import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene"; import { EvolutionItem, pokemonEvolutions } from "#app/data/balance/pokemon-evolutions"; import { tmPoolTiers, tmSpecies } from "#app/data/balance/tms"; import { getBerryEffectDescription, getBerryName } from "#app/data/berry"; import { allMoves, AttackMove, selfStatLowerMoves } from "#app/data/move"; import { getNatureName, getNatureStatMultiplier, Nature } from "#app/data/nature"; import { getPokeballCatchMultiplier, getPokeballName, MAX_PER_TYPE_POKEBALLS, PokeballType } from "#app/data/pokeball"; import { FormChangeItem, pokemonFormChanges, SpeciesFormChangeCondition, SpeciesFormChangeItemTrigger } from "#app/data/pokemon-forms"; import { getStatusEffectDescriptor, StatusEffect } from "#app/data/status-effect"; import { Type } from "#app/data/type"; import Pokemon, { EnemyPokemon, PlayerPokemon, PokemonMove } from "#app/field/pokemon"; import { getPokemonNameWithAffix } from "#app/messages"; import { AddPokeballModifier, AddVoucherModifier, AttackTypeBoosterModifier, BaseStatModifier, BerryModifier, BoostBugSpawnModifier, BypassSpeedChanceModifier, ContactHeldItemTransferChanceModifier, CritBoosterModifier, DamageMoneyRewardModifier, DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifier, EnemyAttackStatusEffectChanceModifier, EnemyDamageBoosterModifier, EnemyDamageReducerModifier, EnemyEndureChanceModifier, EnemyFusionChanceModifier, EnemyStatusEffectHealChanceModifier, EnemyTurnHealModifier, EvolutionItemModifier, EvolutionStatBoosterModifier, EvoTrackerModifier, ExpBalanceModifier, ExpBoosterModifier, ExpShareModifier, ExtraModifierModifier, FlinchChanceModifier, FusePokemonModifier, GigantamaxAccessModifier, HealingBoosterModifier, HealShopCostModifier, HiddenAbilityRateBoosterModifier, HitHealModifier, IvScannerModifier, LevelIncrementBoosterModifier, LockModifierTiersModifier, MapModifier, MegaEvolutionAccessModifier, MoneyInterestModifier, MoneyMultiplierModifier, MoneyRewardModifier, MultipleParticipantExpBonusModifier, PokemonAllMovePpRestoreModifier, PokemonBaseStatFlatModifier, PokemonBaseStatTotalModifier, PokemonExpBoosterModifier, PokemonFormChangeItemModifier, PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifier, PokemonHeldItemModifier, PokemonHpRestoreModifier, PokemonIncrementingStatModifier, PokemonInstantReviveModifier, PokemonLevelIncrementModifier, PokemonMoveAccuracyBoosterModifier, PokemonMultiHitModifier, PokemonNatureChangeModifier, PokemonNatureWeightModifier, PokemonPpRestoreModifier, PokemonPpUpModifier, PokemonStatusHealModifier, PreserveBerryModifier, RememberMoveModifier, ResetNegativeStatStageModifier, ShinyRateBoosterModifier, SpeciesCritBoosterModifier, SpeciesStatBoosterModifier, SurviveDamageModifier, SwitchEffectTransferModifier, TempCritBoosterModifier, TempStatStageBoosterModifier, TerastallizeAccessModifier, TerastallizeModifier, TmModifier, TurnHealModifier, TurnHeldItemTransferModifier, TurnStatusEffectModifier, type EnemyPersistentModifier, type Modifier, type PersistentModifier } from "#app/modifier/modifier"; import { ModifierTier } from "#app/modifier/modifier-tier"; import Overrides from "#app/overrides"; import { Unlockables } from "#app/system/unlockables"; import { getVoucherTypeIcon, getVoucherTypeName, VoucherType } from "#app/system/voucher"; import PartyUiHandler, { PokemonMoveSelectFilter, PokemonSelectFilter } from "#app/ui/party-ui-handler"; import { getModifierTierTextTint } from "#app/ui/text"; import { formatMoney, getEnumKeys, getEnumValues, IntegerHolder, NumberHolder, padInt, randSeedInt, randSeedItem } from "#app/utils"; import { Abilities } from "#enums/abilities"; import { BattlerTagType } from "#enums/battler-tag-type"; import { BerryType } from "#enums/berry-type"; import { Moves } from "#enums/moves"; import { Species } from "#enums/species"; import { SpeciesFormKey } from "#enums/species-form-key"; import { getStatKey, PermanentStat, Stat, TEMP_BATTLE_STATS, TempBattleStat } from "#enums/stat"; import i18next from "i18next"; const outputModifierData = false; const useMaxWeightForOutput = false; export enum ModifierPoolType { PLAYER, WILD, TRAINER, ENEMY_BUFF, DAILY_STARTER } type NewModifierFunc = (type: ModifierType, args: any[]) => Modifier; export class ModifierType { public id: string; public localeKey: string; public iconImage: string; public group: string; public soundName: string; public tier: ModifierTier; protected newModifierFunc: NewModifierFunc | null; constructor(localeKey: string | null, iconImage: string | null, newModifierFunc: NewModifierFunc | null, group?: string, soundName?: string) { this.localeKey = localeKey!; // TODO: is this bang correct? this.iconImage = iconImage!; // TODO: is this bang correct? = group!; // TODO: is this bang correct? this.soundName = soundName ?? "se/restore"; this.newModifierFunc = newModifierFunc; } get name(): string { return i18next.t(`${this.localeKey}.name` as any); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t(`${this.localeKey}.description` as any); } setTier(tier: ModifierTier): void { this.tier = tier; } getOrInferTier(poolType: ModifierPoolType = ModifierPoolType.PLAYER): ModifierTier | null { if (this.tier) { return this.tier; } if (! { return null; } let poolTypes: ModifierPoolType[]; switch (poolType) { case ModifierPoolType.PLAYER: poolTypes = [ poolType, ModifierPoolType.TRAINER, ModifierPoolType.WILD ]; break; case ModifierPoolType.WILD: poolTypes = [ poolType, ModifierPoolType.PLAYER, ModifierPoolType.TRAINER ]; break; case ModifierPoolType.TRAINER: poolTypes = [ poolType, ModifierPoolType.PLAYER, ModifierPoolType.WILD ]; break; default: poolTypes = [ poolType ]; break; } // Try multiple pool types in case of stolen items for (const type of poolTypes) { const pool = getModifierPoolForType(type); for (const tier of getEnumValues(ModifierTier)) { if (!pool.hasOwnProperty(tier)) { continue; } if (pool[tier].find(m => (m as WeightedModifierType) === { return (this.tier = tier); } } } return null; } /** * Populates item id for ModifierType instance * @param func */ withIdFromFunc(func: ModifierTypeFunc): ModifierType { = Object.keys(modifierTypes).find(k => modifierTypes[k] === func)!; // TODO: is this bang correct? return this; } /** * Populates item tier for ModifierType instance * Tier is a necessary field for items that appear in player shop (determines the Pokeball visual they use) * To find the tier, this function performs a reverse lookup of the item type in modifier pools * @param poolType Default 'ModifierPoolType.PLAYER'. Which pool to lookup item tier from */ withTierFromPool(poolType: ModifierPoolType = ModifierPoolType.PLAYER): ModifierType { for (const tier of Object.values(getModifierPoolForType(poolType))) { for (const modifier of tier) { if ( === { this.tier = modifier.modifierType.tier; return this; } } } return this; } newModifier(...args: any[]): Modifier | null { return this.newModifierFunc && this.newModifierFunc(this, args); } } type ModifierTypeGeneratorFunc = (party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) => ModifierType | null; export class ModifierTypeGenerator extends ModifierType { private genTypeFunc: ModifierTypeGeneratorFunc; constructor(genTypeFunc: ModifierTypeGeneratorFunc) { super(null, null, null); this.genTypeFunc = genTypeFunc; } generateType(party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) { const ret = this.genTypeFunc(party, pregenArgs); if (ret) { =; ret.setTier(this.tier); } return ret; } } export interface GeneratedPersistentModifierType { getPregenArgs(): any[]; } class AddPokeballModifierType extends ModifierType { private pokeballType: PokeballType; private count: integer; constructor(iconImage: string, pokeballType: PokeballType, count: integer) { super("", iconImage, (_type, _args) => new AddPokeballModifier(this, pokeballType, count), "pb", "se/pb_bounce_1"); this.pokeballType = pokeballType; this.count = count; } get name(): string { return i18next.t("", { "modifierCount": this.count, "pokeballName": getPokeballName(this.pokeballType), }); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.AddPokeballModifierType.description", { "modifierCount": this.count, "pokeballName": getPokeballName(this.pokeballType), "catchRate": getPokeballCatchMultiplier(this.pokeballType) > -1 ? `${getPokeballCatchMultiplier(this.pokeballType)}x` : "100%", "pokeballAmount": `${scene.pokeballCounts[this.pokeballType]}`, }); } } class AddVoucherModifierType extends ModifierType { private voucherType: VoucherType; private count: integer; constructor(voucherType: VoucherType, count: integer) { super("", getVoucherTypeIcon(voucherType), (_type, _args) => new AddVoucherModifier(this, voucherType, count), "voucher"); this.count = count; this.voucherType = voucherType; } get name(): string { return i18next.t("", { "modifierCount": this.count, "voucherTypeName": getVoucherTypeName(this.voucherType), }); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.AddVoucherModifierType.description", { "modifierCount": this.count, "voucherTypeName": getVoucherTypeName(this.voucherType), }); } } export class PokemonModifierType extends ModifierType { public selectFilter: PokemonSelectFilter | undefined; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, newModifierFunc: NewModifierFunc, selectFilter?: PokemonSelectFilter, group?: string, soundName?: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, newModifierFunc, group, soundName); this.selectFilter = selectFilter; } } export class PokemonHeldItemModifierType extends PokemonModifierType { constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, newModifierFunc: NewModifierFunc, group?: string, soundName?: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, newModifierFunc, (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { const dummyModifier = this.newModifier(pokemon); const matchingModifier = pokemon.scene.findModifier(m => m instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifier && m.pokemonId === && m.matchType(dummyModifier)) as PokemonHeldItemModifier; const maxStackCount = dummyModifier.getMaxStackCount(pokemon.scene); if (!maxStackCount) { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonHeldItemModifierType.extra.inoperable", { "pokemonName": getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) }); } if (matchingModifier && matchingModifier.stackCount === maxStackCount) { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonHeldItemModifierType.extra.tooMany", { "pokemonName": getPokemonNameWithAffix(pokemon) }); } return null; }, group, soundName); } newModifier(...args: any[]): PokemonHeldItemModifier { return super.newModifier(...args) as PokemonHeldItemModifier; } } export class PokemonHpRestoreModifierType extends PokemonModifierType { protected restorePoints: integer; protected restorePercent: integer; protected healStatus: boolean; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, restorePoints: integer, restorePercent: integer, healStatus: boolean = false, newModifierFunc?: NewModifierFunc, selectFilter?: PokemonSelectFilter, group?: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, newModifierFunc || ((_type, args) => new PokemonHpRestoreModifier(this, (args[0] as PlayerPokemon).id, this.restorePoints, this.restorePercent, this.healStatus, false)), selectFilter || ((pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (!pokemon.hp || (pokemon.isFullHp() && (!this.healStatus || (!pokemon.status && !pokemon.getTag(BattlerTagType.CONFUSED))))) { return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; } return null; }), group || "potion"); this.restorePoints = restorePoints; this.restorePercent = restorePercent; this.healStatus = healStatus; } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return this.restorePoints ? i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonHpRestoreModifierType.description", { restorePoints: this.restorePoints, restorePercent: this.restorePercent, }) : this.healStatus ? i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonHpRestoreModifierType.extra.fullyWithStatus") : i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonHpRestoreModifierType.extra.fully"); } } export class PokemonReviveModifierType extends PokemonHpRestoreModifierType { constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, restorePercent: integer) { super(localeKey, iconImage, 0, restorePercent, false, (_type, args) => new PokemonHpRestoreModifier(this, (args[0] as PlayerPokemon).id, 0, this.restorePercent, false, true), ((pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (!pokemon.isFainted()) { return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; } return null; }), "revive"); this.selectFilter = (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (pokemon.hp) { return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; } return null; }; } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonReviveModifierType.description", { restorePercent: this.restorePercent }); } } export class PokemonStatusHealModifierType extends PokemonModifierType { constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, ((_type, args) => new PokemonStatusHealModifier(this, (args[0] as PlayerPokemon).id)), ((pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (!pokemon.hp || (!pokemon.status && !pokemon.getTag(BattlerTagType.CONFUSED))) { return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; } return null; })); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonStatusHealModifierType.description"); } } export abstract class PokemonMoveModifierType extends PokemonModifierType { public moveSelectFilter: PokemonMoveSelectFilter | undefined; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, newModifierFunc: NewModifierFunc, selectFilter?: PokemonSelectFilter, moveSelectFilter?: PokemonMoveSelectFilter, group?: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, newModifierFunc, selectFilter, group); this.moveSelectFilter = moveSelectFilter; } } export class PokemonPpRestoreModifierType extends PokemonMoveModifierType { protected restorePoints: integer; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, restorePoints: integer) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (_type, args) => new PokemonPpRestoreModifier(this, (args[0] as PlayerPokemon).id, (args[1] as integer), this.restorePoints), (_pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { return null; }, (pokemonMove: PokemonMove) => { if (!pokemonMove.ppUsed) { return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; } return null; }, "ether"); this.restorePoints = restorePoints; } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return this.restorePoints > -1 ? i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonPpRestoreModifierType.description", { restorePoints: this.restorePoints }) : i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonPpRestoreModifierType.extra.fully") ; } } export class PokemonAllMovePpRestoreModifierType extends PokemonModifierType { protected restorePoints: integer; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, restorePoints: integer) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (_type, args) => new PokemonAllMovePpRestoreModifier(this, (args[0] as PlayerPokemon).id, this.restorePoints), (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (!pokemon.getMoveset().filter(m => m?.ppUsed).length) { return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; } return null; }, "elixir"); this.restorePoints = restorePoints; } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return this.restorePoints > -1 ? i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonAllMovePpRestoreModifierType.description", { restorePoints: this.restorePoints }) : i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonAllMovePpRestoreModifierType.extra.fully") ; } } export class PokemonPpUpModifierType extends PokemonMoveModifierType { protected upPoints: integer; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, upPoints: integer) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (_type, args) => new PokemonPpUpModifier(this, (args[0] as PlayerPokemon).id, (args[1] as integer), this.upPoints), (_pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { return null; }, (pokemonMove: PokemonMove) => { if (pokemonMove.getMove().pp < 5 || pokemonMove.ppUp >= 3) { return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; } return null; }, "ppUp"); this.upPoints = upPoints; } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonPpUpModifierType.description", { upPoints: this.upPoints }); } } export class PokemonNatureChangeModifierType extends PokemonModifierType { protected nature: Nature; constructor(nature: Nature) { super("", `mint_${getEnumKeys(Stat).find(s => getNatureStatMultiplier(nature, Stat[s]) > 1)?.toLowerCase() || "neutral" }`, ((_type, args) => new PokemonNatureChangeModifier(this, (args[0] as PlayerPokemon).id, this.nature)), ((pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (pokemon.getNature() === this.nature) { return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; } return null; }), "mint"); this.nature = nature; } get name(): string { return i18next.t("", { natureName: getNatureName(this.nature) }); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonNatureChangeModifierType.description", { natureName: getNatureName(this.nature, true, true, true) }); } } export class RememberMoveModifierType extends PokemonModifierType { constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, group?: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (type, args) => new RememberMoveModifier(type, (args[0] as PlayerPokemon).id, (args[1] as integer)), (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (!pokemon.getLearnableLevelMoves().length) { return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; } return null; }, group); } } export class DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifierType extends ModifierType { private maxBattles: number; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, maxBattles: number) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (_type, _args) => new DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifier(this, maxBattles), "lure"); this.maxBattles = maxBattles; } getDescription(_scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifierType.description", { battleCount: this.maxBattles }); } } export class TempStatStageBoosterModifierType extends ModifierType implements GeneratedPersistentModifierType { private stat: TempBattleStat; private nameKey: string; private quantityKey: string; constructor(stat: TempBattleStat) { const nameKey = TempStatStageBoosterModifierTypeGenerator.items[stat]; super("", nameKey, (_type, _args) => new TempStatStageBoosterModifier(this, this.stat, 5)); this.stat = stat; this.nameKey = nameKey; this.quantityKey = (stat !== Stat.ACC) ? "percentage" : "stage"; } get name(): string { return i18next.t(`modifierType:TempStatStageBoosterItem.${this.nameKey}`); } getDescription(_scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.TempStatStageBoosterModifierType.description", { stat: i18next.t(getStatKey(this.stat)), amount: i18next.t(`modifierType:ModifierType.TempStatStageBoosterModifierType.extra.${this.quantityKey}`) }); } getPregenArgs(): any[] { return [ this.stat ]; } } export class BerryModifierType extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType implements GeneratedPersistentModifierType { private berryType: BerryType; constructor(berryType: BerryType) { super("", `${BerryType[berryType].toLowerCase()}_berry`, (type, args) => new BerryModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id, berryType), "berry"); this.berryType = berryType; } get name(): string { return getBerryName(this.berryType); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return getBerryEffectDescription(this.berryType); } getPregenArgs(): any[] { return [ this.berryType ]; } } function getAttackTypeBoosterItemName(type: Type) { switch (type) { case Type.NORMAL: return "Silk Scarf"; case Type.FIGHTING: return "Black Belt"; case Type.FLYING: return "Sharp Beak"; case Type.POISON: return "Poison Barb"; case Type.GROUND: return "Soft Sand"; case Type.ROCK: return "Hard Stone"; case Type.BUG: return "Silver Powder"; case Type.GHOST: return "Spell Tag"; case Type.STEEL: return "Metal Coat"; case Type.FIRE: return "Charcoal"; case Type.WATER: return "Mystic Water"; case Type.GRASS: return "Miracle Seed"; case Type.ELECTRIC: return "Magnet"; case Type.PSYCHIC: return "Twisted Spoon"; case Type.ICE: return "Never-Melt Ice"; case Type.DRAGON: return "Dragon Fang"; case Type.DARK: return "Black Glasses"; case Type.FAIRY: return "Fairy Feather"; } } export class AttackTypeBoosterModifierType extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType implements GeneratedPersistentModifierType { public moveType: Type; public boostPercent: integer; constructor(moveType: Type, boostPercent: integer) { super("", `${getAttackTypeBoosterItemName(moveType)?.replace(/[ \-]/g, "_").toLowerCase()}`, (_type, args) => new AttackTypeBoosterModifier(this, (args[0] as Pokemon).id, moveType, boostPercent)); this.moveType = moveType; this.boostPercent = boostPercent; } get name(): string { return i18next.t(`modifierType:AttackTypeBoosterItem.${getAttackTypeBoosterItemName(this.moveType)?.replace(/[ \-]/g, "_").toLowerCase()}`); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { // TODO: Need getTypeName? return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.AttackTypeBoosterModifierType.description", { moveType: i18next.t(`pokemonInfo:Type.${Type[this.moveType]}`) }); } getPregenArgs(): any[] { return [ this.moveType ]; } } export type SpeciesStatBoosterItem = keyof typeof SpeciesStatBoosterModifierTypeGenerator.items; /** * Modifier type for {@linkcode SpeciesStatBoosterModifier} * @extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType * @implements GeneratedPersistentModifierType */ export class SpeciesStatBoosterModifierType extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType implements GeneratedPersistentModifierType { private key: SpeciesStatBoosterItem; constructor(key: SpeciesStatBoosterItem) { const item = SpeciesStatBoosterModifierTypeGenerator.items[key]; super(`modifierType:SpeciesBoosterItem.${key}`, key.toLowerCase(), (type, args) => new SpeciesStatBoosterModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id, item.stats, item.multiplier, item.species)); this.key = key; } getPregenArgs(): any[] { return [ this.key ]; } } export class PokemonLevelIncrementModifierType extends PokemonModifierType { constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (_type, args) => new PokemonLevelIncrementModifier(this, (args[0] as PlayerPokemon).id), (_pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => null); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { let levels = 1; const hasCandyJar = scene.modifiers.find(modifier => modifier instanceof LevelIncrementBoosterModifier); if (hasCandyJar) { levels += hasCandyJar.stackCount; } return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonLevelIncrementModifierType.description", { levels }); } } export class AllPokemonLevelIncrementModifierType extends ModifierType { constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (_type, _args) => new PokemonLevelIncrementModifier(this, -1)); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { let levels = 1; const hasCandyJar = scene.modifiers.find(modifier => modifier instanceof LevelIncrementBoosterModifier); if (hasCandyJar) { levels += hasCandyJar.stackCount; } return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.AllPokemonLevelIncrementModifierType.description", { levels }); } } export class BaseStatBoosterModifierType extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType implements GeneratedPersistentModifierType { private stat: PermanentStat; private key: string; constructor(stat: PermanentStat) { const key = BaseStatBoosterModifierTypeGenerator.items[stat]; super("", key, (_type, args) => new BaseStatModifier(this, (args[0] as Pokemon).id, this.stat)); this.stat = stat; this.key = key; } get name(): string { return i18next.t(`modifierType:BaseStatBoosterItem.${this.key}`); } getDescription(_scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.BaseStatBoosterModifierType.description", { stat: i18next.t(getStatKey(this.stat)) }); } getPregenArgs(): any[] { return [ this.stat ]; } } /** * Shuckle Juice item */ export class PokemonBaseStatTotalModifierType extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType implements GeneratedPersistentModifierType { private readonly statModifier: integer; constructor(statModifier: integer) { super("modifierType:ModifierType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SHUCKLE_JUICE", "berry_juice", (_type, args) => new PokemonBaseStatTotalModifier(this, (args[0] as Pokemon).id, this.statModifier)); this.statModifier = statModifier; } override getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonBaseStatTotalModifierType.description", { increaseDecrease: i18next.t(this.statModifier >= 0 ? "modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonBaseStatTotalModifierType.extra.increase" : "modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonBaseStatTotalModifierType.extra.decrease"), blessCurse: i18next.t(this.statModifier >= 0 ? "modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonBaseStatTotalModifierType.extra.blessed" : "modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonBaseStatTotalModifierType.extra.cursed"), statValue: this.statModifier, }); } public getPregenArgs(): any[] { return [ this.statModifier ]; } } /** * Old Gateau item */ export class PokemonBaseStatFlatModifierType extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType implements GeneratedPersistentModifierType { private readonly statModifier: integer; private readonly stats: Stat[]; constructor(statModifier: integer, stats: Stat[]) { super("modifierType:ModifierType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_OLD_GATEAU", "old_gateau", (_type, args) => new PokemonBaseStatFlatModifier(this, (args[0] as Pokemon).id, this.statModifier, this.stats)); this.statModifier = statModifier; this.stats = stats; } override getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonBaseStatFlatModifierType.description", { stats: => i18next.t(getStatKey(stat))).join("/"), statValue: this.statModifier, }); } public getPregenArgs(): any[] { return [ this.statModifier, this.stats ]; } } class AllPokemonFullHpRestoreModifierType extends ModifierType { private descriptionKey: string; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, descriptionKey?: string, newModifierFunc?: NewModifierFunc) { super(localeKey, iconImage, newModifierFunc || ((_type, _args) => new PokemonHpRestoreModifier(this, -1, 0, 100, false))); this.descriptionKey = descriptionKey!; // TODO: is this bang correct? } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t(`${this.descriptionKey || "modifierType:ModifierType.AllPokemonFullHpRestoreModifierType"}.description` as any); } } class AllPokemonFullReviveModifierType extends AllPokemonFullHpRestoreModifierType { constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, "modifierType:ModifierType.AllPokemonFullReviveModifierType", (_type, _args) => new PokemonHpRestoreModifier(this, -1, 0, 100, false, true)); } } export class MoneyRewardModifierType extends ModifierType { private moneyMultiplier: number; private moneyMultiplierDescriptorKey: string; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, moneyMultiplier: number, moneyMultiplierDescriptorKey: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (_type, _args) => new MoneyRewardModifier(this, moneyMultiplier), "money", "se/buy"); this.moneyMultiplier = moneyMultiplier; this.moneyMultiplierDescriptorKey = moneyMultiplierDescriptorKey; } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { const moneyAmount = new IntegerHolder(scene.getWaveMoneyAmount(this.moneyMultiplier)); scene.applyModifiers(MoneyMultiplierModifier, true, moneyAmount); const formattedMoney = formatMoney(scene.moneyFormat, moneyAmount.value); return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.MoneyRewardModifierType.description", { moneyMultiplier: i18next.t(this.moneyMultiplierDescriptorKey as any), moneyAmount: formattedMoney, }); } } export class ExpBoosterModifierType extends ModifierType { private boostPercent: integer; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, boostPercent: integer) { super(localeKey, iconImage, () => new ExpBoosterModifier(this, boostPercent)); this.boostPercent = boostPercent; } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.ExpBoosterModifierType.description", { boostPercent: this.boostPercent }); } } export class PokemonExpBoosterModifierType extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType { private boostPercent: integer; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, boostPercent: integer) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (_type, args) => new PokemonExpBoosterModifier(this, (args[0] as Pokemon).id, boostPercent)); this.boostPercent = boostPercent; } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonExpBoosterModifierType.description", { boostPercent: this.boostPercent }); } } export class PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifierType extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType { constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (_type, args) => new PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifier(this, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifierType.description"); } } export class PokemonMoveAccuracyBoosterModifierType extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType { private amount: integer; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, amount: integer, group?: string, soundName?: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (_type, args) => new PokemonMoveAccuracyBoosterModifier(this, (args[0] as Pokemon).id, amount), group, soundName); this.amount = amount; } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonMoveAccuracyBoosterModifierType.description", { accuracyAmount: this.amount }); } } export class PokemonMultiHitModifierType extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType { constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (type, args) => new PokemonMultiHitModifier(type as PokemonMultiHitModifierType, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.PokemonMultiHitModifierType.description"); } } export class TmModifierType extends PokemonModifierType { public moveId: Moves; constructor(moveId: Moves) { super("", `tm_${Type[allMoves[moveId].type].toLowerCase()}`, (_type, args) => new TmModifier(this, (args[0] as PlayerPokemon).id), (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (pokemon.compatibleTms.indexOf(moveId) === -1 || pokemon.getMoveset().filter(m => m?.moveId === moveId).length) { return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; } return null; }, "tm"); this.moveId = moveId; } get name(): string { return i18next.t("", { moveId: padInt(Object.keys(tmSpecies).indexOf(this.moveId.toString()) + 1, 3), moveName: allMoves[this.moveId].name, }); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t(scene.enableMoveInfo ? "modifierType:ModifierType.TmModifierTypeWithInfo.description" : "modifierType:ModifierType.TmModifierType.description", { moveName: allMoves[this.moveId].name }); } } export class EvolutionItemModifierType extends PokemonModifierType implements GeneratedPersistentModifierType { public evolutionItem: EvolutionItem; constructor(evolutionItem: EvolutionItem) { super("", EvolutionItem[evolutionItem].toLowerCase(), (_type, args) => new EvolutionItemModifier(this, (args[0] as PlayerPokemon).id), (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (pokemonEvolutions.hasOwnProperty(pokemon.species.speciesId) && pokemonEvolutions[pokemon.species.speciesId].filter(e => e.item === this.evolutionItem && (!e.condition || e.condition.predicate(pokemon)) && (e.preFormKey === null || e.preFormKey === pokemon.getFormKey())).length && (pokemon.getFormKey() !== SpeciesFormKey.GIGANTAMAX)) { return null; } else if (pokemon.isFusion() && pokemon.fusionSpecies && pokemonEvolutions.hasOwnProperty(pokemon.fusionSpecies.speciesId) && pokemonEvolutions[pokemon.fusionSpecies.speciesId].filter(e => e.item === this.evolutionItem && (!e.condition || e.condition.predicate(pokemon)) && (e.preFormKey === null || e.preFormKey === pokemon.getFusionFormKey())).length && (pokemon.getFusionFormKey() !== SpeciesFormKey.GIGANTAMAX)) { return null; } return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; }); this.evolutionItem = evolutionItem; } get name(): string { return i18next.t(`modifierType:EvolutionItem.${EvolutionItem[this.evolutionItem]}`); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.EvolutionItemModifierType.description"); } getPregenArgs(): any[] { return [ this.evolutionItem ]; } } /** * Class that represents form changing items */ export class FormChangeItemModifierType extends PokemonModifierType implements GeneratedPersistentModifierType { public formChangeItem: FormChangeItem; constructor(formChangeItem: FormChangeItem) { super("", FormChangeItem[formChangeItem].toLowerCase(), (_type, args) => new PokemonFormChangeItemModifier(this, (args[0] as PlayerPokemon).id, formChangeItem, true), (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { // Make sure the Pokemon has alternate forms if (pokemonFormChanges.hasOwnProperty(pokemon.species.speciesId) // Get all form changes for this species with an item trigger, including any compound triggers && pokemonFormChanges[pokemon.species.speciesId].filter(fc => fc.trigger.hasTriggerType(SpeciesFormChangeItemTrigger) && (fc.preFormKey === pokemon.getFormKey())) // Returns true if any form changes match this item .map(fc => fc.findTrigger(SpeciesFormChangeItemTrigger) as SpeciesFormChangeItemTrigger) .flat().flatMap(fc => fc.item).includes(this.formChangeItem) ) { return null; } return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; }); this.formChangeItem = formChangeItem; } get name(): string { return i18next.t(`modifierType:FormChangeItem.${FormChangeItem[this.formChangeItem]}`); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.FormChangeItemModifierType.description"); } getPregenArgs(): any[] { return [ this.formChangeItem ]; } } export class FusePokemonModifierType extends PokemonModifierType { constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (_type, args) => new FusePokemonModifier(this, (args[0] as PlayerPokemon).id, (args[1] as PlayerPokemon).id), (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (pokemon.isFusion()) { return PartyUiHandler.NoEffectMessage; } return null; }); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.FusePokemonModifierType.description"); } } class AttackTypeBoosterModifierTypeGenerator extends ModifierTypeGenerator { constructor() { super((party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) => { if (pregenArgs && (pregenArgs.length === 1) && (pregenArgs[0] in Type)) { return new AttackTypeBoosterModifierType(pregenArgs[0] as Type, 20); } const attackMoveTypes = => p.getMoveset().map(m => m?.getMove()).filter(m => m instanceof AttackMove).map(m => m.type)).flat(); if (!attackMoveTypes.length) { return null; } const attackMoveTypeWeights = new Map(); let totalWeight = 0; for (const t of attackMoveTypes) { if (attackMoveTypeWeights.has(t)) { if (attackMoveTypeWeights.get(t)! < 3) { // attackMoveTypeWeights.has(t) was checked before attackMoveTypeWeights.set(t, attackMoveTypeWeights.get(t)! + 1); } else { continue; } } else { attackMoveTypeWeights.set(t, 1); } totalWeight++; } if (!totalWeight) { return null; } let type: Type; const randInt = randSeedInt(totalWeight); let weight = 0; for (const t of attackMoveTypeWeights.keys()) { const typeWeight = attackMoveTypeWeights.get(t)!; // guranteed to be defined if (randInt <= weight + typeWeight) { type = t; break; } weight += typeWeight; } return new AttackTypeBoosterModifierType(type!, 20); }); } } class BaseStatBoosterModifierTypeGenerator extends ModifierTypeGenerator { public static readonly items: Record = { [Stat.HP]: "hp_up", [Stat.ATK]: "protein", [Stat.DEF]: "iron", [Stat.SPATK]: "calcium", [Stat.SPDEF]: "zinc", [Stat.SPD]: "carbos" }; constructor() { super((_party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) => { if (pregenArgs) { return new BaseStatBoosterModifierType(pregenArgs[0]); } const randStat: PermanentStat = randSeedInt(Stat.SPD + 1); return new BaseStatBoosterModifierType(randStat); }); } } class TempStatStageBoosterModifierTypeGenerator extends ModifierTypeGenerator { public static readonly items: Record = { [Stat.ATK]: "x_attack", [Stat.DEF]: "x_defense", [Stat.SPATK]: "x_sp_atk", [Stat.SPDEF]: "x_sp_def", [Stat.SPD]: "x_speed", [Stat.ACC]: "x_accuracy" }; constructor() { super((_party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) => { if (pregenArgs && (pregenArgs.length === 1) && TEMP_BATTLE_STATS.includes(pregenArgs[0])) { return new TempStatStageBoosterModifierType(pregenArgs[0]); } const randStat: TempBattleStat = randSeedInt(Stat.ACC, Stat.ATK); return new TempStatStageBoosterModifierType(randStat); }); } } /** * Modifier type generator for {@linkcode SpeciesStatBoosterModifierType}, which * encapsulates the logic for weighting the most useful held item from * the current list of {@linkcode items}. * @extends ModifierTypeGenerator */ class SpeciesStatBoosterModifierTypeGenerator extends ModifierTypeGenerator { /** Object comprised of the currently available species-based stat boosting held items */ public static readonly items = { LIGHT_BALL: { stats: [ Stat.ATK, Stat.SPATK ], multiplier: 2, species: [ Species.PIKACHU ]}, THICK_CLUB: { stats: [ Stat.ATK ], multiplier: 2, species: [ Species.CUBONE, Species.MAROWAK, Species.ALOLA_MAROWAK ]}, METAL_POWDER: { stats: [ Stat.DEF ], multiplier: 2, species: [ Species.DITTO ]}, QUICK_POWDER: { stats: [ Stat.SPD ], multiplier: 2, species: [ Species.DITTO ]}, }; constructor() { super((party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) => { const items = SpeciesStatBoosterModifierTypeGenerator.items; if (pregenArgs && (pregenArgs.length === 1) && (pregenArgs[0] in items)) { return new SpeciesStatBoosterModifierType(pregenArgs[0] as SpeciesStatBoosterItem); } const values = Object.values(items); const keys = Object.keys(items); const weights = => 0); for (const p of party) { const speciesId = p.getSpeciesForm(true).speciesId; const fusionSpeciesId = p.isFusion() ? p.getFusionSpeciesForm(true).speciesId : null; const hasFling = p.getMoveset(true).some(m => m?.moveId === Moves.FLING); for (const i in values) { const checkedSpecies = values[i].species; const checkedStats = values[i].stats; // If party member already has the item being weighted currently, skip to the next item const hasItem = p.getHeldItems().some(m => m instanceof SpeciesStatBoosterModifier && (m as SpeciesStatBoosterModifier).contains(checkedSpecies[0], checkedStats[0])); if (!hasItem) { if (checkedSpecies.includes(speciesId) || (!!fusionSpeciesId && checkedSpecies.includes(fusionSpeciesId))) { // Add weight if party member has a matching species or, if applicable, a matching fusion species weights[i]++; } else if (checkedSpecies.includes(Species.PIKACHU) && hasFling) { // Add weight to Light Ball if party member has Fling weights[i]++; } } } } let totalWeight = 0; for (const weight of weights) { totalWeight += weight; } if (totalWeight !== 0) { const randInt = randSeedInt(totalWeight, 1); let weight = 0; for (const i in weights) { if (weights[i] !== 0) { const curWeight = weight + weights[i]; if (randInt <= weight + weights[i]) { return new SpeciesStatBoosterModifierType(keys[i] as SpeciesStatBoosterItem); } weight = curWeight; } } } return null; }); } } class TmModifierTypeGenerator extends ModifierTypeGenerator { constructor(tier: ModifierTier) { super((party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) => { if (pregenArgs && (pregenArgs.length === 1) && (pregenArgs[0] in Moves)) { return new TmModifierType(pregenArgs[0] as Moves); } const partyMemberCompatibleTms = => (p as PlayerPokemon).compatibleTms.filter(tm => !p.moveset.find(m => m?.moveId === tm))); const tierUniqueCompatibleTms = partyMemberCompatibleTms.flat().filter(tm => tmPoolTiers[tm] === tier).filter(tm => !allMoves[tm].name.endsWith(" (N)")).filter((tm, i, array) => array.indexOf(tm) === i); if (!tierUniqueCompatibleTms.length) { return null; } const randTmIndex = randSeedInt(tierUniqueCompatibleTms.length); return new TmModifierType(tierUniqueCompatibleTms[randTmIndex]); }); } } class EvolutionItemModifierTypeGenerator extends ModifierTypeGenerator { constructor(rare: boolean) { super((party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) => { if (pregenArgs && (pregenArgs.length === 1) && (pregenArgs[0] in EvolutionItem)) { return new EvolutionItemModifierType(pregenArgs[0] as EvolutionItem); } const evolutionItemPool = [ party.filter(p => pokemonEvolutions.hasOwnProperty(p.species.speciesId) && (!p.pauseEvolutions || p.species.speciesId === Species.SLOWPOKE || p.species.speciesId === Species.EEVEE)).map(p => { const evolutions = pokemonEvolutions[p.species.speciesId]; return evolutions.filter(e => e.item !== EvolutionItem.NONE && (e.evoFormKey === null || (e.preFormKey || "") === p.getFormKey()) && (!e.condition || e.condition.predicate(p))); }).flat(), party.filter(p => p.isFusion() && p.fusionSpecies && pokemonEvolutions.hasOwnProperty(p.fusionSpecies.speciesId) && (!p.pauseEvolutions || p.fusionSpecies.speciesId === Species.SLOWPOKE || p.fusionSpecies.speciesId === Species.EEVEE)).map(p => { const evolutions = pokemonEvolutions[p.fusionSpecies!.speciesId]; return evolutions.filter(e => e.item !== EvolutionItem.NONE && (e.evoFormKey === null || (e.preFormKey || "") === p.getFusionFormKey()) && (!e.condition || e.condition.predicate(p))); }).flat() ].flat().flatMap(e => e.item).filter(i => (!!i && i > 50) === rare); if (!evolutionItemPool.length) { return null; } return new EvolutionItemModifierType(evolutionItemPool[randSeedInt(evolutionItemPool.length)]!); // TODO: is the bang correct? }); } } class FormChangeItemModifierTypeGenerator extends ModifierTypeGenerator { constructor(rare: boolean) { super((party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) => { if (pregenArgs && (pregenArgs.length === 1) && (pregenArgs[0] in FormChangeItem)) { return new FormChangeItemModifierType(pregenArgs[0] as FormChangeItem); } const formChangeItemPool = [ Set(party.filter(p => pokemonFormChanges.hasOwnProperty(p.species.speciesId)).map(p => { const formChanges = pokemonFormChanges[p.species.speciesId]; let formChangeItemTriggers = formChanges.filter(fc => ((fc.formKey.indexOf(SpeciesFormKey.MEGA) === -1 && fc.formKey.indexOf(SpeciesFormKey.PRIMAL) === -1) || party[0].scene.getModifiers(MegaEvolutionAccessModifier).length) && ((fc.formKey.indexOf(SpeciesFormKey.GIGANTAMAX) === -1 && fc.formKey.indexOf(SpeciesFormKey.ETERNAMAX) === -1) || party[0].scene.getModifiers(GigantamaxAccessModifier).length) && (!fc.conditions.length || fc.conditions.filter(cond => cond instanceof SpeciesFormChangeCondition && cond.predicate(p)).length) && (fc.preFormKey === p.getFormKey())) .map(fc => fc.findTrigger(SpeciesFormChangeItemTrigger) as SpeciesFormChangeItemTrigger) .filter(t => t && && !p.scene.findModifier(m => m instanceof PokemonFormChangeItemModifier && m.pokemonId === && m.formChangeItem === t.item)); if (p.species.speciesId === Species.NECROZMA) { // technically we could use a simplified version and check for formChanges.length > 3, but in case any code changes later, this might break... let foundULTRA_Z = false, foundN_LUNA = false, foundN_SOLAR = false; formChangeItemTriggers.forEach((fc, i) => { switch (fc.item) { case FormChangeItem.ULTRANECROZIUM_Z: foundULTRA_Z = true; break; case FormChangeItem.N_LUNARIZER: foundN_LUNA = true; break; case FormChangeItem.N_SOLARIZER: foundN_SOLAR = true; break; } }); if (foundULTRA_Z && foundN_LUNA && foundN_SOLAR) { // all three items are present -> user hasn't acquired any of the N_*ARIZERs -> block ULTRANECROZIUM_Z acquisition. formChangeItemTriggers = formChangeItemTriggers.filter(fc => fc.item !== FormChangeItem.ULTRANECROZIUM_Z); } } return formChangeItemTriggers; }).flat()) ].flat().flatMap(fc => fc.item).filter(i => (i && i < 100) === rare); // convert it into a set to remove duplicate values, which can appear when the same species with a potential form change is in the party. if (!formChangeItemPool.length) { return null; } return new FormChangeItemModifierType(formChangeItemPool[randSeedInt(formChangeItemPool.length)]); }); } } export class TerastallizeModifierType extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType implements GeneratedPersistentModifierType { private teraType: Type; constructor(teraType: Type) { super("", `${Type[teraType].toLowerCase()}_tera_shard`, (type, args) => new TerastallizeModifier(type as TerastallizeModifierType, (args[0] as Pokemon).id, teraType), "tera_shard"); this.teraType = teraType; } get name(): string { return i18next.t("", { teraType: i18next.t(`pokemonInfo:Type.${Type[this.teraType]}`) }); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.TerastallizeModifierType.description", { teraType: i18next.t(`pokemonInfo:Type.${Type[this.teraType]}`) }); } getPregenArgs(): any[] { return [ this.teraType ]; } } export class ContactHeldItemTransferChanceModifierType extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType { private chancePercent: integer; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, chancePercent: integer, group?: string, soundName?: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (type, args) => new ContactHeldItemTransferChanceModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id, chancePercent), group, soundName); this.chancePercent = chancePercent; } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.ContactHeldItemTransferChanceModifierType.description", { chancePercent: this.chancePercent }); } } export class TurnHeldItemTransferModifierType extends PokemonHeldItemModifierType { constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, group?: string, soundName?: string) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (type, args) => new TurnHeldItemTransferModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id), group, soundName); } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.TurnHeldItemTransferModifierType.description"); } } export class EnemyAttackStatusEffectChanceModifierType extends ModifierType { private chancePercent: integer; private effect: StatusEffect; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, chancePercent: integer, effect: StatusEffect, stackCount?: integer) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (type, args) => new EnemyAttackStatusEffectChanceModifier(type, effect, chancePercent, stackCount), "enemy_status_chance"); this.chancePercent = chancePercent; this.effect = effect; } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.EnemyAttackStatusEffectChanceModifierType.description", { chancePercent: this.chancePercent, statusEffect: getStatusEffectDescriptor(this.effect), }); } } export class EnemyEndureChanceModifierType extends ModifierType { private chancePercent: number; constructor(localeKey: string, iconImage: string, chancePercent: number) { super(localeKey, iconImage, (type, _args) => new EnemyEndureChanceModifier(type, chancePercent), "enemy_endure"); this.chancePercent = chancePercent; } getDescription(scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.EnemyEndureChanceModifierType.description", { chancePercent: this.chancePercent }); } } export type ModifierTypeFunc = () => ModifierType; type WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc = (party: Pokemon[], rerollCount?: integer) => integer; /** * High order function that returns a WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc that will only be applied on * classic and skip an ModifierType if current wave is greater or equal to the one passed down * @param wave - Wave where we should stop showing the modifier * @param defaultWeight - ModifierType default weight * @returns A WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc */ function skipInClassicAfterWave(wave: integer, defaultWeight: integer): WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc { return (party: Pokemon[]) => { const gameMode = party[0].scene.gameMode; const currentWave = party[0].scene.currentBattle.waveIndex; return gameMode.isClassic && currentWave >= wave ? 0 : defaultWeight; }; } /** * High order function that returns a WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc that will only be applied on * classic and it will skip a ModifierType if it is the last wave pull. * @param defaultWeight ModifierType default weight * @returns A WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc */ function skipInLastClassicWaveOrDefault(defaultWeight: integer) : WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc { return skipInClassicAfterWave(199, defaultWeight); } /** * High order function that returns a WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc to ensure Lures don't spawn on Classic 199 * or if the lure still has over 60% of its duration left * @param maxBattles The max battles the lure type in question lasts. 10 for green, 15 for Super, 30 for Max * @param weight The desired weight for the lure when it does spawn * @returns A WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc */ function lureWeightFunc(maxBattles: number, weight: number): WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc { return (party: Pokemon[]) => { const lures = party[0].scene.getModifiers(DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifier); return !(party[0].scene.gameMode.isClassic && party[0].scene.currentBattle.waveIndex === 199) && (lures.length === 0 || lures.filter(m => m.getMaxBattles() === maxBattles && m.getBattleCount() >= maxBattles * 0.6).length === 0) ? weight : 0; }; } class WeightedModifierType { public modifierType: ModifierType; public weight: integer | WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc; public maxWeight: integer; constructor(modifierTypeFunc: ModifierTypeFunc, weight: integer | WeightedModifierTypeWeightFunc, maxWeight?: integer) { this.modifierType = modifierTypeFunc(); = Object.keys(modifierTypes).find(k => modifierTypes[k] === modifierTypeFunc)!; // TODO: is this bang correct? this.weight = weight; this.maxWeight = maxWeight || (!(weight instanceof Function) ? weight : 0); } setTier(tier: ModifierTier) { this.modifierType.setTier(tier); } } type BaseModifierOverride = { name: Exclude; count?: number; }; /** Type for modifiers and held items that are constructed via {@linkcode ModifierTypeGenerator}. */ export type GeneratorModifierOverride = { count?: number; } & ( | { name: keyof Pick; type?: SpeciesStatBoosterItem; } | { name: keyof Pick; type?: TempBattleStat; } | { name: keyof Pick; type?: Stat; } | { name: keyof Pick; type?: Nature; } | { name: keyof Pick; type?: Type; } | { name: keyof Pick; type?: BerryType; } | { name: keyof Pick; type?: EvolutionItem; } | { name: keyof Pick; type?: FormChangeItem; } | { name: keyof Pick; type?: Moves; } ); /** Type used to construct modifiers and held items for overriding purposes. */ export type ModifierOverride = GeneratorModifierOverride | BaseModifierOverride; export type ModifierTypeKeys = keyof typeof modifierTypes; export const modifierTypes = { POKEBALL: () => new AddPokeballModifierType("pb", PokeballType.POKEBALL, 5), GREAT_BALL: () => new AddPokeballModifierType("gb", PokeballType.GREAT_BALL, 5), ULTRA_BALL: () => new AddPokeballModifierType("ub", PokeballType.ULTRA_BALL, 5), ROGUE_BALL: () => new AddPokeballModifierType("rb", PokeballType.ROGUE_BALL, 5), MASTER_BALL: () => new AddPokeballModifierType("mb", PokeballType.MASTER_BALL, 1), RARE_CANDY: () => new PokemonLevelIncrementModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.RARE_CANDY", "rare_candy"), RARER_CANDY: () => new AllPokemonLevelIncrementModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.RARER_CANDY", "rarer_candy"), EVOLUTION_ITEM: () => new EvolutionItemModifierTypeGenerator(false), RARE_EVOLUTION_ITEM: () => new EvolutionItemModifierTypeGenerator(true), FORM_CHANGE_ITEM: () => new FormChangeItemModifierTypeGenerator(false), RARE_FORM_CHANGE_ITEM: () => new FormChangeItemModifierTypeGenerator(true), EVOLUTION_TRACKER_GIMMIGHOUL: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.EVOLUTION_TRACKER_GIMMIGHOUL", "relic_gold", (type, args) => new EvoTrackerModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id, Species.GIMMIGHOUL, 10)), MEGA_BRACELET: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.MEGA_BRACELET", "mega_bracelet", (type, _args) => new MegaEvolutionAccessModifier(type)), DYNAMAX_BAND: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.DYNAMAX_BAND", "dynamax_band", (type, _args) => new GigantamaxAccessModifier(type)), TERA_ORB: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.TERA_ORB", "tera_orb", (type, _args) => new TerastallizeAccessModifier(type)), MAP: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.MAP", "map", (type, _args) => new MapModifier(type)), POTION: () => new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.POTION", "potion", 20, 10), SUPER_POTION: () => new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.SUPER_POTION", "super_potion", 50, 25), HYPER_POTION: () => new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.HYPER_POTION", "hyper_potion", 200, 50), MAX_POTION: () => new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.MAX_POTION", "max_potion", 0, 100), FULL_RESTORE: () => new PokemonHpRestoreModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.FULL_RESTORE", "full_restore", 0, 100, true), REVIVE: () => new PokemonReviveModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.REVIVE", "revive", 50), MAX_REVIVE: () => new PokemonReviveModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.MAX_REVIVE", "max_revive", 100), FULL_HEAL: () => new PokemonStatusHealModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.FULL_HEAL", "full_heal"), SACRED_ASH: () => new AllPokemonFullReviveModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.SACRED_ASH", "sacred_ash"), REVIVER_SEED: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.REVIVER_SEED", "reviver_seed", (type, args) => new PokemonInstantReviveModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)), WHITE_HERB: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.WHITE_HERB", "white_herb", (type, args) => new ResetNegativeStatStageModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)), ETHER: () => new PokemonPpRestoreModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.ETHER", "ether", 10), MAX_ETHER: () => new PokemonPpRestoreModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.MAX_ETHER", "max_ether", -1), ELIXIR: () => new PokemonAllMovePpRestoreModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.ELIXIR", "elixir", 10), MAX_ELIXIR: () => new PokemonAllMovePpRestoreModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.MAX_ELIXIR", "max_elixir", -1), PP_UP: () => new PokemonPpUpModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.PP_UP", "pp_up", 1), PP_MAX: () => new PokemonPpUpModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.PP_MAX", "pp_max", 3), /*REPEL: () => new DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifierType('Repel', 5), SUPER_REPEL: () => new DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifierType('Super Repel', 10), MAX_REPEL: () => new DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifierType('Max Repel', 25),*/ LURE: () => new DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.LURE", "lure", 10), SUPER_LURE: () => new DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.SUPER_LURE", "super_lure", 15), MAX_LURE: () => new DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.MAX_LURE", "max_lure", 30), SPECIES_STAT_BOOSTER: () => new SpeciesStatBoosterModifierTypeGenerator(), TEMP_STAT_STAGE_BOOSTER: () => new TempStatStageBoosterModifierTypeGenerator(), DIRE_HIT: () => new class extends ModifierType { getDescription(_scene: BattleScene): string { return i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.TempStatStageBoosterModifierType.description", { stat: i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.DIRE_HIT.extra.raises"), amount: i18next.t("modifierType:ModifierType.TempStatStageBoosterModifierType.extra.stage") }); } }("modifierType:ModifierType.DIRE_HIT", "dire_hit", (type, _args) => new TempCritBoosterModifier(type, 5)), BASE_STAT_BOOSTER: () => new BaseStatBoosterModifierTypeGenerator(), ATTACK_TYPE_BOOSTER: () => new AttackTypeBoosterModifierTypeGenerator(), MINT: () => new ModifierTypeGenerator((party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) => { if (pregenArgs && (pregenArgs.length === 1) && (pregenArgs[0] in Nature)) { return new PokemonNatureChangeModifierType(pregenArgs[0] as Nature); } return new PokemonNatureChangeModifierType(randSeedInt(getEnumValues(Nature).length) as Nature); }), TERA_SHARD: () => new ModifierTypeGenerator((party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) => { if (pregenArgs && (pregenArgs.length === 1) && (pregenArgs[0] in Type)) { return new TerastallizeModifierType(pregenArgs[0] as Type); } if (!party[0].scene.getModifiers(TerastallizeAccessModifier).length) { return null; } let type: Type; if (!randSeedInt(3)) { const partyMemberTypes = => p.getTypes(false, false, true)).flat(); type = randSeedItem(partyMemberTypes); } else { type = randSeedInt(64) ? randSeedInt(18) as Type : Type.STELLAR; } return new TerastallizeModifierType(type); }), BERRY: () => new ModifierTypeGenerator((party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) => { if (pregenArgs && (pregenArgs.length === 1) && (pregenArgs[0] in BerryType)) { return new BerryModifierType(pregenArgs[0] as BerryType); } const berryTypes = getEnumValues(BerryType); let randBerryType: BerryType; const rand = randSeedInt(12); if (rand < 2) { randBerryType = BerryType.SITRUS; } else if (rand < 4) { randBerryType = BerryType.LUM; } else if (rand < 6) { randBerryType = BerryType.LEPPA; } else { randBerryType = berryTypes[randSeedInt(berryTypes.length - 3) + 2]; } return new BerryModifierType(randBerryType); }), TM_COMMON: () => new TmModifierTypeGenerator(ModifierTier.COMMON), TM_GREAT: () => new TmModifierTypeGenerator(ModifierTier.GREAT), TM_ULTRA: () => new TmModifierTypeGenerator(ModifierTier.ULTRA), MEMORY_MUSHROOM: () => new RememberMoveModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.MEMORY_MUSHROOM", "big_mushroom"), EXP_SHARE: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.EXP_SHARE", "exp_share", (type, _args) => new ExpShareModifier(type)), EXP_BALANCE: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.EXP_BALANCE", "exp_balance", (type, _args) => new ExpBalanceModifier(type)), OVAL_CHARM: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.OVAL_CHARM", "oval_charm", (type, _args) => new MultipleParticipantExpBonusModifier(type)), EXP_CHARM: () => new ExpBoosterModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.EXP_CHARM", "exp_charm", 25), SUPER_EXP_CHARM: () => new ExpBoosterModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.SUPER_EXP_CHARM", "super_exp_charm", 60), GOLDEN_EXP_CHARM: () => new ExpBoosterModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.GOLDEN_EXP_CHARM", "golden_exp_charm", 100), LUCKY_EGG: () => new PokemonExpBoosterModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.LUCKY_EGG", "lucky_egg", 40), GOLDEN_EGG: () => new PokemonExpBoosterModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.GOLDEN_EGG", "golden_egg", 100), SOOTHE_BELL: () => new PokemonFriendshipBoosterModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.SOOTHE_BELL", "soothe_bell"), SCOPE_LENS: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.SCOPE_LENS", "scope_lens", (type, args) => new CritBoosterModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id, 1)), LEEK: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.LEEK", "leek", (type, args) => new SpeciesCritBoosterModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id, 2, [ Species.FARFETCHD, Species.GALAR_FARFETCHD, Species.SIRFETCHD ])), EVIOLITE: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.EVIOLITE", "eviolite", (type, args) => new EvolutionStatBoosterModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id, [ Stat.DEF, Stat.SPDEF ], 1.5)), SOUL_DEW: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.SOUL_DEW", "soul_dew", (type, args) => new PokemonNatureWeightModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)), NUGGET: () => new MoneyRewardModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.NUGGET", "nugget", 1, "modifierType:ModifierType.MoneyRewardModifierType.extra.small"), BIG_NUGGET: () => new MoneyRewardModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.BIG_NUGGET", "big_nugget", 2.5, "modifierType:ModifierType.MoneyRewardModifierType.extra.moderate"), RELIC_GOLD: () => new MoneyRewardModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.RELIC_GOLD", "relic_gold", 10, "modifierType:ModifierType.MoneyRewardModifierType.extra.large"), AMULET_COIN: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.AMULET_COIN", "amulet_coin", (type, _args) => new MoneyMultiplierModifier(type)), GOLDEN_PUNCH: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.GOLDEN_PUNCH", "golden_punch", (type, args) => new DamageMoneyRewardModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)), COIN_CASE: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.COIN_CASE", "coin_case", (type, _args) => new MoneyInterestModifier(type)), LOCK_CAPSULE: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.LOCK_CAPSULE", "lock_capsule", (type, _args) => new LockModifierTiersModifier(type)), GRIP_CLAW: () => new ContactHeldItemTransferChanceModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.GRIP_CLAW", "grip_claw", 10), WIDE_LENS: () => new PokemonMoveAccuracyBoosterModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.WIDE_LENS", "wide_lens", 5), MULTI_LENS: () => new PokemonMultiHitModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.MULTI_LENS", "zoom_lens"), HEALING_CHARM: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.HEALING_CHARM", "healing_charm", (type, _args) => new HealingBoosterModifier(type, 1.1)), CANDY_JAR: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.CANDY_JAR", "candy_jar", (type, _args) => new LevelIncrementBoosterModifier(type)), BERRY_POUCH: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.BERRY_POUCH", "berry_pouch", (type, _args) => new PreserveBerryModifier(type)), FOCUS_BAND: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.FOCUS_BAND", "focus_band", (type, args) => new SurviveDamageModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)), QUICK_CLAW: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.QUICK_CLAW", "quick_claw", (type, args) => new BypassSpeedChanceModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)), KINGS_ROCK: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.KINGS_ROCK", "kings_rock", (type, args) => new FlinchChanceModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)), LEFTOVERS: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.LEFTOVERS", "leftovers", (type, args) => new TurnHealModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)), SHELL_BELL: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.SHELL_BELL", "shell_bell", (type, args) => new HitHealModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)), TOXIC_ORB: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.TOXIC_ORB", "toxic_orb", (type, args) => new TurnStatusEffectModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)), FLAME_ORB: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.FLAME_ORB", "flame_orb", (type, args) => new TurnStatusEffectModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)), BATON: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.BATON", "baton", (type, args) => new SwitchEffectTransferModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)), SHINY_CHARM: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.SHINY_CHARM", "shiny_charm", (type, _args) => new ShinyRateBoosterModifier(type)), ABILITY_CHARM: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.ABILITY_CHARM", "ability_charm", (type, _args) => new HiddenAbilityRateBoosterModifier(type)), IV_SCANNER: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.IV_SCANNER", "scanner", (type, _args) => new IvScannerModifier(type)), DNA_SPLICERS: () => new FusePokemonModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.DNA_SPLICERS", "dna_splicers"), MINI_BLACK_HOLE: () => new TurnHeldItemTransferModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.MINI_BLACK_HOLE", "mini_black_hole"), VOUCHER: () => new AddVoucherModifierType(VoucherType.REGULAR, 1), VOUCHER_PLUS: () => new AddVoucherModifierType(VoucherType.PLUS, 1), VOUCHER_PREMIUM: () => new AddVoucherModifierType(VoucherType.PREMIUM, 1), GOLDEN_POKEBALL: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.GOLDEN_POKEBALL", "pb_gold", (type, _args) => new ExtraModifierModifier(type), undefined, "se/pb_bounce_1"), ENEMY_DAMAGE_BOOSTER: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.ENEMY_DAMAGE_BOOSTER", "wl_item_drop", (type, _args) => new EnemyDamageBoosterModifier(type, 5)), ENEMY_DAMAGE_REDUCTION: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.ENEMY_DAMAGE_REDUCTION", "wl_guard_spec", (type, _args) => new EnemyDamageReducerModifier(type, 2.5)), //ENEMY_SUPER_EFFECT_BOOSTER: () => new ModifierType('Type Advantage Token', 'Increases damage of super effective attacks by 30%', (type, _args) => new EnemySuperEffectiveDamageBoosterModifier(type, 30), 'wl_custom_super_effective'), ENEMY_HEAL: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.ENEMY_HEAL", "wl_potion", (type, _args) => new EnemyTurnHealModifier(type, 2, 10)), ENEMY_ATTACK_POISON_CHANCE: () => new EnemyAttackStatusEffectChanceModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.ENEMY_ATTACK_POISON_CHANCE", "wl_antidote", 5, StatusEffect.POISON, 10), ENEMY_ATTACK_PARALYZE_CHANCE: () => new EnemyAttackStatusEffectChanceModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.ENEMY_ATTACK_PARALYZE_CHANCE", "wl_paralyze_heal", 2.5, StatusEffect.PARALYSIS, 10), ENEMY_ATTACK_BURN_CHANCE: () => new EnemyAttackStatusEffectChanceModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.ENEMY_ATTACK_BURN_CHANCE", "wl_burn_heal", 5, StatusEffect.BURN, 10), ENEMY_STATUS_EFFECT_HEAL_CHANCE: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.ENEMY_STATUS_EFFECT_HEAL_CHANCE", "wl_full_heal", (type, _args) => new EnemyStatusEffectHealChanceModifier(type, 2.5, 10)), ENEMY_ENDURE_CHANCE: () => new EnemyEndureChanceModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.ENEMY_ENDURE_CHANCE", "wl_reset_urge", 2), ENEMY_FUSED_CHANCE: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.ENEMY_FUSED_CHANCE", "wl_custom_spliced", (type, _args) => new EnemyFusionChanceModifier(type, 1)), MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_SHUCKLE_JUICE: () => new ModifierTypeGenerator((party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) => { if (pregenArgs) { return new PokemonBaseStatTotalModifierType(pregenArgs[0] as number); } return new PokemonBaseStatTotalModifierType(randSeedInt(20)); }), MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_OLD_GATEAU: () => new ModifierTypeGenerator((party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) => { if (pregenArgs) { return new PokemonBaseStatFlatModifierType(pregenArgs[0] as number, pregenArgs[1] as Stat[]); } return new PokemonBaseStatFlatModifierType(randSeedInt(20), [ Stat.HP, Stat.ATK, Stat.DEF ]); }), MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_BLACK_SLUDGE: () => new ModifierTypeGenerator((party: Pokemon[], pregenArgs?: any[]) => { if (pregenArgs) { return new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_BLACK_SLUDGE", "black_sludge", (type, _args) => new HealShopCostModifier(type, pregenArgs[0] as number)); } return new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_BLACK_SLUDGE", "black_sludge", (type, _args) => new HealShopCostModifier(type, 2.5)); }), MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_MACHO_BRACE: () => new PokemonHeldItemModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_MACHO_BRACE", "macho_brace", (type, args) => new PokemonIncrementingStatModifier(type, (args[0] as Pokemon).id)), MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_GOLDEN_BUG_NET: () => new ModifierType("modifierType:ModifierType.MYSTERY_ENCOUNTER_GOLDEN_BUG_NET", "golden_net", (type, _args) => new BoostBugSpawnModifier(type)), }; interface ModifierPool { [tier: string]: WeightedModifierType[] } /** * Used to check if the player has max of a given ball type in Classic * @param party The player's party, just used to access the scene * @param ballType The {@linkcode PokeballType} being checked * @returns boolean: true if the player has the maximum of a given ball type */ function hasMaximumBalls(party: Pokemon[], ballType: PokeballType): boolean { return (party[0].scene.gameMode.isClassic && party[0].scene.pokeballCounts[ballType] >= MAX_PER_TYPE_POKEBALLS); } const modifierPool: ModifierPool = { [ModifierTier.COMMON]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.POKEBALL, (party: Pokemon[]) => (hasMaximumBalls(party, PokeballType.POKEBALL)) ? 0 : 6, 6), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.RARE_CANDY, 2), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.POTION, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const thresholdPartyMemberCount = Math.min(party.filter(p => (p.getInverseHp() >= 10 || p.getHpRatio() <= 0.875) && !p.isFainted()).length, 3); return thresholdPartyMemberCount * 3; }, 9), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SUPER_POTION, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const thresholdPartyMemberCount = Math.min(party.filter(p => (p.getInverseHp() >= 25 || p.getHpRatio() <= 0.75) && !p.isFainted()).length, 3); return thresholdPartyMemberCount; }, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ETHER, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const thresholdPartyMemberCount = Math.min(party.filter(p => p.hp && p.getMoveset().filter(m => m?.ppUsed && (m.getMovePp() - m.ppUsed) <= 5 && m.ppUsed >= Math.floor(m.getMovePp() / 2)).length).length, 3); return thresholdPartyMemberCount * 3; }, 9), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.MAX_ETHER, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const thresholdPartyMemberCount = Math.min(party.filter(p => p.hp && p.getMoveset().filter(m => m?.ppUsed && (m.getMovePp() - m.ppUsed) <= 5 && m.ppUsed >= Math.floor(m.getMovePp() / 2)).length).length, 3); return thresholdPartyMemberCount; }, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.LURE, lureWeightFunc(10, 2)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.TEMP_STAT_STAGE_BOOSTER, 4), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.BERRY, 2), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.TM_COMMON, 2), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.COMMON); return m; }), [ModifierTier.GREAT]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.GREAT_BALL, (party: Pokemon[]) => (hasMaximumBalls(party, PokeballType.GREAT_BALL)) ? 0 : 6, 6), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.PP_UP, 2), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.FULL_HEAL, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const statusEffectPartyMemberCount = Math.min(party.filter(p => p.hp && !!p.status && !p.getHeldItems().some(i => { if (i instanceof TurnStatusEffectModifier) { return (i as TurnStatusEffectModifier).getStatusEffect() === p.status?.effect; } return false; })).length, 3); return statusEffectPartyMemberCount * 6; }, 18), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.REVIVE, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const faintedPartyMemberCount = Math.min(party.filter(p => p.isFainted()).length, 3); return faintedPartyMemberCount * 9; }, 27), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.MAX_REVIVE, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const faintedPartyMemberCount = Math.min(party.filter(p => p.isFainted()).length, 3); return faintedPartyMemberCount * 3; }, 9), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SACRED_ASH, (party: Pokemon[]) => { return party.filter(p => p.isFainted()).length >= Math.ceil(party.length / 2) ? 1 : 0; }, 1), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.HYPER_POTION, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const thresholdPartyMemberCount = Math.min(party.filter(p => (p.getInverseHp() >= 100 || p.getHpRatio() <= 0.625) && !p.isFainted()).length, 3); return thresholdPartyMemberCount * 3; }, 9), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.MAX_POTION, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const thresholdPartyMemberCount = Math.min(party.filter(p => (p.getInverseHp() >= 150 || p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5) && !p.isFainted()).length, 3); return thresholdPartyMemberCount; }, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.FULL_RESTORE, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const statusEffectPartyMemberCount = Math.min(party.filter(p => p.hp && !!p.status && !p.getHeldItems().some(i => { if (i instanceof TurnStatusEffectModifier) { return (i as TurnStatusEffectModifier).getStatusEffect() === p.status?.effect; } return false; })).length, 3); const thresholdPartyMemberCount = Math.floor((Math.min(party.filter(p => (p.getInverseHp() >= 150 || p.getHpRatio() <= 0.5) && !p.isFainted()).length, 3) + statusEffectPartyMemberCount) / 2); return thresholdPartyMemberCount; }, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ELIXIR, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const thresholdPartyMemberCount = Math.min(party.filter(p => p.hp && p.getMoveset().filter(m => m?.ppUsed && (m.getMovePp() - m.ppUsed) <= 5 && m.ppUsed >= Math.floor(m.getMovePp() / 2)).length).length, 3); return thresholdPartyMemberCount * 3; }, 9), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.MAX_ELIXIR, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const thresholdPartyMemberCount = Math.min(party.filter(p => p.hp && p.getMoveset().filter(m => m?.ppUsed && (m.getMovePp() - m.ppUsed) <= 5 && m.ppUsed >= Math.floor(m.getMovePp() / 2)).length).length, 3); return thresholdPartyMemberCount; }, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.DIRE_HIT, 4), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SUPER_LURE, lureWeightFunc(15, 4)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.NUGGET, skipInLastClassicWaveOrDefault(5)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.EVOLUTION_ITEM, (party: Pokemon[]) => { return Math.min(Math.ceil(party[0].scene.currentBattle.waveIndex / 15), 8); }, 8), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.MAP, (party: Pokemon[]) => party[0].scene.gameMode.isClassic && party[0].scene.currentBattle.waveIndex < 180 ? 1 : 0, 1), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.TM_GREAT, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.MEMORY_MUSHROOM, (party: Pokemon[]) => { if (!party.find(p => p.getLearnableLevelMoves().length)) { return 0; } const highestPartyLevel = => p.level).reduce((highestLevel: integer, level: integer) => Math.max(highestLevel, level), 1); return Math.min(Math.ceil(highestPartyLevel / 20), 4); }, 4), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.BASE_STAT_BOOSTER, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.TERA_SHARD, 1), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.DNA_SPLICERS, (party: Pokemon[]) => party[0].scene.gameMode.isSplicedOnly && party.filter(p => !p.fusionSpecies).length > 1 ? 4 : 0), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.VOUCHER, (party: Pokemon[], rerollCount: integer) => !party[0].scene.gameMode.isDaily ? Math.max(1 - rerollCount, 0) : 0, 1), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.GREAT); return m; }), [ModifierTier.ULTRA]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ULTRA_BALL, (party: Pokemon[]) => (hasMaximumBalls(party, PokeballType.ULTRA_BALL)) ? 0 : 15, 15), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.MAX_LURE, lureWeightFunc(30, 4)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.BIG_NUGGET, skipInLastClassicWaveOrDefault(12)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.PP_MAX, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.MINT, 4), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.RARE_EVOLUTION_ITEM, (party: Pokemon[]) => Math.min(Math.ceil(party[0].scene.currentBattle.waveIndex / 15) * 4, 32), 32), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.FORM_CHANGE_ITEM, (party: Pokemon[]) => Math.min(Math.ceil(party[0].scene.currentBattle.waveIndex / 50), 4) * 6, 24), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.AMULET_COIN, skipInLastClassicWaveOrDefault(3)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.EVIOLITE, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const { gameMode, gameData } = party[0].scene; if (gameMode.isDaily || (!gameMode.isFreshStartChallenge() && gameData.isUnlocked(Unlockables.EVIOLITE))) { return party.some(p => ((p.getSpeciesForm(true).speciesId in pokemonEvolutions) || (p.isFusion() && (p.getFusionSpeciesForm(true).speciesId in pokemonEvolutions))) && !p.getHeldItems().some(i => i instanceof EvolutionStatBoosterModifier) && !p.isMax()) ? 10 : 0; } return 0; }), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SPECIES_STAT_BOOSTER, 12), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.LEEK, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const checkedSpecies = [ Species.FARFETCHD, Species.GALAR_FARFETCHD, Species.SIRFETCHD ]; // If a party member doesn't already have a Leek and is one of the relevant species, Leek can appear return party.some(p => !p.getHeldItems().some(i => i instanceof SpeciesCritBoosterModifier) && (checkedSpecies.includes(p.getSpeciesForm(true).speciesId) || (p.isFusion() && checkedSpecies.includes(p.getFusionSpeciesForm(true).speciesId)))) ? 12 : 0; }, 12), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.TOXIC_ORB, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const checkedAbilities = [ Abilities.QUICK_FEET, Abilities.GUTS, Abilities.MARVEL_SCALE, Abilities.TOXIC_BOOST, Abilities.POISON_HEAL, Abilities.MAGIC_GUARD ]; const checkedMoves = [ Moves.FACADE, Moves.TRICK, Moves.FLING, Moves.SWITCHEROO, Moves.PSYCHO_SHIFT ]; // If a party member doesn't already have one of these two orbs and has one of the above moves or abilities, the orb can appear return party.some(p => !p.getHeldItems().some(i => i instanceof TurnStatusEffectModifier) && (checkedAbilities.some(a => p.hasAbility(a, false, true)) || p.getMoveset(true).some(m => m && checkedMoves.includes(m.moveId)))) ? 10 : 0; }, 10), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.FLAME_ORB, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const checkedAbilities = [ Abilities.QUICK_FEET, Abilities.GUTS, Abilities.MARVEL_SCALE, Abilities.FLARE_BOOST, Abilities.MAGIC_GUARD ]; const checkedMoves = [ Moves.FACADE, Moves.TRICK, Moves.FLING, Moves.SWITCHEROO, Moves.PSYCHO_SHIFT ]; // If a party member doesn't already have one of these two orbs and has one of the above moves or abilities, the orb can appear return party.some(p => !p.getHeldItems().some(i => i instanceof TurnStatusEffectModifier) && (checkedAbilities.some(a => p.hasAbility(a, false, true)) || p.getMoveset(true).some(m => m && checkedMoves.includes(m.moveId)))) ? 10 : 0; }, 10), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.WHITE_HERB, (party: Pokemon[]) => { const checkedAbilities = [ Abilities.WEAK_ARMOR, Abilities.CONTRARY, Abilities.MOODY, Abilities.ANGER_SHELL, Abilities.COMPETITIVE, Abilities.DEFIANT ]; const weightMultiplier = party.filter( p => !p.getHeldItems().some(i => i instanceof ResetNegativeStatStageModifier && i.stackCount >= i.getMaxHeldItemCount(p)) && (checkedAbilities.some(a => p.hasAbility(a, false, true)) || p.getMoveset(true).some(m => m && selfStatLowerMoves.includes(m.moveId)))).length; // If a party member has one of the above moves or abilities and doesn't have max herbs, the herb will appear more frequently return 0 * (weightMultiplier ? 2 : 1) + (weightMultiplier ? weightMultiplier * 0 : 0); }, 10), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.REVIVER_SEED, 4), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.CANDY_JAR, skipInLastClassicWaveOrDefault(5)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ATTACK_TYPE_BOOSTER, 9), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.TM_ULTRA, 11), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.RARER_CANDY, 4), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.GOLDEN_PUNCH, skipInLastClassicWaveOrDefault(2)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.IV_SCANNER, skipInLastClassicWaveOrDefault(4)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.EXP_CHARM, skipInLastClassicWaveOrDefault(8)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.EXP_SHARE, skipInLastClassicWaveOrDefault(10)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.EXP_BALANCE, skipInLastClassicWaveOrDefault(3)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.TERA_ORB, (party: Pokemon[]) => Math.min(Math.max(Math.floor(party[0].scene.currentBattle.waveIndex / 50) * 2, 1), 4), 4), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.QUICK_CLAW, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.WIDE_LENS, 4), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.ULTRA); return m; }), [ModifierTier.ROGUE]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ROGUE_BALL, (party: Pokemon[]) => (hasMaximumBalls(party, PokeballType.ROGUE_BALL)) ? 0 : 16, 16), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.RELIC_GOLD, skipInLastClassicWaveOrDefault(2)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.LEFTOVERS, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SHELL_BELL, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.BERRY_POUCH, 4), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.GRIP_CLAW, 5), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SCOPE_LENS, 4), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.BATON, 2), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SOUL_DEW, 7), //new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.OVAL_CHARM, 6), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SOOTHE_BELL, 4), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ABILITY_CHARM, skipInClassicAfterWave(189, 6)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.FOCUS_BAND, 5), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.KINGS_ROCK, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.LOCK_CAPSULE, (party: Pokemon[]) => party[0].scene.gameMode.isClassic ? 0 : 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SUPER_EXP_CHARM, skipInLastClassicWaveOrDefault(8)), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.RARE_FORM_CHANGE_ITEM, (party: Pokemon[]) => Math.min(Math.ceil(party[0].scene.currentBattle.waveIndex / 50), 4) * 6, 24), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.MEGA_BRACELET, (party: Pokemon[]) => Math.min(Math.ceil(party[0].scene.currentBattle.waveIndex / 50), 4) * 9, 36), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.DYNAMAX_BAND, (party: Pokemon[]) => Math.min(Math.ceil(party[0].scene.currentBattle.waveIndex / 50), 4) * 9, 36), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.VOUCHER_PLUS, (party: Pokemon[], rerollCount: integer) => !party[0].scene.gameMode.isDaily ? Math.max(3 - rerollCount * 1, 0) : 0, 3), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.ROGUE); return m; }), [ModifierTier.MASTER]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.MASTER_BALL, (party: Pokemon[]) => (hasMaximumBalls(party, PokeballType.MASTER_BALL)) ? 0 : 24, 24), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SHINY_CHARM, 14), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.HEALING_CHARM, 18), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.MULTI_LENS, 18), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.VOUCHER_PREMIUM, (party: Pokemon[], rerollCount: integer) => !party[0].scene.gameMode.isDaily && !party[0].scene.gameMode.isEndless && !party[0].scene.gameMode.isSplicedOnly ? Math.max(5 - rerollCount * 2, 0) : 0, 5), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.DNA_SPLICERS, (party: Pokemon[]) => !party[0].scene.gameMode.isSplicedOnly && party.filter(p => !p.fusionSpecies).length > 1 ? 24 : 0, 24), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.MINI_BLACK_HOLE, (party: Pokemon[]) => (party[0].scene.gameMode.isDaily || (!party[0].scene.gameMode.isFreshStartChallenge() && party[0].scene.gameData.isUnlocked(Unlockables.MINI_BLACK_HOLE))) ? 1 : 0, 1), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.MASTER); return m; }) }; const wildModifierPool: ModifierPool = { [ModifierTier.COMMON]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.BERRY, 1) ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.COMMON); return m; }), [ModifierTier.GREAT]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.BASE_STAT_BOOSTER, 1) ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.GREAT); return m; }), [ModifierTier.ULTRA]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ATTACK_TYPE_BOOSTER, 10), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.WHITE_HERB, 0) ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.ULTRA); return m; }), [ModifierTier.ROGUE]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.LUCKY_EGG, 4), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.ROGUE); return m; }), [ModifierTier.MASTER]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.GOLDEN_EGG, 1) ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.MASTER); return m; }) }; const trainerModifierPool: ModifierPool = { [ModifierTier.COMMON]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.BERRY, 8), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.BASE_STAT_BOOSTER, 3) ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.COMMON); return m; }), [ModifierTier.GREAT]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.BASE_STAT_BOOSTER, 3), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.GREAT); return m; }), [ModifierTier.ULTRA]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ATTACK_TYPE_BOOSTER, 10), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.WHITE_HERB, 0), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.ULTRA); return m; }), [ModifierTier.ROGUE]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.FOCUS_BAND, 2), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.LUCKY_EGG, 4), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.QUICK_CLAW, 1), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.GRIP_CLAW, 1), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.WIDE_LENS, 1), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.ROGUE); return m; }), [ModifierTier.MASTER]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.KINGS_ROCK, 1), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.LEFTOVERS, 1), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SHELL_BELL, 1), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SCOPE_LENS, 1), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.MASTER); return m; }) }; const enemyBuffModifierPool: ModifierPool = { [ModifierTier.COMMON]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_DAMAGE_BOOSTER, 9), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 9), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_ATTACK_POISON_CHANCE, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_ATTACK_PARALYZE_CHANCE, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_ATTACK_BURN_CHANCE, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_STATUS_EFFECT_HEAL_CHANCE, 9), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_ENDURE_CHANCE, 4), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_FUSED_CHANCE, 1) ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.COMMON); return m; }), [ModifierTier.GREAT]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_DAMAGE_BOOSTER, 5), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 5), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_STATUS_EFFECT_HEAL_CHANCE, 5), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_ENDURE_CHANCE, 5), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_FUSED_CHANCE, 1) ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.GREAT); return m; }), [ModifierTier.ULTRA]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_DAMAGE_BOOSTER, 10), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 10), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_HEAL, 10), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_STATUS_EFFECT_HEAL_CHANCE, 10), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_ENDURE_CHANCE, 10), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ENEMY_FUSED_CHANCE, 5) ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.ULTRA); return m; }), [ModifierTier.ROGUE]: [ ].map((m: WeightedModifierType) => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.ROGUE); return m; }), [ModifierTier.MASTER]: [ ].map((m: WeightedModifierType) => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.MASTER); return m; }) }; const dailyStarterModifierPool: ModifierPool = { [ModifierTier.COMMON]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.BASE_STAT_BOOSTER, 1), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.BERRY, 3), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.COMMON); return m; }), [ModifierTier.GREAT]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.ATTACK_TYPE_BOOSTER, 5), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.GREAT); return m; }), [ModifierTier.ULTRA]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.REVIVER_SEED, 4), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SOOTHE_BELL, 1), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SOUL_DEW, 1), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.GOLDEN_PUNCH, 1), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.ULTRA); return m; }), [ModifierTier.ROGUE]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.GRIP_CLAW, 5), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.BATON, 2), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.FOCUS_BAND, 5), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.QUICK_CLAW, 3), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.KINGS_ROCK, 3), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.ROGUE); return m; }), [ModifierTier.MASTER]: [ new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.LEFTOVERS, 1), new WeightedModifierType(modifierTypes.SHELL_BELL, 1), ].map(m => { m.setTier(ModifierTier.MASTER); return m; }) }; export function getModifierType(modifierTypeFunc: ModifierTypeFunc): ModifierType { const modifierType = modifierTypeFunc(); if (! { = Object.keys(modifierTypes).find(k => modifierTypes[k] === modifierTypeFunc)!; // TODO: is this bang correct? } return modifierType; } let modifierPoolThresholds = {}; let ignoredPoolIndexes = {}; let dailyStarterModifierPoolThresholds = {}; let ignoredDailyStarterPoolIndexes = {}; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars let enemyModifierPoolThresholds = {}; let enemyIgnoredPoolIndexes = {}; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars let enemyBuffModifierPoolThresholds = {}; let enemyBuffIgnoredPoolIndexes = {}; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars export function getModifierPoolForType(poolType: ModifierPoolType): ModifierPool { let pool: ModifierPool; switch (poolType) { case ModifierPoolType.PLAYER: pool = modifierPool; break; case ModifierPoolType.WILD: pool = wildModifierPool; break; case ModifierPoolType.TRAINER: pool = trainerModifierPool; break; case ModifierPoolType.ENEMY_BUFF: pool = enemyBuffModifierPool; break; case ModifierPoolType.DAILY_STARTER: pool = dailyStarterModifierPool; break; } return pool; } const tierWeights = [ 768 / 1024, 195 / 1024, 48 / 1024, 12 / 1024, 1 / 1024 ]; /** * Allows a unit test to check if an item exists in the Modifier Pool. Checks the pool directly, rather than attempting to reroll for the item. */ export const itemPoolChecks: Map = new Map(); export function regenerateModifierPoolThresholds(party: Pokemon[], poolType: ModifierPoolType, rerollCount: integer = 0) { const pool = getModifierPoolForType(poolType); itemPoolChecks.forEach((v, k) => { itemPoolChecks.set(k, false); }); const ignoredIndexes = {}; const modifierTableData = {}; const thresholds = Object.fromEntries(new Map(Object.keys(pool).map(t => { ignoredIndexes[t] = []; const thresholds = new Map(); const tierModifierIds: string[] = []; let tierMaxWeight = 0; let i = 0; pool[t].reduce((total: integer, modifierType: WeightedModifierType) => { const weightedModifierType = modifierType as WeightedModifierType; const existingModifiers = party[0].scene.findModifiers(m => ===, poolType === ModifierPoolType.PLAYER); const itemModifierType = weightedModifierType.modifierType instanceof ModifierTypeGenerator ? weightedModifierType.modifierType.generateType(party) : weightedModifierType.modifierType; const weight = !existingModifiers.length || itemModifierType instanceof PokemonHeldItemModifierType || itemModifierType instanceof FormChangeItemModifierType || existingModifiers.find(m => m.stackCount < m.getMaxStackCount(party[0].scene, true)) ? weightedModifierType.weight instanceof Function ? (weightedModifierType.weight as Function)(party, rerollCount) : weightedModifierType.weight as integer : 0; if (weightedModifierType.maxWeight) { const modifierId =; tierModifierIds.push(modifierId); const outputWeight = useMaxWeightForOutput ? weightedModifierType.maxWeight : weight; modifierTableData[modifierId] = { weight: outputWeight, tier: parseInt(t), tierPercent: 0, totalPercent: 0 }; tierMaxWeight += outputWeight; } if (weight) { total += weight; } else { ignoredIndexes[t].push(i++); return total; } if (itemPoolChecks.has( as ModifierTypeKeys)) { itemPoolChecks.set( as ModifierTypeKeys, true); } thresholds.set(total, i++); return total; }, 0); for (const id of tierModifierIds) { modifierTableData[id].tierPercent = Math.floor((modifierTableData[id].weight / tierMaxWeight) * 10000) / 100; } return [ t, Object.fromEntries(thresholds) ]; }))); for (const id of Object.keys(modifierTableData)) { modifierTableData[id].totalPercent = Math.floor(modifierTableData[id].tierPercent * tierWeights[modifierTableData[id].tier] * 100) / 100; modifierTableData[id].tier = ModifierTier[modifierTableData[id].tier]; } if (outputModifierData) { console.table(modifierTableData); } switch (poolType) { case ModifierPoolType.PLAYER: modifierPoolThresholds = thresholds; ignoredPoolIndexes = ignoredIndexes; break; case ModifierPoolType.WILD: case ModifierPoolType.TRAINER: enemyModifierPoolThresholds = thresholds; enemyIgnoredPoolIndexes = ignoredIndexes; break; case ModifierPoolType.ENEMY_BUFF: enemyBuffModifierPoolThresholds = thresholds; enemyBuffIgnoredPoolIndexes = ignoredIndexes; break; case ModifierPoolType.DAILY_STARTER: dailyStarterModifierPoolThresholds = thresholds; ignoredDailyStarterPoolIndexes = ignoredIndexes; break; } } export interface CustomModifierSettings { guaranteedModifierTiers?: ModifierTier[]; guaranteedModifierTypeOptions?: ModifierTypeOption[]; guaranteedModifierTypeFuncs?: ModifierTypeFunc[]; fillRemaining?: boolean; /** Set to negative value to disable rerolls completely in shop */ rerollMultiplier?: number; allowLuckUpgrades?: boolean; } export function getModifierTypeFuncById(id: string): ModifierTypeFunc { return modifierTypes[id]; } /** * Generates modifier options for a {@linkcode SelectModifierPhase} * @param count Determines the number of items to generate * @param party Party is required for generating proper modifier pools * @param modifierTiers (Optional) If specified, rolls items in the specified tiers. Commonly used for tier-locking with Lock Capsule. * @param customModifierSettings (Optional) If specified, can customize the item shop rewards further. * - `guaranteedModifierTypeOptions?: ModifierTypeOption[]` If specified, will override the first X items to be specific modifier options (these should be pre-genned). * - `guaranteedModifierTypeFuncs?: ModifierTypeFunc[]` If specified, will override the next X items to be auto-generated from specific modifier functions (these don't have to be pre-genned). * - `guaranteedModifierTiers?: ModifierTier[]` If specified, will override the next X items to be the specified tier. These can upgrade with luck. * - `fillRemaining?: boolean` Default 'false'. If set to true, will fill the remainder of shop items that were not overridden by the 3 options above, up to the 'count' param value. * - Example: `count = 4`, `customModifierSettings = { guaranteedModifierTiers: [ModifierTier.GREAT], fillRemaining: true }`, * - The first item in the shop will be `GREAT` tier, and the remaining 3 items will be generated normally. * - If `fillRemaining = false` in the same scenario, only 1 `GREAT` tier item will appear in the shop (regardless of `count` value). * - `rerollMultiplier?: number` If specified, can adjust the amount of money required for a shop reroll. If set to a negative value, the shop will not allow rerolls at all. * - `allowLuckUpgrades?: boolean` Default `true`, if `false` will prevent set item tiers from upgrading via luck */ export function getPlayerModifierTypeOptions(count: integer, party: PlayerPokemon[], modifierTiers?: ModifierTier[], customModifierSettings?: CustomModifierSettings): ModifierTypeOption[] { const options: ModifierTypeOption[] = []; const retryCount = Math.min(count * 5, 50); if (!customModifierSettings) { new Array(count).fill(0).map((_, i) => { options.push(getModifierTypeOptionWithRetry(options, retryCount, party, modifierTiers && modifierTiers.length > i ? modifierTiers[i] : undefined)); }); } else { // Guaranteed mod options first if (customModifierSettings?.guaranteedModifierTypeOptions && customModifierSettings.guaranteedModifierTypeOptions.length > 0) { options.push(...customModifierSettings.guaranteedModifierTypeOptions!); } // Guaranteed mod functions second if (customModifierSettings.guaranteedModifierTypeFuncs && customModifierSettings.guaranteedModifierTypeFuncs.length > 0) { customModifierSettings.guaranteedModifierTypeFuncs!.forEach((mod, i) => { const modifierId = Object.keys(modifierTypes).find(k => modifierTypes[k] === mod) as string; let guaranteedMod: ModifierType = modifierTypes[modifierId]?.(); // Populates item id and tier guaranteedMod = guaranteedMod .withIdFromFunc(modifierTypes[modifierId]) .withTierFromPool(); const modType = guaranteedMod instanceof ModifierTypeGenerator ? guaranteedMod.generateType(party) : guaranteedMod; if (modType) { const option = new ModifierTypeOption(modType, 0); options.push(option); } }); } // Guaranteed tiers third if (customModifierSettings.guaranteedModifierTiers && customModifierSettings.guaranteedModifierTiers.length > 0) { const allowLuckUpgrades = customModifierSettings.allowLuckUpgrades ?? true; customModifierSettings.guaranteedModifierTiers.forEach((tier) => { options.push(getModifierTypeOptionWithRetry(options, retryCount, party, tier, allowLuckUpgrades)); }); } // Fill remaining if (options.length < count && customModifierSettings.fillRemaining) { while (options.length < count) { options.push(getModifierTypeOptionWithRetry(options, retryCount, party, undefined)); } } } overridePlayerModifierTypeOptions(options, party); return options; } /** * Will generate a {@linkcode ModifierType} from the {@linkcode ModifierPoolType.PLAYER} pool, attempting to retry duplicated items up to retryCount * @param existingOptions Currently generated options * @param retryCount How many times to retry before allowing a dupe item * @param party Current player party, used to calculate items in the pool * @param tier If specified will generate item of tier * @param allowLuckUpgrades `true` to allow items to upgrade tiers (the little animation that plays and is affected by luck) */ function getModifierTypeOptionWithRetry(existingOptions: ModifierTypeOption[], retryCount: integer, party: PlayerPokemon[], tier?: ModifierTier, allowLuckUpgrades?: boolean): ModifierTypeOption { allowLuckUpgrades = allowLuckUpgrades ?? true; let candidate = getNewModifierTypeOption(party, ModifierPoolType.PLAYER, tier, undefined, 0, allowLuckUpgrades); let r = 0; while (existingOptions.length && ++r < retryCount && existingOptions.filter(o => === candidate? || === candidate? { candidate = getNewModifierTypeOption(party, ModifierPoolType.PLAYER, candidate?.type.tier ?? tier, candidate?.upgradeCount, 0, allowLuckUpgrades); } return candidate!; } /** * Replaces the {@linkcode ModifierType} of the entries within {@linkcode options} with any * {@linkcode ModifierOverride} entries listed in {@linkcode Overrides.ITEM_REWARD_OVERRIDE} * up to the smallest amount of entries between {@linkcode options} and the override array. * @param options Array of naturally rolled {@linkcode ModifierTypeOption}s * @param party Array of the player's current party */ export function overridePlayerModifierTypeOptions(options: ModifierTypeOption[], party: PlayerPokemon[]) { const minLength = Math.min(options.length, Overrides.ITEM_REWARD_OVERRIDE.length); for (let i = 0; i < minLength; i++) { const override: ModifierOverride = Overrides.ITEM_REWARD_OVERRIDE[i]; const modifierFunc = modifierTypes[]; let modifierType: ModifierType | null = modifierFunc(); if (modifierType instanceof ModifierTypeGenerator) { const pregenArgs = ("type" in override) && (override.type !== null) ? [ override.type ] : undefined; modifierType = modifierType.generateType(party, pregenArgs); } if (modifierType) { options[i].type = modifierType.withIdFromFunc(modifierFunc).withTierFromPool(); } } } export function getPlayerShopModifierTypeOptionsForWave(waveIndex: integer, baseCost: integer): ModifierTypeOption[] { if (!(waveIndex % 10)) { return []; } const options = [ [ new ModifierTypeOption(modifierTypes.POTION(), 0, baseCost * 0.2), new ModifierTypeOption(modifierTypes.ETHER(), 0, baseCost * 0.4), new ModifierTypeOption(modifierTypes.REVIVE(), 0, baseCost * 2) ], [ new ModifierTypeOption(modifierTypes.SUPER_POTION(), 0, baseCost * 0.45), new ModifierTypeOption(modifierTypes.FULL_HEAL(), 0, baseCost), ], [ new ModifierTypeOption(modifierTypes.ELIXIR(), 0, baseCost), new ModifierTypeOption(modifierTypes.MAX_ETHER(), 0, baseCost) ], [ new ModifierTypeOption(modifierTypes.HYPER_POTION(), 0, baseCost * 0.8), new ModifierTypeOption(modifierTypes.MAX_REVIVE(), 0, baseCost * 2.75) ], [ new ModifierTypeOption(modifierTypes.MAX_POTION(), 0, baseCost * 1.5), new ModifierTypeOption(modifierTypes.MAX_ELIXIR(), 0, baseCost * 2.5) ], [ new ModifierTypeOption(modifierTypes.FULL_RESTORE(), 0, baseCost * 2.25) ], [ new ModifierTypeOption(modifierTypes.SACRED_ASH(), 0, baseCost * 10) ] ]; return options.slice(0, Math.ceil(Math.max(waveIndex + 10, 0) / 30)).flat(); } export function getEnemyBuffModifierForWave(tier: ModifierTier, enemyModifiers: PersistentModifier[], scene: BattleScene): EnemyPersistentModifier { let tierStackCount: number; switch (tier) { case ModifierTier.ULTRA: tierStackCount = 5; break; case ModifierTier.GREAT: tierStackCount = 3; break; default: tierStackCount = 1; break; } const retryCount = 50; let candidate = getNewModifierTypeOption([], ModifierPoolType.ENEMY_BUFF, tier); let r = 0; let matchingModifier: PersistentModifier | undefined; while (++r < retryCount && (matchingModifier = enemyModifiers.find(m => === candidate?.type?.id)) && matchingModifier.getMaxStackCount(scene) < matchingModifier.stackCount + (r < 10 ? tierStackCount : 1)) { candidate = getNewModifierTypeOption([], ModifierPoolType.ENEMY_BUFF, tier); } const modifier = candidate?.type?.newModifier() as EnemyPersistentModifier; modifier.stackCount = tierStackCount; return modifier; } export function getEnemyModifierTypesForWave(waveIndex: integer, count: integer, party: EnemyPokemon[], poolType: ModifierPoolType.WILD | ModifierPoolType.TRAINER, upgradeChance: integer = 0): PokemonHeldItemModifierType[] { const ret = new Array(count).fill(0).map(() => getNewModifierTypeOption(party, poolType, undefined, upgradeChance && !randSeedInt(upgradeChance) ? 1 : 0)?.type as PokemonHeldItemModifierType); if (!(waveIndex % 1000)) { ret.push(getModifierType(modifierTypes.MINI_BLACK_HOLE) as PokemonHeldItemModifierType); } return ret; } export function getDailyRunStarterModifiers(party: PlayerPokemon[]): PokemonHeldItemModifier[] { const ret: PokemonHeldItemModifier[] = []; for (const p of party) { for (let m = 0; m < 3; m++) { const tierValue = randSeedInt(64); let tier: ModifierTier; if (tierValue > 25) { tier = ModifierTier.COMMON; } else if (tierValue > 12) { tier = ModifierTier.GREAT; } else if (tierValue > 4) { tier = ModifierTier.ULTRA; } else if (tierValue) { tier = ModifierTier.ROGUE; } else { tier = ModifierTier.MASTER; } const modifier = getNewModifierTypeOption(party, ModifierPoolType.DAILY_STARTER, tier)?.type?.newModifier(p) as PokemonHeldItemModifier; ret.push(modifier); } } return ret; } /** * Generates a ModifierType from the specified pool * @param party party of the trainer using the item * @param poolType PLAYER/WILD/TRAINER * @param tier If specified, will override the initial tier of an item (can still upgrade with luck) * @param upgradeCount If defined, means that this is a new ModifierType being generated to override another via luck upgrade. Used for recursive logic * @param retryCount Max allowed tries before the next tier down is checked for a valid ModifierType * @param allowLuckUpgrades Default true. If false, will not allow ModifierType to randomly upgrade to next tier */ function getNewModifierTypeOption(party: Pokemon[], poolType: ModifierPoolType, tier?: ModifierTier, upgradeCount?: integer, retryCount: integer = 0, allowLuckUpgrades: boolean = true): ModifierTypeOption | null { const player = !poolType; const pool = getModifierPoolForType(poolType); let thresholds: object; switch (poolType) { case ModifierPoolType.PLAYER: thresholds = modifierPoolThresholds; break; case ModifierPoolType.WILD: thresholds = enemyModifierPoolThresholds; break; case ModifierPoolType.TRAINER: thresholds = enemyModifierPoolThresholds; break; case ModifierPoolType.ENEMY_BUFF: thresholds = enemyBuffModifierPoolThresholds; break; case ModifierPoolType.DAILY_STARTER: thresholds = dailyStarterModifierPoolThresholds; break; } if (tier === undefined) { const tierValue = randSeedInt(1024); if (!upgradeCount) { upgradeCount = 0; } if (player && tierValue && allowLuckUpgrades) { const partyLuckValue = getPartyLuckValue(party); const upgradeOdds = Math.floor(128 / ((partyLuckValue + 4) / 4)); let upgraded = false; do { upgraded = randSeedInt(upgradeOdds) < 4; if (upgraded) { upgradeCount++; } } while (upgraded); } if (tierValue > 255) { tier = ModifierTier.COMMON; } else if (tierValue > 60) { tier = ModifierTier.GREAT; } else if (tierValue > 12) { tier = ModifierTier.ULTRA; } else if (tierValue) { tier = ModifierTier.ROGUE; } else { tier = ModifierTier.MASTER; } tier += upgradeCount; while (tier && (!modifierPool.hasOwnProperty(tier) || !modifierPool[tier].length)) { tier--; if (upgradeCount) { upgradeCount--; } } } else if (upgradeCount === undefined && player) { upgradeCount = 0; if (tier < ModifierTier.MASTER && allowLuckUpgrades) { const partyShinyCount = party.filter(p => p.isShiny() && !p.isFainted()).length; const upgradeOdds = Math.floor(32 / ((partyShinyCount + 2) / 2)); while (modifierPool.hasOwnProperty(tier + upgradeCount + 1) && modifierPool[tier + upgradeCount + 1].length) { if (!randSeedInt(upgradeOdds)) { upgradeCount++; } else { break; } } tier += upgradeCount; } } else if (retryCount === 10 && tier) { retryCount = 0; tier--; } const tierThresholds = Object.keys(thresholds[tier]); const totalWeight = parseInt(tierThresholds[tierThresholds.length - 1]); const value = randSeedInt(totalWeight); let index: integer | undefined; for (const t of tierThresholds) { const threshold = parseInt(t); if (value < threshold) { index = thresholds[tier][threshold]; break; } } if (index === undefined) { return null; } if (player) { console.log(index, ignoredPoolIndexes[tier].filter(i => i <= index).length, ignoredPoolIndexes[tier]); } let modifierType: ModifierType | null = (pool[tier][index]).modifierType; if (modifierType instanceof ModifierTypeGenerator) { modifierType = (modifierType as ModifierTypeGenerator).generateType(party); if (modifierType === null) { if (player) { console.log(ModifierTier[tier], upgradeCount); } return getNewModifierTypeOption(party, poolType, tier, upgradeCount, ++retryCount); } } console.log(modifierType, !player ? "(enemy)" : ""); return new ModifierTypeOption(modifierType as ModifierType, upgradeCount!); // TODO: is this bang correct? } export function getDefaultModifierTypeForTier(tier: ModifierTier): ModifierType { let modifierType: ModifierType | WeightedModifierType = modifierPool[tier || ModifierTier.COMMON][0]; if (modifierType instanceof WeightedModifierType) { modifierType = (modifierType as WeightedModifierType).modifierType; } return modifierType; } export class ModifierTypeOption { public type: ModifierType; public upgradeCount: integer; public cost: integer; constructor(type: ModifierType, upgradeCount: integer, cost: number = 0) { this.type = type; this.upgradeCount = upgradeCount; this.cost = Math.min(Math.round(cost), Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); } } /** * Calculates the team's luck value. * @param party The player's party. * @returns A number between 0 and 14 based on the party's total luck value, or a random number between 0 and 14 if the player is in Daily Run mode. */ export function getPartyLuckValue(party: Pokemon[]): integer { if (party[0].scene.gameMode.isDaily) { const DailyLuck = new NumberHolder(0); party[0].scene.executeWithSeedOffset(() => { DailyLuck.value = randSeedInt(15); // Random number between 0 and 14 }, 0, party[0].scene.seed); return DailyLuck.value; } const luck = Phaser.Math.Clamp( => p.isAllowedInBattle() ? p.getLuck() : 0) .reduce((total: integer, value: integer) => total += value, 0), 0, 14); return luck ?? 0; } export function getLuckString(luckValue: integer): string { return [ "D", "C", "C+", "B-", "B", "B+", "A-", "A", "A+", "A++", "S", "S+", "SS", "SS+", "SSS" ][luckValue]; } export function getLuckTextTint(luckValue: integer): integer { let modifierTier: ModifierTier; if (luckValue > 11) { modifierTier = ModifierTier.LUXURY; } else if (luckValue > 9) { modifierTier = ModifierTier.MASTER; } else if (luckValue > 5) { modifierTier = ModifierTier.ROGUE; } else if (luckValue > 2) { modifierTier = ModifierTier.ULTRA; } else if (luckValue) { modifierTier = ModifierTier.GREAT; } else { modifierTier = ModifierTier.COMMON; } return getModifierTierTextTint(modifierTier); }