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N-Rage`s Dinput8 Plugin
(C) 2002, 2006 Norbert Wladyka
Author`s Email: norbert.wladyka@chello.at
Website: http://go.to/nrage
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef _PAKIO_H_
#define _PAKIO_H_
bool InitControllerPak( const int iControl );
void SaveControllerPak( const int iControl );
BYTE ReadControllerPak( const int iControl, LPBYTE Command );
BYTE WriteControllerPak( const int iControl, LPBYTE Command );
void CloseControllerPak( const int iControl );
WORD ShowMemPakContent( const unsigned char * bMemPakBinary, HWND hListWindow );
int TranslateNotesA( const unsigned char * bNote, LPSTR Text, const int iChars );
int TranslateNotesW( const unsigned char * bNote, LPWSTR Text, const int iChars );
void FormatMemPak( LPBYTE aMemPak );
bool SaveNoteFileA( const unsigned char * aMemPak, const int iNote, LPCTSTR pszFileName );
bool InsertNoteFile( LPBYTE aMemPak, LPCTSTR pszFileName );
bool RemoveNote( LPBYTE aMemPak, const int iNote );
void TexttoHexA( LPCSTR szText, LPBYTE Data, const int nBytes );
void HextoTextA( const unsigned char * Data, LPSTR szText, const int nBytes );
#ifdef _UNICODE
#define TranslateNotes(x,y,z) TranslateNotesW(x,y,z)
#define ReverseNotes(x,y,z) ReverseNotesW(x,y,z)
#define TranslateNotes(x,y,z) TranslateNotesA(x,y,z)
#define ReverseNotes(x,y,z) ReverseNotesA(x,y,z)
//************Raw Data***********//
//byte 1 = number of bytes to send
//byte 2 = number of bytes to recieve
//byte 3 = Command Type
// get status
#define RD_GETSTATUS 0x00
// read button values
#define RD_READKEYS 0x01
// read from controllerpak
#define RD_READPAK 0x02
// write to controllerpack
#define RD_WRITEPAK 0x03
// reset controller
// read eeprom
#define RD_READEEPROM 0x04
// write eeprom
#define RD_WRITEEPROM 0x05
// Codes for retrieving status
// 0x010300 - A1B2C3FF
// Default GamePad
#define RD_ABSOLUTE 0x01
#define RD_RELATIVE 0x02
// Default GamePad
#define RD_GAMEPAD 0x04
#define RD_EEPROM 0x80
#define RD_NOEEPROM 0x00
// No Plugin in Controller
#define RD_NOPLUGIN 0x00
// Plugin in Controller (Mempack, RumblePack etc)
#define RD_PLUGIN 0x01
// Pak interface was uninitialized before the call
// Address of last Pak I/O was invalid
#define RD_ADDRCRCERR 0x04
// eeprom busy
#define RD_EEPROMBUSY 0x80
// The Error values are as follows:
// 0x01ER00 - ........
// no error, operation successful.
#define RD_OK 0x00
// error, device not present for specified command.
#define RD_ERROR 0x80
// error, unable to send/recieve the number bytes for command type.
#define RD_WRONGSIZE 0x40
// the address where rumble-commands are sent to
// this is really 0xC01B but our addressing code truncates the last several bits.
#define PAK_IO_RUMBLE 0xC000
// 32 KB mempak
#define PAK_MEM_SIZE 32*1024
#define PAK_MEM_DEXOFFSET 0x1040
// Pak Specific Data //
// First BYTE always determines current Paktype
// this can be different to the paktype in the Controller-structure.
// that makes sure to corectly handle/close the pak.
//pPakData = NULL;
typedef struct _MEMPAK
BYTE bPakType; // set to PAK_MEM
HANDLE hMemPakHandle; // a file mapping handle
bool fDexSave; // true if .n64 file, false if .mpk file
bool fReadonly; // set if we can't open mempak file in "write" mode
BYTE aMemPakTemp[0x100]; // some extra on the top for "test" (temporary) data
typedef struct _RUMBLEPAK
BYTE bPakType;
// BYTE bRumbleTyp; // obsolete: use g_pcControllers[i].xyz instead --rabid
// BYTE bRumbleStrength;
// bool fVisualRumble;
bool fLastData; // true if the last data sent to block 0x8000 was nonzero
#include "GBCart.h"
typedef struct _TRANSFERPAK
BYTE bPakType;
int iCurrentBankNo;
int iCurrentAccessMode;
int iAccessModeChanged;
bool iEnableState;
bool bPakInserted;
GBCART gbCart;
typedef struct _VOICEPAK //not supported
BYTE bPakType;
typedef struct _ADAPTOIDPAK
BYTE bPakType;
BYTE bIdentifier;
bool fRumblePak;
#endif // #ifndef _PAKIO_H_