82 lines
1.8 KiB
82 lines
1.8 KiB
![]() |
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set origdir=%cd%
cd /d %~dp0..\..
set base_dir=%cd%
cd /d %origdir%
set ScanDir[0]="%base_dir%\Source\Common"
set ScanDir[1]="%base_dir%\Source\Project64"
set ScanDir[2]="%base_dir%\Source\Project64-core"
set ScanFiles[0]="*.cpp"
set ScanFiles[1]="*.h"
set Exclude[0]="%base_dir%\Source\Project64-core\Version.h"
set Exclude[1]="%base_dir%\Source\Project64\UserInterface\resource.h"
set ValidParam=0
if "%1" == "check" set ValidParam=1
if "%1" == "format" set ValidParam=1
IF %ValidParam%==0 GOTO :Usage
if "%1" == "check" echo Checking code formatting
if "%1" == "check" set ClangParm=-style=file -Werror --dry-run
if "%1" == "format" set ClangParm=-i -style=file
set /a Result=0
set /a DirectoryIndex=0
if defined ScanDir[%DirectoryIndex%] (
CALL :ProcessDirectory %DirectoryIndex%
set /a DirectoryIndex += 1
GOTO :DirectoryLoop
exit /b %Result%
call set Directory=%%ScanDir[%1]%%
set /a ScanFilesIndex=0
if defined ScanFiles[%ScanFilesIndex%] (
CALL :ProcessDirectoryFiles %ScanFilesIndex%
set /a ScanFilesIndex += 1
GOTO :ScanFilesLoop
goto :end
call set Files=%%ScanFiles[%1]%%
For /R %Directory% %%A In (%Files%) Do (
::"%base_dir%\bin\clang-format-12.exe" -i -style=file "%%A"
CALL :ProcessFile "%%A"
goto :end
set /a ExcludeIndex=0
if defined Exclude[%ExcludeIndex%] (
call set ExcludeFile=%%Exclude[%ExcludeIndex%]%%
if %1==!ExcludeFile! (
goto :end
set /a ExcludeIndex += 1
GOTO :ExcludeLoop
"%base_dir%\bin\clang-format-12.exe" %ClangParm% %1
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 set /a Result=1
goto :end
echo clang.cmd [format/check]
echo check - checks to see if any code would have to change
echo format - change the code to meet clang formating