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// Copyright (C) 1998, Interscope Ltd. All rights reserved.
// Reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it,
// is permitted only if this header is kept as it is.
// For more information, contact:
// Interscope Ltd., 5 Culturii St., 5th Floor, 4800 Baia Mare, RO
// Phone/Fax: +40-62-215023
// E-mail: office@interscope.ro
// $Author: Levente Farkas $
// $Date: 5/13/98 12:03a $
// $Modtime: 4/27/98 6:50a $
// $Revision: 30 $
// $Archive: /Interscope/Thebe/InstallMaster/Registry.Hpp $
// $Workfile: Registry.Hpp $
#ifndef __Registry_Hpp__
#define __Registry_Hpp__
#if !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(_WIN32)
#ifndef STRICT
#define STRICT
#endif // __WIN32__
#include <Windows.H>
#include <WinReg.H>
#include <RegStr.H>
#include <WinError.H>
#include <TChar.H>
#include "std string.h"
//--- Registry key handler ------------------------------------------
class CRegistry
HKEY m_hKey;
BOOL m_bStatus;
LONG m_nErrorCode;
#ifdef _DEBUG
HKEY m_hKeyParent;
// Construction
CRegistry(HKEY hKey, // A previously open key or a section
LPCTSTR lpcszSubKey, // Path relative 2 hKey
REGSAM dwDesiredSecurityAccessMask =KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // Desired open/create access
BOOL bAllowCreate =FALSE, // Create new, if does not exist
DWORD dwOptions =REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, // New key options
LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes =NULL, // New key security
LPDWORD lpdwDisposition =NULL); // Cretion disposition (created or opened)
BOOL Open(HKEY hKey, // A previously open key or a section
LPCTSTR lpcszSubKey, // Path relative 2 hKey
REGSAM dwDesiredSecurityAccessMask =KEY_ALL_ACCESS, // Desired open/create access
BOOL bAllowCreate =FALSE, // Create new, if does not exist
DWORD dwOptions =REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, // New key options
LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes =NULL, // New key security
LPDWORD lpdwDisposition =NULL); // Cretion disposition (created or opened)
// Value functions
DWORD GetValueSize(LPCTSTR name);
BOOL GetValue(LPCTSTR name, BYTE *data, DWORD &data_size, DWORD *type=NULL);
BOOL SetValue(LPCTSTR name, const BYTE *data, DWORD data_size, DWORD type);
BOOL GetDefaultValue(LPTSTR def_value_buff, DWORD &buffsize);
BOOL SetDefaultValue(LPCTSTR def_value);
BOOL DeleteValue(LPCTSTR name);
stdstr GetString(LPCTSTR name);
// Enumerators
BOOL EnumerateSubKeys(DWORD index, LPTSTR name, DWORD &name_size);
BOOL EnumerateValues (DWORD index, LPTSTR name, DWORD &name_size, DWORD *type=NULL, BYTE *data=NULL, DWORD *data_size=NULL);
// Conversions
operator HKEY() const { return m_bStatus ? m_hKey : NULL; }
// Remote registry functions
// Miscellaneous
LONG GetLastError() const { return m_nErrorCode; } // Retruns ERROR_SUCCESS when inited OK and everything is fine
DWORD CountSubKeys();
DWORD CountValues();
BOOL GetInfo(LPTSTR lpszKeyClass =NULL, LPDWORD lpcKeyClassSize =NULL, // Must supply non-NULL values 4 at least
LPDWORD lpcSubKeyCount =NULL, // parameters from one line
LPDWORD lpcbLongestSubKeyName =NULL,
LPDWORD lpcbLargestSubKeyClass =NULL,
LPDWORD lpcValueCount =NULL,
LPDWORD lpcbLongestValueName =NULL,
LPDWORD lpcbLargestValueData =NULL,
LPDWORD lpcbSecurityDescriptorSize =NULL,
PFILETIME lpLastWriteTime =NULL); // NT only
// Cleanup
BOOL Delete(BOOL bDeleteSubkeys =TRUE);
BOOL Flush();
void Close();
virtual ~CRegistry();