure Chamber,$00C6 Kickball Arena,$0177 Targitzan's Slighty Sacred Temple,$0178 Inside Targitzans Temple,$0179 Targitzan Temple Lobby,$017A Targitzan's Temple Boss,$017F Mayan Kickball Arena,$0166 Multi,$0167 Still,$00C8 Kickball Arena,$00C9 Kickball Arena
Cheat17="Instant Warp\Options\Glitter Gulch Mine",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat17_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat17_O=$00C7 Mine,$00CA Fuel depot,$00CB Crushing shed,$00CC Flooded caves,$00CD Water storage,$00CE Waterfall cavern,$00CF Power hut basement,$00D0 Chuffy's cab,$00D1 Inside chuffy's boiler boss,$00D2 Gloomy caverns,$00D3 Generator caverns,$00D4 Power hut,$00D5 Wumba's wigwam,$00D7 Train station,$00D8 Prospectors hut,$00D9 Mumbo's hut,$00DA Toxic gas cave,$00DB Canary cave,$00DC Ordnance storage,$00E9 Humba,$0126 Water supply pipe,$0163 Ordnance Storage entrance,$0164 Ordnance Storage game,$0165 Ordnance Storage game Multi,$016F Testing,$0170 Testing,$0171 Mumbo's skull
Cheat18="Instant Warp\Options\Witchy World",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat18_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat18_O=$00D6 Witcy World,$00DD Dodgem dome lobby,$00DE Dodgem challenge "1 vs 1",$00DF Dodgem challenge "2 vs 1",$00E0 Dodgem challenge "3 vs 1",$00E1 Crazy castle stockade,$00E2 Crazy castle lobby,$00E3 Crazy castle pump room,$00E4 Balloon burst game,$00E5 Hoop hurry game,$00E6 Star spinner,$00E7 The inferno,$00EA Cave of horrors,$00EB Haunted cavern,$00EC Train station,$0124 Saucer of Peril,$013B Crazy castle stockade "sop",$013C Star spinner "sop",$0176 Mumbo's skull
Cheat19="Instant Warp\Options\Jolly Roger's Lagoon",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat19_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat19_O=$00ED Jolly's,$00EE Pawno's emporium,$00EF mumbo's skull,$00F4 Ancient Swimming Baths,$00F6 Electric Eels lair,$00F7 Seaweed Sanctum,$00F8 Inside the big fish,$00FA temple of the fishes,$01A8 Atlantis,$01A9 Seabottom,$0181 sea bottom cavern,$0182 submarine multi,$01A7 Jolly Roger's Lagoon,$00FF Blubber's wave race hire
Cheat20="Instant Warp\Options\Terrydacty Land",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat20_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat20_O=$0112 Terrydacty Land,$0113 Terry's nest,$0114 Train station,$0115 Oogle boogles cave,$0116 Inside the mountain,$0117 River passage,$0118 Styracosaurus family cave,$0119 Unga bunga's cave,$011A Stomping plains,$011B Bonfire caverns,$011E Humba's Wigwam,$0123 Inside chompa's belly,$0183 Chompa's belly multi
Cheat21="Instant Warp\Options\Grunty Industries",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat21_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat21_O=$0100 Outside,$0101 Inside,$0102 Train station,$0103 Workers quarters,$0104 Trash compactor,$0105 Elevator shaft,$0106 Floor 2,$0107 Floor 2 "electromagnet chamber",$0108 Floor 3,$0109 Floor 3 "boiler plant",$010A Floor 3 "packing room",$010B Floor 4,$010C Floor 4 "cable room",$010D Floor 4 "quality control",$010E Floor 5,$010F Basement,$0110 Basement "repair depot,$0111 Basement "waste disposal",$0125 Water supply pipe,$0172 Mumbo's skull,$0162 Floor 4 "clinkers cavern",$0187 Sewer entrance
Cheat22="Instant Warp\Options\Hailfire Peaks",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat22_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat22_O=$0127 Lava side,$0128 Icy side,$0129 Lava train station,$012A Ice train station,$012B Chilli billi,$012C Chilly willy,$012D Colosseum kickball stadium lobby,$0131 Boggy's igloo,$0132 Icicle grotto,$0133 Inside the volcano,$0168 Icy side still
Cheat23="Instant Warp\Options\Cloud Cuckoo Land",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat23_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat23_O=$0136 Cloud Cuckoo Land 1,$0137 Inside the trashcan,$0138 Inside the cheesewedge,$0139 Zubba's nest,$013A Central cavern,$013D Inside the pot o gold,$013E Mumbo's skull,$013F Mingy jongo's skull,$0140 Humba wumba's wigwam,$0161 Cloud Cuckoo Land 2,$0188 Zubba's nest multi,$0185 Trash can mini
Cheat24="Instant Warp\Options\Isle O Hags",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat24_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat24_O=$014F Wooded Hollow,$0150 Heggy's egg shed,$0151 Jiggywiggy's temple,$0152 Plateau,$0153 Plateau "Honey B's Hive",$0154 Pine Grove,$0155 Cliff top,$0156 Cliff top Mumbo's skull,$015A wasteland,$015B inside another digger tunnel,$015C Quagmire
Cheat25="Instant Warp\Options\Cauldron Keep",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat25_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat25_O=$015D Cauldron Keep,$015E The gatehouse,$015F Tower of Tragedy Quiz,$0160 Gun chamber,$016A Gun room still,$017B Crazy Castle Stockade balloon burst multi,$017C Crazy Castle Stockade Jump the hoops multi,$017D Grunty Industries packing game,$0180 Colosseum kickball arena,$0186 Dodgems
Cheat26="Beta Bottles Revenge Mode",80130402 0001,8008B4D1 0002
Cheat26_N=Bottles Revenge is a Beta mode from Banjo Tooie that the RWP team recently uncovered after an extraordinary amount of effort. Bottles the Spirit transforms into Bottles the Devil and posses enemies nearby and allows a second player hooked up to Pad 2 to play as that Posses character to try to foil Banjos Plans. As player one goes about its business, player two uses every enemy nearby to try to nab Banjo and take away some life. This mode is incredible, and you can control almost every enemy in the game: slot machines, flying creatures, uggers, zubbas...and this is just the beginning. (Congrats Rare Witch Project)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
Name=Banjo-Tooie (E) (M4)
Cheat0="Infinite\Energy\Banjo and Kazooie",801201B9 0A0A,81120794 0A0A
Cheat0_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat1="Infinite\Energy\Snowball",801201B9 0063,80120797 0005
Cheat1_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat2="Infinite\Energy\Bee",801201B9 0063,801207A3 000A,801207A4 000A
Cheat2_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat3="Infinite\Energy\Washing Machine",801201B9 0063,811207A6 0A0A
Cheat3_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat4="Infinite\Energy\Stony",801201B9 0063,801207A9 000A,8011B65A 000A
Cheat4_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat5="Infinite\Energy\Banjo",801201B9 0063,801207AF 000A,801207B0 000A
Cheat5_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat6="Infinite\Energy\Kazooie",801201B9 0063,811207B2 0A0A
Cheat6_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat7="Infinite\Energy\Submarine",801201B9 0063,801207B5 000A,801207B6 000A
Cheat7_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat8="Infinite\Energy\Mumbo",801201B9 0063,811207B8 0A0A
Cheat8_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat9="Infinite\Energy\Detonator",801201B9 0063,811207BE 0A0A
Cheat9_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat10="Infinite\Energy\T-Rex Baby",801201B9 0063,801207CF 000A,801207D0 000A
Cheat10_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat11="Infinite\Air",8112FFD2 42C8
Cheat12="Play As",D008B494 0020,8012BFAC 00??
Cheat12_N=To use this cheat, put the cheat on, then press L as you walk through a door to become that chosen character
Cheat12_O=$01 Banjo and Kazooie,$02 Snowball,$06 Bee,$07 Washing machine,$08 Stony,$0A Banjo,$0B Kazooie,$0C Submarine,$0D Mumbo,$0E Golden Goliath,$0F Detonator,$10 Truck,$12 T-rex baby,$13 T-rex daddy
Cheat13="Instant Warp\Options\Not sure",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat13_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat13_O=$00FC Lord woo fak fak,$00F9 Mr Patch,$0121 Inside Chuffy's wagon,$0134 Mumbo's Skull,$0135 Humba Wumba's wigwam 1,$0157 Humba Wumba's wigwam 2,$019B Jingalings Zombified Palace,$01A6 Smuggler cavern,$0141 Inside the digger tunnel,$0143 Bottles house,$0169 Bottles house still,$018A HAG Inside,$019A HAG1 Final Boss
Cheat14="Instant Warp\Options\Spiral Mountain",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat14_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat14_O=$00AD Grunty's Old Lair,$00AE Behind The Waterfall,$00AF Top Of Castle,$0173 Banjo's house
Cheat15="Instant Warp\Options\Jinjo Village",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat15_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat15_O=$0142 Jinjo Village,$0144 King Jingalings throne room,$0143 Bottles house,$0145 Green Jinjo's House,$0146 Black Jinjo's House,$0147 Yellow Jinjo's House,$0148 Blue Jinjo's House,$014A Brown Jinjo's House,$014B Orange Jinjo's House,$014C Purple Jinjo's House,$014D Red Jinjo's House,$014E White Jinjo's House
Cheat16="Instant Warp\Options\Mayahem Temple",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat16_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat16_O=$00B6 Humba's Wigwam,$00B7 Mumbo's skull,$00B8 The Temple,$00B9 Prison Compound,$00BC Code chamber,$00C4 Jade Snake Grove,$00C5 Treasure Chamber,$00C6 Kickball Arena,$0177 Targitzan's Slighty Sacred Temple,$0178 Inside Targitzans Temple,$0179 Targitzan Temple Lobby,$017A Targitzan's Temple Boss,$017F Mayan Kickball Arena,$0166 Multi,$0167 Still,$00C8 Kickball Arena,$00C9 Kickball Arena
Cheat17="Instant Warp\Options\Glitter Gulch Mine",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat17_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat17_O=$00C7 Mine,$00CA Fuel depot,$00CB Crushing shed,$00CC Flooded caves,$00CD Water storage,$00CE Waterfall cavern,$00CF Power hut basement,$00D0 Chuffy's cab,$00D1 Inside chuffy's boiler boss,$00D2 Gloomy caverns,$00D3 Generator caverns,$00D4 Power hut,$00D5 Wumba's wigwam,$00D7 Train station,$00D8 Prospectors hut,$00D9 Mumbo's hut,$00DA Toxic gas cave,$00DB Canary cave,$00DC Ordnance storage,$00E9 Humba,$0126 Water supply pipe,$0163 Ordnance Storage entrance,$0164 Ordnance Storage game,$0165 Ordnance Storage game Multi,$016F Testing,$0170 Testing,$0171 Mumbo's skull
Cheat18="Instant Warp\Options\Witchy World",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat18_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat18_O=$00D6 Witcy World,$00DD Dodgem dome lobby,$00DE Dodgem challenge "1 vs 1",$00DF Dodgem challenge "2 vs 1",$00E0 Dodgem challenge "3 vs 1",$00E1 Crazy castle stockade,$00E2 Crazy castle lobby,$00E3 Crazy castle pump room,$00E4 Balloon burst game,$00E5 Hoop hurry game,$00E6 Star spinner,$00E7 The inferno,$00EA Cave of horrors,$00EB Haunted cavern,$00EC Train station,$0124 Saucer of Peril,$013B Crazy castle stockade "sop",$013C Star spinner "sop",$0176 Mumbo's skull
Cheat19="Instant Warp\Options\Jolly Roger's Lagoon",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat19_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat19_O=$00ED Jolly's,$00EE Pawno's emporium,$00EF mumbo's skull,$00F4 Ancient Swimming Baths,$00F6 Electric Eels lair,$00F7 Seaweed Sanctum,$00F8 Inside the big fish,$00FA temple of the fishes,$01A8 Atlantis,$01A9 Seabottom,$0181 sea bottom cavern,$0182 submarine multi,$01A7 Jolly Roger's Lagoon,$00FF Blubber's wave race hire
Cheat20="Instant Warp\Options\Terrydacty Land",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat20_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat20_O=$0112 Terrydacty Land,$0113 Terry's nest,$0114 Train station,$0115 Oogle boogles cave,$0116 Inside the mountain,$0117 River passage,$0118 Styracosaurus family cave,$0119 Unga bunga's cave,$011A Stomping plains,$011B Bonfire caverns,$011E Humba's Wigwam,$0123 Inside chompa's belly,$0183 Chompa's belly multi
Cheat21="Instant Warp\Options\Grunty Industries",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat21_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat21_O=$0100 Outside,$0101 Inside,$0102 Train station,$0103 Workers quarters,$0104 Trash compactor,$0105 Elevator shaft,$0106 Floor 2,$0107 Floor 2 "electromagnet chamber",$0108 Floor 3,$0109 Floor 3 "boiler plant",$010A Floor 3 "packing room",$010B Floor 4,$010C Floor 4 "cable room",$010D Floor 4 "quality control",$010E Floor 5,$010F Basement,$0110 Basement "repair depot,$0111 Basement "waste disposal",$0125 Water supply pipe,$0172 Mumbo's skull,$0162 Floor 4 "clinkers cavern",$0187 Sewer entrance
Cheat22="Instant Warp\Options\Hailfire Peaks",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat22_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat22_O=$0127 Lava side,$0128 Icy side,$0129 Lava train station,$012A Ice train station,$012B Chilli billi,$012C Chilly willy,$012D Colosseum kickball stadium lobby,$0131 Boggy's igloo,$0132 Icicle grotto,$0133 Inside the volcano,$0168 Icy side still
Cheat23="Instant Warp\Options\Cloud Cuckoo Land",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat23_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat23_O=$0136 Cloud Cuckoo Land 1,$0137 Inside the trashcan,$0138 Inside the cheesewedge,$0139 Zubba's nest,$013A Central cavern,$013D Inside the pot o gold,$013E Mumbo's skull,$013F Mingy jongo's skull,$0140 Humba wumba's wigwam,$0161 Cloud Cuckoo Land 2,$0188 Zubba's nest multi,$0185 Trash can mini
Cheat24="Instant Warp\Options\Isle O Hags",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat24_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat24_O=$014F Wooded Hollow,$0150 Heggy's egg shed,$0151 Jiggywiggy's temple,$0152 Plateau,$0153 Plateau "Honey B's Hive",$0154 Pine Grove,$0155 Cliff top,$0156 Cliff top Mumbo's skull,$015A wasteland,$015B inside another digger tunnel,$015C Quagmire
Cheat25="Instant Warp\Options\Cauldron Keep",D008B494 0000,8112C5A0 ????,8012C5A3 0001
Cheat25_N=Only use one Instant Warp Option At once, Make sure the other is off before putting this one on
Cheat25_O=$015D Cauldron Keep,$015E The gatehouse,$015F Tower of Tragedy Quiz,$0160 Gun chamber,$016A Gun room still,$017B Crazy Castle Stockade balloon burst multi,$017C Crazy Castle Stockade Jump the hoops multi,$017D Grunty Industries packing game,$0180 Colosseum kickball arena,$0186 Dodgems
Cheat26="Beta Bottles Revenge Mode",80130402 0001,8008B4D1 0002
Cheat26_N=Bottles Revenge is a Beta mode from Banjo Tooie that the RWP team recently uncovered after an extraordinary amount of effort. Bottles the Spirit transforms into Bottles the Devil and posses enemies nearby and allows a second player hooked up to Pad 2 to play as that Posses character to try to foil Banjos Plans. As player one goes about its business, player two uses every enemy nearby to try to nab Banjo and take away some life. This mode is incredible, and you can control almost every enemy in the game: slot machines, flying creatures, uggers, zubbas...and this is just the beginning. (Congrats Rare Witch Project)
Cheat27="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 1",8013A541 0064
Cheat28="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 2",8013A545 0064
Cheat29="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 3",8013A549 0064
Cheat30="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 4",8013A54D 0064
Cheat31="Have\All Moves",D1083F08 0800,811314F0 8029,D1083F08 0800,811314F2 0000,81290018 FFFF,8129001A FFFF,8129001C FFFF,8129001E FFFF
Cheat31_N=Press Top D-pad,Do not use with Have\All Moves & Dragon Kazooie Or Have\Dragon Kazooie
Cheat32="Have\Dragon Kazooie",D1083F08 0800,811314F0 8029,D1083F08 0800,811314F2 0000,81290078 FFFF,8129007A FFFF
Cheat33="Have\All Moves & Dragon Kazooie",D1083F08 0800,811314F0 8029,D1083F08 0800,811314F2 0000,81290018 FFFF,8129001A FFFF,8129001C FFFF,8129001E FFFF,81290078 FFFF,8129007A FFFF
Cheat33_N=Press Top D-pad,Do not use with Have\All Moves Or Have\Dragon Kazooie

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Cheat0="Infinite\Energy\Banjo and Kazooie",8011B069 0063,8111B644 0A0A
Cheat0_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck. Cheat0_N=With Infinite Energy On Avoid Picking up the ! Or ? Stop Energy Honey Combs or you will be stuck.
Cheat1="Infinite\Air",8112B052 42C8 Cheat1="Infinite\Air",8112B052 42C8
Cheat2="Have\All Moves",D1081084 0800,8112C770 8029,D1081084 0800,8112C772 0000,81290018 FFFF,8129001A FFFF,8129001C FFFF,8129001E FFFF Cheat2="Have\All Moves",D1081084 0800,8112C770 8029,D1081084 0800,8112C772 0000,81290018 FFFF,8129001A FFFF,8129001C FFFF,8129001E FFFF
Cheat2_N=Press Top D-pad Up Cheat2_N=Press Top D-pad,Do not use with Have\All Moves & Dragon Kazooie Or Have\Dragon Kazooie
Cheat3="Have Most of the Game Finished",5000AC01 0000,80290000 00FF,8029002B 007F,80290063 00FB,80290073 005F,D1081084 0800,8112C770 8029,D1081084 0800,8112C772 0000 Cheat3="Have Most of the Game Finished",5000AC01 0000,80290000 00FF,8029002B 007F,80290063 00FB,80290073 005F,D1081084 0800,8112C770 8029,D1081084 0800,8112C772 0000
Cheat3_N=Start a new game,when you appear in Spiral Mountain press Top D-Pad. Go to the menu and you will notice all eggs, all moves are available. All the jiggies have been collected. Simply Save and Restart. Cheat3_N=Start a new game,when you appear in Spiral Mountain press Top D-Pad. Go to the menu and you will notice all eggs, all moves are available. All the jiggies have been collected. Simply Save and Restart.
Cheat4="Infinite\Energy\Snowball",8011B069 0063,8011B647 0005 Cheat4="Infinite\Energy\Snowball",8011B069 0063,8011B647 0005
@ -76,3 +76,13 @@ Cheat29_O=$00FC Lord woo fak fak,$00F9 Mr Patch,$0121 Inside Chuffy's wagon,$013
Cheat30="Monsters dont Hurt Banjo",50002430 0000,80132EF5 0000,50002430 0000,80132EF6 0000,50002430 0000,80132EF7 0000,50002430 0000,80132EF8 0000,50002430 0000,80132EF9 0000 Cheat30="Monsters dont Hurt Banjo",50002430 0000,80132EF5 0000,50002430 0000,80132EF6 0000,50002430 0000,80132EF7 0000,50002430 0000,80132EF8 0000,50002430 0000,80132EF9 0000
Cheat31="Beta Bottles Revenge Mode",8012B3F2 0001,800810C1 0002 Cheat31="Beta Bottles Revenge Mode",8012B3F2 0001,800810C1 0002
Cheat31_N=Bottles Revenge is a Beta mode from Banjo Tooie that the RWP team recently uncovered after an extraordinary amount of effort. Bottles the Spirit transforms into Bottles the Devil and posses enemies nearby and allows a second player hooked up to Pad 2 to play as that Posses character to try to foil Banjos Plans. As player one goes about its business, player two uses every enemy nearby to try to nab Banjo and take away some life. This mode is incredible, and you can control almost every enemy in the game: slot machines, flying creatures, uggers, zubbas...and this is just the beginning. (Congrats Rare Witch Project) Cheat31_N=Bottles Revenge is a Beta mode from Banjo Tooie that the RWP team recently uncovered after an extraordinary amount of effort. Bottles the Spirit transforms into Bottles the Devil and posses enemies nearby and allows a second player hooked up to Pad 2 to play as that Posses character to try to foil Banjos Plans. As player one goes about its business, player two uses every enemy nearby to try to nab Banjo and take away some life. This mode is incredible, and you can control almost every enemy in the game: slot machines, flying creatures, uggers, zubbas...and this is just the beginning. (Congrats Rare Witch Project)
Cheat32="Infinite\Eggs, Feathers, All Items",810D1A60 3442,810D1A62 03E7
Cheat33="Fly At Anytime",81120010 240E,81120012 0001,81120014 2400,D1081084 0400,81120014 A08E,81120016 0605
Cheat34="Shock Spring At Anytime",81120018 240E,8112001A 0001,8112001C 2400,D1081084 0800,8112001C A08E,8112001E 0606
Cheat34_N=Press Top D-pad,Do not use with Have\All Moves Or Have\Dragon Kazooie
Cheat35="Multi-Player\Everyone Infinite All Eggs Multiplayer",810EA078 0C04,810EA07A 8040,81120100 3C08,81120102 8008,81120104 8108,81120106 4288,81120108 1100,8112010A 0010,8112010C 0000,8112010E 0000,81120110 3C08,81120112 8008,81120114 8D08,81120116 4288,81120118 0008,8112011A 4200,8112011C 0008,8112011E 4202,81120120 0008,81120122 4080,81120124 3C04,81120126 8000,81120128 0104,8112012A 4020,8112012C 3C04,8112012E 2406,81120130 2484,81120132 0064,81120134 AD04,81120136 31C4,81120138 3C04,8112013A 2408,8112013C 2484,8112013E FFFE,81120140 AD04,81120142 31CC,81120144 3C04,81120146 8013,81120148 8C84,8112014A 2DC4,8112014C 0802,8112014E 2098,81120150 0000,81120152 0000
Cheat35_N=All blaster modes specifically.[ Thanks retroben, awesome work on this!]
Cheat36="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 1",80135531 0064
Cheat37="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 2",80135535 0064
Cheat38="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 3",80135539 0064
Cheat39="Multi-Player\Infinite Health\Player 4",8013553D 0064

View File

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
[204489C1-1286CF2B-C:45] [204489C1-1286CF2B-C:45]
Name=Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker (U) Name=Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker (U)
Cheat0="Infinite\Infinite Health",802086F2 0064 Cheat0="Infinite\Health",802086F2 0064
Cheat1="Infinite\Infinite Lives",802086F1 0063 Cheat1="Infinite\99 Lives",802086F1 0063
Cheat2="Infinite\Infinite Batarangs",802086FE 0063 Cheat2="Infinite\99 Dark Knight Discus",802086FE 0063
Cheat3="Infinite\Max Charge & Magnetic Nun Chaku",802086B9 0064 Cheat3="Infinite\Max Charge & Magnetic Nun Chaku",802086B9 0064
Cheat4="Press F9 to Have\Key",88208524 0020
Cheat5="Weapon Select",802086F7 00??
Cheat5_O=$00 Standard,$01 Dark Knight Discus,$02 Dark Knight Staff,$03 Magnetic Nun Chaku
Cheat6="Suit Select",802086F4 00??
Cheat6_O=$00 Standard,$01 Offensive,$02 Defensive,$03 Nimble

View File

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
[259F7F84-7C9EED26-C:50] [259F7F84-7C9EED26-C:50]
Name=Batman of the Future - Return of the Joker (E) (M3) Name=Batman of the Future - Return of the Joker (E) (M3)
Cheat0="Infinite\Health",801D7F3C 0064 Cheat0="Infinite\Health",801D7F3D 0064
Cheat1="Infinite\99 Lives",801D7F3D 0063 Cheat1="Infinite\99 Lives",801D7F3E 0064
Cheat2="Infinite\Infinite 99 Dark Night Discus's",801D7F4A 0063 Cheat2="Infinite\99 Dark Knight Discus",801D7F4A 0063
Cheat3="Infinite\Max Charge & Magnetic Nun Chaku",801D7F05 0064 Cheat3="Infinite\Max Charge & Magnetic Nun Chaku",801D7F06 0064
Cheat4="Press F9 to Have\Key",881D7D70 0020
Cheat5="Weapon Select",801D7F43 00??
Cheat5_O=$00 Standard,$01 Dark Knight Discus,$02 Dark Knight Staff,$03 Magnetic Nun Chuku
Cheat6="Suit Select",801D7F40 00??
Cheat6_O=$00 Standard,$01 Offensive,$02 Defensive,$03 Nimble

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[0CAD17E6-71A5B797-C:50] [0CAD17E6-71A5B797-C:50]
Name=BattleTanx - Global Assault (E) (M3) Name=BattleTanx - Global Assault (E) (M3)
Cheat0="Infinite Tank Credits",8124AB3E 02F4 Cheat0="Infinite Tank Credits",8124AB3E 03E7
Cheat1="Score Aid",8124A152 FC9A Cheat1="Score Aid",8124A152 FC9A
Cheat2="Inincibility",81121420 0100 Cheat2="Inincibility",81121420 0100
Cheat3="All Weapons & Invulnerable",81121420 0101 Cheat3="All Weapons & Invulnerable",81121420 0101

View File

@ -2,13 +2,26 @@
Name=Beetle Adventure Racing! (E) (M3) Name=Beetle Adventure Racing! (E) (M3)
Cheat0="Access All\Cars",8002CFF7 000B Cheat0="Access All\Cars",8002CFF7 000B
Cheat1="Access All\Tracks",8002CFF3 0006 Cheat1="Access All\Tracks",8002CFF3 0006
Cheat2="Access All\Difficulties",8002CFFB 0003 Cheat2="Access All\Difficulties",8002CFFB 0004
Cheat3="Access All\Multiplayer Levels",50000901 0000,8002D000 0001 Cheat3="Access All\Multiplayer Levels",50000901 0000,8002D000 0001
Cheat4="Access In-Game Cheats",50001301 0000,8002D008 0001 Cheat4="Access In-Game Cheats",50001301 0000,8002D008 0001
Cheat5="Display On",81025EC6 0100 Cheat5="Infinite Continues",8002CC57 0064
Cheat6="Map Full",81025E6A 0102 Cheat6="Power-Up Select",8002CD7B 00??
Cheat7="Speed units\Kph or Mph",81025E68 ???? Cheat6_O=$00 Normal,$01 Mines,$02 Rockets,$03 Stealer,$04 Nitros,$05 ?,$06 Health,$07 Invincible,$08 Off
Cheat7_N=Here you can choose what you would like to be Displayed on your Speed Ometer, As in Kilometres Per Hour, Or Miles Per Hour. Cheat7="Health Select",8002CD7F 00??
Cheat7_O=$0100 Kph,$0001 Mph Cheat7_O=$00 Normal,$01 Good Only,$02 Bad Only,$03 Off
Cheat8="Max Race Points",8102CBC0 03E7 Cheat8="View Mode Select?",8002CD8B 00??
Cheat9="Flat Shading",81025CF6 0000 Cheat8_O=$00 Normal,$01 Fog,$02 Flip,$03 Fisheye
Cheat9="Damage Select",8002CD93 00??
Cheat9_O=$00 Normal,$01 Half,$02 Double,$03 Triple
Cheat10="Radar",8002CD8F 00??
Cheat10_O=$00 On,$01 Off
Cheat11="Low Timer",81025DD4 3001
Cheat12="Speed units\Kph or Mph",81025E68 ????
Cheat12_O=$0100 Kph,$0001 Mph
Cheat13="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\01 Coventry Cove",8036A97B 0064
Cheat14="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\02 Mount Mayhem",8034C65B 0064
Cheat15="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\03 Inferno Isle",80364A53 0064
Cheat16="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\04 Sunset Sands",8033B4AB 0064
Cheat17="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\05 Metro Madness",8035E9E3 0064
Cheat18="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\06 Wicked Woods",80358E5B 0064

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Name=Beetle Adventure Racing! (J)
Cheat0="Access All\Cars",8002CA97 000B
Cheat1="Access All\Tracks",8002CA93 0006
Cheat2="Access All\Difficulties",8002CA9B 0004
Cheat3="Access All\Multiplayer Levels",50000901 0000,8002CAA0 0001
Cheat4="Access In-Game Cheats",50001301 0000,8002CAA8 0001
Cheat5="Infinite Continues",8002C6F7 0064
Cheat6="Power-Up Select",8002C81B 00??
Cheat6_O=$00 Normal,$01 Mines,$02 Rockets,$03 Stealer,$04 Nitros,$05 ?,$06 Health,$07 Invincible,$08 Off
Cheat7="Health Select",8002C81F 00??
Cheat7_O=$00 Normal,$01 Good Only,$02 Bad Only,$03 Off
Cheat8="View Mode Select?",8002C82B 00??
Cheat8_O=$00 Normal,$01 Fog,$02 Flip,$03 Fisheye
Cheat9="Damage Select",8002C833 00??
Cheat9_O=$00 Normal,$01 Half,$02 Double,$03 Triple
Cheat10="Radar",8002C82F 00??
Cheat10_O=$00 On,$01 Off
Cheat11="Low Timer",81025874 3001
Cheat12="Speed units\Kph or Mph",81025908 ????
Cheat12_O=$0100 Kph,$0001 Mph
Cheat13="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\01 Coventry Cove",8036B243 0064
Cheat14="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\02 Mount Mayhem",80351283 0064
Cheat15="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\03 Inferno Isle",80364153 0064
Cheat16="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\04 Sunset Sands",8034242B 0064
Cheat17="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\05 Metro Madness",8035CAFB 0064
Cheat18="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\06 Wicked Woods",80354A33 0064

View File

@ -1,9 +1,27 @@
[EDF419A8-BF1904CC-C:45] [EDF419A8-BF1904CC-C:45]
Name=Beetle Adventure Racing! (U) (M3) Name=Beetle Adventure Racing! (U) (M3)
Cheat0="Have\All Cars",8002CFF7 000B Cheat0="Access All\Cars",8002CFF7 000B
Cheat1="Have\All Tracks",8002CFF3 0006 Cheat1="Access All\Tracks",8002CFF3 0006
Cheat2="Low Timer",81025DD4 3F40 Cheat2="Access All\Difficulties",8002CFFB 0004
Cheat3="Open All Difficulties",8002CFFB 0003 Cheat3="Access All\Multiplayer Levels",50000901 0000,8002D000 0001
Cheat4="Infinite Continues",8002CC57 0005 Cheat4="Access In-Game Cheats",50001301 0000,8002D008 0001
Cheat5="Always Place 1st",81025DD4 1110,81025DDC 3F40 Cheat5="Infinite Continues",8002CC57 0064
Cheat6="Multi-Player Unlock All Levels",50000901 0000,8002D000 0001 Cheat6="Power-Up Select",8002CD7B 00??
Cheat6_O=$00 Normal,$01 Mines,$02 Rockets,$03 Stealer,$04 Nitros,$05 ?,$06 Health,$07 Invincible,$08 Off
Cheat7="Health Select",8002CD7F 00??
Cheat7_O=$00 Normal,$01 Good Only,$02 Bad Only,$03 Off
Cheat8="View Mode Select?",8002CD8B 00??
Cheat8_O=$00 Normal,$01 Fog,$02 Flip,$03 Fisheye
Cheat9="Damage Select",8002CD93 00??
Cheat9_O=$00 Normal,$01 Half,$02 Double,$03 Triple
Cheat10="Radar",8002CD8F 00??
Cheat10_O=$00 On,$01 Off
Cheat11="Low Timer",81025DD4 1040
Cheat12="Speed units\Kph or Mph",81025E68 ????
Cheat12_O=$0100 Kph,$0001 Mph
Cheat13="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\01 Coventry Cove",80363DD3 0064
Cheat14="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\02 Mount Mayhem",80351E9B 0064
Cheat15="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\03 Inferno Isle",80364633 0064
Cheat16="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\04 Sunset Sands",8033C91B 0064
Cheat17="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\05 Metro Madness",8035E61B 0064
Cheat18="[Chamipionship Mode Only]\Have 100 Bonus Points\06 Wicked Woods",80357F33 0064

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Name=Berney Must Die! by Nop_ (POM '99) (PD)
Cheat0="Infinite Health",800794CB 0009

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
Name=Biohazard 2 (J)
Cheat0="Infinite\Health",810DD8A2 00C8
Cheat1="Have\Fine Condition Always",810DD964 0000
Cheat2="Infinite\Time",800E8CBF 0010
Cheat3="Play As",810DD6B8 ????
Cheat3_N=This allows you to select what character you wish to play as. Just slect on load and select as normal at the menu and when in game you will be the character of your choice
Cheat3_O=$0080 Leon Original,$0180 Claire Original,$0280 Leon Original,$0380 Claire Original,$0480 Leon Wounded,$0580 Claire without jacket,$0680 Leon Wounded,$0780 Claire without jacket,$0880 Leon as Stars,$0980 Claire as Biker,$0A80 Leon as Biker,$0B80 Claires body Leons outfit,$0C80 Hunk (can crash the game),$0D80 To Fu,$0E80 Ada (can crash the game),$0F80 Cheryl,
Cheat4="Play Extra Mission",810DD66E 00??
Cheat4_N=This allows you to select what extra mission you wish to play. Just slect on load and carry on as normal at the menu and when in game you will be the character of your choice Do not use at the same time as [Resident Evil 2 Mode]
Cheat4_O=$48 The 4th Survior,$49 To-Fu
Cheat5="Have\Item On Slot Select\Slot 01",800E5448 00??,800E5449 00FF
Cheat5_N=This will give you the item of your choice and will be infinite on that chosen slot
Cheat5_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife Hunk,$02 Handgun Hunk,$03 Handgun Different Ada,$04 Custom Handgun Hunk,$05 Magnum Hunk,$06 Custom Magnum Hunk,$07 Shotgun Hunk,$08 Custom Shotgun Hunk,$09 Grenade Launcher Claire,$0A Grenade Launcher (Flame Rounds) Claire,$0B Grenade Launcher (Acid Rounds) Claire,$0C Bowgun Claire,$0D Colt S.A.A. Claire,$0E Spark Shot Claire,$0F Sub Machine Gun Leon,$10 Flamethrower Leon,$11 Rocket Launcher Claire,$12 Gatling Gun Claire,$13 Machine Gun ???,$14 Handgun Bullets,$15 Shotgun Shells,$16 Magnum Bullets,$17 Fuel,$18 Grenade Rounds,$19 Flame Rounds,$1A Acid Rounds,$1B Machine Gun Bullets,$1C S. Shot Bullets,$1D Bow Gun Bolts,$1E Ink Ribbon,$1F Small Key,$20 Hand Gun Parts,$21 Magnum Parts,$22 Shotgun Parts,$23 First Aid Spray,$24 Chemical FR-W09,$25 Chemical AC-W24,$26 Green Herb,$27 Red Herb,$28 Blue Herb,$29 Mixed Herb (Green),$2A Mixed Herb (Red&Green),$2B Mixed Herb (Blue&Green),$2C Mixed Herb (?),$2D Mixed Herb (?),$2E Mixed Herb (?),$2F Lighter,$30 Lock Pick,$31 Picture,$32 Valve Handle,$33 Red Jewel,$34 Red Card Key,$35 Blue Card Key,$36 Serpent Stone,$37 Jaguar Stone,$38 Blue Stone,$39 Blue Stone (?),$3A Eagle Stone,$3B Bishop Plug,$3C Rook Plug,$3D Knight Plug,$3E King Plug,$3F W. Box Key,$40 Detonator,$41 Plastic Bomb,$42 Bomb&Detonator,$43 Crank,$44 Film,$45 Film (?),$46 Film (?),$47 Unicorn Medal,$48 Eagle Medal,$49 Wolf Medal,$4A G. Cogwheel,$4B Manhole Opener,$4C Main Fuse,$4D Fuse Case,$4E Vaccine,$4F Vaccine Cart.,$50 Film,$51 Base Vaccine,$52 G-Virus,$53 Special Key,$54 Joint S Plug,$55 Joint N Plug,$56 Cord,$57 Film,$58 Cabin Key,$59 Precinct Key (blue),$5A Precinct Key (red),$5B Precinct Key (?),$5C Precinct Key (green),$5D C. Panel Key (red),$5E C. Panel Key (yellow),$5F P. Room Key,$60 MO Disk,$61 Lab Card Key,$62 Master Key,$63 Platform Key,$64 No Item,$65 No Item,$66 No Item,$67 No Item,$68 Chris's Diary,$69 Mail to Chris,$6A Memo to Leon,$6B Police Memorandum,$6C Operation Report 1,$6D Mail to the Chief,$6E Mail to the Chief (?),$6F Secretary's Diary A,$70 Secretary's Diary B,$71 Operation Report 2,$72 User Registration,$73 Film A,$74 Film B,$75 Film C,$76 Patrol Report,$77 Watchman's Diary,$78 Chief's Diary,$79 Sewer Manager Diary,$7A Sewer Manager Fax,$7B Film D,$7C Vaccine Synthesis,$7D Lab Security Manual,$7E P-Epsilon Report,$7F Rookie Files,$80 Rookie Files (?),$81 No Item,$82 Spade Key,$83 Diamond Key,$84 Desk Key,$85 Heart Key,$86 Club Key,$87 Virgin Heart,$88 Square Crank,$89 Down Key,$8A Up Key,$8B Locker Key
Cheat6="Have\Item On Slot Select\Slot 02",800E544C 00??,800E544D 00FF
Cheat6_N=This will give you the item of your choice and will be infinite on that chosen slot
Cheat6_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife Hunk,$02 Handgun Hunk,$03 Handgun Different Ada,$04 Custom Handgun Hunk,$05 Magnum Hunk,$06 Custom Magnum Hunk,$07 Shotgun Hunk,$08 Custom Shotgun Hunk,$09 Grenade Launcher Claire,$0A Grenade Launcher (Flame Rounds) Claire,$0B Grenade Launcher (Acid Rounds) Claire,$0C Bowgun Claire,$0D Colt S.A.A. Claire,$0E Spark Shot Claire,$0F Sub Machine Gun Leon,$10 Flamethrower Leon,$11 Rocket Launcher Claire,$12 Gatling Gun Claire,$13 Machine Gun ???,$14 Handgun Bullets,$15 Shotgun Shells,$16 Magnum Bullets,$17 Fuel,$18 Grenade Rounds,$19 Flame Rounds,$1A Acid Rounds,$1B Machine Gun Bullets,$1C S. Shot Bullets,$1D Bow Gun Bolts,$1E Ink Ribbon,$1F Small Key,$20 Hand Gun Parts,$21 Magnum Parts,$22 Shotgun Parts,$23 First Aid Spray,$24 Chemical FR-W09,$25 Chemical AC-W24,$26 Green Herb,$27 Red Herb,$28 Blue Herb,$29 Mixed Herb (Green),$2A Mixed Herb (Red&Green),$2B Mixed Herb (Blue&Green),$2C Mixed Herb (?),$2D Mixed Herb (?),$2E Mixed Herb (?),$2F Lighter,$30 Lock Pick,$31 Picture,$32 Valve Handle,$33 Red Jewel,$34 Red Card Key,$35 Blue Card Key,$36 Serpent Stone,$37 Jaguar Stone,$38 Blue Stone,$39 Blue Stone (?),$3A Eagle Stone,$3B Bishop Plug,$3C Rook Plug,$3D Knight Plug,$3E King Plug,$3F W. Box Key,$40 Detonator,$41 Plastic Bomb,$42 Bomb&Detonator,$43 Crank,$44 Film,$45 Film (?),$46 Film (?),$47 Unicorn Medal,$48 Eagle Medal,$49 Wolf Medal,$4A G. Cogwheel,$4B Manhole Opener,$4C Main Fuse,$4D Fuse Case,$4E Vaccine,$4F Vaccine Cart.,$50 Film,$51 Base Vaccine,$52 G-Virus,$53 Special Key,$54 Joint S Plug,$55 Joint N Plug,$56 Cord,$57 Film,$58 Cabin Key,$59 Precinct Key (blue),$5A Precinct Key (red),$5B Precinct Key (?),$5C Precinct Key (green),$5D C. Panel Key (red),$5E C. Panel Key (yellow),$5F P. Room Key,$60 MO Disk,$61 Lab Card Key,$62 Master Key,$63 Platform Key,$64 No Item,$65 No Item,$66 No Item,$67 No Item,$68 Chris's Diary,$69 Mail to Chris,$6A Memo to Leon,$6B Police Memorandum,$6C Operation Report 1,$6D Mail to the Chief,$6E Mail to the Chief (?),$6F Secretary's Diary A,$70 Secretary's Diary B,$71 Operation Report 2,$72 User Registration,$73 Film A,$74 Film B,$75 Film C,$76 Patrol Report,$77 Watchman's Diary,$78 Chief's Diary,$79 Sewer Manager Diary,$7A Sewer Manager Fax,$7B Film D,$7C Vaccine Synthesis,$7D Lab Security Manual,$7E P-Epsilon Report,$7F Rookie Files,$80 Rookie Files (?),$81 No Item,$82 Spade Key,$83 Diamond Key,$84 Desk Key,$85 Heart Key,$86 Club Key,$87 Virgin Heart,$88 Square Crank,$89 Down Key,$8A Up Key,$8B Locker Key
Cheat7="Have\Item On Slot Select\Slot 03",800E5450 00??,800E5451 00FF
Cheat7_N=This will give you the item of your choice and will be infinite on that chosen slot
Cheat7_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife Hunk,$02 Handgun Hunk,$03 Handgun Different Ada,$04 Custom Handgun Hunk,$05 Magnum Hunk,$06 Custom Magnum Hunk,$07 Shotgun Hunk,$08 Custom Shotgun Hunk,$09 Grenade Launcher Claire,$0A Grenade Launcher (Flame Rounds) Claire,$0B Grenade Launcher (Acid Rounds) Claire,$0C Bowgun Claire,$0D Colt S.A.A. Claire,$0E Spark Shot Claire,$0F Sub Machine Gun Leon,$10 Flamethrower Leon,$11 Rocket Launcher Claire,$12 Gatling Gun Claire,$13 Machine Gun ???,$14 Handgun Bullets,$15 Shotgun Shells,$16 Magnum Bullets,$17 Fuel,$18 Grenade Rounds,$19 Flame Rounds,$1A Acid Rounds,$1B Machine Gun Bullets,$1C S. Shot Bullets,$1D Bow Gun Bolts,$1E Ink Ribbon,$1F Small Key,$20 Hand Gun Parts,$21 Magnum Parts,$22 Shotgun Parts,$23 First Aid Spray,$24 Chemical FR-W09,$25 Chemical AC-W24,$26 Green Herb,$27 Red Herb,$28 Blue Herb,$29 Mixed Herb (Green),$2A Mixed Herb (Red&Green),$2B Mixed Herb (Blue&Green),$2C Mixed Herb (?),$2D Mixed Herb (?),$2E Mixed Herb (?),$2F Lighter,$30 Lock Pick,$31 Picture,$32 Valve Handle,$33 Red Jewel,$34 Red Card Key,$35 Blue Card Key,$36 Serpent Stone,$37 Jaguar Stone,$38 Blue Stone,$39 Blue Stone (?),$3A Eagle Stone,$3B Bishop Plug,$3C Rook Plug,$3D Knight Plug,$3E King Plug,$3F W. Box Key,$40 Detonator,$41 Plastic Bomb,$42 Bomb&Detonator,$43 Crank,$44 Film,$45 Film (?),$46 Film (?),$47 Unicorn Medal,$48 Eagle Medal,$49 Wolf Medal,$4A G. Cogwheel,$4B Manhole Opener,$4C Main Fuse,$4D Fuse Case,$4E Vaccine,$4F Vaccine Cart.,$50 Film,$51 Base Vaccine,$52 G-Virus,$53 Special Key,$54 Joint S Plug,$55 Joint N Plug,$56 Cord,$57 Film,$58 Cabin Key,$59 Precinct Key (blue),$5A Precinct Key (red),$5B Precinct Key (?),$5C Precinct Key (green),$5D C. Panel Key (red),$5E C. Panel Key (yellow),$5F P. Room Key,$60 MO Disk,$61 Lab Card Key,$62 Master Key,$63 Platform Key,$64 No Item,$65 No Item,$66 No Item,$67 No Item,$68 Chris's Diary,$69 Mail to Chris,$6A Memo to Leon,$6B Police Memorandum,$6C Operation Report 1,$6D Mail to the Chief,$6E Mail to the Chief (?),$6F Secretary's Diary A,$70 Secretary's Diary B,$71 Operation Report 2,$72 User Registration,$73 Film A,$74 Film B,$75 Film C,$76 Patrol Report,$77 Watchman's Diary,$78 Chief's Diary,$79 Sewer Manager Diary,$7A Sewer Manager Fax,$7B Film D,$7C Vaccine Synthesis,$7D Lab Security Manual,$7E P-Epsilon Report,$7F Rookie Files,$80 Rookie Files (?),$81 No Item,$82 Spade Key,$83 Diamond Key,$84 Desk Key,$85 Heart Key,$86 Club Key,$87 Virgin Heart,$88 Square Crank,$89 Down Key,$8A Up Key,$8B Locker Key
Cheat8="Have\Item On Slot Select\Slot 04",800E5454 00??,800E5455 00FF
Cheat8_N=This will give you the item of your choice and will be infinite on that chosen slot
Cheat8_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife Hunk,$02 Handgun Hunk,$03 Handgun Different Ada,$04 Custom Handgun Hunk,$05 Magnum Hunk,$06 Custom Magnum Hunk,$07 Shotgun Hunk,$08 Custom Shotgun Hunk,$09 Grenade Launcher Claire,$0A Grenade Launcher (Flame Rounds) Claire,$0B Grenade Launcher (Acid Rounds) Claire,$0C Bowgun Claire,$0D Colt S.A.A. Claire,$0E Spark Shot Claire,$0F Sub Machine Gun Leon,$10 Flamethrower Leon,$11 Rocket Launcher Claire,$12 Gatling Gun Claire,$13 Machine Gun ???,$14 Handgun Bullets,$15 Shotgun Shells,$16 Magnum Bullets,$17 Fuel,$18 Grenade Rounds,$19 Flame Rounds,$1A Acid Rounds,$1B Machine Gun Bullets,$1C S. Shot Bullets,$1D Bow Gun Bolts,$1E Ink Ribbon,$1F Small Key,$20 Hand Gun Parts,$21 Magnum Parts,$22 Shotgun Parts,$23 First Aid Spray,$24 Chemical FR-W09,$25 Chemical AC-W24,$26 Green Herb,$27 Red Herb,$28 Blue Herb,$29 Mixed Herb (Green),$2A Mixed Herb (Red&Green),$2B Mixed Herb (Blue&Green),$2C Mixed Herb (?),$2D Mixed Herb (?),$2E Mixed Herb (?),$2F Lighter,$30 Lock Pick,$31 Picture,$32 Valve Handle,$33 Red Jewel,$34 Red Card Key,$35 Blue Card Key,$36 Serpent Stone,$37 Jaguar Stone,$38 Blue Stone,$39 Blue Stone (?),$3A Eagle Stone,$3B Bishop Plug,$3C Rook Plug,$3D Knight Plug,$3E King Plug,$3F W. Box Key,$40 Detonator,$41 Plastic Bomb,$42 Bomb&Detonator,$43 Crank,$44 Film,$45 Film (?),$46 Film (?),$47 Unicorn Medal,$48 Eagle Medal,$49 Wolf Medal,$4A G. Cogwheel,$4B Manhole Opener,$4C Main Fuse,$4D Fuse Case,$4E Vaccine,$4F Vaccine Cart.,$50 Film,$51 Base Vaccine,$52 G-Virus,$53 Special Key,$54 Joint S Plug,$55 Joint N Plug,$56 Cord,$57 Film,$58 Cabin Key,$59 Precinct Key (blue),$5A Precinct Key (red),$5B Precinct Key (?),$5C Precinct Key (green),$5D C. Panel Key (red),$5E C. Panel Key (yellow),$5F P. Room Key,$60 MO Disk,$61 Lab Card Key,$62 Master Key,$63 Platform Key,$64 No Item,$65 No Item,$66 No Item,$67 No Item,$68 Chris's Diary,$69 Mail to Chris,$6A Memo to Leon,$6B Police Memorandum,$6C Operation Report 1,$6D Mail to the Chief,$6E Mail to the Chief (?),$6F Secretary's Diary A,$70 Secretary's Diary B,$71 Operation Report 2,$72 User Registration,$73 Film A,$74 Film B,$75 Film C,$76 Patrol Report,$77 Watchman's Diary,$78 Chief's Diary,$79 Sewer Manager Diary,$7A Sewer Manager Fax,$7B Film D,$7C Vaccine Synthesis,$7D Lab Security Manual,$7E P-Epsilon Report,$7F Rookie Files,$80 Rookie Files (?),$81 No Item,$82 Spade Key,$83 Diamond Key,$84 Desk Key,$85 Heart Key,$86 Club Key,$87 Virgin Heart,$88 Square Crank,$89 Down Key,$8A Up Key,$8B Locker Key
Cheat9="Have\Item On Slot Select\Slot 05",800E5458 00??,800E5459 00FF
Cheat9_N=This will give you the item of your choice and will be infinite on that chosen slot
Cheat9_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife Hunk,$02 Handgun Hunk,$03 Handgun Different Ada,$04 Custom Handgun Hunk,$05 Magnum Hunk,$06 Custom Magnum Hunk,$07 Shotgun Hunk,$08 Custom Shotgun Hunk,$09 Grenade Launcher Claire,$0A Grenade Launcher (Flame Rounds) Claire,$0B Grenade Launcher (Acid Rounds) Claire,$0C Bowgun Claire,$0D Colt S.A.A. Claire,$0E Spark Shot Claire,$0F Sub Machine Gun Leon,$10 Flamethrower Leon,$11 Rocket Launcher Claire,$12 Gatling Gun Claire,$13 Machine Gun ???,$14 Handgun Bullets,$15 Shotgun Shells,$16 Magnum Bullets,$17 Fuel,$18 Grenade Rounds,$19 Flame Rounds,$1A Acid Rounds,$1B Machine Gun Bullets,$1C S. Shot Bullets,$1D Bow Gun Bolts,$1E Ink Ribbon,$1F Small Key,$20 Hand Gun Parts,$21 Magnum Parts,$22 Shotgun Parts,$23 First Aid Spray,$24 Chemical FR-W09,$25 Chemical AC-W24,$26 Green Herb,$27 Red Herb,$28 Blue Herb,$29 Mixed Herb (Green),$2A Mixed Herb (Red&Green),$2B Mixed Herb (Blue&Green),$2C Mixed Herb (?),$2D Mixed Herb (?),$2E Mixed Herb (?),$2F Lighter,$30 Lock Pick,$31 Picture,$32 Valve Handle,$33 Red Jewel,$34 Red Card Key,$35 Blue Card Key,$36 Serpent Stone,$37 Jaguar Stone,$38 Blue Stone,$39 Blue Stone (?),$3A Eagle Stone,$3B Bishop Plug,$3C Rook Plug,$3D Knight Plug,$3E King Plug,$3F W. Box Key,$40 Detonator,$41 Plastic Bomb,$42 Bomb&Detonator,$43 Crank,$44 Film,$45 Film (?),$46 Film (?),$47 Unicorn Medal,$48 Eagle Medal,$49 Wolf Medal,$4A G. Cogwheel,$4B Manhole Opener,$4C Main Fuse,$4D Fuse Case,$4E Vaccine,$4F Vaccine Cart.,$50 Film,$51 Base Vaccine,$52 G-Virus,$53 Special Key,$54 Joint S Plug,$55 Joint N Plug,$56 Cord,$57 Film,$58 Cabin Key,$59 Precinct Key (blue),$5A Precinct Key (red),$5B Precinct Key (?),$5C Precinct Key (green),$5D C. Panel Key (red),$5E C. Panel Key (yellow),$5F P. Room Key,$60 MO Disk,$61 Lab Card Key,$62 Master Key,$63 Platform Key,$64 No Item,$65 No Item,$66 No Item,$67 No Item,$68 Chris's Diary,$69 Mail to Chris,$6A Memo to Leon,$6B Police Memorandum,$6C Operation Report 1,$6D Mail to the Chief,$6E Mail to the Chief (?),$6F Secretary's Diary A,$70 Secretary's Diary B,$71 Operation Report 2,$72 User Registration,$73 Film A,$74 Film B,$75 Film C,$76 Patrol Report,$77 Watchman's Diary,$78 Chief's Diary,$79 Sewer Manager Diary,$7A Sewer Manager Fax,$7B Film D,$7C Vaccine Synthesis,$7D Lab Security Manual,$7E P-Epsilon Report,$7F Rookie Files,$80 Rookie Files (?),$81 No Item,$82 Spade Key,$83 Diamond Key,$84 Desk Key,$85 Heart Key,$86 Club Key,$87 Virgin Heart,$88 Square Crank,$89 Down Key,$8A Up Key,$8B Locker Key
Cheat10="Have\Item On Slot Select\Slot 06",800E545C 5D??,800E545D 00FF
Cheat10_N=This will give you the item of your choice and will be infinite on that chosen slot
Cheat10_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife Hunk,$02 Handgun Hunk,$03 Handgun Different Ada,$04 Custom Handgun Hunk,$05 Magnum Hunk,$06 Custom Magnum Hunk,$07 Shotgun Hunk,$08 Custom Shotgun Hunk,$09 Grenade Launcher Claire,$0A Grenade Launcher (Flame Rounds) Claire,$0B Grenade Launcher (Acid Rounds) Claire,$0C Bowgun Claire,$0D Colt S.A.A. Claire,$0E Spark Shot Claire,$0F Sub Machine Gun Leon,$10 Flamethrower Leon,$11 Rocket Launcher Claire,$12 Gatling Gun Claire,$13 Machine Gun ???,$14 Handgun Bullets,$15 Shotgun Shells,$16 Magnum Bullets,$17 Fuel,$18 Grenade Rounds,$19 Flame Rounds,$1A Acid Rounds,$1B Machine Gun Bullets,$1C S. Shot Bullets,$1D Bow Gun Bolts,$1E Ink Ribbon,$1F Small Key,$20 Hand Gun Parts,$21 Magnum Parts,$22 Shotgun Parts,$23 First Aid Spray,$24 Chemical FR-W09,$25 Chemical AC-W24,$26 Green Herb,$27 Red Herb,$28 Blue Herb,$29 Mixed Herb (Green),$2A Mixed Herb (Red&Green),$2B Mixed Herb (Blue&Green),$2C Mixed Herb (?),$2D Mixed Herb (?),$2E Mixed Herb (?),$2F Lighter,$30 Lock Pick,$31 Picture,$32 Valve Handle,$33 Red Jewel,$34 Red Card Key,$35 Blue Card Key,$36 Serpent Stone,$37 Jaguar Stone,$38 Blue Stone,$39 Blue Stone (?),$3A Eagle Stone,$3B Bishop Plug,$3C Rook Plug,$3D Knight Plug,$3E King Plug,$3F W. Box Key,$40 Detonator,$41 Plastic Bomb,$42 Bomb&Detonator,$43 Crank,$44 Film,$45 Film (?),$46 Film (?),$47 Unicorn Medal,$48 Eagle Medal,$49 Wolf Medal,$4A G. Cogwheel,$4B Manhole Opener,$4C Main Fuse,$4D Fuse Case,$4E Vaccine,$4F Vaccine Cart.,$50 Film,$51 Base Vaccine,$52 G-Virus,$53 Special Key,$54 Joint S Plug,$55 Joint N Plug,$56 Cord,$57 Film,$58 Cabin Key,$59 Precinct Key (blue),$5A Precinct Key (red),$5B Precinct Key (?),$5C Precinct Key (green),$5D C. Panel Key (red),$5E C. Panel Key (yellow),$5F P. Room Key,$60 MO Disk,$61 Lab Card Key,$62 Master Key,$63 Platform Key,$64 No Item,$65 No Item,$66 No Item,$67 No Item,$68 Chris's Diary,$69 Mail to Chris,$6A Memo to Leon,$6B Police Memorandum,$6C Operation Report 1,$6D Mail to the Chief,$6E Mail to the Chief (?),$6F Secretary's Diary A,$70 Secretary's Diary B,$71 Operation Report 2,$72 User Registration,$73 Film A,$74 Film B,$75 Film C,$76 Patrol Report,$77 Watchman's Diary,$78 Chief's Diary,$79 Sewer Manager Diary,$7A Sewer Manager Fax,$7B Film D,$7C Vaccine Synthesis,$7D Lab Security Manual,$7E P-Epsilon Report,$7F Rookie Files,$80 Rookie Files (?),$81 No Item,$82 Spade Key,$83 Diamond Key,$84 Desk Key,$85 Heart Key,$86 Club Key,$87 Virgin Heart,$88 Square Crank,$89 Down Key,$8A Up Key,$8B Locker Key
Cheat11="Have\Item On Slot Select\Slot 07",800E5460 00??,800E5461 00FF
Cheat11_N=This will give you the item of your choice and will be infinite on that chosen slot
Cheat11_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife Hunk,$02 Handgun Hunk,$03 Handgun Different Ada,$04 Custom Handgun Hunk,$05 Magnum Hunk,$06 Custom Magnum Hunk,$07 Shotgun Hunk,$08 Custom Shotgun Hunk,$09 Grenade Launcher Claire,$0A Grenade Launcher (Flame Rounds) Claire,$0B Grenade Launcher (Acid Rounds) Claire,$0C Bowgun Claire,$0D Colt S.A.A. Claire,$0E Spark Shot Claire,$0F Sub Machine Gun Leon,$10 Flamethrower Leon,$11 Rocket Launcher Claire,$12 Gatling Gun Claire,$13 Machine Gun ???,$14 Handgun Bullets,$15 Shotgun Shells,$16 Magnum Bullets,$17 Fuel,$18 Grenade Rounds,$19 Flame Rounds,$1A Acid Rounds,$1B Machine Gun Bullets,$1C S. Shot Bullets,$1D Bow Gun Bolts,$1E Ink Ribbon,$1F Small Key,$20 Hand Gun Parts,$21 Magnum Parts,$22 Shotgun Parts,$23 First Aid Spray,$24 Chemical FR-W09,$25 Chemical AC-W24,$26 Green Herb,$27 Red Herb,$28 Blue Herb,$29 Mixed Herb (Green),$2A Mixed Herb (Red&Green),$2B Mixed Herb (Blue&Green),$2C Mixed Herb (?),$2D Mixed Herb (?),$2E Mixed Herb (?),$2F Lighter,$30 Lock Pick,$31 Picture,$32 Valve Handle,$33 Red Jewel,$34 Red Card Key,$35 Blue Card Key,$36 Serpent Stone,$37 Jaguar Stone,$38 Blue Stone,$39 Blue Stone (?),$3A Eagle Stone,$3B Bishop Plug,$3C Rook Plug,$3D Knight Plug,$3E King Plug,$3F W. Box Key,$40 Detonator,$41 Plastic Bomb,$42 Bomb&Detonator,$43 Crank,$44 Film,$45 Film (?),$46 Film (?),$47 Unicorn Medal,$48 Eagle Medal,$49 Wolf Medal,$4A G. Cogwheel,$4B Manhole Opener,$4C Main Fuse,$4D Fuse Case,$4E Vaccine,$4F Vaccine Cart.,$50 Film,$51 Base Vaccine,$52 G-Virus,$53 Special Key,$54 Joint S Plug,$55 Joint N Plug,$56 Cord,$57 Film,$58 Cabin Key,$59 Precinct Key (blue),$5A Precinct Key (red),$5B Precinct Key (?),$5C Precinct Key (green),$5D C. Panel Key (red),$5E C. Panel Key (yellow),$5F P. Room Key,$60 MO Disk,$61 Lab Card Key,$62 Master Key,$63 Platform Key,$64 No Item,$65 No Item,$66 No Item,$67 No Item,$68 Chris's Diary,$69 Mail to Chris,$6A Memo to Leon,$6B Police Memorandum,$6C Operation Report 1,$6D Mail to the Chief,$6E Mail to the Chief (?),$6F Secretary's Diary A,$70 Secretary's Diary B,$71 Operation Report 2,$72 User Registration,$73 Film A,$74 Film B,$75 Film C,$76 Patrol Report,$77 Watchman's Diary,$78 Chief's Diary,$79 Sewer Manager Diary,$7A Sewer Manager Fax,$7B Film D,$7C Vaccine Synthesis,$7D Lab Security Manual,$7E P-Epsilon Report,$7F Rookie Files,$80 Rookie Files (?),$81 No Item,$82 Spade Key,$83 Diamond Key,$84 Desk Key,$85 Heart Key,$86 Club Key,$87 Virgin Heart,$88 Square Crank,$89 Down Key,$8A Up Key,$8B Locker Key
Cheat12="Have\Item On Slot Select\Slot 08",800E5464 00??,800E5465 00FF
Cheat12_N=This will give you the item of your choice and will be infinite on that chosen slot
Cheat12_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife Hunk,$02 Handgun Hunk,$03 Handgun Different Ada,$04 Custom Handgun Hunk,$05 Magnum Hunk,$06 Custom Magnum Hunk,$07 Shotgun Hunk,$08 Custom Shotgun Hunk,$09 Grenade Launcher Claire,$0A Grenade Launcher (Flame Rounds) Claire,$0B Grenade Launcher (Acid Rounds) Claire,$0C Bowgun Claire,$0D Colt S.A.A. Claire,$0E Spark Shot Claire,$0F Sub Machine Gun Leon,$10 Flamethrower Leon,$11 Rocket Launcher Claire,$12 Gatling Gun Claire,$13 Machine Gun ???,$14 Handgun Bullets,$15 Shotgun Shells,$16 Magnum Bullets,$17 Fuel,$18 Grenade Rounds,$19 Flame Rounds,$1A Acid Rounds,$1B Machine Gun Bullets,$1C S. Shot Bullets,$1D Bow Gun Bolts,$1E Ink Ribbon,$1F Small Key,$20 Hand Gun Parts,$21 Magnum Parts,$22 Shotgun Parts,$23 First Aid Spray,$24 Chemical FR-W09,$25 Chemical AC-W24,$26 Green Herb,$27 Red Herb,$28 Blue Herb,$29 Mixed Herb (Green),$2A Mixed Herb (Red&Green),$2B Mixed Herb (Blue&Green),$2C Mixed Herb (?),$2D Mixed Herb (?),$2E Mixed Herb (?),$2F Lighter,$30 Lock Pick,$31 Picture,$32 Valve Handle,$33 Red Jewel,$34 Red Card Key,$35 Blue Card Key,$36 Serpent Stone,$37 Jaguar Stone,$38 Blue Stone,$39 Blue Stone (?),$3A Eagle Stone,$3B Bishop Plug,$3C Rook Plug,$3D Knight Plug,$3E King Plug,$3F W. Box Key,$40 Detonator,$41 Plastic Bomb,$42 Bomb&Detonator,$43 Crank,$44 Film,$45 Film (?),$46 Film (?),$47 Unicorn Medal,$48 Eagle Medal,$49 Wolf Medal,$4A G. Cogwheel,$4B Manhole Opener,$4C Main Fuse,$4D Fuse Case,$4E Vaccine,$4F Vaccine Cart.,$50 Film,$51 Base Vaccine,$52 G-Virus,$53 Special Key,$54 Joint S Plug,$55 Joint N Plug,$56 Cord,$57 Film,$58 Cabin Key,$59 Precinct Key (blue),$5A Precinct Key (red),$5B Precinct Key (?),$5C Precinct Key (green),$5D C. Panel Key (red),$5E C. Panel Key (yellow),$5F P. Room Key,$60 MO Disk,$61 Lab Card Key,$62 Master Key,$63 Platform Key,$64 No Item,$65 No Item,$66 No Item,$67 No Item,$68 Chris's Diary,$69 Mail to Chris,$6A Memo to Leon,$6B Police Memorandum,$6C Operation Report 1,$6D Mail to the Chief,$6E Mail to the Chief (?),$6F Secretary's Diary A,$70 Secretary's Diary B,$71 Operation Report 2,$72 User Registration,$73 Film A,$74 Film B,$75 Film C,$76 Patrol Report,$77 Watchman's Diary,$78 Chief's Diary,$79 Sewer Manager Diary,$7A Sewer Manager Fax,$7B Film D,$7C Vaccine Synthesis,$7D Lab Security Manual,$7E P-Epsilon Report,$7F Rookie Files,$80 Rookie Files (?),$81 No Item,$82 Spade Key,$83 Diamond Key,$84 Desk Key,$85 Heart Key,$86 Club Key,$87 Virgin Heart,$88 Square Crank,$89 Down Key,$8A Up Key,$8B Locker Key
Cheat13="Have\Item On Slot Select\Slot 09",800E5468 00??,800E5469 00FF
Cheat13_N=This will give you the item of your choice and will be infinite on that chosen slot
Cheat13_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife Hunk,$02 Handgun Hunk,$03 Handgun Different Ada,$04 Custom Handgun Hunk,$05 Magnum Hunk,$06 Custom Magnum Hunk,$07 Shotgun Hunk,$08 Custom Shotgun Hunk,$09 Grenade Launcher Claire,$0A Grenade Launcher (Flame Rounds) Claire,$0B Grenade Launcher (Acid Rounds) Claire,$0C Bowgun Claire,$0D Colt S.A.A. Claire,$0E Spark Shot Claire,$0F Sub Machine Gun Leon,$10 Flamethrower Leon,$11 Rocket Launcher Claire,$12 Gatling Gun Claire,$13 Machine Gun ???,$14 Handgun Bullets,$15 Shotgun Shells,$16 Magnum Bullets,$17 Fuel,$18 Grenade Rounds,$19 Flame Rounds,$1A Acid Rounds,$1B Machine Gun Bullets,$1C S. Shot Bullets,$1D Bow Gun Bolts,$1E Ink Ribbon,$1F Small Key,$20 Hand Gun Parts,$21 Magnum Parts,$22 Shotgun Parts,$23 First Aid Spray,$24 Chemical FR-W09,$25 Chemical AC-W24,$26 Green Herb,$27 Red Herb,$28 Blue Herb,$29 Mixed Herb (Green),$2A Mixed Herb (Red&Green),$2B Mixed Herb (Blue&Green),$2C Mixed Herb (?),$2D Mixed Herb (?),$2E Mixed Herb (?),$2F Lighter,$30 Lock Pick,$31 Picture,$32 Valve Handle,$33 Red Jewel,$34 Red Card Key,$35 Blue Card Key,$36 Serpent Stone,$37 Jaguar Stone,$38 Blue Stone,$39 Blue Stone (?),$3A Eagle Stone,$3B Bishop Plug,$3C Rook Plug,$3D Knight Plug,$3E King Plug,$3F W. Box Key,$40 Detonator,$41 Plastic Bomb,$42 Bomb&Detonator,$43 Crank,$44 Film,$45 Film (?),$46 Film (?),$47 Unicorn Medal,$48 Eagle Medal,$49 Wolf Medal,$4A G. Cogwheel,$4B Manhole Opener,$4C Main Fuse,$4D Fuse Case,$4E Vaccine,$4F Vaccine Cart.,$50 Film,$51 Base Vaccine,$52 G-Virus,$53 Special Key,$54 Joint S Plug,$55 Joint N Plug,$56 Cord,$57 Film,$58 Cabin Key,$59 Precinct Key (blue),$5A Precinct Key (red),$5B Precinct Key (?),$5C Precinct Key (green),$5D C. Panel Key (red),$5E C. Panel Key (yellow),$5F P. Room Key,$60 MO Disk,$61 Lab Card Key,$62 Master Key,$63 Platform Key,$64 No Item,$65 No Item,$66 No Item,$67 No Item,$68 Chris's Diary,$69 Mail to Chris,$6A Memo to Leon,$6B Police Memorandum,$6C Operation Report 1,$6D Mail to the Chief,$6E Mail to the Chief (?),$6F Secretary's Diary A,$70 Secretary's Diary B,$71 Operation Report 2,$72 User Registration,$73 Film A,$74 Film B,$75 Film C,$76 Patrol Report,$77 Watchman's Diary,$78 Chief's Diary,$79 Sewer Manager Diary,$7A Sewer Manager Fax,$7B Film D,$7C Vaccine Synthesis,$7D Lab Security Manual,$7E P-Epsilon Report,$7F Rookie Files,$80 Rookie Files (?),$81 No Item,$82 Spade Key,$83 Diamond Key,$84 Desk Key,$85 Heart Key,$86 Club Key,$87 Virgin Heart,$88 Square Crank,$89 Down Key,$8A Up Key,$8B Locker Key
Cheat14="Have\Item On Slot Select\Slot 10",800E546C 00??,800E546D 00FF
Cheat14_N=This will give you the item of your choice and will be infinite on that chosen slot
Cheat14_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife Hunk,$02 Handgun Hunk,$03 Handgun Different Ada,$04 Custom Handgun Hunk,$05 Magnum Hunk,$06 Custom Magnum Hunk,$07 Shotgun Hunk,$08 Custom Shotgun Hunk,$09 Grenade Launcher Claire,$0A Grenade Launcher (Flame Rounds) Claire,$0B Grenade Launcher (Acid Rounds) Claire,$0C Bowgun Claire,$0D Colt S.A.A. Claire,$0E Spark Shot Claire,$0F Sub Machine Gun Leon,$10 Flamethrower Leon,$11 Rocket Launcher Claire,$12 Gatling Gun Claire,$13 Machine Gun ???,$14 Handgun Bullets,$15 Shotgun Shells,$16 Magnum Bullets,$17 Fuel,$18 Grenade Rounds,$19 Flame Rounds,$1A Acid Rounds,$1B Machine Gun Bullets,$1C S. Shot Bullets,$1D Bow Gun Bolts,$1E Ink Ribbon,$1F Small Key,$20 Hand Gun Parts,$21 Magnum Parts,$22 Shotgun Parts,$23 First Aid Spray,$24 Chemical FR-W09,$25 Chemical AC-W24,$26 Green Herb,$27 Red Herb,$28 Blue Herb,$29 Mixed Herb (Green),$2A Mixed Herb (Red&Green),$2B Mixed Herb (Blue&Green),$2C Mixed Herb (?),$2D Mixed Herb (?),$2E Mixed Herb (?),$2F Lighter,$30 Lock Pick,$31 Picture,$32 Valve Handle,$33 Red Jewel,$34 Red Card Key,$35 Blue Card Key,$36 Serpent Stone,$37 Jaguar Stone,$38 Blue Stone,$39 Blue Stone (?),$3A Eagle Stone,$3B Bishop Plug,$3C Rook Plug,$3D Knight Plug,$3E King Plug,$3F W. Box Key,$40 Detonator,$41 Plastic Bomb,$42 Bomb&Detonator,$43 Crank,$44 Film,$45 Film (?),$46 Film (?),$47 Unicorn Medal,$48 Eagle Medal,$49 Wolf Medal,$4A G. Cogwheel,$4B Manhole Opener,$4C Main Fuse,$4D Fuse Case,$4E Vaccine,$4F Vaccine Cart.,$50 Film,$51 Base Vaccine,$52 G-Virus,$53 Special Key,$54 Joint S Plug,$55 Joint N Plug,$56 Cord,$57 Film,$58 Cabin Key,$59 Precinct Key (blue),$5A Precinct Key (red),$5B Precinct Key (?),$5C Precinct Key (green),$5D C. Panel Key (red),$5E C. Panel Key (yellow),$5F P. Room Key,$60 MO Disk,$61 Lab Card Key,$62 Master Key,$63 Platform Key,$64 No Item,$65 No Item,$66 No Item,$67 No Item,$68 Chris's Diary,$69 Mail to Chris,$6A Memo to Leon,$6B Police Memorandum,$6C Operation Report 1,$6D Mail to the Chief,$6E Mail to the Chief (?),$6F Secretary's Diary A,$70 Secretary's Diary B,$71 Operation Report 2,$72 User Registration,$73 Film A,$74 Film B,$75 Film C,$76 Patrol Report,$77 Watchman's Diary,$78 Chief's Diary,$79 Sewer Manager Diary,$7A Sewer Manager Fax,$7B Film D,$7C Vaccine Synthesis,$7D Lab Security Manual,$7E P-Epsilon Report,$7F Rookie Files,$80 Rookie Files (?),$81 No Item,$82 Spade Key,$83 Diamond Key,$84 Desk Key,$85 Heart Key,$86 Club Key,$87 Virgin Heart,$88 Square Crank,$89 Down Key,$8A Up Key,$8B Locker Key
Cheat15="Quick Save Access",D10DBE8C 0044,810E4EA8 8007,D10DBE8C 0044,810E4EAA 06B0
Cheat15_N=(1 Anytime, anywhere, press Z and C-Down at the same time. You'll get the standard typewriter text: "It's an old typewriter. You can save your progress with this." Note that you must, of course, Have\an ink ribbon to save. 2) Choose "Yes" and you'll be able to save normally. Instead of the location name, your save file will say "Scenario 1st" or "Scenario 2nd." 3) When you load your save file, you'll Have\to skip through the intro, but when the game loads up you'll be exactly where you saved!
Cheat16="Quick Chest Access",D10DBE8C 0005,810E4EA8 8007,D10DBE8C 0005,810E4EAA 0814
Cheat16_N=With this code, all you Have\to do to access the chest, is hold L and C-Down
Cheat17="[Saves Always 0]",800E50D1 0000
Cheat17_N=No matter how many saves you do ithis makes the game think you Have\not saved.
Cheat18="[Resident Evil 2 Mode]",810DD66E 00??
Cheat18_N=Note: With this enabled the game will become Resident Evil 2, the English version of Biohazard 2! This means all text (except the text in files) is in Japanese, and all cinemas Have\English subtitles. Note that the title screen will still say Biohazard 2 Do not use at the same time as Play Extra Mission
Cheat18_O=$40 On,$00 Off
Cheat19="Have All Guns In Chest",50000E04 0100,810E5474 05FF
Cheat20="Have All Main Items In Chest",810E54AC 17FF,810E54B0 1EFF,810E54B4 1FFF,810E54B8 23FF,50000404 0100,810E54BC 25FF,810E54CC 2AFF,810E54D0 2BFF,50000304 0100,810E54D4 2EFF,50000F04 0100,810E54E0 32FF,810E551C 43FF,50000504 0100,810E5520 47FF,50000404 0100,810E5534 53FF,50000C04 0100,810E5544 58FF
Cheat20_N=If you want items that are not listed in the Chest, then just use the Have Item On Slot Select code to have what you desire.

View File

@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ Cheat12_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Fuel,$02 Pistol,$03 Shotgun,$04 Rifle,$05 Machine Gun,
Cheat13="Infinite Ammo All Weapons",50001102 0000,81048146 8000 Cheat13="Infinite Ammo All Weapons",50001102 0000,81048146 8000
Cheat14="Level Select",80047F93 00?? Cheat14="Level Select",80047F93 00??
Cheat14_O=$01 Greece,$02 Java,$03 America,$04 Siberia,$05 Comet Cheat14_O=$01 Greece,$02 Java,$03 America,$04 Siberia,$05 Comet
Cheat15="Press L To Wall Over Water, Climb Hills",D00475D9 0020,8104DCD2 0808 Cheat15="Press L To Walk Over Water, Climb Hills",D00475D9 0020,8104DCD2 0808

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Name=Bokujou Monogatari 2 (J) (V1.0)
Cheat0="Max Money",811FDA9C 000F,811FDA9E 423F
Cheat1="Decrease Material",8118A2F0 03E7
Cheat2="Decrease Fodder",81180BB4 03E7

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Name=Bokujou Monogatari 2 (J) (V1.1)
Cheat0="Max Money",811FDD2C 000F,811FDD2E 423F
Cheat1="Decrease Material",8118A580 03E7
Cheat2="Decrease Fodder",81180E44 03E7

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Name=Bokujou Monogatari 2 (J) (V1.2)
Cheat0="Max Money",811FDD2E 423F,811FDD2E 423F
Cheat1="Decrease Material",8118A580 03E7
Cheat2="Decrease Fodder",81180E44 03E7

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Name=Bomberman - Arcade Edition (J) [T-Eng]
Cheat0="Have\Max Fire",8024A39E 00FF
Cheat1="Have\Max Bombs",8024A39F 00FF
Cheat2="Bomb Select",8024A3A1 00??
Cheat2_O=$02 Power Bomb,$03 Jelly Bomb,$04 Shock Wave Bomb,$05 Blue Remote Bomb,$06 Red Beem Bomb,$07 Invisible Mine Bomb,$1D Crazy Bomb,$00 Clear All Special Bombs.
Cheat3="Walk through\Blocks",8024A3A5 00??
Cheat3_N=Walk through Blocks like they are not there.Turn cheat to off to go back to normal.
Cheat3_O=$00 Off,$01 On
Cheat4="Bomberman Speed",8024A3A0 00??
Cheat4_O=$04 Slow,$08 Normal,$0E Fast,$10 Turbo
Cheat5="Have\Infinite\Kick",8024A3A6 0002
Cheat6="Invincible",8024A3A8 00??
Cheat6_N=Enemies & Bomb Blasts cant harm you.But if you walk & keep laying Bombs it will most likly try to avoid constant bombing while walking.Turn cheat to off to go back to normal.
Cheat6_O=$00 Off,$01 On
Cheat7="Walk through\Bombs",8024A3A6 00??
Cheat7_N=Walk through Bombs like they are not there.Turn cheat to off to go back to normal.
Cheat7_O=$00 Off,$01 On
Cheat8="Infinite\Health Hearts",8024A3AE 00FF
Cheat9="Infinite\Lives",802E1CE7 00FF
Cheat10="Infinite\Timer",800FDD72 002A

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
[D5B2339C-CABCCAED-C:50] [D5B2339C-CABCCAED-C:50]
Name=Buck Bumble (E) (M5) Name=Buck Bumble (E) (M5)
Cheat0="Have All\Guns & Infinite Ammo",81102C0A 0001,50000B04 0000,810EBF66 03E8 Cheat0="Have\[All Guns & Infinite Ammo]",81102C0A 0001,50000B04 0000,810EBF66 03E8
Cheat0_N=Press C Left to receive all Guns Cheat0_N=Press C Left to receive all Guns
Cheat1="Infinite\Health",810EBF58 42D8 Cheat1="Infinite\Health",810EBF58 42D8
Cheat1_N=If you fall into Water just turn off the Infinite Health & put back on when you restrat. Cheat1_N=If you fall into Water just turn off the Infinite Health & put back on when you restrat.
Cheat2="Infinite\99 Lives",810EC2D2 03E7 Cheat2="Infinite\99 Lives",810EC2D2 03E7
Cheat3="Level Select Menu",801022CA 0EF0 Cheat3="Have\[All Keys]",810EBF60 0001,800EBF61 0001,810EBF62 0001
Cheat4="Have All\Keys",810EBF60 0001,800EBF61 0001,810EBF62 0001 Cheat4="Have\Max Bonus",810EC2CA 270F
Cheat5="High Score",810EBF4E FFFF Cheat5="Level Select",81103D82 00??
Cheat6="Max Bonus",810EC2CA 270F Cheat5_O=$01 Mission 1 Shock Strike,$02 Mission 2 Radar Run,$03 Mission 3 Return Fire,$04 Mission 4 The Sonar Tower,$05 Mission 5 Big Blips,$06 Mission 6 Short Fuse,$07 Mission 7 Outpost,$08 Mission 8 Sewer,$09 Mission 9 Clean Up,$0A Mission 10 Scramble Pylon,$0B Mission 11 Herding Research,$0C Mission 12 The Extractor,$0D Mission 13 Nuke Tower,$0E Mission 14 Mucus Storage,$0F Mission 15 Depot Attack,$10 Boss Mission Destroy Carrier Level,$11 Mission 16 Sterilization,$12 Mission 17 Scorpion Killer,$13 Mission 18 Core Nuke,$14 Mission 19 Gate Keeper,$15 Queen Mission
Cheat6="Have\[High Score]",810EBF4E FFFF
Cheat7="Level Select Menu",811022CA 0EF0

View File

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
[D7C762B6-F83D9642-C:4A] [D7C762B6-F83D9642-C:4A]
Name=Buck Bumble (J) Name=Buck Bumble (J)
Cheat0="Have All\Guns & Infinite Ammo",81101DFA 0001,50000B04 0000,810EB156 03E7 Cheat0="Have\[All Guns & Infinite Ammo]",81101DFA 0001,50000B04 0000,810EB156 03E7
Cheat0_N=Press C Left to receive all Guns Cheat0_N=Press C Left to receive all Guns
Cheat1="Infinite\Health",810EB148 42D8 Cheat1="Infinite\Health",810EB148 42D8
Cheat1_N=If you fall into Water just turn off the Infinite Health & put back on after. Cheat1_N=If you fall into Water just turn off the Infinite Health & put back on after.
Cheat2="Infinite\99 Lives",810EB4C0 0005 Cheat2="Infinite\99 Lives",810EB4C0 0005
Cheat3="Have All\Keys",810EB150 0101,800EB152 0001 Cheat3="Have\[All Keys]",810EB150 0101,800EB152 0001
Cheat4="Max Bonus",810EB4BA 270F Cheat4="Have\Max Bonus",810EB4BA 270F
Cheat5="Level Select",8110FE32 00??
Cheat5_O=$01 Mission 1 Shock Strike,$02 Mission 2 Radar Run,$03 Mission 3 Return Fire,$04 Mission 4 The Sonar Tower,$05 Mission 5 Big Blips,$06 Mission 6 Short Fuse,$07 Mission 7 Outpost,$08 Mission 8 Sewer,$09 Mission 9 Clean Up,$0A Mission 10 Scramble Pylon,$0B Mission 11 Herding Research,$0C Mission 12 The Extractor,$0D Mission 13 Nuke Tower,$0E Mission 14 Mucus Storage,$0F Mission 15 Depot Attack,$10 Boss Mission Destroy Carrier Level,$11 Mission 16 Sterilization,$12 Mission 17 Scorpion Killer,$13 Mission 18 Core Nuke,$14 Mission 19 Gate Keeper,$15 Queen Mission
Cheat6="Have\[High Score]",810EB13E FFFF
Cheat7="Level Select Menu",8110D1EA BF60

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
[85AE781A-C756F05D-C:45] [85AE781A-C756F05D-C:45]
Name=Buck Bumble (U) Name=Buck Bumble (U)
Cheat0="Have All\Guns & Infinite Ammo",810FFF8A 0001,50000B04 0000,810E92E6 03E8 Cheat0="Have\[All Guns & Infinite Ammo]",810FFF8A 0001,50000B04 0000,810E92E6 03E8
Cheat0_N=Press C Left to receive all Guns Cheat0_N=Press C Left to receive all Guns
Cheat1="Infinite\Health",810E92D8 42D8 Cheat1="Infinite\Health",810E92D8 42D8
Cheat1_N=If you fall into Water just turn off the Infinite Health & put back on after. Cheat1_N=If you fall into Water just turn off the Infinite Health & put back on after.
Cheat2="Infinite\99 Lives",810E9650 0005 Cheat2="Infinite\99 Lives",810E9650 0005
Cheat3="Have All\Keys",810E92E0 0101,800E92E2 0001 Cheat3="Have\[All Keys]",810E92E0 0101,800E92E2 0001
Cheat4="Max Bonus",810E964A 270F Cheat4="Have\Max Bonus",810E964A 270F
Cheat5="Level Select",810FFF92 00?? Cheat5="Level Select",810FFF92 00??
Cheat5_O=$01 Mission 1 Shock Strike,$02 Mission 2 Radar Run,$03 Mission 3 Return Fire,$04 Mission 4 The Sonar Tower,$05 Mission 5 Big Blips,$06 Mission 6 Short Fuse,$07 Mission 7 Outpost,$08 Mission 8 Sewer,$09 Mission 9 Clean Up,$0A Mission 10 Scramble Pylon,$0B Mission 11 Herding Research,$0C Mission 12 The Extractor,$0D Mission 13 Nuke Tower,$0E Mission 14 Mucus Storage,$0F Mission 15 Depot Attack,$10 Boss Mission Destroy Carrier Level,$11 Mission 16 Sterilization,$12 Mission 17 Scorpion Killer,$13 Mission 18 Core Nuke,$14 Mission 19 Gate Keeper,$15 Queen Mission Cheat5_O=$01 Mission 1 Shock Strike,$02 Mission 2 Radar Run,$03 Mission 3 Return Fire,$04 Mission 4 The Sonar Tower,$05 Mission 5 Big Blips,$06 Mission 6 Short Fuse,$07 Mission 7 Outpost,$08 Mission 8 Sewer,$09 Mission 9 Clean Up,$0A Mission 10 Scramble Pylon,$0B Mission 11 Herding Research,$0C Mission 12 The Extractor,$0D Mission 13 Nuke Tower,$0E Mission 14 Mucus Storage,$0F Mission 15 Depot Attack,$10 Boss Mission Destroy Carrier Level,$11 Mission 16 Sterilization,$12 Mission 17 Scorpion Killer,$13 Mission 18 Core Nuke,$14 Mission 19 Gate Keeper,$15 Queen Mission
Cheat6="Have\[High Score]",810E92CE FFFF
Cheat7="Level Select Menu",810FE5AA D320

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Name=Bust A Move 3 DX
Cheat0="Always Have\guide line on",80056CCC 0082
Cheat1="Pointer always active",D0056FA0 0002,80056FA0 0082
Cheat2="Play As Select\Player 1",800E3250 00??
Cheat2_O=$00 Bubbloon,$01 Twinkie,$02 Prettio,$03 Marina,$04 Musashi,$05 Luna,$06 Jack,$07 SSB,$08 Dragoon,$09 Gnome,$10 Monkey,$11 furby? (looks like 2 balloons),$12 Blue Gnome,$13 1 of the two Ballons,$14 Water under ballons
Cheat3="Play As Select\Player 2",800E3258 00??
Cheat3_O=$00 Bubbloon,$01 Twinkie,$02 Prettio,$03 Marina,$04 Musashi,$05 Luna,$06 Jack,$07 SSB,$08 Dragoon,$09 Gnome,$10 Monkey,$11 furby? (looks like 2 balloons),$12 Blue Gnome,$13 1 of the two Ballons,$14 Water under ballons
Cheat4="Next Bubble Select\Player 1",800ECE19 00??
Cheat4_O=$00 No Bubble,$01 Red,$02 Green,$03 Blue,$04 Yellow,$05 Orange,$06 Purple,$07 White,$08 Black
Cheat5="Next Bubble Select\Player 2",800ECF09 00??
Cheat5_O=$00 No Bubble,$01 Red,$02 Green,$03 Blue,$04 Yellow,$05 Orange,$06 Purple,$07 White,$08 Black
Cheat6="Press GS to Reset Player 2 score to 0",8809D9C0 0000,8809D9C2 0000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Name=California Speed (E)
Cheat0="Always Place 1st",80152D61 0000
Cheat1="Have All\Tracks",8116A0EC FFFF
Cheat2="Have All\Cars",50001504 0000,800AAD4B 0001
Cheat3="Press R For Nitrous Boost",D01354BF 0010,8112CE6C 43CB

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
[AC16400E-CF5D071A-C:45] [AC16400E-CF5D071A-C:45]
Name=California Speed (U) Name=California Speed (U)
Cheat0="Always Place 1st",80151C01 0000 Cheat0="Always Place 1st",80151C01 0000
Cheat1="Have All\Tracks",81168F8C FFFF Cheat1="Have All Tracks",81168F8C FFFF
Cheat2="Have All\Cars",50001504 0000,800AAE5B 0001 Cheat2="Have All Cars",50001504 0000,800AAE5B 0001
Cheat3="Press R For Nitrous Boost",D013435F 0010,8112BD0C 43CB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Name=Carmageddon 64 (E) (M4) (Eng-Spa-Fre-Ger)
Cheat0="Have Everything Unlocked",801BDDBD 000F
Cheat0_N=Pause Game: Use Control Stick, to scroll the Cheat Menu. Press A, to activate Cheats. This will unlock everything and also be replacing all the Zombies with Pre-Historic Dinosaurs.
Cheat1="Have Infinite\Invunerability",8109782C ????
Cheat1_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat2="Have Infinite\Free Repairs",81097844 ????
Cheat2_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat3="Have Infinite\Underwater Ability",81097874 ????
Cheat3_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat4="Have Infinite\Turbo",810977B4 ????
Cheat4_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat5="Have Infinite\Mega Turbo",810977CC ????
Cheat5_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat6="Have Infinite\Hot Rod",810977E4 ????
Cheat6_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat7="Have Infinite\Turbo Nitrous",810977FC ????
Cheat7_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat8="Have Infinite\Frozen Opponents",810978A4 ????
Cheat8_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat9="Have Infinite\Grip-O-Matic Tires",810979DC ????
Cheat9_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat10="Have Infinite\Mine Dropping Ability",81097A98 ????
Cheat10_O=$0064 On,$0000 Off
Cheat11="Freeze Timer at 04:59",811BDB9E 3A70
Cheat11_N=Do not enable until count down to race is finished
Cheat12="Max Credits",811BDC1B FFFF
Cheat12_N=This is also Infinite until disabled
Cheat13="Max Kills",81094596 01F4
Cheat13_N=This will automatically Clear the stage if enabled and go back to the stage menu
Cheat14="Have All Groups Completed",50002801 0000,801BDCDC 0002
Cheat14_N=This gives you all Cups for all Groups.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
Name=Carmageddon 64 (U)
Cheat0="Have Everything Unlocked",801C49BD 000F
Cheat0_N=This will unlock Cars, Races, Missions and the in-built Cheat Menu. This will also replace all the Zombies with Dinosaurs. To access Cheat menu options: Pause Game: Use Control Stick, to scroll the Cheat Menu. Press A, to activate Cheats
Cheat1="Have Infinite\Invunerability",8109DEAC ????
Cheat1_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat2="Have Infinite\Free Repairs",8109DEC4 ????
Cheat2_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat3="Have Infinite\Underwater Ability",8109DEF4 ????
Cheat3_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat4="Have Infinite\Turbo",8109DE34 ????
Cheat4_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat5="Have Infinite\Mega Turbo",8109DE4C ????
Cheat5_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat6="Have Infinite\Hot Rod",8109DE64 ????
Cheat6_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat7="Have Infinite\Turbo Nitrous",8109DE7C ????
Cheat7_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat8="Have Infinite\Frozen Opponents",8109DF24 ????
Cheat8_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat9="Have Infinite\Grip-O-Matic Tires",8109E05C ????
Cheat9_O=$0BBB On,$0000 Off
Cheat10="Have Infinite\Mine Dropping Ability",8009E119 ????
Cheat10_O=$0064 On,$0000
Cheat11="Freeze Time at 02:00",811C479E 1C40
Cheat12="Max Credits",811C481B FFFF
Cheat12_N=This is also Infinite until disabled
Cheat13="Max Kills",8109AC46 012C
Cheat13_N=This will automatically Clear the stage if enabled and go back to the stage menu
Cheat14="Have All Groups Completed",50002801 0000,801C48DC 0002
Cheat14_N=This gives you all Cups for all Groups.

View File

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ Cheat11="Have\Exp Points",80389C4D 0063
Cheat12="Max Power Up",80389CF1 0002 Cheat12="Max Power Up",80389CF1 0002
Cheat13="Never Get Poisoned",81389C8C 0000 Cheat13="Never Get Poisoned",81389C8C 0000
Cheat14="Level Select",89389C94 ????,89389C91 0000 Cheat14="Level Select",89389C94 ????,89389C91 0000
Cheat14_N=You must use this code on a saved game, because the intro to the first level will mess up the game. Now select the saved game, and hold down the F9 button until the level loads. Some of the boss stages will not let you fight the boss unless you re-enter the area. Also, with the part of stage modifier, the second code modifies the part of the level that you are in, and 0000 is the level's start. Cheat14_N=You must use this code on a saved game, because the intro to the first level will mess up the game. Now select the saved game, and hold down the GS button until the level loads. Some of the boss stages will not let you fight the boss unless you re-enter the area. Also, with the part of stage modifier, the second code modifies the part of the level that you are in, and 0000 is the level's start.
Cheat14_O=$595A Forest of Silence,$595C Castle Wall,$595B Villa,$5956 Inside Villa,$5958 Garden Maze,$5957 Tunnel,$5962 Underground Waterway,$5961 Castle Center,$596A Tower of Execution,$5969 - Tower of Sorcery,$596C - Tower of Science,$596B - Duel Tower,$5966 - Fight With Death/Actrise,$5965 - Castle Keep,$5968 - Intro (Glitch),$5967 - Clock Tower,$5972 - Final Dracula,$5974 - Fight With Maze Boss,$5973 - Room of Clocks,$596E - ??,$596D - ?? Cheat14_O=$0000 Forest of Silence,$0002 Castle Wall,$0003 Villa,$0004 Inside Villa,$0006 Garden Maze,$0007 Tunnel,$0008 Underground Waterway,$0009 Castle Center,$0010 Tower of Execution,$0011 - Tower of Sorcery,$0012 - Tower of Science,$0013 - Duel Tower,$0014 - Fight With Death/Actrise,$0015 - Castle Keep,$0016 - Intro (Glitch),$0017 - Clock Tower,$0018 - Final Dracula,$001A - Fight With Maze Boss,$001B - Room of Clocks,$001C - ??,$001D - ??
Cheat15="Switch From",80389C41 00?? Cheat15="Switch From",80389C41 00??
Cheat15_N=This Switch From Cheat lets you switch characters on a saved game For example, if you are Reindhart and you want to be Carrie in the middle of your game save it and then enable this Cheat and press F1. when you start your saved game back up you'll be Carrie instead of Reindhart. Cheat15_N=This Switch From Cheat lets you switch characters on a saved game For example, if you are Reindhart and you want to be Carrie in the middle of your game save it and then enable this Cheat and press F1. when you start your saved game back up you'll be Carrie instead of Reindhart.
Cheat15_O=$00 Carrie to Reindhart,$01 Reindhart to Carrie Cheat15_O=$00 Carrie to Reindhart,$01 Reindhart to Carrie

View File

@ -5,20 +5,20 @@ Cheat1="Infinite\Throwing Weapon",81389C48 0064
Cheat2="Throwing Weapon Modifier",81389C42 00?? Cheat2="Throwing Weapon Modifier",81389C42 00??
Cheat2_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knives,$02 Exploding Potions,$03 Cross,$04 Axes Cheat2_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knives,$02 Exploding Potions,$03 Cross,$04 Axes
Cheat3="Press L To Levitate",D0387D7F 0020,81350810 3FCB Cheat3="Press L To Levitate",D0387D7F 0020,81350810 3FCB
Cheat4="Have\All Items",50000501 0000,80389C4A 0001,50000301 0000,80389C51 0001,80389C5A 0001,80389C5B 0001,80389C5D 0001,50000E01 0000,80389C60 0001 Cheat4="Have All Items",50000501 0000,80389C4A 0001,50000301 0000,80389C51 0001,80389C5A 0001,80389C5B 0001,80389C5D 0001,50000E01 0000,80389C60 0001
Cheat5="Have\Invincibility",80342BFE 000B Cheat5="Have Invincibility",80342BFE 000B
Cheat6="Infinite\Red Jewels",80389C49 0063 Cheat6="Infinite\Red Jewels",80389C49 0063
Cheat7="Status",80389C88 00?? Cheat7="Status",80389C88 00??
Cheat7_O=$01 Good,$08 Vamp,$11 Poison,$22 Good but depressed,$66 Sto,$1F V+P Cheat7_O=$01 Good,$08 Vamp,$11 Poison,$22 Good but depressed,$66 Sto,$1F V+P
Cheat8="Open All Doors and Gates,No Bosses",50002A02 0000,81389BD0 FFFF Cheat8="Open All Doors and Gates,No Bosses",50002A02 0000,81389BD0 FFFF
Cheat9="Infinite\Energy",80389C3F 0064 Cheat9="Infinite\Energy",80389C3F 0064
Cheat10="Infinite\Funds",80389C45 0001,81389C46 869F Cheat10="Infinite\Funds",80389C45 0001,81389C46 869F
Cheat11="Have\Exp Points",80389C49 0063 Cheat11="Have Exp Points",80389C49 0063
Cheat12="Max Power Up",80389CED 0002 Cheat12="Max Power Up",80389CED 0002
Cheat13="Never Get Poisoned",81389C88 0000 Cheat13="Never Get Poisoned",81389C88 0000
Cheat14="Level Select",89389C90 ????,89389C92 0000 Cheat14="Level Select",89389C90 ????,89389C92 0000
Cheat14_N=You must use this code on a saved game, because the intro to the first level will mess up the game. Now select the saved game, and hold down the F9 button until the level loads. Some of the boss stages will not let you fight the boss unless you re-enter the area. Also, with the part of stage modifier, the second code modifies the part of the level that you are in, and 0000 is the level's start. Cheat14_N=You must use this code on a saved game, because the intro to the first level will mess up the game. Now select the saved game, and hold down the GS button until the level loads. Some of the boss stages will not let you fight the boss unless you re-enter the area. Also, with the part of stage modifier, the second code modifies the part of the level that you are in, and 0000 is the level's start.
Cheat14_O=$595A Forest of Silence,$595C Castle Wall,$595B Villa,$5956 Inside Villa,$5958 Garden Maze,$5957 Tunnel,$5962 Underground Waterway,$5961 Castle Center,$596A Tower of Execution,$5969 - Tower of Sorcery,$596C - Tower of Science,$596B - Duel Tower,$5966 - Fight With Death/Actrise,$5965 - Castle Keep,$5968 - Intro (Glitch),$5967 - Clock Tower,$5972 - Final Dracula,$5974 - Fight With Maze Boss,$5973 - Room of Clocks,$596E - ??,$596D - ?? Cheat14_O=$0000 Forest of Silence,$0002 Castle Wall,$0003 Villa,$0004 Inside Villa,$0006 Garden Maze,$0007 Tunnel,$0008 Underground Waterway,$0009 Castle Center,$0010 Tower of Execution,$0011 - Tower of Sorcery,$0012 - Tower of Science,$0013 - Duel Tower,$0014 - Fight With Death/Actrise,$0015 - Castle Keep,$0016 - Intro (Glitch),$0017 - Clock Tower,$0018 - Final Dracula,$001A - Fight With Maze Boss,$001B - Room of Clocks,$001C - ??,$001D - ??
Cheat15="Switch From",80389C3D 00?? Cheat15="Switch From",80389C3D 00??
Cheat15_N=This Switch From Cheat lets you switch characters on a saved game For example, if you are Reindhart and you want to be Carrie in the middle of your game save it and then enable this Cheat and press F1. when you start your saved game back up you'll be Carrie instead of Reindhart. Cheat15_N=This Switch From Cheat lets you switch characters on a saved game For example, if you are Reindhart and you want to be Carrie in the middle of your game save it and then enable this Cheat and press F1. when you start your saved game back up you'll be Carrie instead of Reindhart.
Cheat15_O=$00 Carrie to Reindhart,$01 Reindhart to Carrie Cheat15_O=$00 Carrie to Reindhart,$01 Reindhart to Carrie

View File

@ -5,20 +5,20 @@ Cheat1="Infinite\Throwing Weapon",81389C48 0064
Cheat2="Throwing Weapon Modifier",81389C42 00?? Cheat2="Throwing Weapon Modifier",81389C42 00??
Cheat2_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knives,$02 Exploding Potions,$03 Cross,$04 Axes Cheat2_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knives,$02 Exploding Potions,$03 Cross,$04 Axes
Cheat3="Press L To Levitate",D0387D7F 0020,81350810 3FCB Cheat3="Press L To Levitate",D0387D7F 0020,81350810 3FCB
Cheat4="Have\All Items",50000501 0000,80389C4A 0001,50000301 0000,80389C51 0001,80389C5A 0001,80389C5B 0001,80389C5D 0001,50000E01 0000,80389C60 0001 Cheat4="Have All Items",50000501 0000,80389C4A 0001,50000301 0000,80389C51 0001,80389C5A 0001,80389C5B 0001,80389C5D 0001,50000E01 0000,80389C60 0001
Cheat5="Have\Invincibility",80342BFE 000B Cheat5="Have Invincibility",80342BFE 000B
Cheat6="Infinite\Red Jewels",80389C49 0063 Cheat6="Infinite\Red Jewels",80389C49 0063
Cheat7="Status",80389C88 00?? Cheat7="Status",80389C88 00??
Cheat7_O=$01 Good,$08 Vamp,$11 Poison,$22 Good but depressed,$66 Sto,$1F V+P Cheat7_O=$01 Good,$08 Vamp,$11 Poison,$22 Good but depressed,$66 Sto,$1F V+P
Cheat8="Open All Doors and Gates,No Bosses",50002A02 0000,81389BD0 FFFF Cheat8="Open All Doors and Gates,No Bosses",50002A02 0000,81389BD0 FFFF
Cheat9="Infinite\Energy",80389C3F 0064 Cheat9="Infinite\Energy",80389C3F 0064
Cheat10="Infinite\Funds",80389C45 0001,81389C46 869F Cheat10="Infinite\Funds",80389C45 0001,81389C46 869F
Cheat11="Have\Exp Points",80389C49 0063 Cheat11="Have Exp Points",80389C49 0063
Cheat12="Max Power Up",80389CED 0002 Cheat12="Max Power Up",80389CED 0002
Cheat13="Never Get Poisoned",81389C88 0000 Cheat13="Never Get Poisoned",81389C88 0000
Cheat14="Level Select",89389C90 ????,89389C92 0000 Cheat14="Level Select",89389C90 ????,89389C92 0000
Cheat14_N=You must use this code on a saved game, because the intro to the first level will mess up the game. Now select the saved game, and hold down the F9 button until the level loads. Some of the boss stages will not let you fight the boss unless you re-enter the area. Also, with the part of stage modifier, the second code modifies the part of the level that you are in, and 0000 is the level's start. Cheat14_N=You must use this code on a saved game, because the intro to the first level will mess up the game. Now select the saved game, and hold down the F9 button until the level loads. Some of the boss stages will not let you fight the boss unless you re-enter the area. Also, with the part of stage modifier, the second code modifies the part of the level that you are in, and 0000 is the level's start.
Cheat14_O=$595A Forest of Silence,$595C Castle Wall,$595B Villa,$5956 Inside Villa,$5958 Garden Maze,$5957 Tunnel,$5962 Underground Waterway,$5961 Castle Center,$596A Tower of Execution,$5969 - Tower of Sorcery,$596C - Tower of Science,$596B - Duel Tower,$5966 - Fight With Death/Actrise,$5965 - Castle Keep,$5968 - Intro (Glitch),$5967 - Clock Tower,$5972 - Final Dracula,$5974 - Fight With Maze Boss,$5973 - Room of Clocks,$596E - ??,$596D - ?? Cheat14_O=$0000 Forest of Silence,$0002 Castle Wall,$0003 Villa,$0004 Inside Villa,$0006 Garden Maze,$0007 Tunnel,$0008 Underground Waterway,$0009 Castle Center,$0010 Tower of Execution,$0011 - Tower of Sorcery,$0012 - Tower of Science,$0013 - Duel Tower,$0014 - Fight With Death/Actrise,$0015 - Castle Keep,$0016 - Intro (Glitch),$0017 - Clock Tower,$0018 - Final Dracula,$001A - Fight With Maze Boss,$001B - Room of Clocks,$001C - ??,$001D - ??
Cheat15="Switch From",80389C3D 00?? Cheat15="Switch From",80389C3D 00??
Cheat15_N=This Switch From Cheat lets you switch characters on a saved game For example, if you are Reindhart and you want to be Carrie in the middle of your game save it and then enable this Cheat and press F1. when you start your saved game back up you'll be Carrie instead of Reindhart. Cheat15_N=This Switch From Cheat lets you switch characters on a saved game For example, if you are Reindhart and you want to be Carrie in the middle of your game save it and then enable this Cheat and press F1. when you start your saved game back up you'll be Carrie instead of Reindhart.
Cheat15_O=$00 Carrie to Reindhart,$01 Reindhart to Carrie Cheat15_O=$00 Carrie to Reindhart,$01 Reindhart to Carrie

View File

@ -5,20 +5,20 @@ Cheat1="Infinite\Throwing Weapon",81389C48 0064
Cheat2="Throwing Weapon Modifier",81389C42 00?? Cheat2="Throwing Weapon Modifier",81389C42 00??
Cheat2_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knives,$02 Exploding Potions,$03 Cross,$04 Axes Cheat2_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knives,$02 Exploding Potions,$03 Cross,$04 Axes
Cheat3="Press L To Levitate",D0387D7F 0020,81350810 3FCB Cheat3="Press L To Levitate",D0387D7F 0020,81350810 3FCB
Cheat4="Have\All Items",50000501 0000,80389C4A 0001,50000301 0000,80389C51 0001,80389C5A 0001,80389C5B 0001,80389C5D 0001,50000E01 0000,80389C60 0001 Cheat4="Have All Items",50000501 0000,80389C4A 0001,50000301 0000,80389C51 0001,80389C5A 0001,80389C5B 0001,80389C5D 0001,50000E01 0000,80389C60 0001
Cheat5="Have\Invincibility",80342BFE 000B Cheat5="Have Invincibility",80342BFE 000B
Cheat6="Infinite\Red Jewels",80389C49 0063 Cheat6="Infinite\Red Jewels",80389C49 0063
Cheat7="Status",80389C88 00?? Cheat7="Status",80389C88 00??
Cheat7_O=$01 Good,$08 Vamp,$11 Poison,$22 Good but depressed,$66 Sto,$1F V+P Cheat7_O=$01 Good,$08 Vamp,$11 Poison,$22 Good but depressed,$66 Sto,$1F V+P
Cheat8="Open All Doors and Gates,No Bosses",50002A02 0000,81389BD0 FFFF Cheat8="Open All Doors and Gates,No Bosses",50002A02 0000,81389BD0 FFFF
Cheat9="Infinite\Energy",80389C3F 0064 Cheat9="Infinite\Energy",80389C3F 0064
Cheat10="Infinite\Funds",80389C45 0001,81389C46 869F Cheat10="Infinite\Funds",80389C45 0001,81389C46 869F
Cheat11="Have\Exp Points",80389C49 0063 Cheat11="Have Exp Points",80389C49 0063
Cheat12="Max Power Up",80389CED 0002 Cheat12="Max Power Up",80389CED 0002
Cheat13="Never Get Poisoned",81389C88 0000 Cheat13="Never Get Poisoned",81389C88 0000
Cheat14="Level Select",89389C90 ????,89389C92 0000 Cheat14="Level Select",89389C90 ????,89389C92 0000
Cheat14_N=You must use this code on a saved game, because the intro to the first level will mess up the game. Now select the saved game, and hold down the F9 button until the level loads. Some of the boss stages will not let you fight the boss unless you re-enter the area. Also, with the part of stage modifier, the second code modifies the part of the level that you are in, and 0000 is the level's start. Cheat14_N=You must use this code on a saved game, because the intro to the first level will mess up the game. Now select the saved game, and hold down the GS button until the level loads. Some of the boss stages will not let you fight the boss unless you re-enter the area. Also, with the part of stage modifier, the second code modifies the part of the level that you are in, and 0000 is the level's start.
Cheat14_O=$595A Forest of Silence,$595C Castle Wall,$595B Villa,$5956 Inside Villa,$5958 Garden Maze,$5957 Tunnel,$5962 Underground Waterway,$5961 Castle Center,$596A Tower of Execution,$5969 - Tower of Sorcery,$596C - Tower of Science,$596B - Duel Tower,$5966 - Fight With Death/Actrise,$5965 - Castle Keep,$5968 - Intro (Glitch),$5967 - Clock Tower,$5972 - Final Dracula,$5974 - Fight With Maze Boss,$5973 - Room of Clocks,$596E - ??,$596D - ?? Cheat14_O=$0000 Forest of Silence,$0002 Castle Wall,$0003 Villa,$0004 Inside Villa,$0006 Garden Maze,$0007 Tunnel,$0008 Underground Waterway,$0009 Castle Center,$0010 Tower of Execution,$0011 - Tower of Sorcery,$0012 - Tower of Science,$0013 - Duel Tower,$0014 - Fight With Death/Actrise,$0015 - Castle Keep,$0016 - Intro (Glitch),$0017 - Clock Tower,$0018 - Final Dracula,$001A - Fight With Maze Boss,$001B - Room of Clocks,$001C - ??,$001D - ??
Cheat15="Switch From",80389C3D 00?? Cheat15="Switch From",80389C3D 00??
Cheat15_N=This Switch From Cheat lets you switch characters on a saved game For example, if you are Reindhart and you want to be Carrie in the middle of your game save it and then enable this Cheat and press F1. when you start your saved game back up you'll be Carrie instead of Reindhart. Cheat15_N=This Switch From Cheat lets you switch characters on a saved game For example, if you are Reindhart and you want to be Carrie in the middle of your game save it and then enable this Cheat and press F1. when you start your saved game back up you'll be Carrie instead of Reindhart.
Cheat15_O=$00 Carrie to Reindhart,$01 Reindhart to Carrie Cheat15_O=$00 Carrie to Reindhart,$01 Reindhart to Carrie

View File

@ -1,53 +1,69 @@
[A2C54BE7-6719CBB2-C:50] [A2C54BE7-6719CBB2-C:50]
Name=Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness (E) (M3) Name=Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness (E) (M3)
Cheat0="Keys Option\Have Clocktower Key B",801CC040 0001 Cheat0="Infinite\Keys\Clocktower A",801CC03F 000A
Cheat1="Keys Option\Have Clocktower Key A",801CC03F 0001 Cheat1="Infinite\Keys\Clocktower B",801CC040 000A
Cheat2="Keys Option\Have Clocktower Key E",801CC03E 0001 Cheat2="Infinite\Keys\Storeroom",801CC030 000A
Cheat3="Keys Option\Have Wall key",801CC03D 0001 Cheat3="Infinite\Keys\Garden",801CC031 000A
Cheat4="Keys Option\Have Control Room Key",801CC03C 0001 Cheat4="Infinite\Keys\Copper",801CC032 000A
Cheat5="Keys Option\Have Art Tower Key 2",801CC03B 0001 Cheat5="Infinite\Keys\Chamber",801CC033 000A
Cheat6="Keys Option\Have Art Tower Key 1",801CC03A 0001 Cheat6="Infinite\Keys\Execution",801CC034 000A
Cheat7="Keys Option\Have Clocktower Key D",801CC039 0001 Cheat7="Infinite\Keys\Deck",801CC035 000A
Cheat8="Keys Option\Have Clocktower Key C",801CC038 0001 Cheat8="Infinite\Keys\Rose Garden",801CC01A 000A
Cheat9="Keys Option\Have Thorn Key",801CC037 0001 Cheat9="Infinite\Keys\Thorn",801CC037 000A
Cheat10="Keys Option\Have Rose Garden Key",801CC01A 0001 Cheat10="Infinite\Keys\Clocktower C",801CC038 000A
Cheat11="Keys Option\Have Deck Key",801CC035 0001 Cheat11="Infinite\Keys\Clocktower D",801CC039 000A
Cheat12="Keys Option\Have Execution Key",801CC034 0001 Cheat12="Infinite\Keys\Art Tower 1",801CC03A 000A
Cheat13="Keys Option\Have Chamber Key",801CC033 0001 Cheat13="Infinite\Keys\Art Tower 2",801CC03B 000A
Cheat14="Keys Option\Have Copper Key",801CC032 0001 Cheat14="Infinite\Keys\Control Room",801CC03C 000A
Cheat15="Keys Option\Have Garden Key",801CC031 0001 Cheat15="Infinite\Keys\Wall",801CC03D 000A
Cheat16="Keys Option\Have Storeroom Key",801CC030 0001 Cheat16="Infinite\Keys\Clocktower E",801CC03E 000A
Cheat17="Keys Option\Have Left Tower Key",801CC02F 0001 Cheat17="Infinite\Keys\Archives",801CC02E 000A
Cheat18="Keys Option\Have Archives Key",801CC02E 0001 Cheat18="Infinite\Keys\Left Tower",801CC02F 000A
Cheat19="Have Options\Rose Brooch",801CC02D 0001 Cheat19="Infinite\Health",811CC00A 2710
Cheat20="Have Options\Crest Half B",801CC02C 0001 Cheat20="Infinite\Gold",811CC012 2710
Cheat21="Have Options\Crest Half A",801CC02B 0001 Cheat21="Infinite\Specials\Special 1",801CC017 000A
Cheat22="Have Options\Oldreys Diary",801CC02A 0001 Cheat22="Infinite\Specials\Special 2",801CC018 000A
Cheat23="Have Options\Winch lever",801CC029 0001 Cheat23="Infinite\Specials\Special 3",801CC019 000A
Cheat24="Infinite Options\Moon Cards",801CC028 0001 Cheat24="Infinite\Items\Roast Chicken",801CC01A 000A
Cheat25="Infinite Options\Sun Cards",801CC027 0001 Cheat25="Infinite\Items\Roast Beef",801CC01B 000A
Cheat26="Have Options\Mandragora",801CC026 0001 Cheat26="Infinite\Items\Healing Kit",801CC01C 000A
Cheat27="Have Options\Magical Nitro",801CC025 0001 Cheat27="Infinite\Items\Purifying",801CC01D 000A
Cheat28="Have Options\Contract",801CC024 0001 Cheat28="Infinite\Items\Cure Ampoule",801CC01E 000A
Cheat29="Have Options\Powerup",801CC01F 0001 Cheat29="Infinite\Items\Powerup",801CC01F 000A
Cheat30="Infinite Options\Cure Ampoule",801CC01E 0001 Cheat30="Infinite\Items\The Contract",801CC024 000A
Cheat31="Infinite Options\Purifying",801CC01D 0001 Cheat31="Infinite\Items\Magical Nitro",801CC025 000A
Cheat32="Infinite Options\Healing kit",801CC01C 0001 Cheat32="Infinite\Items\Mandragora",801CC026 000A
Cheat33="Infinite Options\beef",801CC01B 0001 Cheat33="Infinite\Items\Sun Card",801CC027 000A
Cheat34="Infinite Options\chicken",801CC01A 0001 Cheat34="Infinite\Items\Moon Card",801CC028 000A
Cheat35="Have Options\Special Crystal 3",801CC019 0001 Cheat35="Infinite\Items\Winch Lever",801CC029 000A
Cheat36="Have Options\Special Crystal 2",801CC018 0001 Cheat36="Infinite\Items\Oldrey's Diary",801CC02A 000A
Cheat37="Have Options\Special Crystal 1",801CC017 0001 Cheat37="Infinite\Items\Crest Half A",801CC02B 000A
Cheat38="Infinite Options\Red Jewels",801CC015 0068 Cheat38="Infinite\Items\Crest Half B",801CC02C 000A
Cheat39="Infinite Options\Gold",811CC012 2710 Cheat39="Infinite\Items\Rose Brooch",801CC02D 000A
Cheat40="Infinite Options\Health",811CC00A 2710 Cheat40="Infinite\Items\Throwing Weapons",801CC015 0064
Cheat41="Weapon Modifier",801CC00F 00?? Cheat41="Infinite\Items\Red Jewels",801CC014 0068
Cheat41_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife,$02 Potion,$03 Cross,$04 Axe Cheat42="Infinite\Bullets",801D5273 0006
Cheat42="Status Modifier",801CC054 00?? Cheat42_N=For Henry
Cheat42_O=$00 Never Get Poisoned or Vamped,$01 Normal,$04 Vamp,$08 Poison,$0C Vamped & Poisoned,$FF Instant Death Cheat43="Selection Options\[Press F9 For Wolfman Can Use Weapons]",881CC007 00??
Cheat43="Level Modifier",801CC349 00?? Cheat43_N=For Cornell
Cheat43_O=$00 Forest Of Silence,$01 Left Tower,$02 Castle Wall,$03 Villa,$04 Villa,$05 Villa,$06 Villa,$1A Villa,$07 Tunnel,$08 Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Center,$0A Castle Center,$0B Castle Center,$0C Castle Center,$0D Castle Center,$0E Castle Center,$0F Castle Center,$10 Foggy Lake,$11 Foggy Lake,$12 Foggy Lake,$13 Cave Of Spiderwomen,$14 Castle Keep,$15 Castle Keep,$16 Falls Into Space(?),$17 Clock Tower,$18 Final Battle Site,$19 Castle Center,$1B Room Of Clocks,$1C Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$2B Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$1D Tower Of Sorcery,$1E Tower Of Execution,$1F Tower Of Execution,$20 Tower Of Execution,$21 Tower Of Science,$22 Tower Of Science,$23 Tower Of Ruins,$24 Tower Of Ruins,$25 Art Tower,$26 Art Tower,$27 Dual Tower,$28 Clock Tower,$29 Clock Tower,$2A Outer Wall,$2C Fall From Sky Ouside Of Castlevania Opening,$2D Another Free Fall. Forest Where Girl Runs In Opening,$2E Black Room(?) Cheat43_O=$02 Yes,$04 No (Default)
Cheat44="Inter-Level Modifier",801CC34B 00?? Cheat44="Rapid Fire Gun (Henry-Hold B)",811C9CC6 0040,801D5273 0006
Cheat44_O=$00 Forest Of Silence,$01 Left Tower,$02 Castle Wall,$03 Villa,$04 Villa,$05 Villa,$06 Villa,$1A Villa,$07 Tunnel,$08 Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Center,$0A Castle Center,$0B Castle Center,$0C Castle Center,$0D Castle Center,$0E Castle Center,$0F Castle Center,$10 Foggy Lake,$11 Foggy Lake,$12 Foggy Lake,$13 Cave Of Spiderwomen,$14 Castle Keep,$15 Castle Keep,$16 Falls Into Space(?),$17 Clock Tower,$18 Final Battle Site,$19 Castle Center,$1B Room Of Clocks,$1C Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$2B Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$1D Tower Of Sorcery,$1E Tower Of Execution,$1F Tower Of Execution,$20 Tower Of Execution,$21 Tower Of Science,$22 Tower Of Science,$23 Tower Of Ruins,$24 Tower Of Ruins,$25 Art Tower,$26 Art Tower,$27 Dual Tower,$28 Clock Tower,$29 Clock Tower,$2A Outer Wall,$2C Fall From Sky Ouside Of Castlevania Opening,$2D Another Free Fall. Forest Where Girl Runs In Opening,$2E Black Room(?) Cheat44_N=For Henry, Hold B
Cheat45="Cut Scene Modifier",801CC363 0009,801CC35B 00?? Cheat45="Have Max\Powerups",801CC2F3 0002
Cheat45_O=$03 Castle Drawbridge Lowers,$04 Character Enters Castle,$05 (?),$0A (?),$0C (?),$20 (?),$21 (?),$22 (?),$06 Vampire In Main Entrance Hall Of Villa,$07 One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes,$08 "I Smell Poison" From Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Gate Closes In Villa Upon Entering Villa,$0B Renon Appears For First Time,$0D Village Vampire In Upstairs Villa,$0E Malus Appears For The First Time,$0F Malus Leaves Garden,$10 Character In Boat On Foggy Lake,$11 Seal Removed From Wall In Arena,$12 Bleeding Statue,$13 Cosmic Lights,$14 Explosion At Wall In Arena,$15 Explosion At Wall In Castle That Leads To Hidden Room,$16 Malus Appears Again In Upstairs Room Of Castle,$17 Bull Awakens,$18 Vincent The Vampire,$19 One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes,$1A Gate Opens In Forest Of Silence,$1B Meet Renon For The Last Time In Castle Keep.,$1C This Cut Scene Runs Cut Scene 27 And 2E,$1E Castle Keep Destructs,$1F Malus On Flying Horse Outside Castle Keep,$24 Spider People In Tunnel,$25 Rosa In Garden,$27 Castel Destruction,$28 Space Warp,$29 Castle Destruction,$2A Malus Is Saved By Reinhardt,$2B Malus And Reinhardt On Horse,$2E Rosa Returns,$30 Ada Henry And Cornell At Game End,$31 Scrolling Text About Castle And Henry,$33 Vampire In Basement,$34 Vampire In Villa Basement Destroyed Woman Vampire Rises,$35 Finds Hidden Path In Villa Basement,$37 Lever & Gear In Castle,$38 Harpie,$39 Harpie Destroyed,$44 Death(Grim Reaper),$45 Death Is Destroyed,$46 Castle Drawbridge Closes And Ortega Appears,$47 Thirsty Man,$48 Cornell Meets Henry In Garden,$49 Cornell And Henry Part In Garden,$51 Monster Dracula Appears,$52 Actrise Appears In Castle Center,$54 Actrise Appears Again With Cousin Fernandes Before Fight With Carrie,$55 Cousin Fernandes Is Destroyed,$56 Actrise Appears Again Before Fight With Carrie,$57 Actrise Defeated By Carrie Cheat46="Stop Timer Input",811CBFF2 0001
Cheat47="Selection Options\Weapon Select",801CC00F 00??
Cheat47_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife,$02 Potion,$03 Cross,$04 Axe
Cheat48="Selection Options\Level Select\Main",801CC349 00??
Cheat48_O=$00 Forest Of Silence,$01 Left Tower,$02 Castle Wall,$03 Villa,$04 Villa,$05 Villa,$06 Villa,$1A Villa,$07 Tunnel,$08 Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Center,$0A Castle Center,$0B Castle Center,$0C Castle Center,$0D Castle Center,$0E Castle Center,$0F Castle Center,$10 Foggy Lake,$11 Foggy Lake,$12 Foggy Lake,$13 Cave Of Spiderwomen,$14 Castle Keep,$15 Castle Keep,$16 Falls Into Space(?),$17 Clock Tower,$18 Final Battle Site,$19 Castle Center,$1B Room Of Clocks,$1C Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$2B Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$1D Tower Of Sorcery,$1E Tower Of Execution,$1F Tower Of Execution,$20 Tower Of Execution,$21 Tower Of Science,$22 Tower Of Science,$23 Tower Of Ruins,$24 Tower Of Ruins,$25 Art Tower,$26 Art Tower,$27 Dual Tower,$28 Clock Tower,$29 Clock Tower,$2A Outer Wall,$2C Fall From Sky Ouside Of Castlevania Opening,$2D Another Free Fall. Forest Where Girl Runs In Opening,$2E Black Room(?)
Cheat49="Selection Options\Level Select\Inter",801CC34B 00??
Cheat49_O=$00 Forest Of Silence,$01 Left Tower,$02 Castle Wall,$03 Villa,$04 Villa,$05 Villa,$06 Villa,$1A Villa,$07 Tunnel,$08 Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Center,$0A Castle Center,$0B Castle Center,$0C Castle Center,$0D Castle Center,$0E Castle Center,$0F Castle Center,$10 Foggy Lake,$11 Foggy Lake,$12 Foggy Lake,$13 Cave Of Spiderwomen,$14 Castle Keep,$15 Castle Keep,$16 Falls Into Space(?),$17 Clock Tower,$18 Final Battle Site,$19 Castle Center,$1B Room Of Clocks,$1C Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$2B Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$1D Tower Of Sorcery,$1E Tower Of Execution,$1F Tower Of Execution,$20 Tower Of Execution,$21 Tower Of Science,$22 Tower Of Science,$23 Tower Of Ruins,$24 Tower Of Ruins,$25 Art Tower,$26 Art Tower,$27 Dual Tower,$28 Clock Tower,$29 Clock Tower,$2A Outer Wall,$2C Fall From Sky Ouside Of Castlevania Opening,$2D Another Free Fall. Forest Where Girl Runs In Opening,$2E Black Room(?)
Cheat50="Selection Options\Cut Scene Select",801CC363 0009,801CC35B 00??
Cheat50_N=With this code, you must use the appropiate level mod before you attemp to run these cut scenes. Not doing so will ruin the cut scene as the graphics will be glitched.
Cheat50_O=$03 Castle Drawbridge Lowers,$04 Character Enters Castle,$05 (?),$0A (?),$0C (?),$20 (?),$21 (?),$22 (?),$06 Vampire In Main Entrance Hall Of Villa,$07 One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes,$08 "I Smell Poison" From Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Gate Closes In Villa Upon Entering Villa,$0B Renon Appears For First Time,$0D Village Vampire In Upstairs Villa,$0E Malus Appears For The First Time,$0F Malus Leaves Garden,$10 Character In Boat On Foggy Lake,$11 Seal Removed From Wall In Arena,$12 Bleeding Statue,$13 Cosmic Lights,$14 Explosion At Wall In Arena,$15 Explosion At Wall In Castle That Leads To Hidden Room,$16 Malus Appears Again In Upstairs Room Of Castle,$17 Bull Awakens,$18 Vincent The Vampire,$19 One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes,$1A Gate Opens In Forest Of Silence,$1B Meet Renon For The Last Time In Castle Keep.,$1C This Cut Scene Runs Cut Scene 27 And 2E,$1E Castle Keep Destructs,$1F Malus On Flying Horse Outside Castle Keep,$24 Spider People In Tunnel,$25 Rosa In Garden,$27 Castel Destruction,$28 Space Warp,$29 Castle Destruction,$2A Malus Is Saved By Reinhardt,$2B Malus And Reinhardt On Horse,$2E Rosa Returns,$30 Ada, Henry And Cornell At Game End,$31 Scrolling Text About Castle And Henry,$33 Vampire In Basement,$34 Vampire In Villa Basement Destroyed, Woman Vampire Rises,$35 Finds Hidden Path In Villa Basement,$37 Lever & Gear In Castle,$38 Harpie,$39 Harpie Destroyed,$44 Death(Grim Reaper),$45 Death Is Destroyed,$46 Castle Drawbridge Closes And Ortega Appears,$47 Thirsty Man,$48 Cornell Meets Henry In Garden,$49 Cornell And Henry Part In Garden,$51 Monster Dracula Appears,$52 Actrise Appears In Castle Center,$54 Actrise Appears Again With Cousin Fernandes Before Fight With Carrie,$55 Cousin Fernandes Is Destroyed,$56 Actrise Appears Again Before Fight With Carrie,$57 Actrise Defeated By Carrie
Cheat51="Enable All Characters",D02E4062 0000,802E4063 0004
Cheat52="Selection Options\Status Select",801CC054 00??
Cheat52_O=$00 Never Get Poisoned or Vamped,$01 Normal,$04 Vamp,$08 Poison,$0C Vamped & Poisoned,$FF Instant Death
Cheat53="Have Max\Weapon Power-Up",801CC2F7 0002
Cheat54="Selection Options\Day Select For Adult Henry",801CBFEF 00??
Cheat54_O=$00 7 Days,$01 6 Days,$02 5 Days,$03 4 Days,$04 3 Days,$05 2 Days,$06 1 Day,$07 0 Days
Cheat55="Infinite\Health Young Henry",D1191616 0010,8136E180 2800

View File

@ -41,34 +41,29 @@ Cheat37="Infinite\Items\Crest Half A",801CAB5B 000A
Cheat38="Infinite\Items\Crest Half B",801CAB5C 000A Cheat38="Infinite\Items\Crest Half B",801CAB5C 000A
Cheat39="Infinite\Items\Rose Brooch",801CAB5D 000A Cheat39="Infinite\Items\Rose Brooch",801CAB5D 000A
Cheat40="Infinite\Items\Throwing Weapons",801CAB45 0064 Cheat40="Infinite\Items\Throwing Weapons",801CAB45 0064
Cheat41="Infinite\Items\Red Jewels",801CAB45 0068 Cheat41="Infinite\Items\Red Jewels",801CAB44 0068
Cheat42="Infinite\Bullets",801D3DA3 0006 Cheat42="Infinite\Bullets",801D3DA3 0006
Cheat42_N=For Henry Cheat42_N=For Henry
Cheat43="Wolfman Can Use Weapons",801CAB37 0002 Cheat43="Selection Options\[Press F9 For Wolfman Can Use Weapons]",881CAB37 00??
Cheat43_N=For Cornell Cheat43_N=For Cornell
Cheat44="Wolfman Can't Use Weapons",801CAB37 0004 Cheat43_O=$02 Yes,$04 No (Default)
Cheat44_N=For Cornell (Default) Cheat44="Rapid Fire Gun (Henry-Hold B)",811C87F6 0040,801D3DA3 0006
Cheat45="Rapid Fire Gun (Henry-Hold B)",D11C87F6 0040,801D3DA3 0006 Cheat44_N=For Henry, Hold B
Cheat45_N=For Henry, Hold B Cheat45="Have Max\Powerups",801CAE23 0002
Cheat46="Max Powerups",801CAE23 0002 Cheat46="Stop Timer Input",811CAB22 0001
Cheat47="Stop Timer Input",811CAB22 0001 Cheat47="Selection Options\Weapon Select",801CAB3F 00??
Cheat48="Hard Mode Selected In A New Game",8032495F 0002 Cheat47_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife,$02 Potion,$03 Cross,$04 Axe
Cheat48_N=With this code, you will not see the hard level status until you save and restart the game file. No special items are required to access this feature with this code turned on. Cheat48="Selection Options\Level Select\Main",801CAE79 00??
Cheat49="Weapon Modifier",811CAB3E 00?? Cheat48_O=$00 Forest Of Silence,$01 Left Tower,$02 Castle Wall,$03 Villa,$04 Villa,$05 Villa,$06 Villa,$1A Villa,$07 Tunnel,$08 Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Center,$0A Castle Center,$0B Castle Center,$0C Castle Center,$0D Castle Center,$0E Castle Center,$0F Castle Center,$10 Foggy Lake,$11 Foggy Lake,$12 Foggy Lake,$13 Cave Of Spiderwomen,$14 Castle Keep,$15 Castle Keep,$16 Falls Into Space(?),$17 Clock Tower,$18 Final Battle Site,$19 Castle Center,$1B Room Of Clocks,$1C Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$2B Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$1D Tower Of Sorcery,$1E Tower Of Execution,$1F Tower Of Execution,$20 Tower Of Execution,$21 Tower Of Science,$22 Tower Of Science,$23 Tower Of Ruins,$24 Tower Of Ruins,$25 Art Tower,$26 Art Tower,$27 Dual Tower,$28 Clock Tower,$29 Clock Tower,$2A Outer Wall,$2C Fall From Sky Ouside Of Castlevania Opening,$2D Another Free Fall. Forest Where Girl Runs In Opening,$2E Black Room(?)
Cheat49_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Knife,$02 Potion,$03 Cross,$04 Axe Cheat49="Selection Options\Level Select\Inter",801CAE7B 00??
Cheat50="Level Modifier",801CAE79 00?? Cheat49_O=$00 Forest Of Silence,$01 Left Tower,$02 Castle Wall,$03 Villa,$04 Villa,$05 Villa,$06 Villa,$1A Villa,$07 Tunnel,$08 Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Center,$0A Castle Center,$0B Castle Center,$0C Castle Center,$0D Castle Center,$0E Castle Center,$0F Castle Center,$10 Foggy Lake,$11 Foggy Lake,$12 Foggy Lake,$13 Cave Of Spiderwomen,$14 Castle Keep,$15 Castle Keep,$16 Falls Into Space(?),$17 Clock Tower,$18 Final Battle Site,$19 Castle Center,$1B Room Of Clocks,$1C Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$2B Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$1D Tower Of Sorcery,$1E Tower Of Execution,$1F Tower Of Execution,$20 Tower Of Execution,$21 Tower Of Science,$22 Tower Of Science,$23 Tower Of Ruins,$24 Tower Of Ruins,$25 Art Tower,$26 Art Tower,$27 Dual Tower,$28 Clock Tower,$29 Clock Tower,$2A Outer Wall,$2C Fall From Sky Ouside Of Castlevania Opening,$2D Another Free Fall. Forest Where Girl Runs In Opening,$2E Black Room(?)
Cheat50_O=$00 Forest Of Silence,$01 Left Tower,$02 Castle Wall,$03 Villa,$04 Villa,$05 Villa,$06 Villa,$1A Villa,$07 Tunnel,$08 Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Center,$0A Castle Center,$0B Castle Center,$0C Castle Center,$0D Castle Center,$0E Castle Center,$0F Castle Center,$10 Foggy Lake,$11 Foggy Lake,$12 Foggy Lake,$13 Cave Of Spiderwomen,$14 Castle Keep,$15 Castle Keep,$16 Falls Into Space(?),$17 Clock Tower,$18 Final Battle Site,$19 Castle Center,$1B Room Of Clocks,$1C Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$2B Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$1D Tower Of Sorcery,$1E Tower Of Execution,$1F Tower Of Execution,$20 Tower Of Execution,$21 Tower Of Science,$22 Tower Of Science,$23 Tower Of Ruins,$24 Tower Of Ruins,$25 Art Tower,$26 Art Tower,$27 Dual Tower,$28 Clock Tower,$29 Clock Tower,$2A Outer Wall,$2C Fall From Sky Ouside Of Castlevania Opening,$2D Another Free Fall. Forest Where Girl Runs In Opening,$2E Black Room(?) Cheat50="Selection Options\Cut Scene Select",801CAE93 0009,801CAE8B 00??
Cheat51="Inter-Level Modifier",801CAE7B 00?? Cheat50_N=With this code, you must use the appropiate level mod before you attemp to run these cut scenes. Not doing so will ruin the cut scene as the graphics will be glitched.
Cheat51_O=$00 Forest Of Silence,$01 Left Tower,$02 Castle Wall,$03 Villa,$04 Villa,$05 Villa,$06 Villa,$1A Villa,$07 Tunnel,$08 Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Center,$0A Castle Center,$0B Castle Center,$0C Castle Center,$0D Castle Center,$0E Castle Center,$0F Castle Center,$10 Foggy Lake,$11 Foggy Lake,$12 Foggy Lake,$13 Cave Of Spiderwomen,$14 Castle Keep,$15 Castle Keep,$16 Falls Into Space(?),$17 Clock Tower,$18 Final Battle Site,$19 Castle Center,$1B Room Of Clocks,$1C Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$2B Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried.(Fall Through Ground),$1D Tower Of Sorcery,$1E Tower Of Execution,$1F Tower Of Execution,$20 Tower Of Execution,$21 Tower Of Science,$22 Tower Of Science,$23 Tower Of Ruins,$24 Tower Of Ruins,$25 Art Tower,$26 Art Tower,$27 Dual Tower,$28 Clock Tower,$29 Clock Tower,$2A Outer Wall,$2C Fall From Sky Ouside Of Castlevania Opening,$2D Another Free Fall. Forest Where Girl Runs In Opening,$2E Black Room(?) Cheat50_O=$03 Castle Drawbridge Lowers,$04 Character Enters Castle,$05 (?),$0A (?),$0C (?),$20 (?),$21 (?),$22 (?),$06 Vampire In Main Entrance Hall Of Villa,$07 One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes,$08 "I Smell Poison" From Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Gate Closes In Villa Upon Entering Villa,$0B Renon Appears For First Time,$0D Village Vampire In Upstairs Villa,$0E Malus Appears For The First Time,$0F Malus Leaves Garden,$10 Character In Boat On Foggy Lake,$11 Seal Removed From Wall In Arena,$12 Bleeding Statue,$13 Cosmic Lights,$14 Explosion At Wall In Arena,$15 Explosion At Wall In Castle That Leads To Hidden Room,$16 Malus Appears Again In Upstairs Room Of Castle,$17 Bull Awakens,$18 Vincent The Vampire,$19 One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes,$1A Gate Opens In Forest Of Silence,$1B Meet Renon For The Last Time In Castle Keep.,$1C This Cut Scene Runs Cut Scene 27 And 2E,$1E Castle Keep Destructs,$1F Malus On Flying Horse Outside Castle Keep,$24 Spider People In Tunnel,$25 Rosa In Garden,$27 Castel Destruction,$28 Space Warp,$29 Castle Destruction,$2A Malus Is Saved By Reinhardt,$2B Malus And Reinhardt On Horse,$2E Rosa Returns,$30 Ada, Henry And Cornell At Game End,$31 Scrolling Text About Castle And Henry,$33 Vampire In Basement,$34 Vampire In Villa Basement Destroyed, Woman Vampire Rises,$35 Finds Hidden Path In Villa Basement,$37 Lever & Gear In Castle,$38 Harpie,$39 Harpie Destroyed,$44 Death(Grim Reaper),$45 Death Is Destroyed,$46 Castle Drawbridge Closes And Ortega Appears,$47 Thirsty Man,$48 Cornell Meets Henry In Garden,$49 Cornell And Henry Part In Garden,$51 Monster Dracula Appears,$52 Actrise Appears In Castle Center,$54 Actrise Appears Again With Cousin Fernandes Before Fight With Carrie,$55 Cousin Fernandes Is Destroyed,$56 Actrise Appears Again Before Fight With Carrie,$57 Actrise Defeated By Carrie
Cheat52="Cut Scene Modifier",801CAE93 0009,801CAE8B 00?? Cheat51="Enable All Characters",8031B242 0000,8031B243 0004
Cheat52_N=With this code, you must use the appropiate level mod before you attemp to run these cut scenes. Not doing so will ruin the cut scene as the graphics will be glitched. Cheat52="Selection Options\Status Select",801CAB84 00??
Cheat52_O=$03 Castle Drawbridge Lowers,$04 Character Enters Castle,$05 (?),$0A (?),$0C (?),$20 (?),$21 (?),$22 (?),$06 Vampire In Main Entrance Hall Of Villa,$07 One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes,$08 "I Smell Poison" From Underground Waterway,$09 Castle Gate Closes In Villa Upon Entering Villa,$0B Renon Appears For First Time,$0D Village Vampire In Upstairs Villa,$0E Malus Appears For The First Time,$0F Malus Leaves Garden,$10 Character In Boat On Foggy Lake,$11 Seal Removed From Wall In Arena,$12 Bleeding Statue,$13 Cosmic Lights,$14 Explosion At Wall In Arena,$15 Explosion At Wall In Castle That Leads To Hidden Room,$16 Malus Appears Again In Upstairs Room Of Castle,$17 Bull Awakens,$18 Vincent The Vampire,$19 One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes,$1A Gate Opens In Forest Of Silence,$1B Meet Renon For The Last Time In Castle Keep.,$1C This Cut Scene Runs Cut Scene 27 And 2E,$1E Castle Keep Destructs,$1F Malus On Flying Horse Outside Castle Keep,$24 Spider People In Tunnel,$25 Rosa In Garden,$27 Castel Destruction,$28 Space Warp,$29 Castle Destruction,$2A Malus Is Saved By Reinhardt,$2B Malus And Reinhardt On Horse,$2E Rosa Returns,$30 Ada,$31 Scrolling Text About Castle And Henry,$33 Vampire In Basement,$34 Vampire In Villa Basement Destroyed,$35 Finds Hidden Path In Villa Basement,$37 Lever & Gear In Castle,$38 Harpie,$39 Harpie Destroyed,$44 Death(Grim Reaper),$45 Death Is Destroyed,$46 Castle Drawbridge Closes And Ortega Appears,$47 Thirsty Man,$48 Cornell Meets Henry In Garden,$49 Cornell And Henry Part In Garden,$51 Monster Dracula Appears,$52 Actrise Appears In Castle Center,$54 Actrise Appears Again With Cousin Fernandes Before Fight With Carrie,$55 Cousin Fernandes Is Destroyed,$56 Actrise Appears Again Before Fight With Carrie,$57 Actrise Defeated By Carrie Cheat52_O=$00 Never Get Poisoned or Vamped,$01 Normal,$04 Vamp,$08 Poison,$0C Vamped & Poisoned,$FF Instant Death
Cheat53="Enable Characters All Charactors",8031B243 0004 Cheat53="Have Max\Weapon Power-Up",801CAE27 0002
Cheat54="Character Modifier",8031B22B 00?? Cheat54="Selection Options\Day Select For Adult Henry",801CAB1F 00??
Cheat54_O=$00 Cornell,$01 Reinhardt,$02 Carrie,$03 Henry Cheat54_O=$00 7 Days,$01 6 Days,$02 5 Days,$03 4 Days,$04 3 Days,$05 2 Days,$06 1 Day,$07 0 Days
Cheat55="Status Modifier",801CAB84 00?? Cheat55="Infinite\Health Young Henry",D11C87F6 0010,813A5360 2800
Cheat55_O=$00 Never Get Poisoned or Vamped,$01 Normal,$04 Vamp,$08 Poison,$0C Vamped & Poisoned,$FF Instant Death
Cheat56="Max Weapon Power-Up",801CAE27 0002
Cheat57="Day Modifier For Adult Henry",801CAB1F 00??
Cheat57_O=$00 7 Days,$01 6 Days,$02 5 Days,$03 4 Days,$04 3 Days,$05 2 Days,$06 1 Day,$07 0 Days
Cheat58="Infinite\Health Young Henry",D11C87F6 0010,813A5360 2800

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
[B9AF8CC6-DEC9F19F-C:50] [B9AF8CC6-DEC9F19F-C:50]
Name=Chameleon Twist (E) Name=Chameleon Twist (E)
Cheat0="Access All Levels",8020860E 00FF,80208610 00FF Cheat0="Access All Levels",8020860E 00FF,80208610 00FF
Cheat1="Extra Crowns",80251857 0015 Cheat1="Have 99 Crowns",80251857 0063
Cheat2="Infinite Health",80174DF3 000A Cheat2="Infinite Health",80174DF3 000A
Cheat3="Extended Tongue",8133185E FFFF Cheat3="Extended Tongue",8133185E FFFF
Cheat4="Level Select",8029097B 00??
Cheat4_O=$00 Stage 1,$01 Stage 2,$02 Stage 3,$03 Stage 4,$04 Stage 5,$05 Stage 6,$06 Stage 7
Cheat5="Have All Levels Completed",80208612 0019,80208613 0019,80208614 0015,80208615 0018,80208616 0017,80208617 0017

View File

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
[A4F2F521-F0EB168E-C:4A] [A4F2F521-F0EB168E-C:4A]
Name=Chameleon Twist (J) Name=Chameleon Twist (J)
Cheat0="Extra Crowns",8024790B 0015 Cheat0="Have 99 Crowns",8024790B 0063
Cheat1="Infinite Health",80168E73 000A Cheat1="Infinite Health",80168E73 000A
Cheat2="Extended Tongue",8132790E FFFF Cheat2="Extended Tongue",8132790E FFFF
Cheat3="Level Select",8029BF7B 00?? Cheat3="Level Select",8029BF7B 00??
Cheat3_N=When you press Pause in-game and Stage Quit yo will go to the Stage Screen this cheat lets you choose what Stage you would like to go to but make sure you turn the cheat off and press A to continue to that stage. Cheat3_N=When you press Pause in-game and Stage Quit yo will go to the Stage Screen this cheat lets you choose what Stage you would like to go to but make sure you turn the cheat off and press A to continue to that stage.
Cheat3_O=$00 Stage 1,$01 Stage 2,$02 Stage 3,$03 Stage 4,$04 Stage 5,$05 Stage 6,$06 Stage 7 Cheat3_O=$00 Stage 1,$01 Stage 2,$02 Stage 3,$03 Stage 4,$04 Stage 5,$05 Stage 6,$06 Stage 7
Cheat4="Access All Levels",80200B66 00FF
Cheat5="Have 99 Carrots",80200B2F 0063
Cheat5_N=With all Carrots collected. You will be allowed into mini-games and secret areas
Cheat6="Have All Levels Completed",80200B6A 0019,80200B6B 0019,80200B6C 0015,80200B6D 0018,80200B6E 0017,80200B6F 0017

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
[6420535A-50028062-C:45] [6420535A-50028062-C:45]
Name=Chameleon Twist (U) (V1.0) Name=Chameleon Twist (U) (V1.0)
Cheat0="Access All Levels",8020850E 00FF,80208510 00FF Cheat0="Access All Levels",8020850E 00FF,80208510 00FF
Cheat1="Extra Crowns",80251767 0015 Cheat1="Have 99 Crowns",80251767 0063
Cheat2="Infinite Health",80174CF3 000A Cheat2="Infinite Health",80174CF3 000A
Cheat3="Extended Tongue",8133176E FFFF Cheat3="Extended Tongue",8133176E FFFF
Cheat4="Level Select",8029087B 00?? Cheat4="Level Select",8029087B 00??
Cheat4_O=$00 Stage 1,$01 Stage 2,$02 Stage 3,$03 Stage 4,$04 Stage 5,$05 Stage 6,$06 Stage 7 Cheat4_O=$00 Stage 1,$01 Stage 2,$02 Stage 3,$03 Stage 4,$04 Stage 5,$05 Stage 6,$06 Stage 7
Cheat5="Have All Levels Completed",80208512 0019,80208513 0019,80208514 0015,80208515 0018,80208516 0017,80208517 0017

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
[D81963C7-4271A3AA-C:45] [D81963C7-4271A3AA-C:45]
Name=Chameleon Twist (U) (V1.1) Name=Chameleon Twist (U) (V1.1)
Cheat0="Access All Levels",8020850E 00FF,80208510 00FF Cheat0="Access All Levels",801FC5E6 00FF,801FC5E8 00FF
Cheat1="Extra Crowns",80251767 0015 Cheat1="Have 99 Crowns",8024337B 0063
Cheat2="Infinite Health",80174CF3 000A Cheat2="Infinite Health",80164923 000A
Cheat3="Extended Tongue",8133176E FFFF Cheat3="Extended Tongue",81323382 FFFF
Cheat4="Level Select",8029087B 00?? Cheat4="Level Select",80297A7B 00??
Cheat4_O=$00 Stage 1,$01 Stage 2,$02 Stage 3,$03 Stage 4,$04 Stage 5,$05 Stage 6,$06 Stage 7 Cheat4_O=$00 Stage 1,$01 Stage 2,$02 Stage 3,$03 Stage 4,$04 Stage 5,$05 Stage 6,$06 Stage 7
Cheat5="Have All Levels Completed",801FC5EA 0019,801FC5EB 0019,801FC5EC 0015,801FC5ED 0018,801FC5EE 0017,801FC5EF 0017

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
[FB3C48D0-8D28F69F-C:50] [FB3C48D0-8D28F69F-C:50]
Name=Charlie Blast's Territory (E) Name=Charlie Blast's Territory (E)
Cheat0="Stop Timer From Counting Down (All Levels)",8101D4E0 2400 Cheat0="Stop Timer From Counting Down (All Levels)",8101D4E0 2400
Cheat1="Level Select",80046333 00??
Cheat1_O=$01 Level 1,$02 Level 2,$03 Level 3,$04 Level 4,$05 Level 5,$06 Level 6,$07 Level 7,$08 Level 8,$09 Level 9,$0A Level 10,$0B Level 11,$0C Level 12,$0D Level 13,$0E Level 14,$0F Level 15,$10 Level 16,$11 Level 17,$12 Level 18,$13 Level 19,$14 Level 20,$15 Level 21,$16 Level 22,$17 Level 23,$18 Level 24,$19 Level 25

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
[1E0E96E8-4E28826B-C:45] [1E0E96E8-4E28826B-C:45]
Name=Charlie Blast's Territory (U) Name=Charlie Blast's Territory (U)
Cheat0="Stop Timer From Counting Down (All Levels)",8101D4FC 2400 Cheat0="Stop Timer From Counting Down (All Levels)",8101D4FC 2400
Cheat1="Level Select",80046353 00??
Cheat1_O=$01 Level 1,$02 Level 2,$03 Level 3,$04 Level 4,$05 Level 5,$06 Level 6,$07 Level 7,$08 Level 8,$09 Level 9,$0A Level 10,$0B Level 11,$0C Level 12,$0D Level 13,$0E Level 14,$0F Level 15,$10 Level 16,$11 Level 17,$12 Level 18,$13 Level 19,$14 Level 20,$15 Level 21,$16 Level 22,$17 Level 23,$18 Level 24,$19 Level 25

View File

@ -11,25 +11,14 @@ Cheat6_O=$00 No Weapon,$01 Normal Shot,$02 2-Way Shot,$03 3-Way Shot,$04 4-Way S
Cheat7="Gun 4-Way Shot",80129723 0004 Cheat7="Gun 4-Way Shot",80129723 0004
Cheat8="Infinite Fuel",81129726 FFFF Cheat8="Infinite Fuel",81129726 FFFF
Cheat9="Infinite Shield",811296C8 03E8 Cheat9="Infinite Shield",811296C8 03E8
Cheat10="Opens All 5 Item Slots",8012945B 0005 Cheat10="Weapon Modifier\1st Position",80129439 00??
Cheat11="Weapon Modifier\1st Position",80129439 00?? Cheat10_N=Must to be used with the Infinite Weapon Codes
Cheat11_N=Must to be used with the Infinite Weapon Codes & the open all 5 item slot code. Cheat10_O=$00 Nothing,$01 AGM,$02 AAM,$03 AGAM,$04 Dummy,$05 Rocket,$06 Cluster,$07 H-Cluster,$08 H-Plasma
Cheat11="Weapon Modifier\2nd Position",8012943D 00??
Cheat11_N=Must to be used with the Infinite Weapon Codes
Cheat11_O=$00 Nothing,$01 AGM,$02 AAM,$03 AGAM,$04 Dummy,$05 Rocket,$06 Cluster,$07 H-Cluster,$08 H-Plasma Cheat11_O=$00 Nothing,$01 AGM,$02 AAM,$03 AGAM,$04 Dummy,$05 Rocket,$06 Cluster,$07 H-Cluster,$08 H-Plasma
Cheat12="Weapon Modifier\2nd Position",8012943D 00?? Cheat12="Weapon Modifier\3rd Position",801294F1 00??
Cheat12_N=Must to be used with the Infinite Weapon Codes & the open all 5 item slot code. Cheat12_N=Must to be used with the Infinite Weapon Codes
Cheat12_O=$00 Nothing,$01 AGM,$02 AAM,$03 AGAM,$04 Dummy,$05 Rocket,$06 Cluster,$07 H-Cluster,$08 H-Plasma Cheat12_O=$00 Nothing,$01 AGM,$02 AAM,$03 AGAM,$04 Dummy,$05 Rocket,$06 Cluster,$07 H-Cluster,$08 H-Plasma
Cheat13="Weapon Modifier\3rd Position",801294F1 00?? Cheat13="Score Attack Mode",81129472 0001
Cheat13_N=Must to be used with the Infinite Weapon Codes & the open all 5 item slot code. Cheat14="Stage Select On",81129476 0001
Cheat13_O=$00 Nothing,$01 AGM,$02 AAM,$03 AGAM,$04 Dummy,$05 Rocket,$06 Cluster,$07 H-Cluster,$08 H-Plasma
Cheat14="Weapon Modifier\4th Position",801294F5 00??
Cheat14_N=Must to be used with the Infinite Weapon Codes & the open all 5 item slot code.
Cheat14_O=$00 Nothing,$01 AGM,$02 AAM,$03 AGAM,$04 Dummy,$05 Rocket,$06 Cluster,$07 H-Cluster,$08 H-Plasma
Cheat15="Weapon Modifier\5th Position",801294F9 00??
Cheat15_N=Must to be used with the Infinite Weapon Codes & the open all 5 item slot code.
Cheat15_O=$00 Nothing,$01 AGM,$02 AAM,$03 AGAM,$04 Dummy,$05 Rocket,$06 Cluster,$07 H-Cluster,$08 H-Plasma
Cheat16="Score Attack Mode",81129472 0001
Cheat17="Stage Select On",81129476 0001
Cheat18="Option On",8112947A 0001
Cheat19="Clear Mission Selector",8112947C 00??
Cheat19_O=$01 1,$02 2,$03 3,$04 4,$05 5,$06 6,$07 7,$08 8
Cheat20="Texture Mode",81129484 0001

View File

@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ Cheat1="Always 1st",802133B6 0001
Cheat2="Class Select",80206857 00?? Cheat2="Class Select",80206857 00??
Cheat2_N=This code is useful because you can play Class AA without having to beat a level! Cheat2_N=This code is useful because you can play Class AA without having to beat a level!
Cheat2_O=$00 Class C,$01 Class B,$03 Class AA,$04 1 Play,$05 2 Play,$06 3 Play,$07 4 Play Cheat2_O=$00 Class C,$01 Class B,$03 Class AA,$04 1 Play,$05 2 Play,$06 3 Play,$07 4 Play
Cheat3="Always Win Race Heats",802133B6 0001,80377B60 0001,8021455F 0001,80381424 0001

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Name=Choro Q 64 II - Hacha Mecha Grand Prix Race (J)
Cheat0="Sound Select\Music Mod",8014A558 00??
Cheat0_O=$00 Off,$0A Medium,$10 High
Cheat1="Sound Select\SFX Mod",8014A559 00??
Cheat1_O=$00 Off,$0A Medium,$10 High
Cheat2="Sound Select\Sound Mod",8014A55A 00??
Cheat2_O=$00 Stereo,$01 Mono
Cheat3="{Always First With 1 Lap to Race}",800F7A31 0003
Cheat4="Infinite\Blue Pointa",801F92A7 0009
Cheat5="Infinite\Red Weapons Use",801F92A5 0009
Cheat6="Have\Max Gear Box Upgrades",80165C00 00FF,80165C01 00FF,80165C02 007F
Cheat7="Have\Max Car Upgrade",80165BF8 00FF,80165BF9 00FF,80165BFA 00FF,80165BFB 005F
Cheat8="{Unlocked All Stages}",801672EB 000F
Cheat9="Have\Max Wheel Parts Upgrades",80165C0A 00FF,80165C0B 007F
Cheat10="Have\Max Tyre Tred Upgrades",80165C10 00FF
Cheat11="Have\Max Steering Upgrades",80165C1A 006F,80165C1B 000F
Cheat12="Have\Max Car Strength",A0165C21 00FF
Cheat12_N=This has Graphical Issues when used.....
Cheat13="Have\Max Roof Upgrades",81165C2A FFFF
Cheat14="Have\Max Weapons Upgrades",81165C32 FFFF,80165C33 00FF
Cheat15="{Weapon Select}",801F92A1 00??
Cheat15_O=$00 Nothing,$01 Turbo Boost,$02 Invincible,$03 Red Spinning Fish?,$04 Wind Attack,$05 Smoke Bomb,$06 Tyre Buster Tacks,$07 Iron Beam Drop,$08 Cannon,$09 Freeze Bombs,$0A Lightening Cloud Attack,$0B Crafy Mine,$0C Rocket Launcher (Hangs?),$0D Hypno Spinning Birds,$0E 100 Ton Weight,$0F Bolt Launcher,$10 Blue Lazer Cloud

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
[A7941528-61F1199D-C:4A] [A7941528-61F1199D-C:4A]
Name=Chou Snobow Kids (J) Name=Chou Snowbow Kids (J)
Cheat0="All Gold Medals",50000502 0000,81259130 0101 Cheat0="All Gold Medals",50000502 0000,81259130 0101
Cheat1="Max Coins",8125A5BE 270F,8025A5BF 00C8 Cheat1="Max Coins",8125A5BE 270F,8025A5BF 00C8
Cheat2="Infinite\Trick Game 300 Points",8125A7F2 012C Cheat2="Infinite\Trick Game 300 Points",8125A7F2 012C

View File

@ -102,34 +102,34 @@ Cheat96="Clayribbean Cruise Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801FB503 00AA
Cheat97="Clayribbean Cruise Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801FB503 0000 Cheat97="Clayribbean Cruise Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801FB503 0000
Cheat98="Clayribbean Cruise Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811FB50A 0200 Cheat98="Clayribbean Cruise Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811FB50A 0200
Cheat99="Backwash Bay Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801FB58B 0000 Cheat99="Backwash Bay Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801FB58B 0000
Cheat101="Backwash Bay Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E8730CE5 5904 Cheat100="Backwash Bay Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801FB593 00AA
Cheat102="Backwash Bay Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E8730CE5 595A Cheat101="Backwash Bay Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801FB593 0000
Cheat103="Backwash Bay Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E9730CEE 5B5A Cheat102="Backwash Bay Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811FB59A 0200
Cheat104="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",E873097D 595A Cheat103="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801FB62B 0000
Cheat105="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E8730985 5904 Cheat104="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801FB633 00AA
Cheat106="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E8730985 595A Cheat105="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801FB633 0000
Cheat107="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E973098E 5B5A Cheat106="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811FB63A 0200
Cheat108="Candy Factory Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",E8730A5D 595A Cheat107="Candy Factory Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801FB70B 0000
Cheat109="Candy Factory Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E8730A65 5904 Cheat108="Candy Factory Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801FB713 00AA
Cheat110="Candy Factory Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E8730A65 595A Cheat109="Candy Factory Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801FB713 0000
Cheat111="Candy Factory Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E9730A6E 5B5A Cheat110="Candy Factory Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811FB71A 0200
Cheat112="Kooky Courtyard Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",E8730F5D 595A Cheat111="Kooky Courtyard Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801FB80B 0000
Cheat113="Kooky Courtyard Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E8730F65 5904 Cheat112="Kooky Courtyard Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801FB813 00AA
Cheat114="Kooky Courtyard Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E8730F65 595A Cheat113="Kooky Courtyard Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801FB813 0000
Cheat115="Kooky Courtyard Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E9730F6E 5B5A Cheat114="Kooky Courtyard Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811FB81A 0200
Cheat116="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",E873138D 595A Cheat115="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801FBC3B 0000
Cheat117="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E8731395 5904 Cheat116="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801FBC43 00AA
Cheat118="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E8731395 595A Cheat117="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801FBC43 0000
Cheat119="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E973139E 5B5A Cheat118="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811FBC4A 0200
Cheat120="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",E873122D 595A Cheat119="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801FBFDB 0000
Cheat121="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E8731235 5904 Cheat120="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801FBFE3 00AA
Cheat122="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E8731235 595A Cheat121="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801FBFE3 0000
Cheat123="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E973123E 5B5A Cheat122="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811FBFEA 0200
Cheat124="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",E8731E0D 595A Cheat123="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801FCBBB 0000
Cheat125="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E8731E15 5904 Cheat124="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801FCBC3 00AA
Cheat126="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E8731E15 595A Cheat125="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801FCBC3 0000
Cheat127="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E9731E1E 5B5A Cheat126="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811FCBCA 0200
Cheat128="Rubbage Room Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",E873299D 595A Cheat127="Rubbage Room Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801FD64B 0000
Cheat129="Rubbage Room Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E87329A5 5904 Cheat128="Rubbage Room Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801FD653 00AA
Cheat130="Rubbage Room Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E87329A5 595A Cheat129="Rubbage Room Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801FD653 0000
Cheat131="Rubbage Room Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E97329AE 5B5A Cheat130="Rubbage Room Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811FD65A 0200

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@ -102,34 +102,34 @@ Cheat96="Clayribbean Cruise Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801F1B7B 00AA
Cheat97="Clayribbean Cruise Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801F1B7B 0000 Cheat97="Clayribbean Cruise Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801F1B7B 0000
Cheat98="Clayribbean Cruise Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811F1B82 0200 Cheat98="Clayribbean Cruise Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811F1B82 0200
Cheat99="Backwash Bay Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801F1C03 0000 Cheat99="Backwash Bay Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801F1C03 0000
Cheat101="Backwash Bay Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E873735D 5904 Cheat100="Backwash Bay Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801F1C0B 00AA
Cheat102="Backwash Bay Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E873735D 595A Cheat101="Backwash Bay Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801F1C0B 0000
Cheat103="Backwash Bay Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E9737366 5B5A Cheat102="Backwash Bay Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811F1C12 0200
Cheat104="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",E87373F5 595A Cheat103="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801F1CA3 0000
Cheat105="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E87373FD 5904 Cheat104="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801F1CAB 00AA
Cheat106="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E87373FD 595A Cheat105="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801F1CAB 0000
Cheat107="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E9737306 5B5A Cheat106="Ghastly Graveyard Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811F1CB2 0200
Cheat108="Candy Factory Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",E87374D5 595A Cheat107="Candy Factory Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801F1D83 0000
Cheat109="Candy Factory Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E87374DD 5904 Cheat108="Candy Factory Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801F1D8B 00AA
Cheat110="Candy Factory Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E87374DD 595A Cheat109="Candy Factory Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801F1D8B 0000
Cheat111="Candy Factory Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E97374E6 5B5A Cheat110="Candy Factory Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811F1D92 0200
Cheat112="Kooky Courtyard Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",E87371D5 595A Cheat111="Kooky Courtyard Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801F1E83 0000
Cheat113="Kooky Courtyard Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E87371DD 5904 Cheat112="Kooky Courtyard Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801F1E8B 00AA
Cheat114="Kooky Courtyard Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E87371DD 595A Cheat113="Kooky Courtyard Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801F1E8B 0000
Cheat115="Kooky Courtyard Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E97371E6 5B5A Cheat114="Kooky Courtyard Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811F1E92 0200
Cheat116="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",E8737505 595A Cheat115="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801F22B3 0000
Cheat117="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E873750D 5904 Cheat116="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801F22BB 00AA
Cheat118="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E873750D 595A Cheat117="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801F22BB 0000
Cheat119="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E9737516 5B5A Cheat118="Santa's Toy Factory Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811F22C2 0200
Cheat120="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",E87379A5 595A Cheat119="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801F2653 0000
Cheat121="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E87379AD 5904 Cheat120="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801F265B 00AA
Cheat122="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E87379AD 595A Cheat121="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801F265B 0000
Cheat123="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E97379B6 5B5A Cheat122="Boogerhenge, Tureen Toilet Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811F2662 0200
Cheat124="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",E8738585 595A Cheat123="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801F3233 0000
Cheat125="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E873858D 5904 Cheat124="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801F323B 00AA
Cheat126="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E873858D 595A Cheat125="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801F323B 0000
Cheat127="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E9738596 5B5A Cheat126="Kiln's Laboratory, Kiln's Hideout, Fiery Furnace, Research Room Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811F3242 0200
Cheat128="Rubbage Room Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",E8739315 595A Cheat127="Rubbage Room Stage\Can't be Stunned\Player 2",801F3CC3 0000
Cheat129="Rubbage Room Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",E873931D 5904 Cheat128="Rubbage Room Stage\Infinite Energy\Player 2",801F3CCB 00AA
Cheat130="Rubbage Room Stage\No Energy\Player 2",E873931D 595A Cheat129="Rubbage Room Stage\No Energy\Player 2",801F3CCB 0000
Cheat131="Rubbage Room Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",E9739326 5B5A Cheat130="Rubbage Room Stage\Full Super Bar\Player 2",811F3CD2 0200

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Name=Conker's Bad Fur Day (U) (Demo) (V_ECTS_Decrypted)
Cheat0="Infinite Health\Player 1",800BCFD7 0006
Cheat1="Infinite 99 Lives",800B9B84 0063
Cheat2="Infinite Health\Player 2",800B42CE 0006
Cheat3="Infinite Health\Player 3",800B45F2 0006
Cheat4="Infinite Health\Player 4",800B4916 0006
Cheat5="Infinite Time in Multi",810770DA 8C9E
Cheat6="Start with Infinite 9 Granades or Bombs",800B9B70 0009
Cheat6_N=This works for all Players, including player 1 in story mode.
Cheat7="Infinite Oxygen",810B3E9A 0000
Cheat8="Press L To Levitate\Player 1",D00D1055 0020,810B3E08 4200
Cheat9="Infinite 99999 Cash",810B9B88 270F
Cheat10="(Tap L Twice) To Skip Intro",D00A6289 0020,800A679F 0024
Cheat10_N=On game start up, as soon as you see the N64 Logo, Tap the L Button twice letting go eachtime.

View File

@ -5,5 +5,3 @@ Cheat1="Always Place 1st\Player 1",81065174 0000
Cheat2="Infinite\Nitros\Player 1",800BE7FD 00FF Cheat2="Infinite\Nitros\Player 1",800BE7FD 00FF
Cheat3="Infinite\Continues",8107F850 00FF Cheat3="Infinite\Continues",8107F850 00FF
Cheat4="Infinite\Time",810802D4 4296 Cheat4="Infinite\Time",810802D4 4296
Cheat5="Play As",E85E5528 59??
Cheat5_O=$5A ,$59 ,$5C ,$5B ,$56 ,$55 ,$58 ,$57 ,$62 ,$61 ,$64 ,$63 ,$5E ,$5D ,$60 ,$5F ,$6A ,$69 ,$6C ,$6B ,$66 ,$65 ,$68 ,$67 ,$72 ,$71 ,$74

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
[DFE61153-D76118E6-C:45] [DFE61153-D76118E6-C:45]
Name=Cruis'n World (U) Name=Cruis'n World (U)
Cheat0="Have All Car Upgrades",803BEE42 0005 Cheat0="Have All\Car Upgrades",803BEE42 0005
Cheat1="Have All Cars",813BEE78 1FFF Cheat1="Have All\Cars",813BEE78 1FFF
Cheat2="Time Counts Down Faster",813D0D3E 0000 Cheat2="Time Counts Down Faster",813D0D3E 0000
Cheat3="Dancing Girl Always On",803BEE73 0001,803C21CF 0054 Cheat3="Dancing Girl Always On",803BEE73 0001,803C21CF 0054
Cheat4="Player 1\Always Place 1st",803CE023 0001 Cheat4="Player 1\Always Place 1st",803CE023 0001
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ Cheat11_O=$00 Serpent (Auto),$01 Serpent (Manual),$02 Kamikaze (Auto),$03 Kamika
Cheat12="Player 4\Always Place 1st",803CD673 0001 Cheat12="Player 4\Always Place 1st",803CD673 0001
Cheat13="Player 4\Car/Transmission Modifier",803BEE58 00?? Cheat13="Player 4\Car/Transmission Modifier",803BEE58 00??
Cheat13_O=$00 Serpent (Auto),$01 Serpent (Manual),$02 Kamikaze (Auto),$03 Kamikaze (Manual),$04 ATV (Auto,$05 ATV (Manual),$06 Scarab (Auto),$07 Scarab (Manual),$08 Stallion P6 (Auto),$09 Stallion P6 (Manual),$0A Banzai GTV (Auto),$0B Banzai GTV (Manual),$0C Zombie (Auto),$0D Zombie (Manual),$0E Orca (Auto),$0F Orca (manual),$10 El Nino (Auto),$11 El Nino (Manual),$12 Rhino 4x4 (Auto),$13 Rhino 4x4 (Manual),$14 Sardine Extreme (Auto),$15 Sardine Extreme (Manual),$16 Road King (Auto),$17 Road King (Manual),$18 Grass Hopper (Auto),$19 Grass Hopper (Manual),$1A Bulldog (Auto),$1B Bulldog (Manual),$1C Enforcer (Auto),$1D Enforcer (Manual),$1E NY Taxi (Auto),$1F NY Taxi (Manual),$20 School Bus (Auto),$21 School Bus (Manual),$22 Exec (Auto),$23 Exec (Manual),$24 Conductor (Auto),$25 Conductor (Manual),$26 Speed Demon (Auto),$27 Speed Demon (Manual),$28 Tommy (Auto),$29 Tommy (Manual),$2A Rocket (Auto),$2B Rocket (Manual),$2C The Surgeon (Auto),$2D The Surgeon (Manual),$2E Monsta (Auto),$2F Monsta (Manual),$30 Howler (Auto),$31 Howler (Manual) Cheat13_O=$00 Serpent (Auto),$01 Serpent (Manual),$02 Kamikaze (Auto),$03 Kamikaze (Manual),$04 ATV (Auto,$05 ATV (Manual),$06 Scarab (Auto),$07 Scarab (Manual),$08 Stallion P6 (Auto),$09 Stallion P6 (Manual),$0A Banzai GTV (Auto),$0B Banzai GTV (Manual),$0C Zombie (Auto),$0D Zombie (Manual),$0E Orca (Auto),$0F Orca (manual),$10 El Nino (Auto),$11 El Nino (Manual),$12 Rhino 4x4 (Auto),$13 Rhino 4x4 (Manual),$14 Sardine Extreme (Auto),$15 Sardine Extreme (Manual),$16 Road King (Auto),$17 Road King (Manual),$18 Grass Hopper (Auto),$19 Grass Hopper (Manual),$1A Bulldog (Auto),$1B Bulldog (Manual),$1C Enforcer (Auto),$1D Enforcer (Manual),$1E NY Taxi (Auto),$1F NY Taxi (Manual),$20 School Bus (Auto),$21 School Bus (Manual),$22 Exec (Auto),$23 Exec (Manual),$24 Conductor (Auto),$25 Conductor (Manual),$26 Speed Demon (Auto),$27 Speed Demon (Manual),$28 Tommy (Auto),$29 Tommy (Manual),$2A Rocket (Auto),$2B Rocket (Manual),$2C The Surgeon (Auto),$2D The Surgeon (Manual),$2E Monsta (Auto),$2F Monsta (Manual),$30 Howler (Auto),$31 Howler (Manual)
Cheat14="Have All Car Upgrades",803BEE42 0005 Cheat14="Have All\Car Upgrades",803BEE42 0005
Cheat15="Have All Cars",813BEE78 1FFF Cheat15="Have All\Cars",813BEE78 1FFF
Cheat16="Championship Mode\Max Total Points",813BFBFA FFFF Cheat16="Championship Mode\Max Total Points",813BFBFA FFFF
Cheat17="Championship Mode\Max Points Per Race",813BFBFE FFFF Cheat17="Championship Mode\Max Points Per Race",813BFBFE FFFF
Cheat18="Championship Mode\Max Points To Next Level",813BFBFC FFFF Cheat18="Championship Mode\Max Points To Next Level",813BFBFC FFFF

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Name=DKONG Demo (PD)
Cheat0="Have Infinite Max Credits",802C9FE1 0099

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Cheat0="Access Sonork Character",80049AA0 0001
Cheat1="Access Demitron Character",80049AA4 0001 Cheat1="Access Demitron Character",80049AA4 0001
Cheat2="Infinite Health\All Levels\Player 1",812716E0 0190,8127BDB8 0190,8127E478 0190,81292EE8 0190,81293768 0190,81297538 0190,812ACCC8 0190,812B1CE8 0190,812B7BE8 0190,8138AEE0 0190 Cheat2="Infinite Health\All Levels\Player 1",812716E0 0190,8127BDB8 0190,8127E478 0190,81292EE8 0190,81293768 0190,81297538 0190,812ACCC8 0190,812B1CE8 0190,812B7BE8 0190,8138AEE0 0190
Cheat3="Infinite Health\All Levels\Player 2",81271FB8 0190,8127B158 0190,8127E820 0190,81293B48 0190,81294390 0190,812980B8 0190,812AD608 0190,812B2D08 0190,812B67D8 0190,8138A898 0190 Cheat3="Infinite Health\All Levels\Player 2",81271FB8 0190,8127B158 0190,8127E820 0190,81293B48 0190,81294390 0190,812980B8 0190,812AD608 0190,812B2D08 0190,812B67D8 0190,8138A898 0190
Cheat4="Press F9 For 2 Rounds Won\Player 1",880B6491 0002 Cheat4="Press GS For 2 Rounds Won\Player 1",880B6491 0002
Cheat5="Press F9 For 2 Rounds Won\Player 2",880B64A3 0002 Cheat5="Press GS For 2 Rounds Won\Player 2",880B64A3 0002
Cheat6="Music Modifier",80081812 00?? Cheat6="Music Modifier",80081812 00??
Cheat6_O=$00 Music Off,$2A Volume Low,$55 Volume Medium,$7F Volume Max Cheat6_O=$00 Music Off,$2A Volume Low,$55 Volume Medium,$7F Volume Max

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Name=Dark Rift (U)
Cheat0="Access Sonork Character",80049DF0 0001 Cheat0="Access Sonork Character",80049DF0 0001
Cheat1="Access Demitron Character",80049DF4 0001 Cheat1="Access Demitron Character",80049DF4 0001
Cheat2="Infinite Health\All Levels\Player 1",81028988 0800,8102898A 0018,81000060 3C1B,81000062 8008,81000064 8F7B,81000066 0228,8100006C 03E0,8100006E 0008,81000070 A761,81000072 0070 Cheat2="Infinite Health\All Levels\Player 1",81028988 0800,8102898A 0018,81000060 3C1B,81000062 8008,81000064 8F7B,81000066 0228,8100006C 03E0,8100006E 0008,81000070 A761,81000072 0070
Cheat3="Press F9 For 2 Rounds Won\Player 1",890B6330 0002 Cheat3="Press GS For 2 Rounds Won\Player 1",890B6330 0002
Cheat4="Press F9 For 2 Rounds Won\Player 2",890B6342 0002 Cheat4="Press GS For 2 Rounds Won\Player 2",890B6342 0002
Cheat5="Music Modifier",800816B2 00?? Cheat5="Music Modifier",800816B2 00??
Cheat5_O=$00 Music Off,$2A Volume Low,$55 Volume Medium,$7F Volume Max Cheat5_O=$00 Music Off,$2A Volume Low,$55 Volume Medium,$7F Volume Max

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@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
[630AA37D-896BD7DB-C:50] [630AA37D-896BD7DB-C:50]
Name=Destruction Derby 64 (E) (M3) Name=Destruction Derby 64 (E) (M3)
Cheat0="Have All\Tracks",50000802 0000,81099498 0101 Cheat0="Have All\Cars",50000C01 0000,8009B7D8 0001
Cheat1="Have All\Difficulty Levels",8109B7D6 0003 Cheat1="Have All\Tracks",50000C01 0000,80099498 0001
Cheat2="Have All\Cars",50000602 0000,8109B7D8 0101 Cheat2="Have All\Difficulty Levels",8009B7D7 0003
Cheat3="Max\Points Aid",8112A3CE 02F4 Cheat3="Max\Points Aid",8112A3CE 03E7
Cheat4="Max\Collisions Points",812E013A 02F4 Cheat4="Max\Collisions Points",812E013A 03E7
Cheat5="Max\Checkpoint Bonus",812E013E 02F4 Cheat5="Max\Checkpoint Bonus",812E013E 03E7
Cheat6="Solo Mode\Infinite Health\Seascape Sprint",D02E0124 0080,802E0133 00E1
Cheat7="Solo Mode\Infinite Health\Metro Challenge",D02F9018 0080,802F9027 00E1
Cheat8="Solo Mode\Infinite Health\Terminal Impact",D02C0FA3 0080,802C0FB2 00E1
Cheat9="Solo Mode\Infinite Health\Destruction Junction",D02A5EB0 0080,802A5EBF 00E1
Cheat10="Solo Mode\Infinite Health\Midnyte Rumble",D0317C0B 0080,80317C1A 00E1
Cheat11="Solo Mode\Infinite Health\Bayou Run",D029137C 0080,8029138B 00E1
Cheat12="Solo Mode\Infinite Health\Alpine Ridge",D02C5224 0080,802C5233 00E1
Cheat13="Solo Mode\Infinite Health\Sunset Canyon",D030EF68 0080,8030EF77 00E1

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@ -1,45 +1,42 @@
[DEE584A2-0F161187-C:45] [DEE584A2-0F161187-C:45]
Name=Destruction Derby 64 (U) Name=Destruction Derby 64 (U)
Cheat0="Solo Mode\Infinite Damage Meter",80125FD9 0026 Cheat0="Have All\Cars",50000C01 0000,80097A18 0001
Cheat1="All Cars and Tracks",50000602 0000,81097A18 0101 Cheat1="Have All\Tracks",50000C01 0000,80095CC8 0001
Cheat2="All Difficulty Levels",81097A16 0003 Cheat2="Have All\Difficulty Levels",80097A17 0003
Cheat3="Solo Mode\Vehicles\Baja Buggy",80097A18 0001 Cheat3="Max Points Aid",8111EF4E 03E7
Cheat4="Solo Mode\Vehicles\Low Rider",80097A19 0001 Cheat4="Infinite Health\Player 1\Seascape Sprint",D02D4C24 0080,802D4C33 00E1
Cheat5="Solo Mode\Vehicles\Woody Wagon",80097A1A 0001 Cheat5="Infinite Health\Player 2\Seascape Sprint",D02E2D50 0080,802E2D5F 00E1
Cheat6="Solo Mode\Vehicles\Pickup",80097A1B 0001 Cheat6="Infinite Health\Player 1\Metro Challenge",D02EDB18 0080,802EDB27 00E1
Cheat7="Solo Mode\Vehicles\Taxi Cab",80097A1C 0001 Cheat7="Infinite Health\Player 2\Metro Challenge",D02FCC10 0080,802FCC1F 00B4
Cheat8="Solo Mode\Vehicles\Blue Demon",80097A1D 0001 Cheat8="Infinite Health\Player 1\Terminal Impact",D02B5F2D 0080,802B56B3 00E1
Cheat9="Solo Mode\Vehicles\Rag Top",80097A1E 0001 Cheat9="Infinite Health\Player 2\Terminal Impact",D02C4550 0080,802C455F 00E1
Cheat10="Solo Mode\Vehicles\Hot Rod",80097A1F 0001 Cheat10="Infinite Health\Player 1\Destruction Junction",D029A9B0 0080,8029A9BF 00E1
Cheat11="Solo Mode\Vehicles\Ambulance",80097A20 0001 Cheat11="Infinite Health\Player 2\Destruction Junction",D02B61D0 0080,802B61DF 00B4
Cheat12="Solo Mode\Vehicles\Watchback",80097A21 0001 Cheat12="Infinite Health\Player 1\Midnyte Rumble",D030CC0C 0080,8030CC1B 00EB
Cheat13="Solo Mode\Vehicles\Street Rocket",80097A22 0001 Cheat13="Infinite Health\Player 2\Midnyte Rumble",D032ADD0 0080,8032ADDF 00B4
Cheat14="Solo Mode\Vehicles\Police Car",80097A23 0001 Cheat14="Infinite Health\Player 1\Bayou Run",D02862BC 0080,802862CB 00EB
Cheat15="Solo Mode\Tracks\Metro Challenge",80095CCC 0001 Cheat15="Infinite Health\Player 2\Bayou Run",D0295190 0080,8029519F 00B4
Cheat16="Solo Mode\Tracks\Seascape",80095CCD 0001 Cheat16="Infinite Health\Player 1\Alpine Ridge",D02BA164 0080,802BA173 00EB
Cheat17="Solo Mode\Tracks\Boyou Run",80095CCE 0001 Cheat17="Infinite Health\Player 2\Alpine Ridge",D02C8BD0 0080,802C8BDF 00B4
Cheat18="Solo Mode\Tracks\Terminal Impact",80095CCF 0001 Cheat18="Infinite Health\Player 1\Sunset Canyon",D0303EA8 0080,80303EB7 00EB
Cheat19="Solo Mode\Tracks\Destruction Junction",80095CD0 0001 Cheat19="Infinite Health\Player 2\Sunset Canyon",D0312810 0080,8031281F 00B4
Cheat20="Solo Mode\Tracks\Sunset Canyon",80095CD1 0001 Cheat20="Infinite Health\Player 1\Junkyard",D0205B7C 0080,80205B8B 00BE
Cheat21="Solo Mode\Tracks\Apline Ridge",80095CD2 0001 Cheat21="Infinite Health\Player 2\Junkyard",D0215050 0080,8021505F 00A0
Cheat22="Solo Mode\Tracks\Midnyte Rumble",80095CD3 0001 Cheat22="Infinite Health\Player 1\Aztec Ruins",D01FC428 0080,801FC437 00BE
Cheat23="Multiplayer\Tracks\The Junkyard",80095CC8 0001 Cheat23="Infinite Health\Player 2\Aztec Ruins",D0217C50 0080,80217C5F 00A0
Cheat24="Multiplayer\Tracks\Have Aztec Ruins",80095CC9 0001 Cheat24="Infinite Health\Player 1\Urban Mayhem",D0203F10 0080,80203F1F 00C8
Cheat25="Multiplayer\Tracks\Urban Mayhem",80095CCA 0001 Cheat25="Infinite Health\Player 2\Urban Mayhem",D0235E50 0080,80235E5F 00A0
Cheat26="Multiplayer\Tracks\Ground Zero",80095CCB 0001 Cheat26="Infinite Health\Player 1\Ground Zero",D01F64C8 0080,801F64D7 00BE
Cheat27="Multiplayer\Junkyard\Infinite Health\Player 1",80205B8B 00BE Cheat27="Infinite Health\Player 2\Ground Zero",D0211D10 0080,80211D1F 00A0
Cheat28="Multiplayer\Junkyard\Infinite Health\Player 2",8021505F 00BE Cheat28="Max Collisions Points\01: Seascape Sprint",812D4C3A 03E7
Cheat29="Multiplayer\Aztec Ruins\Infinite Health\Player 1",801FC437 00BE Cheat29="Max Bonus Points\01: Seascape Sprint",812D4C3E 03E7
Cheat30="Multiplayer\Aztec Ruins\Infinite Health\Player 2",80217C5F 00BE Cheat30="Max Collisions Points\02: Metro Challenge",812EDB2E 03E7
Cheat31="Multiplayer\Urban Mayhem\Infinite Health\Player 1",8021779F 00BE Cheat31="Max Bonus Points\02: Metro Challenge",812EDB32 03E7
Cheat32="Multiplayer\Urban Mayhem\Infinite Health\Player 2",80235E5F 00BE Cheat32="Max Collisions Points\03: Junkyard",81205B92 03E7
Cheat33="Multiplayer\Ground Zero\Infinite Health\Player 1",801F64D7 00BE Cheat33="Max Bonus Points\03: Junkyard",81205B9A 03E7
Cheat34="Multiplayer\Ground Zero\Infinite Health\Player 2",80211D1F 00BE Cheat34="Max Collisions Points\04: Terminal Impact",812B56BA 03E7
Cheat35="Solo Mode\Seascape Sprint\Infinite Health",D02D4C24 0080,802D4C33 00E1 Cheat35="Max Bonus Points\04: Terminal Impact",812B56BE 03E7
Cheat36="Solo Mode\Metro Challenge\Infinite Health",D02EDB18 0080,802EDB27 00E1 Cheat36="Max Collisions Points\05: Destruction Junction",8129A9C6 03E7
Cheat37="Solo Mode\Terminal Impact\Infinite Health",D02B5AA3 0080,802B5AB2 00E1 Cheat37="Max Bonus Points\05: Destruction Junction",8129A9CA 03E7
Cheat38="Solo Mode\Destruction Junction\Infinite Health",D029A9B0 0080,8029A9BF 00E1 Cheat38="Max Collisions Points\06: Aztec Ruins",81095D06 03E7
Cheat39="Solo Mode\Midnyte Rumble\Infinite Health",D030C70B 0080,8030C71A 00E1 Cheat39="Max Bonus Points\06: Aztec Ruins",81095D36 03E7
Cheat40="Solo Mode\Bayou Run\Infinite Health",D0285E7C 0080,80285E8B 00E1
Cheat41="Solo Mode\Alpine Ridge\Infinite Health",D02B9D24 0080,802B9D33 00E1
Cheat42="Solo Mode\Sunset Canyon\Infinite Health",D0303A68 0080,80303A77 00E1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Name=Diddy Kong Racing (E) (M3) (V1.0)
Cheat0="Enable All Cheats",800DFE2C 001F,50000301 0000,800DFE2D 00FF
Cheat0_N=Go into Options & then Magic Codes. Then Code list to turn off & on what you want.
Cheat1="Have All\Trophies",80207E6E 0007,80207E6F 00FF
Cheat1_N=Only put this code on once you are inside the lobby to choose a gate,or it will crash the game.
Cheat2="Have All\Keys",80207E69 001F
Cheat2_N=Only put this code on once you are inside the lobby to choose a gate,or it will crash the game.
Cheat3="Have All\T.T. Amulets",80207E77 0004
Cheat3_N=Only put this code on once you are inside the lobby to choose a gate,or it will crash the game.
Cheat4="Have All\50 Balloons",8020807D 0032
Cheat5="Have All\None-Adventure tracks completed",50001204 0000,80207F87 0007,50000904 0000,80207FDF 0007,80207E68 0007,80207E6A 0007,80207E6B 0007,80207E6C 000F,80207E6D 00FF
Cheat6="Have All\T.T. time trial races beaten",80207E76 0004
Cheat7="Have All\Control Drumstick & Adventure Two mode unlocked",801264DC 0003,801264DF 0003,801264F2 0003,801264F3 0008
Cheat8="Have All\Trophy Adventure races unlocked",50000502 0000,8020807E 0007

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Name=Diddy Kong Racing (E) (M3) (V1.1)
Cheat0="Enable All Cheats",800E03AC 001F,50000301 0000,800E03AD 00FF
Cheat0_N=Go into Options & then Magic Codes. Then Code list to turn off & on what you want.
Cheat1="Have All\Trophies",8020865E 0007,8020865F 00FF
Cheat1_N=Only put this code on once you are inside the lobby to choose a gate,or it will crash the game.
Cheat2="Have All\Keys",80208659 001F
Cheat2_N=Only put this code on once you are inside the lobby to choose a gate,or it will crash the game.
Cheat3="Have All\T.T. Amulets",80208667 0004
Cheat3_N=Only put this code on once you are inside the lobby to choose a gate,or it will crash the game.
Cheat4="Have All\50 Balloons",8020807D 0032
Cheat5="Have All\None-Adventure tracks completed",50001204 0000,80208777 0007,50000904 0000,802087CF 0007,80208658 0007,8020865A 0007,8020865B 0007,8020865C 000F,8020865D 00FF
Cheat6="Have All\T.T. time trial races beaten",80208666 0004
Cheat7="Have All\Control Drumstick & Adventure Two mode unlocked",80126CCC 0003,80126CCF 0003,80126CE2 0003,80126CE3 0008
Cheat8="Have All\Trophy Adventure races unlocked",50000502 0000,8020886E 0007

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
Name=Diddy Kong Racing (E) (M3) (V1.1)
Cheat0="Enable All Cheats",800E03AC 001F,50000301 0000,800E03AD 00FF
Cheat0_N=Go into Options & then Magic Codes. Then Code list to turn off & on what you want.
Cheat1="Have All\Trophies",8020865E 0007,8020865F 00FF
Cheat1_N=Only put this code on once you are inside the lobby to choose a gate,or it will crash the game.
Cheat2="Have All\Keys",80208659 001F
Cheat2_N=Only put this code on once you are inside the lobby to choose a gate,or it will crash the game.
Cheat3="Have All\T.T. Amulets",80208667 0004
Cheat3_N=Only put this code on once you are inside the lobby to choose a gate,or it will crash the game.
Cheat4="Have All\50 Balloons",8020807D 0032
Cheat5="Have All\None-Adventure tracks completed",50001204 0000,80208777 0007,50000904 0000,802087CF 0007,80208658 0007,8020865A 0007,8020865B 0007,8020865C 000F,8020865D 00FF
Cheat6="Have All\T.T. time trial races beaten",80208666 0004
Cheat7="Have All\Control Drumstick & Adventure Two mode unlocked",80126CCC 0003,80126CCF 0003,80126CE2 0003,80126CE3 0008
Cheat8="Have All\Trophy Adventure races unlocked",50000502 0000,8020886E 0007
Name=Diddy Kong Racing (E) (M3) (V1.0)
Cheat0="Enable All Cheats",800DFE2C 001F,50000301 0000,800DFE2D 00FF
Cheat0_N=Go into Options & then Magic Codes. Then Code list to turn off & on what you want.
Cheat1="Have All\Trophies",80207E6E 0007,80207E6F 00FF
Cheat1_N=Only put this code on once you are inside the lobby to choose a gate,or it will crash the game.
Cheat2="Have All\Keys",80207E69 001F
Cheat2_N=Only put this code on once you are inside the lobby to choose a gate,or it will crash the game.
Cheat3="Have All\T.T. Amulets",80207E77 0004
Cheat3_N=Only put this code on once you are inside the lobby to choose a gate,or it will crash the game.
Cheat4="Have All\50 Balloons",8020807D 0032
Cheat5="Have All\None-Adventure tracks completed",50001204 0000,80207F87 0007,50000904 0000,80207FDF 0007,80207E68 0007,80207E6A 0007,80207E6B 0007,80207E6C 000F,80207E6D 00FF
Cheat6="Have All\T.T. time trial races beaten",80207E76 0004
Cheat7="Have All\Control Drumstick & Adventure Two mode unlocked",801264DC 0003,801264DF 0003,801264F2 0003,801264F3 0008
Cheat8="Have All\Trophy Adventure races unlocked",50000502 0000,8020807E 0007

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Name=Die Hard 64 ProtoType (Disc 1)
Cheat0="God Mode",80774EB7 00??
Cheat0_O=$00 Off,$01 On

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Name=Die Hard 64 ProtoType (Disc 2)
Cheat0="God Mode",80774EB7 00??
Cheat0_O=$00 Off,$01 On

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Name=Die Hard 64 ProtoType (Disc3)
Cheat0="God Mode",80774EB7 00??
Cheat0_O=$00 Off,$01 On

View File

@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ Cheat6="Have\Full Portrait",800DD484 00FF
Cheat7="Infinite\Red Weapon",811921D8 0063 Cheat7="Infinite\Red Weapon",811921D8 0063
Cheat8="Infinite\Green Weapon",811921D6 0063 Cheat8="Infinite\Green Weapon",811921D6 0063
Cheat9="Infinite\Purple Weapon",811921DA 0063 Cheat9="Infinite\Purple Weapon",811921DA 0063
Cheat10="Press F9 For\Sabor Attacks\Sabor 1 Hit Kill",8924A49E 0001 Cheat10="Press GS For\Sabor Attacks\Sabor 1 Hit Kill",8924A49E 0001
Cheat11="Infinite\Bonus Timer",8017373E 0025 Cheat11="Infinite\Bonus Timer",8017373E 0025
Cheat11_N=This is For All Timers on Bonus Levels Cheat11_N=This is For All Timers on Bonus Levels

View File

@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ Cheat6="Have\Full Portrait",800DD514 00FF
Cheat7="Infinite\Red Weapon",811921F8 0063 Cheat7="Infinite\Red Weapon",811921F8 0063
Cheat8="Infinite\Green Weapon",811921F6 0063 Cheat8="Infinite\Green Weapon",811921F6 0063
Cheat9="Infinite\Purple Weapon",811921FA 0063 Cheat9="Infinite\Purple Weapon",811921FA 0063
Cheat10="Press F9 For\Sabor Attacks\Sabor 1 Hit Kill",8924A23E 0001 Cheat10="Press GS For\Sabor Attacks\Sabor 1 Hit Kill",8924A23E 0001
Cheat11="Infinite\Bonus Timer",801736DE 0025 Cheat11="Infinite\Bonus Timer",801736DE 0025
Cheat11_N=This is For All Timers on Bonus Levels Cheat11_N=This is For All Timers on Bonus Levels

View File

@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ Cheat6="Have\Full Portrait",800DD514 00FF
Cheat7="Infinite\Red Weapon",811921F8 0063 Cheat7="Infinite\Red Weapon",811921F8 0063
Cheat8="Infinite\Green Weapon",811921F6 0063 Cheat8="Infinite\Green Weapon",811921F6 0063
Cheat9="Infinite\Purple Weapon",811921FA 0063 Cheat9="Infinite\Purple Weapon",811921FA 0063
Cheat10="Press F9 For\Sabor Attacks\Sabor 1 Hit Kill",8924A23E 0001 Cheat10="Press GS For\Sabor Attacks\Sabor 1 Hit Kill",8924A23E 0001
Cheat11="Infinite\Bonus Timer",801736DE 0025 Cheat11="Infinite\Bonus Timer",801736DE 0025
Cheat11_N=This is For All Timers on Bonus Levels Cheat11_N=This is For All Timers on Bonus Levels

View File

@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ Cheat6="Have\Full Portrait",800DD224 00FF
Cheat7="Infinite\Red Weapon",81192098 0063 Cheat7="Infinite\Red Weapon",81192098 0063
Cheat8="Infinite\Green Weapon",81192096 0063 Cheat8="Infinite\Green Weapon",81192096 0063
Cheat9="Infinite\Purple Weapon",8119209A 0063 Cheat9="Infinite\Purple Weapon",8119209A 0063
Cheat10="Press F9 For\Sabor Attacks\Sabor 1 Hit Kill",8924A23E 0001 Cheat10="Press GS For\Sabor Attacks\Sabor 1 Hit Kill",8924A23E 0001
Cheat11="Infinite\Bonus Timer",801735FE 0025 Cheat11="Infinite\Bonus Timer",801735FE 0025
Cheat11_N=This is For All Timers on Bonus Levels Cheat11_N=This is For All Timers on Bonus Levels

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Name=Donchan Puzzle Hanabi de Doon! (Aleck64)
Cheat0="Infinite 9 Credits",80279C8F 0009

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Name=Donkey Kong 64 (U) (Kiosk Demo)
Cheat0="Infinite Max DK Tokens",803A8FD5 0063
Cheat1="Infinite Max Health",807B6760 0008,807B675F 0003

View File

@ -24,3 +24,4 @@ Cheat18="Have All\Weapons",50000A04 0000,810632BA 0001
Cheat19="Infinite\Ammo All Weapons",50000404 0000,810632E2 013C Cheat19="Infinite\Ammo All Weapons",50000404 0000,810632E2 013C
Cheat20="Have All\Keys",50000504 0000,8106328E FFFF Cheat20="Have All\Keys",50000504 0000,8106328E FFFF
Cheat21="Enable Cheat Menu",8005A7D3 0001 Cheat21="Enable Cheat Menu",8005A7D3 0001
Cheat22="Have All\Secret Pentagram Items",800632A7 0007

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Name=Doraemon 3 - Nobita no Machi SOS! (J)
Cheat0="Infinite\HP (All Characters)",50000602 0000,801B361C 000A
Cheat1="Infinite\Air",8121D4FA 04B0
Cheat2="Have All\Normal Items",50000902 0000,811B3700 6363
Cheat3="Have All\Key Items",50001602 0000,811B3714 0101
Cheat4="Have All\Characters",50000702 0000,801B361B 0001
Cheat5="Have All\Weapons",50000702 0000,811B3678 0101
Cheat6="[Can Leave Town]",811B362A FFFF
Cheat6_N=Start a new game, and immediately leave town without talking to anyone.
Cheat7="[Press L To Levitate",D0082915 0020,812456F4 418E,D0082915 0020,812456F6 38E2
Cheat7_N=Jump first, then hold L-Button while in mid-air.

View File

@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ Cheat4="Time Passes",80136FD2 00??
Cheat4_O=$00 Time Normal,$01 Mins Like Seconds,$05 Hours & Mins Medium,$10 Hours & Mins Fast,$FF Time Zooms By Cheat4_O=$00 Time Normal,$01 Mins Like Seconds,$05 Hours & Mins Medium,$10 Hours & Mins Fast,$FF Time Zooms By
Cheat5="Max Cash",813BC34C FFFF Cheat5="Max Cash",813BC34C FFFF
Cheat6="Item Select",81126EE8 ???? Cheat6="Item Select",81126EE8 ????
Cheat6_O=$1011 Tall Red Cupboard,$1C00 Pet Cage,$1CA6 Fish Tank (Fish Included!),$1D2B Orange NES Game,$1D2F Grey NES Game,$1D33 Red NES Game,$1D37 Light Blue NES Game,$1D3A Yellow NES Game,$1D3E Purple NES Game,$1D42 Blue NES Game,$1D47 Stereo NES Colour,$1D4C Record Player,$1D50 JukeBox,$1DA0 Grandfather Clock,$1DA6 Stereo Kinda Thing,$1DA9 Stereo,$1DAC CD Player,$1DB3 Alarm Clock,$1EA1 Lamp,$1EA5 Snowman Fridge,$1EAB Round Snowman Table,$1EAF Snowman Bed,$1EB0 Snowman Seat,$2100 1000 Bag,$2100 1000 Bag,$2101 10000 Bag,$2101 10000 Bag,$2102 30000 Bag,$2102 30000 Bag,$2103 100 Bag,$2103 100 Bag,$2410 Nook's Shirt,$2410 Nook's Shirt,$2514 Flat Shell,$2514 Flat Shell,$2515 Pointy Shell,$2515 Pointy Shell,$2804 Orange Cheat6_O=$1011 Tall Red Cupboard,$1C00 Pet Cage,$1CA6 Fish Tank (Fish Included!),$1D2B Orange NES Game,$1D2F Grey NES Game,$1D33 Red NES Game,$1D37 Light Blue NES Game,$1D3A Yellow NES Game,$1D3E Purple NES Game,$1D42 Blue NES Game,$1D47 Stereo NES Colour,$1D4C Record Player,$1D50 JukeBox,$1DA0 Grandfather Clock,$1DA6 Stereo Kinda Thing,$1DA9 Stereo,$1DAC CD Player,$1DB3 Alarm Clock,$1EA1 Lamp,$1EA5 Snowman Fridge,$1EAB Round Snowman Table,$1EAF Snowman Bed,$1EB0 Snowman Seat,$2100 1000 Bag,$2100 1000 Bag,$2101 10000 Bag,$2101 10000 Bag,$2102 30000 Bag,$2102 30000 Bag,$2103 100 Bag,$2103 100 Bag,$2410 Nook's Shirt,$2410 Nook's Shirt,$2514 Flat Shell,$2514 Flat Shell,$2515 Pointy Shell,$2515 Pointy Shell,$2804 Orange,2804 Orange

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Name=Dragon Ball Kart 64 [Beta]
Cheat0="Infinite Items\1-2 player Mode\Player 1",80165F5D 00??,80165F8A 00??
Cheat0_O=$0D Double Mushroom,$09 Fake Item Box,$0B Ghost,$0A Invincible Star,$08 Lightning,$01 Single Banana,$03 Single Green Shell,$0C Single Mushroom,$05 Single Red Shell,$0F Super Mushroom,$04 Triple Green Shell,$0E Triple Mushroom,$06 Triple Red Shell,$02 Banana Bunch,$07 Blue Spiny Shell
Cheat1="Infinite Items\1-2 player Mode\Player 2",8016603D 00??,8016606A 00??
Cheat1_O=$0D Double Mushroom,$09 Fake Item Box,$0B Ghost,$0A Invincible Star,$08 Lightning,$01 Single Banana,$03 Single Green Shell,$0C Single Mushroom,$05 Single Red Shell,$0F Super Mushroom,$04 Triple Green Shell,$0E Triple Mushroom,$06 Triple Red Shell,$02 Banana Bunch,$07 Blue Spiny Shell
Cheat2="Infinite Items\3-4 player Mode\Player 1",8016611D 00??,8016614A 00??
Cheat2_O=$0D Double Mushroom,$09 Fake Item Box,$0B Ghost,$0A Invincible Star,$08 Lightning,$01 Single Banana,$03 Single Green Shell,$0C Single Mushroom,$05 Single Red Shell,$0F Super Mushroom,$04 Triple Green Shell,$0E Triple Mushroom,$06 Triple Red Shell,$02 Banana Bunch,$07 Blue Spiny Shell
Cheat3="Infinite Items\3-4 player Mode\Player 2",801661FD 00??,8016622A 00??
Cheat3_O=$0D Double Mushroom,$09 Fake Item Box,$0B Ghost,$0A Invincible Star,$08 Lightning,$01 Single Banana,$03 Single Green Shell,$0C Single Mushroom,$05 Single Red Shell,$0F Super Mushroom,$04 Triple Green Shell,$0E Triple Mushroom,$06 Triple Red Shell,$02 Banana Bunch,$07 Blue Spiny Shell
Cheat4="Infinite Items\3-4 player Mode\Player 3",801662DD 00??,8016630A 00??
Cheat4_O=$0D Double Mushroom,$09 Fake Item Box,$0B Ghost,$0A Invincible Star,$08 Lightning,$01 Single Banana,$03 Single Green Shell,$0C Single Mushroom,$05 Single Red Shell,$0F Super Mushroom,$04 Triple Green Shell,$0E Triple Mushroom,$06 Triple Red Shell,$02 Banana Bunch,$07 Blue Spiny Shell
Cheat5="Infinite Items\3-4 player Mode\Player 4",801663BD 00??,801663EA 00??
Cheat5_O=$0D Double Mushroom,$09 Fake Item Box,$0B Ghost,$0A Invincible Star,$08 Lightning,$01 Single Banana,$03 Single Green Shell,$0C Single Mushroom,$05 Single Red Shell,$0F Super Mushroom,$04 Triple Green Shell,$0E Triple Mushroom,$06 Triple Red Shell,$02 Banana Bunch,$07 Blue Spiny Shell
Cheat6="Have\Bonus Mode and All Gold Cups",50000401 0000,8018ED10 00??
Cheat6_O=$00 Off,$FF On
Cheat7="Press GS\For Full Debug Menu",8818EDEF 0002
Cheat7_N=Press GS at the Press Start Menu to access the Debug Menu
Cheat8="Press L To Levitate\Player 1",D00F6915 0020,810F69C8 4000
Cheat9="Press L To Levitate\Player 2",D00F6925 0020,810F77A0 4000
Cheat10="Press L To Levitate\Player 3",D00F6935 0020,810F8578 4000
Cheat11="Press L To Levitate\Player 4",D00F6945 0020,810F9350 4000
Cheat12="Battle Mode\Infinite Balloons\Player 1",8118D8C0 0003
Cheat13="Battle Mode\Infinite Balloons\Player 2",8118D8C2 0003
Cheat14="Battle Mode\Infinite Balloons\Player 3",8118D8C4 0003
Cheat15="Battle Mode\Infinite Balloons\Player 4",8118D8C6 0003

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Name=Dragon Sword 64 (U) (Prototype)
Cheat0="[Character Select]",800F84F3 00??
Cheat0_O=$01 Kailan,$00 Cutter,$02 Aisha,$03 Gouranga
Cheat1="Infinite Max\Lives (Credits)",8012920B 0009
Cheat2="Infinite Max\Health",81145E6C 4316
Cheat3="Infinite Max\Armour",80145E79 00??
Cheat3_O=$00 Off,$FF On
Cheat4="Infinite Max\Sword Use (Press Z)",80145E81 00??
Cheat4_N=Press The Z Button on your controller to use the infinite Sword Flame effect
Cheat4_O=$00 Off,$D0 On
Cheat5="Setting Options\Sound\Format",800FD428 00??
Cheat5_O=$00 Mono,$FF Stereo
Cheat6="Setting Options\Sound\Game FX",800FD41F 00??
Cheat6_O=$00 Off,$19 Low,$32 Middle,$64 Max
Cheat7="Setting Options\Sound\Music Volume",800FD423 00??
Cheat7_O=$00 Off,$19 Low,$32 Middle,$64 Max
Cheat8="Setting Options\Vibration Option",80129202 00??
Cheat8_O=$00 Off,$FF On
Cheat9="Level Select",801249B3 00??
Cheat9_O=$00 01 (Incarceration),$01 02 (The Dead Shall Rise),$02 03 (Crush Your Enemies),$03 04 (Infestation),$04 05 (The Law of Disorder),$05 06 (The Abyss),$06 07 (Darrc Pilgrimage),$07 08 (Ultimate Sacrifice),$08 09 (The Dragon Sword)
Cheat10="[Press Z for Levitate]",D00DDF88 0020,8014665D 00EF
Cheat11="[Have 999999 Score]",811458C4 000F,811458C6 423F

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Name=Duke Nukem - ZER0 H0UR (E)
Cheat0="Cheat Menu\Cheat Menu Enabled",800CF7D8 0001
Cheat1="Cheat Menu\Have All Weapons",811CE810 FFFF
Cheat2="Cheat Menu\Have All Game Type & Other",810E1A3E 0FFF
Cheat3="Cheat Menu\All Weapons Enabled",801CCC59 0001,801CCCC5 0001,801CDD25 0001,801CDE21 0001,801CDEB5 0001,801CDEB7 0001,801CDEE9 0001,801CE819 0001,801CE821 0001,801CE88D 0001,801CF9D5 0001
Cheat4="Infinite Ammo (All Guns)",810A21B4 A65B
Cheat5="Invincibility",800DF203 0001
Cheat6="Time Always 00:00",801A1D06 0000
Cheat7="Enable Debug Menu",800DFCD0 0001

View File

@ -8,14 +8,3 @@ Cheat4="Infinite Ammo (All Guns)",810A1E74 A65B
Cheat5="Invincibility",800DEEC3 0001 Cheat5="Invincibility",800DEEC3 0001
Cheat6="Time Always 00:00",801A19C6 0000 Cheat6="Time Always 00:00",801A19C6 0000
Cheat7="Enable Debug Menu",800DF990 0001 Cheat7="Enable Debug Menu",800DF990 0001
Name=Duke Nukem - ZER0 H0UR (E)
Cheat0="Cheat Menu\Cheat Menu Enabled",800CF7D8 0001
Cheat1="Cheat Menu\Have All Weapons",811CE810 FFFF
Cheat2="Cheat Menu\Have All Game Type & Other",810E1A3E 0FFF
Cheat3="Cheat Menu\All Weapons Enabled",801CCC59 0001,801CCCC5 0001,801CDD25 0001,801CDE21 0001,801CDEB5 0001,801CDEB7 0001,801CDEE9 0001,801CE819 0001,801CE821 0001,801CE88D 0001,801CF9D5 0001
Cheat4="Infinite Ammo (All Guns)",810A21B4 A65B
Cheat5="Invincibility",800DF203 0001
Cheat6="Time Always 00:00",801A1D06 0000
Cheat7="Enable Debug Menu",800DFCD0 0001

View File

@ -1,14 +1,38 @@
[57BFF74D-DE747743-C:50] [57BFF74D-DE747743-C:50]
Name=Duke Nukem 64 (E) Name=Duke Nukem 64 (E)
Cheat0="Access all In-Game cheats",50000504 0000,80101308 0001 Cheat0="In-Game Cheats\Access Cheat menu",50000504 0000,80101308 0001
Cheat1="Infinite\Ammo & All Guns",50000C02 0000,812A5A34 02F4 Cheat1="In-Game Cheats\Enable\All Items",801012EC 00??
Cheat2="Access\All Items",801012EC 0001 Cheat1_N=To access simply pause in game play & then unpause.
Cheat2_N=To access simply pause in game play & then unpause. Cheat1_O=$00 Off,$01 On
Cheat3="Invincibility",802AAA98 0001 Cheat2="In-Game Cheats\Enable\Invincibility",802AA818 00??
Cheat4="Access\All Keys",802A5A77 000F Cheat2_O=$00 Off,$01 On
Cheat5="Infinite\Holoduke",812A5A5C 0640 Cheat3="In-Game Cheats\Enable\Monsters",802AA98B 00??
Cheat6="Infinite\Night Vision",812A5A8C 0640 Cheat3_O=$01 Are Gone,$00 Are Active
Cheat7="Infinite\Scuba Gear",812A5ABC 0640 Cheat4="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have Infinite Health (All Levels)",80247493 0064,8026EC8B 0064,802A5A2D 0064
Cheat8="Crosshair On",802A5B24 0001 Cheat4_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 1, All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother.
Cheat9="Max auto-aim On",802A5B25 0002 Cheat5="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000D01 0000,802A5AEB 0001,50000A02 0000,812A5A30 03E7
Cheat10="Upgraded Plasma Gun",802A5A63 0063 Cheat5_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat6="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use on all levels",812A5A7A 0064,812A5AC2 0064,812A5AD2 00C8,812A5ABC 1900,812A5ABE 0640,812A5A8C 04B0,812A5A5C 0960,812A5AC0 0190
Cheat6_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.
Cheat7="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have All\Keys",802A5A77 000F
Cheat7_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother.
Cheat8="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Infinite Health (All Levels)",8024D557 0064,802A5DB9 0064
Cheat8_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 2 on Single-Player, Co-Operative and DUKEMATCH, All Levels.
Cheat9="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000D01 0000,802A5E77 0001,50000F02 0000,812A5DBA 03E7
Cheat9_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother. It gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat10="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use",812A5E06 0064,812A5E4E 0064,812A5E5E 00C8,812A5E48 1900,812A5E18 04B0,812A5E4A 0640,812A5DE8 0960,812A5E4C 0190
Cheat10_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of on all levls. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.
Cheat11="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Have All\Keys",802A5E03 000F
Cheat11_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother.
Cheat12="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 3 (DUKEMATCH)\Infinite Health (All Levels)",8024BC3F 0064,802A6145 0064
Cheat12_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 2 on DUKEMATCH, All Levels.
Cheat13="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 3 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000D01 0000,802A6203 0001,50000E02 0000,812A6148 03E7
Cheat13_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother. It gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat14="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 3 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use",812A6192 0064,812A61DA 0064,812A61EA 00C8,812A61D4 1900,812A61A4 04B0,812A61D6 0640,812A6174 0960,812A61D8 0190
Cheat14_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of on all levls. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.
Cheat15="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 4 (DUKEMATCH)\Infinite Health (All Levels)",8024B79B 0064,802A64D1 0064
Cheat15_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 4 on DUKEMATCH, All Levels.
Cheat16="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 4 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000D01 0000,802A658F 0001,50000E02 0000,812A64D4 03E7
Cheat16_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother. It gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat17="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 4 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use",812A651E 0064,812A6566 0064,812A6576 00C8,812A6560 1900,812A6530 04B0,812A6562 0640,812A6500 0960,812A6564 0190
Cheat17_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of on all levls. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.

View File

@ -1,16 +1,38 @@
[1E12883D-D3B92718-C:46] [1E12883D-D3B92718-C:46]
Name=Duke Nukem 64 (F) Name=Duke Nukem 64 (F)
Cheat0="Access all In-Game cheats",50000504 0000,80100D98 0001 Cheat0="In-Game Cheats\Access Cheat menu",50000504 0000,80100D98 0001
Cheat1="Infinite\Ammo & All Guns",50000C02 0000,812A5F84 02F4 Cheat1="In-Game Cheats\Enable\All Items",80100D7C 00??
Cheat1_N=Ena\ble and then simply pause in game play & then unpause and then press left and right. Cheat1_N=To access simply pause in game play & then unpause.
Cheat2="Access\All Items",80100D7C 0001 Cheat1_O=$00 Off,$01 On
Cheat2_N=To access simply pause in game play & then unpause. Cheat2="In-Game Cheats\Enable\Invincibility",802AAFE8 00??
Cheat3="Invincibility",802AAFE8 0001 Cheat2_O=$00 Off,$01 On
Cheat4="Access\All Keys",802A5FC7 000F Cheat3="In-Game Cheats\Enable\Monsters",802AB15B 00??
Cheat5="Infinite\Holoduke",812A5FAC 0640 Cheat3_O=$01 Are Gone,$00 Are Active
Cheat6="Infinite\Night Vision",812A5FDC 0664 Cheat4="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have Infinite Health (All Levels)",802479DB 0064,8026F1DB 0064,802A5F7D 0064
Cheat7="Infinite\Scuba Gear",812A600C 0640 Cheat4_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 1, All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother.
Cheat8="Crosshair",802A6074 00?? Cheat5="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000C01 0000,802A603B 0001,50000C02 0000,812A5F7E 03E7
Cheat8_O=$01 On,$00 Off Cheat5_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat9="Max auto-aim On",802A6075 0002 Cheat6="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use on all levels",812A5FCA 0064,812A6012 0064,812A6022 00C8,812A600C 1900,812A600E 0640,812A5FDC 04B0,812A5FAC 0960,812A6010 0190
Cheat10="Upgraded Plasma Gun",802A5FB3 0063 Cheat6_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.
Cheat7="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have All\Keys",802A5FC7 000F
Cheat7_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother.
Cheat8="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Infinite Health (All Levels)",8024D25F 0064,802A6309 0064
Cheat8_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 2 on Single-Player, Co-Operative and DUKEMATCH, All Levels.
Cheat9="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000D01 0000,802A63C7 0001,50000E02 0000,812A630C 03E7
Cheat9_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother. It gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat10="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use",812A6356 0064,812A639E 0064,812A63AE 00C8,812A6398 1900,812A6368 04B0,812A639A 0640,812A6338 0960,812A639C 0190
Cheat10_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of on all levls. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.
Cheat11="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Have All\Keys",802A6353 000F
Cheat11_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother.
Cheat12="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 3 (DUKEMATCH)\Infinite Health (All Levels)",8024C18F 0064,802A6695 0064
Cheat12_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 2 on DUKEMATCH, All Levels.
Cheat13="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 3 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000D01 0000,802A6753 0001,50000E02 0000,812A6698 03E7
Cheat13_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother. It gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat14="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 3 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use",812A66E2 0064,812A672A 0064,812A673A 00C8,812A6724 1900,812A66F4 04B0,812A6726 0640,812A66C4 0960,812A6728 0190
Cheat14_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of on all levls. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.
Cheat15="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 4 (DUKEMATCH)\Infinite Health (All Levels)",8024BCEB 0064,802A6A21 0064
Cheat15_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 4 on DUKEMATCH, All Levels.
Cheat16="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 4 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000D01 0000,802A6ADF 0001,50000E02 0000,812A6A24 03E7
Cheat16_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother. It gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat17="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 4 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use",812A6A6E 0064,812A6AB6 0064,812A6AC6 00C8,812A6AB0 1900,812A6A80 04B0,812A6AB2 0640,812A6A50 0960,812A6AB4 0190
Cheat17_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of on all levls. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Name=Duke Nukem 64 (PAL) (Proto)
Cheat0="In-Game Cheats\Access Cheat menu",50000504 0000,80100778 0001
Cheat1="In-Game Cheats\Enable\All Items",8010075C 00??
Cheat1_N=To access simply pause in game play & then unpause.
Cheat1_O=$00 Off,$01 On
Cheat2="In-Game Cheats\Enable\Invincibility",802A9C88 00??
Cheat2_O=$00 Off,$01 On
Cheat3="In-Game Cheats\Enable\Monsters",802A9DFB 00??
Cheat3_O=$01 Are Gone,$00 Are Active
Cheat4="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have Infinite Health (All Levels)",80246683 0064,8026DE7B 0064,802A4C1D 0064
Cheat4_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 1, All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother.
Cheat5="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000B01 0000,802A4CD9 0001,50000C02 0000,812A4C20 03E7
Cheat5_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat6="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use on all levels",812A4C4C 0960,812A4C6A 0064,812A4C7C 04B0,812A4CAC 1900,812A4CAE 0640,812A4CB0 0190,812A4CB2 0064,812A4CC2 00C8
Cheat6_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.
Cheat7="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have All\Keys",802A4C67 000F
Cheat7_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother.
Cheat8="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Infinite Health (All Levels)",8024C747 0064,802A4FA9 0064
Cheat8_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 2 on Single-Player, Co-Operative and DUKEMATCH, All Levels.
Cheat9="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000D01 0000,802A5067 0001,50000E02 0000,812A4FAC 03E7
Cheat9_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother. It gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat10="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use",812A4FF6 0064,812A503E 0064,812A504E 00C8,812A5038 1900,812A5008 04B0,812A503A 0640,812A4FD8 0960,812A503C 0190
Cheat10_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of on all levls. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.
Cheat11="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Have All\Keys",802A4FF3 000F
Cheat11_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother.
Cheat12="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 3 (DUKEMATCH)\Infinite Health (All Levels)",8024AE2F 0064,802A5335 0064
Cheat12_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 2 on DUKEMATCH, All Levels.
Cheat13="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 3 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000D01 0000,802A53F3 0001,50000E02 0000,812A5338 03E7
Cheat13_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother. It gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat14="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 3 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use",812A5382 0064,812A53CA 0064,812A53DA 00C8,812A53C4 1900,812A5394 04B0,812A53C6 0640,812A5364 0960,812A53C8 0190
Cheat14_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of on all levls. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.
Cheat15="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 4 (DUKEMATCH)\Infinite Health (All Levels)",8024A98B 0064,802A56C1 0064
Cheat15_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 4 on DUKEMATCH, All Levels.
Cheat16="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 4 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000D01 0000,802A577F 0001,50000E02 0000,812A56C4 03E7
Cheat16_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother. It gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat17="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 4 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use",812A570E 0064,812A5756 0064,812A5766 00C8,812A5750 1900,812A5720 04B0,812A5752 0640,812A56F0 0960,812A5754 0190
Cheat17_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of on all levls. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.

View File

@ -1,225 +1,38 @@
[A273AB56-DA33DB9A-C:45] [A273AB56-DA33DB9A-C:45]
Name=Duke Nukem 64 (U) Name=Duke Nukem 64 (U)
Cheat0="In-Game Cheats\Open Cheat Menu",801012D8 0001 Cheat0="In-Game Cheats\Access Cheat menu",50000504 0000,801012D8 0001
Cheat1="In-Game Cheats\Open Invincibility Cheat",801012DC 0001 Cheat1="In-Game Cheats\Enable\All Items",801012BC 00??
Cheat2="In-Game Cheats\Open Monsters Cheat",801012E0 0001 Cheat1_N=To access simply pause in game play & then unpause.
Cheat3="In-Game Cheats\Open All Items Cheat",801012E4 0001 Cheat1_O=$00 Off,$01 On
Cheat4="In-Game Cheats\Open Goto Level ?? Cheat",801012E8 0001 Cheat2="In-Game Cheats\Enable\Invincibility",802AAA68 00??
Cheat5="Infinite Night Vision",812A5A5C 0640 Cheat2_O=$00 Off,$01 On
Cheat6="Infinite Holoduke",812A5A2C 0640 Cheat3="In-Game Cheats\Enable\Monsters",802AABDB 00??
Cheat7="Infinite Portable Medikit",812A5A4A 0064 Cheat3_O=$01 Are Gone,$00 Are Active
Cheat8="Infinite Protective Boots",812A5AA2 00C8 Cheat4="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have Infinite Health (All Levels)",80247463 0064,8026EC5B 0064,802A59FD 0064
Cheat9="In-Game Cheats\Invincibility Cheat On",802AAA68 0001 Cheat4_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 1, All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother.
Cheat10="In-Game Cheats\Invincibility Cheat Off",802AAA68 0000 Cheat5="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000E01 0000,802A5ABA 0001,50000E02 0000,812A5A00 03E7
Cheat11="In-Game Cheats\Monsters Cheat On",802AABDB 0000 Cheat5_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat12="In-Game Cheats\Monsters Cheat Off",802AABDB 0001 Cheat6="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use on all levels",812A5A4A 0064,812A5A92 0064,812A5AA2 00C8,812A5A8C 1900,812A5A8E 0640,812A5A5C 04B0,812A5A5C 0960,812A5A2C 0960
Cheat13="Infinite\Armor",812A5A92 0064 Cheat6_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.
Cheat14="Infinite\Vitamin K",812A5A90 0190 Cheat7="Single-Player (All Levels)\Have All\Keys",802A5A47 000F
Cheat15="Infinite\Jet Pack",812A5A8E 0640 Cheat7_N=This is for Single-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother.
Cheat16="Infinite\Scuba Gear",812A5A8C 1900 Cheat8="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Infinite Health (All Levels)",8024CCE7 0064,802A5D89 0064
Cheat17="Have All Keys",802A5A47 000F Cheat8_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 2 on Single-Player, Co-Operative and DUKEMATCH, All Levels.
Cheat18="Player 1\Infinite Health\Hollywood Holocaust",80247463 00FF Cheat9="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000E01 0000,802A5E46 0001,50000E02 0000,812A5D8C 03E7
Cheat19="Player 1\Infinite Health\Gun Crazy",80247D53 00FF Cheat9_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother. It gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat20="Player 1\Infinite Health\Death Row",80246E5F 00FF Cheat10="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use",812A5DD6 0064,812A5E1E 0064,812A5E2E 00C8,812A5E18 1900,812A5E1A 0640,812A5DE8 04B0,812A5DE8 0960,812A5DB8 0960
Cheat21="Player 1\Infinite Health\Toxic Dump",80246D83 00FF Cheat10_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of on all levls. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.
Cheat22="Player 1\Infinite Health\Launch Facility",80248223 00FF Cheat11="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 2 (Multi-Player & Co-Operative)\Have All\Keys",802A5DD3 000F
Cheat23="Player 1\Infinite Health\The Abyss",80246E07 00FF Cheat11_N=This is for Multi-Player & Co-Operative and works on All Levels. This also includes DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother.
Cheat24="Player 1\Infinite Health\Battleload",80246F67 00FF Cheat12="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 3 (DUKEMATCH)\Infinite Health (All Levels)",8024D073 0064,802A6115 0064
Cheat25="Player 1\Infinite Health\Duke Burger",8024761B 00FF Cheat12_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 2 on DUKEMATCH, All Levels.
Cheat26="Player 1\Infinite Health\Spaceport",8024735B 00FF Cheat13="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 3 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000E01 0000,802A61D2 0001,50000E02 0000,812A6118 03E7
Cheat27="Player 1\Infinite Health\Incubator",80246D2B 00FF Cheat13_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother. It gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat28="Player 1\Infinite Health\Warp Factor",8024709B 00FF Cheat14="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 3 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use",812A6162 0064,812A61AA 0064,812A61BA 00C8,812A61A4 1900,812A61A6 0640,812A6174 04B0,812A6174 0960,812A6144 0960
Cheat29="Player 1\Infinite Health\Fusion Station",80247723 00FF Cheat14_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of on all levls. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.
Cheat30="Player 1\Infinite Health\Occupied Territory",80246DDB 00FF Cheat15="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 4 (DUKEMATCH)\Infinite Health (All Levels)",8024D3FF 0064,802A64A1 0064
Cheat31="Player 1\Infinite Health\Tiberius Station",80246CA7 00FF Cheat15_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother, and does what it says on the tin. Infinite health for player 4 on DUKEMATCH, All Levels.
Cheat32="Player 1\Infinite Health\Lunar Reactor",80246C4F 00FF Cheat16="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 4 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Weapons & Infinite Ammo",50000E01 0000,802A655E 0001,50000E02 0000,812A64A4 03E7
Cheat33="Player 1\Infinite Health\Dark Side",802473B3 00FF Cheat16_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother. It gives you Boots, Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Grenade Launcher, Pipe Bombs, Shrinker, Expander, Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon & Laser Trip Bomb and infinite use of on all levels. Just press D-Pad Left or D-Pad Right to enable.
Cheat34="Player 1\Infinite Health\Dread Nought",80246D2B 00FF Cheat17="Multi-Player (All Levels)\Player 4 (DUKEMATCH)\Have All\Items & Infinite Use",812A64EE 0064,812A6536 0064,812A6546 00C8,812A6530 1900,812A6532 0640,812A6500 04B0,812A6500 0960,812A64D0 0960
Cheat35="Player 1\Infinite Health\Overlord",80247513 00FF Cheat17_N=This is for DUKEMATCH that allows up to 4 players to VS eachother and gives you Boots,Vitamin X, Night Vision Googles, Holoduke, Portable Medikit, Protective Boots, Armor, Jet Pack & Scuba Gear and infinite use of on all levls. Just press D-Pad Up or D-Pad Down to enable.
Cheat36="Player 1\Infinite Health\Lunatic Fringe",80246D2B 00FF
Cheat37="Player 1\Infinite Health\Raw Meat",80246DDB 00FF
Cheat38="Player 1\Infinite Health\Bank Roll",802471A3 00FF
Cheat39="Player 1\Infinite Health\Flood Zone",80246D2B 00FF
Cheat40="Player 1\Infinite Health\L.A. Rumble",80246EE3 00FF
Cheat41="Player 1\Infinite Health\Movie Set",80246DAF 00FF
Cheat42="Player 1\Infinite Health\Rabit Transit",8024869B 00FF
Cheat43="Player 1\Infinite Health\Fahrenheith",8024735B 00FF
Cheat44="Player 1\Infinite Health\Hotel Hell",80246D83 00FF
Cheat45="Player 1\Infinite Health\Stadium",8024979F 00FF
Cheat46="Player 1\Infinite Health\Area 51",8024774F 00FF
Cheat47="Player 1\Infinite Health\Free Way",80247E5B 00FF
Cheat48="Player 1\Infinite Health\Castle Dukenstein",802490BF 00FF
Cheat49="Player 1\Infinite Health\Piracy",80247673 00FF
Cheat50="Player 1\Infinite Health\Shaft",80247AEB 00FF
Cheat51="Player 1\Infinite Health\Noctis Labyrinthus",80247C1F 00FF
Cheat52="Player 2\Infinite Health\Hollywood Holocaust",8124D526 00FF
Cheat53="Player 2\Infinite Health\Gun Crazy",8124E57A 00FF
Cheat54="Player 2\Infinite Health\Death Row",8124AFAE 00FF
Cheat55="Player 2\Infinite Health\Toxic Dump",81251BCA 00FF
Cheat56="Player 2\Infinite Health\Launch Facility",8124AEA6 00FF
Cheat57="Player 2\Infinite Health\The Abyss",8124FD5E 00FF
Cheat58="Player 2\Infinite Health\BattleLord",81246CFE 00FF
Cheat59="Player 2\Infinite Health\Spaceport",8124B13A 00FF
Cheat60="Player 2\Infinite Health\Incubator",8124CEF6 00FF
Cheat61="Player 2\Infinite Health\Warp Factor",8124ED8E 00FF
Cheat62="Player 2\Infinite Health\Fusion Station",81250336 00FF
Cheat63="Player 2\Infinite Health\Occupied Territory",8124AC96 00FF
Cheat64="Player 2\Infinite Health\Tiberius Station",8124C8F2 00FF
Cheat65="Player 2\Infinite Health\Lunar Reactor",81247C1E 00FF
Cheat66="Player 2\Infinite Health\Dark Side",8124E1DE 00FF
Cheat67="Player 2\Infinite Health\Dreadnought",81249562 00FF
Cheat68="Player 2\Infinite Health\Overlord",81247646 00FF
Cheat69="Player 2\Infinite Health\Raw Meat",8124E052 00FF
Cheat70="Player 2\Infinite Health\Bank Roll",8124DE6E 00FF
Cheat71="Player 2\Infinite Health\Flood Zone",8124D736 00FF
Cheat72="Player 2\Infinite Health\L.A. Rumble",8124BF52 00FF
Cheat73="Player 2\Infinite Health\Movie Set",81248382 00FF
Cheat74="Player 2\Infinite Health\Rabid Transit",8124D86A 00FF
Cheat75="Player 2\Infinite Health\Fahrenheit",8124A1C2 00FF
Cheat76="Player 2\Infinite Health\Hotel Hell",8124D526 00FF
Cheat77="Player 2\Infinite Health\Stadium",8124924A 00FF
Cheat78="Player 2\Infinite Health\Castle Dukenstein",81249092 00FF
Cheat79="Player 2\Infinite Health\Piracy",81248ABA 00FF
Cheat80="Player 2\Infinite Health\Shaft",812477A6 00FF
Cheat81="Player 3\Infinite Health\Hollywood Holocaust",8124BC0E 00FF
Cheat82="Player 3\Infinite Health\Gun Crazy",8124C086 00FF
Cheat83="Player 3\Infinite Health\Death Row",8124AF2A 00FF
Cheat84="Player 3\Infinite Health\Toxic Dump",8125051A 00FF
Cheat85="Player 3\Infinite Health\Launch Facility",8124AD9E 00FF
Cheat86="Player 3\Infinite Health\The Abyss",8124FD32 00FF
Cheat87="Player 3\Infinite Health\BattleLord",81246CD2 00FF
Cheat88="Player 3\Infinite Health\Spaceport",8124B10E 00FF
Cheat89="Player 3\Infinite Health\Incubator",8124B1EA 00FF
Cheat90="Player 3\Infinite Health\Warp Factor",812482FE 00FF
Cheat91="Player 3\Infinite Health\Fusion Station",8125030A 00FF
Cheat92="Player 3\Infinite Health\Occupied Territory",8124AC6A 00FF
Cheat93="Player 3\Infinite Health\Tiberius Station",8124C8C6 00FF
Cheat94="Player 3\Infinite Health\Lunar Reactor",81247BF2 00FF
Cheat95="Player 3\Infinite Health\Dark Side",8124E1B2 00FF
Cheat96="Player 3\Infinite Health\Dreadnought",81249536 00FF
Cheat97="Player 3\Infinite Health\Overlord",81246EB6 00FF
Cheat98="Player 3\Infinite Health\Raw Meat",8124E026 00FF
Cheat99="Player 3\Infinite Health\Bank Roll",8124992A 00FF
Cheat100="Player 3\Infinite Health\Flood Zone",8124D70A 00FF
Cheat101="Player 3\Infinite Health\L.A. Rumble",8124BF26 00FF
Cheat102="Player 3\Infinite Health\Movie Set",81248356 00FF
Cheat103="Player 3\Infinite Health\Rabid Transit",8124D83E 00FF
Cheat104="Player 3\Infinite Health\Fahrenheit",8124A196 00FF
Cheat105="Player 3\Infinite Health\Hotel Hell",8124D4FA 00FF
Cheat106="Player 3\Infinite Health\Stadium",8124921E 00FF
Cheat107="Player 3\Infinite Health\Castle Dukenstein",81248432 00FF
Cheat108="Player 3\Infinite Health\Piracy",81248A8E 00FF
Cheat109="Player 3\Infinite Health\Shaft",8124777A 00FF
Cheat110="Player 4\Infinite Health\Hollywood Holocaust",8124B76A 00FF
Cheat111="Player 4\Infinite Health\Gun Crazy",8124B922 00FF
Cheat112="Player 4\Infinite Health\Death Row",8124AEFE 00FF
Cheat113="Player 4\Infinite Health\Toxic Dump",8124DDBE 00FF
Cheat114="Player 4\Infinite Health\Launch Facility",8124AD1A 00FF
Cheat115="Player 4\Infinite Health\The Abyss",8124E3C2 00FF
Cheat116="Player 4\Infinite Health\BattleLord",81246CA6 00FF
Cheat117="Player 4\Infinite Health\Spaceport",8124979E 00FF
Cheat118="Player 4\Infinite Health\Incubator",81247F0A 00FF
Cheat119="Player 4\Infinite Health\Warp Factor",812482D2 00FF
Cheat120="Player 4\Infinite Health\Fusion Station",81248172 00FF
Cheat121="Player 4\Infinite Health\Occupied Territory",8124AC3E 00FF
Cheat122="Player 4\Infinite Health\Tiberius Station",8124C89A 00FF
Cheat123="Player 4\Infinite Health\Lunar Reactor",81247BC6 00FF
Cheat124="Player 4\Infinite Health\Dark Side",81247932 00FF
Cheat125="Player 4\Infinite Health\Dreadnought",8124950A 00FF
Cheat126="Player 4\Infinite Health\Overlord",81246E8A 00FF
Cheat127="Player 4\Infinite Health\Raw Meat",8124DFFA 00FF
Cheat128="Player 4\Infinite Health\Bank Roll",812498FE 00FF
Cheat129="Player 4\Infinite Health\Flood Zone",81247F36 00FF
Cheat130="Player 4\Infinite Health\L.A. Rumble",8124A3A6 00FF
Cheat131="Player 4\Infinite Health\Movie Set",8124832A 00FF
Cheat132="Player 4\Infinite Health\Rabid Transit",8124B1BE 00FF
Cheat133="Player 4\Infinite Health\Fahrenheit",8124A16A 00FF
Cheat134="Player 4\Infinite Health\Hotel Hell",8124C68A 00FF
Cheat135="Player 4\Infinite Health\Stadium",812491C6 00FF
Cheat136="Player 4\Infinite Health\Castle Dukenstein",81248406 00FF
Cheat137="Player 4\Infinite Health\Piracy",81248A62 00FF
Cheat138="Player 4\Infinite Health\Shaft",8124774E 00FF
Cheat139="Player 1\Have\Boots",802A5AB9 0001
Cheat140="Player 1\Have\Pistol",802A5ABA 0001
Cheat141="Player 1\Have\Shotgun",802A5ABB 0001
Cheat142="Player 1\Have\SMG",802A5ABC 0001
Cheat143="Player 1\Have\Grenade Launcher",802A5ABD 0001
Cheat144="Player 1\Have\Pipe Bombs",802A5ABE 0001
Cheat145="Player 1\Have\Shrinker",802A5ABF 0001
Cheat146="Player 1\Have\Expander",802A5AC0 0001
Cheat147="Player 1\Have\Missile Launcher",802A5AC1 0001
Cheat148="Player 1\Have\Plasma Cannon",802A5AC2 0001
Cheat149="Player 1\Have\Laser Trip Bomb",802A5AC3 0001
Cheat150="Player 1\Infinite Ammo\Pistol",802A5A01 00FF
Cheat151="Player 1\Infinite Ammo\Shotgun",802A5A03 00FF
Cheat152="Player 1\Infinite Ammo\SMG's",802A5A05 00FF
Cheat153="Player 1\Infinite Ammo\Grenade Launcher",802A5A07 00FF
Cheat154="Player 1\Infinite Ammo\Pipe Bombs",802A5A09 00FF
Cheat155="Player 1\Infinite Ammo\Shrinker",802A5A0B 00FF
Cheat156="Player 1\Infinite Ammo\Expander",802A5A0D 00FF
Cheat157="Player 1\Infinite Ammo\Missile Launcher",802A5A0F 00FF
Cheat158="Player 1\Infinite Ammo\Plasma Cannon",802A5A11 00FF
Cheat159="Player 1\Infinite Ammo\Laser Trip Bomb",802A5A13 00FF
Cheat160="Player 2\Have\Boots",802A5E45 0001
Cheat161="Player 2\Have\Pistol",802A5E46 0001
Cheat162="Player 2\Have\Shotgun",802A5E47 0001
Cheat163="Player 2\Have\SMG",802A5E48 0001
Cheat164="Player 2\Have\Grenade Launcher",802A5E49 0001
Cheat165="Player 2\Have\Pipe Bomb",802A5E4A 0001
Cheat166="Player 2\Have\Shrinker",802A5E4B 0001
Cheat167="Player 2\Have\Expander",802A5E4C 0001
Cheat168="Player 2\Have\Missle Launcher",802A5E4D 0001
Cheat169="Player 2\Have\Plasma Cannon",802A5E4E 0001
Cheat170="Player 2\Have\Laser Trip Bomb",802A5E4F 0001
Cheat171="Player 2\Infinite Ammo\Pistol",802A5D8C 00FF
Cheat172="Player 2\Infinite Ammo\Shotgun",802A5D8F 00FF
Cheat173="Player 2\Infinite Ammo\SMG's",802A5D91 00FF
Cheat174="Player 2\Infinite Ammo\Grenade Launcher",802A5D93 00FF
Cheat175="Player 2\Infinite Ammo\Pipe Bombs",802A5D95 00FF
Cheat176="Player 2\Infinite Ammo\Shrinker",802A5D97 00FF
Cheat177="Player 2\Infinite Ammo\Expander",802A5D99 00FF
Cheat178="Player 2\Infinite Ammo\Missile Launcher",802A5D9B 00FF
Cheat179="Player 2\Infinite Ammo\Laser Trip Bomb",802A5D9D 00FF
Cheat180="Player 2\Infinite Ammo\Plasma Cannon",802A5D9F 00FF
Cheat181="Player 3\Have\Boots",802A61D1 0001
Cheat182="Player 3\Have\Pistol",802A61D2 0001
Cheat183="Player 3\Have\Shotgun",802A61D3 0001
Cheat184="Player 3\Have\SMG",802A61D4 0001
Cheat185="Player 3\Have\Grenade Launcher",802A61D5 0001
Cheat186="Player 3\Have\Pipe Bomb",802A61D6 0001
Cheat187="Player 3\Have\Shrinker",802A61D7 0001
Cheat188="Player 3\Have\Expander",802A61D8 0001
Cheat189="Player 3\Have\Missle Launcher",802A61D9 0001
Cheat190="Player 3\Have\Plasma Cannon",802A61DA 0001
Cheat191="Player 3\Have\Laser Trip Bomb",802A61DB 0001
Cheat192="Player 3\Infinite Ammo\Pistol",802A6119 00FF
Cheat193="Player 3\Infinite Ammo\Shotgun",802A611B 00FF
Cheat194="Player 3\Infinite Ammo\SMG's",802A611D 00FF
Cheat195="Player 3\Infinite Ammo\Grenade Launcher",802A611F 00FF
Cheat196="Player 3\Infinite Ammo\Pipe Bombs",802A6121 00FF
Cheat197="Player 3\Infinite Ammo\Shrinker",802A6123 00FF
Cheat198="Player 3\Infinite Ammo\Expander",802A6125 00FF
Cheat199="Player 3\Infinite Ammo\Missile Launcher",802A6127 00FF
Cheat200="Player 3\Infinite Ammo\Laser Trip Bomb",802A6129 00FF
Cheat201="Player 3\Infinite Ammo\Plasma Cannon",802A612B 00FF
Cheat202="Player 4\Have\Boots",802A655D 0001
Cheat203="Player 4\Have\Pistol",802A655E 0001
Cheat204="Player 4\Have\SMG",802A655F 0001
Cheat205="Player 4\Have\Submachine Guns",802A6560 0001
Cheat206="Player 4\Have\Grenade Launcher",802A6561 0001
Cheat207="Player 4\Have\Pipe Bomb",802A6562 0001
Cheat208="Player 4\Have\Shrinker",802A6563 0001
Cheat209="Player 4\Have\Expander",802A6564 0001
Cheat210="Player 4\Have\Missle Launcher",802A6565 0001
Cheat211="Player 4\Have\Plasma Cannon",802A6566 0001
Cheat212="Player 4\Have\Laser Trip Bomb",802A6567 0001
Cheat213="Player 4\Infinite Ammo\Pistol",802A64A5 00FF
Cheat214="Player 4\Infinite Ammo\Shotgun",802A64A7 00FF
Cheat215="Player 4\Infinite Ammo\SMG's",802A64A9 00FF
Cheat216="Player 4\Infinite Ammo\Grenade Launcher",802A64AB 00FF
Cheat217="Player 4\Infinite Ammo\Pipe Bombs",802A64AD 00FF
Cheat218="Player 4\Infinite Ammo\Shrinker",802A64AF 00FF
Cheat219="Player 4\Infinite Ammo\Expander",802A64B1 00FF
Cheat220="Player 4\Infinite Ammo\Missile Launcher",802A64B3 00FF
Cheat221="Player 4\Infinite Ammo\Laser Trip Bomb",802A64B5 00FF
Cheat222="Player 4\Infinite Ammo\Plasma Cannon",802A64B7 00FF

View File

@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ Cheat12="Infinite\Ammo\Lepricon Gun",800C8897 0064
Cheat13="Infinite\Ammo\Pistol",800C8777 0064 Cheat13="Infinite\Ammo\Pistol",800C8777 0064
Cheat14="Infinite\Ammo\Sniper Chicken",800C881F 0064 Cheat14="Infinite\Ammo\Sniper Chicken",800C881F 0064
Cheat15="Infinite\Ammo\Butcher Knife Gun",800C887F 0064 Cheat15="Infinite\Ammo\Butcher Knife Gun",800C887F 0064
Cheat16="Have\231 Marbles",D00EBE53 0000,800EBE53 03E7 Cheat16="Have 231 Marbles",D00EBE53 0000,800EBE53 03E7
Cheat17="Have\All Gold Udders",50002802 0000,810C80BA 0101 Cheat17="Have All Gold Udders",50002802 0000,810C80BA 0101

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Name=Eleven Beat - World Tournament (Aleck64)
Cheat0="Infinite 99 Credits",800B3961 0063
Cheat1="Freeze Timer",810BCBD6 0BB8
Cheat2="Other Team Scores no Goals",810B6694 0000
Cheat2_N=Disable to allow Other team to score
Cheat3="Goal Select Player 1",810B637C 00??
Cheat3_O=$00 No Goals,$0A 10 Goals,$14 20 Goals,$19 25 Goals,$32 50 Goals,$63 99 Goals

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Name=Extreme-G (J)
Cheat0="Infinite Shields\Player 1",801677AD 00C8
Cheat1="Infinite Primary Weapon\Player 1",801677B5 00C8
Cheat2="Infinite Turbos\Player 1",80167783 0003,80167787 0003
Cheat3="Bike Modifier\Player 1",8016BDF7 00??
Cheat3_O=$00 Raze,$01 Rana,$02 Khan,$03 Grimace,$04 Mooga,$05 Jolt,$06 Main,$07 Apollyon,$08 Roach,$09 Neon
Cheat4="Infinite Shields\Player 2",80167F1D 00C8
Cheat5="Infinite Primary Weapon\Player 2",80167F25 00C8
Cheat6="Infinite Turbos\Player 2",80167EF3 0003,80167EF7 0003
Cheat7="Bike Modifier\Player 2",8016BE43 00??
Cheat7_O=$00 Raze,$01 Rana,$02 Khan,$03 Grimace,$04 Mooga,$05 Jolt,$06 Main,$07 Apollyon,$08 Roach,$09 Neon
Cheat8="Infinite Shields\Player 3",8016868D 00C8
Cheat9="Infinite Primary Weapon\Player 3",80168695 00C8
Cheat10="Infinite Turbos\Player 3",80168663 0003,80168667 0003
Cheat11="Bike Modifier\Player 3",8016BE8F 00??
Cheat11_O=$00 Raze,$01 Rana,$02 Khan,$03 Grimace,$04 Mooga,$05 Jolt,$06 Main,$07 Apollyon,$08 Roach,$09 Neon
Cheat12="Infinite Shields\Player 4",80168DFD 00C8
Cheat13="Infinite Primary Weapon\Player 4",80168E05 00C8
Cheat14="Infinite Turbos\Player 4",80168DD3 0003,80168DD7 0003
Cheat15="Bike Modifier\Player 4",8016BEDB 00??
Cheat15_O=$00 Raze,$01 Rana,$02 Khan,$03 Grimace,$04 Mooga,$05 Jolt,$06 Main,$07 Apollyon,$08 Roach,$09 Neon
Cheat16="Mode Select",8009A11F 00??
Cheat16_O=$01 Boulder,$02 Fish Eye Lens,$03 Boulder & Fish Eye Lens,$04 Magnify,$08 Anti-Gravity,$0A Anti-Gravity & Fish Eye Lens,$10 Wireframe,$11 Boulder & Wireframe,$20 Stealth Mode,$40 Ghost Mode,$80 Ugly Mode
Cheat17="{All Tracks and Bonus Cars Unlocked}",80198520 0008,50000264 0000,8016B903 0001,50000264 0000,8016BA2F 0001,50000564 0000,8016BB5B 0001,8016BDBB 0001,50000404 0000,8016BDC3 0001,80162B8B 0003,8016BDD3 0003

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[C3F19159-65D2BC5A-C:50] [C3F19159-65D2BC5A-C:50]
Name=FIFA Soccer 64 (E) (M3) Name=FIFA Soccer 64 (E) (M3)
Cheat0="Number Of Goals Player 1",80119043 00?? Cheat0="Number Of Goals Player 1",80119043 00??
Cheat0_O=$01 1 Goal,$02 2 Goals,$03 3 Goals,$04 4 Goals,$05 5 Goals,$06 6 Goals,$07 7 Goals,$08 8 Goals,09 9 Goals,0A 10 Goals,$14 20 Goals,$1E 30 Goals,$28 40 Goals,$32 50 Goals Cheat0_O=$01 1 Goal,$02 2 Goals,$03 3 Goals,$04 4 Goals,$05 5 Goals,$06 6 Goals,$07 7 Goals,$08 8 Goals,$09 9 Goals,$0A 10 Goals,$14 20 Goals,$1E 30 Goals,$28 40 Goals,$32 50 Goals
Cheat1="Number Of Goals Player 2",80119047 00?? Cheat1="Number Of Goals Player 2",80119047 00??
Cheat1_O=$01 1 Goal,$02 2 Goals,$03 3 Goals,$04 4 Goals,$05 5 Goals,$06 6 Goals,$07 7 Goals,$08 8 Goals,09 9 Goals,0A 10 Goals,$14 20 Goals,$1E 30 Goals,$28 40 Goals,$32 50 Goals Cheat1_O=$01 1 Goal,$02 2 Goals,$03 3 Goals,$04 4 Goals,$05 5 Goals,$06 6 Goals,$07 7 Goals,$08 8 Goals,$09 9 Goals,$0A 10 Goals,$14 20 Goals,$1E 30 Goals,$28 40 Goals,$32 50 Goals

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Name=G.A.S.P!! Fighters' NEXTream (J)
Cheat0="Player 1\Infinite Health",81105026 03E8
Cheat1="Player 2\Infinite Health",8111B3BE 03E8
Cheat2="Player 1\Max Tech Points",811071A0 000F,811071A2 423F,811071A4 000F,811071A6 423F,811071A8 0000,811071AA 0000,811071AC 000F,811071AE 423F
Cheat3="Player 2\Max Tech Points",8111D538 000F,8111D53A 423F,8111D53C 000F,8111D53E 423F,8111D540 0000,8111D542 0000,8111D544 000F,8111D546 423F
Cheat4="{Unlock All Extras }",8009D48F 00FF
Cheat5="Freeze Round Timer",8009D4B4 0000

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
[EE4A0E33-8FD588C9-C:50] [EE4A0E33-8FD588C9-C:50]
Name=GT 64 - Championship Edition (E) (M3) Name=GT 64 - Championship Edition (E) (M3)
Cheat0="Always first position",80162A80 0001 Cheat0="Always first position",801608D8 0001
Cheat1="Only race one lap",80161DF5 0001 Cheat1="Only race one lap",80161DF5 0001
Cheat2="Always have 99 points",80161EC1 0063 Cheat2="Always Have\99 points",80161EC1 0063
Cheat3="Press R For Nitrous Boost",D01A3095 0010,811650E8 4077,D01A3095 0010,811650F0 4077

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Name=GT 64 Championship Edition (U)
Cheat0="Always first position",80162A80 0001
Cheat1="Only race one lap",8015FC35 0001
Cheat2="Always Have\99 points",8015FD09 0063
Cheat3="Press R For Nitrous Boost",D01A10B5 0010,81162F28 4077,D01A10B5 0010,81162F30 4077

View File

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
Name=Gex 64 - Enter the Gecko (E) Name=Gex 64 - Enter the Gecko (E)
Cheat0="Infinite Health",800C50CB 0063 Cheat0="Infinite Health",800C50CB 0063
Cheat1="Infinite Lives",810C50C6 0063 Cheat1="Infinite Lives",810C50C6 0063
Cheat3="INFINITE AIR CODES\Umpire Strikes Out",D00BED05 0004,E98CB7E2 5A83 Cheat3="INFINITE AIR CODES\Umpire Strikes Out",D00BED05 0004,8136608E 012B
Cheat4="INFINITE AIR CODES\Pain In The Asteroids",D00BED05 0004,E9871E42 5A83 Cheat4="INFINITE AIR CODES\Pain In The Asteroids",D00BED05 0004,8133CBEE 012B
Cheat5="ACCESS ALL REMOTE CONTROLS\Red Remotes",50000E01 0000,100C513E 0007 Cheat5="ACCESS ALL REMOTE CONTROLS\Red Remotes",50000E01 0000,800C513E 0007
Cheat5_N=Opens Gate 4 And The Lions Mouth Cheat5_N=Opens Gate 4 And The Lions Mouth
Cheat6="All Silver & Gold Gold Remotes",E962A8BC 604F,E962A8BA 504F,E962A8C0 5A3A,E962A8BE 59CF Cheat6="All Silver & Gold Gold Remotes",810C5164 0FFF,810C5166 FFFF,810C5168 01E0,810C516A 007F
Cheat6_N=Opens Gate 3,2,1 Cheat6_N=Opens Gate 3,2,1
Cheat7="Hover & Fly Mode",D10BED04 0020,E96A43F6 596A,D10BED04 0010 Cheat7="Hover & Fly Mode",D10BED04 0020,8114ECA2 0010,D10BED04 0010
Cheat7_N=Press And Hold L Button + A Button Cheat7_N=Press And Hold L Button + A Button
Cheat8="Fully Charged Gex",D00AAAB9 0020,E96C9332 8B4F Cheat8="Fully Charged Gex",D00AAAB9 0020,81163CDE 32FF
Cheat8_N=Press L Button Once When On One Of The Specific Levels, For Circuit Central Levels Only Cheat8_N=Press L Button Once When On One Of The Specific Levels, For Circuit Central Levels Only

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