add skeleton tests to fiery fallout

This commit is contained in:
ImperialSympathizer 2024-07-18 23:17:05 -04:00
parent a598c1cb05
commit 2fce6a2769
2 changed files with 235 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
import * as MysteryEncounters from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/mystery-encounters";
import { Biome } from "#app/enums/biome";
import { MysteryEncounterType } from "#app/enums/mystery-encounter-type";
import { Species } from "#app/enums/species";
import GameManager from "#app/test/utils/gameManager";
import { afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest";
import { FieryFalloutEncounter } from "#app/data/mystery-encounters/encounters/fiery-fallout-encounter";
const namespace = "mysteryEncounter:fieryFallout";
/** Arcanine and Ninetails for 2 Fire types. Lapras for burnable mon. */
const defaultParty = [Species.ARCANINE, Species.NINETALES, Species.LAPRAS];
const defaultBiome = Biome.VOLCANO;
const defaultWave = 45;
describe("Fiery Fallout - Mystery Encounter", () => {
let phaserGame: Phaser.Game;
let game: GameManager;
beforeAll(() => {
phaserGame = new Phaser.Game({ type: Phaser.HEADLESS });
beforeEach(async () => {
game = new GameManager(phaserGame);
vi.spyOn(MysteryEncounters, "mysteryEncountersByBiome", "get").mockReturnValue(
new Map<Biome, MysteryEncounterType[]>([
[Biome.SEA, [MysteryEncounterType.FIERY_FALLOUT]],
afterEach(() => {
it("should have the correct properties", async () => {
await game.runToMysteryEncounter(defaultParty);
expect(FieryFalloutEncounter.dialogue.intro).toStrictEqual([{ text: `${namespace}:intro` }]);
it("should not spawn outside of volcano biome", async () => {
await game.runToMysteryEncounter();
it("should not run below wave 41", async () => {
await game.runToMysteryEncounter();
it("should not run above wave 179", async () => {
await game.runToMysteryEncounter();
// it("should set the correct dialog tokens during initialization", () => {
// vi.spyOn(game.scene, "currentBattle", "get").mockReturnValue({ mysteryEncounter: FieryFalloutEncounter } as Battle);
// const { onInit } = FieryFalloutEncounter;
// expect(FieryFalloutEncounter.onInit).toBeDefined();
// const onInitResult = onInit(game.scene);
// expect(FieryFalloutEncounter.dialogueTokens?.damagePercentage).toBe("25");
// expect(FieryFalloutEncounter.dialogueTokens?.option1RequiredMove).toBe(Moves[Moves.SURF]);
// expect(FieryFalloutEncounter.dialogueTokens?.option2RequiredMove).toBe(Moves[Moves.FLY]);
// expect(onInitResult).toBe(true);
// });
// describe("Option 1 - Fight 2 Volcarona", () => {
// it("should have the correct properties", () => {
// const option1 = LostAtSeaEncounter.options[0];
// expect(option1.optionMode).toBe(EncounterOptionMode.DISABLED_OR_DEFAULT);
// expect(option1.dialogue).toBeDefined();
// expect(option1.dialogue).toStrictEqual({
// buttonLabel: `${namespace}:option:1:label`,
// disabledButtonLabel: `${namespace}:option:1:label_disabled`,
// buttonTooltip: `${namespace}:option:1:tooltip`,
// disabledButtonTooltip: `${namespace}:option:1:tooltip_disabled`,
// selected: [
// {
// text: `${namespace}:option:1:selected`,
// },
// ],
// });
// });
// it("should award exp to surfable PKM (Blastoise)", async () => {
// const laprasSpecies = getPokemonSpecies(Species.LAPRAS);
// await game.runToMysteryEncounter(defaultParty);
// const party = game.scene.getParty();
// const blastoise = party.find((pkm) => pkm.species.speciesId === Species.PIDGEOT);
// const expBefore = blastoise.exp;
// await runSelectMysteryEncounterOption(game, 2);
// expect(blastoise.exp).toBe(expBefore + Math.floor(laprasSpecies.baseExp * defaultWave / 5 + 1));
// });
// it("should leave encounter without battle", async () => {
// game.override.startingWave(33);
// const leaveEncounterWithoutBattleSpy = vi.spyOn(EncounterPhaseUtils, "leaveEncounterWithoutBattle");
// await game.runToMysteryEncounter(defaultParty);
// await runSelectMysteryEncounterOption(game, 1);
// expect(leaveEncounterWithoutBattleSpy).toBeCalled();
// });
// it("should be disabled if no surfable PKM is in party", async () => {
// // TODO
// });
// });
// describe("Option 2 - Suffer the weather", () => {
// it("should have the correct properties", () => {
// const option2 = LostAtSeaEncounter.options[1];
// expect(option2.optionMode).toBe(EncounterOptionMode.DISABLED_OR_DEFAULT);
// expect(option2.dialogue).toBeDefined();
// expect(option2.dialogue).toStrictEqual({
// buttonLabel: `${namespace}:option:2:label`,
// disabledButtonLabel: `${namespace}:option:2:label_disabled`,
// buttonTooltip: `${namespace}:option:2:tooltip`,
// disabledButtonTooltip: `${namespace}:option:2:tooltip_disabled`,
// selected: [
// {
// text: `${namespace}:option:2:selected`,
// },
// ],
// });
// });
// it("should award exp to flyable PKM (Pidgeot)", async () => {
// const laprasBaseExp = 187;
// const wave = 33;
// game.override.startingWave(wave);
// await game.runToMysteryEncounter(defaultParty);
// const party = game.scene.getParty();
// const pidgeot = party.find((pkm) => pkm.species.speciesId === Species.PIDGEOT);
// const expBefore = pidgeot.exp;
// await runSelectMysteryEncounterOption(game, 2);
// expect(pidgeot.exp).toBe(expBefore + Math.floor(laprasBaseExp * defaultWave / 5 + 1));
// });
// it("should leave encounter without battle", async () => {
// game.override.startingWave(33);
// const leaveEncounterWithoutBattleSpy = vi.spyOn(EncounterPhaseUtils, "leaveEncounterWithoutBattle");
// await game.runToMysteryEncounter(defaultParty);
// await runSelectMysteryEncounterOption(game, 2);
// expect(leaveEncounterWithoutBattleSpy).toBeCalled();
// });
// it("should be disabled if no flyable PKM is in party", async () => {
// // TODO
// });
// });
// describe("Option 3 - use FIRE types", () => {
// it("should have the correct properties", () => {
// const option3 = LostAtSeaEncounter.options[2];
// expect(option3.optionMode).toBe(EncounterOptionMode.DEFAULT);
// expect(option3.dialogue).toBeDefined();
// expect(option3.dialogue).toStrictEqual({
// buttonLabel: `${namespace}:option:3:label`,
// buttonTooltip: `${namespace}:option:3:tooltip`,
// selected: [
// {
// text: `${namespace}:option:3:selected`,
// },
// ],
// });
// });
// it("should damage all (allowed in battle) party PKM by 25%", async () => {
// game.override.startingWave(33);
// await game.runToMysteryEncounter(defaultParty);
// const party = game.scene.getParty();
// const abra = party.find((pkm) => pkm.species.speciesId === Species.ABRA);
// vi.spyOn(abra, "isAllowedInBattle").mockReturnValue(false);
// await runSelectMysteryEncounterOption(game, 3);
// const allowedPkm = party.filter((pkm) => pkm.isAllowedInBattle());
// const notAllowedPkm = party.filter((pkm) => !pkm.isAllowedInBattle());
// allowedPkm.forEach((pkm) =>
// expect(pkm.hp, `${} should have receivd 25% damage: ${pkm.hp} / ${pkm.getMaxHp()} HP`).toBe(pkm.getMaxHp() - Math.floor(pkm.getMaxHp() * 0.25))
// );
// notAllowedPkm.forEach((pkm) => expect(pkm.hp, `${} should be full hp: ${pkm.hp} / ${pkm.getMaxHp()} HP`).toBe(pkm.getMaxHp()));
// });
// it("should leave encounter without battle", async () => {
// game.override.startingWave(33);
// const leaveEncounterWithoutBattleSpy = vi.spyOn(EncounterPhaseUtils, "leaveEncounterWithoutBattle");
// await game.runToMysteryEncounter(defaultParty);
// await runSelectMysteryEncounterOption(game, 3);
// expect(leaveEncounterWithoutBattleSpy).toBeCalled();
// });
// });

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@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ describe("Lost at Sea - Mystery Encounter", () => {
it("should not run below wave 11", async () => {
await game.runToMysteryEncounter();
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ describe("Lost at Sea - Mystery Encounter", () => {
it("should not run above wave 179", async () => {
await game.runToMysteryEncounter();