Add more logic for trainers (WiP) and various changes
Add WiP logic for trainer Pokemon pools and biome trainer pools; add more music tracks; fix issue with implementation of Mimic move
@ -22,3 +22,5 @@ dist-ssr
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"textures": [
"image": "battle_girl.png",
"image": "black_belt_f.png",
"format": "RGBA8888",
"size": {
"w": 211,
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.9 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.9 KiB |
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"textures": [
"image": "blackbelt.png",
"image": "black_belt_m.png",
"format": "RGBA8888",
"size": {
"w": 280,
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.4 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.4 KiB |
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"textures": [
"image": "socialite.png",
"image": "rich_f.png",
"format": "RGBA8888",
"size": {
"w": 216,
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.8 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.8 KiB |
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"textures": [
"image": "lady.png",
"image": "rich_kid_f.png",
"format": "RGBA8888",
"size": {
"w": 299,
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 7.5 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 7.5 KiB |
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"textures": [
"image": "rich_boy.png",
"image": "rich_kid_m.png",
"format": "RGBA8888",
"size": {
"w": 152,
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.8 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.8 KiB |
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"textures": [
"image": "gentleman.png",
"image": "rich_m.png",
"format": "RGBA8888",
"size": {
"w": 308,
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.2 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.2 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.2 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.5 KiB |
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"textures": [
"image": "lass.png",
"image": "youngster_f.png",
"format": "RGBA8888",
"size": {
"w": 218,
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 4.5 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 4.5 KiB |
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"textures": [
"image": "youngster.png",
"image": "youngster_m.png",
"format": "RGBA8888",
"size": {
"w": 125,
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.6 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.6 KiB |
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import SoundFade from "phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/soundfade";
import BattleScene from "./battle-scene";
import { Biome, BiomePoolTier, BiomeTierPools, biomePools } from "./data/biome";
import { Biome, BiomePoolTier, BiomeTierPokemonPools, biomePokemonPools } from "./data/biome";
import * as Utils from "./utils";
import PokemonSpecies, { getPokemonSpecies } from "./data/pokemon-species";
import { Species } from "./data/species";
@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ export class Arena {
public biomeType: Biome;
public weather: Weather;
public tags: ArenaTag[];
private bgm: string;
public bgm: string;
private pokemonPool: BiomeTierPools;
private pokemonPool: BiomeTierPokemonPools;
constructor(scene: BattleScene, biome: Biome, bgm: string) {
this.scene = scene;
this.biomeType = biome;
this.tags = [];
this.bgm = bgm;
this.pokemonPool = biomePools[biome];
this.pokemonPool = biomePokemonPools[biome];
randomSpecies(waveIndex: integer, level: integer, attempt?: integer): PokemonSpecies {
@ -238,20 +238,6 @@ export class Arena {
playBgm(): void {
this.scene.load.once(Phaser.Loader.Events.COMPLETE, () => this.scene.playBgm(this.bgm, this.getBgmLoopPoint()));
if (!this.scene.load.isLoading())
fadeOutBgm(duration: integer, destroy?: boolean): void {
if (destroy === undefined)
destroy = true;
const bgm = this.scene.sound.get(this.bgm);
SoundFade.fadeOut(this.scene, bgm, duration, destroy);
getBgmLoopPoint(): number {
switch (this.biomeType) {
case Biome.TOWN:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import BattleScene, { startingLevel, startingWave } from "./battle-scene";
import { default as Pokemon, PlayerPokemon, EnemyPokemon, PokemonMove, MoveResult, DamageResult, FieldPosition, HitResult } from "./pokemon";
import * as Utils from './utils';
import { allMoves, applyMoveAttrs, BypassSleepAttr, ChargeAttr, applyFilteredMoveAttrs, HitsTagAttr, MissEffectAttr, MoveAttr, MoveCategory, MoveEffectAttr, MoveFlags, Moves, MultiHitAttr, OverrideMoveEffectAttr, VariableAccuracyAttr, MoveTarget, OneHitKOAttr, getMoveTargets, MoveTargetSet, MoveEffectTrigger } from "./data/move";
import { allMoves, applyMoveAttrs, BypassSleepAttr, ChargeAttr, applyFilteredMoveAttrs, HitsTagAttr, MissEffectAttr, MoveAttr, MoveCategory, MoveEffectAttr, MoveFlags, Moves, MultiHitAttr, OverrideMoveEffectAttr, VariableAccuracyAttr, MoveTarget, OneHitKOAttr, getMoveTargets, MoveTargetSet, MoveEffectTrigger, CopyMoveAttr } from "./data/move";
import { Mode } from './ui/ui';
import { Command } from "./ui/command-ui-handler";
import { Stat } from "./data/pokemon-stat";
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ export class CheckLoadPhase extends BattlePhase {
this.scene.pushPhase(new SelectStarterPhase(this.scene));
} else
const availablePartyMembers = this.scene.getParty().filter(p => !p.isFainted()).length;
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ export class SelectStarterPhase extends BattlePhase {
this.scene.ui.setMode(Mode.MESSAGE).then(() => {
SoundFade.fadeOut(this.scene.sound.get('menu'), 500, true);
this.scene.time.delayedCall(500, () => this.scene.arena.playBgm());
this.scene.time.delayedCall(500, () => this.scene.playBgm());
@ -237,7 +237,9 @@ export class EncounterPhase extends BattlePhase {
const battle = this.scene.currentBattle;
battle.enemyLevels.forEach((level, e) => {
const enemySpecies = this.scene.randomSpecies(battle.waveIndex, level, true);
const enemySpecies = battle.battleType === BattleType.TRAINER
? this.scene.currentBattle.trainer.genPartyMemberSpecies(level)
: this.scene.randomSpecies(battle.waveIndex, level, null, true);
if (!this.loaded)
battle.enemyParty[e] = new EnemyPokemon(this.scene, enemySpecies, level);
const enemyPokemon = this.scene.getEnemyParty()[e];
@ -287,6 +289,8 @@ export class EncounterPhase extends BattlePhase {
doEncounter() {
this.scene.playBgm(undefined, true);
if (startingWave > 10) {
for (let m = 0; m < Math.min(Math.floor(startingWave / 10), 99); m++)
this.scene.addModifier(getPlayerModifierTypeOptionsForWave((m + 1) * 10, 1, this.scene.getParty())[0].type.newModifier());
@ -360,6 +364,8 @@ export class NextEncounterPhase extends EncounterPhase {
doEncounter(): void {
this.scene.playBgm(undefined, true);
const enemyField = this.scene.getEnemyField();
targets: [ this.scene.arenaEnemy, this.scene.arenaNextEnemy, this.scene.currentBattle.trainer, enemyField ].flat(),
@ -419,7 +425,7 @@ export class SelectBiomePhase extends BattlePhase {
start() {
this.scene.arena.fadeOutBgm(2000, true);
this.scene.fadeOutBgm(2000, true);
const currentBiome = this.scene.arena.biomeType;
@ -481,7 +487,7 @@ export class SwitchBiomePhase extends BattlePhase {
this.scene.time.delayedCall(1000, () => this.scene.arena.playBgm());
this.scene.time.delayedCall(1000, () => this.scene.playBgm());
targets: [ this.scene.arenaPlayer, this.scene.arenaBgTransition, this.scene.arenaPlayerTransition ],
@ -1271,6 +1277,9 @@ export class MovePhase extends BattlePhase {
if (!moveQueue.length || !moveQueue.shift().ignorePP)
if (!allMoves[this.move.moveId].getAttrs(CopyMoveAttr).length)
this.scene.currentBattle.lastMove = this.move.moveId;
// Assume conditions affecting targets only apply to moves with a single target
let success = this.move.getMove().applyConditions(this.pokemon, targets[0], this.move.getMove());
if (success && this.scene.arena.isMoveWeatherCancelled(this.move.getMove()))
@ -1401,11 +1410,11 @@ class MoveEffectPhase extends PokemonPhase {
moveHistoryEntry.result = MoveResult.SUCCESS;
const hitResult = !isProtected ? target.apply(user, this.move) : HitResult.NO_EFFECT;
applyFilteredMoveAttrs((attr: MoveAttr) => attr instanceof MoveEffectAttr && (attr as MoveEffectAttr).trigger === MoveEffectTrigger.PRE_APPLY,
user, target, this.move.getMove());
const hitResult = !isProtected ? target.apply(user, this.move) : HitResult.NO_EFFECT;
if (hitResult !== HitResult.FAIL) {
const chargeEffect = !!this.move.getMove().getAttrs(ChargeAttr).find(ca => (ca as ChargeAttr).chargeEffect);
// Charge attribute with charge effect takes all effect attributes and applies them to charge stage, so ignore them if this is present
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { Biome } from './data/biome';
import UI from './ui/ui';
import { EncounterPhase, SummonPhase, NextEncounterPhase, NewBiomeEncounterPhase, SelectBiomePhase, MessagePhase, CheckLoadPhase, TurnInitPhase, ReturnPhase, ToggleDoublePositionPhase, CheckSwitchPhase, LevelCapPhase } from './battle-phases';
import Pokemon, { PlayerPokemon, EnemyPokemon } from './pokemon';
import PokemonSpecies, { allSpecies, getPokemonSpecies, initSpecies } from './data/pokemon-species';
import PokemonSpecies, { PokemonSpeciesFilter, allSpecies, getPokemonSpecies, initSpecies } from './data/pokemon-species';
import * as Utils from './utils';
import { Modifier, ModifierBar, ConsumablePokemonModifier, ConsumableModifier, PokemonHpRestoreModifier, HealingBoosterModifier, PersistentModifier, PokemonHeldItemModifier, ModifierPredicate, DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifier } from './modifier/modifier';
import { PokeballType } from './data/pokeball';
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ import PartyExpBar from './ui/party-exp-bar';
import { TrainerType, trainerConfigs } from './data/trainer-type';
import Trainer from './trainer';
import TrainerData from './system/trainer-data';
import SoundFade from 'phaser3-rex-plugins/plugins/soundfade';
import { pokemonPrevolutions } from './data/pokemon-evolutions';
const enableAuto = true;
const quickStart = false;
@ -289,9 +291,10 @@ export default class BattleScene extends Phaser.Scene {
this.loadBgm('level_up_fanfare', 'bw/level_up_fanfare.mp3');
this.loadBgm('evolution', 'bw/evolution.mp3');
this.loadBgm('evolution_fanfare', 'bw/evolution_fanfare.mp3');
@ -403,7 +406,7 @@ export default class BattleScene extends Phaser.Scene {
if (this.quickStart) {
for (let s = 0; s < 3; s++) {
const playerSpecies = this.randomSpecies(startingWave, startingLevel, false);
const playerSpecies = this.randomSpecies(startingWave, startingLevel, null, false);
const playerPokemon = new PlayerPokemon(this, playerSpecies, startingLevel, 0, 0);
@ -554,10 +557,8 @@ export default class BattleScene extends Phaser.Scene {
this.applyModifiers(DoubleBattleChanceBoosterModifier, true, doubleChance);
this.getPlayerField().forEach(p => applyAbAttrs(DoubleBattleChanceAbAttr, p, null, doubleChance));
newDouble = !Utils.randInt(doubleChance.value);
} else if (newBattleType === BattleType.TRAINER) {
console.log(newTrainer, newTrainer.config);
} else if (newBattleType === BattleType.TRAINER)
newDouble = newTrainer.config.isDouble;
} else
newDouble = !!double;
@ -585,14 +586,11 @@ export default class BattleScene extends Phaser.Scene {
if (!this.quickStart)
this.pushPhase(new CheckLoadPhase(this));
else {
this.pushPhase(new EncounterPhase(this));
this.pushPhase(new SummonPhase(this, 0));
console.log(lastBattle, newDouble)
if ((lastBattle?.double || false) !== newDouble) {
const availablePartyMemberCount = this.getParty().filter(p => !p.isFainted()).length;
if (newDouble) {
@ -653,10 +651,15 @@ export default class BattleScene extends Phaser.Scene {
return Math.min(Math.ceil(baseLevel / 2) * 2 + 2, 10000);
randomSpecies(waveIndex: integer, level: integer, fromArenaPool?: boolean): PokemonSpecies {
return fromArenaPool
? this.arena.randomSpecies(waveIndex, level)
: getPokemonSpecies(allSpecies[(Utils.randInt(allSpecies.length)) - 1].getSpeciesForLevel(level));
randomSpecies(waveIndex: integer, level: integer, speciesFilter?: PokemonSpeciesFilter, fromArenaPool?: boolean): PokemonSpecies {
if (fromArenaPool)
return this.arena.randomSpecies(waveIndex, level);
const filteredSpecies = speciesFilter ? [ Set(allSpecies.slice(0, -1).filter(speciesFilter).map(s => {
while (pokemonPrevolutions.hasOwnProperty(s.speciesId))
s = getPokemonSpecies(pokemonPrevolutions[s.speciesId]);
return s;
}))] : allSpecies.slice(0, -1);
return getPokemonSpecies(filteredSpecies[Utils.randInt(filteredSpecies.length)].getSpeciesForLevel(level, true));
checkInput(): boolean {
@ -718,8 +721,27 @@ export default class BattleScene extends Phaser.Scene {
return this.buttonKeys[button].filter(k => k.isDown).length >= 1;
playBgm(bgmName?: string, loopPoint?: number): void {
if (!bgmName && this.bgm && !this.bgm.pendingRemove) {
playBgm(bgmName?: string, fadeOut?: boolean): void {
if (bgmName === undefined)
bgmName = this.currentBattle.getBgmOverride() || this.arena.bgm;
if (this.bgm && bgmName === this.bgm.key) {
if (!this.bgm.isPlaying || this.bgm.pendingRemove) {
volume: 1
if (fadeOut && !this.bgm)
fadeOut = false;
let loopPoint = 0;
loopPoint = bgmName === this.arena.bgm
? this.arena.getBgmLoopPoint()
: this.getBgmLoopPoint(bgmName);
let loaded = false;
const playNewBgm = () => {
if (bgmName === null && this.bgm && !this.bgm.pendingRemove) {
volume: 1
@ -731,6 +753,21 @@ export default class BattleScene extends Phaser.Scene {
if (loopPoint)
this.bgm.on('looped', () =>{ seek: loopPoint }));
this.load.once(Phaser.Loader.Events.COMPLETE, () => {
loaded = true;
if (!fadeOut || !this.bgm.isPlaying)
if (fadeOut) {
this.fadeOutBgm(500, true);
this.time.delayedCall(750, () => {
if (loaded && (!this.bgm.isPlaying || this.bgm.pendingRemove))
if (!this.load.isLoading())
pauseBgm(): void {
@ -744,7 +781,14 @@ export default class BattleScene extends Phaser.Scene {
fadeOutBgm(duration?: integer, destroy?: boolean): void {
this.arena.fadeOutBgm(duration || 500, destroy);
if (!this.bgm)
if (!duration)
duration = 500;
if (destroy === undefined)
destroy = true;
const bgm = this.sound.get(this.bgm.key);
SoundFade.fadeOut(this, bgm, duration, destroy);
playSoundWithoutBgm(soundName: string, pauseDuration?: integer): void {
@ -759,6 +803,39 @@ export default class BattleScene extends Phaser.Scene {
getBgmLoopPoint(bgmName: string): number {
switch (bgmName) {
case 'battle_cynthia':
return 12.235;
case 'battle_elite':
return 17.730;
case 'battle_final':
return 16.453;
case 'battle_gym':
return 19.145;
case 'battle_legendary':
return 13.855;
case 'battle_legendary_k':
return 18.314;
case 'battle_legendary_rz':
return 18.329;
case 'battle_rival':
return 13.689;
case 'battle_rival_2':
return 17.714;
case 'battle_rival_3':
return 17.586;
case 'battle_trainer':
return 13.686;
case 'battle_wild':
return 12.703;
case 'battle_wild_strong':
return 13.940;
return 0;
getCurrentPhase(): BattlePhase {
return this.currentPhase;
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ import { EnemyPokemon, PlayerPokemon, QueuedMove } from "./pokemon";
import { Command } from "./ui/command-ui-handler";
import * as Utils from "./utils";
import Trainer from "./trainer";
import { Species } from "./data/species";
import { Moves } from "./data/move";
import { TrainerType } from "./data/trainer-type";
export enum BattleType {
@ -40,6 +43,7 @@ export default class Battle {
public turnPokeballCounts: PokeballCounts;
public playerParticipantIds: Set<integer> = new Set<integer>();
public escapeAttempts: integer = 0;
public lastMove: Moves;
constructor(waveIndex: integer, battleType: BattleType, trainer: Trainer, double: boolean) {
this.waveIndex = waveIndex;
@ -82,4 +86,26 @@ export default class Battle {
removeFaintedParticipant(playerPokemon: PlayerPokemon): void {
getBgmOverride(): string {
const battlers = this.enemyParty.slice(0, this.getBattlerCount());
for (let pokemon of battlers) {
if (this.battleType === BattleType.TRAINER) {
if (this.trainer.config.trainerType === TrainerType.RIVAL)
return 'battle_rival';
return 'battle_trainer';
if (pokemon.species.speciesId === Species.ETERNATUS)
return 'battle_final';
if (pokemon.species.legendary) {
if (pokemon.species.speciesId === Species.RESHIRAM || pokemon.species.speciesId === Species.ZEKROM)
return 'battle_legendary_rz';
if (pokemon.species.speciesId === Species.KYUREM)
return 'battle_legendary_z';
return 'battle_legendary';
return null;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { Type } from './type';
import * as Utils from '../utils';
import beautify from 'json-beautify';
import { TrainerType } from "./trainer-type";
export enum Biome {
@ -101,15 +102,23 @@ export interface SpeciesTree {
[key: integer]: Species[]
export interface BiomeTierPools {
export interface BiomeTierPokemonPools {
[key: integer]: Array<Species | SpeciesTree>
export interface BiomePools {
[key: integer]: BiomeTierPools
export interface BiomePokemonPools {
[key: integer]: BiomeTierPokemonPools
export const biomePools: BiomePools = {
export interface BiomeTierTrainerPools {
[key: integer]: TrainerType[]
export interface BiomeTrainerPools {
[key: integer]: BiomeTierTrainerPools
export const biomePokemonPools: BiomePokemonPools = {
[Biome.TOWN]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [
{ 1: [ Species.CATERPIE ], 7: [ Species.METAPOD ] },
@ -357,11 +366,10 @@ export const biomePools: BiomePools = {
{ 1: [ Species.STARYU ], 20: [ Species.STARMIE ] },
{ 1: [ Species.MAGIKARP ], 20: [ Species.GYARADOS ] },
{ 1: [ Species.WAILMER ], 40: [ Species.WAILORD ] },
{ 1: [ Species.PANPOUR ], 20: [ Species.SIMIPOUR ] },
{ 1: [ Species.TIRTOUGA ], 37: [ Species.CARRACOSTA ] }
{ 1: [ Species.PANPOUR ], 20: [ Species.SIMIPOUR ] }
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [ Species.LAPRAS, { 1: [ Species.PIPLUP ], 16: [ Species.PRINPLUP ], 36: [ Species.EMPOLEON ] } ],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [ Species.KINGDRA ],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [ Species.KINGDRA, { 1: [ Species.TIRTOUGA ], 37: [ Species.CARRACOSTA ] } ],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [ Species.TENTACRUEL, Species.PELIPPER, Species.SHARPEDO, Species.FLOATZEL, Species.LUMINEON, Species.SIMIPOUR ],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [ Species.KINGDRA, Species.EMPOLEON ],
@ -399,15 +407,14 @@ export const biomePools: BiomePools = {
{ 1: [ Species.KRABBY ], 28: [ Species.KINGLER ] },
{ 1: [ Species.STARYU ], 20: [ Species.STARMIE ] },
{ 1: [ Species.CORPHISH ], 30: [ Species.CRAWDAUNT ] },
{ 1: [ Species.DWEBBLE ], 34: [ Species.CRUSTLE ] },
{ 1: [ Species.TIRTOUGA ], 37: [ Species.CARRACOSTA ] }
{ 1: [ Species.DWEBBLE ], 34: [ Species.CRUSTLE ] }
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ { 1: [ Species.BURMY ], 20: [ Species.WORMADAM ] } ],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [ { 1: [ Species.TIRTOUGA ], 37: [ Species.CARRACOSTA ] } ],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [ Species.KELDEO ],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [ Species.CLOYSTER, Species.KINGLER, Species.STARMIE, Species.CRAWDAUNT, Species.WORMADAM, Species.CRUSTLE, Species.CARRACOSTA ],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [ Species.CLOYSTER, Species.KINGLER, Species.STARMIE, Species.CRAWDAUNT, Species.WORMADAM, Species.CRUSTLE ],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [ Species.CARRACOSTA ],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [ Species.KELDEO ],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
@ -467,6 +474,7 @@ export const biomePools: BiomePools = {
{ 1: [ Species.CRANIDOS ], 30: [ Species.RAMPARDOS ] },
{ 1: [ Species.SHIELDON ], 30: [ Species.BASTIODON ] },
{ 1: [ Species.GIBLE ], 24: [ Species.GABITE ], 48: [ Species.GARCHOMP ] },
{ 1: [ Species.AXEW ], 38: [ Species.FRAXURE ] }
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [ Species.TORNADUS ],
@ -731,6 +739,306 @@ export const biomePools: BiomePools = {
export const biomeTrainerPools: BiomeTrainerPools = {
[Biome.TOWN]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.YOUNGSTER ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.PLAINS]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.BREEDER, TrainerType.TWINS ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER, TrainerType.CYCLIST ],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [ TrainerType.BLACK_BELT ],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.GRASS]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.BREEDER ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER ],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [ TrainerType.BLACK_BELT ],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.TALL_GRASS]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER, TrainerType.BREEDER, TrainerType.RANGER ],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.CITY]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.BAKER, TrainerType.OFFICER ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ TrainerType.BREEDER ],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [ TrainerType.ARTIST ],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.FOREST]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.RANGER ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.SEA]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.SWIMMER ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.SWAMP]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER ],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [ TrainerType.BLACK_BELT ],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.BEACH]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.FISHERMAN, TrainerType.PARASOL_LADY ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER, TrainerType.BREEDER ],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [ TrainerType.BLACK_BELT ],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.LAKE]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.BREEDER, TrainerType.FISHERMAN ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER ],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [ TrainerType.BLACK_BELT ],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.SEABED]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.MOUNTAIN]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.BACKPACKER, TrainerType.BLACK_BELT, TrainerType.HIKER ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER ],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.BADLANDS]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.BACKPACKER, TrainerType.HIKER ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER ],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.CAVE]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.BACKPACKER, TrainerType.HIKER ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER, TrainerType.BLACK_BELT ],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.DESERT]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.SCIENTIST ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.ICE_CAVE]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.MEADOW]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER, TrainerType.BREEDER ],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.POWER_PLANT]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.VOLCANO]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.GRAVEYARD]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.PSYCHIC ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.DOJO]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.BLACK_BELT ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.FACTORY]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.RUINS]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [ TrainerType.PSYCHIC, TrainerType.SCIENTIST ],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER, TrainerType.BLACK_BELT ],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.WASTELAND]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.ABYSS]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER ],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.SPACE]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
[Biome.END]: {
[BiomePoolTier.COMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.ULTRA_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_SUPER_RARE]: [],
[BiomePoolTier.BOSS_ULTRA_RARE]: []
const pokemonBiomes = [
[ Species.BULBASAUR, Type.GRASS, Type.POISON, [
@ -3422,14 +3730,14 @@ export const biomePools: BiomePools = {
[ Species.TIRTOUGA, Type.WATER, Type.ROCK, [
[ Biome.BEACH, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.SEA, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ]
[ Biome.SEA, BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE ],
[ Biome.BEACH, BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE ]
[ Species.CARRACOSTA, Type.WATER, Type.ROCK, [
[ Biome.BEACH, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.BEACH, BiomePoolTier.BOSS ],
[ Biome.SEA, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ]
[ Biome.SEA, BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE ],
[ Biome.BEACH, BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE ],
[ Biome.BEACH, BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE ]
[ Species.ARCHEN, Type.ROCK, Type.FLYING, [
@ -3437,6 +3745,7 @@ export const biomePools: BiomePools = {
[ Species.ARCHEOPS, Type.ROCK, Type.FLYING, [
[ Biome.MOUNTAIN, BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE ],
[ Biome.RUINS, BiomePoolTier.SUPER_RARE ],
[ Biome.RUINS, BiomePoolTier.BOSS_RARE ]
@ -3827,11 +4136,154 @@ export const biomePools: BiomePools = {
for (let biome of Utils.getEnumValues(Biome)) {
biomePools[biome] = {};
const trainerBiomes = [
[ TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER, [
[ Biome.PLAINS, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.GRASS, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.TALL_GRASS, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.SWAMP, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.BEACH, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.LAKE, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.MOUNTAIN, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.BADLANDS, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.CAVE, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.MEADOW, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.RUINS, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.ABYSS, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ]
[ TrainerType.ARTIST, [
[ Biome.CITY, BiomePoolTier.RARE ]
[ TrainerType.BACKERS, [] ],
[ TrainerType.BACKPACKER, [
[ Biome.MOUNTAIN, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.CAVE, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.BADLANDS, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ]
[ TrainerType.BAKER, [
[ Biome.CITY, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ]
[ TrainerType.BEAUTY, [] ],
[ TrainerType.BIKER, [] ],
[ TrainerType.BLACK_BELT, [
[ Biome.DOJO, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.PLAINS, BiomePoolTier.RARE ],
[ Biome.GRASS, BiomePoolTier.RARE ],
[ Biome.SWAMP, BiomePoolTier.RARE ],
[ Biome.BEACH, BiomePoolTier.RARE ],
[ Biome.LAKE, BiomePoolTier.RARE ],
[ Biome.MOUNTAIN, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.CAVE, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.RUINS, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ]
[ TrainerType.BREEDER, [
[ Biome.PLAINS, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.GRASS, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.TALL_GRASS, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.CITY, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.BEACH, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.LAKE, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.MEADOW, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ]
[ TrainerType.CLERK, [] ],
[ TrainerType.CYCLIST, [
[ Biome.PLAINS, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ]
[ TrainerType.DANCER, [] ],
[ TrainerType.DEPOT_AGENT, [] ],
[ TrainerType.DOCTOR, [] ],
[ TrainerType.FISHERMAN, [
[ Biome.LAKE, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.BEACH, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ]
[ TrainerType.RICH, [] ],
[ TrainerType.GUITARIST, [] ],
[ TrainerType.HARLEQUIN, [] ],
[ TrainerType.HIKER, [
[ Biome.MOUNTAIN, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.CAVE, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.BADLANDS, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ]
[ TrainerType.HOOLIGANS, [] ],
[ TrainerType.HOOPSTER, [] ],
[ TrainerType.INFIELDER, [] ],
[ TrainerType.JANITOR, [] ],
[ TrainerType.LINEBACKER, [] ],
[ TrainerType.MAID, [] ],
[ TrainerType.MUSICIAN, [] ],
[ TrainerType.NURSE, [] ],
[ TrainerType.NURSERY_AIDE, [] ],
[ TrainerType.OFFICER, [
[ Biome.CITY, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ]
[ TrainerType.PARASOL_LADY, [
[ Biome.BEACH, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ]
[ TrainerType.PILOT, [] ],
[ TrainerType.POKEFAN, [] ],
[ TrainerType.PRESCHOOLER, [] ],
[ TrainerType.PSYCHIC, [
[ Biome.GRAVEYARD, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.RUINS, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ]
[ TrainerType.RANGER, [
[ Biome.TALL_GRASS, BiomePoolTier.UNCOMMON ],
[ Biome.FOREST, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ]
[ TrainerType.RICH_KID, [] ],
[ TrainerType.ROUGHNECK, [] ],
[ TrainerType.SCIENTIST, [
[ Biome.DESERT, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ],
[ Biome.RUINS, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ]
[ TrainerType.SMASHER, [] ],
[ TrainerType.SNOW_WORKER, [
[ Biome.ICE_CAVE ]
[ TrainerType.STRIKER, [] ],
[ TrainerType.STUDENT, [] ],
[ TrainerType.SWIMMER, [
[ Biome.SEA, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ]
[ TrainerType.TWINS, [
[ Biome.PLAINS, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ]
[ TrainerType.VETERAN, [] ],
[ TrainerType.WAITER, [] ],
[ TrainerType.WORKER, [] ],
[ TrainerType.YOUNGSTER, [
[ Biome.TOWN, BiomePoolTier.COMMON ]
[ TrainerType.RIVAL, [] ],
[ TrainerType.CYNTHIA, [] ]
for (let tier of Utils.getEnumValues(BiomePoolTier))
biomePools[biome][tier] = [];
for (let biome of Utils.getEnumValues(Biome)) {
biomePokemonPools[biome] = {};
biomeTrainerPools[biome] = {};
for (let tier of Utils.getEnumValues(BiomePoolTier)) {
biomePokemonPools[biome][tier] = [];
biomeTrainerPools[biome][tier] = [];
for (let pb of pokemonBiomes) {
@ -3846,10 +4298,10 @@ export const biomePools: BiomePools = {
const biome = b[0];
const tier = b[1];
if (!biomePools.hasOwnProperty(biome) || !biomePools[biome].hasOwnProperty(tier))
if (!biomePokemonPools.hasOwnProperty(biome) || !biomePokemonPools[biome].hasOwnProperty(tier))
const biomeTierPool = biomePools[biome][tier];
const biomeTierPool = biomePokemonPools[biome][tier];
let treeIndex = -1;
let arrayIndex = 0;
@ -3881,10 +4333,10 @@ export const biomePools: BiomePools = {
for (let b of Object.keys(biomePools)) {
for (let t of Object.keys(biomePools[b])) {
for (let b of Object.keys(biomePokemonPools)) {
for (let t of Object.keys(biomePokemonPools[b])) {
const tier = parseInt(t) as BiomePoolTier;
const biomeTierPool = biomePools[b][t];
const biomeTierPool = biomePokemonPools[b][t];
for (let e = 0; e < biomeTierPool.length; e++) {
const entry = biomeTierPool[e];
if (entry.length === 1)
@ -3908,20 +4360,39 @@ export const biomePools: BiomePools = {
function outputPools() {
const output = {};
for (let tb of trainerBiomes) {
const trainerType = tb[0] as TrainerType;
const biomeEntries = tb[1] as BiomePoolTier[][];
for (let b of Object.keys(biomePools)) {
for (let b of biomeEntries) {
const biome = b[0];
const tier = b[1];
if (!biomeTrainerPools.hasOwnProperty(biome) || !biomeTrainerPools[biome].hasOwnProperty(tier))
const biomeTierPool = biomeTrainerPools[biome][tier];
function outputPools() {
const pokemonOutput = {};
const trainerOutput = {};
for (let b of Object.keys(biomePokemonPools)) {
const biome = Biome[b];
output[biome] = {};
for (let t of Object.keys(biomePools[b])) {
pokemonOutput[biome] = {};
trainerOutput[biome] = {};
for (let t of Object.keys(biomePokemonPools[b])) {
const tier = BiomePoolTier[t];
output[biome][tier] = [];
pokemonOutput[biome][tier] = [];
for (let f of biomePools[b][t]) {
for (let f of biomePokemonPools[b][t]) {
if (typeof f === 'number')
else {
const tree = {};
@ -3929,13 +4400,23 @@ export const biomePools: BiomePools = {
tree[l] = f[l].map(s => Species[s]);
console.log(beautify(output, null, 2, 180).replace(/( | (?:\{ "\d+": \[ )?| "(?:.*?)": \[ |, (?:(?:\{ )?"\d+": \[ )?)"(.*?)"/g, '$1Species.$2').replace(/"(\d+)": /g, '$1: ').replace(/( )"(.*?)"/g, '$1[BiomePoolTier.$2]').replace(/( )"(.*?)"/g, '$1[Biome.$2]'));
for (let t of Object.keys(biomeTrainerPools[b])) {
const tier = BiomePoolTier[t];
trainerOutput[biome][tier] = [];
for (let f of biomeTrainerPools[b][t])
console.log(beautify(pokemonOutput, null, 2, 180).replace(/( | (?:\{ "\d+": \[ )?| "(?:.*?)": \[ |, (?:(?:\{ )?"\d+": \[ )?)"(.*?)"/g, '$1Species.$2').replace(/"(\d+)": /g, '$1: ').replace(/( )"(.*?)"/g, '$1[BiomePoolTier.$2]').replace(/( )"(.*?)"/g, '$1[Biome.$2]'));
console.log(beautify(trainerOutput, null, 2, 120).replace(/( | (?:\{ "\d+": \[ )?| "(?:.*?)": \[ |, (?:(?:\{ )?"\d+": \[ )?)"(.*?)"/g, '$1TrainerType.$2').replace(/"(\d+)": /g, '$1: ').replace(/( )"(.*?)"/g, '$1[BiomePoolTier.$2]').replace(/( )"(.*?)"/g, '$1[Biome.$2]'));
@ -1990,6 +1990,46 @@ export class RandomMoveAttr extends OverrideMoveEffectAttr {
const lastMoveCopiableCondition = (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move) => {
const copiableMove = user.scene.currentBattle.lastMove;
if (!copiableMove)
return false;
if (allMoves[copiableMove].getAttrs(ChargeAttr).length)
return false;
// TODO: Add last turn of Bide
return true;
export class CopyMoveAttr extends OverrideMoveEffectAttr {
apply(user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move, args: any[]): boolean {
const lastMove = user.scene.currentBattle.lastMove;
const moveTargets = getMoveTargets(user, lastMove);
if (!moveTargets.targets.length)
return false;
const targets = moveTargets.multiple || moveTargets.targets.length === 1
? moveTargets.targets
: moveTargets.targets.indexOf(target.getBattlerIndex()) > -1
? [ target.getBattlerIndex() ]
: [ moveTargets.targets[Utils.randInt(moveTargets.targets.length)] ];
user.getMoveQueue().push({ move: lastMove, targets: targets, ignorePP: true });
user.scene.unshiftPhase(new MovePhase(user.scene, user as PlayerPokemon, targets, new PokemonMove(lastMove, 0, 0, true), true));
return true;
getCondition(): MoveCondition {
return lastMoveCopiableCondition;
// TODO: Review this
const targetMoveCopiableCondition = (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move) => {
const targetMoves = target.getMoveHistory().filter(m => !m.virtual);
if (!targetMoves.length)
@ -2000,7 +2040,7 @@ const targetMoveCopiableCondition = (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move)
if (!copiableMove.move)
return false;
if (allMoves[copiableMove.move].getAttrs(ChargeAttr) && copiableMove.result === MoveResult.OTHER)
if (allMoves[copiableMove.move].getAttrs(ChargeAttr).length && copiableMove.result === MoveResult.OTHER)
return false;
// TODO: Add last turn of Bide
@ -2008,35 +2048,6 @@ const targetMoveCopiableCondition = (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move)
return true;
export class CopyMoveAttr extends OverrideMoveEffectAttr {
apply(user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move, args: any[]): boolean {
const targetMoves = target.getMoveHistory().filter(m => !m.virtual);
if (!targetMoves.length)
return false;
const copiedMove = targetMoves[0];
const moveTargets = getMoveTargets(user, copiedMove.move);
if (!moveTargets.targets.length)
return false;
const targets = moveTargets.multiple || moveTargets.targets.length === 1
? moveTargets.targets
: moveTargets.targets.indexOf(target.getBattlerIndex()) > -1
? [ target.getBattlerIndex() ]
: [ moveTargets.targets[Utils.randInt(moveTargets.targets.length)] ];
user.getMoveQueue().push({ move: copiedMove.move, targets: targets, ignorePP: true });
user.scene.unshiftPhase(new MovePhase(user.scene, user as PlayerPokemon, targets, new PokemonMove(copiedMove.move, 0, 0, true), true));
return true;
getCondition(): MoveCondition {
return targetMoveCopiableCondition;
export class MovesetCopyMoveAttr extends OverrideMoveEffectAttr {
apply(user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move, args: any[]): boolean {
const targetMoves = target.getMoveHistory().filter(m => !m.virtual);
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { SpeciesWildEvolutionDelay, pokemonEvolutions, pokemonPrevolutions } fro
import { Species } from './species';
import { Type } from './type';
import * as Utils from '../utils';
import { TrainerType, trainerConfigs } from './trainer-type';
export function getPokemonSpecies(species: Species): PokemonSpecies {
if (species >= Species.XERNEAS)
@ -12,6 +13,8 @@ export function getPokemonSpecies(species: Species): PokemonSpecies {
return allSpecies[species - 1];
export type PokemonSpeciesFilter = (species: PokemonSpecies) => boolean;
export abstract class PokemonSpeciesForm {
public speciesId: Species;
public formIndex: integer;
@ -272,7 +275,7 @@ export default class PokemonSpecies extends PokemonSpeciesForm {
for (let weight of evolutionPool.keys()) {
if (randValue < weight)
return evolutionPool.get(weight);
return getPokemonSpecies(evolutionPool.get(weight)).getSpeciesForLevel(level, true);
return this.speciesId;
@ -344,7 +347,7 @@ class PokemonForm extends PokemonSpeciesForm {
export const allSpecies = [];
export const allSpecies: PokemonSpecies[] = [];
export function initSpecies() {
@ -1103,3 +1106,16 @@ export function initSpecies() {
new PokemonSpecies(Species.ETERNATUS, 'Eternatus', 8, false, true, false, 'Gigantic Pokemon', Type.POISON, Type.DRAGON, 20, 950, Abilities.PRESSURE, Abilities.NONE, Abilities.NONE, 690, 140, 85, 95, 145, 95, 130, 255, 0, 345, GrowthRate.SLOW, "Undiscovered", null, null, 120, false, false)
// TODO: Remove
setTimeout(() => {
for (let tc of Object.keys(trainerConfigs)) {
console.log(TrainerType[tc], !trainerConfigs[tc].speciesFilter ? 'all' : [ Set(allSpecies.slice(0, -1).filter(trainerConfigs[tc].speciesFilter).map(s => {
while (pokemonPrevolutions.hasOwnProperty(s.speciesId))
s = getPokemonSpecies(pokemonPrevolutions[s.speciesId]);
return s;
}))].map(s =>;
}, 1000);
@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
import BattleScene from "../battle-scene";
import * as Utils from "../utils";
import { Moves } from "./move";
import { pokemonLevelMoves } from "./pokemon-level-moves";
import { PokemonSpeciesFilter } from "./pokemon-species";
import { Species } from "./species";
import { tmSpecies } from "./tms";
import { Type } from "./type";
export enum TrainerType {
@ -7,10 +13,9 @@ export enum TrainerType {
@ -18,7 +23,6 @@ export enum TrainerType {
@ -26,8 +30,6 @@ export enum TrainerType {
@ -40,12 +42,12 @@ export enum TrainerType {
@ -54,16 +56,45 @@ export enum TrainerType {
export enum TrainerPartyType {
export enum TrainerPoolTier {
export interface TrainerTierPools {
[key: integer]: Species[]
export class TrainerConfig {
public trainerType: TrainerType;
public name: string;
public nameFemale: string;
public hasGenders: boolean = false;
public isDouble: boolean = false;
public partyType: TrainerPartyType = TrainerPartyType.DEFAULT;
public encounterBgm: string;
public femaleEncounterBgm: string;
public speciesPools: TrainerTierPools;
public speciesFilter: PokemonSpeciesFilter;
constructor(trainerType: TrainerType) {
constructor(trainerType: TrainerType, allowLegendaries?: boolean) {
this.trainerType = trainerType;
|||| = Utils.toPokemonUpperCase(TrainerType[this.trainerType].toString().replace(/\_/g, ' '));
this.encounterBgm =;
this.speciesFilter = species => allowLegendaries || (!species.legendary && !species.pseudoLegendary && !species.mythical);
public getKey(female?: boolean): string {
@ -73,8 +104,16 @@ export class TrainerConfig {
return ret;
public setHasGenders(): TrainerConfig {
public setName(name: string): TrainerConfig {
|||| = name;
return this;
public setHasGenders(nameFemale?: string, femaleEncounterBgm?: TrainerType | string): TrainerConfig {
this.hasGenders = true;
this.nameFemale = nameFemale;
if (femaleEncounterBgm)
this.femaleEncounterBgm = typeof femaleEncounterBgm === 'number' ? TrainerType[femaleEncounterBgm].toString().replace(/\_/g, ' ').toLowerCase() : femaleEncounterBgm;
return this;
@ -83,8 +122,39 @@ export class TrainerConfig {
return this;
public getName(): string {
return Utils.toPokemonUpperCase(TrainerType[this.trainerType].toString().replace(/\_/g, ' '));
public setEncounterBgm(encounterBgm: TrainerType | string): TrainerConfig {
this.encounterBgm = typeof encounterBgm === 'number' ? TrainerType[encounterBgm].toString().replace(/\_/g, ' ').toLowerCase() : encounterBgm;
return this;
public setPartyType(partyType: TrainerPartyType): TrainerConfig {
this.partyType = partyType;
return this;
public setSpeciesPools(speciesPools: TrainerTierPools | Species[]): TrainerConfig {
this.speciesPools = (Array.isArray(speciesPools) ? speciesPools : { [TrainerPoolTier.COMMON]: speciesPools }) as unknown as TrainerTierPools;
return this;
public setSpeciesFilter(speciesFilter: PokemonSpeciesFilter, allowLegendaries?: boolean): TrainerConfig {
const baseFilter = this.speciesFilter;
this.speciesFilter = allowLegendaries ? speciesFilter : species => speciesFilter(species) && baseFilter(species);
return this;
public getName(female?: boolean): string {
let ret =;
if (this.hasGenders) {
if (this.nameFemale) {
if (female)
return this.nameFemale;
} else
ret += !female ? '♂' : '♀';
return ret;
public genPartySize(): integer {
@ -123,57 +193,64 @@ interface TrainerConfigs {
export const trainerConfigs: TrainerConfigs = {
[TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.ARTIST]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.BACKERS]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders().setDouble(),
[TrainerType.BACKPACKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.BAKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.BATTLE_GIRL]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.BEAUTY]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.BIKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.BLACKBELT]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.BREEDER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders().setDouble(),
[TrainerType.ACE_TRAINER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders().setPartyType(TrainerPartyType.BALANCED),
[TrainerType.ARTIST]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.RICH).setSpeciesPools([ Species.SMEARGLE ]),
[TrainerType.BACKERS]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders().setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CYCLIST).setDouble(),
[TrainerType.BACKPACKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders().setSpeciesFilter(s => s.isOfType(Type.FLYING) || s.isOfType(Type.ROCK)),
[TrainerType.BAKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CLERK).setSpeciesFilter(s => s.isOfType(Type.GRASS) || s.isOfType(Type.FIRE)),
[TrainerType.BEAUTY]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.PARASOL_LADY),
[TrainerType.BIKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.ROUGHNECK).setSpeciesFilter(s => s.isOfType(Type.POISON)),
[TrainerType.BLACK_BELT]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders('Battle Girl', TrainerType.PSYCHIC).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.ROUGHNECK).setSpeciesFilter(s => s.isOfType(Type.FIGHTING)),
[TrainerType.BREEDER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders().setDouble().setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.POKEFAN),
[TrainerType.CLERK]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.CYCLIST]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.DANCER]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.DEPOT_AGENT]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.DOCTOR]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.FISHERMAN]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.GENTLEMAN]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.GUITARIST]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.HARLEQUIN]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.HIKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.HOOLIGANS]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setDouble(),
[TrainerType.HOOPSTER]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.INFIELDER]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.JANITOR]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.LADY]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.LASS]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.LINEBACKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.MAID]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.MUSICIAN]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.NURSE]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.NURSERY_AIDE]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.OFFICER]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.PARASOL_LADY]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.PILOT]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.CYCLIST]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders().setSpeciesFilter(s => !!pokemonLevelMoves[s.speciesId].find(plm => plm[1] === Moves.QUICK_ATTACK)),
[TrainerType.DANCER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CYCLIST),
[TrainerType.DEPOT_AGENT]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CLERK),
[TrainerType.DOCTOR]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CLERK),
[TrainerType.FISHERMAN]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.BACKPACKER).setSpeciesPools({
[TrainerPoolTier.COMMON]: [ Species.TENTACOOL, Species.MAGIKARP, Species.GOLDEEN, Species.STARYU, Species.REMORAID ],
[TrainerPoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ Species.POLIWAG, Species.SHELLDER, Species.KRABBY, Species.HORSEA, Species.CARVANHA, Species.BARBOACH, Species.CORPHISH, Species.FINNEON, Species.TYMPOLE, Species.BASCULIN, Species.FRILLISH ],
[TrainerPoolTier.RARE]: [ Species.CHINCHOU, Species.CORSOLA, Species.WAILMER, Species.CLAMPERL, Species.LUVDISC, Species.MANTYKE, Species.ALOMOMOLA ],
[TrainerPoolTier.SUPER_RARE]: [ Species.LAPRAS, Species.FEEBAS, Species.RELICANTH ]
[TrainerType.GUITARIST]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.ROUGHNECK).setSpeciesFilter(s => s.isOfType(Type.ELECTRIC)),
[TrainerType.HARLEQUIN]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.PSYCHIC).setSpeciesFilter(s => tmSpecies[Moves.TRICK_ROOM].indexOf(s.speciesId) > -1),
[TrainerType.HIKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.BACKPACKER).setSpeciesFilter(s => s.isOfType(Type.GROUND) || s.isOfType(Type.ROCK)),
[TrainerType.HOOLIGANS]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setDouble().setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.ROUGHNECK).setSpeciesFilter(s => s.isOfType(Type.POISON) || s.isOfType(Type.DARK)),
[TrainerType.HOOPSTER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CYCLIST),
[TrainerType.INFIELDER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CYCLIST),
[TrainerType.JANITOR]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CLERK),
[TrainerType.LINEBACKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CYCLIST),
[TrainerType.MAID]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.RICH).setSpeciesFilter(s => s.eggType1 === 'Field' || s.eggType2 === 'Field'),
[TrainerType.MUSICIAN]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.ROUGHNECK).setSpeciesFilter(s => !!pokemonLevelMoves[s.speciesId].find(plm => plm[1] === Moves.SING)),
[TrainerType.NURSE]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm('lass').setSpeciesFilter(s => !!pokemonLevelMoves[s.speciesId].find(plm => plm[1] === Moves.CHARM) || !!pokemonLevelMoves[s.speciesId].find(plm => plm[1] === Moves.HEAL_PULSE)),
[TrainerType.NURSERY_AIDE]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm('lass'),
[TrainerType.OFFICER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CLERK).setSpeciesPools([ Species.VULPIX, Species.GROWLITHE, Species.SNUBBULL, Species.HOUNDOUR, Species.POOCHYENA, Species.ELECTRIKE, Species.LILLIPUP ]),
[TrainerType.PARASOL_LADY]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setSpeciesFilter(s => s.isOfType(Type.WATER)),
[TrainerType.PILOT]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CLERK).setSpeciesFilter(s => tmSpecies[Moves.FLY].indexOf(s.speciesId) > -1),
[TrainerType.POKEFAN]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.PRESCHOOLER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.PRESCHOOLER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.YOUNGSTER).setHasGenders(undefined, 'lass'),
[TrainerType.PSYCHIC]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.RANGER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.RICH_BOY]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.ROUGHNECK]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.SCIENTIST]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.SMASHER]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.SNOW_WORKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.SOCIALITE]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.STRIKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.RANGER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.BACKPACKER).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.RICH]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setName('Gentleman').setHasGenders().setSpeciesFilter(s => s.eggType1 === 'Field' || s.eggType2 === 'Field'),
[TrainerType.RICH_KID]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setName('Rich Boy').setHasGenders('Lady').setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.RICH),
[TrainerType.ROUGHNECK]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setSpeciesFilter(s => s.isOfType(Type.DARK)),
[TrainerType.SCIENTIST]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders().setSpeciesPools({
[TrainerPoolTier.COMMON]: [ Species.MAGNEMITE, Species.GRIMER, Species.DROWZEE, Species.VOLTORB, Species.KOFFING ],
[TrainerPoolTier.UNCOMMON]: [ Species.KLINK ],
[TrainerPoolTier.RARE ]: [ Species.ABRA, Species.PORYGON ],
[TrainerPoolTier.SUPER_RARE ]: [ Species.OMANYTE, Species.KABUTO, Species.AERODACTYL, Species.LILEEP, Species.ANORITH, Species.CRANIDOS, Species.SHIELDON, Species.TIRTOUGA, Species.ARCHEN ]
[TrainerType.SMASHER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CYCLIST),
[TrainerType.SNOW_WORKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setName('Worker').setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CLERK).setSpeciesFilter(s => s.isOfType(Type.ICE) || s.isOfType(Type.STEEL)),
[TrainerType.STRIKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CYCLIST),
[TrainerType.STUDENT]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.SWIMMER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.SWIMMER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders().setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.PARASOL_LADY).setSpeciesFilter(s => s.isOfType(Type.WATER)),
[TrainerType.TWINS]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setDouble(),
[TrainerType.VETERAN]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.WAITER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.WORKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.YOUNGSTER]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
[TrainerType.VETERAN]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders().setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.RICH),
[TrainerType.WAITER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders().setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CLERK),
[TrainerType.WORKER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.CLERK).setSpeciesFilter(s => s.isOfType(Type.ROCK) || s.isOfType(Type.STEEL)),
[TrainerType.YOUNGSTER]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders('Lass', 'lass').setEncounterBgm(TrainerType.YOUNGSTER),
[TrainerType.RIVAL]: new TrainerConfig(++t).setHasGenders(),
[TrainerType.CYNTHIA]: new TrainerConfig(++t),
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import BattleScene from "./battle-scene";
import { TrainerConfig, TrainerType, trainerConfigs } from "./data/trainer-type";
import PokemonSpecies, { getPokemonSpecies } from "./data/pokemon-species";
import { TrainerConfig, TrainerPartyType, TrainerType, trainerConfigs } from "./data/trainer-type";
import * as Utils from "./utils";
export default class Trainer extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
@ -32,7 +33,22 @@ export default class Trainer extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
getName(): string {
return this.config.getName();
return this.config.getName(this.female);
genPartyMemberSpecies(level: integer, attempt?: integer): PokemonSpecies {
const battle = this.scene.currentBattle;
if (this.config.partyType === TrainerPartyType.REPEATED && battle.enemyParty.length)
return getPokemonSpecies(battle.enemyParty[0].species.getSpeciesForLevel(level));
const ret = getPokemonSpecies(this.scene.randomSpecies(battle.waveIndex, level, this.config.speciesFilter, true).getSpeciesForLevel(level));
if (this.config.partyType === TrainerPartyType.BALANCED) {
const partyTypes = this.scene.getEnemyParty().map(p => p.getTypes()).flat();
if ((attempt || 0) < 10 && (partyTypes.indexOf(ret.type1) > -1 || (ret.type2 !== null && partyTypes.indexOf(ret.type2) > -1)))
return this.genPartyMemberSpecies(level, (attempt || 0) + 1);
return ret;
getNextSummonIndex(): integer {