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/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
// Dependencies.h : Contains classes required by all Utilities headers.
// This file is included by most .h files provided by the Utilities class.
#include "pxForwardDefs.h"
// This should prove useful....
#define wxsFormat wxString::Format
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ImplementEnumOperators (macro)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This macro implements ++/-- operators for any conforming enumeration. In order for an
// enum to conform, it must have _FIRST and _COUNT members defined, and must have a full
// compliment of sequential members (no custom assignments) --- looking like so:
// enum Dummy {
// Dummy_FIRST,
// Dummy_Item = Dummy_FIRST,
// Dummy_Crap,
// Dummy_COUNT
// };
// The macro also defines utility functions for bounds checking enumerations:
// EnumIsValid(value); // returns TRUE if the enum value is between FIRST and COUNT.
// EnumAssert(value);
// It also defines a *prototype* for converting the enumeration to a string. Note that this
// method is not implemented! You must implement it yourself if you want to use it:
// EnumToString(value);
#define ImplementEnumOperators(enumName) \
static __fi enumName& operator++(enumName& src) \
{ \
src = (enumName)((int)src + 1); \
return src; \
} \
static __fi enumName& operator--(enumName& src) \
{ \
src = (enumName)((int)src - 1); \
return src; \
} \
static __fi enumName operator++(enumName& src, int) \
{ \
enumName orig = src; \
src = (enumName)((int)src + 1); \
return orig; \
} \
static __fi enumName operator--(enumName& src, int) \
{ \
enumName orig = src; \
src = (enumName)((int)src - 1); \
return orig; \
} \
static __fi bool operator<(const enumName& left, const pxEnumEnd_t&) { return (int)left < enumName##_COUNT; } \
static __fi bool operator!=(const enumName& left, const pxEnumEnd_t&) { return (int)left != enumName##_COUNT; } \
static __fi bool operator==(const enumName& left, const pxEnumEnd_t&) { return (int)left == enumName##_COUNT; } \
static __fi bool EnumIsValid(enumName id) \
{ \
return ((int)id >= enumName##_FIRST) && ((int)id < enumName##_COUNT); \
} \
static __fi void EnumAssert(enumName id) \
{ \
pxAssert(EnumIsValid(id)); \
} \
extern const char* EnumToString(enumName id)
class pxEnumEnd_t
static const pxEnumEnd_t pxEnumEnd = {};
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DeclareNoncopyableObject
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This macro provides an easy and clean method for ensuring objects are not copyable.
// Simply add the macro to the head or tail of your class declaration, and attempts to
// copy the class will give you a moderately obtuse compiler error that will have you
// scratching your head for 20 minutes.
// (... but that's probably better than having a weird invalid object copy having you
// scratch your head for a day).
// Programmer's notes:
// * We intentionally do NOT provide implementations for these methods, which should
// never be referenced anyway.
// * I've opted for macro form over multi-inherited class form (Boost style), because
// the errors generated by the macro are considerably less voodoo. The Boost-style
// The macro reports the exact class that causes the copy failure, while Boost's class
// approach just reports an error in whatever "NoncopyableObject" is inherited.
// * This macro is the same as wxWidgets' DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS macro. This one is free
// of wx dependencies though, and has a nicer typeset. :)
#ifndef DeclareNoncopyableObject
#define DeclareNoncopyableObject(classname) \
private: \
explicit classname(const classname&); \
classname& operator=(const classname&)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// _(x) / _t(x) / _d(x) / pxL(x) / pxLt(x) [macros]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define pxWex's own i18n helpers. These override the wxWidgets helpers and provide
// additional functionality. Define them FIRST THING, to make sure that wx's own gettext
// macros aren't in place.
// _ is for standard translations
// _t is for tertiary low priority translations
// _d is for debug/devel build translations
#ifndef _
#define _(s) pxGetTranslation(_T(s))
#ifndef _t
#define _t(s) pxGetTranslation(_T(s))
#ifndef _d
#define _d(s) pxGetTranslation(_T(s))
// pxL / pxLt / pxDt -- macros provided for tagging translation strings, without actually running
// them through the translator (which the _() does automatically, and sometimes we don't
// want that). This is a shorthand replacement for wxTRANSLATE. pxL is a standard translation
// moniker. pxLt is for tertiary strings that have a very low translation priority. pxDt is for
// debug/devel specific translations.
#ifndef pxL
#define pxL(a) wxT(a)
#ifndef pxLt
#define pxLt(a) wxT(a)
#ifndef pxDt
#define pxDt(a) wxT(a)
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/log.h>
#include <wx/crt.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
// This deals with a mode_t redefinition conflict. The mode_t doesn't seem to be
// used anywhere in w32pthreads, so I've chosen to use the wxWidgets mode_t
// (I think it's unsigned int vs signed int)
#include <wx/filefn.h>
#define HAVE_MODE_T
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cstring> // string.h under c++
#include <cstdio> // stdio.h under c++
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include "Pcsx2Defs.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handy Human-readable constants for common immediate values (_16kb -> _4gb)
static const sptr _1kb = 1024 * 1;
static const sptr _4kb = _1kb * 4;
static const sptr _16kb = _1kb * 16;
static const sptr _32kb = _1kb * 32;
static const sptr _64kb = _1kb * 64;
static const sptr _128kb = _1kb * 128;
static const sptr _256kb = _1kb * 256;
static const s64 _1mb = 1024 * 1024;
static const s64 _8mb = _1mb * 8;
static const s64 _16mb = _1mb * 16;
static const s64 _32mb = _1mb * 32;
static const s64 _64mb = _1mb * 64;
static const s64 _256mb = _1mb * 256;
static const s64 _1gb = _1mb * 1024;
static const s64 _4gb = _1gb * 4;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// pxE(msg) and pxEt(msg) [macros] => now same as _/_t/_d
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define pxE(english) pxExpandMsg((english))
// For use with tertiary translations (low priority).
#define pxEt(english) pxExpandMsg((english))
// For use with Dev/debug build translations (low priority).
#define pxE_dev(english) pxExpandMsg((english))
extern const wxChar* __fastcall pxExpandMsg(const wxChar* message);
extern const wxChar* __fastcall pxGetTranslation(const wxChar* message);
extern bool pxIsEnglish(int id);
extern wxString fromUTF8(const std::string& str);
extern wxString fromUTF8(const char* src);
extern wxString fromAscii(const char* src);
#include "common/Assertions.h"
#include "common/Exceptions.h"
#include "common/AlignedMalloc.h"