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/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "PrecompiledHeader.h"
#include "Win32.h"
#include "App.h"
#include "ConsoleLogger.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exception::Win32Error
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace Exception
class Win32Error : public RuntimeError
int ErrorId;
Win32Error( const char* msg="" )
ErrorId = GetLastError();
BaseException::InitBaseEx( msg );
wxString GetMsgFromWindows() const
if (!ErrorId)
return wxString();
const DWORD BUF_LEN = 2048;
if (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, ErrorId, 0, t_Msg, BUF_LEN, 0))
return wxsFormat( L"Win32 Error #%d: %s", ErrorId, t_Msg );
return wxsFormat( L"Win32 Error #%d (no text msg available)", ErrorId );
virtual wxString FormatDisplayMessage() const
return m_message_user + L"\n\n" + GetMsgFromWindows();
virtual wxString FormatDiagnosticMessage() const
return m_message_diag + L"\n\t" + GetMsgFromWindows();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Win32 Console Pipes
// As a courtesy and convenience, we redirect stdout/stderr to the console and logfile.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
using namespace Threading;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WinPipeThread
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WinPipeThread : public PersistentThread
typedef PersistentThread _parent;
const HANDLE& m_outpipe;
const ConsoleColors m_color;
WinPipeThread( const HANDLE& outpipe, ConsoleColors color ) :
m_outpipe( outpipe )
, m_color( color )
m_name = (m_color == Color_Red) ? L"Redirect_Stderr" : L"Redirect_Stdout";
virtual ~WinPipeThread() throw()
void ExecuteTaskInThread()
SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL );
if( m_outpipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) return;
char s8_Buf[2049];
DWORD u32_Read = 0;
while( true )
if( !ReadFile(m_outpipe, s8_Buf, sizeof(s8_Buf)-1, &u32_Read, NULL) )
DWORD result = GetLastError();
if( result == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF ) break;
if( result == ERROR_IO_PENDING )
Yield( 10 );
throw Exception::Win32Error( "ReadFile from pipe failed." );
if( u32_Read <= 3 )
// Windows has a habit of sending 1 or 2 characters of every message, and then sending
// the rest in a second message. This is "ok" really, except our Console class is hardly
// free of overhead, so it's helpful if we can concatenate the couple of messages together.
// But we don't want to break the ability to print progressive status bars, like '....'
// so I use a clever Yield/Peek loop combo that keeps reading as long as there's new data
// immediately being fed to our pipe. :) --air
DWORD u32_avail = 0;
if( !PeekNamedPipe(m_outpipe, 0, 0, 0, &u32_avail, 0) )
throw Exception::Win32Error( "Error peeking Pipe." );
if( u32_avail == 0 ) break;
DWORD loopread;
if( !ReadFile(m_outpipe, &s8_Buf[u32_Read], sizeof(s8_Buf)-u32_Read-1, &loopread, NULL) ) break;
u32_Read += loopread;
} while( u32_Read < sizeof(s8_Buf)-32 );
// ATTENTION: The Console always prints ANSI to the pipe independent if compiled as UNICODE or MBCS!
s8_Buf[u32_Read] = 0;
OemToCharA(s8_Buf, s8_Buf); // convert DOS codepage -> ANSI
Console.Write( m_color, s8_Buf );
catch( Exception::RuntimeError& ex )
// Log error, and fail silently. It's not really important if the
// pipe fails. PCSX2 will run fine without it in any case.
Console.Error( ex.FormatDiagnosticMessage() );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WinPipeRedirection
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WinPipeRedirection : public PipeRedirectionBase
DeclareNoncopyableObject( WinPipeRedirection );
HANDLE m_readpipe;
HANDLE m_writepipe;
int m_crtFile;
FILE* m_fp;
WinPipeThread m_Thread;
WinPipeRedirection( FILE* stdstream );
virtual ~WinPipeRedirection() throw();
void Cleanup() throw();
WinPipeRedirection::WinPipeRedirection( FILE* stdstream ) :
, m_crtFile(-1)
, m_fp(NULL)
, m_Thread( m_readpipe, (stdstream == stderr) ? Color_Red : Color_Black )
pxAssert( (stdstream == stderr) || (stdstream == stdout) );
DWORD stdhandle = ( stdstream == stderr ) ? STD_ERROR_HANDLE : STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE;
if( 0 == CreatePipe( &m_readpipe, &m_writepipe, NULL, 0 ) )
throw Exception::Win32Error( "CreatePipe failed." );
if( 0 == SetStdHandle( stdhandle, m_writepipe ) )
throw Exception::Win32Error( "SetStdHandle failed." );
// Note: Don't use GetStdHandle to "confirm" the handle.
// Under Windows7, and possibly Vista, GetStdHandle for STDOUT will return NULL
// after it's been assigned a custom write pipe (this differs from XP, which
// returns the assigned handle). Amusingly, the GetStdHandle succeeds for STDERR
// and also tends to succeed when the app is run from the MSVC debugger.
// Fortunately, there's no need to use GetStdHandle anyway, so long as SetStdHandle
// didn't error.
m_crtFile = _open_osfhandle( (intptr_t)m_writepipe, _O_TEXT );
if( m_crtFile == -1 )
throw Exception::RuntimeError( "_open_osfhandle returned -1." );
m_fp = _fdopen( m_crtFile, "w" );
if( m_fp == NULL )
throw Exception::RuntimeError( "_fdopen returned NULL." );
*stdstream = *m_fp;
setvbuf( stdstream, NULL, _IONBF, 0 );
catch( Exception::BaseException& ex )
ex.DiagMsg() = (wxString)((stdstream==stdout) ? L"STDOUT" : L"STDERR") + L" Redirection Init failed: " + ex.DiagMsg();
catch( ... )
void WinPipeRedirection::Cleanup() throw()
// Cleanup Order Notes:
// * The redirection thread is most likely blocking on ReadFile(), so we can't Cancel yet, lest we deadlock --
// Closing the writepipe (either directly or through the fp/crt handles) issues an EOF to the thread,
// so it's safe to Cancel afterward.
// * The seemingly redundant series of checks here are designed to handle cases where the pipe init fails
// mid-init (in which case the writepipe might be allocated while the fp/crtFile are still invalid, etc).
if( m_fp != NULL )
fclose( m_fp );
m_fp = NULL;
m_crtFile = -1; // crtFile is closed implicitly when closing m_fp
m_writepipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // same for the write end of the pipe
if( m_crtFile != -1 )
_close( m_crtFile );
m_crtFile = -1; // m_file is closed implicitly when closing crtFile
m_writepipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // same for the write end of the pipe (I assume)
if( m_writepipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
CloseHandle( m_writepipe );
if( m_readpipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
CloseHandle( m_readpipe );
// The win32 specific implementation of PipeRedirection.
PipeRedirectionBase* NewPipeRedir( FILE* stdstream )
return new WinPipeRedirection( stdstream );
catch( Exception::RuntimeError& ex )
// Entirely non-critical errors. Log 'em and move along.
Console.Error( ex.FormatDiagnosticMessage() );
return NULL;