
352 lines
8.8 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2024 PCSX2 Dev Team
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+
#include "Elfheader.h"
#include "CDVD/IsoReader.h"
#include "DebugTools/Debug.h"
#include "DebugTools/SymbolGuardian.h"
#include "common/Error.h"
#include "common/FileSystem.h"
#include "common/StringUtil.h"
#include "fmt/format.h"
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct PSXEXEHeader
char id[8]; // 0x000-0x007 PS-X EXE
char pad1[8]; // 0x008-0x00F
u32 initial_pc; // 0x010
u32 initial_gp; // 0x014
u32 load_address; // 0x018
u32 file_size; // 0x01C excluding 0x800-byte header
u32 unk0; // 0x020
u32 unk1; // 0x024
u32 memfill_start; // 0x028
u32 memfill_size; // 0x02C
u32 initial_sp_base; // 0x030
u32 initial_sp_offset; // 0x034
u32 reserved[5]; // 0x038-0x04B
char marker[0x7B4]; // 0x04C-0x7FF
static_assert(sizeof(PSXEXEHeader) == 0x800);
#pragma pack(pop)
ElfObject::ElfObject() = default;
ElfObject::~ElfObject() = default;
bool ElfObject::OpenIsoFile(std::string srcfile, IsoReader& isor, bool isPSXElf_, Error* error)
const auto de = isor.LocateFile(srcfile, error);
if (!de)
return false;
if (!CheckElfSize(de->length_le, error))
return false;
if (!isor.ReadFile(de.value(), &data, error))
return false;
filename = std::move(srcfile);
isPSXElf = isPSXElf_;
return true;
bool ElfObject::OpenFile(std::string srcfile, bool isPSXElf_, Error* error)
auto fp = FileSystem::OpenManagedCFile(srcfile.c_str(), "rb", error);
if (!fp || !FileSystem::StatFile(fp.get(), &sd))
Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Failed to read ELF from '{}'", srcfile));
return false;
if (!isPSXElf_ && !CheckElfSize(sd.Size, error))
return false;
if (std::fread(data.data(), data.size(), 1, fp.get()) != 1)
Error::SetString(error, fmt::format("Failed to read ELF from '{}'", srcfile));
return false;
filename = std::move(srcfile);
isPSXElf = isPSXElf_;
return true;
void ElfObject::InitElfHeaders()
if (isPSXElf)
DevCon.WriteLn("Initializing Elf: %zu bytes", data.size());
const ELF_HEADER& header = GetHeader();
if (header.e_phnum > 0)
if ((header.e_phoff + sizeof(ELF_PHR)) <= data.size())
proghead = reinterpret_cast<ELF_PHR*>(&data[header.e_phoff]);
Console.Error("(ELF) Program header offset %u is larger than file size %zu", header.e_phoff, data.size());
if (header.e_shnum > 0)
if ((header.e_shoff + sizeof(ELF_SHR)) <= data.size())
secthead = reinterpret_cast<ELF_SHR*>(&data[header.e_shoff]);
Console.Error("(ELF) Section header offset %u is larger than file size %zu", header.e_shoff, data.size());
if ((header.e_shnum > 0) && (header.e_shentsize != sizeof(ELF_SHR)))
Console.Error("(ELF) Size of section headers is not standard");
if ((header.e_phnum > 0) && (header.e_phentsize != sizeof(ELF_PHR)))
Console.Error("(ELF) Size of program headers is not standard");
const char* elftype = NULL;
switch( header.e_type )
ELF_LOG( "type: unknown = %x", header.e_type );
case 0x0: elftype = "no file type"; break;
case 0x1: elftype = "relocatable"; break;
case 0x2: elftype = "executable"; break;
if (elftype != NULL) ELF_LOG( "type: %s", elftype );
const char* machine = NULL;
case 1: machine = "AT&T WE 32100"; break;
case 2: machine = "SPARC"; break;
case 3: machine = "Intel 80386"; break;
case 4: machine = "Motorola 68000"; break;
case 5: machine = "Motorola 88000"; break;
case 7: machine = "Intel 80860"; break;
case 8: machine = "mips_rs3000"; break;
ELF_LOG( "machine: unknown = %x", header.e_machine );
if (machine != NULL) ELF_LOG( "machine: %s", machine );
ELF_LOG("version: %d",header.e_version);
ELF_LOG("entry: %08x",header.e_entry);
ELF_LOG("flags: %08x",header.e_flags);
ELF_LOG("eh size: %08x",header.e_ehsize);
ELF_LOG("ph off: %08x",header.e_phoff);
ELF_LOG("ph entsiz: %08x",header.e_phentsize);
ELF_LOG("ph num: %08x",header.e_phnum);
ELF_LOG("sh off: %08x",header.e_shoff);
ELF_LOG("sh entsiz: %08x",header.e_shentsize);
ELF_LOG("sh num: %08x",header.e_shnum);
ELF_LOG("sh strndx: %08x",header.e_shstrndx);
bool ElfObject::HasValidPSXHeader() const
if (data.size() < sizeof(PSXEXEHeader))
return false;
const PSXEXEHeader* header = reinterpret_cast<const PSXEXEHeader*>(data.data());
static constexpr char expected_id[] = {'P', 'S', '-', 'X', ' ', 'E', 'X', 'E'};
if (std::memcmp(header->id, expected_id, sizeof(expected_id)) != 0)
return false;
if ((header->file_size + sizeof(PSXEXEHeader)) > data.size())
Console.Warning("Incorrect file size in PS-EXE header: %u bytes should not be greater than %u bytes",
header->file_size, static_cast<unsigned>(data.size() - sizeof(PSXEXEHeader)));
return true;
bool ElfObject::HasProgramHeaders() const
return (proghead != nullptr);
bool ElfObject::HasSectionHeaders() const
return (secthead != nullptr);
bool ElfObject::HasHeaders() const
return (HasProgramHeaders() && HasSectionHeaders());
u32 ElfObject::GetEntryPoint() const
if (isPSXElf)
if (HasValidPSXHeader())
return reinterpret_cast<const PSXEXEHeader*>(data.data())->initial_pc;
return 0xFFFFFFFFu;
return GetHeader().e_entry;
std::pair<u32,u32> ElfObject::GetTextRange() const
if (!isPSXElf && HasProgramHeaders())
const ELF_HEADER& header = GetHeader();
for (int i = 0; i < header.e_phnum; i++)
const u32 start = proghead[i].p_vaddr;
const u32 size = proghead[i].p_memsz;
if (start <= header.e_entry && (start + size) > header.e_entry)
return std::make_pair(start, size);
return std::make_pair(0,0);
bool ElfObject::CheckElfSize(s64 size, Error* error)
if (size > 0xfffffff)
Error::SetString(error, "Illegal ELF file size over 2GB!");
else if (size == -1)
Error::SetString(error, "ELF file does not exist!");
else if (size <= static_cast<s64>(sizeof(ELF_HEADER)))
Error::SetString(error, "Unexpected end of ELF file.");
return true;
return false;
u32 ElfObject::GetCRC() const
u32 CRC = 0;
const u32* srcdata = reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(data.data());
for (u32 i = static_cast<u32>(data.size()) / 4; i; --i, ++srcdata)
CRC ^= *srcdata;
return CRC;
void ElfObject::LoadProgramHeaders()
if (proghead == NULL) return;
const ELF_HEADER& header = GetHeader();
for( int i = 0 ; i < header.e_phnum ; i++ )
ELF_LOG( "Elf32 Program Header" );
ELF_LOG( "type: " );
switch(proghead[ i ].p_type)
ELF_LOG( "unknown %x", (int)proghead[ i ].p_type );
case 0x1:
ELF_LOG("offset: %08x",proghead[i].p_offset);
ELF_LOG("vaddr: %08x",proghead[i].p_vaddr);
ELF_LOG("paddr: %08x",proghead[i].p_paddr);
ELF_LOG("file size: %08x",proghead[i].p_filesz);
ELF_LOG("mem size: %08x",proghead[i].p_memsz);
ELF_LOG("flags: %08x",proghead[i].p_flags);
ELF_LOG("palign: %08x",proghead[i].p_align);
void ElfObject::LoadSectionHeaders()
const ELF_HEADER& header = GetHeader();
if (!secthead || header.e_shoff > data.size())
// This function scares me a lot. There's a lot of potential for buffer overreads.
// All the accesses should be wrapped in bounds checked read() calls.
const u32 section_names_offset = secthead[(header.e_shstrndx == 0xffff ? 0 : header.e_shstrndx)].sh_offset;
const u8* sections_names = data.data() + section_names_offset;
for( int i = 0 ; i < header.e_shnum ; i++ )
ELF_LOG( "ELF32 Section Header [%x] %s", i, &sections_names[ secthead[ i ].sh_name ] );
// used by parseCommandLine
//if ( secthead[i].sh_flags & 0x2 )
// args_ptr = std::min( args_ptr, secthead[ i ].sh_addr & 0x1ffffff );
const char* sectype = NULL;
switch(secthead[ i ].sh_type)
case 0x0: sectype = "null"; break;
case 0x1: sectype = "progbits"; break;
case 0x2: sectype = "symtab"; break;
case 0x3: sectype = "strtab"; break;
case 0x4: sectype = "rela"; break;
case 0x8: sectype = "no bits"; break;
case 0x9: sectype = "rel"; break;
ELF_LOG("type: unknown %08x",secthead[i].sh_type);
ELF_LOG("type: %s", sectype);
ELF_LOG("flags: %08x", secthead[i].sh_flags);
ELF_LOG("addr: %08x", secthead[i].sh_addr);
ELF_LOG("offset: %08x", secthead[i].sh_offset);
ELF_LOG("size: %08x", secthead[i].sh_size);
ELF_LOG("link: %08x", secthead[i].sh_link);
ELF_LOG("info: %08x", secthead[i].sh_info);
ELF_LOG("addralign: %08x", secthead[i].sh_addralign);
ELF_LOG("entsize: %08x", secthead[i].sh_entsize);
void ElfObject::LoadHeaders()
if (isPSXElf)