Merge branch 'beta' into translation

This commit is contained in:
flx-sta 2024-09-26 13:28:04 -07:00
commit 6facbed772
40 changed files with 524 additions and 269 deletions

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@ -279,9 +279,9 @@
"ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Ofenmaske (Terakristallisiert)", "ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Ofenmaske (Terakristallisiert)",
"ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Fundamentmaske", "ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Fundamentmaske",
"ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Fundamentmaske (Terakristallisiert)", "ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Fundamentmaske (Terakristallisiert)",
"terpagos": "Normalform", "terapagos": "Normalform",
"terpagosTerastal": "Terakristall-Form", "terapagosTerastal": "Terakristall-Form",
"terpagosStellar": "Stellarform", "terapagosStellar": "Stellarform",
"galarDarumaka": "Normalmodus", "galarDarumaka": "Normalmodus",
"galarDarumakaZen": "Trance-Modus", "galarDarumakaZen": "Trance-Modus",
"paldeaTaurosCombat": "Gefechtsvariante", "paldeaTaurosCombat": "Gefechtsvariante",

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@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
"battlesWon": "{{count, number}} Kämpfe gewonnen!", "battlesWon": "{{count, number}} Kämpfe gewonnen!",
"joinTheDiscord": "Tritt dem Discord bei!", "joinTheDiscord": "Tritt dem Discord bei!",
"infiniteLevels": "Unendliche Level!", "infiniteLevels": "Unendliche Level!",
"everythingStacks": "Alles stapelt sich!", "everythingIsStackable": "Alles ist stapelbar*!",
"optionalSaveScumming": "Optionales Save Scumming!", "optionalSaveScumming": "Optionales Save Scumming!",
"biomes": "35 Biome!", "biomes": "38 Biome!",
"openSource": "Open Source!", "openSource": "Open Source!",
"playWithSpeed": "Spiele mit fünffacher Geschwindigkeit!", "playWithSpeed": "Spiele mit fünffacher Geschwindigkeit!",
"liveBugTesting": "Live-Bug-Tests!", "liveBugTesting": "Live-Bug-Tests!",
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
"infiniteFusionAtHome": "Wir haben Infinite Fusionen zu Hause!", "infiniteFusionAtHome": "Wir haben Infinite Fusionen zu Hause!",
"brokenEggMoves": "Übermächtige Ei-Attacken!", "brokenEggMoves": "Übermächtige Ei-Attacken!",
"magnificent": "Herrlich!", "magnificent": "Herrlich!",
"mubstitute": "Melegator!", "doPeopleReadThis": "Liest das jemand?",
"thatsCrazy": "Das ist verrückt!", "thatsCrazy": "Das ist verrückt!",
"oranceJuice": "Orangensaft!", "gottaCatchEmAll": "Komm' und schnapp sie dir!",
"questionableBalancing": "Fragwürdiges Balancing!", "questionableBalancing": "Fragwürdiges Balancing!",
"coolShaders": "Coole Shader!", "coolShaders": "Coole Shader!",
"aiFree": "Ohne KI!", "aiFree": "Ohne KI!",
@ -25,12 +25,120 @@
"moreAddictiveThanIntended": "Süchtig machender als beabsichtigt!", "moreAddictiveThanIntended": "Süchtig machender als beabsichtigt!",
"mostlyConsistentSeeds": "Meistens konsistente Seeds!", "mostlyConsistentSeeds": "Meistens konsistente Seeds!",
"achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "Errungenschaftspunkte tun nichts!", "achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "Errungenschaftspunkte tun nichts!",
"youDoNotStartAtLevel": "Du startest nicht auf Level 2000!", "nothingBeatsAJellyFilledDonut": "Donuts mit Marmelade, es gibt nicht besseres auf der Welt!",
"dontTalkAboutTheManaphyEggIncident": "Wir reden nicht über den Manaphy-Ei-Vorfall!", "dontTalkAboutTheTinkatonIncident": "Wir reden nicht über den Granforgita-Vorfallt!",
"alsoTryPokengine": "Versuche auch Pokéngine!", "alsoTryPokengine": "Versuche auch Pokéngine!",
"alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "Versuche auch Emerald Rogue!", "alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "Versuche auch Emerald Rogue!",
"alsoTryRadicalRed": "Versuche auch Radical Red!", "alsoTryRadicalRed": "Versuche auch Radical Red!",
"eeveeExpo": "Evoli-Expo!", "eeveeExpo": "Evoli-Expo!",
"ynoproject": "YNO-Projekt!", "checkOutYnoproject": "Schau dir YNOproject an!",
"breedersInSpace": "Züchter im Weltall!" "breedersInSpace": "Züchter im Weltall!",
"alsoTryPokemonUnbound": "Verusch mal Pokemon Unbound!",
"tryTheJohtoDragonChallenge": "Versuch die Johto Mono-Drache Herausforderung!",
"basicReadingAbilityRecommended": "Grundlegendes Leseverständnis empfohlen!",
"shoutoutsToTheArtists": "Shoutout an die Künstler!",
"gamblingNotEncouraged": "Glücksspiel wird nicht gefördert!",
"dontForgetToTakeABreak": "Vergiss nicht eine Pause einzulegen!",
"wEvent": "Geiles Event",
"ifItsNotAccurateItsAccurate": "Hat es keine 100%ige Genauigkeit trifft es nur in 50% der Fälle.",
"everyLossIsProgressMade": "Jede Niederlage ist Fortschritt!",
"liveWoChienReaction": "Live Chongjian Reaktion:",
"itsAFeatureNotABug": "Es ist ein Feature und kein Fehler!",
"theEggsAreNotForEating": "Die Eier sind nicht zum Essen da!",
"7.8outOf10TooManyWaterBiomes": "7.8/10, Zu viel Wasser!",
"butNothingHappened": "Nichts geschieht!",
"thePowerOfScienceIsAmazing": "Die Wissenschaft kennt keine Grenzen!",
"freeToPlay": "Free To Play!",
"theresATimeAndPlaceForEverything": "Dies ist weder der rechte Ort noch die rechte Zeit dafür",
"nowWithShinierShinies": "Mit schillerenden schillernden Pokémon!",
"smilesGoForMiles": "Mit einem Lachen werden wir es machen!",
"certainlyNotDragonFree": "Sicherlich nicht ohne Drachen!",
"haveANiceDay": "Hab einen schönen Tag!",
"redacted": "[ZENSIERT]",
"hi": "hi",
"transRights": "Transrechte!",
"shinyOddsHigherThanYouThink": "Die Chance für schillernde Pokémon ist höher als du denkst!",
"noFalseTrades": "Keine falschen Pokémon-Täusche!",
"notForProfit": "Nicht profitorientiert!",
"timeForYourDailyRun": "Zeit für deinen Täglichen Durchlauf!",
"moreEggsThanADaycare": "Mehr Eier als der Pokémon-Hort!",
"disclaimerHarshSunDoesNotGiveVitaminD": "Warnung: Gleißendes Sonnenlicht liefert KEIN Vitamin D!!",
"whoNeedsAMap": "Wer braucht schon eine Karte?",
"luxrayIsNotADarkType": "Luxtra ist nicht vom Typ Unlicht!",
"selfDestructiveEncounters": "Gegner mit Selbstzerstörungstendenzen!",
"mostOptionsAreViable": "Die meisten Pokémon sind praktikable Optionen!",
"pokerogueMorse": ".--. --- -.- . .-. --- --. ..- .",
"smiley": ":)",
"beAwareOfPassives": "Achte auf passive Fähigkeiten!",
"asSeenOnTheWorldWideWeb": "Wie Im Internet zu sehen!",
"vaultinVeluzas": "Mein lieber Scholli!",
"tooManyStarters": "Zu viele Starter!",
"checkTheWiki": "Schau ins Wiki!",
"winWithYourFavorites": "Gewinne mit deinen Favoriten!",
"alsoTryPokerogueWait": "Probiere auch PokéRogue! Warte mal...",
"theWayISeeItKyogreIsSurrounded": "So wie ich das sehe ist Kyogre umzingelt...",
"tryOutHoneyGather": "Probiere es mal mit Honigmaul!",
"notForTheFaintOfHeart": "Nichts für Zartbesaitete!",
"p": "(P)",
"flipYourDeviceToEvolveInkay": "Dreh dein Gerät auf den Kopf um Iscalar zu entwickeln!",
"inArceusWeTrust": "Wir vertrauen auf Arceus",
"whyDidTheTorchicCrossTheRoad": "Warum überquerte das Flemmli die Straße?",
"goodLuck": "Viel Glück!",
"fuseWisely": "Fusioniere weise!",
"compensation": "Entschädigung?",
"prepareForTroubleAndMakeItDouble": "Jetzt gibt es Ärger...und es kommt noch härter!",
"anEggForYourTroubles": "Ein Ei für deine Mühen?",
"regirock": "ÜN ÜN ÜN",
"hereForAGoodTime": "Hier für eine gute Zeit!",
"getGoodOrDont": "Werd gut! Oder lass es!",
"checkTheSubreddit": "Schau dir das Subreddit an!",
"betterNerfGreninja": "Schwäche Quajutsu lieber ab!",
"inCaseOfUpdateClearYourCache": "Update? Cache leeren!",
"insertTextHere": "*hier Text einfügen*",
"endingEndlessNotFound": "ending_endless nicht gefunden",
"iLikeMyEggsVouchered": "Ich mag meine Eier mit Gutscheinen!",
"YOU": "DU!",
"noAddedSugar": "Ohne Zucker!",
"notSponsored": "Nicht gesponsert!",
"notRated": "Nicht eingestuft!",
"justOneMoreWaveMom": "Nur noch eine Welle, Mama!",
"saltCured": "Gepökelsalzt!",
"onlyOnPokerogueNet": "Nur auf!",
"pixelPerfection": "Pixel Perfektion!",
"openSource": "Open Source!",
"probablyGood": "Wahrscheinlich ganz gut!",
"itsAMonsterHouse": "Ein Monster-Raum!",
"dontForgetYourPassword": "Vergiss dein Passwort nicht!",
"tripleTripleTripleAxel": "Dreifach- Dreifach- Dreifach-Axel!",
"questionExclamation": "?!",
"clownEncounters": "Clown Begegnungen!",
"fullOfBerries": "Voll mit Beeren!",
"limitsAreMeantToBeBrokenSometimes": "Regeln sind dazu da, gebrochen zu werden, manchmal!",
"keepItCasual": "Lässig bleiben!",
"serversProbablyWorking": "Server funktionieren wahrscheinlich!",
"mew": "Mew ist wahrscheinlich nicht unter dem LKW!",
"makeItRainAndYourProblemsGoAway": "Goldrausch und deine Probleme sind vergessen!",
"customMusicTracks": "Eigene Musiktitel!",
"youAreValid": "Du bist wertvoll!",
"number591IsLookingOff": "Nummer 591 sieht ein bisschen...",
"timeForYourDeliDelivery": "Zeit für deine Botogel-Lieferung!",
"goodFirstImpression": "Hoffe wir haben einen guten ersten Eindruck hinterlassen!",
"iPreferRarerCandies": "Ich bevorzuge Supersonderbonbons!",
"halloween": {
"pumpkabooAbout": "Irrbis überall!",
"mayContainSpiders": "Könnte Spuren von Spinnen enthalten!",
"spookyScarySkeledirge": "Gespenstisch gruselige Skelokrok!",
"gourgeistUsedTrickOrTreat": "Pumpdjinn setzt Halloween ein!",
"letsSnuggleForever": "Herzliche Knuddelkloppe!"
"xmas": {
"happyHolidays": "Fröhliche Feiertage!",
"delibirdSeason": "Botogel-Saison!",
"unaffilicatedWithDelibirdServices": "Kein Zusammenhang mit Botogel-Diensten!",
"diamondsFromTheSky": "Diamantregen vom Himmel!",
"holidayStylePikachuNotIncluded": "Festtags-Pikachu nicht enthalten!"
"newYears": {
"happyNewYear": "Frohes neues Jahr!"
} }

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"accessMenu": "Nutze M oder Esc, um das Menü zu öffnen. Dort hast du Zugriff auf die Einstellungen und andere Funktionen.", "accessMenu": "Nutze M oder Esc, um das Menü zu öffnen. Dort hast du Zugriff auf die Einstellungen und andere Funktionen.",
"menu": "In diesem Menü hast du Zugriff auf die Einstellungen.\n$Dort kannst du u. A. die Spielgeschwin-\ndigkeit und das Fensterdesign ändern.\n$Das Menü verbirgt noch andere Funktionen - probier' sie gerne aus!", "menu": "In diesem Menü hast du Zugriff auf die Einstellungen.\n$Dort kannst du u. A. die Spielgeschwin-\ndigkeit und das Fensterdesign ändern.\n$Das Menü verbirgt noch andere Funktionen - probier' sie gerne aus!",
"starterSelect": "In diesem Bildschirm kannst du mit Z oder Leertaste deine\nStarter auswählen.\n$Sie begleiten dich am Anfang deines Abenteuers.\n$Jeder Starter hat einen Preis. Dein Team kann bis zu sechs\nMitglieder haben, solange der Gesamtpreis max. 10 beträgt.\n$Du kannst Geschlecht, Fähigkeit und Form beliebig auswählen,\nsobald du sie mindestens einmal gefangen hast.\n$Die DVs ergeben sich aus den Höchstwerten aller Pokémon,\ndie du bereits gefangen hast. \n$Es lohnt sich also, das selbe Pokémon mehrmals zu fangen!", "starterSelect": "In diesem Bildschirm kannst du mit Z oder Leertaste deine\nStarter auswählen.\n$Sie begleiten dich am Anfang deines Abenteuers.\n$Jeder Starter hat einen Preis. Dein Team kann bis zu sechs\nMitglieder haben, solange der Gesamtpreis max. 10 beträgt.\n$Du kannst Geschlecht, Fähigkeit und Form beliebig auswählen,\nsobald du sie mindestens einmal gefangen hast.\n$Die DVs ergeben sich aus den Höchstwerten aller Pokémon,\ndie du bereits gefangen hast. \n$Es lohnt sich also, das selbe Pokémon mehrmals zu fangen!",
"pokerus": "Jeden Tag haben drei zufällige Pokémon einen lila Rahmen.\n$Wenn du eins von ihnen besitzt,\n$nimm es doch mal mit und sieh dir seinen Bericht an!", "pokerus": "Jeden Tag haben fünf zufällige Pokémon einen lila Rahmen.\n$Wenn du eins von ihnen besitzt,\n$nimm es doch mal mit und sieh dir seinen Bericht an!",
"statChange": "Statuswertveränderungen halten solange an, wie dein Pokémon auf dem Feld bleibt.\n$Pokémon werden am Anfang eines Trainerkampfes oder bei einem Arealwechsel automatisch zurückgerufen.\n$Nutze C oder Shift, um aktuelle Statuswertveränderungen anzuzeigen.", "statChange": "Statuswertveränderungen halten solange an, wie dein Pokémon auf dem Feld bleibt.\n$Pokémon werden am Anfang eines Trainerkampfes oder bei einem Arealwechsel automatisch zurückgerufen.\n$Nutze C oder Shift, um aktuelle Statuswertveränderungen anzuzeigen.",
"selectItem": "Nach jedem Kampf kannst du aus 3 zufälligen Items exakt eines auswählen.\n$Es gibt u. A. Heilitems, tragbare Items und Basis-Items, die dir einen permanenten Vorteil verschaffen.\n$Die meisten tragbaren und permanenten Items werden stärker, wenn du sie mehrfach sammelst.\n$Manche Items, wie Entwicklungssteine, tauchen nur auf, wenn du sie auch nutzen kannst.\n$Mithilfe der \"Transfer\"-Option kannst du Items zwischen deinen Pokémon verschieben.\n$Sie erscheint rechts unten, sobald du einem deiner Pokémon dein Item zum Tragen gegeben hast.\n$Du kannst Heilitems auch gegen Geld erwerben. Je weiter du kommst, desto mehr stehen dir zur Auswahl.\n$Erledige deine Einkäufe als erstes, denn sobald du dein zufälliges Item auswählst, beginnt der nächste Kampf.", "selectItem": "Nach jedem Kampf kannst du aus 3 zufälligen Items exakt eines auswählen.\n$Es gibt u. A. Heilitems, tragbare Items und Basis-Items, die dir einen permanenten Vorteil verschaffen.\n$Die meisten tragbaren und permanenten Items werden stärker, wenn du sie mehrfach sammelst.\n$Manche Items, wie Entwicklungssteine, tauchen nur auf, wenn du sie auch nutzen kannst.\n$Mithilfe der \"Transfer\"-Option kannst du Items zwischen deinen Pokémon verschieben.\n$Sie erscheint rechts unten, sobald du einem deiner Pokémon dein Item zum Tragen gegeben hast.\n$Du kannst Heilitems auch gegen Geld erwerben. Je weiter du kommst, desto mehr stehen dir zur Auswahl.\n$Erledige deine Einkäufe als erstes, denn sobald du dein zufälliges Item auswählst, beginnt der nächste Kampf.",
"eggGacha": "Hier kannst du deine Gutscheine gegen Pokémon-Eier\ntauschen.\n$Eier schlüpfen, nachdem du eine gewisse Anzahl Kämpfe\nabsolviert hast. Je seltener das Ei, desto länger dauert es.\n$Geschlüpfte Pokémon werden nicht deinem Team hinzugefügt,\nsondern deinen verfügbaren Startern.\n$In der Regel haben sie bessere DVs als in der Wildnis\ngefangene Pokémon.\n$Es gibt sogar Pokémon, die du nur aus Eiern erhalten kannst.\n$Es gibt drei Gacha-Maschinen mit je unterschiedlichen Boni,\nalso such' dir die aus, die dir am besten gefällt!" "eggGacha": "Hier kannst du deine Gutscheine gegen Pokémon-Eier\ntauschen.\n$Eier schlüpfen, nachdem du eine gewisse Anzahl Kämpfe\nabsolviert hast. Je seltener das Ei, desto länger dauert es.\n$Geschlüpfte Pokémon werden nicht deinem Team hinzugefügt,\nsondern deinen verfügbaren Startern.\n$In der Regel haben sie bessere DVs als in der Wildnis\ngefangene Pokémon.\n$Es gibt sogar Pokémon, die du nur aus Eiern erhalten kannst.\n$Es gibt drei Gacha-Maschinen mit je unterschiedlichen Boni,\nalso such' dir die aus, die dir am besten gefällt!"

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@ -279,9 +279,9 @@
"ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Hearthflame Mask Terastallized", "ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Hearthflame Mask Terastallized",
"ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Cornerstone Mask", "ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Cornerstone Mask",
"ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Cornerstone Mask Terastallized", "ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Cornerstone Mask Terastallized",
"terpagos": "Normal Form", "terapagos": "Normal Form",
"terpagosTerastal": "Terastal Form", "terapagosTerastal": "Terastal Form",
"terpagosStellar": "Stellar Form", "terapagosStellar": "Stellar Form",
"galarDarumaka": "Standard Mode", "galarDarumaka": "Standard Mode",
"galarDarumakaZen": "Zen Mode", "galarDarumakaZen": "Zen Mode",
"paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combat Breed", "paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combat Breed",

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ {
"battlesWon": "Battles Won!", "battlesWon": "{{count, number}} Battles Won!",
"joinTheDiscord": "Join the Discord!", "joinTheDiscord": "Join the Discord!",
"infiniteLevels": "Infinite Levels!", "infiniteLevels": "Infinite Levels!",
"everythingIsStackable": "Everything Is Stackable*!", "everythingIsStackable": "Everything Is Stackable*!",

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"accessMenu": "To access the menu, press M or Escape while awaiting input.\nThe menu contains settings and various features.", "accessMenu": "To access the menu, press M or Escape while awaiting input.\nThe menu contains settings and various features.",
"menu": "From this menu you can access the settings.\n$From the settings you can change game speed, window style, and other options.\n$There are also various other features here, so be sure to check them all!", "menu": "From this menu you can access the settings.\n$From the settings you can change game speed, window style, and other options.\n$There are also various other features here, so be sure to check them all!",
"starterSelect": "From this screen, you can select your starters by pressing\nZ or the Space bar. These are your initial party members.\n$Each starter has a value. Your party can have up to\n6 members as long as the total does not exceed 10.\n$You can also select gender, ability, and form depending on\nthe variants you've caught or hatched.\n$The IVs for a species are also the best of every one you've\ncaught or hatched, so try to get lots of the same species!", "starterSelect": "From this screen, you can select your starters by pressing\nZ or the Space bar. These are your initial party members.\n$Each starter has a value. Your party can have up to\n6 members as long as the total does not exceed 10.\n$You can also select gender, ability, and form depending on\nthe variants you've caught or hatched.\n$The IVs for a species are also the best of every one you've\ncaught or hatched, so try to get lots of the same species!",
"pokerus": "A daily random 3 selectable starters have a purple border.\n$If you see a starter you own with one of these,\ntry adding it to your party. Be sure to check its summary!", "pokerus": "A daily random 5 selectable starters have a purple border.\n$If you see a starter you own with one of these,\ntry adding it to your party. Be sure to check its summary!",
"statChange": "Stat changes persist across battles as long as your Pokémon aren't recalled.\n$Your Pokémon are recalled before a trainer battle and before entering a new biome.\n$You can view the stat changes for any Pokémon on the field by holding C or Shift.\n$You can also view the moveset for an enemy Pokémon by holding V.\n$This only reveals moves that you've seen the Pokémon use this battle.", "statChange": "Stat changes persist across battles as long as your Pokémon aren't recalled.\n$Your Pokémon are recalled before a trainer battle and before entering a new biome.\n$You can view the stat changes for any Pokémon on the field by holding C or Shift.\n$You can also view the moveset for an enemy Pokémon by holding V.\n$This only reveals moves that you've seen the Pokémon use this battle.",
"selectItem": "After every battle, you are given a choice of 3 random items.\nYou may only pick one.\n$These range from consumables, to Pokémon held items, to passive permanent items.\n$Most non-consumable item effects will stack in various ways.\n$Some items will only show up if they can be used, such as evolution items.\n$You can also transfer held items between Pokémon using the transfer option.\n$The transfer option will appear in the bottom right once you have obtained a held item.\n$You may purchase consumable items with money, and a larger variety will be available the further you get.\n$Be sure to buy these before you pick your random item, as it will progress to the next battle once you do.", "selectItem": "After every battle, you are given a choice of 3 random items.\nYou may only pick one.\n$These range from consumables, to Pokémon held items, to passive permanent items.\n$Most non-consumable item effects will stack in various ways.\n$Some items will only show up if they can be used, such as evolution items.\n$You can also transfer held items between Pokémon using the transfer option.\n$The transfer option will appear in the bottom right once you have obtained a held item.\n$You may purchase consumable items with money, and a larger variety will be available the further you get.\n$Be sure to buy these before you pick your random item, as it will progress to the next battle once you do.",
"eggGacha": "From this screen, you can redeem your vouchers for\nPokémon eggs.\n$Eggs have to be hatched and get closer to hatching after\nevery battle. Rarer eggs take longer to hatch.\n$Hatched Pokémon also won't be added to your party, they will\nbe added to your starters.\n$Pokémon hatched from eggs generally have better IVs than\nwild Pokémon.\n$Some Pokémon can only even be obtained from eggs.\n$There are 3 different machines to pull from with different\nbonuses, so pick the one that suits you best!" "eggGacha": "From this screen, you can redeem your vouchers for\nPokémon eggs.\n$Eggs have to be hatched and get closer to hatching after\nevery battle. Rarer eggs take longer to hatch.\n$Hatched Pokémon also won't be added to your party, they will\nbe added to your starters.\n$Pokémon hatched from eggs generally have better IVs than\nwild Pokémon.\n$Some Pokémon can only even be obtained from eggs.\n$There are 3 different machines to pull from with different\nbonuses, so pick the one that suits you best!"

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@ -279,9 +279,9 @@
"ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Máscara Horno Teracristal", "ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Máscara Horno Teracristal",
"ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Máscara Cimiento", "ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Máscara Cimiento",
"ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Máscara Cimiento Teracristal", "ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Máscara Cimiento Teracristal",
"terpagos": "Normal", "terapagos": "Normal",
"terpagosTerastal": "Teracristal", "terapagosTerastal": "Teracristal",
"terpagosStellar": "Astral", "terapagosStellar": "Astral",
"galarDarumaka": "Modo Normal", "galarDarumaka": "Modo Normal",
"galarDarumakaZen": "Modo Daruma", "galarDarumakaZen": "Modo Daruma",
"paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combatiente", "paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combatiente",

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@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
"battlesWon": "¡{{count, number}} Batallas ganadas!", "battlesWon": "¡{{count, number}} Batallas ganadas!",
"joinTheDiscord": "¡Únete al Discord!", "joinTheDiscord": "¡Únete al Discord!",
"infiniteLevels": "¡Niveles infinitos!", "infiniteLevels": "¡Niveles infinitos!",
"everythingStacks": "¡Todo se acumula!",
"optionalSaveScumming": "¡Trampas de guardado opcionales!", "optionalSaveScumming": "¡Trampas de guardado opcionales!",
"biomes": "¡35 biomas!", "biomes": "¡38 biomas!",
"openSource": "¡Código abierto!", "openSource": "¡Código abierto!",
"playWithSpeed": "¡Juega a velocidad 5x!", "playWithSpeed": "¡Juega a velocidad 5x!",
"liveBugTesting": "¡Testeo de bugs en directo!", "liveBugTesting": "¡Testeo de bugs en directo!",
@ -14,9 +13,7 @@
"infiniteFusionAtHome": "¡Infinite Fusion en casa!", "infiniteFusionAtHome": "¡Infinite Fusion en casa!",
"brokenEggMoves": "¡Movimientos Huevo rotos!", "brokenEggMoves": "¡Movimientos Huevo rotos!",
"magnificent": "¡Magnífico!", "magnificent": "¡Magnífico!",
"mubstitute": "¡Mubstituto!",
"thatsCrazy": "¡De locos!", "thatsCrazy": "¡De locos!",
"oranceJuice": "¡Zumo de narancia!",
"questionableBalancing": "¡Cambios en balance cuestionables!", "questionableBalancing": "¡Cambios en balance cuestionables!",
"coolShaders": "¡Shaders impresionantes!", "coolShaders": "¡Shaders impresionantes!",
"aiFree": "¡Libre de IA!", "aiFree": "¡Libre de IA!",
@ -25,12 +22,8 @@
"moreAddictiveThanIntended": "¡Más adictivo de lo previsto!", "moreAddictiveThanIntended": "¡Más adictivo de lo previsto!",
"mostlyConsistentSeeds": "¡Semillas CASI consistentes!", "mostlyConsistentSeeds": "¡Semillas CASI consistentes!",
"achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "¡Los Puntos de Logro no hacen nada!", "achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "¡Los Puntos de Logro no hacen nada!",
"youDoNotStartAtLevel": "¡No empiezas al nivel 2000!",
"dontTalkAboutTheManaphyEggIncident": "¡No se habla del Incidente Manaphy!",
"alsoTryPokengine": "¡Prueba también Pokéngine!", "alsoTryPokengine": "¡Prueba también Pokéngine!",
"alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "¡Prueba también Emerald Rogue!", "alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "¡Prueba también Emerald Rogue!",
"alsoTryRadicalRed": "¡Prueba también Radical Red!", "alsoTryRadicalRed": "¡Prueba también Radical Red!",
"eeveeExpo": "¡Eevee Expo!", "eeveeExpo": "¡Eevee Expo!"
"ynoproject": "¡YNOproject!",
"breedersInSpace": "Criadores... ¡EN EL ESPACIO!"
} }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"accessMenu": "Para acceder al menú, pulsa M o Escape cuando\ntengas el control.\n$El menú contiene los ajustes y otras funciones.", "accessMenu": "Para acceder al menú, pulsa M o Escape cuando\ntengas el control.\n$El menú contiene los ajustes y otras funciones.",
"menu": "Desde este menú podrás acceder a los ajustes.\n$Podrás cambiar la velocidad del juego, el estilo de la ventana y demás.\n$Hay más opciones, ¡así que pruébalas todas!", "menu": "Desde este menú podrás acceder a los ajustes.\n$Podrás cambiar la velocidad del juego, el estilo de la ventana y demás.\n$Hay más opciones, ¡así que pruébalas todas!",
"starterSelect": "En esta pantalla, podrás elegir tus iniciales presionando Z\no Espacio. Estos serán tus miembros de equipo al comenzar.\n$Cada inicial tiene un valor. Tu equipo puede contener hasta 6\nmiembros mientras el valor total no pase de 10.\n$También puedes elegir su género, habilidad y forma\ndependiendo de las variantes que hayas conseguido.\n$Los IVs de los iniciales corresponderán al valor más alto de\nlos Pokémon de la misma especie que hayas obtenido.\n$¡Así que intenta conseguir muchos Pokémon de la misma\nespecie!", "starterSelect": "En esta pantalla, podrás elegir tus iniciales presionando Z\no Espacio. Estos serán tus miembros de equipo al comenzar.\n$Cada inicial tiene un valor. Tu equipo puede contener hasta 6\nmiembros mientras el valor total no pase de 10.\n$También puedes elegir su género, habilidad y forma\ndependiendo de las variantes que hayas conseguido.\n$Los IVs de los iniciales corresponderán al valor más alto de\nlos Pokémon de la misma especie que hayas obtenido.\n$¡Así que intenta conseguir muchos Pokémon de la misma\nespecie!",
"pokerus": "Cada día, 3 iniciales aleatorios tendrán un borde morado.\n$Si ves un inicial que tengas con este borde, prueba a\nañadirlo a tu equipo. ¡No olvides revisar sus datos!", "pokerus": "Cada día, 5 iniciales aleatorios tendrán un borde morado.\n$Si ves un inicial que tengas con este borde, prueba a\nañadirlo a tu equipo. ¡No olvides revisar sus datos!",
"statChange": "Los cambios de estadísticas se mantienen entre combates\nmientras que el Pokémon no vuelva a su Poké Ball.\n$Tus Pokémon vuelven a sus Poké Balls antes de combates contra entrenadores y de entrar a un nuevo bioma.\n$También puedes ver los cambios de estadísticas del Pokémon en campo manteniendo pulsado C o Shift.\n$También puedes ver los movimientos de un Pokémon enemigo manteniendo presionada la V.\n$Esto solo revela los movimientos que has visto usar al Pokémon en esta combate.", "statChange": "Los cambios de estadísticas se mantienen entre combates\nmientras que el Pokémon no vuelva a su Poké Ball.\n$Tus Pokémon vuelven a sus Poké Balls antes de combates contra entrenadores y de entrar a un nuevo bioma.\n$También puedes ver los cambios de estadísticas del Pokémon en campo manteniendo pulsado C o Shift.\n$También puedes ver los movimientos de un Pokémon enemigo manteniendo presionada la V.\n$Esto solo revela los movimientos que has visto usar al Pokémon en esta combate.",
"selectItem": "Tras cada combate, tendrás la opción de elegir entre tres objetos aleatorios. Solo podrás escoger uno.\n$Estos objetos pueden ser consumibles, objetos equipables u objetos pasivos permanentes (hasta acabar la partida).\n$La mayoría de los efectos de objetos no consumibles se acumularán de varias maneras.\n$Algunos objetos solo aparecerán si pueden ser utilizados, como las piedras evolutivas.\n$También puedes transferir objetos equipados entre Pokémon, utilizando la opción de transferir.\n$La opción de transferir aparecerá en la parte inferior derecha una vez hayas obtenido un objeto equipable.\n$También puedes comprar objetos consumibles con dinero y su variedad irá aumentando según tu avance.\n$Asegúrate de comprar antes de escoger una recompensa, ya que se avanzará automáticamente al siguiente combate.", "selectItem": "Tras cada combate, tendrás la opción de elegir entre tres objetos aleatorios. Solo podrás escoger uno.\n$Estos objetos pueden ser consumibles, objetos equipables u objetos pasivos permanentes (hasta acabar la partida).\n$La mayoría de los efectos de objetos no consumibles se acumularán de varias maneras.\n$Algunos objetos solo aparecerán si pueden ser utilizados, como las piedras evolutivas.\n$También puedes transferir objetos equipados entre Pokémon, utilizando la opción de transferir.\n$La opción de transferir aparecerá en la parte inferior derecha una vez hayas obtenido un objeto equipable.\n$También puedes comprar objetos consumibles con dinero y su variedad irá aumentando según tu avance.\n$Asegúrate de comprar antes de escoger una recompensa, ya que se avanzará automáticamente al siguiente combate.",
"eggGacha": "En esta pantalla podrás canjear tus vales por huevos\nde Pokémon.\n$Los huevos deben eclosionar y estarán más cerca de\nhacerlo tras cada combate.\n$Los huevos más raros tardarán más en eclosionar.\n$Los Pokémon que hayan salido del huevo no se\nañadirán a tu equipo, pero sí a tus iniciales.\n$Los Pokémon salidos de un huevo suelen tener mejores\nIVs que los Pokémon salvajes.\n$Algunos Pokémon solo pueden ser obtenidos de huevos.\n$Hay 3 máquinas diferentes entre las que elegir, cada\nuna con diferentes bonificaciones.\n$¡Así que escoge la que más te interese!" "eggGacha": "En esta pantalla podrás canjear tus vales por huevos\nde Pokémon.\n$Los huevos deben eclosionar y estarán más cerca de\nhacerlo tras cada combate.\n$Los huevos más raros tardarán más en eclosionar.\n$Los Pokémon que hayan salido del huevo no se\nañadirán a tu equipo, pero sí a tus iniciales.\n$Los Pokémon salidos de un huevo suelen tener mejores\nIVs que los Pokémon salvajes.\n$Algunos Pokémon solo pueden ser obtenidos de huevos.\n$Hay 3 máquinas diferentes entre las que elegir, cada\nuna con diferentes bonificaciones.\n$¡Así que escoge la que más te interese!"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ {
"intro": "Un jeune garçon aux airs très bourgeois vous arrête.", "intro": "Un jeune garçon aux airs très bourgeois vous arrête.",
"speaker": "Richard", "speaker": "Richard",
"intro_dialogue": "Bonchour-haann !$Je ne puis carrément pas ignorer que votre\n{{strongestPokemon}} ma lair fa-bu-leux-han !$Jai toujours désiré posséder un tel Pokémon !$Je peux vous payer grassement,\nainsi que vous donner petite babiole-han !", "intro_dialogue": "Bonchour-haann !$Je ne puis carrément pas ignorer que votre\n{{strongestPokemon}} ma lair fa-bu-leux-han !$Jai toujours désiré posséder un tel Pokémon !$Je peux vous payer grassement,\nainsi que vous donner une petite babiole-han !",
"title": "Laffaire du siècle", "title": "Laffaire du siècle",
"description": "Un fils à papa vous offre un @[TOOLTIP_TITLE]{Charme Chroma} et {{price, money}} en échange de votre {{strongestPokemon}} !\n\nÇa semble être une bonne affaire, mais pourriez-vous supporter de priver votre équipe dun tel atout ?", "description": "Un fils à papa vous offre un @[TOOLTIP_TITLE]{Charme Chroma} et {{price, money}} en échange de votre {{strongestPokemon}} !\n\nÇa semble être une bonne affaire, mais pourriez-vous supporter de priver votre équipe dun tel atout ?",
"query": "Que voulez-vous faire ?", "query": "Que voulez-vous faire ?",

View File

@ -26,6 +26,6 @@
}, },
"job_complete_good": "Merci pour votre aide !\nVotre {{selectedPokemon}} nous a été dun grand renfort !$Voici votre salaire.", "job_complete_good": "Merci pour votre aide !\nVotre {{selectedPokemon}} nous a été dun grand renfort !$Voici votre salaire.",
"job_complete_bad": "Votre {{selectedPokemon}} nous a plutôt bien aidé !$Voici votre salaire.", "job_complete_bad": "Votre {{selectedPokemon}} nous a plutôt bien aidé !$Voici votre salaire.",
"pokemon_tired": "Votre {{selectedPokemon}} est épuisé !\nLes PP de toutes ses capacités baissent de 2 !", "pokemon_tired": "Votre {{selectedPokemon}} est épuisé !\nLes PP de toutes ses capacités baissent à 2 !",
"outro": "Reviens nous aider à loccasion !" "outro": "Reviens nous aider à loccasion !"
} }

View File

@ -279,9 +279,9 @@
"ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Masque du Fourneau Téracristal", "ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Masque du Fourneau Téracristal",
"ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Masque de la Pierre", "ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Masque de la Pierre",
"ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Masque de la Pierre Téracristal", "ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Masque de la Pierre Téracristal",
"terpagos": "Normal", "terapagos": "Normal",
"terpagosTerastal": "Téracristal", "terapagosTerastal": "Téracristal",
"terpagosStellar": "Stellaire", "terapagosStellar": "Stellaire",
"galarDarumaka": "Mode Normal", "galarDarumaka": "Mode Normal",
"galarDarumakaZen": "Mode Transe", "galarDarumakaZen": "Mode Transe",
"paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combatif", "paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combatif",

View File

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
"battlesWon": "{{count, number}} combats gagnés !", "battlesWon": "{{count, number}} combats gagnés !",
"joinTheDiscord": "Rejoins le Discord !", "joinTheDiscord": "Rejoins le Discord !",
"infiniteLevels": "Niveaux infinis !", "infiniteLevels": "Niveaux infinis !",
"everythingStacks": "Tout se cumule !", "everythingIsStackable": "Tout est cumulable*!",
"optionalSaveScumming": "Optional Save Scumming !", "optionalSaveScumming": "Optional Save Scumming !",
"biomes": "35 biomes !", "biomes": "38 biomes !",
"openSource": "Open Source !", "openSource": "Open Source !",
"playWithSpeed": "Joue en vitesse x5 !", "playWithSpeed": "Joue en vitesse x5 !",
"liveBugTesting": "Tests de bugs en direct !", "liveBugTesting": "Tests de bugs en direct !",
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
"infiniteFusionAtHome": "Infinite Fusion, chez vous !", "infiniteFusionAtHome": "Infinite Fusion, chez vous !",
"brokenEggMoves": "Des Capacités Œuf craquées !", "brokenEggMoves": "Des Capacités Œuf craquées !",
"magnificent": "Magnifique !", "magnificent": "Magnifique !",
"mubstitute": "Mubstitute !", "doPeopleReadThis": "Ya vraiment des gens qui lisent ça ?",
"thatsCrazy": "Cest une dinguerie !", "thatsCrazy": "Cest une dinguerie !",
"oranceJuice": "Jus dorange !", "gottaCatchEmAll": "Attrapez-les tous !",
"questionableBalancing": "Équilibrage douteux !", "questionableBalancing": "Équilibrage douteux !",
"coolShaders": "Cool shaders !", "coolShaders": "Cool shaders !",
"aiFree": "Garanti sans IA !", "aiFree": "Garanti sans IA !",
@ -25,12 +25,120 @@
"moreAddictiveThanIntended": "Plus addictif que prévu !", "moreAddictiveThanIntended": "Plus addictif que prévu !",
"mostlyConsistentSeeds": "Des seeds à peu près stables !", "mostlyConsistentSeeds": "Des seeds à peu près stables !",
"achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "Les Points de Succès servent à rien !", "achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "Les Points de Succès servent à rien !",
"youDoNotStartAtLevel": "Ne commence pas au Niveau 2000 !", "nothingBeatsAJellyFilledDonut": "Les beignets à la confiture, il ny a que ça de vrai !",
"dontTalkAboutTheManaphyEggIncident": "Ne parle pas de lincident de lŒuf de Manaphy !", "dontTalkAboutTheTinkatonIncident": "Ne parle pas de lincident de Forgelina !",
"alsoTryPokengine": "Essaye aussi Pokéngine !", "alsoTryPokengine": "Essaye aussi Pokéngine !",
"alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "Essaye aussi Emerald Rogue!", "alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "Essaye aussi Emerald Rogue !",
"alsoTryRadicalRed": "Essaye aussi Radical Red !", "alsoTryRadicalRed": "Essaye aussi Radical Red !",
"eeveeExpo": "Eevee Expo !", "eeveeExpo": "Eevee Expo !",
"ynoproject": "YNOproject !", "checkOutYnoproject": "Jette un œil au YNOproject !",
"breedersInSpace": "Des Éleveurs dans lespace !" "breedersInSpace": "Des Éleveurs dans lespace !",
"alsoTryPokemonUnbound": "Essaye aussi Pokémon Unbound !",
"tryTheJohtoDragonChallenge": "Essaye un challenge Dragon de Johto !",
"basicReadingAbilityRecommended": "Un niveau de lecture basique est nécessaire !",
"shoutoutsToTheArtists": "S/O aux artistes !",
"gamblingNotEncouraged": "Les jeux de hasard ne sont du tout encouragés !",
"dontForgetToTakeABreak": "Noublie pas de faire des pauses !",
"wEvent": "W Event",
"ifItsNotAccurateItsAccurate": "Loi de la précision : Si inférieure à 100, alors 50.",
"everyLossIsProgressMade": "Chaque échec est une étape !",
"liveWoChienReaction": "Réaction en direct de Chongjian :",
"itsAFeatureNotABug": "Cest pas un bug, mais une feature !",
"theEggsAreNotForEating": "Merci de ne pas graille les Œufs !",
"7.8outOf10TooManyWaterBiomes": "7,8/10, Too Many Biomes aquatiques.",
"butNothingHappened": "Mais rien ne se passe !",
"thePowerOfScienceIsAmazing": "La technologie, cest un truc de dingue !",
"freeToPlay": "Free to Play !",
"theresATimeAndPlaceForEverything": "Ce nest pas le moment pour ça !",
"nowWithShinierShinies": "Avec des chormatiques encore plus chromatiques !",
"smilesGoForMiles": "Sans travail, pas de médaille !",
"certainlyNotDragonFree": "Plein de Dragon !",
"haveANiceDay": "Passe une bonne journée !",
"redacted": "[SUPPRIMÉ]",
"hi": "slt",
"transRights": "Trans Rights !",
"shinyOddsHigherThanYouThink": "Le taux des chromatiques est plus haut que tu le penses !",
"noFalseTrades": "Aucun écgane frauduleux !",
"notForProfit": "Aucun profit !",
"timeForYourDailyRun": "Ptit Défi du jour ?",
"moreEggsThanADaycare": "Plus quune Pension Pokémon !",
"disclaimerHarshSunDoesNotGiveVitaminD": "Avetissement : Un fort soleil NE donne PAS de Vitamine D !",
"whoNeedsAMap": "Une Carte ? Là où on va on a pas besoin… de Carte",
"luxrayIsNotADarkType": "Luxray nest pas de type Ténèbres !",
"selfDestructiveEncounters": "Des rencontres Destructrices !",
"mostOptionsAreViable": "Presque tous les choix sont viables !",
"pokerogueMorse": ".--. --- -.- . .-. --- --. ..- .",
"smiley": ":)",
"beAwareOfPassives": "Ne sois pas passif, attention aux Passifs !",
"asSeenOnTheWorldWideWeb": "Vu sur les Internets !",
"vaultinVeluzas": "Mouah ha ha !",
"tooManyStarters": "Trop de starters !",
"checkTheWiki": "Jette un œil au Wiki !",
"winWithYourFavorites": "Gagnez avec vos Favoris !",
"alsoTryPokerogueWait": "Essaye aussi PokéRogue ! Oh, attends…",
"theWayISeeItKyogreIsSurrounded": "Tout ce que je vois, cest que Kyogre est foutu…",
"tryOutHoneyGather": "Essaye Cherche Miel !",
"notForTheFaintOfHeart": "Pas pour les âmes sensibles !",
"p": "(P)",
"flipYourDeviceToEvolveInkay": "Retournez votre appareil pour faire évoluer Sepiatop !",
"inArceusWeTrust": "En Arceus nous croyons",
"whyDidTheTorchicCrossTheRoad": "Pourquoi le Poussifeu a-t-il traversé la route ?",
"goodLuck": "Bonne chance !",
"fuseWisely": "Fusionne avec sagesse !",
"compensation": "Dédomagement ?",
"prepareForTroubleAndMakeItDouble": "Nous sommes de retour ! Pour vous jouer un mauvais tour !",
"anEggForYourTroubles": "Un Œuf pour le dérangement ?",
"regirock": "ÜN ÜN ÜN",
"hereForAGoodTime": "Ici pour passer du bon temps ",
"getGoodOrDont": "Sois doué·e ! Ou pas !",
"checkTheSubreddit": "Jette un œil au Subreddit !",
"betterNerfGreninja": "Nerf Amphinobi !",
"inCaseOfUpdateClearYourCache": "En cas de MàJ, videz votre cache !",
"insertTextHere": "insérer texte ici",
"endingEndlessNotFound": "ending_endless not found",
"iLikeMyEggsVouchered": "Jaime les Œufs couponisés !",
"YOU": "TOI !",
"noAddedSugar": "Sans sucres ajoutés !",
"notSponsored": "Non-sponsorisé !",
"notRated": "Non évalué !",
"justOneMoreWaveMom": "Allez maman, encore une vague !",
"saltCured": "Salaisoné !",
"onlyOnPokerogueNet": "Seulement sur !",
"pixelPerfection": "Pixel Perfect !",
"openSource": "Open Source !",
"probablyGood": "Plutôt OK !",
"itsAMonsterHouse": "Cest une Maison de monstres !",
"dontForgetYourPassword": "Oublie pas ton mot de passe !",
"tripleTripleTripleAxel": "Triple- Triple- Triple Axel !",
"questionExclamation": "?!",
"clownEncounters": "Rencontres de Clowns !",
"fullOfBerries": "Chargé en Baies !",
"limitsAreMeantToBeBrokenSometimes": "Les limites sont fait pour être dépassées !… Parfois…",
"keepItCasual": "Mets-toi à laise !",
"serversProbablyWorking": "Les serveurs fonctionnent probablement !",
"mew": "Mew nest probablement pas sous le camion !",
"makeItRainAndYourProblemsGoAway": "Ruée dOr pour résoudre tes problèmes !",
"customMusicTracks": "Quelques musiques originales !",
"youAreValid": "Tu es VALIDE !",
"number591IsLookingOff": "N° 591 sest fait…",
"timeForYourDeliDelivery": "Cas doiseaux !",
"goodFirstImpression": "On a pas dit notre Dernier Mot !",
"iPreferRarerCandies": "Je préfère les Hyper Bonbons !",
"halloween": {
"pumpkabooAbout": "Pitrouill-ard !",
"mayContainSpiders": "TW Araignées !",
"spookyScarySkeledirge": "Spooky, Scary Skelénox !",
"gourgeistUsedTrickOrTreat": "Banshitrouye utilise Halloween !",
"letsSnuggleForever": "Patati-Patattrape !"
"xmas": {
"happyHolidays": "Bonne fêtes !",
"delibirdSeason": "Saison du Cadoizo !",
"unaffilicatedWithDelibirdServices": "Non, on a rien à voir avec Cadoi-zon !",
"diamondsFromTheSky": "Diamonds from the sky !",
"holidayStylePikachuNotIncluded": "Pikachu Papa Noël non-inclus !"
"newYears": {
"happyNewYear": "Bonne année !"
} }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"accessMenu": "Accédez au menu avec M ou Échap lors de lattente dune\naction.\n$Il contient les paramètres et diverses fonctionnalités.", "accessMenu": "Accédez au menu avec M ou Échap lors de lattente dune\naction.\n$Il contient les paramètres et diverses fonctionnalités.",
"menu": "Vous pouvez accéder aux paramètres depuis ce menu.\n$Vous pouvez entre autres y changer la vitesse du jeu ou le style de fenêtre…\n$Mais également des tonnes dautres fonctionnalités, jetez-y un œil !", "menu": "Vous pouvez accéder aux paramètres depuis ce menu.\n$Vous pouvez entre autres y changer la vitesse du jeu ou le style de fenêtre…\n$Mais également des tonnes dautres fonctionnalités, jetez-y un œil !",
"starterSelect": "Choisissez vos starters depuis cet écran avec Z ou Espace.\nIls formeront votre équipe de départ.\n$Chacun possède une valeur. Votre équipe peut avoir\njusquà 6 membres, sans dépasser un cout de 10.\n$Vous pouvez aussi choisir le sexe, le talent et la forme en\nfonction des variants déjà capturés ou éclos.\n$Les IV dun starter sont les meilleurs de tous ceux de\nson espèce déjà possédés. Obtenez-en plusieurs !", "starterSelect": "Choisissez vos starters depuis cet écran avec Z ou Espace.\nIls formeront votre équipe de départ.\n$Chacun possède une valeur. Votre équipe peut avoir\njusquà 6 membres, sans dépasser un cout de 10.\n$Vous pouvez aussi choisir le sexe, le talent et la forme en\nfonction des variants déjà capturés ou éclos.\n$Les IV dun starter sont les meilleurs de tous ceux de\nson espèce déjà possédés. Obtenez-en plusieurs !",
"pokerus": "Chaque jour, 3 starters tirés aléatoirement ont un contour violet.\n$Si un starter que vous possédez la, essayez de lajouter à votre équipe. Vérifiez bien son résumé !", "pokerus": "Chaque jour, 5 starters tirés aléatoirement ont un contour violet.\n$Si un starter que vous possédez la, essayez de lajouter à votre équipe. Vérifiez bien son résumé !",
"statChange": "Les changements de stats persistent à travers\nles combats tant que le Pokémon nest pas rappelé.\n$Vos Pokémon sont rappelés avant un combat de\nDresseur et avant dentrer dans un nouveau biome.\n$Vous pouvez voir en combat les changements de stats\ndun Pokémon en maintenant C ou Maj.\n$Vous pouvez également voir les capacités de ladversaire\nen maintenant V.\n$Seules les capacités que le Pokémon a utilisées dans\nce combat sont consultables.", "statChange": "Les changements de stats persistent à travers\nles combats tant que le Pokémon nest pas rappelé.\n$Vos Pokémon sont rappelés avant un combat de\nDresseur et avant dentrer dans un nouveau biome.\n$Vous pouvez voir en combat les changements de stats\ndun Pokémon en maintenant C ou Maj.\n$Vous pouvez également voir les capacités de ladversaire\nen maintenant V.\n$Seules les capacités que le Pokémon a utilisées dans\nce combat sont consultables.",
"selectItem": "Après chaque combat, vous avez le choix entre 3 objets\ntirés au sort. Vous ne pouvez en prendre quun.\n$Cela peut être des objets consommables, des objets à\nfaire tenir, ou des objets passifs aux effets permanents.\n$La plupart des effets des objets non-consommables se cumuleront de diverses manières.\n$Certains objets napparaitront que sils ont une utilité immédiate, comme les objets dévolution.\n$Vous pouvez aussi transférer des objets tenus entre\nPokémon en utilisant loption de transfert.\n$Loption de transfert apparait en bas à droite dès\nquun Pokémon de léquipe porte un objet.\n$Vous pouvez acheter des consommables avec de\nlargent. Plus vous progressez, plus le choix sera large.\n$Choisir un des objets gratuits déclenchera le prochain\ncombat, donc faites bien tous vos achats avant.", "selectItem": "Après chaque combat, vous avez le choix entre 3 objets\ntirés au sort. Vous ne pouvez en prendre quun.\n$Cela peut être des objets consommables, des objets à\nfaire tenir, ou des objets passifs aux effets permanents.\n$La plupart des effets des objets non-consommables se cumuleront de diverses manières.\n$Certains objets napparaitront que sils ont une utilité immédiate, comme les objets dévolution.\n$Vous pouvez aussi transférer des objets tenus entre\nPokémon en utilisant loption de transfert.\n$Loption de transfert apparait en bas à droite dès\nquun Pokémon de léquipe porte un objet.\n$Vous pouvez acheter des consommables avec de\nlargent. Plus vous progressez, plus le choix sera large.\n$Choisir un des objets gratuits déclenchera le prochain\ncombat, donc faites bien tous vos achats avant.",
"eggGacha": "Depuis cet écran, vous pouvez utiliser vos coupons\npour recevoir Œufs de Pokémon au hasard.\n$Les Œufs éclosent après avoir remporté un certain nombre de combats.\n$Plus ils sont rares, plus ils mettent de temps.\n$Les Pokémon éclos ne rejoindront pas votre équipe, mais seront ajoutés à vos starters.\n$Les Pokémon issus dŒufs ont généralement de meilleurs IV que les Pokémon sauvages.\n$Certains Pokémon ne peuvent être obtenus que dans des Œufs.\n$Il y a 3 différentes machines à actionner avec différents\nbonus, prenez celle qui vous convient le mieux !" "eggGacha": "Depuis cet écran, vous pouvez utiliser vos coupons\npour recevoir Œufs de Pokémon au hasard.\n$Les Œufs éclosent après avoir remporté un certain nombre de combats.\n$Plus ils sont rares, plus ils mettent de temps.\n$Les Pokémon éclos ne rejoindront pas votre équipe, mais seront ajoutés à vos starters.\n$Les Pokémon issus dŒufs ont généralement de meilleurs IV que les Pokémon sauvages.\n$Certains Pokémon ne peuvent être obtenus que dans des Œufs.\n$Il y a 3 différentes machines à actionner avec différents\nbonus, prenez celle qui vous convient le mieux !"

View File

@ -279,9 +279,9 @@
"ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Maschera Focolare Teracristal", "ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Maschera Focolare Teracristal",
"ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Maschera Fondamenta", "ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Maschera Fondamenta",
"ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Maschera Fondamenta Teracristal", "ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Maschera Fondamenta Teracristal",
"terpagos": "Normale", "terapagos": "Normale",
"terpagosTerastal": "Teracristal", "terapagosTerastal": "Teracristal",
"terpagosStellar": "Astrale", "terapagosStellar": "Astrale",
"galarDarumaka": "Normale", "galarDarumaka": "Normale",
"galarDarumakaZen": "Stato Zen", "galarDarumakaZen": "Stato Zen",
"paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combattiva", "paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combattiva",

View File

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
"battlesWon": "{{count, number}} Battaglie Vinte!", "battlesWon": "{{count, number}} Battaglie Vinte!",
"joinTheDiscord": "Entra nel Discord!", "joinTheDiscord": "Entra nel Discord!",
"infiniteLevels": "Livelli Infiniti!", "infiniteLevels": "Livelli Infiniti!",
"everythingStacks": "Tutto si impila!", "everythingIsStackable": "Tutto si impila!",
"optionalSaveScumming": "Salvataggi Facoltativi!", "optionalSaveScumming": "Salvataggi Facoltativi!",
"biomes": "35 Biomi!", "biomes": "38 Biomi!",
"openSource": "Open Source!", "openSource": "Open Source!",
"playWithSpeed": "Gioca con la velocità aumentata di 5 volte!", "playWithSpeed": "Gioca con la velocità aumentata di 5 volte!",
"liveBugTesting": "Test dei Bug in Tempo Reale!", "liveBugTesting": "Test dei Bug in Tempo Reale!",
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
"infiniteFusionAtHome": "Fusioni Infinite a Casa!", "infiniteFusionAtHome": "Fusioni Infinite a Casa!",
"brokenEggMoves": "Mosse delle Uova Rotte!", "brokenEggMoves": "Mosse delle Uova Rotte!",
"magnificent": "Magnifico!", "magnificent": "Magnifico!",
"mubstitute": "Mubstitute!", "doPeopleReadThis": "Qualcuno legge sta roba?",
"thatsCrazy": "È Pazzesco!", "thatsCrazy": "È Pazzesco!",
"oranceJuice": "Succo d'Arancia!", "gottaCatchEmAll": "Acchiappali tutti!",
"questionableBalancing": "Bilanciamento Discutibile!", "questionableBalancing": "Bilanciamento Discutibile!",
"coolShaders": "Shader fantastici!", "coolShaders": "Shader fantastici!",
"aiFree": "Senza Intelligenza Artificiale!", "aiFree": "Senza Intelligenza Artificiale!",
@ -25,12 +25,120 @@
"moreAddictiveThanIntended": "Crea Dipendeza più del Dovuto!", "moreAddictiveThanIntended": "Crea Dipendeza più del Dovuto!",
"mostlyConsistentSeeds": "Seeds Consistenti!", "mostlyConsistentSeeds": "Seeds Consistenti!",
"achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "I Punti Obiettivo non Fanno Nulla!", "achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "I Punti Obiettivo non Fanno Nulla!",
"youDoNotStartAtLevel": "Non Cominci dal Livello 2000!", "nothingBeatsAJellyFilledDonut": "Niente di meglio delle polpette di riso!",
"dontTalkAboutTheManaphyEggIncident": "Non Parlare dell'Incidente dell'Uovo di Manaphy!", "dontTalkAboutTheTinkatonIncident": "Non si parla dell'incidente Tinkaton!",
"alsoTryPokengine": "Prova anche Pokéngine!", "alsoTryPokengine": "Prova anche Pokéngine!",
"alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "Prova anche Emerald Rogue!", "alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "Prova anche Emerald Rogue!",
"alsoTryRadicalRed": "Prova anche Radical Red!", "alsoTryRadicalRed": "Prova anche Radical Red!",
"eeveeExpo": "Eevee Expo!", "eeveeExpo": "Eevee Expo!",
"ynoproject": "YNOproject!", "checkOutYnoproject": "Dai un'occhiata a YNOproject!",
"breedersInSpace": "Allevapokémon nello spazio!" "breedersInSpace": "Allevapokémon nello spazio!",
"alsoTryPokemonUnbound": "Prova anche Pokemon Unbound!",
"tryTheJohtoDragonChallenge": "Tenta la sfida monotipo Drago Johto!",
"basicReadingAbilityRecommended": "Competenze basilari nella lettura consigliate!",
"shoutoutsToTheArtists": "Complimenti agli artisti!",
"gamblingNotEncouraged": "Non incoraggiamo al gioco d'azzardo!",
"dontForgetToTakeABreak": "Non dimenticarti di fare una pausa!",
"wEvent": "Bell'evento",
"ifItsNotAccurateItsAccurate": "Se non ha il 100% di precisione, ne ha il 50%.",
"everyLossIsProgressMade": "Ogni sconfitta è un insegnamento!",
"liveWoChienReaction": "Live Wo-Chien Reaction:",
"itsAFeatureNotABug": "È una meccanica, non un bug!",
"theEggsAreNotForEating": "Le uova non vanno mangiate!",
"7.8outOf10TooManyWaterBiomes": "7.8 su 10, troppi biomi acquatici.",
"butNothingHappened": "Ma non succede nulla!",
"thePowerOfScienceIsAmazing": "Il potere della scienza è incredibile!",
"freeToPlay": "Free To Play!",
"theresATimeAndPlaceForEverything": "Cè un luogo e un tempo per ogni cosa!",
"nowWithShinierShinies": "Ora con shiny cromatici!",
"smilesGoForMiles": "Smiles Go for Miles!",
"certainlyNotDragonFree": "Draghi inclusi!",
"haveANiceDay": "Buona giornata!",
"redacted": "[CENSURATO]",
"hi": "ciao",
"transRights": "Diritti trans!",
"shinyOddsHigherThanYouThink": "Tasso di shiny maggiore di quello che pensi!",
"noFalseTrades": "Senza scambi farlocchi!",
"notForProfit": "Senza profitto!",
"timeForYourDailyRun": "È l'ora della run giornaliera!",
"moreEggsThanADaycare": "Più uova di una pensione!",
"disclaimerHarshSunDoesNotGiveVitaminD": "Attenzione: la luce solare accecante NON dà vitamina C!",
"whoNeedsAMap": "Chi vuole una mappa?",
"luxrayIsNotADarkType": "Luxray non è un tipo buio!",
"selfDestructiveEncounters": "Incontri autodistruggenti!",
"mostOptionsAreViable": "Ci sono tante impostazioni!",
"pokerogueMorse": ".--. --- -.- . .-. --- --. ..- .",
"smiley": ":)",
"beAwareOfPassives": "Occhio alle passive!",
"asSeenOnTheWorldWideWeb": "Proprio come sul World-Wide Web!",
"vaultinVeluzas": "Blublub!",
"tooManyStarters": "Troppi starters!",
"checkTheWiki": "Dai un'occhiata alla Wiki!",
"winWithYourFavorites": "Vinci coi tuoi preferiti!",
"alsoTryPokerogueWait": "Prova anche PokéRogue! Aspe...",
"theWayISeeItKyogreIsSurrounded": "Per come la vedo io, Kyogre è circondato...",
"tryOutHoneyGather": "Prova Mielincetta!",
"notForTheFaintOfHeart": "Sconsigliato ai deboli di cuore!",
"p": "(P)",
"flipYourDeviceToEvolveInkay": "Gira il tuo dispositivo per evolvere Inkay!",
"inArceusWeTrust": "Rendiamo grazie ad Arceus",
"whyDidTheTorchicCrossTheRoad": "Perché un Torchic attraversa la strada?",
"goodLuck": "Buona fortuna!",
"fuseWisely": "Fondi saggiamente!",
"compensation": "Ricompensa?",
"prepareForTroubleAndMakeItDouble": "Preparatevi a passare dei guai! Dei guai molto grossi!",
"anEggForYourTroubles": "Vuoi un ovetto?",
"regirock": "ÜN ÜN ÜN",
"hereForAGoodTime": "Siamo qui per divertirci!",
"getGoodOrDont": "Impara a giocare! O non farlo!",
"checkTheSubreddit": "Dai un'occhiata al subreddit!",
"betterNerfGreninja": "Nerfate Greninja!",
"inCaseOfUpdateClearYourCache": "In caso di aggiornamento, ripulite la cache!",
"insertTextHere": "inserire testo",
"endingEndlessNotFound": "ending_endless not found",
"iLikeMyEggsVouchered": "Le uova le gradisco bigliettizzate!",
"YOU": "TU!",
"noAddedSugar": "Senza zuccheri aggiunti!",
"notSponsored": "Non sponsorizzato!",
"notRated": "Non valutato!",
"justOneMoreWaveMom": "Dai mamma, solo un'altra onda!",
"saltCured": "Sotto sale!",
"onlyOnPokerogueNet": "Solo su!",
"pixelPerfection": "Perfezione Pixel!",
"openSource": "Open Source!",
"probablyGood": "Probabilmente bello!",
"itsAMonsterHouse": "Covo di Pokémon!",
"dontForgetYourPassword": "Non dimenticarti la password!",
"tripleTripleTripleAxel": "Triplo- Triplo- Triplo Axel!",
"questionExclamation": "?!",
"clownEncounters": "Incontri coi pagliacci!",
"fullOfBerries": "Pieno di bacche!",
"limitsAreMeantToBeBrokenSometimes": "I limiti vanno infranti, a volte!",
"keepItCasual": "Rimani casual!",
"serversProbablyWorking": "Servers potenzialmente funzionanti!",
"mew": "Mew NON è sotto al camion!",
"makeItRainAndYourProblemsGoAway": "Corsa all'oro, alla faccia loro!",
"customMusicTracks": "Musiche custom!",
"youAreValid": "Sei valido!",
"number591IsLookingOff": "Il numero 591 non me la dice giusta...",
"timeForYourDeliDelivery": "Ora della coco-consegna!",
"goodFirstImpression": "Pronto alla Schermaglia!",
"iPreferRarerCandies": "Preferisco le caramelle più rare!",
"halloween": {
"pumpkabooAbout": "Evviva i Pumpkaboo!",
"mayContainSpiders": "Potrebbe contenere traccia di ragni!",
"spookyScarySkeledirge": "Skeledirge, spaventosi ed inquietanti!",
"gourgeistUsedTrickOrTreat": "Gourgeist usa dolcetto o scherzetto!",
"letsSnuggleForever": "Dolcesacco di botte!"
"xmas": {
"happyHolidays": "Buone vacanze!",
"delibirdSeason": "La stagione di Delibird!",
"unaffilicatedWithDelibirdServices": "Non affiliati a Delibird Services!",
"diamondsFromTheSky": "Diamanti dal cielo!",
"holidayStylePikachuNotIncluded": "Pikachu stile vacanziero non incluso!"
"newYears": {
"happyNewYear": "Buon anno!"
} }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"accessMenu": "Per accedere al menu, premi M o esc.\nDal menu puoi modificare le impostazioni, controllare la wiki ed accedere a varie features.", "accessMenu": "Per accedere al menu, premi M o esc.\nDal menu puoi modificare le impostazioni, controllare la wiki ed accedere a varie features.",
"menu": "Da questo menu puoi accedere alle impostazioni.\n$Esse ti permettono di cambiare velocità di gioco, stile delle finestre ed altre opzioni.\n$Ci sono varie funzionalità: controlla bene e non perderti nulla!", "menu": "Da questo menu puoi accedere alle impostazioni.\n$Esse ti permettono di cambiare velocità di gioco, stile delle finestre ed altre opzioni.\n$Ci sono varie funzionalità: controlla bene e non perderti nulla!",
"starterSelect": "Da questa schermata puoi selezionare il tuo starter.\nQuesti sono i membri iniziali della tua squadra.\n$Ogni starter ha un valore. Puoi avere fino a \n6 Pokèmon, avendo a disposizione un massimo di 10 punti.\n$Puoi anche selezionare genere, abilità, e forma a seconda delle\nvarianti che hai catturato o schiuso.\n$Le IVs di una specie sono le migliori rispetto a tutte quelle che hai\ncatturato o schiuso, quindi prova a catturarne il piu possibile!", "starterSelect": "Da questa schermata puoi selezionare il tuo starter.\nQuesti sono i membri iniziali della tua squadra.\n$Ogni starter ha un valore. Puoi avere fino a \n6 Pokèmon, avendo a disposizione un massimo di 10 punti.\n$Puoi anche selezionare genere, abilità, e forma a seconda delle\nvarianti che hai catturato o schiuso.\n$Le IVs di una specie sono le migliori rispetto a tutte quelle che hai\ncatturato o schiuso, quindi prova a catturarne il piu possibile!",
"pokerus": "Giornalmente 3 starter casuali disponibili avranno il bordo viola.\n$Se possiedi uno di questi starter,\nprova ad aggiungerlo alla squadra. Ricorda di controllarne le info!", "pokerus": "Giornalmente 5 starter casuali disponibili avranno il bordo viola.\n$Se possiedi uno di questi starter,\nprova ad aggiungerlo alla squadra. Ricorda di controllarne le info!",
"statChange": "I cambiamenti alle statistiche persistono fintanto che i tuoi pokèmon restano in campo.\n$I tuoi pokemon verranno richiamati quando incontrerai un allenatore o al cambiamento di bioma.\n$Puoi anche vedere i cambiamenti alle statistiche in corso tenendo premuto C o Shift", "statChange": "I cambiamenti alle statistiche persistono fintanto che i tuoi pokèmon restano in campo.\n$I tuoi pokemon verranno richiamati quando incontrerai un allenatore o al cambiamento di bioma.\n$Puoi anche vedere i cambiamenti alle statistiche in corso tenendo premuto C o Shift",
"selectItem": "Dopo ogni battaglia potrai scegliere tra 3 oggetti.\nPotrai prenderne solo uno.\n$Questi spaziano tra consumabili, oggetti tenuti da Pokèmon o con un effetto passivo permanente.\n$La maggior parte degli oggetti non consumabili possono accumulare i loro effetti in diversi modi.\n$Alcuni risulteranno inoltre disponibili solo se possono essere usati, come ad esempio gli oggetti evolutivi.\n$Puoi anche passare un oggetto tenuto da un Pokèmon a un altro attraverso l'opzione 'trasferisci strumento'.\n$Quest'ultima sarà disponibile solo dopo aver assegnato uno strumento ad un Pokèmon.\n$Puoi acquistare consumabili con le monete; progredendo saranno poi disponibili ulteriori oggetti.\n$Assicurati di fare un acquisto prima di selezionare un item casuale, poichè dopo aver fatto ciò passerai subito alla lotta successiva.", "selectItem": "Dopo ogni battaglia potrai scegliere tra 3 oggetti.\nPotrai prenderne solo uno.\n$Questi spaziano tra consumabili, oggetti tenuti da Pokèmon o con un effetto passivo permanente.\n$La maggior parte degli oggetti non consumabili possono accumulare i loro effetti in diversi modi.\n$Alcuni risulteranno inoltre disponibili solo se possono essere usati, come ad esempio gli oggetti evolutivi.\n$Puoi anche passare un oggetto tenuto da un Pokèmon a un altro attraverso l'opzione 'trasferisci strumento'.\n$Quest'ultima sarà disponibile solo dopo aver assegnato uno strumento ad un Pokèmon.\n$Puoi acquistare consumabili con le monete; progredendo saranno poi disponibili ulteriori oggetti.\n$Assicurati di fare un acquisto prima di selezionare un item casuale, poichè dopo aver fatto ciò passerai subito alla lotta successiva.",
"eggGacha": "Da questa schermata puoi riscattare i tuoi vouchers in cambio di\nuova Pokèmon.\n$Le uova vanno schiuse, e saranno sempre più vicine alla schiusura dopo\nogni battaglia. Le uova più rare impiegheranno più battaglie per la schiusura.\n$I Pokémon schiusi non verranno aggiunti alla tua squadra, ma saranno\ninvece aggiunti ai tuoi starters.\n$I Pokémon schiusi hanno (generalmente) IVs migliori rispetto ai\n Pokémon selvatici.\n$Inoltre, alcuni Pokémon possono essere ottenuti solo tramite uova.\n$Ci sono 3 diversi macchinari con differenti\nbonus, scegli quello che preferisci!" "eggGacha": "Da questa schermata puoi riscattare i tuoi vouchers in cambio di\nuova Pokèmon.\n$Le uova vanno schiuse, e saranno sempre più vicine alla schiusura dopo\nogni battaglia. Le uova più rare impiegheranno più battaglie per la schiusura.\n$I Pokémon schiusi non verranno aggiunti alla tua squadra, ma saranno\ninvece aggiunti ai tuoi starters.\n$I Pokémon schiusi hanno (generalmente) IVs migliori rispetto ai\n Pokémon selvatici.\n$Inoltre, alcuni Pokémon possono essere ottenuti solo tramite uova.\n$Ci sono 3 diversi macchinari con differenti\nbonus, scegli quello che preferisci!"

View File

@ -279,9 +279,9 @@
"ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "かまどのめん テラスタル", "ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "かまどのめん テラスタル",
"ogerponCornerstoneMask": "いしずえのめん", "ogerponCornerstoneMask": "いしずえのめん",
"ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "いしずえのめん テラスタル", "ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "いしずえのめん テラスタル",
"terpagos": "ノーマルフォルム", "terapagos": "ノーマルフォルム",
"terpagosTerastal": "テラスタルフォルム", "terapagosTerastal": "テラスタルフォルム",
"terpagosStellar": "ステラフォルム", "terapagosStellar": "ステラフォルム",
"galarDarumaka": "ノーマルモード", "galarDarumaka": "ノーマルモード",
"galarDarumakaZen": "ダルマモード", "galarDarumakaZen": "ダルマモード",
"paldeaTaurosCombat": "コンバット", "paldeaTaurosCombat": "コンバット",

View File

@ -1,36 +1,3 @@
{ {
"battlesWon": "勝ったバトル:{{count, number}}回!", "battlesWon": "勝ったバトル:{{count, number}}回!"
"joinTheDiscord": "Join the Discord!",
"infiniteLevels": "Infinite Levels!",
"everythingStacks": "Everything Stacks!",
"optionalSaveScumming": "Optional Save Scumming!",
"biomes": "35 Biomes!",
"openSource": "Open Source!",
"playWithSpeed": "Play with 5x Speed!",
"liveBugTesting": "Live Bug Testing!",
"heavyInfluence": "Heavy RoR2 Influence!",
"pokemonRiskAndPokemonRain": "Pokémon Risk and Pokémon Rain!",
"nowWithMoreSalt": "Now with 33% More Salt!",
"infiniteFusionAtHome": "Infinite Fusion at Home!",
"brokenEggMoves": "Broken Egg Moves!",
"magnificent": "Magnificent!",
"mubstitute": "Mubstitute!",
"thatsCrazy": "That's Crazy!",
"oranceJuice": "Orance Juice!",
"questionableBalancing": "Questionable Balancing!",
"coolShaders": "Cool Shaders!",
"aiFree": "AI-Free!",
"suddenDifficultySpikes": "Sudden Difficulty Spikes!",
"basedOnAnUnfinishedFlashGame": "Based on an Unfinished Flash Game!",
"moreAddictiveThanIntended": "More Addictive than Intended!",
"mostlyConsistentSeeds": "Mostly Consistent Seeds!",
"achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "Achievement Points Don't Do Anything!",
"youDoNotStartAtLevel": "You Do Not Start at Level 2000!",
"dontTalkAboutTheManaphyEggIncident": "Don't Talk About the Manaphy Egg Incident!",
"alsoTryPokengine": "Also Try Pokéngine!",
"alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "Also Try Emerald Rogue!",
"alsoTryRadicalRed": "Also Try Radical Red!",
"eeveeExpo": "Eevee Expo!",
"ynoproject": "YNOproject!",
"breedersInSpace": "Breeders in space!"
} }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"accessMenu": "メニューを開くには 入力待ちの間に MキーEscを 押してください。\nメニューには 設定や 様々な機能が 含まれています。", "accessMenu": "メニューを開くには 入力待ちの間に MキーEscを 押してください。\nメニューには 設定や 様々な機能が 含まれています。",
"menu": "このメニューから 設定が 開けます。\n$設定では、ゲームの速さや ウィンドウタイプなどの オプションを 変更できます。\n$ここには 様々な機能が ありますので、\nぜひ 確認してみてください", "menu": "このメニューから 設定が 開けます。\n$設定では、ゲームの速さや ウィンドウタイプなどの オプションを 変更できます。\n$ここには 様々な機能が ありますので、\nぜひ 確認してみてください",
"starterSelect": "この画面では Zキー空白キーを押して ポケモンが 選択できます。\n選んだポケモンは 最初の手持ちに なります。\n$各ポケモンは ポイントが ある。最大6つを 選べますが\nポケモンのポイントが 合計10を超えては いけません。\n$ポケモンを 捕まえたり タマゴからふかしたり することで\n選択できる 性別、特性、フォルムなどの 幅を広げられます。\n$個体値も 徐々に 累積して 高くなるから\n同じポケモンを たくさん 捕まえて みてください", "starterSelect": "この画面では Zキー空白キーを押して ポケモンが 選択できます。\n選んだポケモンは 最初の手持ちに なります。\n$各ポケモンは ポイントが ある。最大6つを 選べますが\nポケモンのポイントが 合計10を超えては いけません。\n$ポケモンを 捕まえたり タマゴからふかしたり することで\n選択できる 性別、特性、フォルムなどの 幅を広げられます。\n$個体値も 徐々に 累積して 高くなるから\n同じポケモンを たくさん 捕まえて みてください",
"pokerus": "毎日、無作為に スターターの\n3種類には 紫色の枠が 表示されます。\n$登録された スターターの 中に いれば、\n手持ちに加えて 強さを 確認してみましょう", "pokerus": "毎日、無作為に スターターの\n5種類には 紫色の枠が 表示されます。\n$登録された スターターの 中に いれば、\n手持ちに加えて 強さを 確認してみましょう",
"statChange": "ポケモンを 入れ替えない限り、\n次のバトルでも 能力変化は なくなりません。\n$その代わりに、トレーナーバトルや 新しいバイオームに\n入る直前に 能力変化は 自動的に 元に戻ります。\n$CキーShiftキーを 押し続けると、\n場にいるポケモンの 能力変化を 確認できます。\n$Vキーを 押し続けると、\n相手が出した技と 場の効果を 確認できます。\n$ただし 現在のバトルでの 相手ポケモンが\nすでに 使った 技のみ 表示されます。", "statChange": "ポケモンを 入れ替えない限り、\n次のバトルでも 能力変化は なくなりません。\n$その代わりに、トレーナーバトルや 新しいバイオームに\n入る直前に 能力変化は 自動的に 元に戻ります。\n$CキーShiftキーを 押し続けると、\n場にいるポケモンの 能力変化を 確認できます。\n$Vキーを 押し続けると、\n相手が出した技と 場の効果を 確認できます。\n$ただし 現在のバトルでの 相手ポケモンが\nすでに 使った 技のみ 表示されます。",
"selectItem": "バトルが 終わるたびには、「ショップ」という\n画面で 3つのご褒美から 1つが選べます。\n$種類は 消耗品、ポケモンの持ち物や道具、\n永続的な パッシブアイテムなど 様々です。\n$ほとんどの 消耗しない 道具は\n効果が 累積されます。\n$例えば 進化アイテムなどの ご褒美は\n使用できる 場合のみに 登場します。\n$持ち物や 道具が\n手持ちポケモン画面に 移動できます。\n$持ち物や 道具が あれば、 ショップ画面の\n右下に「アイテム移行」が 表示されます。\n$ショップ画面で お金で 消耗品を 買えます。\nラウンドが進むにつれて 買えるアイテムが 増えます。\n$ご褒美を 選択すると 次の ラウンドに 進むから\nまずは 金で買える 消耗品を 買ってください。", "selectItem": "バトルが 終わるたびには、「ショップ」という\n画面で 3つのご褒美から 1つが選べます。\n$種類は 消耗品、ポケモンの持ち物や道具、\n永続的な パッシブアイテムなど 様々です。\n$ほとんどの 消耗しない 道具は\n効果が 累積されます。\n$例えば 進化アイテムなどの ご褒美は\n使用できる 場合のみに 登場します。\n$持ち物や 道具が\n手持ちポケモン画面に 移動できます。\n$持ち物や 道具が あれば、 ショップ画面の\n右下に「アイテム移行」が 表示されます。\n$ショップ画面で お金で 消耗品を 買えます。\nラウンドが進むにつれて 買えるアイテムが 増えます。\n$ご褒美を 選択すると 次の ラウンドに 進むから\nまずは 金で買える 消耗品を 買ってください。",
"eggGacha": "この画面では、「タマゴクーポン」で\nポケモンのタマゴを 取得できます。\n$タマゴは ラウンドが進めるうちに ふかします。\nタマゴのふかは レア度によって 時間が かかります。\n$ふかしたポケモンは 手持ちに 加えられずに\nスターターに 登録されます。\n$ふかしたポケモンは 一般的に\n野生ポケモンよりも 高い個体値が あります。\n$あるポケモンは タマゴからしか 手に入りません。\n$各ガチャマシンは 個性的な ボーナスが あるから\n好きな方から 引いてみてください," "eggGacha": "この画面では、「タマゴクーポン」で\nポケモンのタマゴを 取得できます。\n$タマゴは ラウンドが進めるうちに ふかします。\nタマゴのふかは レア度によって 時間が かかります。\n$ふかしたポケモンは 手持ちに 加えられずに\nスターターに 登録されます。\n$ふかしたポケモンは 一般的に\n野生ポケモンよりも 高い個体値が あります。\n$あるポケモンは タマゴからしか 手に入りません。\n$各ガチャマシンは 個性的な ボーナスが あるから\n好きな方から 引いてみてください,"

View File

@ -279,9 +279,9 @@
"ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "화덕의가면 테라스탈", "ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "화덕의가면 테라스탈",
"ogerponCornerstoneMask": "주춧돌의가면", "ogerponCornerstoneMask": "주춧돌의가면",
"ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "주춧돌의가면 테라스탈", "ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "주춧돌의가면 테라스탈",
"terpagos": "노말폼", "terapagos": "노말폼",
"terpagosTerastal": "테라스탈폼", "terapagosTerastal": "테라스탈폼",
"terpagosStellar": "스텔라폼", "terapagosStellar": "스텔라폼",
"galarDarumaka": "노말모드", "galarDarumaka": "노말모드",
"galarDarumakaZen": "달마모드", "galarDarumakaZen": "달마모드",
"paldeaTaurosCombat": "컴뱃종", "paldeaTaurosCombat": "컴뱃종",

View File

@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
"battlesWon": "{{count, number}} 전투에서 승리하세요!", "battlesWon": "{{count, number}} 전투에서 승리하세요!",
"joinTheDiscord": "디스코드에 가입하세요!", "joinTheDiscord": "디스코드에 가입하세요!",
"infiniteLevels": "무한한 레벨!", "infiniteLevels": "무한한 레벨!",
"everythingStacks": "모든 것이 누적됩니다!",
"optionalSaveScumming": "원한다면 세이브 노가다를!", "optionalSaveScumming": "원한다면 세이브 노가다를!",
"biomes": "35개의 지역!", "biomes": "38개의 지역!",
"openSource": "오픈소스!", "openSource": "오픈소스!",
"playWithSpeed": "5배속으로 플레이해봐요!", "playWithSpeed": "5배속으로 플레이해봐요!",
"liveBugTesting": "라이브 버그 테스트!", "liveBugTesting": "라이브 버그 테스트!",
@ -13,24 +12,16 @@
"nowWithMoreSalt": "이제 33% 더 과몰입 가능!", "nowWithMoreSalt": "이제 33% 더 과몰입 가능!",
"infiniteFusionAtHome": "집에서 인피니트 퓨전을 즐겨보세요!", "infiniteFusionAtHome": "집에서 인피니트 퓨전을 즐겨보세요!",
"brokenEggMoves": "알기술까기!", "brokenEggMoves": "알기술까기!",
"magnificent": "Magnificent!",
"mubstitute": "Mubstitute!",
"thatsCrazy": "미쳤습니다!", "thatsCrazy": "미쳤습니다!",
"oranceJuice": "오렌지 쥬스!",
"questionableBalancing": "의심스러운 밸런싱!", "questionableBalancing": "의심스러운 밸런싱!",
"coolShaders": "쿨한 셰이더!", "coolShaders": "쿨한 셰이더!",
"aiFree": "AI-Free!",
"suddenDifficultySpikes": "돌연사 가능!", "suddenDifficultySpikes": "돌연사 가능!",
"basedOnAnUnfinishedFlashGame": "무한 플래시게임 기반!", "basedOnAnUnfinishedFlashGame": "무한 플래시게임 기반!",
"moreAddictiveThanIntended": "기획보다 중독적이에요!", "moreAddictiveThanIntended": "기획보다 중독적이에요!",
"mostlyConsistentSeeds": "일관성있는 랜덤 시드!", "mostlyConsistentSeeds": "일관성있는 랜덤 시드!",
"achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "업적 포인트는 아무것도 하지 않습니다!", "achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "업적 포인트는 아무것도 하지 않습니다!",
"youDoNotStartAtLevel": "레벨 2000에서 시작하지 않아요!",
"dontTalkAboutTheManaphyEggIncident": "마나피 알 사건에 대해선 이야기하지 맙시다!",
"alsoTryPokengine": "Pokéngine도 해봐요!", "alsoTryPokengine": "Pokéngine도 해봐요!",
"alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "Emerald Rogue도 해봐요!", "alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "Emerald Rogue도 해봐요!",
"alsoTryRadicalRed": "Radical Red도 해봐요!", "alsoTryRadicalRed": "Radical Red도 해봐요!",
"eeveeExpo": "Eevee Expo!",
"ynoproject": "YNOproject!",
"breedersInSpace": "충격!우주에 브리더 진짜 계심ㄷㄷ" "breedersInSpace": "충격!우주에 브리더 진짜 계심ㄷㄷ"
} }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"accessMenu": "메뉴에 액세스하려면 입력을 기다리는 동안 M 또는 Esc를 누릅니다.\n메뉴에는 설정과 다양한 기능이 포함되어 있습니다.", "accessMenu": "메뉴에 액세스하려면 입력을 기다리는 동안 M 또는 Esc를 누릅니다.\n메뉴에는 설정과 다양한 기능이 포함되어 있습니다.",
"menu": "이 메뉴에서 설정에 액세스할 수 있습니다.\n$설정에서 게임 속도, 윈도우 스타일 및 기타 옵션을 변경할 수 있습니다.\n$여기에는 다양한 다른 기능도 있으니 꼭 확인해보세요!", "menu": "이 메뉴에서 설정에 액세스할 수 있습니다.\n$설정에서 게임 속도, 윈도우 스타일 및 기타 옵션을 변경할 수 있습니다.\n$여기에는 다양한 다른 기능도 있으니 꼭 확인해보세요!",
"starterSelect": "이 화면에서 Z나 스페이스바로 스타팅을 선택할 수 있습니다.\n이들은 당신의 첫 번째 파티 멤버들입니다.\n$최대 6마리의 파티로 시작할 수 있지만\n포켓몬에 따라 코스트가 있어 총합 10을 넘겨선 안 됩니다.\n$계속 잡거나 부화시켜서\n선택할 수 있는 성별, 특성, 폼 등의 폭을 넓힐 수 있습니다.\n$개체값도 점점 누적되어 높아지므로,\n같은 포켓몬을 많이 잡아보세요!", "starterSelect": "이 화면에서 Z나 스페이스바로 스타팅을 선택할 수 있습니다.\n이들은 당신의 첫 번째 파티 멤버들입니다.\n$최대 6마리의 파티로 시작할 수 있지만\n포켓몬에 따라 코스트가 있어 총합 10을 넘겨선 안 됩니다.\n$계속 잡거나 부화시켜서\n선택할 수 있는 성별, 특성, 폼 등의 폭을 넓힐 수 있습니다.\n$개체값도 점점 누적되어 높아지므로,\n같은 포켓몬을 많이 잡아보세요!",
"pokerus": "매일 랜덤 스타팅 종류에 보라색 테두리가 쳐집니다.\n$등록된 스타팅 중에 있다면,\n파티에 추가해서 능력치 화면을 확인해봅시다!", "pokerus": "매일 랜덤 스타팅 다섯 종류에 보라색 테두리가 쳐집니다.\n$등록된 스타팅 중에 있다면,\n파티에 추가해서 능력치 화면을 확인해봅시다!",
"statChange": "포켓몬은 교체하지 않으면 다음 전투에서도 능력치 변화가 유지됩니다.\n$대신 트레이너 배틀이나 새로운 바이옴 입장 직전에 자동으로 들여보내지게 됩니다.\n$C 또는 Shift를 꾹 눌러 현재 포켓몬의 능력치 변화를 볼 수도 있습니다.\n$V를 눌러 상대방이 사용했던 기술도 확인할 수 있습니다.\n$단, 이번 배틀에서 상대 포켓몬이 이미 사용한 기술만 나타납니다.", "statChange": "포켓몬은 교체하지 않으면 다음 전투에서도 능력치 변화가 유지됩니다.\n$대신 트레이너 배틀이나 새로운 바이옴 입장 직전에 자동으로 들여보내지게 됩니다.\n$C 또는 Shift를 꾹 눌러 현재 포켓몬의 능력치 변화를 볼 수도 있습니다.\n$V를 눌러 상대방이 사용했던 기술도 확인할 수 있습니다.\n$단, 이번 배틀에서 상대 포켓몬이 이미 사용한 기술만 나타납니다.",
"selectItem": "전투가 끝날때마다 무작위 아이템 3개 중 하나를 선택하여 얻습니다.\n$종류는 소모품, 포켓몬의 지닌 도구, 영구적 패시브 아이템에 이르기까지 다양합니다.\n$대부분의 소모되지 않는 도구는 효과가 누적됩니다.\n$진화용과 같은 일부분의 아이템은 사용할 수 있는 경우에만 등장합니다.\n$지닌 도구 건네주기 기능을 사용해 포켓몬끼리 도구를 옮겨 지닐 수도 있습니다.\n$지닌 도구가 있다면 아이템 선택 화면 오른쪽 하단에 건네주기 기능이 표시됩니다.\n$돈으로 소모품을 구입할 수도 있으며, 웨이브 진행에 따라 구입 가능한 종류가 늘어납니다.\n$아이템을 선택하면 다음 웨이브로 넘어가므로, 소모품 구입을 먼저 해 주세요.", "selectItem": "전투가 끝날때마다 무작위 아이템 3개 중 하나를 선택하여 얻습니다.\n$종류는 소모품, 포켓몬의 지닌 도구, 영구적 패시브 아이템에 이르기까지 다양합니다.\n$대부분의 소모되지 않는 도구는 효과가 누적됩니다.\n$진화용과 같은 일부분의 아이템은 사용할 수 있는 경우에만 등장합니다.\n$지닌 도구 건네주기 기능을 사용해 포켓몬끼리 도구를 옮겨 지닐 수도 있습니다.\n$지닌 도구가 있다면 아이템 선택 화면 오른쪽 하단에 건네주기 기능이 표시됩니다.\n$돈으로 소모품을 구입할 수도 있으며, 웨이브 진행에 따라 구입 가능한 종류가 늘어납니다.\n$아이템을 선택하면 다음 웨이브로 넘어가므로, 소모품 구입을 먼저 해 주세요.",
"eggGacha": "이 화면에서 포켓몬 알 바우처를\n사용해 뽑기를 할 수 있습니다.\n$알은 전투를 반복하다 보면 부화합니다.\n희귀할 수록 더 오래 걸립니다.\n$부화시킨 포켓몬은 파티에 추가되지 않고\n스타팅에 등록될 것입니다.\n$알에서 부화한 포켓몬은 일반적으로\n야생에서 잡은 포켓몬보다 더 높은 개체값을 지닙니다.\n$일부 포켓몬은 알에서만 얻을 수 있습니다.\n$각 뽑기 기계가 각각 다른 보너스를 가지고 있으므로,\n원하는 쪽을 사용해보세요!" "eggGacha": "이 화면에서 포켓몬 알 바우처를\n사용해 뽑기를 할 수 있습니다.\n$알은 전투를 반복하다 보면 부화합니다.\n희귀할 수록 더 오래 걸립니다.\n$부화시킨 포켓몬은 파티에 추가되지 않고\n스타팅에 등록될 것입니다.\n$알에서 부화한 포켓몬은 일반적으로\n야생에서 잡은 포켓몬보다 더 높은 개체값을 지닙니다.\n$일부 포켓몬은 알에서만 얻을 수 있습니다.\n$각 뽑기 기계가 각각 다른 보너스를 가지고 있으므로,\n원하는 쪽을 사용해보세요!"

View File

@ -279,9 +279,9 @@
"ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Máscara Fornalha Terastalizada", "ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Máscara Fornalha Terastalizada",
"ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Máscara Alicerce", "ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Máscara Alicerce",
"ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Máscara Alicerce Terastalizada", "ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Máscara Alicerce Terastalizada",
"terpagos": "Normal", "terapagos": "Normal",
"terpagosTerastal": "Teracristal", "terapagosTerastal": "Teracristal",
"terpagosStellar": "Astral", "terapagosStellar": "Astral",
"galarDarumaka": "Padrão", "galarDarumaka": "Padrão",
"galarDarumakaZen": "Zen", "galarDarumakaZen": "Zen",
"paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combate", "paldeaTaurosCombat": "Combate",

View File

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
"battlesWon": "{{count, number}} Batalhas Ganhas!", "battlesWon": "{{count, number}} Batalhas Ganhas!",
"joinTheDiscord": "Junte-se ao Discord!", "joinTheDiscord": "Junte-se ao Discord!",
"infiniteLevels": "Níveis Infinitos!", "infiniteLevels": "Níveis Infinitos!",
"everythingStacks": "Tudo Acumula!", "everythingIsStackable": "Tudo Pode Ser Acumulado*!",
"optionalSaveScumming": "Você Pode Dar F5!", "optionalSaveScumming": "Você Pode Dar F5!",
"biomes": "35 Biomas!", "biomes": "38 Biomas!",
"openSource": "Código Aberto!", "openSource": "Código Aberto!",
"playWithSpeed": "Jogue na Velocidade 5x!", "playWithSpeed": "Jogue na Velocidade 5x!",
"liveBugTesting": "Testamos os Bugs Ao Vivo!", "liveBugTesting": "Testamos os Bugs Ao Vivo!",
@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
"pokemonRiskAndPokemonRain": "Pokémon Risk e Pokémon Rain!", "pokemonRiskAndPokemonRain": "Pokémon Risk e Pokémon Rain!",
"nowWithMoreSalt": "O Choro é Livre!", "nowWithMoreSalt": "O Choro é Livre!",
"infiniteFusionAtHome": "Infinite Fusion da Shopee!", "infiniteFusionAtHome": "Infinite Fusion da Shopee!",
"brokenEggMoves": "Mov. de Ovo Apelões!", "brokenEggMoves": "Movimentos de Ovo Apelões!",
"magnificent": "Magnífico!", "magnificent": "Magnífico!",
"mubstitute": "Mubstituto!", "doPeopleReadThis": "As Pessoas Leem Isso?",
"thatsCrazy": "Que Doidera!", "thatsCrazy": "Que Doidera!",
"oranceJuice": "Suco de Laranja!", "gottaCatchEmAll": "Temos Que Pegar!",
"questionableBalancing": "Balanceamento Questionável!", "questionableBalancing": "Balanceamento Questionável!",
"coolShaders": "Shader Maneiros!", "coolShaders": "Shader Maneiros!",
"aiFree": "Livre de IA!", "aiFree": "Livre de IA!",
@ -25,12 +25,120 @@
"moreAddictiveThanIntended": "Mais Viciante do que Planejado!", "moreAddictiveThanIntended": "Mais Viciante do que Planejado!",
"mostlyConsistentSeeds": "Consistente (na Maioria das Vezes)!", "mostlyConsistentSeeds": "Consistente (na Maioria das Vezes)!",
"achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "Pontos de Conquista Não Fazem Nada!", "achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "Pontos de Conquista Não Fazem Nada!",
"youDoNotStartAtLevel": "Você Não Começa no Nível 2000!", "nothingBeatsAJellyFilledDonut": "Nada Melhor Que Um Donut Recheado Com Geleia!",
"dontTalkAboutTheManaphyEggIncident": "Não Fale do Incidente do Ovo de Manaphy!", "dontTalkAboutTheTinkatonIncident": "Não Fale Sobre o Incidente do Tinkaton!",
"alsoTryPokengine": "Também Jogue Pokéngine!", "alsoTryPokengine": "Jogue Também Pokéngine!",
"alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "Também Jogue Emerald Rogue!", "alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "Jogue Também Emerald Rogue!",
"alsoTryRadicalRed": "Também Jogue Radical Red!", "alsoTryRadicalRed": "Jogue Também Radical Red!",
"eeveeExpo": "Eevee Expo!", "eeveeExpo": "Eevee Expo!",
"ynoproject": "YNOproject!", "checkOutYnoproject": "Confira o YNOproject!",
"breedersInSpace": "Criadores de Pokémon no Espaço!" "breedersInSpace": "Criadores de Pokémon no Espaço!",
"alsoTryPokemonUnbound": "Jogue Tambénm Pokémon Unbound!",
"tryTheJohtoDragonChallenge": "Experimente o Desafio do Dragão de Johto!",
"basicReadingAbilityRecommended": "Habilidade de Leitura Básica Recomendada!",
"shoutoutsToTheArtists": "Agradecimentos aos Artistas!",
"gamblingNotEncouraged": "Não Incentivamos o Jogo do Raikouzinho!",
"dontForgetToTakeABreak": "Não Se Esqueça de Fazer uma Pausa!",
"wEvent": "Só Jogamos Nos Eventos Shiny!",
"ifItsNotAccurateItsAccurate": "Se Não For 100% de Chance, é 50%.",
"everyLossIsProgressMade": "Toda Derrota é Progresso Feito!",
"liveWoChienReaction": "Reação Ao-Vivo de Wo-Chien:",
"itsAFeatureNotABug": "É Uma Funcionalidade, Não um Bug!",
"theEggsAreNotForEating": "Os Ovos Não São Para Comer!",
"7.8outOf10TooManyWaterBiomes": "7.8 de 10, Muitos Biomas de Água.",
"butNothingHappened": "Mas Nada Aconteceu!",
"thePowerOfScienceIsAmazing": "O Poder da Ciência é Incrível!",
"freeToPlay": "Jogue de Graça!",
"theresATimeAndPlaceForEverything": "Existe Hora e Lugar Pra Tudo!",
"nowWithShinierShinies": "Agora Com Shinies Mais Shinies!",
"smilesGoForMiles": "Sorriso Maroto!",
"certainlyNotDragonFree": "Certamente Não é Livre de Dragões!",
"haveANiceDay": "Tenha um Bom dia!",
"redacted": "Nós Não Falamos Espanhol",
"hi": "oi",
"transRights": "Direitos Trans!",
"shinyOddsHigherThanYouThink": "Chances de Shiny Maiores do Que Você Pensa!",
"noFalseTrades": "Sem Falsas Trocas!",
"notForProfit": "Sem Fins Lucrativos!",
"timeForYourDailyRun": "Hora do Seu Desafio Diário!",
"moreEggsThanADaycare": "Mais Ovos do Que Uma Creche!",
"disclaimerHarshSunDoesNotGiveVitaminD": "Aviso: Sol Intenso NÃO Fornece Vitamina D!",
"whoNeedsAMap": "Quem Precisa de Um Mapa?",
"luxrayIsNotADarkType": "Luxray Não é Tipo Sombrio!",
"selfDestructiveEncounters": "Encontros Autodestrutivos!",
"mostOptionsAreViable": "A Maioria das Opções é Viável!",
"pokerogueMorse": ".--. --- -.- . .-. --- --. ..- .",
"smiley": ":)",
"beAwareOfPassives": "Cuidado Com as Passivas!",
"asSeenOnTheWorldWideWeb": "Como Visto na World-Wide Web!",
"vaultinVeluzas": "Vaultin' Veluza!",
"tooManyStarters": "Muitos Iniciais!",
"checkTheWiki": "Confira a Wiki!",
"winWithYourFavorites": "Vença Com os Seus Favoritos!",
"alsoTryPokerogueWait": "Jogue Também PokéRogue! Pera...",
"theWayISeeItKyogreIsSurrounded": "Pelo Que Vejo, Kyogre Está Cercado...",
"tryOutHoneyGather": "Teste Honey Gather!",
"notForTheFaintOfHeart": "Não Para os Fracos de Coração!",
"p": "(P)",
"flipYourDeviceToEvolveInkay": "Vire Sua Tela Para Evoluir Inkay!",
"inArceusWeTrust": "Tudo no Tempo de Arceus",
"whyDidTheTorchicCrossTheRoad": "Por que Torchic Atravessou a Rua?",
"goodLuck": "Boa Sorte!",
"fuseWisely": "Funda Com Sabedoria!",
"compensation": "Compensação?",
"prepareForTroubleAndMakeItDouble": "Prepare-se Para Encrenca! Encrenca em Dobro!",
"anEggForYourTroubles": "Um Ovo Pelos Seus Problemas?",
"regirock": "ÜN ÜN ÜN",
"hereForAGoodTime": "Aqui Para Curtir!",
"getGoodOrDont": "Melhore! Ou Não!",
"checkTheSubreddit": "Confira o Subreddit!",
"betterNerfGreninja": "É Melhor Nerfar o Greninja!",
"inCaseOfUpdateClearYourCache": "No Caso de Atualizações, Limpe Seu Cache!",
"insertTextHere": "insira texto aqui",
"endingEndlessNotFound": "fim_infinito não encontrado",
"iLikeMyEggsVouchered": "Eu Gosto dos Meus Ovos!",
"YOU": "VOCÊ!",
"noAddedSugar": "Sem Adição de Açúcar!",
"notSponsored": "Não Somos Patrocinados!",
"notRated": "Sem Classificação Indicativa!",
"justOneMoreWaveMom": "Só Mais Uma Onda, Mãe!",
"saltCured": "Curado no Sal!",
"onlyOnPokerogueNet": "Somente em!",
"pixelPerfection": "Perfeição em Pixels!",
"openSource": "Código Aberto!",
"probablyGood": "Provavelmente Bom!",
"itsAMonsterHouse": "É uma Casa Monstro!",
"dontForgetYourPassword": "Não Esqueça Sua Senha!",
"tripleTripleTripleAxel": "Triple- Triple- Triple Axel!",
"questionExclamation": "?!",
"clownEncounters": "Encontre Palhaços!",
"fullOfBerries": "Cheio de Frutas!",
"limitsAreMeantToBeBrokenSometimes": "Limites São Feitos Para Serem Quebrados, Às Vezes!",
"keepItCasual": "É Só um Lance!",
"serversProbablyWorking": "Servidores Provavelmente Funcionando!",
"mew": "Mew Provavelmente Não Está Debaixo de Um Caminhão!",
"makeItRainAndYourProblemsGoAway": "Make it Rain e Seus Problemas Somem!",
"customMusicTracks": "Trilha Sonora Customizada!",
"youAreValid": "Você é Válido!",
"number591IsLookingOff": "Número 591 Está Um Pouco...",
"timeForYourDeliDelivery": "Hora da Sua Deli-Entrega!",
"goodFirstImpression": "Esperamos Ter Deixado uma Boa First Impression!",
"iPreferRarerCandies": "Eu Prefiro Doces Raríssimos!",
"halloween": {
"pumpkabooAbout": "Pumpkaboo à Vista!",
"mayContainSpiders": "Pode Conter Aranhas!",
"spookyScarySkeledirge": "Spooky, Scary Skeledirge!",
"gourgeistUsedTrickOrTreat": "Gourgeist Usou Trick-or-Treat!",
"letsSnuggleForever": "Let's Snuggle Forever!"
"xmas": {
"happyHolidays": "Boas Festas!",
"delibirdSeason": "Temporada de Delibird!",
"unaffilicatedWithDelibirdServices": "Não Afiliado Com Serviços Delibird!",
"diamondsFromTheSky": "Diamantes do Céu!",
"holidayStylePikachuNotIncluded": "Pikachu no Estilo de Feriado Não Incluso!"
"newYears": {
"happyNewYear": "Feliz Ano Novo!"
} }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"accessMenu": "Para acessar o menu, pressione M ou Esc.\n$O menu contém configurações e diversas funções.", "accessMenu": "Para acessar o menu, pressione M ou Esc.\n$O menu contém configurações e diversas funções.",
"menu": "A partir deste menu, você pode\nacessar as configurações.\n$A partir das configurações, você\npode alterar a velocidade do jogo,\n$o estilo da janela e outras opções.\n$Há também vários outros recursos aqui.\nCertifique-se de verificar todos eles!", "menu": "A partir deste menu, você pode\nacessar as configurações.\n$A partir das configurações, você\npode alterar a velocidade do jogo,\n$o estilo da janela e outras opções.\n$Há também vários outros recursos aqui.\nCertifique-se de verificar todos eles!",
"starterSelect": "Nesta tela, você pode selecionar seus iniciais\npressionando Z ou a barra de espaço.\n$Esses serão os primeiros membros da sua equipe.\n$Cada inicial tem um custo. Sua equipe pode ter até 6 membros,\ndesde que desde que o custo total não exceda 10.\n$Você pode escolher o gênero, a habilidade\ne até a forma do seu inicial.\n$Essas opções dependem das variantes dessa\nespécie que você já capturou ou chocou.\n$Os IVs de cada inicial são os melhores de todos os Pokémon\ndaquela espécie que você já capturou ou chocou.\n$Sempre capture vários Pokémon de todas as espécies!", "starterSelect": "Nesta tela, você pode selecionar seus iniciais\npressionando Z ou a barra de espaço.\n$Esses serão os primeiros membros da sua equipe.\n$Cada inicial tem um custo. Sua equipe pode ter até 6 membros,\ndesde que desde que o custo total não exceda 10.\n$Você pode escolher o gênero, a habilidade\ne até a forma do seu inicial.\n$Essas opções dependem das variantes dessa\nespécie que você já capturou ou chocou.\n$Os IVs de cada inicial são os melhores de todos os Pokémon\ndaquela espécie que você já capturou ou chocou.\n$Sempre capture vários Pokémon de todas as espécies!",
"pokerus": "Todo dia, 3 Pokémon iniciais ficam com uma borda roxa.\n$Caso veja um inicial que você possui com uma dessa, tente\nadicioná-lo a sua equipe. Lembre-se de olhar seu sumário!", "pokerus": "Todo dia, 5 Pokémon iniciais ficam com uma borda roxa.\n$Caso veja um inicial que você possui com uma dessa, tente\nadicioná-lo a sua equipe. Lembre-se de olhar seu sumário!",
"statChange": "As mudanças de atributos se mantém após a batalha desde que o Pokémon não seja trocado.\n$Seus Pokémon voltam a suas Poké Bolas antes de batalhas contra treinadores e de entrar em um novo bioma.\n$Para ver as mudanças de atributos dos Pokémon em campo, mantena C ou Shift pressionado durante a batalha.", "statChange": "As mudanças de atributos se mantém após a batalha desde que o Pokémon não seja trocado.\n$Seus Pokémon voltam a suas Poké Bolas antes de batalhas contra treinadores e de entrar em um novo bioma.\n$Para ver as mudanças de atributos dos Pokémon em campo, mantena C ou Shift pressionado durante a batalha.",
"selectItem": "Após cada batalha, você pode escolher entre 3 itens aleatórios.\n$Você pode escolher apenas um deles.\n$Esses itens variam entre consumíveis, itens de segurar e itens passivos permanentes.\n$A maioria dos efeitos de itens não consumíveis podem ser acumulados.\n$Alguns itens só aparecerão se puderem ser usados, como os itens de evolução.\n$Você também pode transferir itens de segurar entre os Pokémon utilizando a opção \"Alterar\".\n$A opção de transferir irá aparecer no canto inferior direito assim que você obter um item de segurar.\n$Você pode comprar itens consumíveis com dinheiro, e sua variedade aumentará conforme você for mais longe.\n$Certifique-se de comprá-los antes de escolher seu item aleatório. Ao escolhê-lo, a próxima batalha começará.", "selectItem": "Após cada batalha, você pode escolher entre 3 itens aleatórios.\n$Você pode escolher apenas um deles.\n$Esses itens variam entre consumíveis, itens de segurar e itens passivos permanentes.\n$A maioria dos efeitos de itens não consumíveis podem ser acumulados.\n$Alguns itens só aparecerão se puderem ser usados, como os itens de evolução.\n$Você também pode transferir itens de segurar entre os Pokémon utilizando a opção \"Alterar\".\n$A opção de transferir irá aparecer no canto inferior direito assim que você obter um item de segurar.\n$Você pode comprar itens consumíveis com dinheiro, e sua variedade aumentará conforme você for mais longe.\n$Certifique-se de comprá-los antes de escolher seu item aleatório. Ao escolhê-lo, a próxima batalha começará.",
"eggGacha": "Nesta tela, você pode trocar seus vouchers por ovos\nde Pokémon.\n$Ovos ficam mais próximos de chocar após cada batalha.\nOvos mais raros demoram mais tempo para chocar.\n$Pokémon chocados não serão adicionados a sua equipe,\nmas sim aos seus iniciais.\n$Pokémon chocados de ovos geralmente têm IVs melhores\ndo que Pokémon selvagens.\n$Alguns Pokémon só podem ser obtidos através de ovos.\n$Existem 3 máquinas para usar com diferentes bônus, então\nescolha a que mais lhe convém!" "eggGacha": "Nesta tela, você pode trocar seus vouchers por ovos\nde Pokémon.\n$Ovos ficam mais próximos de chocar após cada batalha.\nOvos mais raros demoram mais tempo para chocar.\n$Pokémon chocados não serão adicionados a sua equipe,\nmas sim aos seus iniciais.\n$Pokémon chocados de ovos geralmente têm IVs melhores\ndo que Pokémon selvagens.\n$Alguns Pokémon só podem ser obtidos através de ovos.\n$Existem 3 máquinas para usar com diferentes bônus, então\nescolha a que mais lhe convém!"

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@ -279,9 +279,9 @@
"ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "火灶面具太晶化", "ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "火灶面具太晶化",
"ogerponCornerstoneMask": "础石面具", "ogerponCornerstoneMask": "础石面具",
"ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "础石面具太晶化", "ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "础石面具太晶化",
"terpagos": "普通", "terapagos": "普通",
"terpagosTerastal": "太晶", "terapagosTerastal": "太晶",
"terpagosStellar": "星晶", "terapagosStellar": "星晶",
"galarDarumaka": "通常", "galarDarumaka": "通常",
"galarDarumakaZen": "达摩", "galarDarumakaZen": "达摩",
"paldeaTaurosCombat": "斗战种", "paldeaTaurosCombat": "斗战种",

View File

@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
"battlesWon": "{{count, number}} 场胜利!", "battlesWon": "{{count, number}} 场胜利!",
"joinTheDiscord": "加入Discord", "joinTheDiscord": "加入Discord",
"infiniteLevels": "等级无限!", "infiniteLevels": "等级无限!",
"everythingStacks": "道具全部叠加!",
"optionalSaveScumming": "可用SL大法", "optionalSaveScumming": "可用SL大法",
"biomes": "35种地区!", "biomes": "38种地区!",
"openSource": "开源!", "openSource": "开源!",
"playWithSpeed": "请五倍速游玩!", "playWithSpeed": "请五倍速游玩!",
"liveBugTesting": "随时修复BUG", "liveBugTesting": "随时修复BUG",
@ -14,9 +13,7 @@
"infiniteFusionAtHome": "无限融合家庭版!", "infiniteFusionAtHome": "无限融合家庭版!",
"brokenEggMoves": "超模的蛋招式!", "brokenEggMoves": "超模的蛋招式!",
"magnificent": "华丽!", "magnificent": "华丽!",
"mubstitute": "替身!",
"thatsCrazy": "疯狂!", "thatsCrazy": "疯狂!",
"oranceJuice": "橙汁!",
"questionableBalancing": "游戏平衡性存疑!", "questionableBalancing": "游戏平衡性存疑!",
"coolShaders": "炫酷的配色!", "coolShaders": "炫酷的配色!",
"aiFree": "不含AI", "aiFree": "不含AI",
@ -25,12 +22,9 @@
"moreAddictiveThanIntended": "比你想象的更上瘾!", "moreAddictiveThanIntended": "比你想象的更上瘾!",
"mostlyConsistentSeeds": "随机数种子基本固定!", "mostlyConsistentSeeds": "随机数种子基本固定!",
"achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "成就点数没有任何用处!", "achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "成就点数没有任何用处!",
"youDoNotStartAtLevel": "你不能第一关就改个2000级",
"dontTalkAboutTheManaphyEggIncident": "别再提玛纳霏蛋事件了!",
"alsoTryPokengine": "也玩玩看Pokéngine", "alsoTryPokengine": "也玩玩看Pokéngine",
"alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "也玩玩看绿宝石肉鸽!", "alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "也玩玩看绿宝石肉鸽!",
"alsoTryRadicalRed": "也玩玩看激进红!", "alsoTryRadicalRed": "也玩玩看激进红!",
"eeveeExpo": "伊布博览会!", "eeveeExpo": "伊布博览会!",
"ynoproject": "Yume Nikki 页游项目!",
"breedersInSpace": "饲养员也能上太空?" "breedersInSpace": "饲养员也能上太空?"
} }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"accessMenu": "在等待输入时,按 M 或 Escape 键可访\n问菜单。菜单包含设置和各种功能。", "accessMenu": "在等待输入时,按 M 或 Escape 键可访\n问菜单。菜单包含设置和各种功能。",
"menu": "在此菜单中,您可以访问设置。\n$在设置中,您可以更改游戏速度、窗口样式\n和其他选项。\n$这里还有各种其他功能,请务必全部查看!", "menu": "在此菜单中,您可以访问设置。\n$在设置中,您可以更改游戏速度、窗口样式\n和其他选项。\n$这里还有各种其他功能,请务必全部查看!",
"starterSelect": "在此页面中您可以通过按Z或空格键选择\n您的初始宝可梦。这些是您最初的队伍成员。\n$每个初始宝可梦都有一个费用值。您的队伍\n最多可以拥有6名成员只要总费用不超过10。\n$您还可以根据您捕获或孵化的变种选择性别\n、特性和形态。\n$一个物种个体值是您捕获或孵化的所有宝可\n梦中最好的所以尽量获得更多同种宝可梦", "starterSelect": "在此页面中您可以通过按Z或空格键选择\n您的初始宝可梦。这些是您最初的队伍成员。\n$每个初始宝可梦都有一个费用值。您的队伍\n最多可以拥有6名成员只要总费用不超过10。\n$您还可以根据您捕获或孵化的变种选择性别\n、特性和形态。\n$一个物种个体值是您捕获或孵化的所有宝可\n梦中最好的所以尽量获得更多同种宝可梦",
"pokerus": "每天随机3个可选的初始宝可梦会有紫色边\n框。\n$如果您看到您拥有的初始宝可梦带有紫色边\n框请尝试将其添加到您的队伍中。请务必\n$查看其概况!", "pokerus": "每天随机5个可选的初始宝可梦会有紫色边\n框。\n$如果您看到您拥有的初始宝可梦带有紫色边\n框请尝试将其添加到您的队伍中。请务必\n$查看其概况!",
"statChange": "只要您的宝可梦没有被召回,属性变化就会\n在战斗中持续存在。\n$在训练家战斗之前和进入新的宝可梦群落之\n前您的宝可梦会被召回。\n$您还可以通过按住C或Shift键来查看\n场上宝可梦的能力变化。", "statChange": "只要您的宝可梦没有被召回,属性变化就会\n在战斗中持续存在。\n$在训练家战斗之前和进入新的宝可梦群落之\n前您的宝可梦会被召回。\n$您还可以通过按住C或Shift键来查看\n场上宝可梦的能力变化。",
"selectItem": "每次战斗后,您都可以从多个随机物品中\n选择其中一个。\n$这些物品包括消耗品、宝可梦携带物品和永\n久被动道具。\n$大多数非消耗品的效果会以各种方式叠加。\n$某些物品只有在可以使用时才会出现,例如\n进化物品。\n$您还可以使用转移选项在宝可梦之间转移携\n带物品。\n$一旦您获得了携带物品,转移选项就会出现\n在右下角。\n$您可以用金钱购买消耗品,并且随着您游戏\n的深入将会有更多种类的消耗品可供选择。\n$请务必在选择随机物品之前购买这些消耗品\n因为一旦您选择游戏就会进入下一场战斗。", "selectItem": "每次战斗后,您都可以从多个随机物品中\n选择其中一个。\n$这些物品包括消耗品、宝可梦携带物品和永\n久被动道具。\n$大多数非消耗品的效果会以各种方式叠加。\n$某些物品只有在可以使用时才会出现,例如\n进化物品。\n$您还可以使用转移选项在宝可梦之间转移携\n带物品。\n$一旦您获得了携带物品,转移选项就会出现\n在右下角。\n$您可以用金钱购买消耗品,并且随着您游戏\n的深入将会有更多种类的消耗品可供选择。\n$请务必在选择随机物品之前购买这些消耗品\n因为一旦您选择游戏就会进入下一场战斗。",
"eggGacha": "在此页面中,您可以使用您的兑换券兑换宝\n可梦蛋。\n$蛋需要孵化,并且在每场战斗后都会减少孵\n化周期。稀有蛋需要更长时间才能孵化。\n$孵化的宝可梦不会被添加到您的队伍中,它\n们将被添加到您的初始宝可梦中。\n$从蛋中孵化的宝可梦通常比野生宝可梦具有\n更好的个体值。\n$有些宝可梦只能从蛋中获得。\n$有 3 种不同的扭蛋机可供选择,每种扭蛋机\n都有不同的奖励请选择最适合您的" "eggGacha": "在此页面中,您可以使用您的兑换券兑换宝\n可梦蛋。\n$蛋需要孵化,并且在每场战斗后都会减少孵\n化周期。稀有蛋需要更长时间才能孵化。\n$孵化的宝可梦不会被添加到您的队伍中,它\n们将被添加到您的初始宝可梦中。\n$从蛋中孵化的宝可梦通常比野生宝可梦具有\n更好的个体值。\n$有些宝可梦只能从蛋中获得。\n$有 3 种不同的扭蛋机可供选择,每种扭蛋机\n都有不同的奖励请选择最适合您的"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{ {
"pikachu": "Normal",
"pikachuCosplay": "換裝", "pikachuCosplay": "換裝",
"pikachuCoolCosplay": "搖滾巨星", "pikachuCoolCosplay": "搖滾巨星",
"pikachuBeautyCosplay": "貴婦", "pikachuBeautyCosplay": "貴婦",
@ -7,9 +6,7 @@
"pikachuSmartCosplay": "博士", "pikachuSmartCosplay": "博士",
"pikachuToughCosplay": "面罩摔跤手", "pikachuToughCosplay": "面罩摔跤手",
"pikachuPartner": "搭檔", "pikachuPartner": "搭檔",
"eevee": "Normal",
"eeveePartner": "搭檔", "eeveePartner": "搭檔",
"pichu": "Normal",
"pichuSpiky": "刺刺耳", "pichuSpiky": "刺刺耳",
"unownA": "A", "unownA": "A",
"unownB": "B", "unownB": "B",
@ -39,19 +36,13 @@
"unownZ": "Z", "unownZ": "Z",
"unownExclamation": "!", "unownExclamation": "!",
"unownQuestion": "?", "unownQuestion": "?",
"castform": "Normal Form",
"castformSunny": "晴天", "castformSunny": "晴天",
"castformRainy": "雨天", "castformRainy": "雨天",
"castformSnowy": "雪天", "castformSnowy": "雪天",
"deoxysNormal": "普通", "deoxysNormal": "普通",
"deoxysAttack": "Attack",
"deoxysDefense": "Defense",
"deoxysSpeed": "Speed",
"burmyPlant": "草木蓑衣", "burmyPlant": "草木蓑衣",
"burmySandy": "砂土蓑衣", "burmySandy": "砂土蓑衣",
"burmyTrash": "垃圾蓑衣", "burmyTrash": "垃圾蓑衣",
"cherubiOvercast": "Overcast",
"cherubiSunshine": "Sunshine",
"shellosEast": "東海", "shellosEast": "東海",
"shellosWest": "西海", "shellosWest": "西海",
"rotom": "Normal", "rotom": "Normal",
@ -60,44 +51,22 @@
"rotomFrost": "結冰", "rotomFrost": "結冰",
"rotomFan": "旋轉", "rotomFan": "旋轉",
"rotomMow": "切割", "rotomMow": "切割",
"dialga": "Normal",
"dialgaOrigin": "Origin",
"palkia": "Normal",
"palkiaOrigin": "Origin",
"giratinaAltered": "別種", "giratinaAltered": "別種",
"giratinaOrigin": "Origin",
"shayminLand": "陸上", "shayminLand": "陸上",
"shayminSky": "Sky",
"basculinRedStriped": "紅條紋", "basculinRedStriped": "紅條紋",
"basculinBlueStriped": "藍條紋", "basculinBlueStriped": "藍條紋",
"basculinWhiteStriped": "白條紋", "basculinWhiteStriped": "白條紋",
"darumaka": "Standard Mode",
"darumakaZen": "Zen",
"deerlingSpring": "春天", "deerlingSpring": "春天",
"deerlingSummer": "夏天", "deerlingSummer": "夏天",
"deerlingAutumn": "秋天", "deerlingAutumn": "秋天",
"deerlingWinter": "冬天", "deerlingWinter": "冬天",
"tornadusIncarnate": "化身", "tornadusIncarnate": "化身",
"tornadusTherian": "Therian",
"thundurusIncarnate": "化身", "thundurusIncarnate": "化身",
"thundurusTherian": "Therian",
"landorusIncarnate": "化身", "landorusIncarnate": "化身",
"landorusTherian": "Therian",
"kyurem": "Normal",
"kyuremBlack": "Black",
"kyuremWhite": "White",
"keldeoOrdinary": "通常", "keldeoOrdinary": "通常",
"keldeoResolute": "Resolute",
"meloettaAria": "歌聲", "meloettaAria": "歌聲",
"meloettaPirouette": "舞步形態", "meloettaPirouette": "舞步形態",
"genesect": "Normal",
"genesectShock": "Shock Drive",
"genesectBurn": "Burn Drive",
"genesectChill": "Chill Drive",
"genesectDouse": "Douse Drive",
"froakie": "Normal",
"froakieBattleBond": "牽絆變身", "froakieBattleBond": "牽絆變身",
"froakieAsh": "Ash",
"scatterbugMeadow": "花園花紋", "scatterbugMeadow": "花園花紋",
"scatterbugIcySnow": "冰雪花紋", "scatterbugIcySnow": "冰雪花紋",
"scatterbugPolar": "雪國花紋", "scatterbugPolar": "雪國花紋",
@ -123,7 +92,6 @@
"flabebeOrange": "橙花", "flabebeOrange": "橙花",
"flabebeBlue": "藍花", "flabebeBlue": "藍花",
"flabebeWhite": "白花", "flabebeWhite": "白花",
"furfrou": "Natural Form",
"furfrouHeart": "心形造型", "furfrouHeart": "心形造型",
"furfrouStar": "星形造型", "furfrouStar": "星形造型",
"furfrouDiamond": "菱形造型", "furfrouDiamond": "菱形造型",
@ -133,11 +101,6 @@
"furfrouLaReine": "女王造型", "furfrouLaReine": "女王造型",
"furfrouKabuki": "歌舞伎造型", "furfrouKabuki": "歌舞伎造型",
"furfrouPharaoh": "國王造型", "furfrouPharaoh": "國王造型",
"espurrMale": "Male",
"espurrFemale": "Female",
"honedgeShiled": "Shield",
"honedgeBlade": "Blade",
"pumpkaboo": "Average Size",
"pumpkabooSmall": "小尺寸", "pumpkabooSmall": "小尺寸",
"pumpkabooLarge": "大尺寸", "pumpkabooLarge": "大尺寸",
"pumpkabooSuper": "特大尺寸", "pumpkabooSuper": "特大尺寸",
@ -156,29 +119,6 @@
"oricorioSensu": "輕盈輕盈風格", "oricorioSensu": "輕盈輕盈風格",
"rockruff": "Normal", "rockruff": "Normal",
"rockruffOwnTempo": "特殊岩狗狗", "rockruffOwnTempo": "特殊岩狗狗",
"rockruffMidday": "Midday",
"rockruffMidnight": "Midnight",
"rockruffDusk": "Dusk",
"wishiwashi": "Solo Form",
"wishiwashiSchool": "School",
"typeNullNormal": "Type: Normal",
"typeNullFighting": "Type: Fighting",
"typeNullFlying": "Type: Flying",
"typeNullPoison": "Type: Poison",
"typeNullGround": "Type: Ground",
"typeNullRock": "Type: Rock",
"typeNullBug": "Type: Bug",
"typeNullGhost": "Type: Ghost",
"typeNullSteel": "Type: Steel",
"typeNullFire": "Type: Fire",
"typeNullWater": "Type: Water",
"typeNullGrass": "Type: Grass",
"typeNullElectric": "Type: Electric",
"typeNullPsychic": "Type: Psychic",
"typeNullIce": "Type: Ice",
"typeNullDragon": "Type: Dragon",
"typeNullDark": "Type: Dark",
"typeNullFairy": "Type: Fairy",
"miniorRedMeteor": "紅色核心", "miniorRedMeteor": "紅色核心",
"miniorOrangeMeteor": "橙色核心", "miniorOrangeMeteor": "橙色核心",
"miniorYellowMeteor": "黃色核心", "miniorYellowMeteor": "黃色核心",
@ -195,66 +135,25 @@
"miniorViolet": "紫色", "miniorViolet": "紫色",
"mimikyuDisguised": "化形", "mimikyuDisguised": "化形",
"mimikyuBusted": "現形", "mimikyuBusted": "現形",
"necrozma": "Normal",
"necrozmaDuskMane": "Dusk Mane",
"necrozmaDawnWings": "Dawn Wings",
"necrozmaUltra": "Ultra",
"magearna": "Normal",
"magearnaOriginal": "500年前的顔色", "magearnaOriginal": "500年前的顔色",
"marshadow": "Normal",
"marshadowZenith": "全力", "marshadowZenith": "全力",
"cramorant": "Normal",
"cramorantGulping": "Gulping Form",
"cramorantGorging": "Gorging Form",
"toxelAmped": "Amped Form",
"toxelLowkey": "Low-Key Form",
"sinisteaPhony": "赝品", "sinisteaPhony": "赝品",
"sinisteaAntique": "真品", "sinisteaAntique": "真品",
"milceryVanillaCream": "Vanilla Cream",
"milceryRubyCream": "Ruby Cream",
"milceryMatchaCream": "Matcha Cream",
"milceryMintCream": "Mint Cream",
"milceryLemonCream": "Lemon Cream",
"milcerySaltedCream": "Salted Cream",
"milceryRubySwirl": "Ruby Swirl",
"milceryCaramelSwirl": "Caramel Swirl",
"milceryRainbowSwirl": "Rainbow Swirl",
"eiscue": "Ice Face",
"eiscueNoIce": "解凍頭", "eiscueNoIce": "解凍頭",
"indeedeeMale": "雄性", "indeedeeMale": "雄性",
"indeedeeFemale": "雌性", "indeedeeFemale": "雌性",
"morpekoFullBelly": "滿腹花紋", "morpekoFullBelly": "滿腹花紋",
"morpekoHangry": "Hangry",
"zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "百戰勇者", "zacianHeroOfManyBattles": "百戰勇者",
"zacianCrowned": "Crowned",
"zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "百戰勇者", "zamazentaHeroOfManyBattles": "百戰勇者",
"zamazentaCrowned": "Crowned",
"kubfuSingleStrike": "Single Strike",
"kubfuRapidStrike": "Rapid Strike",
"zarude": "Normal",
"zarudeDada": "老爹", "zarudeDada": "老爹",
"calyrex": "Normal",
"calyrexIce": "Ice Rider",
"calyrexShadow": "Shadow Rider",
"basculinMale": "Male",
"basculinFemale": "Female",
"enamorusIncarnate": "化身", "enamorusIncarnate": "化身",
"enamorusTherian": "Therian",
"lechonkMale": "Male",
"lechonkFemale": "Female",
"tandemausFour": "Family of Four",
"tandemausThree": "Family of Three",
"squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "綠羽毛", "squawkabillyGreenPlumage": "綠羽毛",
"squawkabillyBluePlumage": "藍羽毛", "squawkabillyBluePlumage": "藍羽毛",
"squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "黃羽毛", "squawkabillyYellowPlumage": "黃羽毛",
"squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "白羽毛", "squawkabillyWhitePlumage": "白羽毛",
"finizenZero": "Zero",
"finizenHero": "Hero",
"tatsugiriCurly": "上弓姿勢", "tatsugiriCurly": "上弓姿勢",
"tatsugiriDroopy": "下垂姿勢", "tatsugiriDroopy": "下垂姿勢",
"tatsugiriStretchy": "平挺姿勢", "tatsugiriStretchy": "平挺姿勢",
"dunsparceTwo": "Two-Segment",
"dunsparceThree": "Three-Segment",
"gimmighoulChest": "寶箱形態", "gimmighoulChest": "寶箱形態",
"gimmighoulRoaming": "徒步形態", "gimmighoulRoaming": "徒步形態",
"koraidonApexBuild": "頂尖形態", "koraidonApexBuild": "頂尖形態",
@ -269,21 +168,6 @@
"miraidonGlideMode":"滑翔模式", "miraidonGlideMode":"滑翔模式",
"poltchageistCounterfeit": "冒牌貨", "poltchageistCounterfeit": "冒牌貨",
"poltchageistArtisan": "高檔貨", "poltchageistArtisan": "高檔貨",
"poltchageistUnremarkable": "Unremarkable",
"poltchageistMasterpiece": "Masterpiece",
"ogerponTealMask": "Teal Mask",
"ogerponTealMaskTera": "Teal Mask Terastallized",
"ogerponWellspringMask": "Wellspring Mask",
"ogerponWellspringMaskTera": "Wellspring Mask Terastallized",
"ogerponHearthflameMask": "Hearthflame Mask",
"ogerponHearthflameMaskTera": "Hearthflame Mask Terastallized",
"ogerponCornerstoneMask": "Cornerstone Mask",
"ogerponCornerstoneMaskTera": "Cornerstone Mask Terastallized",
"terpagos": "Normal Form",
"terpagosTerastal": "Terastal",
"terpagosStellar": "Stellar",
"galarDarumaka": "Standard Mode",
"galarDarumakaZen": "Zen",
"paldeaTaurosCombat": "鬥戰種", "paldeaTaurosCombat": "鬥戰種",
"paldeaTaurosBlaze": "火熾種", "paldeaTaurosBlaze": "火熾種",
"paldeaTaurosAqua": "水瀾種" "paldeaTaurosAqua": "水瀾種"

View File

@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
"battlesWon": "{{count, number}} 勝利場數!", "battlesWon": "{{count, number}} 勝利場數!",
"joinTheDiscord": "加入Discord", "joinTheDiscord": "加入Discord",
"infiniteLevels": "無限等級!", "infiniteLevels": "無限等級!",
"everythingStacks": "所有效果都能疊加!",
"optionalSaveScumming": "可選的存檔重刷!", "optionalSaveScumming": "可選的存檔重刷!",
"biomes": "35種生態區!", "biomes": "38種生態區!",
"openSource": "開源!", "openSource": "開源!",
"playWithSpeed": "以5倍速度遊玩", "playWithSpeed": "以5倍速度遊玩",
"liveBugTesting": "即時漏洞測試!", "liveBugTesting": "即時漏洞測試!",
@ -14,9 +13,7 @@
"infiniteFusionAtHome": "在家無限融合!", "infiniteFusionAtHome": "在家無限融合!",
"brokenEggMoves": "破損的蛋招式!", "brokenEggMoves": "破損的蛋招式!",
"magnificent": "壯麗!", "magnificent": "壯麗!",
"mubstitute": "替補!",
"thatsCrazy": "真是瘋狂!", "thatsCrazy": "真是瘋狂!",
"oranceJuice": "橙汁!",
"questionableBalancing": "值得質疑的平衡性!", "questionableBalancing": "值得質疑的平衡性!",
"coolShaders": "酷炫的著色器!", "coolShaders": "酷炫的著色器!",
"aiFree": "無AI", "aiFree": "無AI",
@ -25,12 +22,9 @@
"moreAddictiveThanIntended": "比預期更上癮!", "moreAddictiveThanIntended": "比預期更上癮!",
"mostlyConsistentSeeds": "大多數情況下一致的種子!", "mostlyConsistentSeeds": "大多數情況下一致的種子!",
"achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "成就點數沒有任何用處!", "achievementPointsDontDoAnything": "成就點數沒有任何用處!",
"youDoNotStartAtLevel": "你不會從2000級開始",
"dontTalkAboutTheManaphyEggIncident": "別提那個瑪納霏蛋事件!",
"alsoTryPokengine": "也試試Pokéngine", "alsoTryPokengine": "也試試Pokéngine",
"alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "也試試翡翠流氓!", "alsoTryEmeraldRogue": "也試試翡翠流氓!",
"alsoTryRadicalRed": "也試試激進紅!", "alsoTryRadicalRed": "也試試激進紅!",
"eeveeExpo": "伊布博覽會!", "eeveeExpo": "伊布博覽會!",
"ynoproject": "YNO專案",
"breedersInSpace": "飼養員也能上太空?" "breedersInSpace": "飼養員也能上太空?"
} }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"accessMenu": "在等待輸入時,按 M 或 Escape 鍵可訪\n問菜單。菜單包含設置和各種功能。", "accessMenu": "在等待輸入時,按 M 或 Escape 鍵可訪\n問菜單。菜單包含設置和各種功能。",
"menu": "在此菜單中,您可以訪問設置。 \n$在設置中,您可以更改遊戲速度、窗口樣式\n和其他選項。 \n$這裏還有各種其他功能,請務必全部查看!", "menu": "在此菜單中,您可以訪問設置。 \n$在設置中,您可以更改遊戲速度、窗口樣式\n和其他選項。 \n$這裏還有各種其他功能,請務必全部查看!",
"starterSelect": "在此頁面中,您可以選擇您的初始寶可夢。\n這些是您最初的隊伍成員。 \n$每個初始寶可夢都有一個費用值。您的隊伍\n最多可以擁有6名成員只要總費用不超過10。 \n$您還可以根據您捕獲或孵化的變種選擇性別\n、特性和形態。 \n$一個物種個體值是您捕獲或孵化的所有寶可\n夢中最好的所以儘量獲得更多同種寶可夢", "starterSelect": "在此頁面中,您可以選擇您的初始寶可夢。\n這些是您最初的隊伍成員。 \n$每個初始寶可夢都有一個費用值。您的隊伍\n最多可以擁有6名成員只要總費用不超過10。 \n$您還可以根據您捕獲或孵化的變種選擇性別\n、特性和形態。 \n$一個物種個體值是您捕獲或孵化的所有寶可\n夢中最好的所以儘量獲得更多同種寶可夢",
"pokerus": "每天隨機3個可選的初始寶可夢會有紫色邊\n框。 \n$如果您看到您擁有的初始寶可夢帶有紫色邊\n框請嘗試將其添加到您的隊伍中。請務必 \n$查看其概況!", "pokerus": "每天隨機5個可選的初始寶可夢會有紫色邊\n框。 \n$如果您看到您擁有的初始寶可夢帶有紫色邊\n框請嘗試將其添加到您的隊伍中。請務必 \n$查看其概況!",
"statChange": "只要您的寶可夢沒有被召回,屬性變化就會\n在戰鬥中持續存在。 \n$在訓練家戰鬥之前和進入新的寶可夢羣落之\n前您的寶可夢會被召回。 \n$您還可以通過按住C或Shift鍵來查看\n場上寶可夢的能力變化。", "statChange": "只要您的寶可夢沒有被召回,屬性變化就會\n在戰鬥中持續存在。 \n$在訓練家戰鬥之前和進入新的寶可夢羣落之\n前您的寶可夢會被召回。 \n$您還可以通過按住C或Shift鍵來查看\n場上寶可夢的能力變化。",
"selectItem": "每次戰鬥後,您都可以選擇 3 個隨機物品。\n您只能選擇其中一個。 \n$這些物品包括消耗品、寶可夢攜帶物品和永\n久被動道具。 \n$大多數非消耗品的效果會以各種方式疊加。 \n$某些物品只有在可以使用時纔會出現,例如\n進化物品。 \n$您還可以使用轉移選項在寶可夢之間轉移攜\n帶物品。 \n$一旦您獲得了攜帶物品,轉移選項就會出現\n在右下角。 \n$您可以用金錢購買消耗品,並且隨着您遊戲\n的深入將會有更多種類的消耗品可供選擇。 \n$請務必在選擇隨機物品之前購買這些消耗品\n因爲一旦您選擇遊戲就會進入下一場戰鬥。", "selectItem": "每次戰鬥後,您都可以選擇 3 個隨機物品。\n您只能選擇其中一個。 \n$這些物品包括消耗品、寶可夢攜帶物品和永\n久被動道具。 \n$大多數非消耗品的效果會以各種方式疊加。 \n$某些物品只有在可以使用時纔會出現,例如\n進化物品。 \n$您還可以使用轉移選項在寶可夢之間轉移攜\n帶物品。 \n$一旦您獲得了攜帶物品,轉移選項就會出現\n在右下角。 \n$您可以用金錢購買消耗品,並且隨着您遊戲\n的深入將會有更多種類的消耗品可供選擇。 \n$請務必在選擇隨機物品之前購買這些消耗品\n因爲一旦您選擇遊戲就會進入下一場戰鬥。",
"eggGacha": "在此頁面中,您可以使用您的兌換券兌換寶\n可夢蛋。 \n$蛋需要孵化,並且在每場戰鬥後都會減少孵\n化週期。稀有蛋需要更長時間才能孵化。 \n$孵化的寶可夢不會被添加到您的隊伍中,它\n們將被添加到您的初始寶可夢中。 \n$從蛋中孵化的寶可夢通常比野生寶可夢具有\n更好的個體值。 \n$有些寶可夢只能從蛋中獲得。 \n$有 3 種不同的扭蛋機可供選擇,每種扭蛋機\n都有不同的獎勵請選擇最適合您的" "eggGacha": "在此頁面中,您可以使用您的兌換券兌換寶\n可夢蛋。 \n$蛋需要孵化,並且在每場戰鬥後都會減少孵\n化週期。稀有蛋需要更長時間才能孵化。 \n$孵化的寶可夢不會被添加到您的隊伍中,它\n們將被添加到您的初始寶可夢中。 \n$從蛋中孵化的寶可夢通常比野生寶可夢具有\n更好的個體值。 \n$有些寶可夢只能從蛋中獲得。 \n$有 3 種不同的扭蛋機可供選擇,每種扭蛋機\n都有不同的獎勵請選擇最適合您的"