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"ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Cornerstone Mask", + "ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Cornerstone Mask Terastallized", + "terpagosTerastal": "Terastal", + "terpagosStellar": "Stellar", + "galarDarumakaZen": "Zen", "paldeaTaurosCombat": "斗战种", "paldeaTaurosBlaze": "火炽种", "paldeaTaurosAqua": "水澜种" diff --git a/src/locales/zh_TW/pokemon-form.json b/src/locales/zh_TW/pokemon-form.json index f1fb4dff599..003d6cdd331 100644 --- a/src/locales/zh_TW/pokemon-form.json +++ b/src/locales/zh_TW/pokemon-form.json @@ -40,9 +40,14 @@ "castformRainy": "雨天", "castformSnowy": "雪天", "deoxysNormal": "普通", + "deoxysAttack": "Attack", + "deoxysDefense": "Defense", + "deoxysSpeed": "Speed", "burmyPlant": "草木蓑衣", "burmySandy": "砂土蓑衣", "burmyTrash": "垃圾蓑衣", + "cheribiOvercast": "Overcast", + "cheribiSunshine": "Sunshine", "shellosEast": "東海", "shellosWest": "西海", "rotomHeat": "加熱", @@ -50,21 +55,36 @@ "rotomFrost": "結冰", "rotomFan": "旋轉", "rotomMow": "切割", + "dialgaOrigin": "Origin", + "palkiaOrigin": "Origin", "giratinaAltered": "別種", + "giratinaOrigin": "Origin", "shayminLand": "陸上", + "shayminSky": "Sky", "basculinRedStriped": "紅條紋", "basculinBlueStriped": "藍條紋", "basculinWhiteStriped": "白條紋", + "darumakaZen": "Zen", "deerlingSpring": "春天", "deerlingSummer": "夏天", "deerlingAutumn": "秋天", "deerlingWinter": "冬天", "tornadusIncarnate": "化身", + "tornadusTherian": "Therian", "thundurusIncarnate": "化身", + "thundurusTherian": "Therian", "landorusIncarnate": "化身", + "landorusTherian": "Therian", + "kyuremBlack": "Black", + "kyuremWhite": "White", "keldeoOrdinary": "通常", + "keldeoResolute": "Resolute", "meloettaAria": "歌聲", "meloettaPirouette": "舞步形態", + "genesectShock": "Shock Drive", + "genesectBurn": "Burn Drive", + "genesectChill": "Chill Drive", + "genesectDouse": "Douse Drive", "froakieBattleBond": "牽絆變身", "scatterbugMeadow": "花園花紋", "scatterbugIcySnow": "冰雪花紋", @@ -100,6 +120,10 @@ "furfrouLaReine": "女王造型", "furfrouKabuki": "歌舞伎造型", "furfrouPharaoh": "國王造型", + "espurrMale": "Male", + "espurrFemale": "Female", + "honedgeShiled": "Shield", + "honedgeBlade": "Blade", "pumpkabooSmall": "小尺寸", "pumpkabooLarge": "大尺寸", "pumpkabooSuper": "特大尺寸", @@ -110,11 +134,34 @@ "zygarde50Pc": "50%形態 群聚變形", "zygarde10Pc": "10%形態 群聚變形", "zygardeComplete": "完全體形態", + "hoopaUnbound": "Unbound", "oricorioBaile": "熱辣熱辣風格", "oricorioPompom": "啪滋啪滋風格", "oricorioPau": "呼拉呼拉風格", "oricorioSensu": "輕盈輕盈風格", "rockruffOwnTempo": "特殊岩狗狗", + "rockruffMidday": "Midday", + "rockruffMidnight": "Midnight", + "rockruffMidnight": "Dusk", + "wishiwashiSchool": "School", + "typeNullNormal": "Type: Normal", + "typeNullFighting": "Type: Fighting", + "typeNullFlying": "Type: Flying", + "typeNullPoison": "Type: Poison", + "typeNullGround": "Type: Ground", + "typeNullRock": "Type: Rock", + "typeNullBug": "Type: Bug", + "typeNullGhost": "Type: Ghost", + "typeNullSteel": "Type: Steel", + "typeNullFire": "Type: Fire", + "typeNullWater": "Type: Water", + "typeNullGrass": "Type: Grass", + "typeNullElectric": "Type: Electric", + "typeNullPsychic": "Type: Psychic", + "typeNullIce": "Type: Ice", + "typeNullDragon": "Type: Dragon", + "typeNullDark": "Type: Dark", + "typeNullFairy": "Type: Fairy", "miniorRedMeteor": "紅色核心", "miniorOrangeMeteor": "橙色核心", "miniorYellowMeteor": "黃色核心", @@ -131,25 +178,55 @@ "miniorViolet": "紫色", "mimikyuDisguised": "化形", "mimikyuBusted": "現形", + "necrozmaDuskMane": "Dusk Mane", + "necrozmaDawnWings": "Dawn Wings", + "necrozmaUltra": "Ultra", "magearnaOriginal": "500年前的顔色", "marshadowZenith": "全力", "sinisteaPhony": "赝品", "sinisteaAntique": "真品", + "milceryVanillaCream": "Vanilla Cream", + "milceryRubyCream": "Ruby Cream", + "milceryMatchaCream": "Matcha Cream", + "milceryMintCream": "Mint Cream", + "milceryLemonCream": "Lemon Cream", + "milcerySaltedCream": "Salted Cream", + "milceryRubySwirl": "Ruby Swirl", + "milceryCaramelSwirl": "Caramel Swirl", + "milceryRainbowSwirl": "Rainbow Swirl", "eiscueNoIce": "解凍頭", "indeedeeMale": "雄性", "indeedeeFemale": "雌性", "morpekoFullBelly": "滿腹花紋", + "morpekoHangry": "Hangry", "zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "百戰勇者", + "zacianCrowned": "Crowned", "zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "百戰勇者", + "zamazentaCrowned": "Crowned", + "kubfuSingleStrike": "Single Strike", + "kubfuRapidStrike": "Rapid Strike", "zarudeDada": "老爹", + "calyrexIce": "Ice Rider", + "calyrexShadow": "Shadow Rider", + "basculinMale": "Male", + "basculinFemale": "Female", "enamorusIncarnate": "化身", + "enamorusTherian": "Therian", + "lechonkMale": "Male", + "lechonkFemale": "Female", + "tandemausFour": "Family of Four", + "tandemausThree": "Family of Three", "squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "綠羽毛", "squawkabillyBluePlumage": "藍羽毛", "squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "黃羽毛", "squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "白羽毛", + "finizenZero": "Zero", + "finizenZero": "Hero", "tatsugiriCurly": "上弓姿勢", "tatsugiriDroopy": "下垂姿勢", "tatsugiriStretchy": "平挺姿勢", + "dunsparceTwo": "Two-Segment", + "dunsparceThree": "Three-Segment", "gimmighoulChest": "寶箱形態", "gimmighoulRoaming": "徒步形態", "koraidonApexBuild": "頂尖形態", @@ -164,6 +241,19 @@ "miraidonGlideMode":"滑翔模式", "poltchageistCounterfeit": "冒牌貨", "poltchageistArtisan": "高檔貨", + "poltchageistUnremarkable": "Unremarkable", + "poltchageistMasterpiece": "Masterpiece", + "ogerponTealMask": "Teal Mask", + "ogerponTealMaskTera": "Teal Mask Terastallized", + "ogerponWellspringMask": "Wellspring Mask", + "ogerponWellspringMaskTera": "Wellspring Mask Terastallized", + "ogerponHearthflameMask": "Hearthflame Mask", + "ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Hearthflame Mask Terastallized", + "ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Cornerstone Mask", + "ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Cornerstone Mask Terastallized", + "terpagosTerastal": "Terastal", + "terpagosStellar": "Stellar", + "galarDarumakaZen": "Zen", "paldeaTaurosCombat": "鬥戰種", "paldeaTaurosBlaze": "火熾種", "paldeaTaurosAqua": "水瀾種" diff --git a/src/ui/pokemon-info-container.ts b/src/ui/pokemon-info-container.ts index 3c54e529d43..17d042eab4c 100644 --- a/src/ui/pokemon-info-container.ts +++ b/src/ui/pokemon-info-container.ts @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import ConfirmUiHandler from "./confirm-ui-handler"; import { StatsContainer } from "./stats-container"; import { TextStyle, addBBCodeTextObject, addTextObject, getTextColor } from "./text"; import { addWindow } from "./ui-theme"; +import { Species } from "#enums/species"; interface LanguageSetting { infoContainerTextSize: string; @@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ export default class PokemonInfoContainer extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container { this.pokemonGenderText.setVisible(false); } - if (pokemon.species.forms?.[pokemon.formIndex]?.formName) { + if (pokemon.species.forms?.[pokemon.formIndex]?.formName && pokemon.species.forms?.[pokemon.formIndex]?.formName !== "Normal") { this.pokemonFormLabelText.setVisible(true); this.pokemonFormText.setVisible(true); const newForm = BigInt(1 << pokemon.formIndex) * DexAttr.DEFAULT_FORM; @@ -247,14 +248,26 @@ export default class PokemonInfoContainer extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container { this.pokemonFormLabelText.setShadowColor(getTextColor(TextStyle.WINDOW, true, this.scene.uiTheme)); } - const formName = pokemon.species.forms?.[pokemon.formIndex]?.formName; - this.pokemonFormText.setText(formName.length > this.numCharsBeforeCutoff ? formName.substring(0, this.numCharsBeforeCutoff - 3) + "..." : formName); - if (formName.length > this.numCharsBeforeCutoff) { - this.pokemonFormText.setInteractive(new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, this.pokemonFormText.width, this.pokemonFormText.height), Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains); - this.pokemonFormText.on("pointerover", () => (this.scene as BattleScene).ui.showTooltip("", pokemon.species.forms?.[pokemon.formIndex]?.formName, true)); - this.pokemonFormText.on("pointerout", () => (this.scene as BattleScene).ui.hideTooltip()); - } else { - this.pokemonFormText.disableInteractive(); + const pokemonForm = (pokemon.species?.forms?.[pokemon.formIndex!]?.formKey) || ""; + let formName = ""; + if (pokemonForm !== "") { + const formText = Utils.capitalizeString(pokemonForm, "-", false, false); + + const speciesName = Utils.capitalizeString(Species[pokemon.species.getRootSpeciesId()], "_", true, false); + if (pokemon.species.speciesId === Species.ARCEUS) { + formName = i18next.t(`pokemonInfo:Type.${formText?.toUpperCase()}`); + } else { + formName = formText ? i18next.t(`pokemonForm:${speciesName}${formText}`) : ""; + } + + this.pokemonFormText.setText(formName.length > this.numCharsBeforeCutoff ? formName.substring(0, this.numCharsBeforeCutoff - 3) + "..." : formName); + if (formName.length > this.numCharsBeforeCutoff) { + this.pokemonFormText.setInteractive(new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, this.pokemonFormText.width, this.pokemonFormText.height), Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains); + this.pokemonFormText.on("pointerover", () => (this.scene as BattleScene).ui.showTooltip("", formName, true)); + this.pokemonFormText.on("pointerout", () => (this.scene as BattleScene).ui.hideTooltip()); + } else { + this.pokemonFormText.disableInteractive(); + } } } else { this.pokemonFormLabelText.setVisible(false);