project64/Source/Project64/N64 System/Mips/Memory Virtual Mem.h

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class CMipsMemoryVM :
public CMipsMemory,
public CTransVaddr,
private CRecompilerOps,
private R4300iOp,
private CPifRam
CMipsMemory_CallBack * const m_CBClass;
//Memory Locations
BYTE * m_RDRAM, * m_DMEM, * m_IMEM;
DWORD m_AllocatedRdramSize;
//Rom Information
bool m_RomMapped;
BYTE * m_Rom;
DWORD m_RomSize;
bool m_RomWrittenTo;
DWORD m_RomWroteValue;
//Current Half line
void UpdateHalfLine ( void );
DWORD m_HalfLine;
DWORD m_MemoryStack;
DWORD m_TempValue;
//Initilizing and reseting information about the memory system
void FreeMemory ( void );
CMipsMemoryVM ( CMipsMemory_CallBack * CallBack, bool SavesReadOnly );
~CMipsMemoryVM ( void );
BOOL Initialize ( void );
void Reset ( bool EraseMemory );
BYTE * Rdram ( void );
DWORD RdramSize ( void );
BYTE * Dmem ( void );
BYTE * Imem ( void );
BYTE * PifRam ( void );
BOOL LB_VAddr ( DWORD VAddr, BYTE & Value );
BOOL LH_VAddr ( DWORD VAddr, WORD & Value );
BOOL LW_VAddr ( DWORD VAddr, DWORD & Value );
BOOL LD_VAddr ( DWORD VAddr, QWORD & Value );
BOOL SB_VAddr ( DWORD VAddr, BYTE Value );
BOOL SH_VAddr ( DWORD VAddr, WORD Value );
BOOL SW_VAddr ( DWORD VAddr, DWORD Value );
BOOL SD_VAddr ( DWORD VAddr, QWORD Value );
int MemoryFilter ( DWORD dwExptCode, void * lpExceptionPointer );
//Protect the Memory from being written to
void ProtectMemory ( DWORD StartVaddr, DWORD EndVaddr );
void UnProtectMemory ( DWORD StartVaddr, DWORD EndVaddr );
//Compilation Functions
void ResetMemoryStack ( void );
void ResetTLB ( void );
void Compile_LB ( void );
void Compile_LBU ( void );
void Compile_LH ( void );
void Compile_LHU ( void );
void Compile_LW ( void );
void Compile_LWC1 ( void );
void Compile_LWU ( void );
void Compile_LWL ( void );
void Compile_LWR ( void );
void Compile_LD ( void );
void Compile_LDC1 ( void );
void Compile_LDL ( void );
void Compile_LDR ( void );
void Compile_SB ( void );
void Compile_SH ( void );
void Compile_SW ( void );
void Compile_SWL ( void );
void Compile_SWR ( void );
void Compile_SD ( void );
void Compile_SDL ( void );
void Compile_SDR ( void );
void Compile_SWC1 ( void );
void Compile_SDC1 ( void );
void ResetMemoryStack ( CRegInfo & RegInfo );
void Compile_LB ( CX86Ops::x86Reg Reg, DWORD Addr, BOOL SignExtend );
void Compile_LH ( CX86Ops::x86Reg Reg, DWORD Addr, BOOL SignExtend );
void Compile_LW ( CX86Ops::x86Reg Reg, DWORD Addr );
void Compile_SB_Const ( BYTE Value, DWORD Addr );
void Compile_SB_Register ( CX86Ops::x86Reg Reg, DWORD Addr );
void Compile_SH_Const ( WORD Value, DWORD Addr );
void Compile_SH_Register ( CX86Ops::x86Reg Reg, DWORD Addr );
void Compile_SW_Const ( DWORD Value, DWORD Addr );
void Compile_SW_Register ( CX86Ops::x86Reg Reg, DWORD Addr );
//Functions for TLB notification
void TLB_Mapped ( DWORD VAddr, DWORD Len, DWORD PAddr, bool bReadOnly );
void TLB_Unmaped ( DWORD Vaddr, DWORD Len );
// CTransVaddr interface
bool TranslateVaddr ( DWORD VAddr, DWORD &PAddr) const;
bool ValidVaddr ( DWORD VAddr ) const;
// Labels
LPCTSTR LabelName ( DWORD Address ) const;
static void RdramChanged ( CMipsMemoryVM * _this );
static void ChangeSpStatus ( void );
static void ChangeMiIntrMask ( void );
int LB_NonMemory ( DWORD PAddr, DWORD * Value, BOOL SignExtend );
int LH_NonMemory ( DWORD PAddr, DWORD * Value, int SignExtend );
int LW_NonMemory ( DWORD PAddr, DWORD * Value );
int SB_NonMemory ( DWORD PAddr, BYTE Value );
int SH_NonMemory ( DWORD PAddr, WORD Value );
int SW_NonMemory ( DWORD PAddr, DWORD Value );
mutable char m_strLabelName[100];
//BIG look up table to quickly translate the tlb to real mem address
DWORD * m_TLB_ReadMap;
DWORD * m_TLB_WriteMap;