Cheat1_N=To Activate this Cheat Hold The R Button when walking through a Doorway this will change you to the option on the other side, Disable this Cheat straight away after getting to the other side, in some places you might even get Access Violations. Just press ok untill you can carry on.
Cheat3_N=This cheat causes the Goron Temple door not to open, but if you go to the very top of the mountain where the fairy is, next to her entrance is another one in to the fire temple.once inside put on the hover boots & infinite hover cheat to hover over to the ledge on the left hand side.From here you can carry on the game as normal
Cheat4_N=This cheat causes the Goron Temple door not to open, but if you go to the very top of the mountain where the fairy is, next to her entrance is another one in to the fire temple.once inside put on the hover boots & infinite hover cheat to hover over to the ledge on the left hand side.From here you can carry on the game as normal
Cheat45_O=$02 Silver Scale,$04 Golden Scale,$06 Giant's Knife (Broken),$35 Black Gauntlets,$40 Bullet Bag (Holds 30),$80 Bullet Bag (Holds 40),$C0 Bullet Bag (Holds 50)
Cheat49_N=Take off from Anywhere & to go higher just press L Once, this will lift you higher while come back Down Keep R pressed.Once you have enabled the code press Start & then start again.
Cheat50_N=Put on the code on load up,After the Nintendo logo you will be in Hyrule Field,There are no icons, energy bar etc. on the screen.When you press a C-Buttton you can use an object.Here the objects for the C-Buttons:C-left: arrows, C-down: bombs, C-right: Ocarina of Time. There is also no Navi and start menu.When you go to some places the game will freeze or you can't move.
Cheat53_O=$03 Castle Courtyard,$0B Dodongo's Cavern Boss,$10 Inside The Deku Tree Boss,$14 Shadow Temple Boss,$17 Water Temple Boss,$1C Ganon's Castle Tower,$1F Ganon First Battle,$28 Ganon's Castle Room Before Ganon,$2B Inside Ganon's Castle Room With Pillar,$2F Lon Lon Ranch,$33 Mido's House,$37 Saria's House,$4B Bearded Man's House,$40 Top of Ganon's Castle,$47 Outside Saria's House,$4F Dampe's Race,$57 Kokiri Forest,$5B Top of Death Mountain,$5F Fishing Pond,$68 Inside Ganon's Castle,$7F Hyrule Castle Gate,$BA Top of Ganon's Tower,$C2 Great Fairy Fountain,$D6 Lost Woods Goron Entrance,$DA Lost Woods River Entrance,$DE Lost Woods Bridge Field Entrance,$E3 Goron City Lost Woods Entrance,$F6 Death Mountain Crater,$FD Ganon's Castle
Cheat54="Warp Song Location\Requiem of Spirit",80119765 00??
Cheat60_N=This code will cause all items on a specific plane to lean. This is helpful for areas in which the plane causes the crash (Ex. Weird Zora's Fountain Beta Quest World 01)
Cheat61_N=If you go to an area where Link is immobile or invisible, using the "appear in strange places" code will almost always fix it, but you'll start somewhere outside of the Arena and in air. I recommend using the infinite step Hover boots code already supplied with PJ64 so you can float back into the arena in the event that this happens.
Cheat62_N=If you go to an area where the interface is accessible, this signigfies that you're not in 'beta' mode anymore. Using the "interface always off/on" code, you can stay in 'beta' mode regardless of what happens. This may cause more crashes in SOME areas, but it's rare and is not too severe. If you need to explore a beta area with the interface, "use the interface always on" portion of the code. Don't use the codes as you start the game. If you need the interface on/off at a specific time, start the game, go to the area, activate the code, keep it on until next reset.