[Localization] zh_TW settings.ts translation (#2367)
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,96 +3,96 @@ import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/interfaces/locales.js";
export const settings: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"boy": "男孩",
"girl": "女孩",
"general": "General",
"display": "Display",
"audio": "Audio",
"gamepad": "Gamepad",
"keyboard": "Keyboard",
"gameSpeed": "Game Speed",
"hpBarSpeed": "HP Bar Speed",
"expGainsSpeed": "EXP Gains Speed",
"expPartyDisplay": "Show EXP Party",
"skipSeenDialogues": "Skip Seen Dialogues",
"battleStyle": "Battle Style",
"enableRetries": "Enable Retries",
"tutorials": "Tutorials",
"touchControls": "Touch Controls",
"vibrations": "Vibrations",
"normal": "Normal",
"fast": "Fast",
"faster": "Faster",
"skip": "Skip",
"levelUpNotifications": "Level Up Notifications",
"on": "On",
"off": "Off",
"switch": "Switch",
"set": "Set",
"auto": "Auto",
"disabled": "Disabled",
"language": "Language",
"change": "Change",
"uiTheme": "UI Theme",
"default": "Default",
"legacy": "Legacy",
"windowType": "Window Type",
"moneyFormat": "Money Format",
"damageNumbers": "Damage Numbers",
"simple": "Simple",
"fancy": "Fancy",
"abbreviated": "Abbreviated",
"moveAnimations": "Move Animations",
"showStatsOnLevelUp": "Show Stats on Level Up",
"candyUpgradeNotification": "Candy Upgrade Notification",
"passivesOnly": "Passives Only",
"candyUpgradeDisplay": "Candy Upgrade Display",
"icon": "Icon",
"animation": "Animation",
"moveInfo": "Move Info",
"showMovesetFlyout": "Show Moveset Flyout",
"showArenaFlyout": "Show Arena Flyout",
"showTimeOfDayWidget": "Show Time of Day Widget",
"timeOfDayAnimation": "Time of Day Animation",
"bounce": "Bounce",
"timeOfDay_back": "Back",
"spriteSet": "Sprite Set",
"consistent": "Consistent",
"mixedAnimated": "Mixed Animated",
"fusionPaletteSwaps": "Fusion Palette Swaps",
"playerGender": "Player Gender",
"typeHints": "Type Hints",
"masterVolume": "Master Volume",
"bgmVolume": "BGM Volume",
"seVolume": "SE Volume",
"musicPreference": "Music Preference",
"mixed": "Mixed",
"gamepadPleasePlug": "Please Plug in a Gamepad or Press a Button",
"delete": "Delete",
"keyboardPleasePress": "Please Press a Key on Your Keyboard",
"reset": "Reset",
"requireReload": "Reload Required",
"action": "Action",
"back": "Back",
"pressToBind": "Press to Bind",
"pressButton": "Press a Button...",
"buttonUp": "Up",
"buttonDown": "Down",
"buttonLeft": "Left",
"buttonRight": "Right",
"buttonAction": "Action",
"buttonMenu": "Menu",
"buttonSubmit": "Submit",
"buttonCancel": "Cancel",
"buttonStats": "Stats",
"buttonCycleForm": "Cycle Form",
"buttonCycleShiny": "Cycle Shiny",
"buttonCycleGender": "Cycle Gender",
"buttonCycleAbility": "Cycle Ability",
"buttonCycleNature": "Cycle Nature",
"buttonCycleVariant": "Cycle Variant",
"buttonSpeedUp": "Speed Up",
"buttonSlowDown": "Slow Down",
"alt": " (Alt)",
"mute": "Mute",
"controller": "Controller",
"gamepadSupport": "Gamepad Support"
"general": "常規",
"display": "顯示",
"audio": "音頻",
"gamepad": "手柄",
"keyboard": "鍵盤",
"gameSpeed": "遊戲速度",
"hpBarSpeed": "血條速度",
"expGainsSpeed": "經驗值獲取動畫速度",
"expPartyDisplay": "顯示隊伍經驗",
"skipSeenDialogues": "跳過已讀對話",
"battleStyle": "對戰模式",
"enableRetries": "允許重試",
"tutorials": "教程",
"touchControls": "觸摸操作",
"vibrations": "手柄震動",
"normal": "普通",
"fast": "快",
"faster": "更快",
"skip": "跳過",
"levelUpNotifications": "升級提示",
"on": "啟用",
"off": "禁用",
"switch": "切換",
"set": "固定",
"auto": "自動",
"disabled": "禁用",
"language": "語言",
"change": "選擇",
"uiTheme": "界面風格",
"default": "默認",
"legacy": "經典",
"windowType": "窗口類型",
"moneyFormat": "金錢格式",
"damageNumbers": "傷害數字",
"simple": "簡單",
"fancy": "華麗",
"abbreviated": "縮寫",
"moveAnimations": "招式動畫",
"showStatsOnLevelUp": "升級時顯示能力值",
"candyUpgradeNotification": "糖果升級提示",
"passivesOnly": "僅被動",
"candyUpgradeDisplay": "糖果升級顯示",
"icon": "圖標",
"animation": "動畫",
"moveInfo": "招式信息",
"showMovesetFlyout": "顯示招式池彈窗",
"showArenaFlyout": "顯示戰場彈窗",
"showTimeOfDayWidget": "顯示時間指示器",
"timeOfDayAnimation": "時間指示器動畫",
"bounce": "彈一下",
"timeOfDay_back": "不彈",
"spriteSet": "寶可夢動畫",
"consistent": "默認",
"mixedAnimated": "全部動畫",
"fusionPaletteSwaps": "融合色調切換",
"playerGender": "玩家性別",
"typeHints": "屬性提示",
"masterVolume": "主音量",
"bgmVolume": "音樂",
"seVolume": "音效",
"musicPreference": "音樂偏好",
"mixed": "全曲混合",
"gamepadPleasePlug": "請連接手柄或按任意鍵",
"delete": "刪除",
"keyboardPleasePress": "請點擊鍵盤上的對應按鍵",
"reset": "重置",
"requireReload": "需要重新加載",
"action": "操作",
"back": "返回",
"pressToBind": "按下以綁定",
"pressButton": "請按鍵……",
"buttonUp": "上",
"buttonDown": "下",
"buttonLeft": "左",
"buttonRight": "右",
"buttonAction": "確認",
"buttonMenu": "菜單",
"buttonSubmit": "提交",
"buttonCancel": "取消",
"buttonStats": "狀態",
"buttonCycleForm": "切換形態",
"buttonCycleShiny": "切換閃光",
"buttonCycleGender": "切換性別",
"buttonCycleAbility": "切換特性",
"buttonCycleNature": "切換性格",
"buttonCycleVariant": "切換變種",
"buttonSpeedUp": "加速",
"buttonSlowDown": "減速",
"alt": " (備用)",
"mute": "靜音",
"controller": "控制器",
"gamepadSupport": "手柄支持"
} as const;
Reference in New Issue