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/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Original code from libcdvd by Hiryu & Sjeep (C) 2002
* Modified by Florin for PCSX2 emu
* Fixed CdRead by linuzappz
#include "PrecompiledHeader.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "CDVDisoReader.h"
static u8 *pbuffer;
static u8 cdbuffer[2352] = {0};
static isoFile *iso = NULL;
static int psize, cdtype;
static s32 layer1start = -1;
void CALLBACK ISOclose()
iso = NULL;
s32 CALLBACK ISOopen(const char* pTitle)
ISOclose(); // just in case
if( (pTitle == NULL) || (pTitle[0] == 0) )
Console.Error( "CDVDiso Error: No filename specified." );
return -1;
iso = isoOpen(pTitle);
if (iso == NULL)
Console.Error( "CDVDiso Error: Failed loading %s", pTitle );
return -1;
switch (iso->type)
cdtype = CDVD_TYPE_PS2DVD;
cdtype = CDVD_TYPE_CDDA;
cdtype = CDVD_TYPE_PS2CD;
layer1start = -1;
return 0;
s32 CALLBACK ISOreadSubQ(u32 lsn, cdvdSubQ* subq)
// fake it
u8 min, sec, frm;
subq->ctrl = 4;
subq->mode = 1;
subq->trackNum = itob(1);
subq->trackIndex = itob(1);
lba_to_msf(lsn, &min, &sec, &frm);
subq->trackM = itob(min);
subq->trackS = itob(sec);
subq->trackF = itob(frm);
subq->pad = 0;
lba_to_msf(lsn + (2*75), &min, &sec, &frm);
subq->discM = itob(min);
subq->discS = itob(sec);
subq->discF = itob(frm);
return 0;
s32 CALLBACK ISOgetTN(cdvdTN *Buffer)
Buffer->strack = 1;
Buffer->etrack = 1;
return 0;
s32 CALLBACK ISOgetTD(u8 Track, cdvdTD *Buffer)
if (Track == 0)
Buffer->lsn = iso->blocks;
Buffer->type = CDVD_MODE1_TRACK;
Buffer->lsn = 0;
return 0;
#include "gui/App.h"
#include "Utilities/HashMap.h"
static bool testForPartitionInfo( const u8 (&tempbuffer)[CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW] )
const int off = iso->blockofs;
// test for: CD001
return (
(tempbuffer[off+1] == 0x43) &&
(tempbuffer[off+2] == 0x44) &&
(tempbuffer[off+3] == 0x30) &&
(tempbuffer[off+4] == 0x30) &&
(tempbuffer[off+5] == 0x31)
static bool FindLayer1Start()
if( (layer1start != -1) || (iso->blocks < 0x230540) ) return true;
Console.WriteLn("CDVDiso: searching for layer1...");
int blockresult = -1;
// Check the ini file cache first:
// Cache is stored in LayerBreakCache.ini, and is associated by hex-encoded hash key of the
// complete filename/path of the iso file. :)
wxString layerCacheFile( Path::Combine(GetSettingsFolder().ToString(), L"LayerBreakCache.ini") );
wxFileConfig layerCacheIni( wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, layerCacheFile, wxEmptyString, wxCONFIG_USE_RELATIVE_PATH );
wxString cacheKey;
cacheKey.Printf( L"%X", HashTools::Hash( iso->filename, strlen( iso->filename ) ) );
blockresult = layerCacheIni.Read( cacheKey, -1 );
if( blockresult != -1 )
u8 tempbuffer[CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW];
isoReadBlock(iso, tempbuffer, blockresult);
if( testForPartitionInfo( tempbuffer ) )
Console.WriteLn( "CDVDiso: loaded second layer from settings cache, sector=0x%8.8x", blockresult );
layer1start = blockresult;
Console.Warning( "CDVDiso: second layer info in the settings cache appears to be obsolete or invalid." );
DevCon.WriteLn( "CDVDiso: no cached info for second layer found." );
if( layer1start == -1 )
// Layer sizes are arbitrary, and either layer could be the smaller (GoW and Rogue Galaxy
// both have Layer1 larger than Layer0 for example), so we have to brute-force the search
// from some arbitrary start position.
// Method: Inside->out. We start at the middle of the image and work our way out toward
// both the beginning and end of the image at the same time. Most images have the layer
// break quite close to the middle of the image, so this should be pretty fast in most cases.
// [TODO] Layer searching can be slow, especially for compressed disc images, so it would
// be quite courteous to pop up a status dialog bar that lets the user know that it's
// thinking. Since we're not on the GUI thread, we'll need to establish some messages
// to create the window and pass progress increments back to it.
uint midsector = (iso->blocks / 2) & ~0xf;
uint deviation = 0;
while( (layer1start == -1) && (deviation < midsector-16) )
u8 tempbuffer[CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW];
isoReadBlock(iso, tempbuffer, midsector-deviation);
if(testForPartitionInfo( tempbuffer ))
layer1start = midsector-deviation;
isoReadBlock(iso, tempbuffer, midsector+deviation);
if( testForPartitionInfo( tempbuffer ) )
layer1start = midsector+deviation;
if( layer1start != -1 )
if( !pxAssertDev( tempbuffer[iso->blockofs] == 0x01, "Layer1-Detect: CD001 tag found, but the partition type is invalid." ) )
Console.Error( "CDVDiso: Invalid partition type on layer 1!? (type=0x%x)", tempbuffer[iso->blockofs] );
deviation += 16;
if( layer1start == -1 )
Console.Warning("CDVDiso: Couldn't find second layer... ignoring");
return false;
Console.WriteLn("CDVDiso: second layer found at sector 0x%8.8x", layer1start);
// Save layer information to configuration:
layerCacheIni.Write( cacheKey, layer1start );
return true;
// Should return 0 if no error occurred, or -1 if layer detection FAILED.
s32 CALLBACK ISOgetDualInfo(s32* dualType, u32* _layer1start)
if( !FindLayer1Start() ) return -1;
*dualType = 0;
*_layer1start = iso->blocks;
*dualType = 1;
*_layer1start = layer1start;
return 0;
s32 CALLBACK ISOgetDiskType()
return cdtype;
s32 CALLBACK ISOgetTOC(void* toc)
u8 type = ISOgetDiskType();
u8* tocBuff = (u8*)toc;
if (type == CDVD_TYPE_DVDV || type == CDVD_TYPE_PS2DVD)
// get dvd structure format
// scsi command 0x43
memset(tocBuff, 0, 2048);
if (layer1start < 0)
// fake it
tocBuff[ 0] = 0x04;
tocBuff[ 1] = 0x02;
tocBuff[ 2] = 0xF2;
tocBuff[ 3] = 0x00;
tocBuff[ 4] = 0x86;
tocBuff[ 5] = 0x72;
tocBuff[16] = 0x00;
tocBuff[17] = 0x03;
tocBuff[18] = 0x00;
tocBuff[19] = 0x00;
return 0;
// dual sided
tocBuff[ 0] = 0x24;
tocBuff[ 1] = 0x02;
tocBuff[ 2] = 0xF2;
tocBuff[ 3] = 0x00;
tocBuff[ 4] = 0x41;
tocBuff[ 5] = 0x95;
tocBuff[14] = 0x60; // dual sided, ptp
tocBuff[16] = 0x00;
tocBuff[17] = 0x03;
tocBuff[18] = 0x00;
tocBuff[19] = 0x00;
s32 l1s = layer1start + 0x30000 - 1;
tocBuff[20] = (l1s >> 24);
tocBuff[21] = (l1s >> 16) & 0xff;
tocBuff[22] = (l1s >> 8) & 0xff;
tocBuff[23] = (l1s >> 0) & 0xff;
else if ((type == CDVD_TYPE_CDDA) || (type == CDVD_TYPE_PS2CDDA) ||
(type == CDVD_TYPE_PS2CD) || (type == CDVD_TYPE_PSCDDA) || (type == CDVD_TYPE_PSCD))
// cd toc
// (could be replaced by 1 command that reads the full toc)
u8 min, sec, frm;
s32 i, err;
cdvdTN diskInfo;
cdvdTD trackInfo;
memset(tocBuff, 0, 1024);
if (ISOgetTN(&diskInfo) == -1)
diskInfo.etrack = 0;
diskInfo.strack = 1;
if (ISOgetTD(0, &trackInfo) == -1) trackInfo.lsn = 0;
tocBuff[0] = 0x41;
tocBuff[1] = 0x00;
//Number of FirstTrack
tocBuff[2] = 0xA0;
tocBuff[7] = itob(diskInfo.strack);
//Number of LastTrack
tocBuff[12] = 0xA1;
tocBuff[17] = itob(diskInfo.etrack);
lba_to_msf(trackInfo.lsn, &min, &sec, &frm);
tocBuff[22] = 0xA2;
tocBuff[27] = itob(min);
tocBuff[28] = itob(sec);
for (i = diskInfo.strack; i <= diskInfo.etrack; i++)
err = ISOgetTD(i, &trackInfo);
lba_to_msf(trackInfo.lsn, &min, &sec, &frm);
tocBuff[i*10+30] = trackInfo.type;
tocBuff[i*10+32] = err == -1 ? 0 : itob(i); //number
tocBuff[i*10+37] = itob(min);
tocBuff[i*10+38] = itob(sec);
tocBuff[i*10+39] = itob(frm);
return -1;
return 0;
s32 CALLBACK ISOreadSector(u8* tempbuffer, u32 lsn, int mode)
int _lsn = lsn;
if (_lsn < 0) lsn = iso->blocks + _lsn;
if (lsn > iso->blocks) return -1;
if(mode == CDVD_MODE_2352)
isoReadBlock(iso, tempbuffer, lsn);
return 0;
isoReadBlock(iso, cdbuffer, lsn);
pbuffer = cdbuffer;
switch (mode)
case CDVD_MODE_2352:
psize = 2352;
case CDVD_MODE_2340:
pbuffer += 12;
psize = 2340;
case CDVD_MODE_2328:
pbuffer += 24;
psize = 2328;
case CDVD_MODE_2048:
pbuffer += 24;
psize = 2048;
// version 3 blockdumps have no pbuffer header, so lets reset back to the
// original pointer. :)
if( iso->flags & ISOFLAGS_BLOCKDUMP_V3 )
pbuffer = cdbuffer;
return 0;
s32 CALLBACK ISOreadTrack(u32 lsn, int mode)
int _lsn = lsn;
if (_lsn < 0) lsn = iso->blocks + _lsn;
if (lsn > iso->blocks) return -1;
isoReadBlock(iso, cdbuffer, lsn);
pbuffer = cdbuffer;
switch (mode)
case CDVD_MODE_2352:
psize = 2352;
case CDVD_MODE_2340:
pbuffer += 12;
psize = 2340;
case CDVD_MODE_2328:
pbuffer += 24;
psize = 2328;
case CDVD_MODE_2048:
pbuffer += 24;
psize = 2048;
// version 3 blockdumps have no pbuffer header, so lets reset back to the
// original pointer. :)
if( iso->flags & ISOFLAGS_BLOCKDUMP_V3 )
pbuffer = cdbuffer;
return 0;
s32 CALLBACK ISOgetBuffer2(u8* buffer)
return 0;
u8* CALLBACK ISOgetBuffer()
return pbuffer;
s32 CALLBACK ISOgetTrayStatus()
s32 CALLBACK ISOctrlTrayOpen()
return 0;
s32 CALLBACK ISOctrlTrayClose()
return 0;
s32 CALLBACK ISOdummyS32()
return 0;
void CALLBACK ISOnewDiskCB(void(* /* callback */)())
ISOgetBuffer, // emu shouldn't use this one.
ISOdummyS32, // trayStatus
ISOdummyS32, // trayOpen
ISOdummyS32, // trayClose