
1772 lines
50 KiB

/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "PrecompiledHeader.h"
#include "IopCommon.h"
#include <wx/dir.h>
#include <wx/file.h>
#include "GS.h"
#include "Gif.h"
#include "CDVD/CDVDisoReader.h"
#include "Utilities/ScopedPtr.h"
#include "Utilities/pxStreams.h"
#include "svnrev.h"
SysPluginBindings SysPlugins;
bool SysPluginBindings::McdIsPresent( uint port, uint slot )
return !!Mcd->McdIsPresent( (PS2E_THISPTR) Mcd, port, slot );
void SysPluginBindings::McdGetSizeInfo( uint port, uint slot, PS2E_McdSizeInfo& outways )
if( Mcd->McdGetSizeInfo )
Mcd->McdGetSizeInfo( (PS2E_THISPTR) Mcd, port, slot, &outways );
bool SysPluginBindings::McdIsPSX( uint port, uint slot )
return Mcd->McdIsPSX( (PS2E_THISPTR) Mcd, port, slot );
void SysPluginBindings::McdRead( uint port, uint slot, u8 *dest, u32 adr, int size )
Mcd->McdRead( (PS2E_THISPTR) Mcd, port, slot, dest, adr, size );
void SysPluginBindings::McdSave( uint port, uint slot, const u8 *src, u32 adr, int size )
Mcd->McdSave( (PS2E_THISPTR) Mcd, port, slot, src, adr, size );
void SysPluginBindings::McdEraseBlock( uint port, uint slot, u32 adr )
Mcd->McdEraseBlock( (PS2E_THISPTR) Mcd, port, slot, adr );
u64 SysPluginBindings::McdGetCRC( uint port, uint slot )
return Mcd->McdGetCRC( (PS2E_THISPTR) Mcd, port, slot );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Yay, order of this array shouldn't be important. :)
const PluginInfo tbl_PluginInfo[] =
{ "GS", PluginId_GS, PS2E_LT_GS, PS2E_GS_VERSION },
{ "SPU2", PluginId_SPU2, PS2E_LT_SPU2, PS2E_SPU2_VERSION },
{ "FW", PluginId_FW, PS2E_LT_FW, PS2E_FW_VERSION },
{ "DEV9", PluginId_DEV9, PS2E_LT_DEV9, PS2E_DEV9_VERSION },
{ NULL },
// See PluginEnums_t for details on the MemoryCard plugin hack.
{ "Mcd", PluginId_Mcd, 0, 0 },
typedef void CALLBACK VoidMethod();
typedef void CALLBACK vMeth(); // shorthand for VoidMethod
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct LegacyApi_CommonMethod
const char* MethodName;
// fallback is used if the method is null. If the method is null and fallback is null
// also, the plugin is considered incomplete or invalid, and an error is generated.
VoidMethod* Fallback;
// returns the method name as a wxString, converted from UTF8.
wxString GetMethodName( PluginsEnum_t pid ) const
return tbl_PluginInfo[pid].GetShortname() + fromUTF8( MethodName );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct LegacyApi_ReqMethod
const char* MethodName;
VoidMethod** Dest; // Target function where the binding is saved.
// fallback is used if the method is null. If the method is null and fallback is null
// also, the plugin is considered incomplete or invalid, and an error is generated.
VoidMethod* Fallback;
// returns the method name as a wxString, converted from UTF8.
wxString GetMethodName( ) const
return fromUTF8( MethodName );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct LegacyApi_OptMethod
const char* MethodName;
VoidMethod** Dest; // Target function where the binding is saved.
// returns the method name as a wxString, converted from UTF8.
wxString GetMethodName() const { return fromUTF8( MethodName ); }
static s32 CALLBACK fallback_freeze(int mode, freezeData *data)
if( mode == FREEZE_SIZE ) data->size = 0;
return 0;
static void CALLBACK fallback_keyEvent(keyEvent *ev) {}
static void CALLBACK fallback_setSettingsDir(const char* dir) {}
static void CALLBACK fallback_setLogDir(const char* dir) {}
static void CALLBACK fallback_configure() {}
static void CALLBACK fallback_about() {}
static s32 CALLBACK fallback_test() { return 0; }
_GSvsync GSvsync;
_GSopen GSopen;
_GSopen2 GSopen2;
_GSgifTransfer GSgifTransfer;
_GSgifTransfer1 GSgifTransfer1;
_GSgifTransfer2 GSgifTransfer2;
_GSgifTransfer3 GSgifTransfer3;
_GSgifSoftReset GSgifSoftReset;
_GSreadFIFO2 GSreadFIFO2;
_GSinitReadFIFO GSinitReadFIFO;
_GSinitReadFIFO2 GSinitReadFIFO2;
_GSchangeSaveState GSchangeSaveState;
_GSgetTitleInfo2 GSgetTitleInfo2;
_GSmakeSnapshot GSmakeSnapshot;
_GSmakeSnapshot2 GSmakeSnapshot2;
_GSirqCallback GSirqCallback;
_GSprintf GSprintf;
_GSsetBaseMem GSsetBaseMem;
_GSsetGameCRC GSsetGameCRC;
_GSsetFrameSkip GSsetFrameSkip;
_GSsetVsync GSsetVsync;
_GSsetExclusive GSsetExclusive;
_GSsetupRecording GSsetupRecording;
_GSreset GSreset;
_GSwriteCSR GSwriteCSR;
static void CALLBACK GS_makeSnapshot(const char *path) {}
static void CALLBACK GS_setGameCRC(u32 crc, int gameopts) {}
static void CALLBACK GS_irqCallback(void (*callback)()) {}
static void CALLBACK GS_setFrameSkip(int frameskip) {}
static void CALLBACK GS_setVsync(int enabled) {}
static void CALLBACK GS_setExclusive(int isExcl) {}
static void CALLBACK GS_changeSaveState( int, const char* filename ) {}
static void CALLBACK GS_printf(int timeout, char *fmt, ...)
va_list list;
char msg[512];
va_start(list, fmt);
vsprintf(msg, fmt, list);
void CALLBACK GS_getTitleInfo2( char* dest, size_t length )
// Just return a generic "GS" title -- a plugin actually implementing this feature
// should return a title such as "GSdx" or "ZZogl" instead. --air
dest[0] = 'G';
dest[1] = 'S';
dest[2] = 0;
// This legacy passthrough function is needed because the old GS plugins tended to assume that
// a PATH1 transfer that didn't EOP needed an automatic EOP (which was needed to avoid a crash
// in the BIOS when it starts an XGKICK prior to having an EOP written to VU1 memory). The new
// MTGS wraps data around the end of the MTGS buffer, so it often splits PATH1 data into two
// transfers now.
static void CALLBACK GS_Legacy_gifTransfer( const u32* src, u32 data )
static __aligned16 u128 path1queue[0x400];
static uint path1size = 0;
const u128* src128 = (u128*)src;
if( (src128 + data) >= &RingBuffer.m_Ring[RingBufferSize] )
// the transfer is most likely wrapped/partial. We need to queue it into a linear buffer
// and then send it on its way on the next copy.
memcpy_qwc( path1queue, src128, data );
path1size = data;
if (path1size != 0)
// Previous transfer check. *Most* likely this one should be added to it, but to know for
// sure we need to check to see if src points to the head of RingBuffer. If its pointing
// to like Ringbuffer[1] instead it means the last transfer finished and this transfer is
// a new one.
if (src128 == RingBuffer.m_Ring)
pxAssert( (data+path1size) <= 0x400 );
memcpy_qwc( &path1queue[path1size], src128, data );
path1size += data;
GSgifTransfer1( (u32*)path1queue, 0 );
path1size = 0;
GSgifTransfer1( (u32*)src128, 0 );
// In this case the MTGS thread will only be using the "GSgifTransfer"
// callback, which falls back to this function if its an old plugin.
// Since GSgifTransfer2 is the least hacky old call-back, and MTGS will
// just be using a single gif path, we'll just solely use path 2...
static void CALLBACK GS_Legacy_gifTransfer(const u32* src, u32 data) {
GSgifTransfer2((u32*)src, data);
static void CALLBACK GS_Legacy_GSreadFIFO2(u64* pMem, int qwc) {
while(qwc--) GSreadFIFO(pMem);
// PAD
_PADinit PADinit;
_PADopen PADopen;
_PADstartPoll PADstartPoll;
_PADpoll PADpoll;
_PADquery PADquery;
_PADupdate PADupdate;
_PADkeyEvent PADkeyEvent;
_PADsetSlot PADsetSlot;
_PADqueryMtap PADqueryMtap;
_PADWriteEvent PADWriteEvent;
static void PAD_update( u32 padslot ) { }
// SPU2
_SPU2open SPU2open;
_SPU2write SPU2write;
_SPU2reset SPU2reset;
_SPU2read SPU2read;
_SPU2dmaRead SPU2dmaRead;
_SPU2dmaWrite SPU2dmaWrite;
_SPU2dmaInterrupt SPU2dmaInterrupt;
_SPU2readDMA4Mem SPU2readDMA4Mem;
_SPU2writeDMA4Mem SPU2writeDMA4Mem;
_SPU2interruptDMA4 SPU2interruptDMA4;
_SPU2readDMA7Mem SPU2readDMA7Mem;
_SPU2writeDMA7Mem SPU2writeDMA7Mem;
_SPU2setDMABaseAddr SPU2setDMABaseAddr;
_SPU2interruptDMA7 SPU2interruptDMA7;
_SPU2ReadMemAddr SPU2ReadMemAddr;
_SPU2WriteMemAddr SPU2WriteMemAddr;
_SPU2setupRecording SPU2setupRecording;
_SPU2irqCallback SPU2irqCallback;
_SPU2setClockPtr SPU2setClockPtr;
_SPU2async SPU2async;
// DEV9
_DEV9open DEV9open;
_DEV9read8 DEV9read8;
_DEV9read16 DEV9read16;
_DEV9read32 DEV9read32;
_DEV9write8 DEV9write8;
_DEV9write16 DEV9write16;
_DEV9write32 DEV9write32;
_DEV9dmaRead DEV9dmaRead;
_DEV9dmaWrite DEV9dmaWrite;
_DEV9dmaInterrupt DEV9dmaInterrupt;
_DEV9readDMA8Mem DEV9readDMA8Mem;
_DEV9writeDMA8Mem DEV9writeDMA8Mem;
_DEV9irqCallback DEV9irqCallback;
_DEV9irqHandler DEV9irqHandler;
// USB
_USBopen USBopen;
_USBread8 USBread8;
_USBread16 USBread16;
_USBread32 USBread32;
_USBwrite8 USBwrite8;
_USBwrite16 USBwrite16;
_USBwrite32 USBwrite32;
_USBasync USBasync;
_USBirqCallback USBirqCallback;
_USBirqHandler USBirqHandler;
// FW
_FWopen FWopen;
_FWread32 FWread32;
_FWwrite32 FWwrite32;
_FWirqCallback FWirqCallback;
DEV9handler dev9Handler;
USBhandler usbHandler;
uptr pDsp[2];
static s32 CALLBACK _hack_PADinit()
return PADinit( 3 );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Important: Contents of this array must match the order of the contents of the
// LegacyPluginAPI_Common structure defined in Plugins.h.
static const LegacyApi_CommonMethod s_MethMessCommon[] =
{ "init", NULL },
{ "close", NULL },
{ "shutdown", NULL },
{ "keyEvent", (vMeth*)fallback_keyEvent },
{ "setSettingsDir", (vMeth*)fallback_setSettingsDir },
{ "setLogDir", (vMeth*)fallback_setLogDir },
{ "freeze", (vMeth*)fallback_freeze },
{ "test", (vMeth*)fallback_test },
{ "configure", fallback_configure },
{ "about", fallback_about },
{ NULL }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GS Mess!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const LegacyApi_ReqMethod s_MethMessReq_GS[] =
{ "GSopen", (vMeth**)&GSopen, NULL },
{ "GSvsync", (vMeth**)&GSvsync, NULL },
{ "GSgifTransfer", (vMeth**)&GSgifTransfer, (vMeth*)GS_Legacy_gifTransfer },
{ "GSgifTransfer2", (vMeth**)&GSgifTransfer2, NULL },
{ "GSgifTransfer3", (vMeth**)&GSgifTransfer3, NULL },
{ "GSreadFIFO2", (vMeth**)&GSreadFIFO2, (vMeth*)GS_Legacy_GSreadFIFO2 },
{ "GSmakeSnapshot", (vMeth**)&GSmakeSnapshot, (vMeth*)GS_makeSnapshot },
{ "GSirqCallback", (vMeth**)&GSirqCallback, (vMeth*)GS_irqCallback },
{ "GSprintf", (vMeth**)&GSprintf, (vMeth*)GS_printf },
{ "GSsetBaseMem", (vMeth**)&GSsetBaseMem, NULL },
{ "GSwriteCSR", (vMeth**)&GSwriteCSR, NULL },
{ "GSsetGameCRC", (vMeth**)&GSsetGameCRC, (vMeth*)GS_setGameCRC },
{ "GSsetFrameSkip", (vMeth**)&GSsetFrameSkip, (vMeth*)GS_setFrameSkip },
{ "GSsetVsync", (vMeth**)&GSsetVsync, (vMeth*)GS_setVsync },
{ "GSsetExclusive", (vMeth**)&GSsetExclusive, (vMeth*)GS_setExclusive },
{ "GSchangeSaveState",(vMeth**)&GSchangeSaveState,(vMeth*)GS_changeSaveState },
{ "GSgetTitleInfo2", (vMeth**)&GSgetTitleInfo2, (vMeth*)GS_getTitleInfo2 },
{ NULL }
static const LegacyApi_OptMethod s_MethMessOpt_GS[] =
{ "GSopen2", (vMeth**)&GSopen2 },
{ "GSreset", (vMeth**)&GSreset },
{ "GSsetupRecording", (vMeth**)&GSsetupRecording },
{ "GSmakeSnapshot2", (vMeth**)&GSmakeSnapshot2 },
{ "GSgifSoftReset", (vMeth**)&GSgifSoftReset },
{ "GSreadFIFO", (vMeth**)&GSreadFIFO },
{ "GSinitReadFIFO", (vMeth**)&GSinitReadFIFO },
{ "GSinitReadFIFO2", (vMeth**)&GSinitReadFIFO2 },
{ "GSgifTransfer1", (vMeth**)&GSgifTransfer1 },
{ NULL }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PAD Mess!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static s32 CALLBACK PAD_queryMtap( u8 slot ) { return 0; }
static s32 CALLBACK PAD_setSlot(u8 port, u8 slot) { return 0; }
static const LegacyApi_ReqMethod s_MethMessReq_PAD[] =
{ "PADopen", (vMeth**)&PADopen, NULL },
{ "PADstartPoll", (vMeth**)&PADstartPoll, NULL },
{ "PADpoll", (vMeth**)&PADpoll, NULL },
{ "PADquery", (vMeth**)&PADquery, NULL },
{ "PADkeyEvent", (vMeth**)&PADkeyEvent, NULL },
// fixme - Following functions are new as of some revison post-0.9.6, and
// are for multitap support only. They should either be optional or offer
// NOP fallbacks, to allow older plugins to retain functionality.
{ "PADsetSlot", (vMeth**)&PADsetSlot, (vMeth*)PAD_setSlot },
{ "PADqueryMtap", (vMeth**)&PADqueryMtap, (vMeth*)PAD_queryMtap },
{ NULL },
static const LegacyApi_OptMethod s_MethMessOpt_PAD[] =
{ "PADupdate", (vMeth**)&PADupdate },
{ "PADWriteEvent", (vMeth**)&PADWriteEvent },
{ NULL },
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CDVD Mess!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CALLBACK CDVD_newDiskCB(void (*callback)()) {}
extern int lastReadSize, lastLSN;
static s32 CALLBACK CDVD_getBuffer2(u8* buffer)
// TEMP: until I fix all the plugins to use this function style
u8* pb = CDVD->getBuffer();
if(pb == NULL) return -2;
memcpy_fast( buffer, pb, lastReadSize );
return 0;
static s32 CALLBACK CDVD_readSector(u8* buffer, u32 lsn, int mode)
if(CDVD->readTrack(lsn,mode) < 0)
return -1;
// TEMP: until all the plugins use the new CDVDgetBuffer style
switch (mode)
case CDVD_MODE_2352:
lastReadSize = 2352;
case CDVD_MODE_2340:
lastReadSize = 2340;
case CDVD_MODE_2328:
lastReadSize = 2328;
case CDVD_MODE_2048:
lastReadSize = 2048;
lastLSN = lsn;
return CDVD->getBuffer2(buffer);
static s32 CALLBACK CDVD_getDualInfo(s32* dualType, u32* layer1Start)
u8 toc[2064];
// if error getting toc, settle for single layer disc ;)
return 0;
if(toc[14] & 0x60)
if(toc[14] & 0x10)
// otp dvd
*dualType = 2;
*layer1Start = (toc[25]<<16) + (toc[26]<<8) + (toc[27]) - 0x30000 + 1;
// ptp dvd
*dualType = 1;
*layer1Start = (toc[21]<<16) + (toc[22]<<8) + (toc[23]) - 0x30000 + 1;
// single layer dvd
*dualType = 0;
*layer1Start = (toc[21]<<16) + (toc[22]<<8) + (toc[23]) - 0x30000 + 1;
return 1;
CDVD_API CDVDapi_Plugin =
// All of these are filled by the plugin manager
static const LegacyApi_ReqMethod s_MethMessReq_CDVD[] =
{ "CDVDopen", (vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.open, NULL },
{ "CDVDclose", (vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.close, NULL },
{ "CDVDreadTrack", (vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.readTrack, NULL },
{ "CDVDgetBuffer", (vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.getBuffer, NULL },
{ "CDVDreadSubQ", (vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.readSubQ, NULL },
{ "CDVDgetTN", (vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.getTN, NULL },
{ "CDVDgetTD", (vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.getTD, NULL },
{ "CDVDgetTOC", (vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.getTOC, NULL },
{ "CDVDgetDiskType", (vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.getDiskType, NULL },
{ "CDVDgetTrayStatus",(vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.getTrayStatus, NULL },
{ "CDVDctrlTrayOpen", (vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.ctrlTrayOpen, NULL },
{ "CDVDctrlTrayClose",(vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.ctrlTrayClose, NULL },
{ "CDVDnewDiskCB", (vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.newDiskCB, (vMeth*)CDVD_newDiskCB },
{ "CDVDreadSector", (vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.readSector, (vMeth*)CDVD_readSector },
{ "CDVDgetBuffer2", (vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.getBuffer2, (vMeth*)CDVD_getBuffer2 },
{ "CDVDgetDualInfo", (vMeth**)&CDVDapi_Plugin.getDualInfo, (vMeth*)CDVD_getDualInfo },
{ NULL }
static const LegacyApi_OptMethod s_MethMessOpt_CDVD[] =
{ NULL }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SPU2 Mess!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// manualized reset that writes core reset registers of the SPU2 plugin:
static void CALLBACK SPU2_Reset()
SPU2write( 0x1f90019A, 1<<15 ); // core 0
SPU2write( 0x1f90059A, 1<<15 ); // core 1
static const LegacyApi_ReqMethod s_MethMessReq_SPU2[] =
{ "SPU2open", (vMeth**)&SPU2open, NULL },
{ "SPU2reset", (vMeth**)&SPU2reset, SPU2_Reset },
{ "SPU2write", (vMeth**)&SPU2write, NULL },
{ "SPU2read", (vMeth**)&SPU2read, NULL },
{ "SPU2dmaRead", (vMeth**)&SPU2dmaRead, NULL },
{ "SPU2dmaWrite", (vMeth**)&SPU2dmaWrite, NULL },
{ "SPU2dmaInterrupt", (vMeth**)&SPU2dmaInterrupt, NULL },
{ "SPU2readDMA4Mem", (vMeth**)&SPU2readDMA4Mem, NULL },
{ "SPU2readDMA7Mem", (vMeth**)&SPU2readDMA7Mem, NULL },
{ "SPU2writeDMA4Mem", (vMeth**)&SPU2writeDMA4Mem, NULL },
{ "SPU2writeDMA7Mem", (vMeth**)&SPU2writeDMA7Mem, NULL },
{ "SPU2interruptDMA4", (vMeth**)&SPU2interruptDMA4,NULL },
{ "SPU2interruptDMA7", (vMeth**)&SPU2interruptDMA7,NULL },
{ "SPU2ReadMemAddr", (vMeth**)&SPU2ReadMemAddr, NULL },
{ "SPU2irqCallback", (vMeth**)&SPU2irqCallback, NULL },
{ NULL }
static const LegacyApi_OptMethod s_MethMessOpt_SPU2[] =
{ "SPU2setClockPtr", (vMeth**)&SPU2setClockPtr },
{ "SPU2async", (vMeth**)&SPU2async },
{ "SPU2WriteMemAddr", (vMeth**)&SPU2WriteMemAddr },
{ "SPU2setDMABaseAddr", (vMeth**)&SPU2setDMABaseAddr},
{ "SPU2setupRecording", (vMeth**)&SPU2setupRecording},
{ NULL }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DEV9 Mess!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const LegacyApi_ReqMethod s_MethMessReq_DEV9[] =
{ "DEV9open", (vMeth**)&DEV9open, NULL },
{ "DEV9read8", (vMeth**)&DEV9read8, NULL },
{ "DEV9read16", (vMeth**)&DEV9read16, NULL },
{ "DEV9read32", (vMeth**)&DEV9read32, NULL },
{ "DEV9write8", (vMeth**)&DEV9write8, NULL },
{ "DEV9write16", (vMeth**)&DEV9write16, NULL },
{ "DEV9write32", (vMeth**)&DEV9write32, NULL },
{ "DEV9dmaRead", (vMeth**)&DEV9dmaRead, NULL },
{ "DEV9dmaWrite", (vMeth**)&DEV9dmaWrite, NULL },
{ "DEV9dmaInterrupt", (vMeth**)&DEV9dmaInterrupt, NULL },
{ "DEV9readDMA8Mem", (vMeth**)&DEV9readDMA8Mem, NULL },
{ "DEV9writeDMA8Mem", (vMeth**)&DEV9writeDMA8Mem, NULL },
{ "DEV9irqCallback", (vMeth**)&DEV9irqCallback, NULL },
{ "DEV9irqHandler", (vMeth**)&DEV9irqHandler, NULL },
{ NULL }
static const LegacyApi_OptMethod s_MethMessOpt_DEV9[] =
{ NULL }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// USB Mess!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const LegacyApi_ReqMethod s_MethMessReq_USB[] =
{ "USBopen", (vMeth**)&USBopen, NULL },
{ "USBread8", (vMeth**)&USBread8, NULL },
{ "USBread16", (vMeth**)&USBread16, NULL },
{ "USBread32", (vMeth**)&USBread32, NULL },
{ "USBwrite8", (vMeth**)&USBwrite8, NULL },
{ "USBwrite16", (vMeth**)&USBwrite16, NULL },
{ "USBwrite32", (vMeth**)&USBwrite32, NULL },
{ "USBirqCallback", (vMeth**)&USBirqCallback, NULL },
{ "USBirqHandler", (vMeth**)&USBirqHandler, NULL },
{ NULL }
static const LegacyApi_OptMethod s_MethMessOpt_USB[] =
{ "USBasync", (vMeth**)&USBasync },
{ "USBsetRAM", (vMeth**)&USBsetRAM },
{ NULL }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FW Mess!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const LegacyApi_ReqMethod s_MethMessReq_FW[] =
{ "FWopen", (vMeth**)&FWopen, NULL },
{ "FWread32", (vMeth**)&FWread32, NULL },
{ "FWwrite32", (vMeth**)&FWwrite32, NULL },
{ "FWirqCallback", (vMeth**)&FWirqCallback, NULL },
{ NULL }
static const LegacyApi_OptMethod s_MethMessOpt_FW[] =
{ NULL }
static const LegacyApi_ReqMethod* const s_MethMessReq[] =
static const LegacyApi_OptMethod* const s_MethMessOpt[] =
SysCorePlugins *g_plugins = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Plugin-related Exception Implementations
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
wxString Exception::SaveStateLoadError::FormatDiagnosticMessage() const
FastFormatUnicode retval;
retval.Write("Savestate is corrupt or incomplete!\n");
return retval;
wxString Exception::SaveStateLoadError::FormatDisplayMessage() const
FastFormatUnicode retval;
retval.Write(_("The savestate cannot be loaded, as it appears to be corrupt or incomplete."));
return retval;
Exception::PluginOpenError::PluginOpenError( PluginsEnum_t pid )
PluginId = pid;
m_message_diag = L"%s plugin failed to open!";
m_message_user = _("%s plugin failed to open. Your computer may have insufficient resources, or incompatible hardware/drivers.");
Exception::PluginInitError::PluginInitError( PluginsEnum_t pid )
PluginId = pid;
m_message_diag = L"%s plugin initialization failed!";
m_message_user = _("%s plugin failed to initialize. Your system may have insufficient memory or resources needed.");
Exception::PluginLoadError::PluginLoadError( PluginsEnum_t pid )
PluginId = pid;
wxString Exception::PluginLoadError::FormatDiagnosticMessage() const
return pxsFmt( m_message_diag, WX_STR(tbl_PluginInfo[PluginId].GetShortname()) ) +
L"\n\n" + StreamName;
wxString Exception::PluginLoadError::FormatDisplayMessage() const
return pxsFmt( m_message_user, WX_STR(tbl_PluginInfo[PluginId].GetShortname()) ) +
L"\n\n" + StreamName;
wxString Exception::PluginError::FormatDiagnosticMessage() const
return pxsFmt( m_message_diag, WX_STR(tbl_PluginInfo[PluginId].GetShortname()) );
wxString Exception::PluginError::FormatDisplayMessage() const
return pxsFmt( m_message_user, WX_STR(tbl_PluginInfo[PluginId].GetShortname()) );
wxString Exception::FreezePluginFailure::FormatDiagnosticMessage() const
return pxsFmt(
L"%s plugin returned an error while saving the state.\n\n",
wxString Exception::FreezePluginFailure::FormatDisplayMessage() const
// [TODO]
return m_message_user;
wxString Exception::ThawPluginFailure::FormatDiagnosticMessage() const
return pxsFmt(
L"%s plugin returned an error while loading the state.\n\n",
wxString Exception::ThawPluginFailure::FormatDisplayMessage() const
// [TODO]
return m_message_user;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PCSX2 Callbacks passed to Plugins
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is currently unimplemented, and should be provided by the AppHost (gui) rather
// than the EmuCore. But as a quickhackfix until the new plugin API is fleshed out, this
// will suit our needs nicely. :)
static BOOL PS2E_CALLBACK pcsx2_GetInt( const char* name, int* dest )
return FALSE; // not implemented...
static BOOL PS2E_CALLBACK pcsx2_GetBoolean( const char* name, BOOL* result )
return FALSE; // not implemented...
static BOOL PS2E_CALLBACK pcsx2_GetString( const char* name, char* dest, int maxlen )
return FALSE; // not implemented...
static char* PS2E_CALLBACK pcsx2_GetStringAlloc( const char* name, void* (PS2E_CALLBACK* allocator)(int size) )
return FALSE; // not implemented...
static void PS2E_CALLBACK pcsx2_OSD_WriteLn( int icon, const char* msg )
return; // not implemented...
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PluginStatus_t Implementations
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SysCorePlugins::PluginStatus_t::PluginStatus_t( PluginsEnum_t _pid, const wxString& srcfile )
: Filename( srcfile )
pid = _pid;
IsInitialized = false;
IsOpened = false;
if( Filename.IsEmpty() )
throw Exception::PluginInitError( pid ).SetDiagMsg( L"Empty plugin filename" );
if( !wxFile::Exists( Filename ) )
throw Exception::PluginLoadError( pid ).SetStreamName(srcfile)
.SetBothMsgs(pxL("The configured %s plugin file was not found"));
if( !Lib.Load( Filename ) )
throw Exception::PluginLoadError( pid ).SetStreamName(Filename)
.SetBothMsgs(pxL("The configured %s plugin file is not a valid dynamic library"));
// Try to enumerate the new v2.0 plugin interface first.
// If that fails, fall back on the old style interface.
//m_libs[i].GetSymbol( L"PS2E_InitAPI" ); // on the TODO list!
// 2.0 API Failed; Enumerate the Old Stuff! -->
_PS2EgetLibName GetLibName = (_PS2EgetLibName) Lib.GetSymbol( L"PS2EgetLibName" );
_PS2EgetLibVersion2 GetLibVersion2 = (_PS2EgetLibVersion2) Lib.GetSymbol( L"PS2EgetLibVersion2" );
#ifdef __LINUX__
_PS2EsetEmuVersion SetEmuVersion = NULL;
_PS2EsetEmuVersion SetEmuVersion = (_PS2EsetEmuVersion) Lib.GetSymbol( L"PS2EsetEmuVersion" );
if( GetLibName == NULL || GetLibVersion2 == NULL )
throw Exception::PluginLoadError( pid ).SetStreamName(Filename)
.SetDiagMsg(L"%s plugin init failed: Method binding failure on GetLibName or GetLibVersion2.")
.SetUserMsg(_( "The configured %s plugin is not a PCSX2 plugin, or is for an older unsupported version of PCSX2."));
if( SetEmuVersion != NULL )
SetEmuVersion( "PCSX2", (0ul << 24) | (9ul<<16) | (7ul<<8) | 0 );
Name = fromUTF8( GetLibName() );
int version = GetLibVersion2( tbl_PluginInfo[pid].typemask );
Version.Printf( L"%d.%d.%d", (version>>8)&0xff, version&0xff, (version>>24)&0xff );
// Bind Required Functions
// (generate critical error if binding fails)
BindCommon( pid );
BindRequired( pid );
BindOptional( pid );
// Run Plugin's Functionality Test.
// A lot of plugins don't bother to implement this function and return 0 (success)
// regardless, but some do so let's go ahead and check it. I mean, we're supposed to. :)
int testres = CommonBindings.Test();
if( testres != 0 )
throw Exception::PluginLoadError( pid ).SetStreamName(Filename)
.SetDiagMsg(wxsFormat( L"Plugin Test failure, return code: %d", testres ))
.SetUserMsg(_("The plugin reports that your hardware or software/drivers are not supported."));
void SysCorePlugins::PluginStatus_t::BindCommon( PluginsEnum_t pid )
const LegacyApi_CommonMethod* current = s_MethMessCommon;
VoidMethod** target = (VoidMethod**)&CommonBindings;
wxDoNotLogInThisScope please;
while( current->MethodName != NULL )
*target = (VoidMethod*)Lib.GetSymbol( current->GetMethodName( pid ) );
if( *target == NULL )
*target = current->Fallback;
if( *target == NULL )
throw Exception::PluginLoadError( pid ).SetStreamName(Filename)
.SetDiagMsg(wxsFormat( L"\nMethod binding failure on: %s\n", WX_STR(current->GetMethodName( pid )) ))
.SetUserMsg(_("Configured plugin is not a PCSX2 plugin, or is for an older unsupported version of PCSX2."));
void SysCorePlugins::PluginStatus_t::BindRequired( PluginsEnum_t pid )
const LegacyApi_ReqMethod* current = s_MethMessReq[pid];
const wxDynamicLibrary& lib = Lib;
wxDoNotLogInThisScope please;
while( current->MethodName != NULL )
*(current->Dest) = (VoidMethod*)lib.GetSymbol( current->GetMethodName() );
if( *(current->Dest) == NULL )
*(current->Dest) = current->Fallback;
if( *(current->Dest) == NULL )
throw Exception::PluginLoadError( pid ).SetStreamName(Filename)
.SetDiagMsg(wxsFormat( L"\n%s plugin init error; Method binding failed: %s\n", WX_STR(current->GetMethodName()) ))
.SetUserMsg(_( "Configured %s plugin is not a valid PCSX2 plugin, or is for an older unsupported version of PCSX2."));
void SysCorePlugins::PluginStatus_t::BindOptional( PluginsEnum_t pid )
const LegacyApi_OptMethod* current = s_MethMessOpt[pid];
const wxDynamicLibrary& lib = Lib;
wxDoNotLogInThisScope please;
while( current->MethodName != NULL )
*(current->Dest) = (VoidMethod*)lib.GetSymbol( current->GetMethodName() );
// =====================================================================================
// SysCorePlugins Implementations
// =====================================================================================
SysCorePlugins::~SysCorePlugins() throw()
// All library unloading done automatically by wx.
void SysCorePlugins::Load( PluginsEnum_t pid, const wxString& srcfile )
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
pxAssert( (uint)pid < PluginId_Count );
Console.Indent().WriteLn( L"Binding %4s: %s ", WX_STR(tbl_PluginInfo[pid].GetShortname()), WX_STR(srcfile) );
m_info[pid] = new PluginStatus_t( pid, srcfile );
void SysCorePlugins::Load( const wxString (&folders)[PluginId_Count] )
if( !NeedsLoad() ) return;
wxDoNotLogInThisScope please;
Console.WriteLn( Color_StrongBlue, "\nLoading plugins..." );
ConsoleIndentScope indent;
const PluginInfo* pi = tbl_PluginInfo; do
Load( pi->id, folders[pi->id] );
pxYield( 2 );
} while( ++pi, pi->shortname != NULL );
CDVDapi_Plugin.newDiskCB( cdvdNewDiskCB );
// Hack for PAD's stupid parameter passed on Init
PADinit = (_PADinit)m_info[PluginId_PAD]->CommonBindings.Init;
m_info[PluginId_PAD]->CommonBindings.Init = _hack_PADinit;
Console.WriteLn( Color_StrongBlue, "Plugins loaded successfully.\n" );
// HACK! Manually bind the Internal MemoryCard plugin for now, until
// we get things more completed in the new plugin api.
static const PS2E_EmulatorInfo myself =
{ 0, PCSX2_VersionHi, PCSX2_VersionLo, SVN_REV },
{ 0,0,0,0,0,0 },
m_mcdPlugin = FileMcd_InitAPI( &myself );
if( m_mcdPlugin == NULL )
// fixme: use plugin's GetLastError (not implemented yet!)
throw Exception::PluginLoadError( PluginId_Mcd ).SetDiagMsg(L"Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to load.");
void SysCorePlugins::Unload(PluginsEnum_t pid)
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
pxAssert( (uint)pid < PluginId_Count );
void SysCorePlugins::Unload()
if( NeedsShutdown() )
Console.Warning( "(SysCorePlugins) Warning: Unloading plugins prior to shutdown!" );
if( !NeedsUnload() ) return;
DbgCon.WriteLn( Color_StrongBlue, "Unloading plugins..." );
for( int i=PluginId_Count-1; i>=0; --i )
Unload( tbl_PluginInfo[i].id );
DbgCon.WriteLn( Color_StrongBlue, "Plugins unloaded successfully." );
// Exceptions:
// FileNotFound - Thrown if one of the configured plugins doesn't exist.
// NotPcsxPlugin - Thrown if one of the configured plugins is an invalid or unsupported DLL
extern bool renderswitch;
extern void spu2DMA4Irq();
extern void spu2DMA7Irq();
extern void spu2Irq();
bool SysCorePlugins::OpenPlugin_CDVD()
return DoCDVDopen();
bool SysCorePlugins::OpenPlugin_GS()
return true;
bool SysCorePlugins::OpenPlugin_PAD()
return !PADopen( (void*)pDsp );
bool SysCorePlugins::OpenPlugin_SPU2()
if( SPU2open((void*)pDsp) ) return false;
SPU2irqCallback( spu2Irq );
SPU2irqCallback( spu2Irq, spu2DMA4Irq, spu2DMA7Irq );
if( SPU2setDMABaseAddr != NULL ) SPU2setDMABaseAddr((uptr)iopMem->Main);
if( SPU2setClockPtr != NULL ) SPU2setClockPtr(&psxRegs.cycle);
return true;
bool SysCorePlugins::OpenPlugin_DEV9()
dev9Handler = NULL;
if( DEV9open( (void*)pDsp ) ) return false;
DEV9irqCallback( dev9Irq );
dev9Handler = DEV9irqHandler();
return true;
bool SysCorePlugins::OpenPlugin_USB()
usbHandler = NULL;
if( USBopen((void*)pDsp) ) return false;
USBirqCallback( usbIrq );
usbHandler = USBirqHandler();
// iopMem is not initialized yet. Moved elsewhere
//if( USBsetRAM != NULL )
// USBsetRAM(iopMem->Main);
return true;
bool SysCorePlugins::OpenPlugin_FW()
if( FWopen((void*)pDsp) ) return false;
FWirqCallback( fwIrq );
return true;
bool SysCorePlugins::OpenPlugin_Mcd()
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
// [TODO] Fix up and implement PS2E_SessionInfo here!! (the currently NULL parameter)
if( SysPlugins.Mcd )
SysPlugins.Mcd->Base.EmuOpen( (PS2E_THISPTR) SysPlugins.Mcd, NULL );
return true;
void SysCorePlugins::Open( PluginsEnum_t pid )
pxAssert( (uint)pid < PluginId_Count );
if( IsOpen(pid) ) return;
Console.Indent().WriteLn( "Opening %s", tbl_PluginInfo[pid].shortname );
// Each Open needs to be called explicitly. >_<
bool result = true;
switch( pid )
case PluginId_GS: result = OpenPlugin_GS(); break;
case PluginId_PAD: result = OpenPlugin_PAD(); break;
case PluginId_CDVD: result = OpenPlugin_CDVD(); break;
case PluginId_SPU2: result = OpenPlugin_SPU2(); break;
case PluginId_USB: result = OpenPlugin_USB(); break;
case PluginId_FW: result = OpenPlugin_FW(); break;
case PluginId_DEV9: result = OpenPlugin_DEV9(); break;
if( !result )
throw Exception::PluginOpenError( pid );
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
if( m_info[pid] ) m_info[pid]->IsOpened = true;
void SysCorePlugins::Open()
if( !NeedsOpen() ) return; // Spam stopper: returns before writing any logs. >_<
Console.WriteLn( Color_StrongBlue, "Opening plugins..." );
const PluginInfo* pi = tbl_PluginInfo; do {
Open( pi->id );
// If GS doesn't support GSopen2, need to wait until call to GSopen
// returns to populate pDsp. If it does, can initialize other plugins
// at same time as GS, as long as GSopen2 does not subclass its window.
#ifdef __LINUX__
// On linux, application have also a channel (named display) to communicate with the
// Xserver. The safe rule is 1 thread, 1 channel. In our case we use the display in
// several places. Save yourself of multithread headache. Wait few seconds the end of
// gsopen -- Gregory
if (pi->id == PluginId_GS) GetMTGS().WaitForOpen();
if (pi->id == PluginId_GS && !GSopen2) GetMTGS().WaitForOpen();
} while( ++pi, pi->shortname != NULL );
if (GSopen2) GetMTGS().WaitForOpen();
if( !AtomicExchange( m_mcdOpen, true ) )
DbgCon.Indent().WriteLn( "Opening Memorycards");
Console.WriteLn( Color_StrongBlue, "Plugins opened successfully." );
void SysCorePlugins::_generalclose( PluginsEnum_t pid )
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
if( m_info[pid] ) m_info[pid]->CommonBindings.Close();
void SysCorePlugins::ClosePlugin_GS()
// old-skool: force-close PAD before GS, because the PAD depends on the GS window.
if( GetMTGS().IsSelf() )
_generalclose( PluginId_GS );
if( !GSopen2 ) Close( PluginId_PAD );
void SysCorePlugins::ClosePlugin_CDVD()
void SysCorePlugins::ClosePlugin_PAD()
_generalclose( PluginId_PAD );
void SysCorePlugins::ClosePlugin_SPU2()
_generalclose( PluginId_SPU2 );
void SysCorePlugins::ClosePlugin_DEV9()
_generalclose( PluginId_DEV9 );
void SysCorePlugins::ClosePlugin_USB()
_generalclose( PluginId_USB );
void SysCorePlugins::ClosePlugin_FW()
_generalclose( PluginId_FW );
void SysCorePlugins::ClosePlugin_Mcd()
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
if( SysPlugins.Mcd ) SysPlugins.Mcd->Base.EmuClose( (PS2E_THISPTR) SysPlugins.Mcd );
void SysCorePlugins::Close( PluginsEnum_t pid )
pxAssert( (uint)pid < PluginId_Count );
if( !IsOpen(pid) ) return;
if( !GetMTGS().IsSelf() ) // stop the spam!
Console.Indent().WriteLn( "Closing %s", tbl_PluginInfo[pid].shortname );
switch( pid )
case PluginId_GS: ClosePlugin_GS(); break;
case PluginId_PAD: ClosePlugin_PAD(); break;
case PluginId_CDVD: ClosePlugin_CDVD(); break;
case PluginId_SPU2: ClosePlugin_SPU2(); break;
case PluginId_USB: ClosePlugin_USB(); break;
case PluginId_FW: ClosePlugin_FW(); break;
case PluginId_DEV9: ClosePlugin_DEV9(); break;
case PluginId_Mcd: ClosePlugin_Mcd(); break;
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
if( m_info[pid] ) m_info[pid]->IsOpened = false;
void SysCorePlugins::Close()
if( !NeedsClose() ) return; // Spam stopper; returns before writing any logs. >_<
// Close plugins in reverse order of the initialization procedure, which
// ensures the GS gets closed last.
Console.WriteLn( Color_StrongBlue, "Closing plugins..." );
if( AtomicExchange( m_mcdOpen, false ) )
DbgCon.Indent().WriteLn( "Closing Memorycards");
for( int i=PluginId_Count-1; i>=0; --i )
Close( tbl_PluginInfo[i].id );
Console.WriteLn( Color_StrongBlue, "Plugins closed successfully." );
void SysCorePlugins::Init( PluginsEnum_t pid )
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
if( !m_info[pid] || m_info[pid]->IsInitialized ) return;
Console.Indent().WriteLn( "Init %s", tbl_PluginInfo[pid].shortname );
if( 0 != m_info[pid]->CommonBindings.Init() )
throw Exception::PluginInitError( pid );
m_info[pid]->IsInitialized = true;
void SysCorePlugins::Shutdown( PluginsEnum_t pid )
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
if( !m_info[pid] || !m_info[pid]->IsInitialized ) return;
DevCon.Indent().WriteLn( "Shutdown %s", tbl_PluginInfo[pid].shortname );
m_info[pid]->IsInitialized = false;
// Initializes all plugins. Plugin initialization should be done once for every new emulation
// session. During a session emulation can be paused/resumed using Open/Close, and should be
// terminated using Shutdown().
// Returns TRUE if an init was performed for any (or all) plugins. Returns FALSE if all
// plugins were already in an initialized state (no action taken).
// In a purist emulation sense, Init() and Shutdown() should only ever need be called for when
// the PS2's hardware has received a *full* hard reset. Soft resets typically should rely on
// the PS2's bios/kernel to re-initialize hardware on the fly.
bool SysCorePlugins::Init()
if( !NeedsInit() ) return false;
Console.WriteLn( Color_StrongBlue, "\nInitializing plugins..." );
const PluginInfo* pi = tbl_PluginInfo; do {
Init( pi->id );
} while( ++pi, pi->shortname != NULL );
if( SysPlugins.Mcd == NULL )
SysPlugins.Mcd = (PS2E_ComponentAPI_Mcd*)m_mcdPlugin->NewComponentInstance( PS2E_TYPE_Mcd );
if( SysPlugins.Mcd == NULL )
// fixme: use plugin's GetLastError (not implemented yet!)
throw Exception::PluginInitError( PluginId_Mcd )
.SetBothMsgs(pxLt("Internal Memorycard Plugin failed to initialize."));
Console.WriteLn( Color_StrongBlue, "Plugins initialized successfully.\n" );
return true;
// Shuts down all plugins. Plugins are closed first, if necessary.
// Returns TRUE if a shutdown was performed for any (or all) plugins. Returns FALSE if all
// plugins were already in shutdown state (no action taken).
// In a purist emulation sense, Init() and Shutdown() should only ever need be called for when
// the PS2's hardware has received a *full* hard reset. Soft resets typically should rely on
// the PS2's bios/kernel to re-initialize hardware on the fly.
bool SysCorePlugins::Shutdown()
if( !NeedsShutdown() ) return false;
pxAssertDev( !NeedsClose(), "Cannot shut down plugins prior to Close()" );
GetMTGS().Cancel(); // cancel it for speedier shutdown!
Console.WriteLn( Color_StrongGreen, "Shutting down plugins..." );
// Shutdown plugins in reverse order (probably doesn't matter...
// ... but what the heck, right?)
for( int i=PluginId_Count-1; i>=0; --i )
Shutdown( tbl_PluginInfo[i].id );
// More memorycard hacks!!
if( (SysPlugins.Mcd != NULL) && (m_mcdPlugin != NULL) )
m_mcdPlugin->DeleteComponentInstance( (PS2E_THISPTR)SysPlugins.Mcd );
SysPlugins.Mcd = NULL;
Console.WriteLn( Color_StrongGreen, "Plugins shutdown successfully." );
return true;
// For internal use only, unless you're the MTGS. Then it's for you too!
// Returns false if the plugin returned an error.
bool SysCorePlugins::DoFreeze( PluginsEnum_t pid, int mode, freezeData* data )
if( (pid == PluginId_GS) && !GetMTGS().IsSelf() )
// GS needs some thread safety love...
MTGS_FreezeData woot = { data, 0 };
GetMTGS().Freeze( mode, woot );
return woot.retval != -1;
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
return !m_info[pid] || m_info[pid]->CommonBindings.Freeze( mode, data ) != -1;
// Thread Safety:
// This function should only be called by the Main GUI thread and the GS thread (for GS states only),
// as it has special handlers to ensure that GS freeze commands are executed appropriately on the
// GS thread.
void SysCorePlugins::Freeze( PluginsEnum_t pid, SaveStateBase& state )
// No locking leeded -- DoFreeze locks as needed, and this avoids MTGS deadlock.
//ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
freezeData fP = { 0, NULL };
if( !DoFreeze( pid, FREEZE_SIZE, &fP ) )
fP.size = 0;
int fsize = fP.size;
state.Freeze( fsize );
Console.Indent().WriteLn( "%s %s", state.IsSaving() ? "Saving" : "Loading",
tbl_PluginInfo[pid].shortname );
if( state.IsLoading() && (fsize == 0) )
// no state data to read, but the plugin expects some state data.
// Issue a warning to console...
if( fP.size != 0 )
Console.Indent().Warning( "Warning: No data for this plugin was found. Plugin status may be unpredictable." );
// Note: Size mismatch check could also be done here on loading, but
// some plugins may have built-in version support for non-native formats or
// older versions of a different size... or could give different sizes depending
// on the status of the plugin when loading, so let's ignore it.
fP.size = fsize;
if( fP.size == 0 ) return;
state.PrepBlock( fP.size );
fP.data = (s8*)state.GetBlockPtr();
if( state.IsSaving() )
if( !DoFreeze(pid, FREEZE_SAVE, &fP) )
throw Exception::FreezePluginFailure( pid );
if( !DoFreeze(pid, FREEZE_LOAD, &fP) )
throw Exception::ThawPluginFailure( pid );
state.CommitBlock( fP.size );
size_t SysCorePlugins::GetFreezeSize( PluginsEnum_t pid )
freezeData fP = { 0, NULL };
if (!DoFreeze( pid, FREEZE_SIZE, &fP)) return 0;
return fP.size;
void SysCorePlugins::FreezeOut( PluginsEnum_t pid, void* dest )
// No locking needed -- DoFreeze locks as needed, and this avoids MTGS deadlock.
//ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
freezeData fP = { 0, (s8*)dest };
if (!DoFreeze( pid, FREEZE_SIZE, &fP)) return;
if (!fP.size) return;
Console.Indent().WriteLn( "Saving %s", tbl_PluginInfo[pid].shortname );
if (!DoFreeze(pid, FREEZE_SAVE, &fP))
throw Exception::FreezePluginFailure( pid );
void SysCorePlugins::FreezeOut( PluginsEnum_t pid, pxOutputStream& outfp )
// No locking needed -- DoFreeze locks as needed, and this avoids MTGS deadlock.
//ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
freezeData fP = { 0, NULL };
if (!DoFreeze( pid, FREEZE_SIZE, &fP)) return;
if (!fP.size) return;
Console.Indent().WriteLn( "Saving %s", tbl_PluginInfo[pid].shortname );
ScopedAlloc<s8> data( fP.size );
fP.data = data.GetPtr();
if (!DoFreeze(pid, FREEZE_SAVE, &fP))
throw Exception::FreezePluginFailure( pid );
outfp.Write( fP.data, fP.size );
void SysCorePlugins::FreezeIn( PluginsEnum_t pid, pxInputStream& infp )
// No locking needed -- DoFreeze locks as needed, and this avoids MTGS deadlock.
//ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
freezeData fP = { 0, NULL };
if (!DoFreeze( pid, FREEZE_SIZE, &fP ))
fP.size = 0;
Console.Indent().WriteLn( "Loading %s", tbl_PluginInfo[pid].shortname );
if (!infp.IsOk() || !infp.Length())
// no state data to read, but the plugin expects some state data?
// Issue a warning to console...
if( fP.size != 0 )
Console.Indent().Warning( "Warning: No data for this plugin was found. Plugin status may be unpredictable." );
// Note: Size mismatch check could also be done here on loading, but
// some plugins may have built-in version support for non-native formats or
// older versions of a different size... or could give different sizes depending
// on the status of the plugin when loading, so let's ignore it.
ScopedAlloc<s8> data( fP.size );
fP.data = data.GetPtr();
infp.Read( fP.data, fP.size );
if (!DoFreeze(pid, FREEZE_LOAD, &fP))
throw Exception::ThawPluginFailure( pid );
bool SysCorePlugins::KeyEvent( const keyEvent& evt )
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
// [TODO] : The plan here is to give plugins "first chance" handling of keys.
// Handling order will be fixed (GS, SPU2, PAD, etc), and the first plugin to
// pick up the key and return "true" (for handled) will cause the loop to break.
// The current version of PS2E doesn't support it yet, though.
const PluginInfo* pi = tbl_PluginInfo; do {
if( pi->id != PluginId_PAD && m_info[pi->id] )
m_info[pi->id]->CommonBindings.KeyEvent( const_cast<keyEvent*>(&evt) );
} while( ++pi, pi->shortname != NULL );
return false;
void SysCorePlugins::SendSettingsFolder()
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
if( m_SettingsFolder.IsEmpty() ) return;
wxCharBuffer buffer(m_SettingsFolder.mb_str(wxConvFile));
const PluginInfo* pi = tbl_PluginInfo; do {
if( m_info[pi->id] ) m_info[pi->id]->CommonBindings.SetSettingsDir( buffer );
} while( ++pi, pi->shortname != NULL );
void SysCorePlugins::SetSettingsFolder( const wxString& folder )
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
wxString fixedfolder( folder );
if( !fixedfolder.IsEmpty() && (fixedfolder[fixedfolder.length()-1] != wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() ) )
fixedfolder += wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();
if( m_SettingsFolder == fixedfolder ) return;
m_SettingsFolder = fixedfolder;
void SysCorePlugins::SendLogFolder()
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
if( m_LogFolder.IsEmpty() ) return;
wxCharBuffer buffer(m_LogFolder.mb_str(wxConvFile));
const PluginInfo* pi = tbl_PluginInfo; do {
if( m_info[pi->id] ) m_info[pi->id]->CommonBindings.SetLogDir( buffer );
} while( ++pi, pi->shortname != NULL );
void SysCorePlugins::SetLogFolder( const wxString& folder )
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
wxString fixedfolder( folder );
if( !fixedfolder.IsEmpty() && (fixedfolder[fixedfolder.length()-1] != wxFileName::GetPathSeparator() ) )
fixedfolder += wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();
if( m_LogFolder == fixedfolder ) return;
m_LogFolder = fixedfolder;
void SysCorePlugins::Configure( PluginsEnum_t pid )
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
if( m_info[pid] ) m_info[pid]->CommonBindings.Configure();
bool SysCorePlugins::AreLoaded() const
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
for( int i=0; i<PluginId_Count; ++i )
if( !m_info[i] ) return false;
return true;
bool SysCorePlugins::AreOpen() const
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
const PluginInfo* pi = tbl_PluginInfo; do {
if( !IsOpen(pi->id) ) return false;
} while( ++pi, pi->shortname != NULL );
return true;
bool SysCorePlugins::AreAnyLoaded() const
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
for( int i=0; i<PluginId_Count; ++i )
if( m_info[i] ) return true;
return false;
bool SysCorePlugins::AreAnyInitialized() const
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
const PluginInfo* pi = tbl_PluginInfo; do {
if( IsInitialized(pi->id) ) return true;
} while( ++pi, pi->shortname != NULL );
return false;
bool SysCorePlugins::IsOpen( PluginsEnum_t pid ) const
pxAssert( (uint)pid < PluginId_Count );
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
return m_info[pid] && m_info[pid]->IsInitialized && m_info[pid]->IsOpened;
bool SysCorePlugins::IsInitialized( PluginsEnum_t pid ) const
pxAssert( (uint)pid < PluginId_Count );
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
return m_info[pid] && m_info[pid]->IsInitialized;
bool SysCorePlugins::IsLoaded( PluginsEnum_t pid ) const
pxAssert( (uint)pid < PluginId_Count );
return !!m_info[pid];
bool SysCorePlugins::NeedsLoad() const
const PluginInfo* pi = tbl_PluginInfo; do {
if( !IsLoaded(pi->id) ) return true;
} while( ++pi, pi->shortname != NULL );
return false;
bool SysCorePlugins::NeedsUnload() const
const PluginInfo* pi = tbl_PluginInfo; do {
if( IsLoaded(pi->id) ) return true;
} while( ++pi, pi->shortname != NULL );
return false;
bool SysCorePlugins::NeedsInit() const
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
const PluginInfo* pi = tbl_PluginInfo; do {
if( !IsInitialized(pi->id) ) return true;
} while( ++pi, pi->shortname != NULL );
return false;
bool SysCorePlugins::NeedsShutdown() const
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
const PluginInfo* pi = tbl_PluginInfo; do {
if( IsInitialized(pi->id) ) return true;
} while( ++pi, pi->shortname != NULL );
return false;
bool SysCorePlugins::NeedsOpen() const
const PluginInfo* pi = tbl_PluginInfo; do {
if( !IsOpen(pi->id) ) return true;
} while( ++pi, pi->shortname != NULL );
return false;
bool SysCorePlugins::NeedsClose() const
const PluginInfo* pi = tbl_PluginInfo; do {
if( IsOpen(pi->id) ) return true;
} while( ++pi, pi->shortname != NULL );
return false;
const wxString SysCorePlugins::GetName( PluginsEnum_t pid ) const
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
pxAssert( (uint)pid < PluginId_Count );
return m_info[pid] ? m_info[pid]->Name : (wxString)_("Unloaded Plugin");
const wxString SysCorePlugins::GetVersion( PluginsEnum_t pid ) const
ScopedLock lock( m_mtx_PluginStatus );
pxAssert( (uint)pid < PluginId_Count );
return m_info[pid] ? m_info[pid]->Version : L"0.0";