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msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PCSX2 0.9.7\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-27 10:09+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-04 03:40+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: 呆丸北拜\n"
"Language-Team: pcsx2fan\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: pxEt\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: F:\\PCSX2_0.9.7_GUI_翻譯\\SRC_4378\\\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Chinese\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: TAIWAN\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: pcsx2\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: common\n"
#: common/include/Utilities/Exceptions.h:187
msgid "No reason given."
msgstr "未給出原因。"
#: common/src/Utilities/ThreadTools.cpp:41
msgid "Threading activity: start, detach, sync, deletion, etc."
msgstr "執行緒的活動:開始、分離、同步、刪除,以及其他。"
#: common/src/Utilities/wxAppWithHelpers.cpp:36
msgid "Includes idle event processing and some other uncommon event usages."
msgstr "包含閒置的事件處理和一些其他不尋常的事件使用。"
#: pcsx2/MTGS.cpp:809
msgid "The MTGS thread has become unresponsive while waiting for the GS plugin to open."
msgstr "當等候圖形插件開啟時,多執行緒圖形模式的執行緒停止回應。"
#: pcsx2/PluginManager.cpp:1329
msgid "Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."
msgstr "初始化內部記憶卡插件失敗。"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:776
msgid "Safest"
msgstr "最安全"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:777
msgid "Safe (faster)"
msgstr "安全(速度更快)"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:778
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "平衡"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:779
msgid "Aggressive"
msgstr "激進"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:780
msgid "Aggressive plus"
msgstr "更加激進"
#: pcsx2/gui/AppConfig.cpp:781
msgid "Mostly Harmful"
msgstr "基本上有害"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:412
msgid "Fits a lot of log in a microcosmically small area."
msgstr "在同等區域中顯示較多日誌"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:414
msgid "It's what I use (the programmer guy)."
msgstr "這是 PCSX2 程式設計師們使用的字型大小"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:416
msgid "Its nice and readable."
msgstr "令人心曠神怡而且便於閱讀"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:418
msgid "In case you have a really high res display."
msgstr "適用於高螢幕解析度"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:422
msgid "Default soft-tone color scheme."
msgstr "預設的軟色調顏色主題"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:423
msgid "Classic black color scheme for people who enjoy having text seared into their optic nerves."
msgstr "經典的黑色主題,獻給喜歡讓文字灼燒視神經的人。"
#: pcsx2/gui/ConsoleLogger.cpp:427
msgid "When checked the log window will be visible over other foreground windows."
msgstr "當勾選時,日誌視窗總是保持在最前端。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:151
msgid "!ContextTip:ChangingNTFS"
msgstr "NTFS 壓縮能夠在任何時候手動變更,透過從檔案總管使用右鍵選單的「內容」選項。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:164
msgid "Always use this option if you want the safest and surest memory card behavior."
msgstr "如果您想要最安全可靠的記憶卡行為,就一直使用這個選項。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:168
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:172
msgid "16 and 32 MB cards have roughly the same compatibility factor."
msgstr "16 MB 和 32 MB 記憶卡的相容性係數大致相同。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/CreateMemoryCardDialog.cpp:176
msgid "Use at your own risk. Erratic memory card behavior is possible (though unlikely)."
msgstr "使用者自擔風險。可能出現不確定的記憶卡行為(儘管可能性不大)"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/FirstTimeWizard.cpp:49
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Settings"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存您的設定,包括大多數插件的設定。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:38
msgid "!Panel:HasHacksOverrides"
msgstr ""
"警告!您正在從覆寫現有設定的命令列選項執行 PCSX2。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:58
msgid "!Panel:HasPluginsOverrides"
msgstr ""
"警告!您正在從覆寫現有插件 / 資料夾設定的命令列選項執行 PCSX2。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:135
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Slider"
msgstr ""
"1 - 最準確的模擬、速度最慢。\n"
"3 --> 嘗試在遊戲速度和相容性之間取得平衡。\n"
"4 - 一些更加激進的速度駭客、模擬器選項。\n"
"6 - 非常多的速度駭客,可能會降低大多數遊戲的遊戲速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Dialogs/SysConfigDialog.cpp:149
msgid "!Notice:Tooltip:Presets:Checkbox"
msgstr ""
"--> 當取消勾選時,可以手動變更模擬器設定(基於當前滑桿所選擇的預先定義的設置)"
#: pcsx2/gui/ExecutorThread.cpp:40
msgid "Logs events as they are passed to the PS2 virtual machine."
msgstr "隨著事件傳遞給 PS2 虛擬機,記錄事件。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/DirPickerPanel.cpp:156
msgid "!ContextTip:DirPicker:UseDefault"
msgstr "當勾選時,此資料夾將會自動反映與 PCSX2 當前的使用者設定所關聯的預設值。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:52
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Vsync"
msgstr ""
"垂直同步消除遊戲畫面出現斷層Screen tearing但是效能大幅損失。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:57
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideMouse"
msgstr ""
"預設,滑鼠指標在 2 秒非活動之後自動隱藏。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:63
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:Fullscreen"
msgstr ""
"您仍能使用 Alt + Enter在視窗模式和全螢幕模式之間隨時切換。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:68
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:FullscreenExclusive"
msgstr ""
"可能在 CRT 螢幕上,畫面看起來更好;可能在老舊的顯示卡中,速度稍微快一些。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GSWindowPanel.cpp:73
msgid "!ContextTip:Window:HideGS"
msgstr ""
"當按 ESC 或透過選單「檔案 -> 暫停遊戲」暫停模擬器的模擬時,\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:67
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:EE Timing Hack"
msgstr ""
" * 數位惡魔傳說Digital Devil Saga修正遊戲動畫和遊戲當掉\n"
" * SSX修正糟糕的圖形和遊戲當掉\n"
" * 惡靈古堡英雄不死Resident Evil: Dead Aim導致混亂的紋理"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/GameFixesPanel.cpp:80
msgid "!ContextTip:Gamefixes:OPH Flag hack"
msgstr ""
" * 死神刀刃戰士Bleach Blade Battler\n"
" * 夢幻騎士GrowlancerII 和 III\n"
" * 巫術Wizardry"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:40
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Savestates"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存即時存檔;\n"
"即時存檔透過「選單 / 工具列」寫入,或熱鍵 F1 / F3寫檔 / 讀檔)。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:50
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Snapshots"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存遊戲擷圖。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/PathsPanel.cpp:60
msgid "!ContextTip:Folders:Logs"
msgstr ""
"PCSX2 用這個資料夾儲存日誌和用於診斷的轉存。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:27
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX1"
msgstr ""
"1 - 預設值。\n"
"緊密地匹配正港 PS2 CPU 的實際速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:32
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX2"
msgstr ""
"2 - 將 EE cyclerate 減少大約 33%。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:EECycleX3"
msgstr ""
"3 - 將 EE cyclerate 減少大約 50%。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:54
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealOff"
msgstr ""
"0 - 停用 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:59
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal1"
msgstr ""
"1 - 溫和的 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:64
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal2"
msgstr ""
"2 - 適度的 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:70
msgid "!Panel:Speedhacks:VUCycleSteal3"
msgstr ""
"3 - 最大的 VU Cycle Stealing。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:129
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:EECycleRate Slider"
msgstr ""
"數值愈高,就愈能有效降低 EE 的 CPU 核心 R5900 的時脈。\n"
"對於那些無法利用真實 PS2 硬體全部潛能的遊戲,能夠大幅提升遊戲速度。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:150
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:VUCycleStealing Slider"
msgstr ""
"滑桿控制著 VU 從 EE 偷竊的週期的數目。\n"
"數值愈高,遊戲執行的每一個 VU 微程式從 EE 偷的就愈多。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:172
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuFlagHack"
msgstr ""
"大部分時間是安全的Super VU 預設做類似的事情。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:177
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuBlockHack"
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:182
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:vuMinMax"
msgstr ""
"使用 SSE 的 Min/Max 浮點操作,取代自訂邏輯 Min/Max 例行程序。\n"
"已知令 Gran Turismo 4GT4和 Tekken 5鐵拳 5遊戲不正常。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:202
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:INTC"
msgstr ""
"對於使用 INTC 狀態暫存器等待垂直同步的遊戲,表現最好。\n"
"主要包括 RPG 遊戲非 3D 的標題。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:207
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:BIFC0"
msgstr ""
"主要把核心內位址 0x81FC0 的 EE 空閒循環作為目標。\n"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/SpeedhacksPanel.cpp:214
msgid "!ContextTip:Speedhacks:fastCDVD"
msgstr ""
"查閱 HDLoader 相容性列表,以確定已知使用這個選項會出現問題的遊戲。\n"
"通常是有注明需要 mode 1模式 1或 slow DVD慢速 DVD的遊戲。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:37
msgid "!ContextTip:Framelimiter:Disable"
msgstr "注意:當畫框限制停用時,渦輪加速和慢動作無法使用。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:162
msgid "Error while parsing either NTSC or PAL framerate settings. Settings must be valid floating point numerics."
msgstr "當解析 NTSC 遊戲或 PAL 遊戲的畫框速率設定時出現錯誤。設定值必須是有效的浮點數。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:295
msgid "For troubleshooting potential bugs in the MTGS only, as it is potentially very slow."
msgstr ""
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:299
msgid "Completely disables all GS plugin activity; ideal for benchmarking EEcore components."
msgstr ""
"適合用來做 EEcore 的效能測試"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:302
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:SyncMTGS"
msgstr "啟用這個選項,若您認為多執行緒圖形模式執行緒的同步正在導致模擬器當掉或圖形錯誤。"
#: pcsx2/gui/Panels/VideoPanel.cpp:306
msgid "!ContextTip:GS:DisableOutput"
msgstr ""
"移除任何由多執行緒圖形模式的執行緒過載或 GPU 過載引起的效能測試產生的噪音。\n"