
424 lines
12 KiB

/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include "File_Reader.h"
#include "AppConfig.h"
struct key_pair {
string key;
string value;
key_pair(string _key, string _value)
: key(_key) , value(_value) {}
string toString() {
string t;
if (key[0] == '[') {
t = key + "\n";
t += value;
stringstream ss(key);
string t2;
ss >> t2;
t += "[/" + t2.substr(1, t2.length()-1);
if (t2.compare(t)) t += "]";
else {
t = key;
for (int a = 6 - key.length(); a > 0; a--) {
t += " "; // Padding for nice formatting on small key-names
t += " = " + value;
return t;
class Game_Data {
string id; // Serial Identification Code
deque<key_pair> kList; // List of all (key, value) pairs for game data
Game_Data(string _id)
: id(_id) {}
// DataBase_Loader:
// Give the starting Key and Value you're looking for,
// and it will extract the necessary data from the database.
// Example:
// ---------------------------------------------
// Serial = SLUS-20486
// Name = Marvel vs. Capcom 2
// Region = NTSC-U
// ---------------------------------------------
// To Load this game data, use "Serial" as the initial Key
// then specify "SLUS-20486" as the value in the constructor.
// After the constructor loads the game data, you can use the
// DataBase_Loader class's methods to get the other key's values.
// Such as dbLoader.getString("Region") returns "NTSC-U"
class DataBase_Loader {
template<class T> string toString(T value) {
stringstream ss(ios_base::in | ios_base::out);
string tString;
ss << value;
ss >> tString;
return tString;
string toLower(string s) {
for (uint i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char& c = s[i];
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
c += 'a' - 'A';
return s;
bool strCompare(string& s1, string& s2) {
string t1 = toLower(s1);
string t2 = toLower(s2);
return !t1.compare(t2);
bool isComment(string& s) {
string sub = s.substr(0, 2);
return (sub.compare("--") == 0) || (sub.compare("//") == 0);
void doError(string& line, key_pair& keyPair, bool doMsg = false) {
if (doMsg) Console.Error("DataBase_Loader: Bad file data [%s]", line.c_str());
keyPair.key = "";
void extractMultiLine(string& line, key_pair& keyPair, File_Reader& reader, stringstream& ss) {
string t = "";
string endString;
endString = "[/" + keyPair.key.substr(1, keyPair.key.length()-1);
if (keyPair.key[keyPair.key.length()-1] != ']') {
endString += "]";
keyPair.key = line;
for(;;) {
t = reader.getLine();
if (!t.compare(endString)) break;
keyPair.value += t + "\n";
void extract(string& line, key_pair& keyPair, File_Reader& reader) {
stringstream ss(line);
string t;
keyPair.key = "";
keyPair.value = "";
ss >> keyPair.key;
if (!line.length() || isComment(keyPair.key)) {
doError(line, keyPair);
if (keyPair.key[0] == '[') {
extractMultiLine(line, keyPair, reader, ss);
ss >> t;
if (t.compare("=") != 0) {
doError(line, keyPair, true);
ss >> t;
if (isComment(t)) {
doError(line, keyPair, true);
keyPair.value = t;
while (!ss.eof() && !ss.fail()) {
ss >> t;
if (isComment(t)) break;
keyPair.value += " " + t;
if (ss.fail()) {
doError(line, keyPair);
deque<Game_Data*> gList; // List of all game data
Game_Data* curGame; // Current game data
String_Stream header; // Header of the database
string baseKey; // Key to separate games by ("Serial")
DataBase_Loader(string file, string key = "Serial", string value = "") {
curGame = NULL;
baseKey = key;
if (!fileExists(file)) {
Console.Error("DataBase_Loader: DataBase Not Found! [%s]", file.c_str());
File_Reader reader(file);
key_pair keyPair("", "");
string s0;
Game_Data* game = NULL;
try {
for(;;) {
for(;;) { // Find first game
s0 = reader.getLine();
extract(s0, keyPair, reader);
if (keyPair.key.compare(key) == 0) break;
game = new Game_Data(keyPair.value);
for (;;) { // Fill game data, find new game, repeat...
s0 = reader.getLine();
extract(s0, keyPair, reader);
if (keyPair.key.compare("") == 0) continue;
if (keyPair.key.compare(key) == 0) {
game = new Game_Data(keyPair.value);
catch(int& i) { // Add Last Game if EOF
if (i==1 && game) gList.push_back(game);
if (!value.compare("")) return;
if (setGame(value)) Console.WriteLn("DataBase_Loader: Found Game! [%s]", value.c_str());
else Console.Warning("DataBase_Loader: Game Not Found! [%s]", value.c_str());
~DataBase_Loader() {
deque<Game_Data*>::iterator it = gList.begin();
for ( ; it != gList.end(); ++it) {
delete it[0];
// Sets the current game to the one matching the serial id given
// Returns true if game found, false if not found...
bool setGame(string id) {
deque<Game_Data*>::iterator it = gList.begin();
for ( ; it != gList.end(); ++it) {
if (strCompare(it[0]->id, id)) {
curGame = it[0];
return true;
curGame = NULL;
return false;
// Returns true if a game is currently loaded into the database
// Returns false if otherwise (this means you need to call setGame()
// or it could mean the game was not found in the database at all...)
bool gameLoaded() {
return !!curGame;
// Saves changes to the database
void saveToFile(string file = "DataBase.dbf") {
File_Writer writer(file);
deque<Game_Data*>::iterator it = gList.begin();
for ( ; it != gList.end(); ++it) {
deque<key_pair>::iterator i = it[0]->kList.begin();
for ( ; i != it[0]->kList.end(); ++i) {
writer.write(i[0].toString() + "\n");
// Adds new game data to the database, and sets curGame to the new game...
// If searchDB is true, it searches the database to see if game already exists.
void addGame(string id, bool searchDB = true) {
if (searchDB && setGame(id)) return;
Game_Data* game = new Game_Data(id);
key_pair kp(baseKey, id);
curGame = game;
// Searches the current game's data to see if the given key exists
bool keyExists(string key) {
if (curGame) {
deque<key_pair>::iterator it = curGame->kList.begin();
for ( ; it != curGame->kList.end(); ++it) {
if (strCompare(it[0].key, key)) {
return true;
else Console.Error("DataBase_Loader: Game not set!");
return false;
// Gets a string representation of the 'value' for the given key
string getString(string key) {
if (curGame) {
deque<key_pair>::iterator it = curGame->kList.begin();
for ( ; it != curGame->kList.end(); ++it) {
if (strCompare(it[0].key, key)) {
return it[0].value;
else Console.Error("DataBase_Loader: Game not set!");
return string("");
// Gets a wxString representation of the 'value' for the given key
wxString getStringWX(string key) {
string s = getString(key);
return wxString(fromUTF8(s.c_str()));
// Gets a double representation of the 'value' for the given key
double getDouble(string key) {
string v = getString(key);
return atof(v.c_str());
// Gets a float representation of the 'value' for the given key
float getFloat(string key) {
string v = getString(key);
return (float)atof(v.c_str());
// Gets an integer representation of the 'value' for the given key
int getInt(string key) {
string v = getString(key);
return strtoul(v.c_str(), NULL, 0);
// Gets a u8 representation of the 'value' for the given key
u8 getU8(string key) {
string v = getString(key);
return (u8)atoi(v.c_str());
// Gets a bool representation of the 'value' for the given key
bool getBool(string key) {
string v = getString(key);
return !!atoi(v.c_str());
// Write a string value to the specified key
void writeString(string key, string value) {
if (curGame) {
deque<key_pair>::iterator it = curGame->kList.begin();
for ( ; it != curGame->kList.end(); ++it) {
if (strCompare(it[0].key, key)) {
it[0].value = value;
key_pair tKey(key, value);
else Console.Error("DataBase_Loader: Game not set!");
// Write a wxString value to the specified key
void writeStringWX(string key, wxString value) {
writeString(key, string(value.ToUTF8().data()));
// Write a double value to the specified key
void writeDouble(string key, double value) {
writeString(key, toString(value));
// Write a float value to the specified key
void writeFloat(string key, float value) {
writeString(key, toString(value));
// Write an integer value to the specified key
void writeInt(string key, int value) {
writeString(key, toString(value));
// Write a u8 value to the specified key
void writeU8(string key, u8 value) {
writeString(key, toString(value));
// Write a bool value to the specified key
void writeBool(string key, bool value) {
writeString(key, toString(value?1:0));
static wxString compatToStringWX(int compat) {
switch (compat) {
case 6: return wxString(L"Perfect");
case 5: return wxString(L"Playable");
case 4: return wxString(L"In-Game");
case 3: return wxString(L"Menu");
case 2: return wxString(L"Intro");
case 1: return wxString(L"Nothing");
default: return wxString(L"Unknown");
#define checkGamefix(gFix) { \
if (gameDB->keyExists(#gFix)) { \
SetGameFixConfig().gFix = gameDB->getBool(#gFix); \
Console.WriteLn("Loading Gamefix: " #gFix); \
} \
// Load Game Settings found in database
// (game fixes, round modes, clamp modes, etc...)
static void loadGameSettings(DataBase_Loader* gameDB) {
if (gameDB && gameDB->gameLoaded()) {
SSE_MXCSR eeMX = EmuConfig.Cpu.sseMXCSR;
SSE_MXCSR vuMX = EmuConfig.Cpu.sseVUMXCSR;
int eeRM = eeMX.GetRoundMode();
int vuRM = vuMX.GetRoundMode();
bool rm = 0;
if (gameDB->keyExists("eeRoundMode")) { eeRM = gameDB->getInt("eeRoundMode"); rm=1; }
if (gameDB->keyExists("vuRoundMode")) { vuRM = gameDB->getInt("vuRoundMode"); rm=1; }
if (rm && eeRM<4 && vuRM<4) {
Console.WriteLn("Game DataBase: Changing roundmodes! [ee=%d] [vu=%d]", eeRM, vuRM);
SetCPUState(eeMX.SetRoundMode((SSE_RoundMode)eeRM), vuMX.SetRoundMode((SSE_RoundMode)vuRM));
if (gameDB->keyExists("eeClampMode")) {
int clampMode = gameDB->getInt("eeClampMode");
Console.WriteLn("Game DataBase: Changing EE/FPU clamp mode [mode=%d]", clampMode);
SetRecompilerConfig().fpuOverflow = clampMode >= 1;
SetRecompilerConfig().fpuExtraOverflow = clampMode >= 2;
SetRecompilerConfig().fpuFullMode = clampMode >= 3;
if (gameDB->keyExists("vuClampMode")) {
int clampMode = gameDB->getInt("vuClampMode");
Console.WriteLn("Game DataBase: Changing VU0/VU1 clamp mode [mode=%d]", clampMode);
SetRecompilerConfig().vuOverflow = clampMode >= 1;
SetRecompilerConfig().vuExtraOverflow = clampMode >= 2;
SetRecompilerConfig().vuSignOverflow = clampMode >= 3;
extern ScopedPtr<DataBase_Loader> GameDB;