Cheat5="Use all C Buttons",811E9398 0000,811E939A 0000
Cheat6="Event Item\Modifier 1",801E54F5 00??
Cheat6_O=$28 Moon's Tear,$29 Land Title Deed,$2A Swap Title Deed,$2B Mountain Title Deed,$2C Ocean Title Deed,$2D Room Key,$2E Special Delivery To Mama,$2F Letter To Kafei,$30 Pendant Of Memories
Cheat7="Event Item\Modifier 2",801E54FB 00??
Cheat7_O=$28 Moon's Tear,$29 Land Title Deed,$2A Swap Title Deed,$2B Mountain Title Deed,$2C Ocean Title Deed,$2D Room Key,$2E Special Delivery To Mama,$2F Letter To Kafei,$30 Pendant Of Memories
Cheat8="Event Item\Modifier 3",801E5501 00??
Cheat8_O=$28 Moon's Tear,$29 Land Title Deed,$2A Swap Title Deed,$2B Mountain Title Deed,$2C Ocean Title Deed,$2D Room Key,$2E Special Delivery To Mama,$2F Letter To Kafei,$30 Pendant Of Memories
Cheat9="Have Item Modifier",801E5500 00??
Cheat9_O=$05 Japanese Flute?,$0B Japanese Item?,$10 Great Fairy's Sword,$11 Japanese Hookshot?,$31 Japanese Scroll?,$4A Japanese Bow?
Cheat10="Have Bottle\Modifier 1",801E5502 00??
Cheat10_O=$12 Empty Bottle,$13 Red Potion,$14 Green Potion,$15 Blue Potion,$16 Fairy,$17 Deku Princess,$18 Milk,$19 Milk (1/2),$1A Fish,$1B Bug,$1C Blue Fire,$1D Poe,$1E Big Poe,$1F Spring Water,$20 Hot Spring Water,$21 Zora Egg,$22 Gold Dust,$23 Magical Mushroom,$24 Sea Horse,$25 Chateau Romani,$26 Japanese Bottle?,$27 Empty Japanese Bottle?
Cheat11="Have Bottle\Modifier 2",801E5503 00??
Cheat11_O=$12 Empty Bottle,$13 Red Potion,$14 Green Potion,$15 Blue Potion,$16 Fairy,$17 Deku Princess,$18 Milk,$19 Milk (1/2),$1A Fish,$1B Bug,$1C Blue Fire,$1D Poe,$1E Big Poe,$1F Spring Water,$20 Hot Spring Water,$21 Zora Egg,$22 Gold Dust,$23 Magical Mushroom,$24 Sea Horse,$25 Chateau Romani,$26 Japanese Bottle?,$27 Empty Japanese Bottle?
Cheat12="Have Bottle\Modifier 3",801E5504 00??
Cheat12_O=$12 Empty Bottle,$13 Red Potion,$14 Green Potion,$15 Blue Potion,$16 Fairy,$17 Deku Princess,$18 Milk,$19 Milk (1/2),$1A Fish,$1B Bug,$1C Blue Fire,$1D Poe,$1E Big Poe,$1F Spring Water,$20 Hot Spring Water,$21 Zora Egg,$22 Gold Dust,$23 Magical Mushroom,$24 Sea Horse,$25 Chateau Romani,$26 Japanese Bottle?,$27 Empty Japanese Bottle?
Cheat13="Have Bottle\Modifier 4",801E5505 00??
Cheat13_O=$12 Empty Bottle,$13 Red Potion,$14 Green Potion,$15 Blue Potion,$16 Fairy,$17 Deku Princess,$18 Milk,$19 Milk (1/2),$1A Fish,$1B Bug,$1C Blue Fire,$1D Poe,$1E Big Poe,$1F Spring Water,$20 Hot Spring Water,$21 Zora Egg,$22 Gold Dust,$23 Magical Mushroom,$24 Sea Horse,$25 Chateau Romani,$26 Japanese Bottle?,$27 Empty Japanese Bottle?
Cheat14="Have Bottle\Modifier 5",801E5506 00??
Cheat14_O=$12 Empty Bottle,$13 Red Potion,$14 Green Potion,$15 Blue Potion,$16 Fairy,$17 Deku Princess,$18 Milk,$19 Milk (1/2),$1A Fish,$1B Bug,$1C Blue Fire,$1D Poe,$1E Big Poe,$1F Spring Water,$20 Hot Spring Water,$21 Zora Egg,$22 Gold Dust,$23 Magical Mushroom,$24 Sea Horse,$25 Chateau Romani,$26 Japanese Bottle?,$27 Empty Japanese Bottle?
Cheat31_O=$12 Empty Bottle,$13 Red Potion,$14 Green Potion,$15 Blue Potion,$16 Fairy,$17 Deku Princess,$18 Milk,$19 Milk (1/2),$1A Fish,$1B Bug,$1C Blue Fire,$1D Poe,$1E Big Poe,$1F Spring Water,$20 Hot Spring Water,$21 Zora Egg,$22 Gold Dust,$23 Magical Mushroom,$24 Sea Horse,$25 Chateau Romani,$26 Japanese Bottle?,$27 Empty Japanese Bottle?
Cheat33_N=Only put the Deity Link's Sword on, if using The Play As Fierce Deity Link Code, if not it will turn Fierce Deity Link into a crazed slashing Machine. You have been warned.
Cheat37_N=Put on the code on load up,After the Nintendo logo you will be in that place of can also choose another place & then press F1 (reset) to go to that place this is for beta interest only it will not assist you in playing the game.
Cheat37_O=$00 Mama's House non Beta,$01 Fearful Spider House,$02 Beneaf the Graveyard,$03 Southern Swamp Mr Tingle Entry,$06 Outside Tourist Information Southern Swamp,$08 Outside Magic Hag's Potion Shop,$0A Southern Swamp Woods Of Mystery Entry,$24 Counter Of The Tresure Chest Shop,$2E Woodfall Temple non Beta,$32 Spider Hand,$35 Statue outside Gorman Track,$36 Statue outside Lair Of The Temples Boss,$38 Path to Romani Ranch non Beta,$4A outside The Royal Palace of the Deku Kingdom,$4C Ledge in The Royal Palace of the Deku Kingdom,$4E inside The Royal Palace of the Deku Kingdom 1,$71 Green Blobs,$74 Cave Portal to Last Boss Field,$7F Waterfall Sothern Swamp,$8A Giant Turtle In the Temple non beta,$8B Room of Miau & Tijo Zora Great Hall,$94 Recieving Gorans Mask non Beta,$95 ?,$96 Hungry Goran in the Snow,$A2 Statue in Stone Tower,$A6 Stone Tower non Beta,$B9 Recieving Deku Mask non Beta,$D9 Giant Lizards in a Cave,$DA Cave with Steaming Water,$FF Vamps House In Ikana Canyon