[Glide64] loadBlock uses matched c function

This commit is contained in:
zilmar 2015-10-14 15:55:28 +11:00
parent dd1c306d16
commit 8956349891
3 changed files with 273 additions and 265 deletions

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@ -234,9 +234,9 @@ extern std::ofstream rdp_err;
#define RDP_E(x)
__inline void FRDP (const char *fmt, ...)
if (!settings.logging || !log_open) return;

View File

@ -48,38 +48,6 @@
#include "FBtoScreen.h"
#include "CRC.h"
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void SwapBlock32 ( void )
// SwapBlock - swaps every other 32-bit word at addr
// ecx = num_words -> 0
// edi = addr -> end of dest
_asm {
align 4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push eax
push ebx
or ecx,ecx
jz swapblock32_end
mov eax,[edi]
mov ebx,[edi+4]
mov [edi],ebx
mov [edi+4],eax
add edi,8
dec ecx
jnz swapblock32_loop
pop ebx
pop eax
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
const int NumOfFormats = 3;
SCREEN_SHOT_FORMAT ScreenShotFormats[NumOfFormats] = { {wxT("BMP"), wxT("bmp"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP}, {wxT("PNG"), wxT("png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG}, {wxT("JPEG"), wxT("jpeg"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG} };
@ -810,6 +778,10 @@ EXPORT void CALL ProcessDList(void)
FRDP("--- NEW DLIST --- crc: %08lx, ucode: %d, fbuf: %08lx, fbuf_width: %d, dlist start: %08lx, dlist_length: %d, x_scale: %f, y_scale: %f\n", uc_crc, settings.ucode, *gfx.VI_ORIGIN_REG, *gfx.VI_WIDTH_REG, dlist_start, dlist_length, (*gfx.VI_X_SCALE_REG & 0xFFF)/1024.0f, (*gfx.VI_Y_SCALE_REG & 0xFFF)/1024.0f);
FRDP_E("--- NEW DLIST --- crc: %08lx, ucode: %d, fbuf: %08lx\n", uc_crc, settings.ucode, *gfx.VI_ORIGIN_REG);
// Do nothing if dlist is empty
if (dlist_start == 0)
if (cpu_fb_write == TRUE)
if ((settings.hacks&hack_Tonic) && dlist_length < 16)
@ -1092,7 +1064,7 @@ static void rdp_texrect()
if ((settings.ucode == ucode_PerfectDark) && (rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count-1].status == ci_zcopy))
if ((settings.ucode == ucode_PerfectDark) && rdp.ci_count > 0 && (rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count-1].status == ci_zcopy))
pd_zcopy ();
LRDP("Depth buffer copied.\n");
@ -1199,7 +1171,7 @@ static void rdp_texrect()
if ((settings.ucode == ucode_PerfectDark) && (rdp.maincimg[1].addr != rdp.maincimg[0].addr) && (rdp.timg.addr >= rdp.maincimg[1].addr) && (rdp.timg.addr < (rdp.maincimg[1].addr+rdp.ci_width*rdp.ci_height*rdp.ci_size)))
if (fb_emulation_enabled)
if (rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count-1].status == ci_copy_self)
if (rdp.ci_count > 0 && rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count-1].status == ci_copy_self)
//FRDP("Wrong Texrect. texaddr: %08lx, cimg: %08lx, cimg_end: %08lx\n", rdp.timg.addr, rdp.maincimg[1], rdp.maincimg[1]+rdp.ci_width*rdp.ci_height*rdp.ci_size);
LRDP("Wrong Texrect.\n");
@ -1693,13 +1665,13 @@ static void rdp_setprimdepth()
static void rdp_setothermode()
#define F3DEX2_SETOTHERMODE(cmd,sft,len,data) { \
rdp.cmd0 = (wxUint32)(((cmd)<<24) | ((32-(sft)-(len))<<8) | (((len)-1))); \
rdp.cmd0 = (wxUint32)((cmd<<24) | ((32-(sft)-(len))<<8) | (((len)-1))); \
rdp.cmd1 = (wxUint32)(data); \
gfx_instruction[settings.ucode][cmd] (); \
#define SETOTHERMODE(cmd,sft,len,data) { \
rdp.cmd0 = (wxUint32)(((cmd)<<24) | ((sft)<<8) | (len)); \
rdp.cmd1 = (wxUint32)(data); \
rdp.cmd0 = (wxUint32)((cmd<<24) | ((sft)<<8) | (len)); \
rdp.cmd1 = (wxUint32)data; \
gfx_instruction[settings.ucode][cmd] (); \
@ -1878,166 +1850,128 @@ void setTBufTex(wxUint16 t_mem, wxUint32 cnt)
void __declspec(naked) CopyBlock ( void )
static inline void loadBlock(uint32_t *src, uint32_t *dst, uint32_t off, int dxt, int cnt)
_asm {
align 4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push eax
push ebx
push esi
push edx
uint32_t *v5;
int v6;
uint32_t *v7;
uint32_t v8;
int v9;
uint32_t v10;
uint32_t *v11;
uint32_t v12;
uint32_t v13;
uint32_t v14;
int v15;
int v16;
uint32_t *v17;
int v18;
uint32_t v19;
uint32_t v20;
int i;
or ecx,ecx
jz near copyblock_end
push ecx
// first, set the source address and check if not on a dword boundary
push esi
push edx
mov ebx,edx
and edx,0FFFFFFFCh
add esi,edx
and ebx,3 // ebx = # we DON'T need to copy
jz copyblock_copy
mov edx,4 // ecx = # we DO need to copy
sub edx,ebx
// load the first word, accounting for swapping
mov eax,[esi]
add esi,4
rol eax,8
dec ebx
jnz copyblock_precopy_skip
rol eax,8
mov [edi],al
inc edi
dec edx
jnz copyblock_precopy_copy
mov eax,[esi]
add esi,4
bswap eax
mov [edi],eax
add edi,4
dec ecx // 1 less word to copy
jz copyblock_postcopy
mov eax,[esi]
bswap eax
mov [edi],eax
mov eax,[esi+4]
bswap eax
mov [edi+4],eax
add esi,8
add edi,8
dec ecx
jnz copyblock_copy
pop edx
pop esi
pop ecx
// check again if on dword boundary
mov ebx,edx // ebx = # we DO need to copy
and ebx,3
jz copyblock_end
shl ecx,3 // ecx = num_words * 8
add edx,ecx
and edx,0FFFFFFFCh
add esi,edx
mov eax,[esi]
rol eax,8
mov [edi],al
inc edi
dec ebx
jnz copyblock_postcopy_copy
pop edx
pop esi
pop ebx
pop eax
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void asmLoadBlock(int src, int dst, int off, int dxt, int cnt, wxUIntPtr swp)
_asm {
align 4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx
push esi
push edi
// copy the data
mov esi,[src]
mov edi,[dst]
mov ecx,[cnt]
mov edx,[off]
call CopyBlock
// now swap it
mov eax,[cnt] // eax = count remaining
xor edx,edx // edx = dxt counter
mov edi,[dst]
mov ebx,[dxt]
xor ecx,ecx // ecx = how much to copy
v5 = dst;
v6 = cnt;
if ( cnt )
v7 = (uint32_t *)((char *)src + (off & 0xFFFFFFFC));
v8 = off & 3;
if ( !(off & 3) )
goto LABEL_23;
v9 = 4 - v8;
v10 = *v7;
v11 = v7 + 1;
v10 = __ROL__(v10, 8);
while ( v8 );
v10 = __ROL__(v10, 8);
*(uint8_t *)v5 = v10;
v5 = (uint32_t *)((char *)v5 + 1);
while ( v9 );
v12 = *v11;
v7 = v11 + 1;
*v5 = bswap32(v12);
v6 = cnt - 1;
if ( cnt != 1 )
*v5 = bswap32(*v7);
v5[1] = bswap32(v7[1]);
v7 += 2;
v5 += 2;
while ( v6 );
v13 = off & 3;
if ( off & 3 )
v14 = *(uint32_t *)((char *)src + ((8 * cnt + off) & 0xFFFFFFFC));
v14 = __ROL__(v14, 8);
*(uint8_t *)v5 = v14;
v5 = (uint32_t *)((char *)v5 + 1);
while ( v13 );
v15 = cnt;
v16 = 0;
v17 = dst;
v18 = 0;
add edi,8
dec eax
jz end_dxt_test
add edx,ebx
jns dxt_test
inc ecx
dec eax
jz end_dxt_test
add edx,ebx
js dxt_s_test
// swap this data (ecx set, dst set)
call [swp] // (ecx reset to 0 after)
jmp dxt_test // and repeat
while ( 1 )
v17 += 2;
if ( !v15 )
v16 += dxt;
if ( v16 < 0 )
while ( 1 )
if ( !v15 )
goto end_dxt_test;
v16 += dxt;
if ( v16 >= 0 )
for ( i = v15; v18; --v18 )
v19 = *v17;
*v17 = v17[1];
v17[1] = v19;
v17 += 2;
v15 = i;
goto dxt_test;
// swap any remaining data
call [swp]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
while ( v18 )
v20 = *v17;
*v17 = v17[1];
v17[1] = v20;
v17 += 2;
void LoadBlock32b(wxUint32 tile, wxUint32 ul_s, wxUint32 ul_t, wxUint32 lr_s, wxUint32 dxt);
@ -2077,8 +2011,8 @@ static void rdp_loadblock()
// lr_s specifies number of 64-bit words to copy
// 10.2 format
wxUint16 ul_s = (wxUint16)((rdp.cmd0 >> 14) & 0x3FF);
wxUint16 ul_t = (wxUint16)((rdp.cmd0 >> 2) & 0x3FF);
wxUint16 ul_s = (wxUint16)(rdp.cmd0 >> 14) & 0x3FF;
wxUint16 ul_t = (wxUint16)(rdp.cmd0 >> 2) & 0x3FF;
rdp.tiles[tile].ul_s = ul_s;
rdp.tiles[tile].ul_t = ul_t;
@ -2106,17 +2040,19 @@ static void rdp_loadblock()
//angrylion's advice to use ul_s in texture image offset and cnt calculations.
//Helps to fix Vigilante 8 jpeg backgrounds and logos
wxUint32 off = rdp.timg.addr + (ul_s << rdp.tiles[tile].size >> 1);
wxUIntPtr dst = wxPtrToUInt(rdp.tmem)+(rdp.tiles[tile].t_mem<<3);
unsigned char *dst = ((unsigned char *)rdp.tmem) + (rdp.tiles[tile].t_mem<<3);
wxUint32 cnt = lr_s-ul_s+1;
if (rdp.tiles[tile].size == 3)
cnt <<= 1;
wxUIntPtr SwapMethod = wxPtrToUInt(reinterpret_cast<void*>(SwapBlock32));
if (((rdp.tiles[tile].t_mem + cnt) << 3) > sizeof(rdp.tmem)) {
cnt = (sizeof(rdp.tmem) >> 3) - (rdp.tiles[tile].t_mem);
if (rdp.timg.size == 3)
LoadBlock32b(tile, ul_s, ul_t, lr_s, dxt);
asmLoadBlock(wxPtrToUInt(gfx.RDRAM), dst, off, _dxt, cnt, SwapMethod);
loadBlock((uint32_t *)gfx.RDRAM, (uint32_t *)dst, off, _dxt, cnt);
rdp.timg.addr += cnt << 3;
rdp.tiles[tile].lr_t = ul_t + ((dxt*cnt)>>11);
@ -2131,63 +2067,135 @@ static void rdp_loadblock()
setTBufTex(rdp.tiles[tile].t_mem, cnt);
extern "C" __declspec(naked) void asmLoadTile(int src, int dst, int width, int height, int line, int off, int end)
static inline void loadTile(uint32_t *src, uint32_t *dst, int width, int height, int line, int off, uint32_t *end)
_asm {
align 4
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
uint32_t *v7;
int v8;
uint32_t *v9;
int v10;
int v11;
int v12;
uint32_t *v13;
int v14;
int v15;
uint32_t v16;
uint32_t *v17;
uint32_t v18;
int v19;
uint32_t v20;
int v21;
uint32_t v22;
int v23;
uint32_t *v24;
int v25;
int v26;
uint32_t *v27;
int v28;
int v29;
int v30;
uint32_t *v31;
push ebx
push esi
push edi
// set initial values
mov edi,[dst]
mov ecx,[width]
mov esi,[src]
mov edx,[off]
xor ebx,ebx // swap this line?
mov eax,[height]
cmp [end],edi // end of tmem: error
jc loadtile_end
// copy this line
push edi
push ecx
call CopyBlock
pop ecx
// swap it?
xor ebx,1
jnz loadtile_no_swap
// (ecx set, restore edi)
pop edi
push ecx
call SwapBlock32
pop ecx
jmp loadtile_swap_end
add sp,4 // forget edi, we are already at the next position
add edx,[line]
dec eax
jnz loadtile_loop
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
v7 = dst;
v8 = width;
v9 = src;
v10 = off;
v11 = 0;
v12 = height;
if ( end < v7 )
v31 = v7;
v30 = v8;
v29 = v12;
v28 = v11;
v27 = v9;
v26 = v10;
if ( v8 )
v25 = v8;
v24 = v9;
v23 = v10;
v13 = (uint32_t *)((char *)v9 + (v10 & 0xFFFFFFFC));
v14 = v10 & 3;
if ( !(v10 & 3) )
goto LABEL_20;
v15 = 4 - v14;
v16 = *v13;
v17 = v13 + 1;
v16 = __ROL__(v16, 8);
while ( v14 );
v16 = __ROL__(v16, 8);
*(uint8_t *)v7 = v16;
v7 = (uint32_t *)((char *)v7 + 1);
while ( v15 );
v18 = *v17;
v13 = v17 + 1;
*v7 = bswap32(v18);
if ( v8 )
*v7 = bswap32(*v13);
v7[1] = bswap32(v13[1]);
v13 += 2;
v7 += 2;
while ( v8 );
v19 = v23 & 3;
if ( v23 & 3 )
v20 = *(uint32_t *)((char *)v24 + ((8 * v25 + v23) & 0xFFFFFFFC));
v20 = __ROL__(v20, 8);
*(uint8_t *)v7 = v20;
v7 = (uint32_t *)((char *)v7 + 1);
while ( v19 );
v9 = v27;
v21 = v29;
v8 = v30;
v11 = v28 ^ 1;
if ( v28 == 1 )
v7 = v31;
if ( v30 )
v22 = *v7;
*v7 = v7[1];
v7[1] = v22;
v7 += 2;
while ( v8 );
v21 = v29;
v8 = v30;
v10 = line + v26;
v12 = v21 - 1;
while ( v12 );
void LoadTile32b (wxUint32 tile, wxUint32 ul_s, wxUint32 ul_t, wxUint32 width, wxUint32 height);
@ -2278,9 +2286,9 @@ static void rdp_loadtile()
wxUint32 wid_64 = rdp.tiles[tile].line;
wxUIntPtr dst = wxPtrToUInt(rdp.tmem) + (rdp.tiles[tile].t_mem<<3);
wxUIntPtr end = wxPtrToUInt(rdp.tmem) + 4096 - (wid_64<<3);
asmLoadTile(wxPtrToUInt(gfx.RDRAM), dst, wid_64, height, line_n, offs, end);
unsigned char *dst = ((unsigned char *)rdp.tmem) + (rdp.tiles[tile].t_mem<<3);
unsigned char *end = ((unsigned char *)rdp.tmem) + 4096 - (wid_64<<3);
loadTile((uint32_t *)gfx.RDRAM, (uint32_t *)dst, wid_64, height, line_n, offs, (uint32_t *)end);
FRDP("loadtile: tile: %d, ul_s: %d, ul_t: %d, lr_s: %d, lr_t: %d\n", tile,
ul_s, ul_t, lr_s, lr_t);
@ -2362,7 +2370,7 @@ static void rdp_fillrect()
int pd_multiplayer = (settings.ucode == ucode_PerfectDark) && (rdp.cycle_mode == 3) && (rdp.fill_color == 0xFFFCFFFC);
if ((rdp.cimg == rdp.zimg) || (fb_emulation_enabled && rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count-1].status == ci_zimg) || pd_multiplayer)
if ((rdp.cimg == rdp.zimg) || (fb_emulation_enabled && rdp.ci_count > 0 && rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count-1].status == ci_zimg) || pd_multiplayer)
LRDP("Fillrect - cleared the depth buffer\n");
if (fullscreen)
@ -2468,7 +2476,7 @@ static void rdp_fillrect()
wxUint32 color = rdp.fill_color;
if ((settings.hacks&hack_PMario) && rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count-1].status == ci_aux)
if ((settings.hacks&hack_PMario) && rdp.ci_count > 0 && rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count-1].status == ci_aux)
//background of auxiliary frame buffers must have zero alpha.
//make it black, set 0 alpha to plack pixels on frame buffer read
@ -2681,7 +2689,7 @@ static void rdp_settextureimage()
rdp.s2dex_tex_loaded = TRUE;
rdp.update |= UPDATE_TEXTURE;
if (rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count-1].status == ci_copy_self && (rdp.timg.addr >= rdp.cimg) && (rdp.timg.addr < rdp.ci_end))
if (rdp.ci_count > 0 && rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count-1].status == ci_copy_self && (rdp.timg.addr >= rdp.cimg) && (rdp.timg.addr < rdp.ci_end))
if (!rdp.fb_drawn)
@ -3028,7 +3036,7 @@ static void rdp_setcolorimage()
rdp.ocimg = rdp.cimg;
rdp.cimg = segoffset(rdp.cmd1) & BMASK;
rdp.ci_width = (rdp.cmd0 & 0xFFF) + 1;
if (fb_emulation_enabled)
if (fb_emulation_enabled && rdp.ci_count > 0)
rdp.ci_height = rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count-1].height;
else if (rdp.ci_width == 32)
rdp.ci_height = 32;
@ -3050,7 +3058,7 @@ static void rdp_setcolorimage()
if (!rdp.cur_image)
if (fb_hwfbe_enabled && rdp.ci_width <= 64)
if (fb_hwfbe_enabled && rdp.ci_width <= 64 && rdp.ci_count > 0)
OpenTextureBuffer(rdp.frame_buffers[rdp.ci_count - 1]);
else if (format > 2)
rdp.skip_drawing = TRUE;

View File

@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ extern wxUint32 frame_count; // frame counter
#define uc(x) coord[x<<1]
#define vc(x) coord[(x<<1)+1]
#if defined __VISUALC__
#define DECLAREALIGN16VAR(var) __declspec(align(16)) float (var)
#elif defined __GNUG__
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define DECLAREALIGN16VAR(var) __declspec(align(16)) float var
#elif defined(__GNUG__)
#define DECLAREALIGN16VAR(var) float (var) __attribute__ ((aligned(16)))