
130 lines
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// Name: wx/os2/control.h
// Purpose: wxControl class
// Author: David Webster
// Modified by:
// Created: 09/17/99
// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_CONTROL_H_
#define _WX_CONTROL_H_
#include "wx/dynarray.h"
// General item class
class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxControl : public wxControlBase
wxControl( wxWindow* pParent
,wxWindowID vId
,const wxPoint& rPos = wxDefaultPosition
,const wxSize& rSize = wxDefaultSize
,long lStyle = 0
,const wxValidator& rValidator = wxDefaultValidator
,const wxString& rsName = wxControlNameStr
Create( pParent, vId, rPos, rSize, lStyle, rValidator, rsName );
bool Create( wxWindow* pParent
,wxWindowID vId
,const wxPoint& rPos = wxDefaultPosition
,const wxSize& rSize = wxDefaultSize
,long lStyle = 0
,const wxValidator& rValidator = wxDefaultValidator
,const wxString& rsName = wxControlNameStr
virtual void SetLabel(const wxString& rsLabel);
virtual wxString GetLabel() const { return m_label; }
// Simulates an event
virtual void Command(wxCommandEvent& rEvent) { ProcessCommand(rEvent); }
// Implementation from now on
// --------------------------
// Calls the callback and appropriate event handlers
bool ProcessCommand(wxCommandEvent& rEvent);
// For ownerdraw items
virtual bool OS2OnDraw(WXDRAWITEMSTRUCT* WXUNUSED(pItem)) { return false; }
virtual long OS2OnMeasure(WXMEASUREITEMSTRUCT* WXUNUSED(pItem)) { return 0L; }
wxArrayLong& GetSubcontrols() { return m_aSubControls; }
void OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent& rEvent);
virtual WXHBRUSH OnCtlColor( WXHDC hDC
,WXUINT nCtlColor
,WXUINT uMessage
// For controls like radiobuttons which are really composite
wxArrayLong m_aSubControls;
virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize(void) const;
// Create the control of the given PM class
bool OS2CreateControl( const wxChar* zClassname
,const wxString& rsLabel
,const wxPoint& rPos
,const wxSize& rSize
,long lStyle
// Create the control of the given class with the given style, returns false
// if creation failed.
bool OS2CreateControl( const wxChar* zClassname
,WXDWORD dwStyle
,const wxPoint& rPos = wxDefaultPosition
,const wxSize& rSize = wxDefaultSize
,const wxString& rsLabel = wxEmptyString
,WXDWORD dwExstyle = (WXDWORD)-1
// Default style for the control include WS_TABSTOP if it AcceptsFocus()
virtual WXDWORD OS2GetStyle( long lStyle
,WXDWORD* pdwExstyle
) const;
inline int GetXComp(void) const {return m_nXComp;}
inline int GetYComp(void) const {return m_nYComp;}
inline void SetXComp(const int nXComp) {m_nXComp = nXComp;}
inline void SetYComp(const int nYComp) {m_nYComp = nYComp;}
int m_nXComp;
int m_nYComp;
wxString m_label;
WXDWORD m_dwStyle;
}; // end of wxControl
#endif // _WX_CONTROL_H_