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/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef __ELF_H__
#define __ELF_H__
#include "CDVD/IsoFS/IsoFSCDVD.h"
#include "CDVD/IsoFS/IsoFS.h"
struct ELF_HEADER {
u8 e_ident[16]; //0x7f,"ELF" (ELF file identifier)
u16 e_type; //ELF type: 0=NONE, 1=REL, 2=EXEC, 3=SHARED, 4=CORE
u16 e_machine; //Processor: 8=MIPS R3000
u32 e_version; //Version: 1=current
u32 e_entry; //Entry point address
u32 e_phoff; //Start of program headers (offset from file start)
u32 e_shoff; //Start of section headers (offset from file start)
u32 e_flags; //Processor specific flags = 0x20924001 noreorder, mips
u16 e_ehsize; //ELF header size (0x34 = 52 bytes)
u16 e_phentsize; //Program headers entry size
u16 e_phnum; //Number of program headers
u16 e_shentsize; //Section headers entry size
u16 e_shnum; //Number of section headers
u16 e_shstrndx; //Section header stringtable index
struct ELF_PHR {
u32 p_type; //see notes1
u32 p_offset; //Offset from file start to program segment.
u32 p_vaddr; //Virtual address of the segment
u32 p_paddr; //Physical address of the segment
u32 p_filesz; //Number of bytes in the file image of the segment
u32 p_memsz; //Number of bytes in the memory image of the segment
u32 p_flags; //Flags for segment
u32 p_align; //Alignment. The address of 0x08 and 0x0C must fit this alignment. 0=no alignment
1=Load the segment into memory, no. of bytes specified by 0x10 and 0x14
2=Dynamic linking
3=Interpreter. The array element must specify a path name
4=Note. The array element must specify the location and size of aux. info
6=The array element must specify location and size of the program header table.
struct ELF_SHR {
u32 sh_name; //No. to the index of the Section header stringtable index
u32 sh_type; //See notes2
u32 sh_flags; //see notes3
u32 sh_addr; //Section start address
u32 sh_offset; //Offset from start of file to section
u32 sh_size; //Size of section
u32 sh_link; //Section header table index link
u32 sh_info; //Info
u32 sh_addralign; //Alignment. The adress of 0x0C must fit this alignment. 0=no alignment.
u32 sh_entsize; //Fixed size entries.
notes 2
2=SYMTAB symbol table
3=STRTAB string table
4=RELA relocation entries
5=HASH hash table
6=DYNAMIC dynamic linking information
9=REL relocation entries
0x70000000=LOPROC processor specifc
0x80000000=LOUSER lower bound
0xffffffff=HIUSER upper bound
notes 3
Section Flags: (1 bit, you may combine them like 3 = alloc & write permission)
1=Write section contains data the is be writeable during execution.
2=Alloc section occupies memory during execution
4=Exec section contains executable instructions
0xf0000000=Mask bits processor-specific
struct Elf32_Sym {
u32 st_name;
u32 st_value;
u32 st_size;
u8 st_info;
u8 st_other;
u16 st_shndx;
#define ELF32_ST_TYPE(i) ((i)&0xf)
struct Elf32_Rel {
u32 r_offset;
u32 r_info;
class ElfObject
SafeArray<u8> data;
ELF_PHR* proghead;
ELF_SHR* secthead;
wxString filename;
void initElfHeaders(bool isPSXElf);
void readIso(IsoFile& file);
void readFile();
void checkElfSize(s64 elfsize);
ELF_HEADER& header;
// Destructor!
// C++ does all the cleanup automagically for us.
virtual ~ElfObject() = default;
ElfObject(const wxString& srcfile, IsoFile& isofile, bool isPSXElf);
ElfObject( const wxString& srcfile, uint hdrsize, bool isPSXElf );
void loadProgramHeaders();
void loadSectionHeaders();
void loadHeaders();
bool hasProgramHeaders();
bool hasSectionHeaders();
bool hasHeaders();
std::pair<u32,u32> getTextRange();
u32 getCRC();
extern void loadElfFile(const wxString& filename);
extern int GetPS2ElfName( wxString& dest );
extern u32 ElfCRC;
extern u32 ElfEntry;
extern std::pair<u32,u32> ElfTextRange;
extern wxString LastELF;
extern bool isPSXElf;