
706 lines
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2017-08-18 05:08:22 +00:00
Number.prototype.hex = function(len)
len = (len || 8);
var str = (this >>> 0).toString(16).toUpperCase()
while (str.length < len)
str = "0" + str
return str
const u8 = 'u8', u16 = 'u16', u32 = 'u32',
s8 = 's8', s16 = 's16', s32 = 's32',
float = 'float', double = 'double'
const _typeSizes = {
u8: 1, u16: 2, u32: 4,
s8: 1, s16: 2, s32: 4,
float: 4, double: 8
const _regNums = {
r0: 0, at: 1, v0: 2, v1: 3,
a0: 4, a1: 5, a2: 6, a3: 7,
t0: 8, t1: 9, t2: 10, t3: 11,
t4: 12, t5: 13, t6: 14, t7: 15,
s0: 16, s1: 17, s2: 18, s3: 19,
s4: 20, s5: 21, s6: 22, s7: 23,
t8: 24, t9: 25, k0: 26, k1: 27,
gp: 28, sp: 29, fp: 30, ra: 31,
f0: 0, f1: 1, f2: 2, f3: 3,
f4: 4, f5: 5, f6: 6, f7: 7,
f8: 8, f9: 9, f10: 10, f11: 11,
f12: 12, f13: 13, f14: 14, f15: 15,
f16: 16, f17: 17, f18: 18, f19: 19,
f20: 20, f21: 21, f22: 22, f23: 23,
f24: 24, f25: 25, f26: 26, f27: 27,
f28: 28, f29: 29, f30: 30, f31: 31
function AddressRange(start, end)
this.start = start >>> 0
this.end = end >>> 0
const ADDR_ANY = new AddressRange(0x00000000, 0x100000000)
const ADDR_ANY_KUSEG = new AddressRange(0x00000000, 0x80000000)
const ADDR_ANY_KSEG0 = new AddressRange(0x80000000, 0xA0000000)
const ADDR_ANY_KSEG1 = new AddressRange(0xA0000000, 0xC0000000)
const ADDR_ANY_KSEG2 = new AddressRange(0xC0000000, 0x100000000)
const ADDR_ANY_RDRAM = new AddressRange(0x80000000, 0x80800000)
const ADDR_ANY_RDRAM_UNC = new AddressRange(0xA0000000, 0xA0800000)
const ADDR_ANY_CART_ROM = new AddressRange(0x90000000, 0x96000000)
const ADDR_ANY_CART_ROM_UNC = new AddressRange(0xB0000000, 0xB6000000)
const system = {
pause: function()
resume: function()
reset: function()
hardreset: function()
savestate: function()
loadstate: function()
setsaveslot: function(slot)
getsaveslot: function()
generatebitmap: function()
const debug = {
showmemory: function(address)
showcommands: function(address)
breakhere: function()
disasm: function()
const console = {
print: function(data)
log: function()
for(var i in arguments)
if(i < arguments.length - 1)
console.print(" ")
clear: function()
const screen = {
print: function(x, y, text)
_native.screenPrint(x, y, text)
const events = (function()
var callbacks = {};
var nextCallbackId = 0;
return {
on: function(hook, callback, param, param2, bOnce)
return _native.addCallback(hook, callback, param, param2, bOnce)
onexec: function(addr, callback)
var param = 0;
var param2 = 0;
if (typeof (addr) == "object")
param = addr.start;
param2 = addr.end;
else if (typeof (addr) == "number")
param = addr;
return events.on('exec', callback, param, param2)
onread: function(addr, callback)
var param = 0;
var param2 = 0;
if (typeof (addr) == "object")
param = addr.start;
param2 = addr.end;
else if (typeof (addr) == "number")
param = addr;
return events.on('read', callback, param, param2)
onwrite: function(addr, callback)
var param = 0;
var param2 = 0;
if (typeof (addr) == "object")
param = addr.start;
param2 = addr.end;
else if (typeof (addr) == "number")
param = addr;
return events.on('write', callback, param, param2)
ondraw: function(callback)
return events.on('draw', callback, 0)
remove: function(callbackId)
clear: function(){},
_stashCallback: function(callback)
callbacks[nextCallbackId] = callback
return nextCallbackId++;
_unstashCallback: function()
const gpr = new Proxy({},
get: function(obj, prop)
if (typeof prop == 'number' && prop < 32)
return _native.getGPRVal(prop)
if (prop in _regNums)
return _native.getGPRVal(_regNums[prop])
case 'pc': return _native.getPCVal(); break;
case 'hi': return _native.getHIVal(false); break;
case 'lo': return _native.getLOVal(false); break;
set: function(obj, prop, val)
if (typeof prop == 'number' && prop < 32)
_native.setGPRVal(prop, false, val)
if (prop in _regNums)
_native.setGPRVal(_regNums[prop], false, val)
case 'pc': _native.setPCVal(val); break;
case 'hi': _native.setHIVal(false, val); break;
case 'lo': _native.setLOVal(false, val); break;
const ugpr = new Proxy({},
get: function (obj, prop)
if (typeof prop == 'number' && prop < 32)
return _native.getGPRVal(prop, true)
if (prop in _regNums)
return _native.getGPRVal(_regNums[prop], true)
case 'hi': return _native.getHIVal(true); break;
case 'lo': return _native.getLOVal(true); break;
set: function (obj, prop, val)
if (typeof prop == 'number' && prop < 32)
_native.setGPRVal(prop, true, val)
if (prop in _regNums)
_native.setGPRVal(_regNums[prop], true, val)
case 'hi': _native.setHIVal(true, val); break;
case 'lo': _native.setLOVal(true, val); break;
const fpr = new Proxy({},
get: function(obj, prop)
if (typeof prop == 'number')
return _native.getFPRVal(prop)
if (prop in _regNums)
return _native.getFPRVal(_regNums[prop])
set: function(obj, prop, val)
if (typeof prop == 'number' && prop < 32)
_native.setFPRVal(prop, false, val)
if (prop in _regNums)
_native.setFPRVal(_regNums[prop], false, val)
const dfpr = new Proxy({},
get: function (obj, prop)
if (typeof prop == 'number')
return _native.getFPRVal(prop, true)
if (prop in _regNums)
return _native.getFPRVal(_regNums[prop], true)
set: function (obj, prop, val)
if (typeof prop == 'number' && prop < 32)
_native.setFPRVal(prop, true, val)
if (prop in _regNums)
_native.setFPRVal(_regNums[prop], true, val)
const rom = {
u8: new Proxy({},
get: function (obj, prop)
return _native.getROMInt(prop, 8, false)
u16: new Proxy({},
get: function (obj, prop)
return _native.getROMInt(prop, 16, false)
u32: new Proxy({},
get: function (obj, prop)
return _native.getROMInt(prop, 32, false)
s8: new Proxy({},
get: function (obj, prop)
return _native.getROMInt(prop, 8, true)
s16: new Proxy({},
get: function (obj, prop)
return _native.getROMInt(prop, 16, true)
s32: new Proxy({},
get: function (obj, prop)
return _native.getROMInt(prop, 32, true)
'float': new Proxy({},
get: function (obj, prop)
return _native.getROMFloat(prop)
set: function (obj, prop, val)
_native.setROMFloat(prop, val)
'double': new Proxy({},
get: function (obj, prop)
return _native.getROMFloat(prop, true)
set: function (obj, prop, val)
_native.setROMFloat(prop, val, true)
getblock: function (address, size)
return _native.getROMBlock(address, size)
getstring: function(address, maxLen)
return _native.getROMString(address, maxLen)
const mem = {
u8: new Proxy({},
get: function(obj, prop)
return _native.getRDRAMInt(prop, 8, false)
set: function(obj, prop, val)
_native.setRDRAMInt(prop, 8, val)
u16: new Proxy({},
get: function(obj, prop)
return _native.getRDRAMInt(prop, 16, false)
set: function(obj, prop, val)
_native.setRDRAMInt(prop, 16, val)
u32: new Proxy({},
get: function(obj, prop)
return _native.getRDRAMInt(prop, 32, false)
set: function(obj, prop, val)
_native.setRDRAMInt(prop, 32, val)
s8: new Proxy({},
get: function(obj, prop)
return _native.getRDRAMInt(prop, 8, true)
set: function(obj, prop, val)
_native.setRDRAMInt(prop, 8, val)
s16: new Proxy({},
get: function(obj, prop)
return _native.getRDRAMInt(prop, 16, true)
set: function(obj, prop, val)
_native.setRDRAMInt(prop, 16, val)
s32: new Proxy({},
get: function(obj, prop)
return _native.getRDRAMInt(prop, 32, true)
set: function(obj, prop, val)
_native.setRDRAMInt(prop, 32, val)
'float': new Proxy({},
get: function(obj, prop)
return _native.getRDRAMFloat(prop)
set: function(obj, prop, val)
_native.setRDRAMFloat(prop, val)
'double': new Proxy({},
get: function(obj, prop)
return _native.getRDRAMFloat(prop, true)
set: function(obj, prop, val)
_native.setRDRAMFloat(prop, val, true)
getblock: function(address, size)
return _native.getRDRAMBlock(address, size)
getstring: function(address, maxLen)
return _native.getRDRAMString(address, maxLen)
bindvar: function(obj, baseAddr, name, type)
Object.defineProperty(obj, name,
get: function()
return mem[type][baseAddr]
set: function(val)
mem[type][baseAddr] = val
return obj
bindvars: function(obj, list)
for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
mem.bindvar(obj, list[i][0], list[i][1], list[i][2])
return obj
bindstruct: function(obj, baseAddr, props)
for (var name in props)
var type = props[name]
var size = _typeSizes[type]
mem.bindvar(obj, baseAddr, name, type)
baseAddr += size
return obj
typedef: function(props, proto)
var size = 0
for (var name in props)
size += _typeSizes[props[name]]
var StructClass = function(baseAddr)
mem.bindstruct(this, baseAddr, props)
StructClass.sizeof = function()
return size
StructClass.prototype = proto
return StructClass
function alert(text, caption){
caption = caption || ""
_native.msgBox(text, caption)
function Socket(fd)
var connected = false;
var _fd;
// assume this was constructed from Server
_fd = fd;
connected = true;
} else {
_fd = _native.sockCreate();
var _ondata = function(data){}
var _onclose = function(){}
var _onconnect = function(){}
var _onconnect_base = function(){
connected = 1;
var _bufferSize = 2048
this.write = function(data, callback)
_native.write(_fd, data, callback)
this.close = function()
this.connect = function(settings, callback)
_onconnect = callback;
_native.sockConnect(_fd, || '', settings.port || 80, _onconnect_base);
var _read = function(data)
if(data == null)
connected = false;
}, _bufferSize, _read)
this.on = function(eventType, callback)
case 'data':
_ondata = callback, _bufferSize, _read)
case 'close':
// note: does nothing if ondata not set
_onclose = callback
function Server(settings)
var _this = this;
var _fd = _native.sockCreate()
var _onconnection = function(socket){}
_native.sockListen(_fd, settings.port || 80)
// Intermediate callback
// convert clientFd to Socket and accept next client
var _acceptClient = function(clientFd)
_onconnection(new Socket(clientFd))
_native.sockAccept(_fd, _acceptClient)
this.listen = function(port)
_native.sockListen(_fd, port)
this.on = function(eventType, callback)
case 'connection':
_onconnection = callback
_native.sockAccept(_fd, _acceptClient)